{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= lhBBZHbRLE8 | description= Imperator: Rome - Military Reworked. How military recruitment works in the new Marius update. Levies, legions, traditions, and more have been overhauled in this massive free update. Revisit the ancient world and conquer it with your new military might! | alignment= right | container=frame }}
军事传统(Military traditions) represent the accumulated practices and expertise of a country's military and reward nations that keep a particularly
experienced or
well-trained army. They typically give various military-related bonuses and modifiers as well as unlock new unit abilities, unique combat tactics, and special unit types, often promoting the use of different unit compositions and strategies, though some traditions can also have various economic effects such as creating pops, constructing buildings, giving economic modifiers, or granting
innovations and
province investments.
Each tradition group is associated with to one or more culture groups and consists of two separate tradition trees, each based on a different group of realms or cultures within the group and typically with a different focus. begins with a starting bonus that branches into three separate paths, each linear and typically based on the traditions of a particular culture or nation that uses the tree. Each military tradition costs 80 military experience and requires that the nation has adopted all previous traditions and meets any prerequisites; however, it is otherwise possible to freely choose between any available tradition at no extra cost.
在世界上有七种不同的军事传统,每一个都与一个或多个 文化组联系在一起,每个组内有两个树。Each country starts with access to at least one military tradition group based on its
primary culture, with a few countries also starting with access to one or more tradition trees outside of their groups. Every tradition tree except for Indian Kingdom unlocks one other military tradition group; adopting these traditions always requires that the country has an
integrated culture in one of the relevant culture groups which has at least either 1/4 of the pops of the primary culture or 500 pops (once the primary culture is larger than 2000 pops).
By working its way through these traditions to embrace foreign influence, it is possible for every country to eventually get access to every tradition group (and adopt every tradition) with sufficient military experience and pops of the required culture groups.
- 主条目:蛮族传统
蛮族传统 包括希斯帕尼亚、高卢、不列颠尼亚、日耳曼尼亚以及其他地区的蛮族的战斗方式。他们的战斗主要依靠装备了剑或长矛的大编队轻装步兵,并配以少量灵活的战车或轻骑兵用以支援,他们同时还善于使用伏击战术,尤其是在森林地形中。
- 主条目:希腊传统
希腊传统 的核心是重装长枪兵组成的防御型方阵,这是古希腊的基石,此战术历史悠久,之后由马其顿人改良,为士兵装备了萨里沙长矛——一种超长的长矛。希腊人的战术主要使用这种军阵来“钉”住敌人的步兵部队,并配以轻步兵和骑兵对敌人的侧翼进行猛攻。
- 主条目:印度传统
印度传统 的主要涵盖对象包括孔雀帝国及其诸邻国,他们善于使用大编队的印度战象来撕碎敌军的阵线,并配以快速移动的战车与弓兵部队对作鸟兽散的敌军进行攻击。同时,印度人也会使用一些十分复杂的阵法,比如传奇的莲花阵。
- 主条目:意大利传统
意大利传统 的主要代表是使用精锐重装步兵的伊特鲁里亚、罗马及其他拉丁城邦。这些士兵相比于长矛更善用剑,其主要战斗方式是依靠严密的阵型——比如三线阵——进行迅速的近身战,打散装备较差的地方步兵,同时伴以轻骑兵和其他散兵进行支援。
- 主条目:黎凡特传统
黎凡特和阿拉伯传统 着重于在黎凡特、埃及和阿拉伯干旱的沙漠中广泛使用的骆驼骑兵、轻步兵、方阵战术,以及腓尼基各城强大的海军。腓尼基人是地中海最声名显赫的贸易商,他们拥有非凡的航海经验和卓绝的造船术。
- 主条目:北非传统
北非传统 的主要涵盖对象包括腓尼基商贸城邦迦太基及其周边的国家。通过数个世纪的地中海贸易,迦太基孕育了十分强大的海军传统,同时迦太基还善长使用重步兵和非洲战象,这些部队和轻步兵、骑兵相互支援,可以十分高效地冲垮敌人的阵型。
- 主条目:波斯传统
波斯传统 是斯基泰草原上奔驰的男人们应当掌握的武艺,以及前阿契美尼德王朝遗留下来的军事遗产的结合。在草原及其周边的生活铸就了人们精湛的骑射技术,使得他们能够在接敌之前快速穿插并包围敌军,而波斯的步兵队则严阵以待,负责啃啮敌军已经疲惫不堪的军阵。
组 | 军事传统 | 解锁 |
蛮族 | 凯尔特 | 意大利 |
蛮族 | 不列颠 | 北非 |
希腊 | 希腊城邦 | 黎凡特 |
希腊 | 希腊王国 | 波斯 |
意大利 | 罗马 | 希腊 |
意大利 | 意大利部落 | 蛮族 |
黎凡特 | 黎凡特王国 | 北非 |
黎凡特 | 黎凡特海洋 | 希腊 |
印度 | 印度王国 | |
印度 | 印度部落 | 波斯 |
北非 | 布匿 | 黎凡特 |
北非 | 努米底亚 | 意大利 |
波斯 | 波斯 | 印度 |
波斯 | 波斯乡民 | 黎凡特 |
- 蛮族传统的代码名称是