
区域强权 马其顿Macedon
MAC ⚙️






马其顿的国旗 马其顿 is a regional power in the Balkans, controlling much of Macedonia and parts of northern Greece. The ancient homeland of the 阿吉德帝国的国旗  Argead dynasty of Alexander the Great, Macedon begins the game under the rule of Kassandros I Antipatrid, son of the 阿吉德帝国的国旗  Argead regent Antipatros, having eliminated the remaining Argead claimants to declare himself king some years before. In 450 AUC Macedon is in a difficult position, facing the might of the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 as it seeks to liberate Greece from Macedonian rule, though the alliance with 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯 and the self-interests of 埃及的国旗 埃及 and the 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国 who do not want to see the 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonids grow too powerful offers a path to victory that Macedon may be able to play. Historically, this coalition would prove sufficient to destroy 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonid power and lead to the collapse of their entire empire allowing Macedon to restore its hegemony over much of Greece, though infighting within the Antipatrid dynasty would see its downfall not long afterwards and control of Macedon passing between the 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonid, 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Aiakadid, 色雷斯的国旗  Lysimachid, and 埃及的国旗  Ptolemaic dynasties before the complete collapse of the kingdom during the invasion of the 伽拉提亚的国旗  Gauls. The kingdom would be restored a few years later under the 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonid dynasty, who would rule the kingdom until their overthrow in 168 BC at the hands of the 罗马的国旗  Romans and the eventual annexation in 146 BC.

If Macedon is destroyed, it can be reformed by decision by any Macedonian-cultured nation (in particular the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚), or by 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 through either the decision or its unique missions if the Epirus Flavor Pack is enabled.


The Wars of the Diadochi

At start, all the Diadochi states will receive an event that gives them claims on all of the western half of the former 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国 and the special Legacy of Alexander wargoal against each other, allowing them to easily declare war and conquer territory from each other. For Macedon, these claims will go away on the death of the first ruler.

Fourth War of the Diadochi

Shortly after the game starts, Macedon will be given an ultimatum by the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 to surrender Korinthos (418), their last fortress in southern Greece, or face a resumption of war. If the demands are refused and war breaks out, after a few months 埃及的国旗 埃及, 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国, and eventually 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯 may join the fray, forcing the 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonids to choose between conceding significant amounts of territory in the Levant - possibly including their capital - or face war against all of the other four Diadochi combined.

Antipatrid Crisis

A few years into the game, Kassandros and then his heir Philippos IV will fall significantly ill, forcing a succession crisis once the basileus and the primary heir die. Macedon will then have to choose between siding with one of Kassandros's remaining sons - Antipatros II and Alexandros V - with the other starting a Civil war.png civil war, or try to force reconciliation and face deep instability in the realm. If civil war breaks out, the rebelling claimant will approach another one of the Hellenic powers for assistance, which in the case of asking for aid from 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 will involve handing over 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Ambracia}} and 阿卡纳尼亚的国旗 阿卡纳尼亚 in exchange.


As a Hellenistic culture group monarchy, Macedon has access to the decision to reform the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国.




潜在需求 允许条件
  • 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国不存在
  • 是君主制
  • 不在战争或内战中
  • 控制以下所有地区,或者属于附属国:
    • 佩拉(379)
    • 柯林斯(418)
    • 忒拜(426)
    • 斯巴达(427)
    • 阿耳戈斯(440)
    • 雅典(416)
    • 吕西玛刻亚(350)
    • 戈耳狄翁(189)
    • 萨耳狄斯(292)
    • 亚历山大里亚(516)
    • 孟菲斯(500)
    • 加沙(659)
    • 提尔(743)
    • 安提戈涅亚(790)
    • 厄庇法涅亚(1874)
    • 阿蒙(5537)
    • 巴比伦(918)
    • 大塞琉基亚(911)
    • 苏萨(946)
    • 波斯波利斯(4799)
    • 厄克巴塔纳(1595)
    • 高加索的亚历山大里亚(6611)
    • 奢叉尸罗(7314)
    • 亚历山大港(6821)

  • 如果国家是部落制,获得“文明的部落”修正,持续10年,给予:
    • Civilization.png+0.10% 每月文明度
    • Local pop promotion speed.png+2 人口升级速度
    • Happiness for same culture modifier.png+10% 已整合文化幸福度
  • 如果政体不是帝制或帝王崇拜,则政体变为帝制
  • 如果国家原本是共和国:
    • 如果国家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 补给法案或 Enact law cost modifier.png 布匿改革,则实施 Enact law cost modifier.png 御属卫队法律
    • 其他情况下,如果国家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 军队新式改革或 Enact law cost modifier.png 马略改革,则通过 Enact law cost modifier.png 御属军队法律
  • 获得修正“阿吉德统一”直到游戏结束:
    • Happiness for wrong culture group modifier.png+6% 未整合文化组幸福度
    • Land morale recovery.png+5% 陆军士气
    • Diplomatic reputation.png+2% 外交声誉
    • Pop freemen happiness.png+8% 全国自由民幸福度
  • 获得State free investments.png 5 免费省份投资
  • 改名为Argead Empire.png 希腊帝国
  • 如果当前统治者拥有阿吉德的血脉特质,将改名为Argead Empire.png 阿吉德帝国
  • 发生事件“帝都”
  • 获得以下区域所有领土的宣称:马其顿、希腊、色雷斯、亚细亚、弗里吉亚、卡帕多基亚 陶里卡、奇里乞亚、比堤尼亚与帕佛拉戈尼亚、亚述、美索不达米亚、波西斯、米底、革德罗西亚、帕提亚、巴克特里亚、阿里亚纳、巴勒斯坦、叙利亚、犍陀卫、上埃及下埃及
  • 如果国家是弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚马其顿的国旗 马其顿塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国埃及的国旗 埃及色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯,并且不是AI,获得成就“此世无再征



If it is destroyed, Macedon can be reformed by any country that either has Macedonian primary culture or began as 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 (if the Epirus Flavor Pack DLC is not enabled). At the start of the game, the main candidates that fulfill the conditions for forming Macedon by decision are 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚, 派俄尼亚的国旗 派俄尼亚, and 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 (without the DLC) (as the other Diadochi states are considered on the same tier for the purposes of nation formation, though it is theoretically possible for one of them to form Macedon by losing most of their territory and forming 塞浦路斯的国旗 塞浦路斯 first, as it is Tier 1 but has no tier restrictions itself). Macedon may also be reformed by successful revolter countries, as well as the eastern Diadochi satrapies of 卡帕多基亚的国旗 卡帕多基亚, 帕提亚的国旗 帕提亚, 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚, and 阿拉科西亚的国旗 阿拉科西亚 if they keep their Macedonian primary culture and make their way all the way back to the west. Note that forming 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 as an Epirote-cultured country, as opposed to starting as that tag, will not give access to the decision.




  • 至少有一块地
  • 国家有马其顿文化
  • 不是共和国
  • 首都在马其顿希腊区域,或者首都的主流文化是马其顿
  • 不是马其顿的国旗 马其顿
  • 不是AI,拥有大于20块领土
  • 不是2级或3级可成立国家
  • 如果国家是弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚,并且在事件“摇摇欲坠的安提柯”中放弃了亚洲领土,已经完成独特任务树“马其顿野望”
  • 马其顿的国旗 马其顿不存在
  • 不在战争或内战中
  • 拥有以下所有地区:
    • 珀拉(379)
    • 墨托涅(428)
    • 安菲波里斯(365)
    • 法萨鲁斯(394)
    • 厄拉提拉(3175)

  • 获得Political influence.png150 政治影响力
  • 改名为马其顿的国旗 马其顿
  • 马其顿设为主流文化,原主流文化变为Integrated.png 已整合文化
  • 首都改为珀拉(379),并将珀拉升级为城市
  • 添加信奉国教并且是主流文化的4个公民和4个自由民到珀拉(379)
  • 珀拉(379)获得“新生的都城”直到游戏结束:
    • Global population growth.png+0.15% 本地人口增长
    • Pop freemen happiness.png+8% 本地自由民幸福度
    • Civilization.png+10% 本地文明度等级
  • 获得马其顿区域所有领土的宣称
  • 获得State free investments.png 3 免费省份投资
Formation requirements for Macedon by decision. Fully coloured territories are required, while hatched territories will be claimed after formation.

Mission task

主条目:Hellenic Contender

If the Epirus Flavor Pack DLC is enabled, Macedon can instead by formed by a task in the Hellenic Contender unique 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote mission tree as a reward for conquering the core Macedonian region, with similar requirements as the formation decision. Forming Macedon this way will give a somewhat different flag than the starting country or by the formation decision, reflecting the restored kingdom's 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote origins.

Mission Potential Requirements Effects Time Description
Task conquest.png Alexander's Throne
  • Always
  • Has completed or bypassed the following, if it exists:

  • Owns Pella (379)
  • All territories in the provinces of Emathia are controlled by the current country or one of its subjects
  • All of the following territories are controlled by the current country or one of its subjects:
  • Lychindos (412)
  • Beue (3356)
  • Keletron (3125)
  • Eratrya (3175)
  • Eliia (400)
  • Arnisa (408)
  • Herakleia Lynkestis (411)
  • Styberra (405)
  • Pelagonia (393)
  • Arnisa (408)
  • Get the event Alexander's Throne
  • Tooltip:
    • Gain Political influence.png 150 political influence
    • Add Pop citizen.png 4 citizen pops and Freemen 4 freemen pops of the state culture and religion to Pella (379)
    • Pella (379) gets the modifier Aiakid-Argead Capital until the end of the game, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth
      • Freeman output +10% Local Freeman Output
      • Freeman happiness +10% Local Freeman Happiness
    • 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 will gain claims on the Region of Macedonia
    • Get Province investment 3 free province investments


When the Macedonians are once again ruled by a descendant of Achilles, the greatness of the empire may finally be reclaimed. Nothing else in history can surpass the achievements of Macedonians led by Aiakids.

Major power马其顿

Macedon (Epirus Formable).png

Epirote (Hellenistic)

Capital province
Pella (379)

Military traditions

Alexander's Throne

We have succeeded in reclaiming the throne of Alexander the Great in Pella, the heart of the Macedonian kingdom, and vanquished the false successor kingdom of Kassandros. Back under Epirote leadership the greatness of Macedon can finally be realized once again.

Trigger conditions
  • Owns any territory
Is triggered only by

the Alexander's Throne mission task

Immediate effects
  • Gain Political influence.png 150 political influence
  • Tooltip: The mission task Alexander's Throne has now been Completed
  • Get claims on all unowned territories in the region of Macedonia
  • Get Province investment 3 free province investments

Event button.png
Pella will be the heart of the kingdom.
  • Current country becomes 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Macedon (Epirus Formable)}} Macedon
  • Set the capital to Pella (379), and make it a Territory city.png city if it is currently a territory
  • Pella (379) gets the modifier Aiakid-Argead Capital until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth
    • Freeman output +10% Local Freeman Output
    • Freeman happiness +10% Local Freeman Happiness
  • Add Pop citizen.png 4 citizen pops and Freemen 4 freemen pops of the state culture and religion to Pella (379)
Event button.png
[me_epirus_scope.GetCapital.GetName] remains our center.
  • The capital becomes a Territory city.png city if it is currently a territory
  • The capital gets the modifier Aiakid-Argead Capital until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth
    • Freeman output +10% Local Freeman Output
    • Freeman happiness +10% Local Freeman Happiness
  • Add Pop citizen.png 4 citizen pops and Freemen 4 freemen pops of the state culture and religion to the capital
Formation requirements for Macedon by the 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote mission. Fully coloured territories are required, while hatched territories will be claimed after formation.


Macedon begins with Vassalized.png 5 subject states scattered between its neighbours, reflecting its remaining degree of control over Greece and its environs.

Tributaries (2):

In addition, Macedon starts with a Guaranteeing.png guarantee on 阿耳戈斯的国旗 阿耳戈斯.


Macedon has a Population.png population of 609 spread over its Local.png 49 territories, mostly Macedonian Hellenic. The provinces of Thessalia and Aetolia are predominantly Thessalian Hellenic and Aetolian Hellenic, respectively, and there are also small minorities of Taulantian Hellenic pops in the westernmost inland territories and a few Hebrew Jewish pops scattered in some of the larger cities.

Cultural privileges

  • Thessalian (Hellenistic) - Integrated.png Integrated culture, Pop citizen.png Citizen rights


Macedon starts without full control of its capital region of Macedonia, making other Macedonian states natural expansion targets. However, directly north of Macedon is a tribal vassal, 派俄尼亚的国旗 派俄尼亚, making it impossible to fabricate claims without first renouncing this vassal. A longer alternative is to improve Paeonia's loyalty until it upgrades its subject relationship to one which Macedon could eventually use to integrate Paeonia.

More crucially, Macedon could easily be drawn into the Wars of the Diadochi, which may not be in its best interests, as any potential expansion will take place outside the capital region, strengthening regional governors rather than the ruler directly.



Antipater's Dream


No More Worlds Left to Conquer

