雅典 is a local power in central Greece, famed as one of the oldest Greek cities, the birthplace of democracy, and an important center of Greek culture and learning, and once one of the most powerful states in the Greek world, with a naval empire under the
提洛同盟 spanning the cities of the entire Aegean and Propontic Seas. Humbled by
斯巴达 in the Peloponnesian Wars and subjugated with the rest of Greece by
马其顿, Athens fell under the rule of Antipatrid
马其顿 after its failed rebellion in the Lamian War until the arrival of the
Antigonids in 307 BC. Now the center of the main
Antigonid foothold in Greece, Athens faces an uncertain future in 450 AUC, with the Diadochi looking to resume war and Greece almost certain to be a major battleground again. While little now remains of its ancient empire, with Athens remaining in control of only its portion of Attica and its old colonies of Lemnos and Imbros, its dreams of greatness have not been forgotten and a careful ruler could use the distraction that the Diadochi pose to each other to throw off the Macedonian yoke to restore the freedom of the Greek city states under Athenian leadership - perhaps even revive the old
Historically Athens would remain restive under Antigonid rule under various degrees of autonomy through their defeat at Ipsos and conquest of
马其顿, attempting many times to regain its independence before finally succeeding during a period of
Macedonian instability around 229 BC. This period of independence would not last long as Athens sided with
罗马 during the Macedonian Wars, eventually becoming a free city under their empire. Still, its great schools and temples ensured that its prestige never wavered, with sponsorship from foreign kings and overlords alike cementing its place as the cultural center of the Greek world until the end of antiquity.
With the Magna Graecia DLC, Athens has a unique set of 4 missions focused on regaining its independence or autonomy, developing and regaining control over the Attica region, reforming the government to either seize power as a tyrant or restore the famed Athenian democracy, and restoring Athens's traditional hegemony over the coasts of the Aegean Sea and beyond. As part of these missions, Athens can reform into the unique Athenian Republic government form, release the holy island of
得罗斯 as a special
feudatory subject, and go on to restore the old
提洛同盟 as a unique country-specific formable.
Without the Magna Graecia DLC, Athens will instead have access to the Pan Hellenic Government Greek cultural mission tree, with the more general end goal of uniting Greece and forming the
希腊联盟 instead.
Regardless of whether or not the DLC is enabled, like most Hellenistic culture group countries Athens can also get access to the Euxine Sea Hellenistic cultural mission tree The Hospitable Sea if it makes conquests in the Asian, Bithynian, or Thracian regions, directing it to expand its influence and dominate the Euxine Sea region. Like all other countries, Athens also has access to the Generic missions regardless of whether or not the DLC is enabled.
If the Magna Graecia DLC is not enabled, Athens can still reform the
提洛同盟 by decision, with somewhat different requirements. As a Hellenistic culture group republic in Greece, Athens also has access to the decision to form the
希腊联盟; this is not mutually exclusive with forming the
提洛同盟, as long as the Restoring the Delian League mission tree was started prior to enacting the decision (though the modifier Great League Capital will not be applied twice in the same territory).
Delian League
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The Delian League was formed by Athens and their allies to defend themselves from the encroaching Persians to the east after Xerxes tried to invade our cities. In these tumultuous times it is only natural for all the Ionian cities to seek shelter in an alliance with one another once again. It is time for us to rebuild the Delian League.
Pan-Hellenic League
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During the days of Argead domination the League of Corinth united all Greek cities in one league. The goal of this organization was always to control them, and to deny them the independence that they are due. But the idea of a Pan-Hellenic League has not died with the oppressive actions of the Argeads and Antipatrids, it could also be the ultimate guarantor of Greek Independence.
Let us unite one and all and form a League to encompass all the free cities of Greece. Together we will become the dominant force of the Greek world, leaving the kingdoms of would be successors, or usurpers, behind us.
As a Hellenistic culture group country, Athens has access to the decision to form the 阿吉德帝国. This, however, will require Athens to change its government type to a monarchy.
潜在需求 | 允许条件
Athens begins as a feudatory of the
弗里吉亚 at the beginning of the game.
Athens starts with the following Hellenic pantheon, if the Magna Graecia content pack is owned (pantheon deities other than Athena are random otherwise):
- War: Athena Promachos
- Economy: Athena Ergane
- Culture: Athena
- Fertility: Demeter Potnia
Athens begins with a population of 86 pops at the beginning of the game, divided across its
7 territories. The vast majority of its pops are Athenian Hellenic, but there is also a small Hebrew Jewish minority in the Oropos and the city of Athenai.
With the Magna Graecia DLC, Athens has access to the unique Ostracize character interaction, reflecting the historical institution under which a citizen could be expelled from the country for 10 years by popular vote. Ingame, the Ostracize interaction replaces banishment and can uniquely be used on any character except the
ruler or co-ruler - even if not imprisoned - but costs
5 stability and
tyranny based on the character's
power base, and can only be used once every year (much like the historical procedure).
Unique deities
These deities are available to 雅典 or countries formed from
雅典, as long as it is Hellenic, or polytheistic and has enough Hellenic pops / controls the deity's holy site, and require the
Magna Graecia content pack (Demeter Potnia can also be unlocked by
斯巴达 in the unique
Spartan mission tree Ancient Rivals):