
第1行: 第1行:
英白拉多:罗马定义了一些[[#可用的宗教| 宗教]] 。每一个[[ 国家]] ,每一个 [[ 人物]] 和每一种[[ 人口]] 都信奉某一种''' 宗教''' 。宗教影响人口幸福度,可用的预兆,等等。
| service= youtube
| id= ntS8eA9MwuI
| description= Imperator: Rome - Culture and Religion Remade (religion section starts at '''2:10''').
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[[File:2.0_religion_menu.jpg|right|500px|thumb|The religion interface]]
{{icon|religion}} '''Religion''' represents the belief systems of the ancient world, usually polytheistic and encompassing a wide range of gods, and important to everything, from daily life to the highest political echelons. In the game, every [[state]], [[Characters|character]], and [[Population|pop]] belongs to a particular religion, with their interactions playing a significant role in loyalty and pop happiness. The choice of pantheon gods and omens in the state religion forms an important part of the modifiers and bonuses that a country has, and is the one of the main interactions that a player will have with religion, with the systems of holy sites and sacred treasures providing more auxiliary goals and flavour. Most religion interactions can be managed through the [[File:Menu religion.png|28px]] '''Religion''' tab.

== 可用的宗教 ==
== State religion ==
{| class="mildtable"
Every country starts with a predefined '''state religion''', which can be viewed just above the pantheon deities in the [[File:Menu religion.png|28px]] Religion tab. Every religion has bonuses that are applied to the entire country, and also determines the base deities that are always available regardless of the population or holy sites of the country. State religion also has a small effect on diplomacy—countries of the same religion get a {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} opinion bonus with each other. There is no malus for having a different state religion.
! 宗教 !! 说明
!style="background-color:rgb(135,139,167);color:white;"| {{ruby|希腊多神教|Hellenic}}
| 奥林匹亚诸神于希腊中心地带传播开来,受到许多人的信仰。众神的名字、面貌和等级在不同地区有很大差异,然而,宙斯,抑或是罗马人所熟知的朱庇特,被认为是奥林匹亚诸神的代表人物。
!style="background-color:rgb(166,162,111);color:white;"| {{ruby|埃及多神教|Kemetic}}
| 埃及本土宗教的历史可以追溯到几千年前。其表现为一种多神信仰,即对拉、阿图姆、塞赫美特等神的敬奉,也体现出对自然界不同基本侧面的深深敬意。
!style="background-color:rgb(149,121,166);color:white;"| {{ruby|迦南多神教|Canaanite}}
| 秉持多神论的迦南宗教崇敬各路神灵以及祂们的不同形象。巴力是这复杂的次神神阶制中的主神,祂们受人崇拜的神龛通常位于深山中或山顶上。在游戏开始时,迦南多神教主要出现在腓尼基和腓尼基殖民地,如迦太基。
!style="background-color:rgb(175,150,148);color:white;"| {{ruby|扎尔莫克西斯信仰|Zalmoxian}}
| 扎尔莫克西斯最初究竟是先知还是神,这点无人知晓。达契亚人和盖塔人将扎尔莫克西斯奉为神明,认为很多奇迹行为都是出自他手。
!style="background-color:rgb(129,146,121);color:white;"| {{ruby|德鲁伊教|Druidic}}
| 德鲁伊活跃于凯尔特人中,作为一个独特的社会阶级而存在。他们通常扮演政务官与立法者的角色,同时他们也决定了当地的宗教习俗和信仰。在游戏开始时,德鲁伊教的信仰主要出现在伊比利亚、高卢和不列颠群岛。
!style="background-color:rgb(178,151,114);color:white;"| {{ruby|伊比利亚多神教|Iberic}}
| 伊比利亚多神教本质上是一种混合多神教,其宗教活动包括崇敬动物灵魂,以及祖先崇拜。伊比利亚人敬奉各种希腊和腓尼基的神,以及诸如贝塔屯或阿塔克纳等地方神。
!style="background-color:rgb(119,126,175);color:white;"| {{ruby|犹太教|Jewish}}
| 不同于当时的各种信仰,犹太教是一神论宗教。追随着众先知与老师的步伐,犹太圣书《托拉》记载了上帝和以色列子孙之间所立之约的细节。
!style="background-color:rgb(130,162,165);color:white;"| {{ruby|琐罗亚斯德教|Zoroastrian}}
| 先知琐罗亚斯德教导关于造物主阿胡拉马兹达的一神论信仰。其从早期的印度—伊朗多神教演变而来,尤为崇敬“永恒法则”,或称妲厄娜,拥护善良和公正之举。
!style="background-color:rgb(145,160,159);color:white;"| {{ruby|母神教|Matrist}}
| 人们对波罗的海的部落以及他们的宗教知之甚少。尽管如此,仍有记载讲述了这个在波罗的海沿岸敬奉一位母神的教派。
!style="background-color:rgb(146,136,129);color:white;"| {{ruby|巨石崇拜|Megalithic}}
| 这种古老的文化和宗教是传统埃及信仰、星辰崇拜和敬奉先祖的大熔炉。许多巨石,即为了纪念众神而筑起的石头建筑,仍然存在并点缀着非洲景观。
!style="background-color:rgb(135,121,111);color:white;"| {{ruby|图伊斯托崇拜|Tuistic}}
| 古代的日耳曼神,也即蒂乌斯、提尔或图伊斯托,受到当代斯堪的纳维亚的早期迁徙部落的敬奉。许多说法表明,日耳曼人信奉一种万物有灵论的宗教,崇敬大地和天空,以及所有生物的生命力。
!style="background-color:rgb(141,161,131);color:white;"| {{ruby|阿拉伯多神教|Arabic}}
| 阿拉伯的宗教是多神论,一种各类神明、灵体和魔鬼崇拜的混合体,奉行于当地和区域周边的聚居区。在这段时间的某些地方,造物主阿拉可能作为神系的首领而受人敬奉。
!style="background-color:rgb(166,140,131);color:white;"| {{ruby|仪式祭祀|Ritualistic}}
| 作为种种地方信仰和民间宗教的代表,仪式祭祀包含祖先崇拜、万物有灵论和还愿祭。
!style="background-color:rgb(173,170,134);color:white;"| {{ruby|佛教|Buddhist}}
| 作为一个相对年轻的宗教,佛教源起自北印度,追随乔达摩·悉达多(或简称佛陀)的生命轨迹。佛陀是一位游历印度、谈论中道的苦行导师。
!style="background-color:rgb(174,139,111);color:white;"| {{ruby|印度教|Hindu}}
| 印度教从吠陀时期发展而来,由奥义书的创立所引导,并且在古典时代早期的印度广受尊崇。
!style="background-color:rgb(169,115,135);color:white;"| {{ruby|苯教|Bön}}
| 苯教代表了一批最初在青藏高原上活动的民间宗教。祖先敬奉和万物有灵论,以及新生多神教的守护神频繁出现。
!style="background-color:rgb(164,168,143);color:white;"| {{ruby|七神崇拜|Heptadic}}
| 这一泛神论信仰起源于斯基泰之地,其敬奉七个主神,而他们等同于希腊神系中的神。斯基泰人的早期多神论民间宗教的某些特点仍类似于凯尔特人,比如用马祭祀以及战车墓葬。
!style="background-color:rgb(145,150,135);color:white;"| {{ruby|库柏勒崇拜|Cybelene}}
| 弗里吉亚的库柏勒崇拜与史前的母神崇拜有关。在数千年的演变中,库柏勒崇拜经常与神话人物和英雄们产生关联,并且通过崇敬圣像来实践他们的宗教信仰。
!style="background-color:rgb(129,107,118);color:white;"| {{ruby|哈尔迪多神教|Khaldic}}
| 哈尔迪神系代表了一种宗教,成长自许多世纪以前的乌拉尔图文化。其主要是多神论信仰,主神被称作哈尔迪,同时也作为战神受崇拜。
!style="background-color:rgb(133,112,139);color:white;"| {{ruby|阿尔玛兹多神教|Armazic}}
| 高加索—伊柏里亚地区的神系由阿尔玛兹神统治,并且可能与附近的安那托利亚各宗教有关。
!style="background-color:rgb(155,131,113);color:white;"| {{ruby|迦勒底多神教|Chaldean}}
| 迦勒底神系的历史可以追溯到几千年前。迦勒底宗教的信徒建造雄伟的神庙以纪念他们所选择的神,敬奉如安努、恩基和南那等等神灵。
!style="background-color:rgb(130,127,130);color:white;"| {{ruby|耆那教|Jain}}
| 耆那教是一个历史悠久的印度宗教,可以追溯到早期的宗教祖师。耆那们坚信禁欲主义和非暴力,并与其它印度传统保持友好的关系。
== Religion affects …==
=== Interaction between states ===
Certain [[Diplomacy#Diplomatic_actions|diplomatic actions]] receive bonuses if the states follow the same religion, or penalties if they don't.
=== Interaction between state and characters ===
Characters not following state religion have their maximum loyalty lowered by {{red|-10}}. They are also less likely to be elected for office in a Republic.
Characters can be forcefully converted at a base cost of 25{{icon|rel}}''Religious Power'' and a loss of 40{{icon|loyalty}}''Loyalty''. They may also convert on their own if they seek to gain popularity or government offices.

Certain events may result in religion change. Ptolemaic Egypt has the option to embrace Kemeticism, while in India characters tend to convert to Buddhism.
There is no default happiness bonus or penalty for pop religion, but pops will receive a {{icon|happiness}} {{green|+4%}} happiness bonus for each deity in the state pantheon that matches their religion, making it useful for polytheistic states to take on pantheon gods of religions that are widespread inside their country - though spreading out the deity happiness bonus between deities of different religions means a smaller happiness modifier for each individual religion. The happiness of state religion pops specifically is also be increased with the {{icon|state religion happiness}} '''state religion happiness''' modifier, which is given by various omens and deities, [[inventions]], [[laws]], [[heritages]], and more.

=== Interaction between state and populace ===
Additionally, the percentage of pops following the state religion determines the nation's {{icon|zeal}} '''Religious Unity''' value, which is the main component of {{icon|omen power}} omen power.
The {{icon|happiness}}''[[Population#Happiness_of_pops|Happiness]]'' of pops not following state religion is penalized by {{red|-5%}}, and a further {{red|-10%}} if the governor of their [[region]] is not of their religion. The percentage of pops following state religion is the nation's ''Religious Unity'' value, which is a major contributor to {{icon|omen power}}''Omen Power''.

A pop's religion can be changed to the state religion via '''conversion'''. Converting individual pops can be performed in the city menu and the macro-builder, and costs 20{{icon|rel}}''[[Power|Religious Power]]'' per pop. Alternatively, the ''Religious Conversion'' [[Provinces#Governor_Policy|governor policy]] provides a monthly chance of converting a pop in the affected province, which is '''5.0%''' + '''2.5%''' per point of the governor's {{icon|rel}}''[[Attributes#Finesse|Zeal]]''. Governors always convert pops to the state religion, regardless of the governor's personal religion.
=== State Conversion ===
{{main|Decisions#Religious Conversion decisions}}
The state religion can be changed by decision if there is at least '''1''' character of the new religion in the country, and either '''50%''' of the non-slave pops in the {{icon|capital}} capital, or at least '''20%''' of all the pops of the country and at least one {{icon|pantheon}} pantheon deity, follow the new religion the country intends to convert to. Switching religions can only be done once every 10 years and costs {{icon|pol}} {{red|200}} political influence and {{icon|stability}} {{red|30}} stability, also giving a temporary drop of {{icon|loyalty}} {{red|−15}} Loyalty for all characters that are followers of the old faith.

Certain events may also result in pops changing religion. The Isis cult is spreading around the Mediterranean, causing pops to convert to Kemeticism, while in India pops may convert to Buddhism.
== Character religion ==
Each character also has their own '''character religion''', usually but not always the same as that of the state. Characters that do not follow the state religion have a {{icon|loyalty}} {{red|−10}} maximum loyalty modifier, and pops have a {{icon|happiness}} {{red|-6%}} happiness penalty if the governor of their region is not of their religion - notably, this includes even state religion pops, if their governor is not of the state religion.

== Omens ==
Characters can be forced to convert if their {{icon|loyalty}} loyalty is at least 60, at the cost of {{icon|tyranny}} {{red|+5.00}} Tyranny and a temporary drop of {{icon|loyalty}} {{red|−30}} loyalty for '''5''' years. There are also a few events by which a character's religion can otherwise be changed — governors may switch to the religion of the regional capital if the Religious Conversion policy is not being used, office holders may take on the religion of the state that employs them, the heir of a monarchy may switch to the religion of the Royal Tutor, and rulers may get an event to switch to the state religion if they do not follow it.
[[file:omens.png|thumb|Hellenic omens]]
An Omen can be invoked for a base cost of 200{{icon|rel}}''[[Religious Power Points]]'' and a base duration of 5 years. Only one Omen can be active at a time and it cannot be changed until it expires. Unlike in ''Europa Universalis: Rome'', an Omen can never directly fail - giving you a negative effect.

The names and descriptions of the Omens depend on your religion and culture. A Greek country following the Hellenic faith will for instance seek the Blessings of Ares, Athena, or Tyche. While a Roman one will instead turn to Mars, Minerva or Fortuna. This is also reflected in events and text that reference the gods (and of course in the variety of events available).
== Territory religion ==
Every territory has a '''dominant religion''', which is the religion with the highest number of pops in the territory. This is the religion as displayed for the territory in the religion map mode and is generally considered the religion of the territory for most purposes, particularly for [[colonization]], moving the {{icon|capital}} capital, and many [[events|event]] and [[missions|mission task]] checks.

===Omen effects===
Most importantly, there are also territory modifiers applied if the dominant religion is not the state religion, which makes them harder to {{icon|conversion}} convert and {{icon|assimilation}} assimilate. Such a territory where the '''Dominant Religion is not State Religion''' gets the following modifiers:
There are 8 omens to choose from, which all give a positive effect:
* {{icon|conversion}} {{red|-25%}} Pop Conversion Speed
* {{icon|assimilation}} {{red|-10%}} Pop Assimilation Speed
* {{icon|demotion}} {{green|+5%}} Pop Demotion Speed

{| class="mildtable"
== State religion happiness ==
! Omen
! Effect
{{icon|state religion happiness}} '''State Religion Happiness''' modifiers are applied to all pops of the state religion, regardless of what religions the pantheon deities are of. Unlike with {{icon|integrated culture happiness}} integrated cultures, there is no base state religion happiness modifier, though modifiers from other sources can still add up to a significant amount that makes conquering provinces with the same religion significantly easier.
! Description
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
| Blessing of War
! Type
| Discipline: {{green|+2.5%}}
! Modifier
| ''Call upon the gods, to fill our soldiers with the fury of war incarnate!''
! {{icon|state religion happiness}} State Religion Happiness
| Blessing of Vigor
| rowspan=2 | [[Government]]
| National Manpower: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|government}} ''[[Government#Monarchy_governments|Theocratic Monarchy]]'' government form
| ''Beseech the powers that be to inspire the young men of our realm to take up arms.''
| {{green|+10%}}
| Blessing of Wisdom
| {{icon|government}} ''[[Government#Republican_governments|Theocratic Republic]]'' government form
| Research Points: {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+10%}}
| ''We ask for the wisdom and insight needed to bring our country beyond the capabilities of any other.''
| Blessing of Wealth
|rowspan="4"| [[Inventions]]
| National Tax: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|invention}} ''Zero'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''Devote ourselves to the worship for wealth - hopefully it will inspire our loyal men and women to dig deep.''
| {{green|+6%}}
| Blessing of Eloquence
| {{icon|invention}} ''Shorthand Writing'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| Aggressive Expansion Change: {{green|-0.025}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| ''The fickle aspect of oratory, with silver tongue and silken speech, shall imbue us with the power to inspire the minds of our country.''
| Blessing of Commerce
| {{icon|invention}} ''Proscribed Canon'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| National Commerce Income: {{green|+10%}}
| {{green|+3%}}
| ''Call upon divine powers, to loosen the purse-strings of foreign merchants throughout our lands.''
| Blessing of Peace
| {{icon|invention}} ''Stoicism'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| National Unrest: {{green|-1}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| ''Make prayer to the god of peace and concord, that we might live in a time of rest.''
| Blessing of Love
| [[Buildings]]
| National Population Growth: {{green|+0.1%}}
| {{icon|temple}} ''Great Temple'' ([[city]])
| ''Send out our young men and women to dance in the light of the moon, invoking the blessing of love and family upon our people.''
| {{green|+10%}}
===Omen power===
The effects of an Omen are strengthened by {{icon|omen power}}''Omen Power'', which can be increased in various ways.
{| class="mildtable"
! Type
| [[Trade goods]]
! Scenario
| {{icon|incense}} ''Incense'' (Capital bonus)
! Omen Power
| {{green|+5%}}
| rowspan=2 | State
| Religious Unity
| {{green|+1%}} per point
| Religious Faction in power
|rowspan="2"| [[Laws]]
| {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|law}} ''Traditional Observance'' ([[Republic]])
| {{green|+4%}}
| [[Technology|Technology level]]
| {{icon|law}} ''Avoid Religious Mandates'' ({{flag|Rome|0}} [[Rome|Roman]] [[Republic]])
| Religious field
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+2.5%}} per level
| rowspan=5 | [[Technology#Inventions|Invention]]
| rowspan=2 | Religion
| ''Hierarchical Haruspication''
| {{icon|rel}} ''[[Druidic]]''
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| ''Legendary Foundation''
| {{icon|rel}} ''[[Megalithic]]''
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| ''Expanded Religious Holidays''
|rowspan="10"| [[Religion#Pantheons|Deities]]
| {{green|+5%}}
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Belinus'' ([[Druidic]] deity)
| rowspan="10" |
* {{green|+4%}} without owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
* {{green|+5%}} with owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
| ''Proscribed Canon''
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Zeus Naios'' ({{flag|Epirus|0}} [[Epirus|Epirote]] [[Hellenic]] deity)
| {{green|+5%}}
| ''Translated Symbology''
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Demeter Potnia'' ({{flag|Athens|0}} [[Athens|Athenian]] [[Hellenic]] deity)
| {{green|+10%}}
| [[National_ideas|Idea]]
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Helios'' ([[Hellenic]] deity)
| ''Mandated Observance''
| {{green|+20%}}
| rowspan=3 | Character
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Apollo Didymaios'' ({{flag|Syracusae|0}} [[Syracusae|Syracusan]] [[Hellenic]] deity)
| Attribute value of<br />[[Augur]] [[Government#Republics|republic]] office<br />[[High Priest]] [[Government#Monarchies|monarchy]] and [[Government#Tribal|tribal]] office
| {{green|+2%}} per {{icon|rel}}''[[Zeal]]''
| rowspan=2 | [[Characters#Personality_traits|personality trait]] of ruler
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Sol'' (Italic [[Hellenic]] deity)
| {{green|+5%}} if ''Devout''
| {{red|-5%}} if ''Lapsed''
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Ataecina'' ([[Iberic]] deity)
| rowspan=4 | [[Laws#Republic_.28Roman_version.29|Roman law]]
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Horus'' ([[Kemetic]] deity)
| ''Priestly Status'' (republic)
| {{green|+10%}}
| ''Lex Ogulnia'' (roman)
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Ameretat'' ([[Zoroastrian]] deity)
| {{green|+10%}}
| ''Religious Status Law'' (tribal)
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] ''Mithra'' ([[Zoroastrian]] deity)
| {{green|+10%}}
| ''Ban Human Sacrifice'' (tribal)
|rowspan="15"| [[Religion#Pantheons|Omens]]
| {{red|-15%}}
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Sila Parami'' ([[Buddhist]] deity)
| rowspan="15" |
* {{green|+12%}} per {{icon|omen power}} '''100%''' [[omen power]] without owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
===Omen names===
* {{green|+15%}} per {{icon|omen power}} '''100%''' [[omen power]] with owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
Different religions have different names and descriptions of the omens. This is purely flavor, and does not change the omens' effect in any way. The names of the gods might also differ for different cultures following the same religion.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
! Other god names
| Blessing of Ares
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Marduk'' ([[Chaldean]] deity)
| ''The god of war will infuse our men with the strength and discipline of the ages. With our soldiers struggling ever harder to live up to his ideals, we are all but certain to win our wars.''
''The god was well known for his destructive, chaotic nature, and how he revels in slaughter and battle. He is often portrayed as a lover for Aphrodite, and as a rival to Athena. He is often at a loss against the latter, being outwitted and crushed by the smarter and more logical goddess.''
|rowspan="2"| Mars (Latin group)<br/>Laran (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Mars (Roman)
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Eki'' (Aquitani [[Druidic]] deity)
| ''The patron god of Rome will inspire and bless our men with the strength to take on any enemy, for as long as our people remain faithful. With Mars at our side, our soldiers are sure to fight harder than ever before. After all, who would want to act shameful in front of a god?''
''Mars has been the patron god of Rome since time immemorial. From the Field of Mars and the many shrines and temples dedicated to the god's honor, to the stories of his sons Remulus and Romulus who founded the city; Mars is one of the most important gods in our pantheon.''
| Blessing of Apollo
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Zeus Ammon'' (Serapis Cult [[Hellenic]] deity)
| ''The visions and prophecies of the god of Light will inspire our young men to take up arms and fight for our nation. With the young ready to participate in our wars, we will have more potential soldiers than we have had in a long time.''
''He is the god of the arts, light and medicine, and also a skilled archer like his twin sister. It is said the Oracles of Delphi and Delos receive visions from the god, foretelling both tragedies and blessings to their many visitors.''
| Apulu (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Athena
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Apollo Aktiakos'' ({{flag|Epirus|0}} [[Epirus|Epirote]] [[Hellenic]] deity)
| ''The blessing of the goddess of wisdom will inspire our artists and craftsmen in their search for knowledge. With these great insights, we are sure to be able to progress and compete with our enemies and neighbors.''
''Rumors says the goddess once hailed from Libya, but now she is fully a part of the Hellenic pantheon and plays an important role as the goddess of wisdom, crafts and war. Unlike her male counterpart, she is usually seen as a patron for more tactical and strategic type of warfare, and they are known for opposing each other at Troy and in many other famous battles.''
''Athena is the patron of the city of Athens, with the largest temple dedicated in her honor, standing in its acropolis.''
| Minerva (Latin group)<br/>Menrva (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Hades
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Telephos'' (Aeolian [[Hellenic]] deity)
| ''We beseech the god of the Underworld to open his coffers for our cause, and bless our people with his wealth. With all these minerals and newfound wealth, our society is sure to prosper for a long time to come.''
''The great Lord of the Underworld is the oldest of three, but he lost both the Skies and Seas to his two younger brothers, left behind with only the souls of the dead and the realm named in his honor. As well as being the caretaker of the dead, he is known for his wealth and access to the minerals of the earth.''
''There are many stories of the heroes who travel down to his realm to rescue someone, several of those leading to tragedies akin to Orpheus. Most Hellenics do not fear the god, as he is not vengeful nor actively seeks the death of mortals. After all, why bother when all living things will end up in his hands anyway?''
| Pluto (Latin group)<br/>Aita (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Zeus
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Rhea'' (Cretan [[Hellenic]] deity)
| ''The god of the heavens blesses our advances on the battlefield, justifying our cause with his presence. With this deity siding with our cause, our battle-tired people are sure to be ready to pick up the tools of war once more.''
''Though he was the youngest of his siblings, he was the only to not be eaten by his father, and eventually rose up to overthrow the old pantheon. As the one most capable, he was given the realm of the skies, and became the foremost of the pantheon of gods.''
''There are innumerable stories of how the deity came down the realm of men, infatuated with one mortal or another, eventually leading to the heroes of old being born. Though he is known for his raging temper and insatiable lust, he is the most respected deity of the pantheon in most regions of the Hellenic world.''
| Jupiter (Latin group)<br/>Tinia (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Hermes
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Cels'' (Etruscan [[Hellenic]] deity)
| ''The messenger of the gods will open up trade in all kinds of nations to our goods and merchants, ensuring that commerce will flow freely in our favor. With our traders aided by the Trickster himself, our people are sure to prosper from this wealth.''
''The messenger of the gods is known as a trickster and prankster, even from a young age trying to trick his older brother Apollo. He is the patron god of travelers, thieves and trade, as well as the psychopomp of the Hellenic world; guiding the souls of the dead to the Underworld and afterlife.''
| Mercury (Latin group)<br/>Turms (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Tyche
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Vishwanath'' ([[Hindu]] deity)
| ''Our people will live safely with the knowledge that we have the blessing of the goddess of Fortune on our side. After all, who better to protect our people than the one who decides Fate itself?''
''As the patron goddess of fortune and prosperity, she is often thanked and cursed for unexplained happenstances, based on the outcome for the person in question. Lately a cult dedicated in her honor has sprung up around the Mediterranean, which believes that it can twist the fortunes of the goddess to their favor.''
| Fortuna (Latin group)<br/>Nortia (Etruscan)
| Blessing of Demeter
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Endouellicus'' ([[Iberic]] deity)
| ''We will ask she of the Grain to bless our harvest and ensure the food necessary for our people to grow and expand. As the goddess looks down upon us with favor, our harvests are sure to grow safely for many years to come, putting an end to devastation and bad harvests.''
''As the patron goddess of agriculture, harvest and fertility, she plays an important day to day role in Hellenic societies; cultures rising and falling with her favor. Several festivals are held in her honor all across the Mediterranean world, often portraying the tragic loss of her daughter to the god of the Underworld.''
''In the city of Eleusis, there is a mystery cult dedicated in her honor, where some say they go through the same experiences of loss and rebirth as the goddess once did searching for her child. ''
| Ceres (Latin group)<br/>Cels (Etruscan)
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Anhur
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Arghya Ritual'' ([[Jain]] deity)
| ''With his blessing, our men will show as little mercy as the 'Slayer of Enemies' does. The blessing of Anhur will strengthen the discipline of our soldiers, and make them able to deliver the victories we seek.''
''Anhur has been the patron of the Egyptian armies for a long time, and he is in many ways the personification of the strength of Egypt. The Greeks equates the great god with their own warrior god Ares.''
| Blessing of Resheph
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Samuel'' ([[Jewish]] deity)
| ''Men from all across our lands will come together under the blessing of Resheph. With these newfound men flocking to our banners, we are sure to be able to win more wars, as we will never run out of soldiers to throw at our enemies.''
''Though Resheph originally came the lands of the Canaanites, he has been thoroughly embraced in our own faith. Once a god concerned with plagues and diseases, he has come to be the patron of chariots and horses.''
| Blessing of Ptah
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Khaldi'' ([[Khaldic]] deity)
| ''With Ptah steering the hands of our craftsmen, they will be able to gain wisdom and insight that they could otherwise not aspire to.''
''Ptah was once the one who created life, and thereby all mortals, himself. He has a well known cult in his honor, and has often played an important role to the royal family itself.''
''The Phoenicians and Canaanites are known for calling the god Kothar when he is worshiped in their lands.''
| Blessing of Anubis
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Saulia'' ([[Matrist]] deity)
| ''The great protector of tombs and guide of souls will bring the wealth of the nation into our hands. With newfound prosperity and wealth, our people are sure to see grow and expand like never before.''
''Anubis is well known as the guide of souls, as well as a guardian of graves and the dead themselves. Lately, some of the Macedonians have started referring to the god as Hermanubis, combining the old god with that of the Greek Hermes.''
| Blessing of Amun
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} ''Guidance of the Sun'' ([[Ritualistic]] deity)
| ''Amun will bless and justify our nation with his presence, granting us leave to expand as we will. Though the most battle-weary tire of our long wars, even they will be convinced with the aid of this deity.''
''Amun has recently become more popular among both the neighboring tribes as well as the Greeks in Cyrenaica and overseas. This became particularly notable after the great conqueror Alexander paused his campaigns against the Persians to travel all the way to the oracle in Siwah to receive his blessing.''
''Some Macedonians have started calling him Zeus Ammon, combining the god with their Greek Zeus.''
| Blessing of Hathor
| Governor Traits
| ''The great sky goddess Hathor will bless our traders and merchants with resources aplenty, foreign goods and fruitful new contacts. With wealth in their hands, our merchants are sure to be able to expand their operations and bring even greater treasures back home.''
| {{icon|zealous}} ''Zealous''
| {{green|+2.5%}}
''Though she lives and resides in foreign lands, we still worship and ask Hathor for her guidance. She is well known as the consort and mother of several important gods, and has seen worship for her many different gifts: music, dance, joy, sexuality, femininity and the light of the sun itself.''
''The Hellenics often compare her to their own Hera.''
| Blessing of Horus
| rowspan="5" | [[Heritages]]
| ''Horus looks down upon our people and grant us his blessing, and peace will once more envelop our lands. With the god himself protecting our nation, only the most resentful will continue their troublesome ways.''
| {{flag|Egypt|0}} ''Heritage of Ptolemaios'' ([[Egypt]])
| {{green|+10%}}
''Once a patron deity of the city of Nekhen, Horus has grown to become one of the most important gods in the pantheon. Known as a sky god, it is said he is responsible for the sun, the skies and the moon, and he is the god of Egypt itself.''
''There are many stories of the struggles between Horus and his brother Set, the patron of the desert. In later times, Horus has often been equated with the Greek Apollo.''
| Blessing of Isis
| {{flag|Cyrenaica|0}} ''Cyrenaican Heritage'' ([[Cyrenaica]])
| ''The great goddess Isis will bless our people with fertility and harvest unlike any seen before. We will finally be able to put the years of famine behind us and watch our people once more grow to be strong and healthy.''
| {{green|+10%}}
''Isis is one of the most well known of the goddesses, and she has been shared and taken in by some of our neighbors as well. Cults and devotees have sprung up in her honor all across the Hellenic world, and she has become a part of their pantheons.''
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Anat
| ''Religious State heritage'' (Mission created)
| ''The wild warrior goddess will fight alongside our men, guiding their hands in battle and fortifying their morale. Anat is known for her brutal slaughter of her enemies; we are more likely to win our wars with her at our side.''
| {{green|+10%}}
''As a war goddess, Anat was well known among many Canaanite cultures along the Levant. She played an important role in avenging her brother and lover Ba'al after his supposed death at the hands of Mot.''
| Blessing of El
| {{flag|Iberia|0}} ''Iberian Heritage'' ([[Iberia]])
| ''All the young men will flock to our banners under the guidance of the supreme god. We are sure to be able to win our wars now that we have a higher number of potential recruits than before.''
| {{green|+5%}}
''At the head of the pantheon, El is the first among equals as far as most are concerned. He is the king and father of most deities, and is the creator of the land.''
| Blessing of Kothar
| {{flag|Delphi|0}} ''Delphic Heritage'' ([[Delphi]])
| ''The great knowledge of Kothar-wa-Khasis will shine down upon our craftsmen, blessing with them insight. As we progress forward under his guidance, we are sure to be able to compete with our neighbors and move beyond the capabilities of our enemies.''
| {{green|+5%}}

''Kothar is well known as the patron of metalworking and magic, having made many notable weapons and gifts to the other deities with his unique skills. Stories say even the Egyptians learnt of the god, and named him Ptah in their own language.''
== Pop Conversion ==
| Blessing of Melqart
<section begin=conversion_body/>{{icon|conversion}} In every [[Territories|territory]], a single pop can undergo '''conversion''' to the state religion at a time, as long as there are any pops in that territory that can convert and are not otherwise busy (e.g. assimilating or promoting). Outside of events, pops will always convert to the state religion. Conversion progress builds each month, with the exact progress determined by the sum of all {{icon|conversion}} '''Pop Conversion Speed''' modifiers. Once progress reaches 100%, the pop will be converted to the state religion and another pop will begin to convert, if there are any other pops that can be converted. The speed of conversion is influenced by many factors, particularly the [[File:Policy religious conversion.png|28px]] Religious Conversion [[governor policy]] and the dominant province {{icon|culture}} [[culture]] and {{icon|religion}} religion being different from the state culture and religion. Note that it is possible for conversion to be completely stalled
| ''The great wandering Lord Melqart will bring wealth to all our realm. With greater riches comes greater prosperity for our people; ensuring our security for the time being.''

''Even though the god was originally the patron god of the Phoenician city Tyre, he has become well known all across the Phoenician world, as well as with all their trading partners and relations.''
All else being equal, it is generally preferable to convert pops to the state religion, though the differences in happiness are much less than with unintegrated [[culture]] or culture group pops and can be ameliorated by adopting deities of the pop's religion in the pantheon (though this will necessarily come at the expense of the happiness of pops of other religions), which generally makes conversion less important than [[assimilation]]. Under some circumstances it may also be beneficial to retain pops of other religions in order to have continued access to their deities, though the strong effects of religious unity on {{icon|omen power}} omen power means that it is still generally undesirable to have too many other pops of a non-state religion.<section end=conversion_body/>
| Blessing of Ba'al
| ''The great Ba'al will justify our expansion into enemy lands, and secure the continued success of such campaigns. There are some who have tired of war, this blessing will convince them of the necessity of continued warfare.''

''As the patron of harvests, storms, weather and sailors, the Great Ba'al is the most worshiped of our deities. In times of struggle and need, Ba'al is the deity who brings salvation and aid.''
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
| Blessing of Dagon
! Type
| ''Dagon will provide our merchants with lavish amounts of resources to trade. With his aid, our traders see greater abundance and they are sure to be able to expand their operations and continue their pursuit of wealth for a long time to come.''
! Modifier
! {{icon|conversion}} Pop Conversion Speed
''Known to the Greeks as Zeus Arotrios, Dagon is the Father of Ba'al and a fertility god in his own right.''
| Blessing of Shapash
|rowspan="6"| [[Population|Pop]]
| ''The justice of Shapash will shine down upon our nation like the sun, blessing our people with peace and integrity. Under her scrutiny, only the most unruly of people will continue their struggle against our society, and we will finally put an end to any internal threat.''
| {{icon|nobles}} [[Noble]]
| {{green|+0.40}}
''As one of the daughters of El, she is known as a sun goddess and a judge among gods. Her justice decides the faith of other gods, and can hinder their actions if necessary.''
| Blessing of Astarte
| {{icon|citizens}} [[Citizen]]
| ''Our people will grow and expand under the loving eye of the goddess. With her blessing over our people, our young ones are sure to grow up healthy, and our harvests will be abundant for many years to come.''
| {{green|+0.60}}
''Astarte is known as a fertility goddess all across Phoenician lands, occasionally celebrated together with the healing god Eshmun. The Greeks often compare her to their Aphrodite.''
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Pleistoros
| {{icon|freemen}} [[Freemen]]
| ''We will sacrifice slaves to the god of war, strengthening the morale of our men in battle. With Pleistoros at our side, we are certain to win our wars and ascertain victory in many wars to come.''
| {{green|+0.60}}
| Blessing of Sabazios
| {{icon|slaves}} [[Slaves]]
| ''Many of our young men will be inspired by the great horseman, and flock to our banners to fight for our land and faith. With all these recruits, there will be no problem finding men to fight in our wars in the foreseeable future.''
| {{green|+0.60}}
| Blessing of Zalmoxis
| {{icon|tribesmen}} [[Tribesmen]]
| ''The true seer Zalmoxis will grant us the wisdom and insight we need to move our people forward. With this newfound knowledge we can compete with our neighbors and enemies, using newly crafted artifacts of war.''
| {{green|+0.40}}
| Blessing of Derzelas
| {{icon|culture}} Non Integrated Culture
| ''The god of the underworld will grant us the abundance we need to protect our people. This newfound wealth will usher in an era of prosperity and safety.''
| {{red|-20%}}
| Blessing of Zibelthiurdos
|rowspan="4"| [[Technology#Inventions|Inventions]]
| ''Our people move forward with the knowledge that Zibelthiurdos supports the expansion our nation. With our people certain in the god's aid, they will ready their weapons for war once more.''
| {{icon|invention}} Formulaic Worship ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| {{green|+0.5}}
* {{green|+15.00%}}
| Blessing of Bassareus
| {{icon|invention}} Religious Assimilation ({{icon|finesse}} Civic Invention)
| ''Our traders and merchants will be blessed with an abundance of trade goods by the god. With wealth in their hands, the merchants are sure to expand their operations and bring greater opulence back home.''
| {{green|+10.00%}}
| Blessing of Bendis
| {{icon|invention}} Ban Witchcraft ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''Our people will be happy with the blessings of the hunter goddess, pacifying our lands and providing for our people. With our homes finally calm from dissenters and danger, we can start focusing our resources outwards towards foreign enemies.''
| {{green|+5.00%}}
| Blessing of Semele
| {{icon|invention}} Major Syncretism ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''We offer up our worship to the great mother earth in hope that she will bless our harvests and young ones, so they can see life. With her blessing over our people, we are certain to grow and expand safely for a long time to come.''
| {{red|-90.00%}}
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Nane
|rowspan="4"| [[Territories]]
| ''We ask for the wise Nane to bless our soldiers with discipline in battle, so we can win our wars and protect our nation. With her at our side, we are certain our men will be inspired to go to greater lengths than any have before.''
| {{icon|capital}} [[State|Nation]] capital
| {{green|+20%}}
| Blessing of Mihr
| {{icon|road}} [[Buildings#Roads|Road Network]] in Territory
| ''With light and truth at our side, the blessing of Mihr will inspire our young men to defend our lands from foreign enemies. As they flock to our banners, there will be more recruits than we will possibly need for quite some time.''
| {{green|+2.5%}} for each outgoing road
| Blessing of Tir
| [[File:Policy cultural assimilation.png|28px]] Dominant Culture is not Integrated Culture
| ''We beseech the mystical Tir to bless our artists and craftsmen with gifts of knowledge and insight. Having been granted this gift of wisdom, our country will flourish like never before.''
| {{red|-10%}}
| Blessing of Vahagn
| {{icon|rel|28px}} Dominant Religion is not State Religion
| ''We offer up our worship to Vahagn in the hope that he will protect our nation. With his protection, we will be able to gather together the wealth of our people and expand into greater prosperity than before.''
| {{red|-25%}}
| Blessing of Aramazd
| rowspan="2"| [[Buildings]]
| ''The great Aramazd will stand by our people as we expand into foreign territory for the glory of our gods. Our people will accept the necessities of war, as few can oppose the will of the gods.''
| {{icon|temple}} Great Temple ([[city]])
| {{green|+2.00}}
| Blessing of Tsovinar
| {{icon|library}} Library ([[city]])
| ''We ask the ferocious Tsovinar to protect our merchants as they travel the seas, seeking fortune for our people. When such faraway wealth is brought home our people is sure to prosper in abundance.''
| {{green|+2.5%}}
| Blessing of Anahit
| [[Great wonder]]s
| ''We hope the caring Anahit will bless our nation with protection for our young, her followers live comfortably with the knowledge that their children can now be brought to the world safely.''
| [[File:Gw effect culture expansion.png|28px]] Expanding Culture effect
| {{green|+10%}} per Tier
| Blessing of Spandaramet
| [[Province#Governor_policies|Governor policies]]
| ''Spandaramet will bring newfound life to our harvests, securing food and supplies for our people. As the goddess of death, we ask her to give us a respite from her powers so we can grow and expand once more.''
| [[File:Policy religious conversion.png|28px]] Religious Conversion
| {{green|+3.00}} per {{icon|finesse}} 10 finesse of the [[governor]], plus a base of {{green|+0.30}}
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Gilgamesh
|rowspan="3"| [[Laws]]
| ''The ancient king and god Gilgamesh will stand by our soldiers, empowering them with his discipline and bravery. With his support, our men will be sure to bring victory to our people.''
| {{icon|law}} Religious Conversion ([[Monarchy]])
| {{green|+0.25}}
* {{green|+30%}}
| Blessing of Ishtar
| {{icon|law}} Deny Priests in Senate ([[Republic]])
| ''The queen of heaven will inspire our young men to pick up arms for the nation, to fight for what is right. With these new recruits, our army is sure to swell to new heights for many years to come.''
| {{green|+20%}}
| Blessing of Enki
| {{icon|law}} Lex Aeila et Fufia ({{flag|Rome|0}} [[Rome|Roman]] [[Republic]])
| ''Offerings will be made to Enki, hoping he will teach our scholars and wisemen hidden wisdom and magic. Our people are sure to benefit from his aid in the next years to come.''
| {{green|+20%}}
| Blessing of Marduk
| [[#List_of_religions|Religions]]
| ''We beseech the great Marduk to help our people rise as the Babylonians once did, and to grow wealthy and strong with his teachings.''
| {{icon|rel|28px}} [[Buddhist]]
| {{green|+30%}}
| Blessing of An
|rowspan="5"| [[Religion#Pantheons|Deities]]
| ''The supreme god, our sky father and progenitor, will bless our expansion into hostile lands. Only our most ardent adversaries will oppose us now that we have the Sky Father on our side.''
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] Zeus Ammon (Serapis Cult [[Hellenic]] deity)
| rowspan="3" |
* {{green|+5%}} without owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
* {{green|+6.25%}} with owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
| Blessing of Enlil
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] Esther ([[Jewish]] deity)
| ''Father Enlil will protect and care for our merchants wherever they travel, ensuring their pursuit for wealth will be a success. With their newfound riches, they are sure to expand their trade networks and become even more affluential.''
| Blessing of Shamash
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] Saulia ([[Matrist]] deity)
| ''With Shamash at our side any conflicts and disagreements will surely be quelled and resolved rapidly, as the god of Justice will know what is right and wrong. Only our most resentful rivals and foes will continue their strife and animosity after we have received the blessing of Shamash.''
| Blessing of Tammuz
| {{icon|apotheosis}} Deified Ruler in Pantheon
| ''We will ask the ancient Tammuz to guide our shepherds and bless our harvest with life, so it will grow strong for many years to come. Our crops are sure to flourish, and our people expand, as we receive the aid of the god.''
| {{green|+15%}} per Deified Ruler
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Theispas
| {{icon|pantheon}} Mismatching Pantheon Deity Religion
| ''Our men will be inspired by Theispas himself, their discipline and morale infused with the strength of storms. As our soldiers struggles for supremacy against our enemies, we are certain to win more victories than ever before.''
| {{red|-20%}} per Mismatching Deity
| Blessing of Shivini
|rowspan="4"| [[Religion#Pantheons|Omens]]
| ''All our young men will flock to our banners as we call upon Shivini to shine his light down upon our armies. With our armies swelling with new recruits, we are sure to have the manpower needed for ours wars for quite some time.''
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} Trapusa and Bahalika ([[Buddhist]] deity)
| rowspan="4" |
* {{green|+10%}} per {{icon|omen power}} '''100%''' [[omen power]] without owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
* {{green|+12.5%}} per {{icon|omen power}} '''100%''' [[omen power]] with owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
| Blessing of Arubani
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} Intarabus (Treverian [[Druidic]] deity)
| ''The wife of the Supreme god will light the path for our scholars and wisemen in their search for wisdom. As our academics bring home this gift of wisdom, they are sure to work more effectively into making the technological advances our people have been looking for.''
| Blessing of Epaninaue
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} Eacus ([[Iberic]] deity)
| ''We beseech the goddess of the land to grant us rich minerals and aid us in our pursuit for more wealth. As our people bring together untold riches, we are sure to be able to bring prosperity and benefits of our whole society.''
| Blessing of Khaldi
| {{icon|omen power|28px}} Zoroaster ([[Zoroastrian]] deity)
| ''The supreme god, foremost of them all, will bless our people as we expand across the lands. With Khaldi himself at our side, our people will certainly set their misgivings aside, and pick up their weapons for our nation once more. ''
| Blessing of Dsvininaue
| [[National ideas]]
| ''We ask the goddess of the sea and rivers to protect our merchants as they travel the lands in pursuance of their duties. With Dsvininaue aiding our traders, we hope see their skills and trade networks flourish, bringing home wealth and riches.''
| [[File:Idea proselytism.png|28px]] Institutional Proselytism
| {{green|+20%}}
| Blessing of Bagvarti
|rowspan="2"| [[Heritages]]
| ''The wife of the supreme god will bring peace and prosperity to our nation, resolving the conflicts of our countrymen. Only fools would dare opposte the great Bagvarti and her justice, and dissenters are sure to put down their weapons and leave their resentment behind as we move forward.''
| {{flag|Nabatea|0}} Nabatean Heritage ([[Nabatea]])
| {{red|-5%}}
| Blessing of Huba
| {{flag|Judea|0}} Judean Heritage ([[Judea]])
| ''The mother of all living will bring life and prosperity to our nation, ensuring our harvests and safe childbirths. With her blessing, we are sure to see an end to the years of desolation and for our young ones to grow up safe and healthy.''
| {{red|-25%}}

== Pantheons ==
{{icon|pantheon}} Every nation has a '''state pantheon''' consisting of four deities (also called '''prophets''', '''yazatas''', or '''paradigms''', depending on the religion), one for each category: '''War''', '''Culture''', '''Economy''', and '''Fertility'''. Every nation can select from a fixed list of their religion's deities to fill the slots, with some deities available to all countries of that religion and some with stricter requirements such as culture, tag, or finishing a certain [[mission]] task. In addition, polytheistic nations can also select deities from other polytheistic religions if they own that deity's {{icon|holy site}} holy site, or a high enough percentage of their pops follows a given religion. The percentage required depends on the deity's rarity: '''Very Common''' deities require '''5%''' of the nation's total pops to follow the deity's religion, '''Common''' deities require '''10%''', '''Rare''' deities require '''20%''', and '''Very Rare''' deities require '''40%'''.

Every deity that is not part of the state religion gives a stacking {{icon|conversion}} {{red| −20%}} conversion speed malus for all pops in the nation (regardless of whether or not their gods are currently represented in the pantheon).
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Agdistis
| ''The wild, and androgynous, god Agdistis will bring our men and warriors into battle with their frenzy. With the god at our side, our people will be undefeatable in battle.''
| Blessing of Sabazios
| ''The Thracian god Sabazios will inspire our young men to pick up their weapons and fight for their nation. With more soldiers at the ready, we are more likely to see victory against our enemies.''
| Blessing of the Dactyl
| ''We offer up our sacrifices to the ten Dactyls, hoping they will bless our craftsmen with their knowledge and insight. As we move forward, we hope this wisdom will help our society compete with the enemies at our borders, and protect our friends and allies.''
| Blessing of Dindymene
| ''This face of the great mother will help us gather together the resources of the nation, strengthening our capabilities. With newfound prosperity in our hands, we are sure to be able to expand efficiently.''
| Blessing of Cybele
| ''The mother of our people approves of our plans to expand our empire and bring more people into the fold. Under the guiding eyes of Cybele, only the most fatigued of our people will oppose more wars.''
| Blessing of Kakasbos
| ''We offer up our worship to the Lycian Kakasbos, hoping for his blessing in keeping our merchants safe as they travel the world. In their pursuit of wealth, our traders are sure to bring home more riches to our communities.''
| Blessing of Men
| ''We ask the lunar god to bless our people with safety and protection. Under his watchful eye, the dissenters will be quelled.''
| Blessing of Attis
| ''The castrated Attis will spread his blood across our harvest and bless it with a growth unlike any seen before. As the harvests flourish from his gift, we are certain to see our people grow greatly once more.''

Each deity has a fixed '''passive modifier''' which is in effect as long as that deity is part of the pantheon. Additionally, every 5 years (adjusted by the {{icon|omen duration}} '''Omen Duration''' modifier) one can invoke an '''omen''' from one of the pantheon's deities, which confers an additional, usually more powerful, bonus. The current omen's effects are multiplied by the nation's current {{icon|omen power}} '''Omen Power''', with the base effects being reached at '''100%''' Omen Power - note that omen power is uncapped and often will rise above 100% as the game progresses. Owning the deity's {{icon|holy site}} holy site increases the effect of both its passive and omen modifiers (if enabled) by '''25%'''.

Switching a deity in the pantheon costs a base of {{icon|stability}} {{red|−15}} stability and prevents that deity's omen from being invoked for '''3''' years. The stability penalty is temporarily reduced by {{green|-75%}} for 10 years after converting to another religion, through the {{icon|change deity cost}} '''Cost to Change Pantheon Deity''' modifier. Deities whose omens are currently being invoked cannot be replaced.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Taranis
| ''Our men need to stand firm in the face of adversity, knowing that the god of the sky looks at our cause with favor. With his blessing and aid, our people are sure to win against enemies and neighbors as we struggle for supremacy.''

''Taranis is one of the Sacred Triad, together with Esus and Toutatis, and well known as a god of thunder. When meeting with the Latin traders and merchants from the Italian Peninsula, the god is often interpreted as their Jupiter.''
Each deity and its requirements and bonuses are listed on the page of the religion it belongs to.
| Blessing of Toutatis
| ''The protector of the tribe will inspire our men to take up arms and fight for the tribe in times of need. With all these new potential recruits, we are sure to be able to bring more men to war than we have had the potential of doing in a long time.''

''Toutatis is one of the three in the Sacred Triad, together with Esus and Taranis, and well known as a war god. In addition he is usually seen as a great protector of the tribes, taking up a more defensive role than many of the war gods in other nations. Often interpreted as the Roman Mars, though the two have fairly different natures.''
=== Omen power ===
The following modifiers increase {{icon|omen power}} Omen Power:
{| class="mildtable"
| Blessing of Gobannus
! Type
| ''The patron of smiths will bring us the knowledge and technology required to advance our society beyond our current limitations. As we surpass our ancestors, we are sure to be able to compete with our neighbors and enemies.''
! Scenario
! {{icon|omen power}} Omen Power
| Blessing of Cernunnos
| rowspan=4 | Government
| ''We beseech the Horned god to share some of the wealth he carries with our people. With newfound wealth in our hands, our people are sure to prosper for a long time to come.''
| {{icon|government}} ''[[Government#Monarchy_governments|Theocratic Monarchy]]'' government form
| {{green|+15%}}
''Cernunnos is the Caretaker of the Dead, and a god of life, animals and wealth. Despite his somewhat wild look and element of death, the god is usually seen as peaceful and an important part of the pantheon.''
| Blessing of Ogmios
| {{icon|government}} ''[[Government#Monarchy_governments|Imperial Cult]]'' government form
| ''Ogmios binds our people to his cause, and justifies the necessary actions of his followers. As our people are convinced of the necessities of the wars we have taken part in, they will be more willing to take up arms for future battles as well.''
| {{green|+15%}}
''The great warrior hero Ogmios is known for his many travels across our lands, binding the people he meets to his causes. In addition he is known as a psychopomp, guiding the souls of the dead to the afterlife. Often interpreted as the Roman Hercules or Greek Herakles, though the hero stories are different to one another.''
| Blessing of Lugus
| {{icon|government}} ''[[Government#Republican_governments|Theocratic Republic]]'' government form
| ''The three-faces of the god will bring us affluence and implore traders from far and wide to open their coffers for our goods. As our merchants are aided by the great god, our people are sure to see more wealth passing through our realm.''
| {{green|+15%}}
''As one of the primary gods of our faith, Lugus plays an important role when it comes to the arts, as well as being considered a composite of the Sacred Triad; Taranis, Toutatis and Esus. Occasionally interpreted as the Roman Mercury despite their differences.''
| Blessing of Icovellauna
| {{icon|traditionalists}} ''Traditionalists Faction'' in power ([[Republic]])
| ''The rivers of the earth will be guided such as to provide for our people, and bring peace and prosperity to those who follow the goddess. With the deity at our side, only the most troublesome of dissenters will continue causing problems in our society, letting us focus more of our attention outwards to the enemies at our borders.''
| {{green|+10%}}
| Blessing of Rosmerta
| rowspan=2 | Religion
| ''The goddess of Fertility will bless our people with a bountiful harvest and life for our young ones. As our people are blessed, we are sure to see less of the years of bad harvests and for more of our people to grow up healthy in the years to come.''
| {{icon|rel}} ''Religious Unity''
| {{green|+1%}} per point
''She is the goddess of fertility and abundance, as well as the consort of Lugus.''
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Semnocosus
| {{icon|rel}} ''[[Jewish]]''
| ''Semnocosus will aid and protect our soldiers in war, strengthening their resolve. With our soldiers bolstered by the god himself, we are sure to achieve victory in our wars, and conquer our enemies.''
| {{green|+15%}}
| Blessing of Candamius
| [[National_ideas|Ideas]]
| ''Under the blessing of Candamius our young men and boys will flock to our banners and prepare for war. As our armies are bolstered and strengthened with new recruits, we are sure to have the resources to meet any enemy in battle.''
| [[File:Idea_mandate_observe.png|28px]] ''Mandated Observance''
| {{green|+15%}}
| Blessing of Endouellicus
| [[Military Traditions]]
| ''The visions of Endouellicus and his oracles will guide our wise-men and scholars as they look for greater insights into the unknown. This new wisdom and knowledge will certainly grant our people the boost we need to move forward, and bring benefits to all of us.''
| {{icon|military tradition}} ''Pietas'' ([[Italic traditions|Italic Tribe Traditions]])
| {{green|+15%}}
| Blessing of Dercetius
| rowspan=3 | Offices
| ''We beseech Dercetius to aid us in finding the richest minerals of the earth as we pursuit greater wealth for our nation. With gold and silver in our hands, we are certain to be able to express our wishes more strongly both internally and externally, forcing our enemies to listen to our demands.''
| {{icon|office}} ''[[Government#Offices_2|High Priest]]'' (Monarchy)
| {{green|+3%}} per {{icon|statesmanship}} Statesmanship-adjusted {{icon|rel}} [[Zeal]]
| Blessing of Eacus
| {{icon|office}} ''[[Government#Offices|Augur]]'' (Republic)
| ''We ask the father of the skies to bless our expansion into foreign lands, and infuse our people with the resolve to spread our faith. Though some of our foes at home will try to put an end to our conquest, more people will agree and take our side with the blessing of the god.''
| {{green|+3%}} per {{icon|statesmanship}} Statesmanship-adjusted {{icon|rel}} [[Zeal]]
| Blessing of Melqart
| {{icon|office}} ''[[Government#Offices_3|High Priest]]'' (Tribal)
| ''The wandering Phoenician deity Melqart will protect and aid our merchants as they travel to distant lands. As our traders grow richer, they are certain to bring greater wealth and affluence back home to our nation as well.''
| {{green|+3%}} per {{icon|statesmanship}} Statesmanship-adjusted {{icon|rel}} [[Zeal]]
''Even though the god was originally the patron god of the Phoenician city Tyre, he has become well known all across the Phoenician world, as well as with all their trading partners and relations.''
| Blessing of Ataecina
| rowspan=3 | [[Laws]]
| ''The great goddess of the underworld will bring peace and prosperity to our people, and we will unite in our beliefs going forward. With our people collected under the great goddess' blessing, we are sure to see an end to dissenters and foes fighting our rule.''
| {{icon|law}} ''Priestly Status'' (Republic)
| {{green|+15%}}
| Blessing of the Duillae
| {{icon|law}} ''Lex Ogulnia'' (Roman)
| ''The goddesses of fertility will bless our people and harvest with life, ensuring their safety and growth. With her blessing our crops and young ones are sure to grow strong and healthy for the foreseeable future.''
| {{green|+15%}}
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Predictions of Deborah
| {{icon|law}} ''Adopt Human Sacrifices'' (Tribal)
| ''Just as Deborah were once guided by God to attack the King of Canaan, we must be certain of the battles we wage and not listen to false prophets or take their advice. However, when we are certain that a battle must be fought, our men must engage with strength and discipline so our people will be victorious.''
| {{green|+10%}}
| Children of God
| [[Great wonder]]s
| ''We will call upon all of God's children, be they young or old, to come together and fight in defense of our people. With recruits from all across our nation coming to arms, our forces are sure to be bolstered and strengthened.''
| [[File:Gw effect omen doctrine.png|28px]] ''Omen Observations'' effect
| {{green|+5%}} per Tier
| Visions of Samuel
| [[Technology|Technology level]]
| ''As the great Samuel once led and inspired the people of God, we need to lead our people with wisdom and knowledge. Following the teachings of God, we will move forward with greater insight to the benefit of everyone under our care.''
| {{icon|rel}} ''Religious Advances''
| {{green|+1%}} per level
| Solomon's Wealth
| rowspan=6 | [[Technology#Inventions|Inventions]]
| ''Like great Solomon himself, legendary for his riches and treasures, we will seek the pursuit of wealth. To protect and care for the followers of God, it is important that we have the funding necessary to compete with our neighbors, foes and enemies.''
| {{icon|invention}} ''Major Syncretism'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| {{green|+15%}}
| David's Wisdom
| {{icon|invention}} ''Proscribed Canon'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''Though we do not seek to bring war and famine to our foes, sometimes it is a necessary evil for the sake of our people. In times like these we emulate the wisdom of David himself, so we can knowingly resolve these crises with the best kind of results.''
| {{green|+10%}}
| Foresight of Caleb and Joshua
| {{icon|invention}} ''War Dedication'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''As Caleb and Joshua once saw opportunity where most of their peers only saw adversaries, our people need to try find solutions where others will not. For as long as we have God on our side, and follow his words, we are sure to succeed.''
| {{green|+5%}}
| Guidance of Moses
| {{icon|invention}} ''Hierarchical Haruspication'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''As Moses once guided the people of Israel out of Egypt, we must guide our people with a clear mind, following the words of God. If our rule is to succeed, our people must believe in our power to find the best possible outcome for them, and only then will they calm down and truly follow us.''
| {{green|+2.5%}}
| Isaac's Blessing
| {{icon|invention}} ''Reinterpreted Prodigies'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''Isaac is well known for being blessed by God with children, when nobody believed such a miracle could happen. We will pray to God to receive blessings akin to that, so our people may flourish once more.''
| {{green|+2.5%}}
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Battle the Daevas
| {{icon|invention}} ''Militant Epicureanism'' ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''We will strengthen our soldiers' morale and discipline with the importance of their struggles against evil. Moving forward, we are sure to achieve many victories with the our armies newfound resolve.''
| {{red|-90%}}
''The daevas are evil spirits, sometimes called gods among other cultures, that are to be rejected and fought. Devoid of kindness and trying to lead our people astray, they are false priests and beings of Angra Mainyu.''
| Prayer to Verethragna
| rowspan=4 | Ruler Traits
| ''Our people will recite the Yasht for Verethragna, inspiring them to flock to our banners of victory. With these recent changes, we are sure to have an abundance of recruits to aid us in our wars.''
| {{icon|devout}} ''Devout''
| {{green|+5%}}
''Verethragna is a divinity known for his strength and for his battles against the daeva of Angra Mainyu. Truly a great example for our people to follow, if we want to live up to the expectations of Ahuramazda.''
| Wisdom of the Magi
| {{icon|pious}} ''Pious''
| ''Our wise-men, scholars and academics will look back to the Magi of ages past for ideas and inspiration for how to proceed with their duty. As we move forward, it is important to learn from the lessons of the past, and we will be certain to not make the same mistakes as some of our forefathers did.''
| {{green|+2.5%}}
''The Magi are the priesthood of the Zoroastrian faith, charged with sharing the teachings of Zoroaster. As the ones in charge of teaching and helping the followers of Zoroaster, they play an important role in Zoroastrian society, as both a religious caste and missionaries to neighboring lands.''
| Prayer to Sraosha
| {{icon|skeptical}} ''Skeptical''
| ''We will sway our people with the obedience of Sraosha, and collect their wealth for the betterment of our nation. After gathering all the wealth needed, we will use it to undertake great works and ensure the safety of our people, for the benefit of all.''
| {{red|-5%}}
''Sraosha is known for his obedience and his good deeds, one of the great divinities of our faith. He has set many good precedents for us, the followers of Zoroaster, to follow.''
| Visions of Zoroaster
| {{icon|devout}} ''Lapsed''
| ''Our people will bring to life the visions of Zoroaster, and spread the faith as far as our eyes can see. Who else will stop Angra Mainyu and its daevas?''
| {{red|-10%}}
''Zoroaster was the first to be taught the truth of the world, and a prophet of Vohu Manah. From the moment he had his revelation, he spread the word of the good purpose and truth of things, as well as free will. He has been instrumental in instilling our religion into the Persian sphere of influence, lasting for more than a millenia.''
| Prayer to Mithra
| rowspan=3 | Heritages
| ''Mithra will instill in our merchants and traders the importance of their contracts, and protect them from the ill-meanings of strangers. With his protection, they will flourish as they trade with our neighbors and allies.''
| {{flag|Delphi|0}} ''[[Delphi|Delphic]] Heritage''
| {{green|+10%}}
''Mithra is a divinity of contracts and protector of truth. Though never mentioned by Zoroaster, Mithra plays an important role as he protects pastures, irrigation and the cattle who travel across the lands.''
| Yasna Ceremony
| {{flag|Acragas|0}} ''[[Acragas|Acragantine]] Heritage''
| ''We will hold a Yasna ceremony to calm our people and motivate them to great deeds of justice. By reciting all the verses of the Yasna texts, we are sure to strengthen Ahuramazda and weaken the entities of Angra Mainyu.''
| {{green|+10%}}
| Prayer to Tishtrya
| ''Religious State Heritage''
| ''We will call upon Tishtrya to bless our people with his life-bringing rainfall, ensuring harvest and growth for a long time to come. With our harvests ensured, our people will flourish and expand, safe under the protecting hand of the divinity.''
| {{green|+5%}}
''Tishtrya is one of many benevolent divinities who struggle against the forces of Angra Mainyu. He is known for sharing rainfall and fertile blessings to the people and regions under his protection. He is involved in a struggle against the demon Apaosha.''

== Holy sites ==
{{see also|Treasure}}

{{icon|holy site}} A '''holy site''' is a temple, sanctuary, or other sacred site that is particularly important to the worship of a specific deity. Each deity can have one holy site anywhere in the world, and owning a deity's holy site while worshiping the deity in your pantheon increases the strength of both their passive and omen effects by {{green|+25%}}. There are many number of holy sites present at the start of the game, and a new one can be consecrated for a pantheon deity in an owned territory at a cost of {{icon|wealth}} {{red|−300}} Gold and {{icon|pol}}{{red| −50}} Political Influence, adjusted by the {{icon|holy site cost}} '''Enact Holy Site Cost''' modifier.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Sinifere
| ''Under the guidance of Sinifere our warriors will be infused with strength and discipline. As the god aids our cause, our men are sure to conquer and beat our enemies, bringing us victory.''
| Blessing of Gurzil
| ''Under the blessed warrior Sun-god Gurzil, our young and old will flock to the banners to fight our enemies. With all these men suddenly coming to aid our people in war, we are sure to bolster our ranks beyond imagining. We will be prepared for any potential danger coming our way.''
| Blessing of Tannit
| ''The great weaver Tannit will bless us with her wisdom, granting gifts of insight to our wise-men, academics and scholars. With this newfound knowledge, we are sure to be able to progress and bring our people greater innovations and ideas.''

''Though originally a goddess of Carthaginian descent, she has become an important part of religion all the way from Libya to Mauretania.''
Holy sites confer the following modifiers to the territory they are located in, regardless of its size, status, and whether it is dedicated to a deity in the state religion/ pantheon or not:
* {{icon|local tax}}{{green|+10%}} Local Tax
| Blessing of Melqart
* {{icon|building slots}} {{green|+1}} City Building Slots
| ''The great wandering deity Melqart will bring us wealth from all across our society. As we collect greater taxes and become wealthier, we can improve our society and make it safer for our people as well.''
* {{icon|migration attraction}} {{green|+5}} Migration Attraction

''Even though the god was originally the patron god of the Phoenician city Tyre, he has become well known all across the Phoenician world, as well as with all their trading partners and relations.''
Holy sites can hold [[File:Treasure chest.png|28px]] '''sacred treasures''', which confer bonuses to the entire province the holy site is located in - it is therefore typically useful to bring as many sacred treasures as possible to the capital province in order to maximize the effects of their bonuses. Any treasure can be placed in any holy site regardless of its religion, but each holy site has a limited number of '''altars''' where sacred treasures can be placed, depending on the rank of its territory: one for {{icon|settlement}} [[settlement|settlements]], two for {{icon|city}} [[cities]], and three for {{icon|metropolis}} [[metropolis]]es. There is a fixed amount of sacred treasures in the world, with new ones only being created as a result of certain missions and events. Sacred treasures can be removed from an owned holy site at any time at the cost of {{icon|aggressive expansion}} {{red|+1.00}} Aggressive Expansion.
| Blessing of Amun
| ''The life-giving god Amun will justify and behold our expansion into foreign lands, as we offer up our sacrifices in his honor. Any adversary or foe who might object to our campaigns, will certainly be silenced in the face of the great god.''

''Originally Amun was a god of the Egyptians, but has recently become more popular among the neighboring tribes, the Cyrenaicans and oversea Greeks. Some going as far as naming Amun 'Zeus Ammon', combining him with their own Olympic deity.''
Unplaced sacred treasures are held in the nation's {{icon|reliquary}} '''reliquary''' and confer no benefits, but cannot be taken through desecration. Upon annexation by conquest, the conqueror is guaranteed to seize at least 2 treasures from the reliquary, if there exist that many; above that, up to 2 treasures in the nation's reliquary will be spirited away to another country within diplomatic range if any exist, with all the rest taken by the conqueror. Diplomatic annexation, will transfer all reliquary treasures to the overlord.
| Blessing of Shaheded
| ''The great goddess of the sea will protect and look out for our merchants and traders as they leave our home in pursuit of wealth for our people. With new riches and treasures in distant lands, they are sure to bring greater affluence back home to our nation.''

''Shahaded is a Sea goddess originally worshiped around Libya, but her devotees have spread her name as time has passed.''
Desecrating a holy site can be done at any time through the [[File:Menu religion.png|28px]] Religion menu if it is owned, or by using the {{icon|desecrate}} '''Desecrate Holy Sites''' army ability with an army located on a controlled holy site's territory - note that a holy site does not necessarily need to be owned for an army to desecrate it, which means that an army can desecrate a holy site belonging to another nations if it is occupied. Desecrating a holy site destroys it and deposits all of its sacred treasures in the desecrating nation's reliquary, while the territory gets a {{icon|happiness}} {{red|-10%}} Local Population Happiness modifier to the territory for '''12''' months. Using the army interaction also costs {{icon|aggressive expansion}} {{red|+2.00}} Aggressive Expansion, and if the army is a {{icon|legion}} they may gain either the [[File:Phalera zeus.png|28px]] Pia or [[File:Phalera zeus dishonor.png|28px]] Impia [[distinction]]s depending on whether or not the holy site's deity belongs to the state religion. Every nation that follows the religion of the holy site's deity will also receive a notification event and might lose {{icon|opinion}} opinion of the desecrating country.
| Blessing of Nanna Tala
| ''The great Spring-goddess will bring salvation and prosperity to our people, calming our internal conflicts and disagreements. As our lands are pacified, we can focus our efforts out towards the enemies at our borders rather than the enemies within.''

''There are many myths about the woman who now is known as the goddess Nanna Tala. The stories say she and her children sacrificed their lives to find water for their people, and that fair people can still call upon her to give them water in times of need.''
In the holy sites tab in the religion menu, all holy sites in owned territories as well as those for deities currently being worshiped in the pantheon, even if currently unowned, are shown and can be selected in the list. Owned holy sites - even those of deities currently in the pantheon - can be desecrated at any time, with their treasures being returned to the [[File:National treasure.png|28px]] reliquary, at the cost of {{icon|happiness}} {{red|-10%}} Local Population Happiness in the territory for 1 year (as well as the loss of the holy site itself). Treasures in holy sites of deities not in the pantheon can be removed here.
| Blessing of Isis
| ''We beseech the great Isis to inspire our people to love and gift us with life for our harvests. With our crops flourishing and our young ones growing strong, we are sure to grow and expand for any foreseeable future.''

''Isis is one of the most well known Egyptian goddesses, and she has been shared and taken in by some of the neighbors of Egypt. Cults and devotees have sprung up in her honor all across the Hellenic world, and she has become a part of their pantheons.''
== Apotheosis ==
{{icon|apotheosis}} '''Apotheosis''', or deification, is the process of deifying a past or present ruler of the country. A deified ruler inherits the effects of an existing pantheon deity, which they must be based on, but give an additional '''apotheosis effect''' bonus each time their omen is invoked. The strength of the apotheosis effect is often affected by the [[attributes]] of the deified ruler, and can include gaining {{icon|wealth}} gold, {{icon|manpower}} manpower, {{icon|food}} province food, {{icon|technology speed}} research progress, {{icon|military exp}} military experience, {{icon|population}} pops, {{icon|assimilation}} assimilation, {{icon|conversion}} conversion, or even {{icon|province investment}} province investments.

Monotheistic religions, in particular [[Jewish|Judaism]], have pantheons consisting entirely of "deified" characters (sometimes known as prophets), and are unable to deify more. As a counterbalance to the early access to apotheosis bonuses, they can only invoke omens once every '''7.5''' years (as Judaism has a {{icon|omen duration}} {{red|+50%}} Omen Duration modifier). All [[Republic|republics]] except for Theocratic Republics and Athenian Republics are also unable to deify rulers.

A number of deified characters exist in the game at the start: the Jewish prophets, [[Hellenic]] Alexander the Great, [[Zoroastrian]] Zoroaster, [[Buddhist]] Siddhartha, and [[Jain]] Mahavira. Certain characters can also be deified through special mission tasks, in particular Antigonus Monopthalmus through one of the {{flag|Antigonid Kingdom}}'s unique mission trees. Deifying a ruler requires the {{icon|mgr}} [[Magna Graecia (DLC)|Magna Graecia]] content pack and costs a base of {{icon|pol}} {{red|−200}} Political Influence, modified by the {{icon|deification cost}} '''Cost to Deify Ruler''' modifier (decreased by several {{icon|invention}} inventions and increases based on the number of deified rulers currently in the pantheon, making each successive deified ruler more expensive). Deification also also requires the '''current''' ruler to have at least {{icon|popularity}} '''90''' Popularity, and the current ruler's family to have at least {{icon|prestige}} '''800''' Prestige.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| War Chant
| ''We will infuse our men with ritualistic war-chants that call upon the gods and the spirit of the dead to aid us in battle, and to strengthen our men and boys as they fight.''
| Aegis of the Ancestors
| ''We beseech our dead ancestors for their guidance and protection, as we bring our young and old into battle to supplement our soldiers. With our ancestors looking upon us favorably, we can dig deeper into our potential manpower than we could before; ever more certain in our supremacy.''
| Guidance of the Moon
| ''The moon and her wisdom will be granted to all our scholars and wisemen, giving them insight and inspiration. With her guidance, we are sure to come to technological breakthroughs before any of our neighbors, granting us the edge we need to compete.''
| Favor of the Earth
| ''The many spirits of the earth will be granted offerings and sacrifices, so they will be willing to part with their many valuable resources. As long as we continue to stay on good terms, our people are sure to be blessed with fortunes and prosperity for a long time to come.''
| Ceremony to Tius
| ''We will hold a rich ceremony in honor of the great Tius, asking for his approval of our recent expansions into enemy territory. With our people convinced of our victories in war, we are more certain to have them approve of a more aggressive policy and attitude to our neighbors.''
| Spirits of Protection
| ''We call upon the many spirits who reside around our people, to take care of and protect our merchants as they travel abroad to foreign lands. With our tradesmen protected as they leave home, they are certain to be able to come to more favorable deals and agreements, bringing home more wealth than ever before.''
| Consulting the Elders
| ''We will consult the many elders of our tribes for their advice as to how we can calm our populace, and quell any potential uprisings before they come to the fore. Our elders have lived many long years, and together they are certain to know better than any other in our tribes how to handle the many people living under our rule.''
| Blessing of Tius
| ''We beseech the great Tius for his blessing, asking for his aid in ensuring growth and harvests for many years to come. With this blessing, our harvests are sure to grow healthy and secure, putting an end to storms, devastation and bad harvest years.''

Every defied ruler in a nation's pantheon gives the following modifiers, stackable up to the four possible deities in the pantheon:
* {{icon|tyranny}} {{red|+0.01}} Monthly Tyranny
* [[File:Ruler popularity gain.png|28px]] {{green|+0.02}} Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain
* {{icon|conversion}} {{green|+15%}} Pop Conversion Speed
* {{icon|deification cost}} {{red|+25%}} Cost to Deify Ruler
Generally speaking, the most important modifier is generally the pop conversion speed, as the full {{icon|conversion}} {{green|+60%}} Pop Conversion Speed modifier if all four deities are deified rulers is very significant. Note that this modifier applies only for rulers deified during the game, and not for existing deified characters available at the beginning of the game; in particular, this means that it is generally not possible for [[Jewish]] countries to get access to the deified ruler modifiers, even if they start with access to the other apotheosis bonuses.

As a separate god, deified rulers are not affected by the {{icon|holy site}} holy sites of their parent deity and may have their own holy sites created in a territory - this does mean that if a deified ruler is created out of a deity whose holy site is currently owned, the new deity will not get the {{green|+25%}} bonus from owning the holy site until a new holy site is created for the new deity. If a deified ruler is not part of any country's pantheon for more than '''20''' years, their cult will be forgotten, and the deity, including any holy sites, will no longer be available.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Blessing of Ares
| ''The warrior god will stand among our soldiers and harden their resolve in the face of adversity and danger. They are certain to fight harder than they have ever done before, and ascertain our victory in many wars to come.''
| Blessing of Targitaos
| ''Our people will be inspired by our great forefather to take up arms and fight. These recruits will ensure we are not lacking for soldiers in the foreseeable future.''
| Blessing of Goitosyrus
| ''We will ask the god for insight and knowledge into matters of the unknown. As we receive the gift of wisdom, we hope our scholars and scribes can bring our nation into greater prosperity and strength.''
| Blessing of Papaios
| ''The great Papaios will bring our people the wealth and resources we need. This new influx of wealth will bring happiness and fortune to our people.''
| Blessing of Thagimasadas
| ''The royal Thagimasadas will approve of our expansion into foreign lands. With this god at our side, our people are sure to pick up their weapons and ready for war once more, for who can deny the wisdom of the gods?''
| Blessing of Api
| ''Api will bless our merchants with an abundance of resources for trade. Newfound trade goods, home and abroad, will surely enrich our mechants on all their endeavors.''
| Blessing of Tabiti
| ''We will beseech the queen of the gods with our worship, asking for blessings of peace and prosperity for our people. With Tabiti at our side, our lands will be pacified and calm, letting us focus our efforts and resources outwards.''
| Blessing of Argimpasa
| ''The great goddess of the heavens will bless our harvests and people with life and growth. As we receive the gift of life, our crops will flourish and our young will be sure to grow up strong and healthy.''

Each deity Apotheosis effect and holy site starting location are listed on the page of the religion it belongs to (links for each religion at the end of this page).

== Divine Sacrifice ==
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
{{icon|sacrifice}} A '''Divine Sacrifice''' can be made to appease the people and reassure them that the country will continue to receive the favour and bounty of the gods and higher powers, and is the most reliable way to increase the {{icon|stability}} stability of the realm. A sacrifice has a base cost of {{icon|pol}} {{red|50}} political influence and gives the following effects for '''5''' years:
! Description
* {{icon|stability}} {{green|+0.15}} Monthly Stability Change
* {{icon|stability cost}} {{red|+100%}} Divine Sacrifice Cost
| Blessing of Alilat
| ''The great Aililat will stand among our men and bless them with knowledge of war, to secure their loyalty and morale. With their discipline strengthened, we are sure to win many wars and find victories where we never could before.''
| Blessing of Al-Uzza
| ''With the blessings of Al-Uzza, our young men will readily prepare for war knowing the goddess will watch over and protect them. With these newfound recruits, our armies are sure to overflow with men to conquer our enemies.''
| Blessing of Al-Kutbay
| ''The scribe will teach our scholars in matters of prophecy and writing. As we are taught new things, it is sure to be used for the betterment and benefit of our society as a whole.''
| Blessing of Ta'lab
| ''We will seek the advice of his oracle in our pursuit of wealth for our people. With the guidance and aid of Ta'lab's oracle, we are sure to find prosperity and benefits for our populace.''
| Blessing of Ailiah
| ''The supreme god will watch over and aid us in wars, justifying our expansion into foreign lands. Only our most fierce rivals will oppose our continued campaigns now that we have Ailiah on our side, approving our wars. ''
| Blessing of Al-Qaum
| ''We ask the god of caravans to watch over our merchants as they travel the world for the good of our nation. The richer our traders and caravans become, the more prosperity they will bring to our community.''
| Blessing of Manat
| ''We offer up our blessings to great Manat, hoping she will turn the fates of our people for the better. With the great goddess at our side, we are certain to see less struggles and internal disagreements for the time being.''
| Blessing of Orotalt
| ''Sacrifices will be made to Orotalt as to convince the god to bless our harvests with life for many years to come. Our crops are sure to grow robustly as long as we have the support and aid of the god. ''

It is possible to stack the effects of a sacrifice by making another one while the effects of the previous one(s) is ongoing, which has the additional effect of extending the length of the stacked effect by another 5 years. However, as the cost increase of each additional sacrifice stacks quickly if the effects of previous sacrifices are still active, trying to save political influence this way is generally of limited effectiveness unless the country already has a highly reduced sacrifice cost modifier.

The cost of making a sacrifice is modified by the {{icon|stability cost}} '''Divine Sacrifice Cost''' modifier, which can be decreased through various {{icon|invention}} [[inventions]], [[laws]], [[Religion#Pantheons|deities]], and other modifiers. All static sources are listed below.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Omen
! Description
| Viriya Parami
! Type
| ''The people of our nation will find their vigor, strength and diligence in battle. Though battle in itself is inadvisable, some times one must fight for the common good, and it is important that one does so with honor and discipline.''
! Modifier
! {{icon|stability cost}} Divine Sacrifice Cost
''Viriya Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be dutiful, observant and show effort in their work. ''
| Adhitthana Parami
| rowspan=2 | Base
| ''Though it is normal to be worried in the face of adversity, we inspire determination in our young men in these times of need. It is important for the community to come together and unite their efforts to reach their goals, be it war or other community projects.''
| {{icon|sacrifice}} Divine Sacrifices
| {{red|+100%}} per concurrent sacrifice
''Adhitthana Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be resolute and determined in their actions.''
| Pañña Parami
| {{icon|aggressive expansion}} Aggressive Expansion
| ''Our academics and scholars, as well as our people as a whole, will find wisdom and insight in their lives. With this knowledge, we will be better advised to make decisions that will benefit and support our people.''
| {{red|+1.5%}} per point above '''50'''
''Pañña Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be wise and have insight into things greater than themselves.''
| Dana Parami
| [[Office]]s
| ''It is important that all parts of our society contribute for everyone's sake. Together we can create something beyond ourselves, if everyone is willing to part with some of their wealth. Charity is an important concept to find real inner value, by letting go of material wealth.''
| &nbsp;{{icon|office}} [[Position#Republic_offices|High Priest]] ([[Republic]])
| {{green|-2%}} per {{icon|statesmanship}} statesmanship-adjusted {{icon|zeal}} zeal
''Dana Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be generous and give of themselves both physically and spiritually.''
| Upekkha Parami
| rowspan=4 | [[Laws]]
| ''We need to be calm and serene as the chaos of war rages around us, finding the right path for our people to take. Even during hardships of war and fatigue, it is important that the society manages to come to an agreement about the paths you will take as a collective, be it to continue the warfare or not.''
| {{icon|law}} [[Laws#Religious_Law|Senatorial Veto]] ([[Republic]])
| {{green|-33%}}
''Upekkha Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be serene and to purify their mental states.''
| Khanti Parami
| {{icon|law}} [[Laws#Religious_Law_2|Lex Domitia de Sacerdotiis]] ({{flag|Rome|0}} [[Rome|Roman]] [[Republic]])
| ''Our people need to endure hardships, and have forberance and patience with those coming from afar. Only then can we come to learn their secrets and accept their difference, rather than meeting them with affront or judgment. By coming to understand them, we can find value in their company, and bring affluence to all of us.''
| {{green|-33%}}
''Khanti Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be patient, tolerant and have acceptance for others.''
| Sila Parami
| {{icon|law}} [[Laws#Electoral Reforms|Electoral Model]] ([[Republic]])
| ''We will inspire in our people the right path forward, with virtue and the proper conduct in the way of things. By acting with virtue, our people will be able to come together into larger collectives that can cooperate and work together.''
| {{green|-5%}}
''Sila Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be virtuous, harmonious and act with self-restraint. ''
| Metta Parami
| {{icon|law}} [[Laws#Electoral Reforms 2|Leges Genuciae]] ({{flag|Rome|0}} [[Rome|Roman]] [[Republic]])
| ''It is a goal for our nation to be known for their caring, kind ways. It is one way for our people and culture to grow and expand beyond our current limitations.''
| {{green|-5%}}
''Metta Parami is one of our Buddhist perfections, with a focus on teaching people to be kind and friendly to one another.''
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Prayer to Shiva
| rowspan=4 | [[Inventions]]
| ''We will offer up our prayers to Shiva in the hopes he will guide our men in battle and strengthen their morale. With our soldiers' discipline and resolve bolstered, we are sure to achieve many victories in the coming years.''
| {{icon|invention}} State Burials ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| {{green|-5%}}
| Prayer to Prajapati
| {{icon|invention}} Household Priests ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''We hope Prajapati will inspire and take care of our young men as they prepare to give their lives for our people. With our army reinforced by so many new recruits, we are unlikely to see any issues with a lack of manpower anytime soon.''
| {{green|-5%}}
| Prayer to Saraswati
| {{icon|invention}} Contractual Obligation ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''Our scholars, academics and artists have a lot to learn from Saraswati. We hope she will look to our people with favor, and gift us with her knowledge. With this gift, we will make sure to spread new technological wonders across our society, for all our people to benefit.''
| {{green|-2.5%}}
| Prayer to Kubera
| {{icon|invention}} Tolerated Cults ({{icon|zeal}} Religious Invention)
| ''We ask Kubera for aid in gathering as much wealth for our nation as possible. After all, what other god could help us in such an endeavor?''
| {{green|-2.5%}}
| Prayer to Brahma
| rowspan=3 | [[Religion#Pantheons|Deities]]
| ''The universal truths of Brahma guides our people as they expand across the lands. With Brahma at our side, our adversaries are sure to relent in the face of their opposition, letting our men prepare for war once more.''
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] Bagaios ([[Cybelene]] deity)
| rowspan=3 |
* {{green|-15%}} without owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
* {{green|-18.75%}} with owned {{icon|holy site}} [[holy site]]
| Prayer to Samudra
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] Berobreo (Celtiberian [[Druidic]] deity)
| ''We look to the great deity for aid in protecting our merchants and traders as they sail across distant oceans in pursuit of wealth. With these newfound riches, they are sure to build up the trade network needed to increase our affluence substantially. ''
| Prayer to Vishnu
| [[File:State religion.png|28px]] Bhrigu ([[Hindu]] deity)
| ''Prayers will be offered up to Vishnu in the knowledge that he will look out for our people, guiding those who are lost and protecting those in times of hardship and need. With his aid, our society is sure to be safer and more loyal than ever, letting us focus some of our resources out towards foreign enemies rather than inwards.''
| Prayer to Indra
| rowspan=1 | [[Heritages]]
| ''We look to Indra for the rain and water needed to bring life to our harvests. As our crops grow more safely and robustly than ever, our people are sure to flourish as well.''
| {{flag|Boeotia|0}} Boeotian Heritage ([[Boeotia]])
| {{red|+10%}}

== Invoke Devotio ==
{{icon|devotio}} If a war is going badly and {{icon|monthly war exhaustion}} war exhaustion is high, the country's ruler can '''Invoke Devotio''' to offer himself as a sacrifice in exchange for victory and strengthen the resolve of the population to fight on. Invoking devotio has a base cost of {{icon|tyranny}} {{red|2}} tyranny and gives the following effects for '''5''' years:
* {{icon|monthly war exhaustion}} {{green|-0.05}} Monthly War Exhaustion
* {{icon|devotio}} {{red|+50%}} Invoke Devotio Cost

Like with making divine sacrifices, it is possible to stack the effects of invoking devotio by making another invokation while the effects of the previous one(s) is ongoing, which has the additional effect of extending the length of the stacked effect by another 5 years. However, as the amount of tyranny gained is not particularly high and war exhaustion is generally not too problematic unless it is very high, this is generally not as important as with making divine sacrifices.
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Infusion of War
| ''The spirits will infuse our warriors and soldiers with strength and discipline. We are certain to see many victories in our near future, with the aid of the spirits.''
| Rites to Adulthood
| ''Our many young men and boys will undertake rites to become adults, and join the ranks of our soldiers. With our ranks bolstered, our armies are ready for any enemy that might challenge our nation.''
| Guidance of the Moon
| ''Mother of the Moon will guide our scholars, academics and wise-men into greater insights and gift them with hidden knowledge. With our newfound wisdom, we are sure to bring greater purpose to all our people.''
| Wealth of the Earth
| ''We ask the many spirits of the earth to reveal the rich minerals buried below our feet. With the blessing of the spirits, we will grow rich beyond imagining, preparing our society for any challenge that might arise in the near future.''
| War Ceremony
| ''We will hold a grand ceremony to prepare our people for war, and for them to understand and accept the necessities of our current conflicts. With the ceremony, we are sure to convince some of the nay-sayers and bring them to our side, and our allies will share our convictions even more than they already do.''
| Guidance of the Wind
| ''Our merchants and traders will be guided by the winds to distant lands. With the spirits at their side, they will seek out greater riches to bring back home.''
| Guidance of the Sun
| ''All of our people will bask in knowledge of our safety in the world, guided by the sun itself. Conflicts will be quelled and disagreements will be put aside, as our society seeks stronger unity in the face of adversity.''
| Blessing of Life
| ''We offer up sacrifices to the spirits of the earth, asking for them to provide growth and harvest for many years to come. With our crops safe from weather, devastation and bad harvest years, our people will be able to grow more comfortably than we have in a while.''

The cost of making invoking devotio is modified by the {{icon|devotio}} '''Invoke Devotio Cost''' modifier, which is given only by the {{icon|devout}} Devout trait ({{green|-10%}}) and the stacking costs of invoking devotio itself.

== 宗教列表==
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! Description
| Spirits of Battle
! width=1% | !! width=5% | 宗教 !! width=15% | 修正 !! 描述 !! width=10% | 代码关键字
| ''We call upon the spirits to aid and inspire our tribesmen and soldiers in battle, to strengthen and harden their discipline and morale. With the spirits at our side, we are sure to stand fast and win against our enemies.''
| Spirits of Endurance
! style="background-color:rgb(128,140,255)" |
| ''Our young men and boys beseech the spirits of endurance for aid as they flock to our banners for the first time. With our young men strengthened and our ranks bolstered, our armies will be ready to meet any enemy safe with the knowledge we have the men to take on any opponent.''
! {{ruby|[[希腊多神教]]|Hellenic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|citizen happiness}} {{green|+8%}} National citizen happiness
| 奥林匹亚诸神于希腊中心地带传播开来,受到许多人的信仰。众神的名字、面貌和等级在不同地区有很大差异,然而,宙斯,抑或是罗马人所熟知的朱庇特,被认为是奥林匹亚诸神的代表人物。
| Spirits of Insight
! style="background-color:rgb(179,161,0)"
| ''We look to the spirits for aid in obtaining greater insight for our scholars, academics and wise-men. With this wisdom shared with us from the spirits of old, we will be able to reach new technological wonders that will benefit our society and community as a whole.''
! {{ruby|[[埃及多神教]]|Kemetic|zh|en}}
| [[File:Ruler popularity gain.png|28px]] {{green|+0.10}} Monthly ruler popularity gain
| 埃及本土宗教的历史可以追溯到几千年前。其表现为一种多神信仰,即对拉、阿图姆、塞赫美特等神的敬奉,也体现出对自然界不同基本侧面的深深敬意。
| Spirits of Wealth
! style="background-color:rgb(102,19,186)"|
| ''We implore the spirits to infuse our people with charity and wealth. As our people get richer and more generous, we are sure to be able to collect greater taxes, for the benefit of the collective community. ''
! {{ruby|[[迦南多神教]]|Canaanite|zh|en}}
| {{icon|navy maintenance}} {{green|−10%}} Navy maintenance cost
| 秉持多神论的迦南宗教崇敬各路神灵以及祂们的不同形象。巴力是这复杂的次神神阶制中的主神,祂们受人崇拜的圣坛通常位于深山中或山顶上。 At the start of the game the Canaanite religion is primarily found in Phoenicia and Phoenician colonies, such as Carthage.
| Spirits of Inspiration
! style="background-color:rgb(255,128,128)"|
| ''At times our people have to turn to war to justify our reason for existence, and we hope the spirits will help us inspire our society to greatness when we do. Though some of our adversaries will oppose us in our actions, it is important to convince both foes and friends that it is for the best of all.''
! {{ruby|[[扎尔莫克西斯信仰]]|Zalmoxian|zh|en}}
| {{icon|tribesman output}} {{green|+3%}} National tribesman output
| 扎尔莫克西斯最初究竟是先知还是神,这点无人知晓。达契亚人和盖塔人将扎尔莫克西斯奉为神明,认为很多奇迹行为都是出自他手。
| Spirits of Protection
! style="background-color:rgb(77,26,102)"|
| ''We look to the spirits for protection for our merchants, traders and caravans as they leave home in pursuit of wealth. As our merchants find treasures and riches in foreign lands, they are sure to bring more back home to our nation as well.''
! {{ruby|[[阿尔玛兹多神教]]|Armazic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} {{green|+10%}} Fort defense
| 高加索—伊柏里亚区域的神系由阿尔马济神统治,并且可能与附近的安那托利亚各宗教有关。
| Spirits of Virtue
! style="background-color:rgb(128,38,0)"|
| ''We submit to the spirits to invigorate and motivate our people to come together as a community. With the spirits at our side, even the worst foes, rivals and dissenters will have to rethink standing up to our rule.''
! {{ruby|[[迦勒底多神教]]|Chaldean|zh|en}}
| {{icon|civilization}} {{green|+0.01%}} Monthly civilization value
| 迦勒底神系的历史可以追溯到几千年前。迦勒底宗教的信徒建造雄伟的神庙以纪念他们所选择的神,敬奉如安努、恩基和南那等等神灵。
| Spirits of Life
! style="background-color:rgb(77,26,51)"
| ''Offerings will be made to the ancient spirits to convince them to aid our people with life and fertility. With the blessing of the spirits, our crops and young ones are sure to grow robust and strong for many years to come.''
! {{ruby|[[哈尔迪多神教]]|Khaldic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|freeman output}} {{green|+6%}} National freeman output
| 哈尔迪神系代表了一种宗教,成长自许多世纪以前的乌拉尔图文化。其主要是多神论信仰,主神被称作哈尔迪,同时也作为战神受崇拜。
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| War Chant
! style="background-color:rgb(77,102,51)"|
| ''We will infuse our men with ritualistic war-chants that call upon the gods and the spirit of the dead to aid us in battle, and to strengthen our men and boys as they fight.''
! {{ruby|[[库柏勒崇拜]]|Cybelene|zh|en}}
| {{icon|wrong culture happiness}} {{green|+5%}} Unintegrated culture happiness
| 弗里吉亚的库柏勒崇拜与史前的母神崇拜有关。在数千年的演变中,库柏勒崇拜经常与神话人物和英雄们产生关联,并且通过崇敬圣像来实践他们的宗教信仰。
| Aegis of the Ancestors
! style="background-color:rgb(45,102,31)"|
| ''We beseech our dead ancestors for their guidance and protection, as we bring our young and old into battle to supplement our soldiers. With our ancestors looking upon us favorably, we can dig deeper into our potential manpower than we could before; ever more certain in our supremacy.''
! {{ruby|[[德鲁伊教]]|Druidic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|state religion happiness}} {{green|+5%}} State religion happiness
| 德鲁伊活跃于凯尔特人中,作为一个独特的社会阶级而存在。他们通常扮演政务官与立法者的角色,同时他们也决定了当地的宗教习俗和信仰。Druidic faiths are primarily found in Iberia, Gaul and the British Isles at the start of the game.
| Guidance of the Moon
| ''The moon and her wisdom will be granted to all our scholars and wisemen, giving them insight and inspiration. With her guidance, we are sure to come to technological breakthroughs before any of our neighbors, granting us the edge we need to compete.''
! {{ruby|[[伊比利亚多神教]]|Iberic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|import value}} {{green|+10%}} Import value
| 伊比利亚多神教本质上是一种混合多神教,其宗教活动包括崇敬动物灵魂,以及祖先崇拜。伊比利亚人敬奉各种希腊和腓尼基的神,以及诸如贝塔屯或阿塔克纳等地方神。
| Favor of the Earth
| ''The many spirits of the earth will be granted offerings and sacrifices, so they will be willing to part with their many valuable resources. As long as we continue to stay on good terms, our people are sure to be blessed with fortunes and prosperity for a long time to come.''
! {{ruby|[[犹太教]]|Jewish|zh|en}}
* {{icon|omen power}} {{green|+15%}} Omen power
* {{icon|omen duration}} {{red|+50%}} Omen duration
* {{icon|assimilation}} {{green|+20%}} Assimilation speed
| 不同于当时的各种信仰,犹太教是一神论宗教。追随着众先知与老师的步伐,犹太圣书《托拉》记载了上主和以色列子孙之间所立之约的细节。
| Ceremony to the Mother Goddess
| ''We will hold a rich ceremony in honor of the great mother goddess, asking for her approval of our recent expansions into enemy territory. With our people convinced of our victories in war, we are more certain to have them approve of a more aggressive policy and attitude to our neighbors.''
! {{ruby|[[琐罗亚斯德教]]|Zoroastrian|zh|en}}
| {{icon|army maintenance}} {{green|−5%}} Army maintenance cost
| 先知琐罗亚斯德教导关于造物主阿胡拉马兹达以及其宿敌阿里曼的信仰。其从早期的印度—伊朗多神教演变而来,尤为崇敬“永恒法则”,或称妲厄娜,拥护善良和公正之举。
| Spirits of Protection
| ''We call upon the many spirits who reside around our people, to take care of and protect our merchants as they travel abroad to foreign lands. With our tradesmen protected as they leave home, they are certain to be able to come to more favorable deals and agreements, bringing home more wealth than ever before.''
! {{ruby|[[巨石崇拜]]|Megalithic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|state religion happiness}} {{green|+5%}} State religion happiness
| 这种古老的文化和宗教是传统埃及信仰、星辰崇拜和敬奉先祖的大熔炉。许多巨石,即为了纪念众神而筑起的石头建筑,仍然存在并点缀着非洲景观。
| Consulting the Elders
| ''We will consult the many elders of our tribes for their advice as to how we can calm our populace, and quell any potential uprisings before they come to the fore. Our elders have lived many long years, and together they are certain to know better than any other in our tribes how to handle the many people living under our rule.''
! {{ruby|[[图伊斯托崇拜]]|Tuistic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|migration cost}} {{green|−10%}} Migration cost
| 古代的日耳曼神,也即蒂乌斯、提尔或图伊斯托,受到当代斯堪的纳维亚的早期迁徙部落的敬奉。许多说法表明,日耳曼人信奉一种万物有灵论的宗教,崇敬大地和天空,以及所有生物的生命力。
| Blessing of the Mother Goddess
| ''We beseech the great mother goddess for her blessing, asking for her aid in ensuring growth and harvests for many years to come. With this blessing, our harvests are sure to grow healthy and secure, putting an end to storms, devastation and bad harvest years.''
! {{ruby|[[七神崇拜]]|Heptadic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|military exp}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly military experience
| 这一泛神论信仰起源于斯基泰之地,其敬奉七个主神,而他们等同于希腊神系中的神。斯基泰人的早期多神论民间宗教的某些特点仍类似于凯尔特人,比如用马祭祀以及战车墓葬。
{| class="mildtable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Omen
! Description
| Diwali Festival
| ''There will be a grand festival of light to inspire our troops and soldiers as they move to war. Though it is unfavorable to be forced into war and violence, it is a necessary evil to protect our way of life.''
! {{ruby|[[阿拉伯多神教]]|Arabic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|tribesman happiness}} {{green|+8%}} National tribesman happiness
| 阿拉伯的宗教是多神论,一种各类神明、灵体和魔鬼崇拜的混合体,奉行于当地和区域周边的聚居区。在这段时间里的某些地方那儿,造物主阿拉可能作为神系的首领而受人敬奉。
| Satya
| ''Truth is an important vow in Jainism, and we will be honest and truthful as we recruit the young men of the nation to support our struggles at war. As they flock to our banners, we will have a greater potential manpower than we have had in a long time.''
! {{ruby|[[佛教]]|Buddhist|zh|en}}
| {{icon|conversion}} {{green|+30%}} Pop conversion speed
| 作为一个相对年轻的宗教,佛教源起自北印度,追随乔达摩·悉达多(或简称佛陀)的生命轨迹。佛陀是一位游历印度、谈论中道的苦行导师。
| Paryushana Festival
| ''We will hold a grand paryushana festival, inspiring our people to take vows of study so our whole society can gain greater insight and wisdom. Our nation and community is sure to come to breakthroughs as we move forward with new focus.''
! {{ruby|[[印度教]]|Hindu|zh|en}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} {{green|+1}} Diplomatic reputation
| 印度教从吠陀时期发展而来,由奥义书的创立所引导,并且在古典时代早期的印度广受尊崇。
| Aparigraha
| ''Non-possession is an important vow in Jainism, and we will convey the importance of the vow to our people. As our people grow more accustomed to letting go off their material wealth, we will be able to collect greater taxes for the good of our nation.''
! {{ruby|[[仪式祭祀]]|Ritualistic|zh|en}}
| {{icon|diplomatic relations}} {{green|+1}} Diplomatic relations
| 作为种种地方信仰和民间宗教的代表,仪式祭祀包含祖先崇拜、万物有灵论和还愿祭。
| Ahimsa
| ''Non-violence is an important vow in Jainism, and we will make a grand ceremony to commemorate the end of violence for our nation. It is time for our people to find peace, and leave behind the struggles of war.''
! {{ruby|[[苯教]]|Bon|zh|en}}
| {{icon|build cost}} {{green|−10%}} Build cost
| 苯教代表了一批最初在青藏高原上活动的民间宗教。祖先敬奉和万物有灵论,以及新生多神教的守护神频繁出现。
| Roth Teej
| ''A grand Roth Teej ceremony will be held to convey the importance of non-possession among our followers. The gold will flow between the different parties as they leave the greed for material value behind and care about what is good for our people.''
! {{ruby|[[母神教]]|Matrist|zh|en}}
| {{icon|manpower recovery speed}} {{green|+5%}} Manpower recovery speed
| 人们对波罗的海的部落以及他们的宗教知之甚少。尽管如此,仍有记载讲述了这个在波罗的海沿岸敬奉一位母神的教派。
| Arghya Ritual
| ''The Arghya ritual is one where we have our followers worship with different items to break free from the cycle of rebirth. Our people will live safely with the knowledge they are growing ever closer to nirvana, and freedom from samsara.''
! {{ruby|[[耆那教]]|Jain|zh|en}}
| {{icon|promotion}} {{green|+25%}} Pop promotion speed
| Mahavir Jayanti
| 耆那教是一个历史悠久的印度宗教,可以追溯到早期的宗教祖师。耆那们坚信禁欲主义和非暴力,并与其它印度传统保持友好的关系。
| ''We will hold a great ceremony to celebrate the birth of the final Tirthankara, Mahavira. We hope that by celebrating and telling the legends of his birth, we will see the same prosperity and growths that Vajji saw at the time.''

== 参考资料 ==
== 参考资料 ==

[[Category: 省份机制]]
[[Category: 内政]]

2022年3月3日 (四) 14:59的最新版本

{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= ntS8eA9MwuI | description= Imperator: Rome - Culture and Religion Remade (religion section starts at 2:10). | alignment= right | container=frame }}

File:2.0 religion menu.jpg
The religion interface

Religious power.png Religion represents the belief systems of the ancient world, usually polytheistic and encompassing a wide range of gods, and important to everything, from daily life to the highest political echelons. In the game, every state, character, and pop belongs to a particular religion, with their interactions playing a significant role in loyalty and pop happiness. The choice of pantheon gods and omens in the state religion forms an important part of the modifiers and bonuses that a country has, and is the one of the main interactions that a player will have with religion, with the systems of holy sites and sacred treasures providing more auxiliary goals and flavour. Most religion interactions can be managed through the File:Menu religion.png Religion tab.

State religion

Every country starts with a predefined state religion, which can be viewed just above the pantheon deities in the File:Menu religion.png Religion tab. Every religion has bonuses that are applied to the entire country, and also determines the base deities that are always available regardless of the population or holy sites of the country. State religion also has a small effect on diplomacy—countries of the same religion get a Opinion improvement active.png +10 opinion bonus with each other. There is no malus for having a different state religion.

There is no default happiness bonus or penalty for pop religion, but pops will receive a Happiness.png +4% happiness bonus for each deity in the state pantheon that matches their religion, making it useful for polytheistic states to take on pantheon gods of religions that are widespread inside their country - though spreading out the deity happiness bonus between deities of different religions means a smaller happiness modifier for each individual religion. The happiness of state religion pops specifically is also be increased with the State religion happiness state religion happiness modifier, which is given by various omens and deities, inventions, laws, heritages, and more.

Additionally, the percentage of pops following the state religion determines the nation's zeal修正 Religious Unity value, which is the main component of Omen.png omen power.

State Conversion

The state religion can be changed by decision if there is at least 1 character of the new religion in the country, and either 50% of the non-slave pops in the Country capital.png capital, or at least 20% of all the pops of the country and at least one Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity, follow the new religion the country intends to convert to. Switching religions can only be done once every 10 years and costs Political influence.png 200 political influence and Stability.png 30 stability, also giving a temporary drop of Loyalty.png −15 Loyalty for all characters that are followers of the old faith.

Character religion

Each character also has their own character religion, usually but not always the same as that of the state. Characters that do not follow the state religion have a Loyalty.png −10 maximum loyalty modifier, and pops have a Happiness.png -6% happiness penalty if the governor of their region is not of their religion - notably, this includes even state religion pops, if their governor is not of the state religion.

Characters can be forced to convert if their Loyalty.png loyalty is at least 60, at the cost of Tyranny +5.00 Tyranny and a temporary drop of Loyalty.png −30 loyalty for 5 years. There are also a few events by which a character's religion can otherwise be changed — governors may switch to the religion of the regional capital if the Religious Conversion policy is not being used, office holders may take on the religion of the state that employs them, the heir of a monarchy may switch to the religion of the Royal Tutor, and rulers may get an event to switch to the state religion if they do not follow it.

Territory religion

Every territory has a dominant religion, which is the religion with the highest number of pops in the territory. This is the religion as displayed for the territory in the religion map mode and is generally considered the religion of the territory for most purposes, particularly for colonization, moving the Country capital.png capital, and many event and mission task checks.

Most importantly, there are also territory modifiers applied if the dominant religion is not the state religion, which makes them harder to Policy religious conversion.png convert and Pop assimilation.png assimilate. Such a territory where the Dominant Religion is not State Religion gets the following modifiers:

  • Policy religious conversion.png -25% Pop Conversion Speed
  • Pop assimilation.png -10% Pop Assimilation Speed
  • Local pop demotion speed.png +5% Pop Demotion Speed

State religion happiness

State religion happiness State Religion Happiness modifiers are applied to all pops of the state religion, regardless of what religions the pantheon deities are of. Unlike with Integrated culture happiness integrated cultures, there is no base state religion happiness modifier, though modifiers from other sources can still add up to a significant amount that makes conquering provinces with the same religion significantly easier.

Type Modifier State religion happiness State Religion Happiness
Government Menu government.png Theocratic Monarchy government form +10%
Menu government.png Theocratic Republic government form +10%
Inventions Invention.png Zero (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +6%
Invention.png Shorthand Writing (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +4%
Invention.png Proscribed Canon (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +3%
Invention.png Stoicism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +2%
Buildings Temple Great Temple (city) +10%
Trade goods Incense Incense (Capital bonus) +5%
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Traditional Observance (Republic) +4%
Enact law cost modifier.png Avoid Religious Mandates (罗马的国旗  Roman Republic) +4%
Religion Religious power.png Druidic +5%
Religious power.png Megalithic +5%
Deities State religion.png Belinus (Druidic deity)
State religion.png Zeus Naios (伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Demeter Potnia (雅典的国旗  Athenian Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Helios (Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Apollo Didymaios (叙拉古的国旗  Syracusan Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Sol (Italic Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Ataecina (Iberic deity)
State religion.png Horus (Kemetic deity)
State religion.png Ameretat (Zoroastrian deity)
State religion.png Mithra (Zoroastrian deity)
Omens Omen.png Sila Parami (Buddhist deity)
Omen.png Marduk (Chaldean deity)
Omen.png Eki (Aquitani Druidic deity)
Omen.png Zeus Ammon (Serapis Cult Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Apollo Aktiakos (伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Telephos (Aeolian Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Rhea (Cretan Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Cels (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
Omen.png Vishwanath (Hindu deity)
Omen.png Endouellicus (Iberic deity)
Omen.png Arghya Ritual (Jain deity)
Omen.png Samuel (Jewish deity)
Omen.png Khaldi (Khaldic deity)
Omen.png Saulia (Matrist deity)
Omen.png Guidance of the Sun (Ritualistic deity)
Governor Traits 狂热 Zealous +2.5%
Heritages 埃及的国旗  Heritage of Ptolemaios (Egypt) +10%
昔兰尼加的国旗  Cyrenaican Heritage (Cyrenaica) +10%
Religious State heritage (Mission created) +10%
伊比利亚的国旗  Iberian Heritage (Iberia) +5%
File:Delphi.png  Delphic Heritage (Delphi) +5%

Pop Conversion

Policy religious conversion.png In every territory, a single pop can undergo conversion to the state religion at a time, as long as there are any pops in that territory that can convert and are not otherwise busy (e.g. assimilating or promoting). Outside of events, pops will always convert to the state religion. Conversion progress builds each month, with the exact progress determined by the sum of all Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed modifiers. Once progress reaches 100%, the pop will be converted to the state religion and another pop will begin to convert, if there are any other pops that can be converted. The speed of conversion is influenced by many factors, particularly the Policy religious conversion.png Religious Conversion governor policy and the dominant province Policy cultural assimilation.png culture and Religious power.png religion being different from the state culture and religion. Note that it is possible for conversion to be completely stalled.

All else being equal, it is generally preferable to convert pops to the state religion, though the differences in happiness are much less than with unintegrated culture or culture group pops and can be ameliorated by adopting deities of the pop's religion in the pantheon (though this will necessarily come at the expense of the happiness of pops of other religions), which generally makes conversion less important than assimilation. Under some circumstances it may also be beneficial to retain pops of other religions in order to have continued access to their deities, though the strong effects of religious unity on Omen.png omen power means that it is still generally undesirable to have too many other pops of a non-state religion.

Type Modifier Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed
Pop Pop noble.png Noble +0.40
Pop citizen.png Citizen +0.60
Freemen Freemen +0.60
Slaves Slaves +0.60
Tribesmen Tribesmen +0.40
Policy cultural assimilation.png Non Integrated Culture -20%
Inventions Invention.png Formulaic Worship (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +0.5
  • +15.00%
Invention.png Religious Assimilation (Finesse.png Civic Invention) +10.00%
Invention.png Ban Witchcraft (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +5.00%
Invention.png Major Syncretism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -90.00%
Territories Country capital.png Nation capital +20%
Ability road building.png Road Network in Territory +2.5% for each outgoing road
Policy cultural assimilation.png Dominant Culture is not Integrated Culture -10%
Religious power.png Dominant Religion is not State Religion -25%
Buildings Temple Great Temple (city) +2.00
Library Library (city) +2.5%
Great wonders Gw effect culture expansion.png Expanding Culture effect +10% per Tier
Governor policies Policy religious conversion.png Religious Conversion +3.00 per Finesse.png 10 finesse of the governor, plus a base of +0.30
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Religious Conversion (Monarchy) +0.25
  • +30%
Enact law cost modifier.png Deny Priests in Senate (Republic) +20%
Enact law cost modifier.png Lex Aeila et Fufia (罗马的国旗  Roman Republic) +20%
Religions Religious power.png Buddhist +30%
Deities State religion.png Zeus Ammon (Serapis Cult Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Esther (Jewish deity)
State religion.png Saulia (Matrist deity)
Deify ruler cost modifier.png Deified Ruler in Pantheon +15% per Deified Ruler
Change pantheon cost modifier.png Mismatching Pantheon Deity Religion -20% per Mismatching Deity
Omens Omen.png Trapusa and Bahalika (Buddhist deity)
Omen.png Intarabus (Treverian Druidic deity)
Omen.png Eacus (Iberic deity)
Omen.png Zoroaster (Zoroastrian deity)
National ideas Idea proselytism.png Institutional Proselytism +20%
Heritages 纳巴忒阿的国旗  Nabatean Heritage (Nabatea) -5%
犹地亚的国旗  Judean Heritage (Judea) -25%


Change pantheon cost modifier.png Every nation has a state pantheon consisting of four deities (also called prophets, yazatas, or paradigms, depending on the religion), one for each category: War, Culture, Economy, and Fertility. Every nation can select from a fixed list of their religion's deities to fill the slots, with some deities available to all countries of that religion and some with stricter requirements such as culture, tag, or finishing a certain mission task. In addition, polytheistic nations can also select deities from other polytheistic religions if they own that deity's Holy Site.png holy site, or a high enough percentage of their pops follows a given religion. The percentage required depends on the deity's rarity: Very Common deities require 5% of the nation's total pops to follow the deity's religion, Common deities require 10%, Rare deities require 20%, and Very Rare deities require 40%.

Every deity that is not part of the state religion gives a stacking Policy religious conversion.png −20% conversion speed malus for all pops in the nation (regardless of whether or not their gods are currently represented in the pantheon).

Each deity has a fixed passive modifier which is in effect as long as that deity is part of the pantheon. Additionally, every 5 years (adjusted by the Omen duration Omen Duration modifier) one can invoke an omen from one of the pantheon's deities, which confers an additional, usually more powerful, bonus. The current omen's effects are multiplied by the nation's current Omen.png Omen Power, with the base effects being reached at 100% Omen Power - note that omen power is uncapped and often will rise above 100% as the game progresses. Owning the deity's Holy Site.png holy site increases the effect of both its passive and omen modifiers (if enabled) by 25%.

Switching a deity in the pantheon costs a base of Stability.png −15 stability and prevents that deity's omen from being invoked for 3 years. The stability penalty is temporarily reduced by -75% for 10 years after converting to another religion, through the Change pantheon cost modifier.png Cost to Change Pantheon Deity modifier. Deities whose omens are currently being invoked cannot be replaced.

Each deity and its requirements and bonuses are listed on the page of the religion it belongs to.

Omen power

The following modifiers increase Omen.png Omen Power:

Type Scenario Omen.png Omen Power
Government Menu government.png Theocratic Monarchy government form +15%
Menu government.png Imperial Cult government form +15%
Menu government.png Theocratic Republic government form +15%
Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists Faction in power (Republic) +10%
Religion Religious power.png Religious Unity +1% per point
Religious power.png Jewish +15%
Ideas Idea mandate observe.png Mandated Observance +15%
Military Traditions Military tradition.png Pietas (Italic Tribe Traditions) +15%
Offices Office High Priest (Monarchy) +3% per Statesmanship Statesmanship-adjusted Religious power.png Zeal
Office Augur (Republic) +3% per Statesmanship Statesmanship-adjusted Religious power.png Zeal
Office High Priest (Tribal) +3% per Statesmanship Statesmanship-adjusted Religious power.png Zeal
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Priestly Status (Republic) +15%
Enact law cost modifier.png Lex Ogulnia (Roman) +15%
Enact law cost modifier.png Adopt Human Sacrifices (Tribal) +10%
Great wonders Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations effect +5% per Tier
Technology level Religious power.png Religious Advances +1% per level
Inventions Invention.png Major Syncretism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +15%
Invention.png Proscribed Canon (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +10%
Invention.png War Dedication (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +5%
Invention.png Hierarchical Haruspication (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +2.5%
Invention.png Reinterpreted Prodigies (zeal修正 Religious Invention) +2.5%
Invention.png Militant Epicureanism (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -90%
Ruler Traits 高洁 Devout +5%
虔诚 Pious +2.5%
多疑 Skeptical -5%
高洁 Lapsed -10%
Heritages File:Delphi.png  Delphic Heritage +10%
阿克拉加斯的国旗  Acragantine Heritage +10%
Religious State Heritage +5%

Holy sites


Holy Site.png A holy site is a temple, sanctuary, or other sacred site that is particularly important to the worship of a specific deity. Each deity can have one holy site anywhere in the world, and owning a deity's holy site while worshiping the deity in your pantheon increases the strength of both their passive and omen effects by +25%. There are many number of holy sites present at the start of the game, and a new one can be consecrated for a pantheon deity in an owned territory at a cost of Wealth −300 Gold and Political influence.png−50 Political Influence, adjusted by the Holy site cost Enact Holy Site Cost modifier.

Holy sites confer the following modifiers to the territory they are located in, regardless of its size, status, and whether it is dedicated to a deity in the state religion/ pantheon or not:

  • Tax income.png+10% Local Tax
  • Local building slot.png +1 City Building Slots
  • Migration attraction +5 Migration Attraction

Holy sites can hold Treasure chest.png sacred treasures, which confer bonuses to the entire province the holy site is located in - it is therefore typically useful to bring as many sacred treasures as possible to the capital province in order to maximize the effects of their bonuses. Any treasure can be placed in any holy site regardless of its religion, but each holy site has a limited number of altars where sacred treasures can be placed, depending on the rank of its territory: one for Territory settlement.png settlements, two for Territory city.png cities, and three for Territory metropolis.png metropolises. There is a fixed amount of sacred treasures in the world, with new ones only being created as a result of certain missions and events. Sacred treasures can be removed from an owned holy site at any time at the cost of Aggressive expansion.png +1.00 Aggressive Expansion.

Unplaced sacred treasures are held in the nation's National treasure.png reliquary and confer no benefits, but cannot be taken through desecration. Upon annexation by conquest, the conqueror is guaranteed to seize at least 2 treasures from the reliquary, if there exist that many; above that, up to 2 treasures in the nation's reliquary will be spirited away to another country within diplomatic range if any exist, with all the rest taken by the conqueror. Diplomatic annexation, will transfer all reliquary treasures to the overlord.

Desecrating a holy site can be done at any time through the File:Menu religion.png Religion menu if it is owned, or by using the Desecrate holy site Desecrate Holy Sites army ability with an army located on a controlled holy site's territory - note that a holy site does not necessarily need to be owned for an army to desecrate it, which means that an army can desecrate a holy site belonging to another nations if it is occupied. Desecrating a holy site destroys it and deposits all of its sacred treasures in the desecrating nation's reliquary, while the territory gets a Happiness.png -10% Local Population Happiness modifier to the territory for 12 months. Using the army interaction also costs Aggressive expansion.png +2.00 Aggressive Expansion, and if the army is a Legion.png they may gain either the File:Phalera zeus.png Pia or File:Phalera zeus dishonor.png Impia distinctions depending on whether or not the holy site's deity belongs to the state religion. Every nation that follows the religion of the holy site's deity will also receive a notification event and might lose Opinion improvement active.png opinion of the desecrating country.

In the holy sites tab in the religion menu, all holy sites in owned territories as well as those for deities currently being worshiped in the pantheon, even if currently unowned, are shown and can be selected in the list. Owned holy sites - even those of deities currently in the pantheon - can be desecrated at any time, with their treasures being returned to the National treasure.png reliquary, at the cost of Happiness.png -10% Local Population Happiness in the territory for 1 year (as well as the loss of the holy site itself). Treasures in holy sites of deities not in the pantheon can be removed here.


Deify ruler cost modifier.png Apotheosis, or deification, is the process of deifying a past or present ruler of the country. A deified ruler inherits the effects of an existing pantheon deity, which they must be based on, but give an additional apotheosis effect bonus each time their omen is invoked. The strength of the apotheosis effect is often affected by the attributes of the deified ruler, and can include gaining Wealth gold, Manpower.png manpower, Monthly food.png province food, Technology speed research progress, Military experience.png military experience, Population.png pops, Pop assimilation.png assimilation, Policy religious conversion.png conversion, or even Province investment province investments.

Monotheistic religions, in particular Judaism, have pantheons consisting entirely of "deified" characters (sometimes known as prophets), and are unable to deify more. As a counterbalance to the early access to apotheosis bonuses, they can only invoke omens once every 7.5 years (as Judaism has a Omen duration +50% Omen Duration modifier). All republics except for Theocratic Republics and Athenian Republics are also unable to deify rulers.

A number of deified characters exist in the game at the start: the Jewish prophets, Hellenic Alexander the Great, Zoroastrian Zoroaster, Buddhist Siddhartha, and Jain Mahavira. Certain characters can also be deified through special mission tasks, in particular Antigonus Monopthalmus through one of the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚's unique mission trees. Deifying a ruler requires the Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia content pack and costs a base of Political influence.png −200 Political Influence, modified by the Deify ruler cost modifier.png Cost to Deify Ruler modifier (decreased by several Invention.png inventions and increases based on the number of deified rulers currently in the pantheon, making each successive deified ruler more expensive). Deification also also requires the current ruler to have at least Popularity.png 90 Popularity, and the current ruler's family to have at least Family prestige 800 Prestige.

Every defied ruler in a nation's pantheon gives the following modifiers, stackable up to the four possible deities in the pantheon:

  • Tyranny +0.01 Monthly Tyranny
  • Ruler popularity gain.png +0.02 Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain
  • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
  • Deify ruler cost modifier.png +25% Cost to Deify Ruler

Generally speaking, the most important modifier is generally the pop conversion speed, as the full Policy religious conversion.png +60% Pop Conversion Speed modifier if all four deities are deified rulers is very significant. Note that this modifier applies only for rulers deified during the game, and not for existing deified characters available at the beginning of the game; in particular, this means that it is generally not possible for Jewish countries to get access to the deified ruler modifiers, even if they start with access to the other apotheosis bonuses.

As a separate god, deified rulers are not affected by the Holy Site.png holy sites of their parent deity and may have their own holy sites created in a territory - this does mean that if a deified ruler is created out of a deity whose holy site is currently owned, the new deity will not get the +25% bonus from owning the holy site until a new holy site is created for the new deity. If a deified ruler is not part of any country's pantheon for more than 20 years, their cult will be forgotten, and the deity, including any holy sites, will no longer be available.

Each deity Apotheosis effect and holy site starting location are listed on the page of the religion it belongs to (links for each religion at the end of this page).

Divine Sacrifice

Sacrifice pig.png A Divine Sacrifice can be made to appease the people and reassure them that the country will continue to receive the favour and bounty of the gods and higher powers, and is the most reliable way to increase the Stability.png stability of the realm. A sacrifice has a base cost of Political influence.png 50 political influence and gives the following effects for 5 years:

  • Stability.png +0.15 Monthly Stability Change
  • Stability cost modifier.png +100% Divine Sacrifice Cost

It is possible to stack the effects of a sacrifice by making another one while the effects of the previous one(s) is ongoing, which has the additional effect of extending the length of the stacked effect by another 5 years. However, as the cost increase of each additional sacrifice stacks quickly if the effects of previous sacrifices are still active, trying to save political influence this way is generally of limited effectiveness unless the country already has a highly reduced sacrifice cost modifier.

The cost of making a sacrifice is modified by the Stability cost modifier.png Divine Sacrifice Cost modifier, which can be decreased through various Invention.png inventions, laws, deities, and other modifiers. All static sources are listed below.

Type Modifier Stability cost modifier.png Divine Sacrifice Cost
Base Sacrifice pig.png Divine Sacrifices +100% per concurrent sacrifice
link= 28px Aggressive Expansion +1.5% per point above 50
Offices  Office High Priest (Republic) -2% per Statesmanship statesmanship-adjusted zeal修正 zeal
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Senatorial Veto (Republic) -33%
Enact law cost modifier.png Lex Domitia de Sacerdotiis (罗马的国旗  Roman Republic) -33%
Enact law cost modifier.png Electoral Model (Republic) -5%
Enact law cost modifier.png Leges Genuciae (罗马的国旗  Roman Republic) -5%
Inventions Invention.png State Burials (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -5%
Invention.png Household Priests (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -5%
Invention.png Contractual Obligation (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -2.5%
Invention.png Tolerated Cults (zeal修正 Religious Invention) -2.5%
Deities State religion.png Bagaios (Cybelene deity)
State religion.png Berobreo (Celtiberian Druidic deity)
State religion.png Bhrigu (Hindu deity)
Heritages 玻俄提亚的国旗  Boeotian Heritage (Boeotia) +10%

Invoke Devotio

Invoke devotio.png If a war is going badly and Monthly war exhaustion war exhaustion is high, the country's ruler can Invoke Devotio to offer himself as a sacrifice in exchange for victory and strengthen the resolve of the population to fight on. Invoking devotio has a base cost of Tyranny 2 tyranny and gives the following effects for 5 years:

  • Monthly war exhaustion -0.05 Monthly War Exhaustion
  • Invoke devotio.png +50% Invoke Devotio Cost

Like with making divine sacrifices, it is possible to stack the effects of invoking devotio by making another invokation while the effects of the previous one(s) is ongoing, which has the additional effect of extending the length of the stacked effect by another 5 years. However, as the amount of tyranny gained is not particularly high and war exhaustion is generally not too problematic unless it is very high, this is generally not as important as with making divine sacrifices.

The cost of making invoking devotio is modified by the Invoke devotio.png Invoke Devotio Cost modifier, which is given only by the 高洁 Devout trait (-10%) and the stacking costs of invoking devotio itself.


宗教 修正 描述 代码关键字
希腊多神教Hellenic Pop citizen happiness.png +8% National citizen happiness 奥林匹亚诸神于希腊中心地带传播开来,受到许多人的信仰。众神的名字、面貌和等级在不同地区有很大差异,然而,宙斯,抑或是罗马人所熟知的朱庇特,被认为是奥林匹亚诸神的代表人物。 roman_pantheon
埃及多神教Kemetic Ruler popularity gain.png +0.10 Monthly ruler popularity gain 埃及本土宗教的历史可以追溯到几千年前。其表现为一种多神信仰,即对拉、阿图姆、塞赫美特等神的敬奉,也体现出对自然界不同基本侧面的深深敬意。 egyptian_pantheon
迦南多神教Canaanite Navy maintenance cost.png −10% Navy maintenance cost 秉持多神论的迦南宗教崇敬各路神灵以及祂们的不同形象。巴力是这复杂的次神神阶制中的主神,祂们受人崇拜的圣坛通常位于深山中或山顶上。 At the start of the game the Canaanite religion is primarily found in Phoenicia and Phoenician colonies, such as Carthage. carthaginian_pantheon
扎尔莫克西斯信仰Zalmoxian Tribesman output +3% National tribesman output 扎尔莫克西斯最初究竟是先知还是神,这点无人知晓。达契亚人和盖塔人将扎尔莫克西斯奉为神明,认为很多奇迹行为都是出自他手。 shamanism
阿尔玛兹多神教Armazic Fort defense.png +10% Fort defense 高加索—伊柏里亚区域的神系由阿尔马济神统治,并且可能与附近的安那托利亚各宗教有关。 caucasian_religion
迦勒底多神教Chaldean Civilization.png +0.01% Monthly civilization value 迦勒底神系的历史可以追溯到几千年前。迦勒底宗教的信徒建造雄伟的神庙以纪念他们所选择的神,敬奉如安努、恩基和南那等等神灵。 mesopotamian_religion
哈尔迪多神教Khaldic Freeman output +6% National freeman output 哈尔迪神系代表了一种宗教,成长自许多世纪以前的乌拉尔图文化。其主要是多神论信仰,主神被称作哈尔迪,同时也作为战神受崇拜。 armenian_religion
库柏勒崇拜Cybelene Unintegrated culture happiness +5% Unintegrated culture happiness 弗里吉亚的库柏勒崇拜与史前的母神崇拜有关。在数千年的演变中,库柏勒崇拜经常与神话人物和英雄们产生关联,并且通过崇敬圣像来实践他们的宗教信仰。 anatolian_religion
德鲁伊教Druidic State religion happiness +5% State religion happiness 德鲁伊活跃于凯尔特人中,作为一个独特的社会阶级而存在。他们通常扮演政务官与立法者的角色,同时他们也决定了当地的宗教习俗和信仰。Druidic faiths are primarily found in Iberia, Gaul and the British Isles at the start of the game. druidism
伊比利亚多神教Iberic Import value +10% Import value 伊比利亚多神教本质上是一种混合多神教,其宗教活动包括崇敬动物灵魂,以及祖先崇拜。伊比利亚人敬奉各种希腊和腓尼基的神,以及诸如贝塔屯或阿塔克纳等地方神。 animism
  • Omen.png +15% Omen power
  • Omen duration +50% Omen duration
  • Pop assimilation.png +20% Assimilation speed
不同于当时的各种信仰,犹太教是一神论宗教。追随着众先知与老师的步伐,犹太圣书《托拉》记载了上主和以色列子孙之间所立之约的细节。 judaism
琐罗亚斯德教Zoroastrian Army maintenance cost.png −5% Army maintenance cost 先知琐罗亚斯德教导关于造物主阿胡拉马兹达以及其宿敌阿里曼的信仰。其从早期的印度—伊朗多神教演变而来,尤为崇敬“永恒法则”,或称妲厄娜,拥护善良和公正之举。 zoroaster
巨石崇拜Megalithic State religion happiness +5% State religion happiness 这种古老的文化和宗教是传统埃及信仰、星辰崇拜和敬奉先祖的大熔炉。许多巨石,即为了纪念众神而筑起的石头建筑,仍然存在并点缀着非洲景观。 berber_religion
图伊斯托崇拜Tuistic Migration cost −10% Migration cost 古代的日耳曼神,也即蒂乌斯、提尔或图伊斯托,受到当代斯堪的纳维亚的早期迁徙部落的敬奉。许多说法表明,日耳曼人信奉一种万物有灵论的宗教,崇敬大地和天空,以及所有生物的生命力。 germanic_religion
七神崇拜Heptadic Military experience.png +5% Monthly military experience 这一泛神论信仰起源于斯基泰之地,其敬奉七个主神,而他们等同于希腊神系中的神。斯基泰人的早期多神论民间宗教的某些特点仍类似于凯尔特人,比如用马祭祀以及战车墓葬。 indo_iranian_religion
阿拉伯多神教Arabic Tribesman happiness +8% National tribesman happiness 阿拉伯的宗教是多神论,一种各类神明、灵体和魔鬼崇拜的混合体,奉行于当地和区域周边的聚居区。在这段时间里的某些地方那儿,造物主阿拉可能作为神系的首领而受人敬奉。 arabian_pantheon
佛教Buddhist Policy religious conversion.png +30% Pop conversion speed 作为一个相对年轻的宗教,佛教源起自北印度,追随乔达摩·悉达多(或简称佛陀)的生命轨迹。佛陀是一位游历印度、谈论中道的苦行导师。 buddhism
印度教Hindu Diplomatic reputation.png +1 Diplomatic reputation 印度教从吠陀时期发展而来,由奥义书的创立所引导,并且在古典时代早期的印度广受尊崇。 hindu
仪式祭祀Ritualistic Diplomatic relations.png +1 Diplomatic relations 作为种种地方信仰和民间宗教的代表,仪式祭祀包含祖先崇拜、万物有灵论和还愿祭。 eastern_animism
苯教Bon build_cost修正 −10% Build cost 苯教代表了一批最初在青藏高原上活动的民间宗教。祖先敬奉和万物有灵论,以及新生多神教的守护神频繁出现。 bon_religion
母神教Matrist Manpower recovery speed.png +5% Manpower recovery speed 人们对波罗的海的部落以及他们的宗教知之甚少。尽管如此,仍有记载讲述了这个在波罗的海沿岸敬奉一位母神的教派。 matrist_religion
耆那教Jain Local pop promotion speed.png +25% Pop promotion speed 耆那教是一个历史悠久的印度宗教,可以追溯到早期的宗教祖师。耆那们坚信禁欲主义和非暴力,并与其它印度传统保持友好的关系。 jainism


国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置