

{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= ntS8eA9MwuI | description= Imperator: Rome - Culture and Religion Remade (religion section starts at 2:10). | alignment= right | container=frame }}

File:2.0 religion menu.jpg
The religion interface

Religious power.png Religion represents the belief systems of the ancient world, usually polytheistic and encompassing a wide range of gods, and important to everything, from daily life to the highest political echelons. In the game, every state, character, and pop belongs to a particular religion, with their interactions playing a significant role in loyalty and pop happiness. The choice of pantheon gods and omens in the state religion forms an important part of the modifiers and bonuses that a country has, and is the one of the main interactions that a player will have with religion, with the systems of holy sites and sacred treasures providing more auxiliary goals and flavour. Most religion interactions can be managed through the File:Menu religion.png Religion tab.

State religion

Every country starts with a predefined state religion, which can be viewed just above the pantheon deities in the File:Menu religion.png Religion tab. Every religion has bonuses that are applied to the entire country, and also determines the base deities that are always available regardless of the population or holy sites of the country. State religion also has a small effect on diplomacy—countries of the same religion get a Opinion improvement active.png +10 opinion bonus with each other. There is no malus for having a different state religion.

There is no default happiness bonus or penalty for pop religion, but pops will receive a Happiness.png +4% happiness bonus for each deity in the state pantheon that matches their religion, making it useful for polytheistic states to take on pantheon gods of religions that are widespread inside their country - though spreading out the deity happiness bonus between deities of different religions means a smaller happiness modifier for each individual religion. The happiness of state religion pops specifically is also be increased with the State religion happiness state religion happiness modifier, which is given by various omens and deities, inventions, laws, heritages, and more.

Additionally, the percentage of pops following the state religion determines the nation's zeal修正 Religious Unity value, which is the main component of Omen.png omen power.

State Conversion

The state religion can be changed by decision if there is at least 1 character of the new religion in the country, and either 50% of the non-slave pops in the Country capital.png capital, or at least 20% of all the pops of the country and at least one Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity, follow the new religion the country intends to convert to. Switching religions can only be done once every 10 years and costs Political influence.png 200 political influence and Stability.png 30 stability, also giving a temporary drop of Loyalty.png −15 Loyalty for all characters that are followers of the old faith.

Character religion

Each character also has their own character religion, usually but not always the same as that of the state. Characters that do not follow the state religion have a Loyalty.png −10 maximum loyalty modifier, and pops have a Happiness.png -6% happiness penalty if the governor of their region is not of their religion - notably, this includes even state religion pops, if their governor is not of the state religion.

Characters can be forced to convert if their Loyalty.png loyalty is at least 60, at the cost of Tyranny +5.00 Tyranny and a temporary drop of Loyalty.png −30 loyalty for 5 years. There are also a few events by which a character's religion can otherwise be changed — governors may switch to the religion of the regional capital if the Religious Conversion policy is not being used, office holders may take on the religion of the state that employs them, the heir of a monarchy may switch to the religion of the Royal Tutor, and rulers may get an event to switch to the state religion if they do not follow it.

Territory religion

Every territory has a dominant religion, which is the religion with the highest number of pops in the territory. This is the religion as displayed for the territory in the religion map mode and is generally considered the religion of the territory for most purposes, particularly for colonization, moving the Country capital.png capital, and many event and mission task checks.

Most importantly, there are also territory modifiers applied if the dominant religion is not the state religion, which makes them harder to Policy religious conversion.png convert and Pop assimilation.png assimilate. Such a territory where the Dominant Religion is not State Religion gets the following modifiers:

  • Policy religious conversion.png -25% Pop Conversion Speed
  • Pop assimilation.png -10% Pop Assimilation Speed
  • Local pop demotion speed.png +5% Pop Demotion Speed

State religion happiness

State religion happiness State Religion Happiness modifiers are applied to all pops of the state religion, regardless of what religions the pantheon deities are of. Unlike with Integrated culture happiness integrated cultures, there is no base state religion happiness modifier, though modifiers from other sources can still add up to a significant amount that makes conquering provinces with the same religion significantly easier.

Type Modifier State religion happiness State Religion Happiness
Government Menu government.png Theocratic Monarchy government form +10%
Menu government.png Theocratic Republic government form +10%
Inventions Invention.png Zero (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +6%
Invention.png Shorthand Writing (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +4%
Invention.png Proscribed Canon (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +3%
Invention.png Stoicism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +2%
Buildings Temple Great Temple (city) +10%
Trade goods Incense Incense (Capital bonus) +5%
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Traditional Observance (Republic) +4%
Enact law cost modifier.png Avoid Religious Mandates (羅馬的國旗  Roman Republic) +4%
Religion Religious power.png Druidic +5%
Religious power.png Megalithic +5%
Deities State religion.png Belinus (Druidic deity)
State religion.png Zeus Naios (伊庇魯斯的國旗  Epirote Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Demeter Potnia (雅典的國旗  Athenian Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Helios (Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Apollo Didymaios (敘拉古的國旗  Syracusan Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Sol (Italic Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Ataecina (Iberic deity)
State religion.png Horus (Kemetic deity)
State religion.png Ameretat (Zoroastrian deity)
State religion.png Mithra (Zoroastrian deity)
Omens Omen.png Sila Parami (Buddhist deity)
Omen.png Marduk (Chaldean deity)
Omen.png Eki (Aquitani Druidic deity)
Omen.png Zeus Ammon (Serapis Cult Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Apollo Aktiakos (伊庇魯斯的國旗  Epirote Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Telephos (Aeolian Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Rhea (Cretan Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Cels (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Vishwanath (Hindu deity)
Omen.png Endouellicus (Iberic deity)
Omen.png Arghya Ritual (Jain deity)
Omen.png Samuel (Jewish deity)
Omen.png Khaldi (Khaldic deity)
Omen.png Saulia (Matrist deity)
Omen.png Guidance of the Sun (Ritualistic deity)
Governor Traits 狂熱 Zealous +2.5%
Heritages 埃及的國旗  Heritage of Ptolemaios (Egypt) +10%
昔蘭尼加的國旗  Cyrenaican Heritage (Cyrenaica) +10%
Religious State heritage (Mission created) +10%
伊比利亞的國旗  Iberian Heritage (Iberia) +5%
File:Delphi.png  Delphic Heritage (Delphi) +5%

Pop Conversion

Policy religious conversion.png In every territory, a single pop can undergo conversion to the state religion at a time, as long as there are any pops in that territory that can convert and are not otherwise busy (e.g. assimilating or promoting). Outside of events, pops will always convert to the state religion. Conversion progress builds each month, with the exact progress determined by the sum of all Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed modifiers. Once progress reaches 100%, the pop will be converted to the state religion and another pop will begin to convert, if there are any other pops that can be converted. The speed of conversion is influenced by many factors, particularly the Policy religious conversion.png Religious Conversion governor policy and the dominant province Policy cultural assimilation.png culture and Religious power.png religion being different from the state culture and religion. Note that it is possible for conversion to be completely stalled.

All else being equal, it is generally preferable to convert pops to the state religion, though the differences in happiness are much less than with unintegrated culture or culture group pops and can be ameliorated by adopting deities of the pop's religion in the pantheon (though this will necessarily come at the expense of the happiness of pops of other religions), which generally makes conversion less important than assimilation. Under some circumstances it may also be beneficial to retain pops of other religions in order to have continued access to their deities, though the strong effects of religious unity on Omen.png omen power means that it is still generally undesirable to have too many other pops of a non-state religion.

Type Modifier Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed
Pop Pop noble.png Noble +0.40
Pop citizen.png Citizen +0.60
Freemen Freemen +0.60
Slaves Slaves +0.60
Tribesmen Tribesmen +0.40
Policy cultural assimilation.png Non Integrated Culture -20%
Inventions Invention.png Formulaic Worship (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +0.5
  • +15.00%
Invention.png Religious Assimilation (Finesse.png Civic Invention) +10.00%
Invention.png Ban Witchcraft (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +5.00%
Invention.png Major Syncretism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -90.00%
Territories Country capital.png Nation capital +20%
Ability road building.png Road Network in Territory +2.5% for each outgoing road
Policy cultural assimilation.png Dominant Culture is not Integrated Culture -10%
Religious power.png Dominant Religion is not State Religion -25%
Buildings Temple Great Temple (city) +2.00
Library Library (city) +2.5%
Great wonders Gw effect culture expansion.png Expanding Culture effect +10% per Tier
Governor policies Policy religious conversion.png Religious Conversion +3.00 per Finesse.png 10 finesse of the governor, plus a base of +0.30
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Religious Conversion (Monarchy) +0.25
  • +30%
Enact law cost modifier.png Deny Priests in Senate (Republic) +20%
Enact law cost modifier.png Lex Aeila et Fufia (羅馬的國旗  Roman Republic) +20%
Religions Religious power.png Buddhist +30%
Deities State religion.png Zeus Ammon (Serapis Cult Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Esther (Jewish deity)
State religion.png Saulia (Matrist deity)
Deify ruler cost modifier.png Deified Ruler in Pantheon +15% per Deified Ruler
Change pantheon cost modifier.png Mismatching Pantheon Deity Religion -20% per Mismatching Deity
Omens Omen.png Trapusa and Bahalika (Buddhist deity)
Omen.png Intarabus (Treverian Druidic deity)
Omen.png Eacus (Iberic deity)
Omen.png Zoroaster (Zoroastrian deity)
National ideas Idea proselytism.png Institutional Proselytism +20%
Heritages 納巴忒阿的國旗  Nabatean Heritage (Nabatea) -5%
猶地亞的國旗  Judean Heritage (Judea) -25%


Change pantheon cost modifier.png Every nation has a state pantheon consisting of four deities (also called prophets, yazatas, or paradigms, depending on the religion), one for each category: War, Culture, Economy, and Fertility. Every nation can select from a fixed list of their religion's deities to fill the slots, with some deities available to all countries of that religion and some with stricter requirements such as culture, tag, or finishing a certain mission task. In addition, polytheistic nations can also select deities from other polytheistic religions if they own that deity's Holy Site.png holy site, or a high enough percentage of their pops follows a given religion. The percentage required depends on the deity's rarity: Very Common deities require 5% of the nation's total pops to follow the deity's religion, Common deities require 10%, Rare deities require 20%, and Very Rare deities require 40%.

Every deity that is not part of the state religion gives a stacking Policy religious conversion.png −20% conversion speed malus for all pops in the nation (regardless of whether or not their gods are currently represented in the pantheon).

Each deity has a fixed passive modifier which is in effect as long as that deity is part of the pantheon. Additionally, every 5 years (adjusted by the Omen duration Omen Duration modifier) one can invoke an omen from one of the pantheon's deities, which confers an additional, usually more powerful, bonus. The current omen's effects are multiplied by the nation's current Omen.png Omen Power, with the base effects being reached at 100% Omen Power - note that omen power is uncapped and often will rise above 100% as the game progresses. Owning the deity's Holy Site.png holy site increases the effect of both its passive and omen modifiers (if enabled) by 25%.

Switching a deity in the pantheon costs a base of Stability.png −15 stability and prevents that deity's omen from being invoked for 3 years. The stability penalty is temporarily reduced by -75% for 10 years after converting to another religion, through the Change pantheon cost modifier.png Cost to Change Pantheon Deity modifier. Deities whose omens are currently being invoked cannot be replaced.

Each deity and its requirements and bonuses are listed on the page of the religion it belongs to.

Omen power

The following modifiers increase Omen.png Omen Power:

Type Scenario Omen.png Omen Power
Government Menu government.png Theocratic Monarchy government form +15%
Menu government.png Imperial Cult government form +15%
Menu government.png Theocratic Republic government form +15%
Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists Faction in power (Republic) +10%
Religion Religious power.png Religious Unity +1% per point
Religious power.png Jewish +15%
Ideas Idea mandate observe.png Mandated Observance +15%
Military Traditions Military tradition.png Pietas (Italic Tribe Traditions) +15%
Offices Office High Priest (Monarchy) +3% per Statesmanship Statesmanship-adjusted Religious power.png Zeal
Office Augur (Republic) +3% per Statesmanship Statesmanship-adjusted Religious power.png Zeal
Office High Priest (Tribal) +3% per Statesmanship Statesmanship-adjusted Religious power.png Zeal
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Priestly Status (Republic) +15%
Enact law cost modifier.png Lex Ogulnia (Roman) +15%
Enact law cost modifier.png Adopt Human Sacrifices (Tribal) +10%
Great wonders Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations effect +5% per Tier
Technology level Religious power.png Religious Advances +1% per level
Inventions Invention.png Major Syncretism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +15%
Invention.png Proscribed Canon (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +10%
Invention.png War Dedication (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +5%
Invention.png Hierarchical Haruspication (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +2.5%
Invention.png Reinterpreted Prodigies (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +2.5%
Invention.png Militant Epicureanism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -90%
Ruler Traits 高潔 Devout +5%
虔誠 Pious +2.5%
多疑 Skeptical -5%
高潔 Lapsed -10%
Heritages File:Delphi.png  Delphic Heritage +10%
阿克拉加斯的國旗  Acragantine Heritage +10%
Religious State Heritage +5%

Holy sites


Holy Site.png A holy site is a temple, sanctuary, or other sacred site that is particularly important to the worship of a specific deity. Each deity can have one holy site anywhere in the world, and owning a deity's holy site while worshiping the deity in your pantheon increases the strength of both their passive and omen effects by +25%. There are many number of holy sites present at the start of the game, and a new one can be consecrated for a pantheon deity in an owned territory at a cost of Wealth −300 Gold and Political influence.png−50 Political Influence, adjusted by the Holy site cost Enact Holy Site Cost modifier.

Holy sites confer the following modifiers to the territory they are located in, regardless of its size, status, and whether it is dedicated to a deity in the state religion/ pantheon or not:

  • Tax income.png+10% Local Tax
  • Local building slot.png +1 City Building Slots
  • Migration attraction +5 Migration Attraction

Holy sites can hold Treasure chest.png sacred treasures, which confer bonuses to the entire province the holy site is located in - it is therefore typically useful to bring as many sacred treasures as possible to the capital province in order to maximize the effects of their bonuses. Any treasure can be placed in any holy site regardless of its religion, but each holy site has a limited number of altars where sacred treasures can be placed, depending on the rank of its territory: one for Territory settlement.png settlements, two for Territory city.png cities, and three for Territory metropolis.png metropolises. There is a fixed amount of sacred treasures in the world, with new ones only being created as a result of certain missions and events. Sacred treasures can be removed from an owned holy site at any time at the cost of Aggressive expansion.png +1.00 Aggressive Expansion.

Unplaced sacred treasures are held in the nation's National treasure.png reliquary and confer no benefits, but cannot be taken through desecration. Upon annexation by conquest, the conqueror is guaranteed to seize at least 2 treasures from the reliquary, if there exist that many; above that, up to 2 treasures in the nation's reliquary will be spirited away to another country within diplomatic range if any exist, with all the rest taken by the conqueror. Diplomatic annexation, will transfer all reliquary treasures to the overlord.

Desecrating a holy site can be done at any time through the File:Menu religion.png Religion menu if it is owned, or by using the Desecrate holy site Desecrate Holy Sites army ability with an army located on a controlled holy site's territory - note that a holy site does not necessarily need to be owned for an army to desecrate it, which means that an army can desecrate a holy site belonging to another nations if it is occupied. Desecrating a holy site destroys it and deposits all of its sacred treasures in the desecrating nation's reliquary, while the territory gets a Happiness.png -10% Local Population Happiness modifier to the territory for 12 months. Using the army interaction also costs Aggressive expansion.png +2.00 Aggressive Expansion, and if the army is a Legion.png they may gain either the File:Phalera zeus.png Pia or File:Phalera zeus dishonor.png Impia distinctions depending on whether or not the holy site's deity belongs to the state religion. Every nation that follows the religion of the holy site's deity will also receive a notification event and might lose Opinion improvement active.png opinion of the desecrating country.

In the holy sites tab in the religion menu, all holy sites in owned territories as well as those for deities currently being worshiped in the pantheon, even if currently unowned, are shown and can be selected in the list. Owned holy sites - even those of deities currently in the pantheon - can be desecrated at any time, with their treasures being returned to the National treasure.png reliquary, at the cost of Happiness.png -10% Local Population Happiness in the territory for 1 year (as well as the loss of the holy site itself). Treasures in holy sites of deities not in the pantheon can be removed here.


Deify ruler cost modifier.png Apotheosis, or deification, is the process of deifying a past or present ruler of the country. A deified ruler inherits the effects of an existing pantheon deity, which they must be based on, but give an additional apotheosis effect bonus each time their omen is invoked. The strength of the apotheosis effect is often affected by the attributes of the deified ruler, and can include gaining Wealth gold, Manpower.png manpower, Monthly food.png province food, Technology speed research progress, Military experience.png military experience, Population.png pops, Pop assimilation.png assimilation, Policy religious conversion.png conversion, or even Province investment province investments.

Monotheistic religions, in particular Judaism, have pantheons consisting entirely of "deified" characters (sometimes known as prophets), and are unable to deify more. As a counterbalance to the early access to apotheosis bonuses, they can only invoke omens once every 7.5 years (as Judaism has a Omen duration +50% Omen Duration modifier). All republics except for Theocratic Republics and Athenian Republics are also unable to deify rulers.

A number of deified characters exist in the game at the start: the Jewish prophets, Hellenic Alexander the Great, Zoroastrian Zoroaster, Buddhist Siddhartha, and Jain Mahavira. Certain characters can also be deified through special mission tasks, in particular Antigonus Monopthalmus through one of the 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞's unique mission trees. Deifying a ruler requires the Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia content pack and costs a base of Political influence.png −200 Political Influence, modified by the Deify ruler cost modifier.png Cost to Deify Ruler modifier (decreased by several Invention.png inventions and increases based on the number of deified rulers currently in the pantheon, making each successive deified ruler more expensive). Deification also also requires the current ruler to have at least Popularity.png 90 Popularity, and the current ruler's family to have at least Family prestige 800 Prestige.

Every defied ruler in a nation's pantheon gives the following modifiers, stackable up to the four possible deities in the pantheon:

  • Tyranny +0.01 Monthly Tyranny
  • Ruler popularity gain.png +0.02 Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain
  • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
  • Deify ruler cost modifier.png +25% Cost to Deify Ruler

Generally speaking, the most important modifier is generally the pop conversion speed, as the full Policy religious conversion.png +60% Pop Conversion Speed modifier if all four deities are deified rulers is very significant. Note that this modifier applies only for rulers deified during the game, and not for existing deified characters available at the beginning of the game; in particular, this means that it is generally not possible for Jewish countries to get access to the deified ruler modifiers, even if they start with access to the other apotheosis bonuses.

As a separate god, deified rulers are not affected by the Holy Site.png holy sites of their parent deity and may have their own holy sites created in a territory - this does mean that if a deified ruler is created out of a deity whose holy site is currently owned, the new deity will not get the +25% bonus from owning the holy site until a new holy site is created for the new deity. If a deified ruler is not part of any country's pantheon for more than 20 years, their cult will be forgotten, and the deity, including any holy sites, will no longer be available.

Each deity Apotheosis effect and holy site starting location are listed on the page of the religion it belongs to (links for each religion at the end of this page).

Divine Sacrifice

Sacrifice pig.png A Divine Sacrifice can be made to appease the people and reassure them that the country will continue to receive the favour and bounty of the gods and higher powers, and is the most reliable way to increase the Stability.png stability of the realm. A sacrifice has a base cost of Political influence.png 50 political influence and gives the following effects for 5 years:

  • Stability.png +0.15 Monthly Stability Change
  • Stability cost modifier.png +100% Divine Sacrifice Cost

It is possible to stack the effects of a sacrifice by making another one while the effects of the previous one(s) is ongoing, which has the additional effect of extending the length of the stacked effect by another 5 years. However, as the cost increase of each additional sacrifice stacks quickly if the effects of previous sacrifices are still active, trying to save political influence this way is generally of limited effectiveness unless the country already has a highly reduced sacrifice cost modifier.

The cost of making a sacrifice is modified by the Stability cost modifier.png Divine Sacrifice Cost modifier, which can be decreased through various Invention.png inventions, laws, deities, and other modifiers. All static sources are listed below.

Type Modifier Stability cost modifier.png Divine Sacrifice Cost
Base Sacrifice pig.png Divine Sacrifices +100% per concurrent sacrifice
link= 28px Aggressive Expansion +1.5% per point above 50
Offices  Office High Priest (Republic) -2% per Statesmanship statesmanship-adjusted zeal修正 zeal
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Senatorial Veto (Republic) -33%
Enact law cost modifier.png Lex Domitia de Sacerdotiis (羅馬的國旗  Roman Republic) -33%
Enact law cost modifier.png Electoral Model (Republic) -5%
Enact law cost modifier.png Leges Genuciae (羅馬的國旗  Roman Republic) -5%
Inventions Invention.png State Burials (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -5%
Invention.png Household Priests (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -5%
Invention.png Contractual Obligation (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -2.5%
Invention.png Tolerated Cults (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -2.5%
Deities State religion.png Bagaios (Cybelene deity)
State religion.png Berobreo (Celtiberian Druidic deity)
State religion.png Bhrigu (Hindu deity)
Heritages 玻俄提亞的國旗  Boeotian Heritage (Boeotia) +10%

Invoke Devotio

Invoke devotio.png If a war is going badly and Monthly war exhaustion war exhaustion is high, the country's ruler can Invoke Devotio to offer himself as a sacrifice in exchange for victory and strengthen the resolve of the population to fight on. Invoking devotio has a base cost of Tyranny 2 tyranny and gives the following effects for 5 years:

  • Monthly war exhaustion -0.05 Monthly War Exhaustion
  • Invoke devotio.png +50% Invoke Devotio Cost

Like with making divine sacrifices, it is possible to stack the effects of invoking devotio by making another invokation while the effects of the previous one(s) is ongoing, which has the additional effect of extending the length of the stacked effect by another 5 years. However, as the amount of tyranny gained is not particularly high and war exhaustion is generally not too problematic unless it is very high, this is generally not as important as with making divine sacrifices.

The cost of making invoking devotio is modified by the Invoke devotio.png Invoke Devotio Cost modifier, which is given only by the 高潔 Devout trait (-10%) and the stacking costs of invoking devotio itself.


宗教 修正 描述 代碼關鍵字
希臘多神教Hellenic Pop citizen happiness.png +8% National citizen happiness 奧林匹亞諸神於希臘中心地帶傳播開來,受到許多人的信仰。眾神的名字、面貌和等級在不同地區有很大差異,然而,宙斯,抑或是羅馬人所熟知的朱庇特,被認為是奧林匹亞諸神的代表人物。 roman_pantheon
埃及多神教Kemetic Ruler popularity gain.png +0.10 Monthly ruler popularity gain 埃及本土宗教的歷史可以追溯到幾千年前。其表現為一種多神信仰,即對拉、阿圖姆、塞赫美特等神的敬奉,也體現出對自然界不同基本側面的深深敬意。 egyptian_pantheon
迦南多神教Canaanite Navy maintenance cost.png −10% Navy maintenance cost 秉持多神論的迦南宗教崇敬各路神靈以及祂們的不同形象。巴力是這複雜的次神神階制中的主神,祂們受人崇拜的聖壇通常位於深山中或山頂上。 At the start of the game the Canaanite religion is primarily found in Phoenicia and Phoenician colonies, such as Carthage. carthaginian_pantheon
扎爾莫克西斯信仰Zalmoxian Tribesman output +3% National tribesman output 扎爾莫克西斯最初究竟是先知還是神,這點無人知曉。達契亞人和蓋塔人將扎爾莫克西斯奉為神明,認為很多奇蹟行為都是出自他手。 shamanism
阿爾瑪茲多神教Armazic Fort defense.png +10% Fort defense 高加索—伊柏里亞區域的神系由阿爾馬濟神統治,並且可能與附近的安那托利亞各宗教有關。 caucasian_religion
迦勒底多神教Chaldean Civilization.png +0.01% Monthly civilization value 迦勒底神系的歷史可以追溯到幾千年前。迦勒底宗教的信徒建造雄偉的神廟以紀念他們所選擇的神,敬奉如安努、恩基和南那等等神靈。 mesopotamian_religion
哈爾迪多神教Khaldic Freeman output +6% National freeman output 哈爾迪神系代表了一種宗教,成長自許多世紀以前的烏拉爾圖文化。其主要是多神論信仰,主神被稱作哈爾迪,同時也作為戰神受崇拜。 armenian_religion
庫柏勒崇拜Cybelene Unintegrated culture happiness +5% Unintegrated culture happiness 弗里吉亞的庫柏勒崇拜與史前的母神崇拜有關。在數千年的演變中,庫柏勒崇拜經常與神話人物和英雄們產生關聯,並且通過崇敬聖像來實踐他們的宗教信仰。 anatolian_religion
德魯伊教Druidic State religion happiness +5% State religion happiness 德魯伊活躍於凱爾特人中,作為一個獨特的社會階級而存在。他們通常扮演政務官與立法者的角色,同時他們也決定了當地的宗教習俗和信仰。Druidic faiths are primarily found in Iberia, Gaul and the British Isles at the start of the game. druidism
伊比利亞多神教Iberic Import value +10% Import value 伊比利亞多神教本質上是一種混合多神教,其宗教活動包括崇敬動物靈魂,以及祖先崇拜。伊比利亞人敬奉各種希臘和腓尼基的神,以及諸如貝塔屯或阿塔克納等地方神。 animism
  • Omen.png +15% Omen power
  • Omen duration +50% Omen duration
  • Pop assimilation.png +20% Assimilation speed
不同於當時的各種信仰,猶太教是一神論宗教。追隨着眾先知與老師的步伐,猶太聖書《托拉》記載了上主和以色列子孫之間所立之約的細節。 judaism
瑣羅亞斯德教Zoroastrian Army maintenance cost.png −5% Army maintenance cost 先知瑣羅亞斯德教導關於造物主阿胡拉馬茲達以及其宿敵阿里曼的信仰。其從早期的印度—伊朗多神教演變而來,尤為崇敬「永恆法則」,或稱妲厄娜,擁護善良和公正之舉。 zoroaster
巨石崇拜Megalithic State religion happiness +5% State religion happiness 這種古老的文化和宗教是傳統埃及信仰、星辰崇拜和敬奉先祖的大熔爐。許多巨石,即為了紀念眾神而築起的石頭建築,仍然存在並點綴着非洲景觀。 berber_religion
圖伊斯托崇拜Tuistic Migration cost −10% Migration cost 古代的日耳曼神,也即蒂烏斯、提爾或圖伊斯托,受到當代斯堪的納維亞的早期遷徙部落的敬奉。許多說法表明,日耳曼人信奉一種萬物有靈論的宗教,崇敬大地和天空,以及所有生物的生命力。 germanic_religion
七神崇拜Heptadic Military experience.png +5% Monthly military experience 這一泛神論信仰起源於斯基泰之地,其敬奉七個主神,而他們等同於希臘神系中的神。斯基泰人的早期多神論民間宗教的某些特點仍類似於凱爾特人,比如用馬祭祀以及戰車墓葬。 indo_iranian_religion
阿拉伯多神教Arabic Tribesman happiness +8% National tribesman happiness 阿拉伯的宗教是多神論,一種各類神明、靈體和魔鬼崇拜的混合體,奉行於當地和區域周邊的聚居區。在這段時間裏的某些地方那兒,造物主阿拉可能作為神系的首領而受人敬奉。 arabian_pantheon
佛教Buddhist Policy religious conversion.png +30% Pop conversion speed 作為一個相對年輕的宗教,佛教源起自北印度,追隨喬達摩·悉達多(或簡稱佛陀)的生命軌跡。佛陀是一位遊歷印度、談論中道的苦行導師。 buddhism
印度教Hindu Diplomatic reputation.png +1 Diplomatic reputation 印度教從吠陀時期發展而來,由奧義書的創立所引導,並且在古典時代早期的印度廣受尊崇。 hindu
儀式祭祀Ritualistic Diplomatic relations.png +1 Diplomatic relations 作為種種地方信仰和民間宗教的代表,儀式祭祀包含祖先崇拜、萬物有靈論和還願祭。 eastern_animism
苯教Bon build_cost修正 −10% Build cost 苯教代表了一批最初在青藏高原上活動的民間宗教。祖先敬奉和萬物有靈論,以及新生多神教的守護神頻繁出現。 bon_religion
母神教Matrist Manpower recovery speed.png +5% Manpower recovery speed 人們對波羅的海的部落以及他們的宗教知之甚少。儘管如此,仍有記載講述了這個在波羅的海沿岸敬奉一位母神的教派。 matrist_religion
耆那教Jain Local pop promotion speed.png +25% Pop promotion speed 耆那教是一個歷史悠久的印度宗教,可以追溯到早期的宗教祖師。耆那們堅信禁欲主義和非暴力,並與其它印度傳統保持友好的關係。 jainism


國內政策 國家屬性人物內戰文化政府傳承法律國家理念職位叛亂宗教科技
經濟政策 建築經濟食物奇觀人口貿易商品
省份 區域省份領土殖民地產
軍事 軍事傳統陸軍陸軍單位陸戰海軍圍城海戰
對外政策 條約戰爭宣戰理由宣稱外交附屬國蠻族
腳本 事件決議使命
其他 成就對手國家遊戲配置