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Culture is a representation of the ethnicity and customs of a state, character, or pop, with cultural tensions and differences being one of the main components determining the Happiness.png happiness of pops as well as affecting Loyalty.png character loyalty. The civic rights and privileges that are granted to a culture determine how closely they are integrated into the country and its administration, and how much discrimination against pops and characters of that culture affect their propensity to become unhappy, produce Unrest.png, and revolt. Most cultural interactions and information can be accessed through the Top bar culture.png culture screen.

Primary culture

Every country begins the game with a predefined primary culture, which can be seen at the top right corner of the Top bar overview.png National Overview screen. Outside of a few special events and decisions, such as startup events for 本都的赫拉克利亚的国旗 本都的赫拉克利亚 and 埃及的国旗 埃及, the 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Parthia (Formable)}} Parthia formation decision, and events during the Yuezhi migrations, the primary culture generally cannot be changed except for during a barbarian takeover.

Pops of the primary culture are typically the happiest and most satisfied pops in the realm, and are fixed to the Pop noble.png civic right. Most often the culture of the state population is more diverse, but pop culture can be gradually changed to match that of the state during the playthrough via assimilation, as pops of a different culture and especially culture group have a significant happiness malus that can become very difficult to manage if Stability.png stability begins to drop. Assimilation is also slowed if the dominant province culture and/or religion is not the same as that of the state, all of which makes the conquest of wrong culture (especially wrong culture group) and wrong religion areas significantly more difficult, especially in the early game. Outside of events pops will always assimilate and convert to the primary culture. As an alternative to assimilation, cultures can be Integrated.png integrated to be given the same rights as the primary culture, at the expense of the happiness of already integrated cultures.

The primary culture also has an effect on diplomacy. States of a different culture (in the same culture group) get a Opinion improvement active.png -10 opinion malus, while those in a different culture group get a Opinion improvement active.png -20 opinion malus. The Vassalized.png subject types available also depend on primary culture; another state can only be made a feudatory if it is in the same culture group as its new overlord, and satrapies can only be made of states with Persian military traditions, which consist mostly of countries in the Iranian, Caucasian, Anatolian, Scythian, Bactrian, and Aramaic culture groups.

The state's Military tradition.png Military Tradition tree, which determines the unit abilities and bonuses that can be accrued over the game by spending Military experience.png military experience, is fixed at the start of the game based on the primary culture/culture group (with a few exceptions) and cannot be changed except for through a few special events (such as the 本都的赫拉克利亚的国旗 本都的赫拉克利亚 startup event).

Integrated cultures

Cultures with Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights are considered an Integrated.png integrated culture, forming an integral part of the court and administration with the highest level of cultural privileges. Integrated cultures do not Pop assimilation.png assimilate, count towards the number of pops for Research points.png research speed, are allowed to colonize, and generally have the highest Happiness.png happiness of all cultures. For most countries, the only integrated culture at the start of the game is the primary culture, but existing cultures in the country can be integrated by changing its civic rights. There is no limit on the number of possible integrated cultures, but each integrated culture beyond the primary culture gives Integrated culture happiness -4% Integrated Culture Happiness, which means that having more integrated cultures means that each culture has a smaller bonus. Therefore it is generally preferable to only integrate cultures that form a large part of the country, particularly those in more developed and urbanized areas (in order to compensate towards counting against Research points.png research speed).

Cultural integration

A culture can be Integrated.png integrated by changing its civic right to a integrated class (Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble). Unlike all other civic right changes, the integration process is not instantaneous and takes a certain amount of time based on how large the culture is relative to the rest of the country. The rate of progress increases with the size of the culture relative to the rest of the country and decreases with the absolute size of the pop, and is further modified by the Global cultural integration speed modifier.png Cultural Integration Speed modifier. Notably, cultures of other culture groups have Global cultural integration speed modifier.png -50% Cultural Integration Speed. Integration progress has an minimum of 0.05% daily progress and a maximum of 0.4%, meaning the integration will take between 250 and 2000 days (about 8.3 months to 5.5 years), though integration progress can also be gained or lost by events.

While integration is ongoing, there are events can trigger where the culture being integrated will demand more rights and power, pops and characters might try to assimilate to the new culture, or the current establishment becomes discontent at the attempts to integrate this new group. Siding with the integrated culture will usually increase Global cultural integration speed modifier.png integration progress and their Happiness.png cultural happiness while angering currently integrated cultures, and vice versa.

One of the following will happen at 25% progress:

One of the following will happen at 75% progress:

Multiple cultures can be integrating at the same time, but each integrating culture gives a Stability.png -0.20 Monthly Stability Change modifier, which can be highly destabilizing if too many cultures are integrating at the same time. Only once the integration progress is finished will the civic right be increased and the Integrated culture happiness integrated culture happiness penalty apply. Once started, integration cannot be cancelled and the culture's civic right cannot be changed while the process is ongoing.

Cultural unintegration

Any integrated culture except the primary culture can be unintegrated by changing its civic right to a non-integrated class (Freemen freeman, Tribesmen tribesman, or Slaves slave). Unintegrating a culture has a greater penalty than reducing civic rights normally and instead gives the Citizenship Lost modifier to the culture for 10 years, giving:

  • Happiness.png -20% Cultural Happiness
  • Pop citizen output.png -10% Culture Citizen Output
  • Noble output -10% Culture Noble Output

Unintegrating a culture is generally not recommended unless it has become sufficiently small relative to the rest of the empire that the happiness is better used on the rest of the country's integrated culture pops, as the cumulative effects of losing the Integrated culture happiness integrated culture happiness modifiers and losing citizenship means that there will be a very large swing in happiness (and therefore loyalty).

Character culture

Characters' culture determines their names and initial physical appearance (the latter can change through interbreeding to be different from culture in subsequent generations). Character culture is generally fixed, though there are a few events by which a character's culture can be changed - governors may switch to the culture of the regional capital if the Cultural Assimilation policy is not being used, office holders may take on the culture of the state that employs them, and the heir of a monarchy may switch to the culture of the Royal Tutor. Newborn children will often take the nation's primary culture, regardless of the culture of their parents.

Characters have a Loyalty.png loyalty modifier based on the Happiness.png of their culture, based on the formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Character Loyalty Modifier}= 0.3 \cdot \text{Cultural Happiness} - 9 }[/math]

The break-even point is at 30%, which means that for instance, characters of a different, unintegrated culture group will have a base Loyalty.png -3 loyalty modifier, while without any modifiers a primary culture character will have a Loyalty.png +6 loyalty modifier. Positive cultural happiness modifiers are therefore highly useful even if the population is already content, as it is generally rare that all characters are sufficiently loyal that further loyalty is not relevant. Note that this loyalty modifier is only applied for characters of a culture that exists in the country (i.e. is either the primary culture or has at least one pop in the country - can be checked by looking at the list of cultures in the Top bar culture.png culture screen) - characters of cultures not in the country do not get any loyalty modifier, even if they would if the country had at least one pop of their culture.

Character culture is also somewhat relevant for Position governor positions, as governors not of the primary culture will also never use the Cultural Assimilation policy by default.

Civic rights

Every culture in a country has a specific level of civic rights, which defines the highest class that pops of that culture can be Local pop promotion speed.png promoted to. A pop that has a higher class than it civic right allows will not automatically change class; however, if it is ever demoted, it will not be able to promote back up beyond its allowed civic rights limit again. Different levels of civic rights also have different cultural decisions available, with integrated levels and non-integrated levels having their own distinct sets of decisions and possible privileges.

Changing pop rights costs Political influence.png 5 political power and is usually instantaneous, except for changing from a non-integrated level (Freemen freeman, Tribesmen freeman, or Slaves slaves) to an integrated level (Pop noble.png noble or Pop citizen.png citizen), which will start the Global cultural integration speed modifier.png cultural integration process and take a number of years. Increasing a pop's civic rights gives the Rights Increased modifier for 10 years giving Happiness.png +5% Culture Happiness, while decreasing it typically gives the Disenfranchisement modifier for 10 years, giving Happiness.png -10% Culture Happiness. The Disenfranchisement modifier is not given when converting from Pop noble.png noble rights to Pop citizen.png citizen rights, while converting from an integrated right to a non-integrated right gives the larger Citizenship Lost modifier. Tribesmen and slaves are considered on the same tier and so converting between the two do not give the Rights Increased or Disenfranchisement modifiers. All cultural modifiers that no longer apply with the new culture's civic right are also removed when changing civic right levels.


Pop noble.png Noble civic rights are the highest civic rights that can be granted to a culture, with the primary culture fixed to this level of rights at all times. Every other culture that has noble rights will give Integrated culture happiness -5% Primary Culture Happiness; importantly, this is applied only to the primary culture, not other integrated cultures.

As an civic right that grants integrated culture status, every culture with noble civic rights beyond the primary culture gives Integrated culture happiness -4% Integrated Culture Happiness.


Pop citizen.png Citizen civic rights also give integration status and are the standard civic right for integrated cultures at the start of the game.

As an civic right that grants integrated culture status, every culture with citizen civic rights beyond the primary culture gives Integrated culture happiness -4% Integrated Culture Happiness.


Freemen Freeman civic rights are the default rights given to most non-primary cultures at the beginning of the game, as well as any newly acquired cultures, with no special modifiers or mechanics.


Tribesmen Tribesman civic rights are considered lower than freemen and on par with slaves, but do not have any special modifiers or mechanics.


Slaves Slave civic rights are the lowest tier of civic rights, considered on par with tribesmen and typically with the lowest happiness. Demoting a culture to slave status gives Slavery Imposed modifier, giving:

  • Happiness.png -10% Culture Happiness
  • Slave output -10% Culture Slave Output

Cultural decisions

主条目:Cultural decisions

Cultural decisions can be enacted for each culture in a country under the culture screen. These decisions usually allow a country to grant various privileges to a culture, increasing their Happiness.png cultural happiness and sometimes Global cultural integration speed modifier.png cultural integration speed at the expense of Stability.png and usually either Population output cultural output or a temporary malus to Integrated culture happiness integrated culture happiness or Pop citizen happiness.png national citizen happiness. There are different sets of decisions for the primary culture, other integrated cultures, and non-integrated cultures and generally most of these privileges are permanent and generally cannot be revoked unless the culture is no longer eligible for the privilege at all (particularly when changing integration status).

Cultural happiness modifiers

Along with pop type and religion, the culture of a pop is one of the main factors determining its Happiness.png happiness and which happiness modifiers it is affected by. Culture-based happiness modifiers are applied to a pop based on its relationship to the the nation's primary culture - whether the pop is of the primary culture, in the same group, or in a different culture group altogether. The sum of all happiness modifiers modifiers for a particular culture can be viewed in that culture's entry in the Top bar culture.png culture screen, which is the number used to determine the impact of cultural happiness on Loyalty.png character loyalty.

Culture happiness

Happiness.png Culture Happiness modifiers are applied to individual cultures and affect only the pops and characters of that specific culture. Cultural happiness modifiers are usually given by cultural rights and interactions, as well as their affiliated events and decisions.

Integrated culture

Integrated culture happiness Integrated Culture Happiness modifiers are applied to pops of all fully integrated cultures, including the primary culture. Pops of integrated cultures usually have the highest happiness and are unlikely to be problematic unless Stability.png stability becomes too low or Monthly war exhaustion war exhaustion becomes too high.

Type Modifier Integrated culture happiness Integrated Culture Happiness
Base Base +50%
 Antagonist Nations +10%
 link= 28px Aggressive Expansion -0.3% per point above 50
 Ruler popularity gain.png Ruler Popularity -0.1% for every point below 50
Country rank Country rank 3.png Local Power +4%
 Country rank 4.png Regional Power +8%
 Country rank 5.png Major Power +12%
 Country rank 6.png Great Power +16%
National ideas Idea tolerance.png Tolerance of Pagans (Religious) +6%
Inventions Invention.png F.U.G. (Religious Tech 1) +2%
 Invention.png Open Religion (Religious Tech 4) +2%
 Invention.png Mass Pewter Production (Religious Tech 7) +2%
 Invention.png Exported Drama (Religious Tech 15) +2%
 Invention.png Assemblies (Religious Tech 19) +2%
 Invention.png Brahmi Script (Oratory Tech 2, requires Aryan, Pracyan, or Dravidian culture group) +2.5%
 Invention.png Diurna (Oratory Tech 16, only for 罗马的国旗 罗马) +6%
Buildings Theater Theater (city) +3%
Laws Political influence.png Anti-Piracy Statutes (Republic) +5%
 Political influence.png Devolved Administration (Republic) +5%
 Political influence.png Lex Hortensia (罗马的国旗  Roman Republic) +5%
 Political influence.png Closed Society (Tribal) +10%
Deities State religion.png Intarabus (Druidic deity)
 State religion.png Apollo (Hellenic deity)
 State religion.png Helios (Hellenic deity)
 State religion.png Apollo Didymaios (叙拉古的国旗  Syracusan Hellenic deity)
 State religion.png Nortia (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
 State religion.png Governing Goddesses (Matrist deity)
 State religion.png Guidance of the Moon (Ritualistic deity)
Omens Omen.png Persephone (Hellenic deity)
 Omen.png Hyacinthus (斯巴达的国旗  Spartan Hellenic deity)
 Omen.png Velchanos (Cretan Hellenic deity)
 Omen.png Artume (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
 Omen.png Diana (Italic Hellenic deity)
 Omen.png Osiris (Kemetic deity)
 Omen.png Bagvarti (Khaldic deity)
Heritages Cretan Heritage (cultural) +10%
 普拉厄索斯的国旗  Minoan Heritage (Praesos) +5%

Unintegrated culture

Unintegrated culture happiness Unintegrated Culture Happiness modifiers are applied to pops that are in the same culture group as the primary culture, but not of the primary culture itself and are not integrated. Note that despite the name, unintegrated culture happiness modifiers are not applied to pops who are in a different culture group from the primary culture. While usually not as happy as primary culture pops, pops within the same culture group are also generally easy to deal with and are rarely the source of serious problems unless Stability.png becomes too low.

Type Modifier Unintegrated culture happiness Unintegrated Culture Happiness
Base Base +30%
National ideas Idea smear.png Strategic Propaganda (Oratory) +6%
Inventions Invention.png Peregrini (Civic Tech 2) +3%
 Invention.png Cultural Judiciary (Civic Tech 11) +3%
 Invention.png Petition of Minorities (Civic Tech 15) +3%
Military traditions Military tradition.png A People on the Move (Barbarian traditions) +6%
Religions Religious power.png Cybelene +5%
Deities State religion.png Herakles (Hellenic deity)
 State religion.png Usil (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
Omens Omen.png Papaios (Heptadic deity)

Unintegrated culture group

Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness modifiers are applied to pops of an unintegrated culture that are in a different culture group from the primary culture. Pops in the wrong culture group have a significantly lower base happiness, making them particularly susceptible to increasing Unrest.png unrest, decreasing Province loyalty provincial loyalty, and threatening Unrest.png rebellions. For this reason, maximizing unintegrated culture group happiness is particularly important for large, expansionist empires for whom most of their pops will inevitably fall into this category.

Type Modifier Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness
Base Base +20%
National ideas Idea legislative reform.png Legislative Reform (Oratory) +6%
Inventions Invention.png Accepted Rites (Religious 2) +3%
 Invention.png Minor Syncretism (Religious 9) +3%
 Invention.png Major Syncretism (Religious 17) +3%
Ruler traits 宽容 Tolerant (personality) +6%
 Blood of the Lagidae Blood of the Lagidae (status) +6%
 狂热 Zealous (personality) -6%
Laws Political influence.png Encourage Syncretism (Tribal) +12%
Deities State religion.png Tanit (Punic Canaanite deity)
Omens Omen.png Ailiah (Arabic deity)
 Omen.png Traphu (Bon deity)
 Omen.png Wanderings of Buddha (Buddhist deity)
 Omen.png Ataecina (Iberic deity)
 Omen.png Esther (Jewish deity)
 Omen.png Isis (Kemetic deity)
 Omen.png Guidance of the Wind (Ritualistic deity)
Diplomatic Actions Casus belli.png Foreign Nation Supporting Rebels -8%
Heritages 塞琉古帝国的国旗  Heritage of Seleukos (Seleukid Empire) +6%
 博斯普鲁斯王国的国旗  Heritage of Spartokos (Bosporan Kingdom) +6%
 厄庇克拉忒亚的国旗  Epikrateia Heritage (Epikrateia) +6%
 得卡波利斯的国旗  Decapolian Heritage (Decapolis) +6%
Graeco-Pontic Heritage (cultural) +6%
Hellenistic Heritage (cultural) +6%
 本都的国旗  Pontic Heritage (Pontus) +3%
 马斯西利亚的国旗  Massilian Heritage (Massilia) +3%
 伊奥尼亚的国旗  Ionian Heritage (Ionia) +3%


A pop's culture can change to the nation's primary culture via Pop assimilation.png assimilation. For every territory, a single randomly chosen pop will always be assimilating as long as that territory holds pops that are not of an integrated culture and are not otherwise busy (e.g. converting or promoting). Assimilation progress builds each month, with the exact progress determined by the sum of all Assimilation speed.png Pop Assimilation Speed modifiers. Once progress reaches 100%, the pop will be assimilated to the primary culture and another pop will begin to assimilate, if there are any other pops that can be assimilated. Integrated cultures will never assimilate.

Given the significant happiness penalties that unintegrated culture and especially unintegrated culture group pops give, it is generally beneficial to assimilate any non-integrated culture pops in the country. Using the Policy cultural assimilation.png Cultural Assimilation governor policy, founding colonies, building Theater theraters, and passing the laws with assimilation bonuses for tribes and monarchies will speed up the assimilation, but in general provinces - especially more populated settlements - may take decades before they are significantly assimilated.

Type Modifier Assimilation speed.png Pop Assimilation Speed
Base Tyranny Tyranny +0.5% per point
Pop Pop noble.png Noble +0.40
 Pop citizen.png Citizen +0.60
 Freemen Freeman +0.60
 Slaves Slave +0.60
 Tribesmen Tribesman +0.30
 Religious power.png Not state religion -33%
Inventions Invention.png Cultural Administration (Civic Tech 11) +10%
Territories Country capital.png Nation capital +20%
 Ability road building.png Road Network in Territory +2.5% for each outgoing road
 Religious power.png Dominant Culture is not Primary Culture -25%
 Policy cultural assimilation.png Dominant Religion is not Primary Culture -10%
Buildings Theater Theater (city) +1.00
 Provincial Legation Provincial Legation (settlement) +0.20
Governor policies Policy cultural assimilation.png Cultural Assimilation +1.00 per Finesse.png 10 finesse of the governor, plus a base of +0.10
Laws Political influence.png Cultural Dissemination (Monarchy) +3.00
 Political influence.png Oral Tradition (Tribal) +30%
Religions Religious power.png Jewish +20%
Deities State religion.png Melqart (Canaanite deity)
 State religion.png Artume (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
 State religion.png Krishna (Hindu deity)
Omens Omen.png Cybele (Cybelene deity)
 Omen.png Belisama (Druidic deity)
Heritages 迦陵伽的国旗  Kalingan Heritage (Kalinga) +10%
 得卡波利斯的国旗  Decapolian Heritage (Decapolis) +10%
 彼布罗斯的国旗  Heritage of Byblos (Byblos) -5%
 Bosporan Heritage (cultural) -10%
 埃及的国旗  Heritage of Ptolemaios (Egypt) -15%
 塞琉古帝国的国旗  Heritage of Seleukos (Seleukid Empire) -15%
Hellenistic Heritage (cultural) -15%

Graphical culture

The graphical culture of a culture group determines the style of unit and city models. Every graphical culture has its own unit models, used by all the nations of the associated culture groups which don't have unique unit models. City models are shared among several graphical cultures, and their style depends on the majority culture of the city's territory.

Graphical culture City style
german_gfx Tribal
roman_gfx Hellenistic
carthaginian_gfx Punic[1]
numidian_gfx[2] African
arabian_gfx Persian
scythian_gfx Steppe
north_indian_gfx Indian

List of cultures

Group Traditions Portraits Graphical culture Cultures Starting
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
celtic celtic_gfx Aduatacian 64 10
Belgic 0 0
Bellovacian 47 8
Eburonian 36 6
Menapian 59 12
Morinian 71 12
Nervian 88 15
Sennonian 89 15
Treverian 267 54
Veliocassian 63 12
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
celtic celtic_gfx Asturian 165 30
Callaecian 182 32
Caristian 0 0
Carpetanian 82 15
Celtiberian 215 36
Celtician 161 24
Lobetanian 26 5
Lusitanian 141 28
Sedetanian 0 0
Vaccaeian 87 17
Vardulian 0 0
Vettonian 130 25
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
celtic celtic_gfx Hibernian 124 48
Manavian 3 1
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
celtic celtic_gfx Alluvian 327 47
Aremorican 190 33
Arverni 142 23
Aulercian 133 24
Biturigan 203 34
Carnuti 0 0
Haedui 196 33
Helvetian 302 56
Lemovician 80 14
Lepontic 372 51
Pictonian 115 20
Santonian 199 35
Vindelician 249 52
Volcae 112 19
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
germanic german_gfx Anglian 10 5
Bastarnae 26 10
Cimbrian 23 8
Frisian 0 0
Gothonic 35 12
Gutoni 32 10
Helveconian 0 0
Herulian 50 14
Ingvaeonic 30 9
Irminonic 184 69
Istvaonic 95 27
Lemovian 0 0
Raumarician 30 10
Reudingian 0 0
Rugian 25 8
Saxonian 47 16
Suebian 120 45
Suioni 25 9
Teutonian 27 8
Vandal 43 16
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
iberian iberian_gfx Ausetanian 40 7
Bastetanian 110 19
Contestanian 105 18
Cynetian 33 6
Edetanian 58 10
Ilercavonian 70 10
Indiketian 46 6
Lacetanian 45 8
Oretanian 109 20
Turdetanian 277 51
Turdulian 181 29
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
iberian iberian_gfx Aquitani 162 29
Autrigonian 50 9
Cantabrian 76 15
Corsian 69 9
Ilergetian 48 9
Nuragic 158 21
Vasconian 99 18
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
celtic celtic_gfx Boian 135 35
Carnian 72 9
Eraviscian 162 35
Letobician 84 14
Noric 162 28
Scordiscian 262 49
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
britannic celtic_gfx Brigantic 97 23
Caledonian 28 13
Cantian 48 7
Coritani 54 14
Cornovian 23 7
Damnonian 20 8
Demetian 36 9
Dobunnian 55 13
Dumnonian 54 8
Durotrigan 52 8
Iceni 39 8
Ordovitian 42 8
Pretani 0 0
Taexalian 12 5
Trinovantian 33 6
Votadinian 17 6
Celtic philosophy start bonus.png
Barbarian traditions
germanic german_gfx Aestian 104 58
Latin philosophy start bonus.png
Italic traditions
roman roman_gfx Bruttian 75 5
Etruscan 387 23
Ligurian 236 17
Lucanian 124 8
Messapian 0 0
Osco-Umbrian 0 0
Rhaetian 100 14
Roman 320 17
Sabellian 355 28
Sardonian 0 0
Siculian 94 5
Umbrian 153 12
Venetic 186 15
Greek philosophy start bonus.png
Greek traditions
levantine greek_gfx Albocensian 166 41
Biephian 45 15
Buridanvsian 119 20
Caucoensian 109 18
Costobocian 48 23
Getian 201 49
Harpii 49 17
Moesi 105 19
Odrysian 132 27
Ratacensian 36 7
Triballoi 116 23
Greek philosophy start bonus.png
Greek traditions [3][4]
greek greek_gfx Achaean 54 5
Aegean 174 22
Aeolian 91 9
Aetolian 132 16
Arcadian 59 6
Argolian 49 7
Athenian 139 10
Bithynian 332 28
Boeotian 93 9
Bosporan 224 21
Cretan 172 11
Cypriot 94 10
Cyrenaican 165 18
Epirote 150 12
Euboean 48 7
Graeco-Pontic 170 20
Ionian 225 23
Italiotian 207 12
Lacedaemonian 98 9
Macedonian 1379 88
Massalian 109 11
Parthinian 0 0
Propontic 234 20
Siceliote 249 22
Thessalian 112 10
Troan 130 12
Greek philosophy start bonus.png
Greek traditions
illyrian greek_gfx Abrian 0 0
Catari 55 11
Dalmatian 113 22
Dardanian 69 17
Deraemestian 46 9
Deurian 90 13
Histrian 86 11
Liburnian 0 0
Liburnian 42 7
Messapian 233 15
Taulantian 74 15
North african philosophy start bonus.png
North African traditions
north_african numidian_gfx Berber 0 0
Gaetulian 34 8
Garamantic 54 9
Libyan 99 38
Massaesylian 253 58
Massylian 628 85
Maurian 136 35
Numidian 0 0
North african philosophy start bonus.png
North African traditions
levantine carthaginian_gfx Punic 944 110
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png
Levantine and Arabian traditions
Hebrew 499 47
Nabatean 164 44
Phoenician 278 39
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png
Levantine and Arabian traditions
ethiopian nubian_gfx Aksumite 191 23
Macrobian 170 21
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png
Levantine and Arabian traditions
arabian arabian_gfx Hadhrami 73 20
Himjar 55 12
Makan 200 35
Minaean 57 16
Qatabanian 46 10
Qedarite 138 26
Sabaean 75 17
Ta'if 9 2
Thamudi 66 20
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png
Levantine and Arabian traditions
north_african egyptian_gfx Bohairic 800 47
Faiyumic 255 20
Sahidic 293 62
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png
Levantine and Arabian traditions
meroitic egyptian_gfx Blemmyan 49 15
Meroitic 630 91
Persian philosophy start bonus.png
Persian traditions
persian persian_gfx Armenian 821 136
Cappadocian 460 52
Carian 167 21
Cilician 194 18
Isaurian 147 19
Lycaonian 164 23
Lycian 104 14
Lydian 141 13
Mysian 171 17
Pamphylian 61 8
Paphlagonian 301 30
Phrygian 445 52
Pontic 269 41
Persian philosophy start bonus.png
Persian traditions
levantine persian_gfx Aramaic 507 73
Assyrian 390 51
Babylonian 542 51
Persian philosophy start bonus.png
Persian traditions
bactrian persian_gfx Bactrian 371 34
Khotanese 89 19
Margian 120 17
Phryni 0 0
Shule 0 0
Sogdian 337 59
Tayuan 159 13
Tocharian 239 32
Wusun 0 0
Yuezhi 0 0
Persian philosophy start bonus.png
Persian traditions
persian persian_gfx Albanian 144 33
Colchian 153 28
Ibero 177 34
Persian philosophy start bonus.png
Persian traditions
persian persian_gfx Agartian 129 22
Amardian 145 14
Cadusian 230 23
Carmanian 150 27
Cossian 33 6
Elamite 118 13
Gedrosian 68 16
Hyrcanian 0 0
Median 575 88
Pactyan 104 21
Parecanian 58 13
Parthian 332 41
Persian 353 31
Sarangian 0 0
Sattagydian 144 21
Utian 125 24
Uxian 49 6
Persian philosophy start bonus.png
Persian traditions
scythian scythian_gfx Agathyrsian 82 48
Dahae 247 40
Kharesmian 117 16
Legian 120 38
Maeotian 39 15
Roxolanian 0 0
Sakan 124 35
Sarmatian 144 55
Scythian 287 112
Sindi 28 9
Siracian 48 15
Thyssagetian 91 35
Mauryan philosophy start bonus.png
Indian traditions
mauryan north_indian_gfx Avanti 956 63
Dardic 201 22
Gandhari 590 56
Lankan 175 15
Maharashtran 458 32
Saurashtran 511 49
Shauraseni 1094 73
Sindhi 427 40
Vidharban 468 30
Mauryan philosophy start bonus.png
Indian traditions
dravidian south_indian_gfx Kannadan 731 50
Tamil 1309 85
Telugu 766 54
Mauryan philosophy start bonus.png
Indian traditions
mauryan north_indian_gfx Atavi 370 42
Bangli 488 39
Kalingan 449 26
Kamarupi 245 27
Magadhi 819 47
Nepala 141 22
Mauryan philosophy start bonus.png
Indian traditions
tibetan north_indian_gfx Sumpa 116 24
Tsang 37 14
Yarlung 65 19
Zhangzhung 132 40
国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置
  1. Requires The Punic Wars. Vanilla city style is Hellenistic.
  2. Requires The Punic Wars. Vanilla unit style is Egyptian.
  3. 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚 uniquely has Persian traditions, despite being in the Hellenistic culture group.
  4. 埃及的国旗 埃及 uniquely has Levantine and Arabian traditions, despite being in the Hellenistic culture group.