
The decision interface

In Imperator, each country has a set of Menu decision.png decisions that can be taken after a certain set of requirements have been met, visible under the Menu overview.png Nation Overview screen. All decisions whose potential requirements the country meets, even if the allow requirements are not met, can be found in the decision tab. The requirements and effects of each decision can be seen by hovering over the box or clicking on it to show the information on the panel to the side, even if the decision cannot currently be taken. Decisions whose requirements are fully met will be moved to the top and have a Yes green checkmark, and can be taken by clicking the decision and then on the Enact button at any time as long as the requirements are still met. Some decisions are unique to one nation or culture, while others can be taken by any country as long as it meets the requirements. Decisions can have a wide variety of possible effects, from adding modifiers or moving the capital to changing Menu government.png government type, converting Religious power.png religion, starting an event chain or even forming a new nation.

Formable nations

主條目:Formable nations

These decisions allow a country to embrace a new identity generally involving the unification of a tribal or cultural region or the restoration of a fallen kingdom, changing the name and often flag of the country as well as generally giving claims or other bonuses. Nation formation decisions have a large variety of conditions, but generally they require the country to have a particular culture or culture group and control the most important territories in the region. Formable nations exist in a series of tiers; it is generally not possible to form a country of lower tier.

Cultural decisions

Cultural decisions are targeted at a particular culture inside a country and accessible from the File:Menu culture.png Culture screen rather than the Nation Overview interface. These decisions allow a country to grant various privileges to a culture to increase the happiness of its pops, usually at the cost of pop output and/or the happiness of other cultures.

Integrated culture decisions

These cultural decisions are targeted at Integrated.png integrated cultures and can be found in /ImperatorRome/cultural_decisions/integrated_culture_decisions.txt.


Promote Citizen Administrators

By earning our respect this people has been elevated to the the status of citizenship within our country. This separates them from other peoples from similar cultures, and makes them uniquely suited to act on our behalf as administrators and officers in their lands.

  • The target culture is not in the same culture group as the current country
  • The target culture has Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • Has a territory whose dominant culture is the target culture
  • Has at least 100 pops of other cultures in the target culture's culture group
  • Has pops of at least 2 other cultures in the target culture's culture group
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Privileged Administrators
  • Owns at least Local.png 20 territories
  • Has greater than Stability.png 40 stability

  • Lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Privileged Administrators until the end of the game, giving:
    • Pop citizen output.png -12% Culture Citizen Output
  • All other cultures in the target culture's culture group get the modifier Administered by Cultural Kin until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness


This culture has a rich and ancient heritage, a great treasure trove of literature and aesthetics that many in the capital find captivating. Let us patronize their scholars, writers, poets and artists, bringing our two peoples closer together.

  • The target culture is not the primary culture
  • The target culture has Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Patronizing Culture
  • Does not have the modifier Patronizing Foreign Literature & Art

  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Patronizing Culture until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness
    • Pop citizen output.png +9% Culture Citizen Output
    • Freeman output -12% Culture Freeman Output
    • Slave output -12% Culture Slave Output
  • Get the modifier Patronizing Foreign Literature & Art' for 5 years, giving:
    • Integrated culture happiness -3% Integrated Culture Happiness

Municipal Self Rule

Trust and loyalty go hand in hand. By sanctioning the rights of one of the greater communities of this culture, giving them their own elected bodies, taxation rights, and even their own army, we can earn the loyalty of even those that remain outside of the municipal borders.

  • The target culture is not the primary culture
  • The target culture has Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • Is not tribal
  • Is not a Vassalized.png subject
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Municipal Self Rule
  • Does not have a subject of the target culture whose capital has the modifier Municipal Self Rule
  • Owns a territory that:
    • Has the target culture as its dominant culture
    • Has Territory city.png city status
    • Has at least Population.png 25 population
    • Is not the Country capital.png capital

  • Lose Stability.png 5 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • Save as the municipium territory the owned territory with the highest Population.png population that:
    • Has the target culture as its dominant culture
    • Has Territory city.png city status
    • Has at least Population.png 25 population
    • Is not the Country capital.png capital
  • Release a new country from the municipium territory of the target culture
  • If the municipium territory has at least Civilization.png 40 civilization value or is in the culture group of the current country, set the newly created country's government to Oligarchic Republic
  • Otherwise, set the newly created country's government to Settled Tribe
  • If the new country is in the same culture group as the current country, make it a Vassalized.png feudatory of the current country
  • Otherwise, if the municipium territory has less than Civilization.png 40 civilization value, make the new country a Vassalized.png tribal vassal of the current country
  • Otherwise, make the the new country a Vassalized.png client state of the current country
  • The municipium territory gets the modifier Municipal Self Rule for 20 years, giving:
    • Happiness.png +10% Local Population Happiness
  • The target culture gets the modifier Municipal Self Rule until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png +10% Culture Happiness

Create Honor Guard

This is a people renowned for their fierce martial prowess. Let us create an honor guard for our ruler composed only of their finest warriors. This will give us the protection we need and will show the people itself how much we appreciate what they do for our country.

  • The target culture is not the primary culture
  • The target culture has Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • Owns a territory whose dominant culture is the target culture
  • No characters in the current country's court have the modifier Honor Guard
  • If the current country does not have at least Integrated.png 2 integrated cultures, has at least Military experience.png 5 military experience

  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • Remove the Honor Guard modifier from any cultures that currently have it
  • The target culture gets the modifier Honor Guard until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png +3% Culture Happiness
    • Freeman output +6% Culture Freeman Output
  • If the country has at least Integrated.png 2 integrated cultures, every country culture with Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights that are not the target or primary culture get the modifier Not Honor Guard until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png -6% Culture Happiness
  • Otherwise, lose Military experience.png 5 military experience
  • Create a new character with:
    • The culture and religion of the highest Population.png population territory of the target culture that the current country owns
    • The 勇敢 brave trait
    • The 魯莽 reckless trait
    • The Honor Guard modifier, giving:
      • Martial.png +1 Martial
  • Get the event [honor_guard.GetName]

Unintegrated culture decisions

These cultural decisions are targeted at unintegrated cultures and can be found in /ImperatorRome/cultural_decisions/non_integrated_culture_decisions.txt.


Right of Inheritance

By guaranteeing the rights of inheritance for a culture we are ensuring that the family fortunes of its members are not squandered or usurped by the citizens of our country.

  • The target culture is not the primary culture
  • The target culture does not have Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Right of Intermarriage
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Right of Intermarriage

  • Lose Stability.png 5 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Protected Inheritances until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global cultural integration speed modifier.png +10% Cultural Integration Speed
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness
  • Get the modifier Extended Right of Inheritance for 3 years, giving:
    • Pop citizen happiness.png -6% National Citizen Happiness
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 10 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party populares.png Populares faction, gain Party populares.png 10 Populares approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 10 Democrats approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval

Right to Enter Legal Contracts

Extending the right to enter into legally binding contracts with our citizens and nobles will tie this culture closer to ours and allow them to participate in the economic life of our country.

  • The target culture does not have Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Right to Enter Contracts
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Contract Rights

  • Lose Stability.png 5 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Right to Enter Contracts until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global cultural integration speed modifier.png +10% Cultural Integration Speed
    • Freeman output +12% Culture Freeman Output
    • Slave happiness -8% Culture Slave Happiness
  • Get the modifier Extended Contract Rights for 3 years, giving:
    • Pop citizen happiness.png -6% National Citizen Happiness
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 5 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Boni Boni faction, gain Boni 5 Boni approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 5 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 5 Democrats approval

Protection against Torture

We will let it be decreed that torture cannot be used to exact a lawful confession from this people, except in cases of high treason.

  • The target culture does not have Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Protection against undue coercion
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Protection against Coercion

  • Lose Stability.png 5 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Protection against undue coercion until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global cultural integration speed modifier.png +10% Cultural Integration Speed
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness
    • Slave output -12% Culture Slave Output
  • Get the modifier Extended Protection against Coercion for 3 years, giving:
    • Pop citizen happiness.png -3% National Citizen Happiness
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 5 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Boni Boni faction, gain Boni 5 Boni approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 5 Democrats approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 5 Traditionalists approval

Right of Intermarriage

By granting the right to intermarry with our citizens we open up a way for the adherents of a culture to reach citizenship, if not for themselves at least for their children.

  • The target culture is not in the same culture group as the current country
  • The target culture does not have Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Right of Intermarriage
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Right of Intermarriage
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Right of Intermarriage

  • Lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Right of Intermarriage until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global cultural integration speed modifier.png +15% Cultural Integration Speed
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness
  • Get the modifier Extended Right of Intermarriage for 5 years, giving:
    • Pop citizen happiness.png -6% National Citizen Happiness
  • The highest Population.png population territory of the target culture that the current country owns gets the modifier Intermarriage Spree for 10 years, giving:
    • Pop assimilation.png +10% Pop Assimilation Speed
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party populares.png Populares faction, lose Party populares.png 5 Populares approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Boni Boni faction, gain Boni 5 Boni approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 5 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 5 Democrats approval

Right to Lead

By opening up lower officer positions in units composed of their own people we can bring new opportunities and a sense of hope to the masses of this culture.

  • The target culture is not the primary culture
  • The target culture is in the same culture group as the current country
  • The target culture does not have Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Right to be Officer
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Officer Rights

  • Lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • All owned provinces with less than Province loyalty 98 loyalty gain Province loyalty 1.5 loyalty for each territory with the target culture as its dominant culture
  • The target culture gets the modifier Right to be Officer until the end of the game, giving:
    • Freeman happiness +10% Culture Freeman Happiness
    • Freeman output +6% Culture Freeman Output
  • Get the modifier Extended Officer Rights for 3 years, giving:
    • Pop citizen happiness.png -3% National Citizen Happiness
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 5 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party populares.png Populares faction, gain Party populares.png 5 Populares approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 5 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 5 Democrats approval

Found Colony

The best way to ensure lasting loyalty in a region will always be to send those we trust to rule it for us.
Let us send a number of trusted [COUNTRY.GetAdjective] men and women to build a new life deep in foreign territory.

  • The target culture is not the primary culture
  • The target culture does not have Pop citizen.png citizen or Pop noble.png noble civic rights
  • Does not have the modifier Colonial Ventures
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Colonial Occupation
  • Owns a territory that:
    • Has the target culture as the dominant culture
    • Neighbours more than one other territory that has the target culture as the dominant culture
    • Is not in the same province as the Country capital.png capital

  • Select the territory with the highest difference between its Population capacity population capacity and Population.png current population that:
    • Has the target culture as the dominant culture
    • Neighbours more than one other territory that has the target culture as the dominant culture
    • Is not in the same province as the Country capital.png capital
  • The selected territory gets the modifier Colony until the end of the game, giving:
    • Migration attraction +2 Migration Attraction
    • Pop assimilation.png +10% Pop Assimilation Speed
  • The selected territory's province loses Province loyalty 20 loyalty
  • The selected territory gets the event [ROOT.GetProvince.GetName] - A [ROOT.GetProvince.GetOwner.GetPrimaryCulture.GetName] Colony
  • The target culture gets the modifier Colonial Occupation until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global cultural integration speed modifier.png -15% Cultural Integration Speed
    • Happiness.png -6% Culture Happiness
  • Get the modifier Colonial Ventures for 3 years, giving:
    • National tax -5% National Tax

Primary culture decisions

These cultural decisions are targeted at the primary culture and can be found in /ImperatorRome/cultural_decisions/primary_culture_decisions.txt.


Protected Land Rights

By ensuring that the property and land of our culture is protected from the state and its greedy citizens we can be sure that they will feel a deeper sense of belonging.

  • The target culture is the primary culture
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Land Ownership Protection
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Land Protection

  • The target culture gets the modifier Land Ownership Protection until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness
    • Pop citizen output.png -12% Culture Citizen Output
    • Freeman output -12% Culture Freeman Output
  • Get the modifier Extended Land Protection for 3 years, giving:
    • Freeman happiness -6% National Freeman Happiness
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, gain Party optimates.png 10 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party populares.png Populares faction, lose Party populares.png 10 Populares approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, gain Party oligarchic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval

Ease Restrictions on Citizenship

While Citizenship is restricted by birth it is possible for some to earn the right to be considered citizens. We should lighten these restrictions and rules and open more ways in which someone might aspire to the honor of citizenship.

  • The target culture is the primary culture
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Land Ownership Protection

  • The target culture gets the modifier Eased Restrictions on Citizenship until the end of the game, giving:
    • Pop citizen happiness.png +6% Culture Citizen Happiness
    • Noble happiness -6% Culture Noble Happiness
  • Tooltip: This decision will allow families to adopt Characters of cultures other than [SCOPE.sCountryCulture('target_culture').GetCulture .GetName].
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 5 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Boni Boni faction, gain Boni 5 Boni approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 5 Traditionalists approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 5 Democrats approval

Right of Appeal

By ensuring that our citizens have the right to have their grievances tried in a court, rather than just decided by the local governor, we can give them a sense of safety and fairness.

  • The target culture is the primary culture
  • The target culture does not have the modifier Right of Appeal
  • Does not have the modifier Extended Rights of Appeal

  • The target culture gets the modifier Right of Appeal until the end of the game, giving:
    • Happiness.png +6% Culture Happiness
    • Freeman output -9% Culture Freeman Output
    • Slave output -9% Culture Slave Output
  • Tooltip: Non-[SCOPE.sCountryCulture('target_culture').GetCulture.GetName] Characters will now be easier to prosecute in a trial.

Exemption from Census Tax

It is not befitting that our treasured Citizens and Nobles, the people who the foundation of this country rests upon, pay the census taxes to which we subject our foreign subjects.

  • The target culture is the primary culture
  • Does not have the modifier No Census Taxes for Citizens or Nobles
  • Does not have the modifier No Census Taxes for Citizens or Nobles

  • Get the modifier No Census Taxes for Citizens or Nobles until the end of the game, giving:
    • Integrated culture happiness +10% Integrated Culture Happiness
    • Pop citizen output.png -16% National Citizen Output
    • Noble output -16% National Noble Output
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, gain Party optimates.png 10 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party populares.png Populares faction, lose Party populares.png 10 Populares approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, gain Party oligarchic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, lose Party democratic.png 10 Democrats approval

Revoke Census Tax Exemption

The freedom from Census taxes is a hated and expensive reform. Revoking it will have us face the ire of our privileged classes but will surely help the treasury.

  • The target culture is the primary culture
  • Has the modifier No Census Taxes for Citizens or Nobles
  • Has the modifier No Census Taxes for Citizens or Nobles

  • Remove the modifier No Census Taxes for Citizens or Nobles
  • Every Integrated.png integrated culture gets the modifier Tax Exemption Revoked for 10 years, giving:
    • Happiness.png -5% Culture Happiness
    • Pop citizen happiness.png -9% Culture Citizen Happiness
    • Noble happiness -9% Culture Noble Happiness
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 10 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party populares.png Populares faction, gain Party populares.png 10 Populares approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, gain Party democratic.png 10 Democrats approval

Antigonid decisions

The 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞 has a single unique country-specific decision, relating to securing its position while Antigonos is still alive. The decision can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/phrygia.txt.


Secure Antigonid Position

To ensure the strength of Antigonos' new eastern kingdom and the freedom of the Greeks; Kassandros' occupiers in Korinthos must be cast out, our southern gains kept safe from jealous Ptolemaic schemes, and the new capital of Antigoneia defended from Seleukid ambition.

  • Has at least 1 territory
  • Is 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞
  • Antigonos Antigonid (37) is the current ruler
  • Does not have the variable secure_phrygian_position_flag
  • Antigonos Antigonid (37) is alive and the current ruler
  • Owns Korinthos (418), Askalon (660), Antigoneia (790), Chalkis (407), and Salamis (331)
  • Does not have the variable secure_phrygian_position_flag

  • Get the modifier Defender of Greece for 20 years, giving:
    • Province loyalty +0.03 Provincial Loyalty
    • State religion happiness +10% State Religion Happiness
  • Set the variable secure_phrygian_position_flag

Carthaginian decisions


Government conversion decisions

Apart from the Tribal Reform missions and various country-specific events and mission tasks, all government changes are done through specific decisions. Swapping between government types of the same group can generally be done freely given the country meets the requirements, but switching between different groups is significantly more difficult (if possible at all). The possible government conversions are as follows:

  • Settled Tribes and Migratory Tribes can always convert between each other. Federated Tribes can also become Migratory Tribes, but the only way to form a Federated Tribe is through certain formable nation decisions.
  • Settled and Federated Tribes can reform into either an Autocratic Monarchy or a Democratic Republic.
  • An Autocratic Monarchy can reform into one of the more advanced monarchy types (Aristocratic, Stratocratic, Plutocratic, or Theocratic Monarchy). These four can interconvert between each other, but cannot go back to becoming an Autocratic Monarchy.
  • Similarly, a Democratic Republic can reform into one of the more advanced republic types (Aristocratic, Oligarchic, Plutocratic, or Theocratic Republic). These four can also interconvert between each other, but cannot go back to becoming an Democratic Republic.
  • Any of the four advanced republic types can become a Dictatorship to adopt a monarchical government form.
  • Any of the five base monarchy types (Autocratic, Aristocratic, Stratocratic, Plutocratic, or Theocratic Monarchy), as well as Dictatorships, can become an Empire.
  • All Monarchical governments except for Autocratic monarchies and Dictatorships can become an Imperial Cult.

Other conversions are possible through special country-specific events or missions. These decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/conversions.txt.


Abandon Sedentary Lifestyle

Times are changing and this land can no longer support our great tribe. It is time to once more embrace the traditions of our ancestors, and prepare for migrations to more peaceful and fertile lands.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Settled Tribe or Federated Tribe government type
  • Has less than Centralization.png -25 centralization
  • The capital scope has more Tribesmen tribesmen than Pop citizen.png citizens or Freemen freemen
  • All clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 33 loyalty

  • Gain Political influence.png 50 political influence
  • If the government type is Settled Tribe, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Set the government type to Migratory Tribe

Form Tribal Kingdom

We have found a good home, it is time we settle down and adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. Let us proclaim ourselves a kingdom, separating ourselves from the migratory tribes to which we once belonged.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Migratory Tribe government type
  • Does not have any armies with migrant cohorts
  • Has greater than Centralization.png 25 centralization
  • All clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 33 loyalty

  • Gain Political influence.png 50 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 5 stability
  • Set the government type to Settled Tribe

Embrace Autocracy

[COUNTRY.GetRuler.GetName], inspired by the Kings and Tyrants of foreign lands, might exert greater authority by discarding the tribal trappings of our ancestors.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Settled Tribe or Federated Tribe government type
  • Is AI-controlled
  • Has not started reforming the Tribe in the last 20 years
  • Does not have any armies with migrant cohorts
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Has at least Centralization.png 0 centralization
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Capital has at least Civilization.png 40 civilization level
    • Capital has at least Civilization.png 25 civilization level and any neighbouring country is a monarchy that did not start reforming from a Tribal government type in the last 20 years
  • All clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 33 loyalty


Note: This is the AI path for reforming from a Tribal government form to a Monarchy. Human-controlled countries must take the Investigate Tribal Reform decision and proceed along the Tribal Reform mission tree instead.

Embrace Democracy

The Chiefs, Elders, and Magistrates of [COUNTRY.GetName] believe that adopting a more constitutional form of democracy will allow us to prosper fully.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Settled Tribe or Federated Tribe government type
  • Is AI-controlled
  • Has not started reforming the Tribe in the last 20 years
  • Does not have any armies with migrant cohorts
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Has at least Centralization.png] 0 centralization
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Capital has at least Civilization.png 40 civilization level
    • Capital has at least Civilization.png 25 civilization level and any neighbouring country is a republic that did not start reforming from a Tribal government type in the last 20 years
  • All clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 33 loyalty


Note: This is the AI path for reforming from a Tribal government form to a Republic. Human-controlled countries must take the Investigate Tribal Reform decision and proceed along the Tribal Reform mission tree instead.

Investigate Tribal Reform

It is time for our people to consider new methods of rule. Foreign ideals flood our country - can we truly remain a nomadic people?

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Settled Tribe or Federated Tribe government type
  • Is not AI-controlled
  • Has not yet taken this decision
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Has at least Centralization.png 60 centralization
  • All clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 33 loyalty


Note: This is the player path for reforming from a Tribal government form to a Monarchy or Republic. AI-controlled countries will take the Embrace Autocracy or Embrace Democracy decisions instead.

Adopt Plutocratic Monarchy

The lure of profit and prosperity is something we must enshrine into our very constitution; abandoning the trappings of lesser kingdoms.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Autocratic Monarchy, Stratocratic Monarchy, Aristocratic Monarchy, or Theocratic Monarchy government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • Has the Infrastructure Policy law

  • If the country has the Stratocratic Monarchy, Aristocratic Monarchy, or Theocratic Monarchy government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Plutocratic Monarchy

Embrace an Aristocratic Society

Those of noble blood should not be required to mingle with commoners...

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Autocratic Monarchy, Stratocratic Monarchy, Theocratic Monarchy, or Plutocratic Monarchy government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • Has the Exemption for Nobility law

  • If the country has the Stratocratic Monarchy, Theocratic Monarchy, or Plutocratic Monarchy government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Aristocratic Monarchy

Adopt Stratocratic Monarchy

The [COUNTRY.GetAdjective] people yearn to show the world their might. By stratifying our very society in a militarized hierarchy, we shall show the glory of [COUNTRY.GetName] to all!

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Autocratic Monarchy, Aristocratic Monarchy, Theocratic Monarchy, or Plutocratic Monarchy government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • Has the Martial Education law

  • If the country has the Aristocratic Monarchy, Stratocratic Monarchy, or Plutocratic Monarchy government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Stratocratic Monarchy

Proclaim Theocratic Monarchy

The glory of the divine shall shine upon [COUNTRY.GetRuler.GetName] - the [COUNTRY.GetAdjective] people are truly blessed.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Autocratic Monarchy, Aristocratic Monarchy, Stratocratic Monarchy, or Plutocratic Monarchy government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • Level of zeal修正 Religious Advances is at least 6

  • If the country has the Aristocratic Monarchy, Stratocratic Monarchy, or Plutocratic Monarchy government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Theocratic Monarchy

Enact Plutocratic Republic

The lure of profit and prosperity is something we must enshrine into our very constitution; abandoning the trappings of lesser nations.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Democratic Republic, Aristocratic Republic, Theocratic Republic, or Oligarchic Republic government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • If the country is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬, has the Lex Gabinia law
  • Otherwise, has the Lowered Import Tariffs law

  • If the country is an Oligarchic Republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a Theocratic Republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval
  • Otherwise, lose Party traditionalist.png 5 Traditionalists approval
  • If the country has the Aristocratic Republic, Theocratic Republic, or Oligarchic Republic government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Plutocratic Republic

Promote Oligarchy

Constitutionalizing the inherent superiority of those who have, versus those who do not have; will ensure that [COUNTRY.GetName] maintains a prosperous government.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Democratic Republic, Aristocratic Republic, Theocratic Republic, or Plutocratic Republic government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • If the country is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬, does not have the Lex Caec. de Vectigalibus law
  • Otherwise, does not have the Institute Wealth Levy law

  • If the country is a Democratic Republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, lose Party democratic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a Theocratic Republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval
  • Otherwise, lose Party traditionalist.png 5 Traditionalists approval
  • If the country has the Aristocratic Republic, Theocratic Republic, or Plutocratic Republic government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Oligarchic Republic

Enshrine Aristocracy

The ability to rule clearly runs in the family. Whilst democracy serves us well, perhaps we might ensure that the plebeian masses are prevented from interfering in government.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Democratic Republic, Oligarchic Republic, Theocratic Republic, or Plutocratic Republic government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • If the country is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬, has the Lex Licinia Mucia law
  • Otherwise, has the Rights of Nobility law

  • If the country is a Democratic Republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, lose Party democratic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a Theocratic Republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval
  • Otherwise, lose Party traditionalist.png 5 Traditionalists approval
  • If the country has the Oligarchic Republic, Theocratic Republic, or Plutocratic Republic government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Aristocratic Republic

Proclaim Theocratic Republic

By the help of the divine, and with the zeal of her people, [COUNTRY.GetName] shall endure for all eternity!

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Democratic Republic, Oligarchic Republic, Aristocratic Republic, or Plutocratic Republic government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • If the country is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬, has the Avoid Religious Mandates or Lex Ogulnia laws
  • Otherwise, has the Traditional Observance or Priestly Status laws
  • Level of zeal修正 Religious Advances is at least 6

  • If the country is an Oligarchic Republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country is a Democratic Republic and has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, lose Party democratic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • If the country has the Oligarchic Republic, Aristocratic Republic, or Plutocratic Republic government type, lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Otherwise, lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Theocratic Republic

Proclaim Dictatorship

It is becoming increasingly apparent that power cannot be trusted in the hands of the many. Absolute security demands absolute authority.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the Oligarchic Republic, Aristocratic Republic, Plutocratic Republic, or Theocratic Republic government type
  • Has at least Stability.png 40 stability
  • Current ruler has at least Popularity.png 90 popularity and is at least 16 years old
  • Has at least Tyranny 20 tyranny
  • If the country has the Party populares.png Populares faction, has at least Party populares.png 70 Populares support
  • Otherwise, if the country has the Party democratic.png Democrats faction, has at least Party democratic.png 70 Democrats support
  • Capital has at least Civilization.png 60 civilization level
  • If the country is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬, has the Princeps Civitatis law
  • Otherwise, has the Lifetime Elections law

  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Set the government type to Dictatorship
  • Gain Tyranny 30 tyranny
  • Get Province investment 2 free province investments

Imperial Ambition

[COUNTRY.GetRuler.GetName], resplendent in the glory of conquest, has eclipsed all other petty Kingdoms; a new title is needed for the ruler of the [COUNTRY.GetAdjective] Empire.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has one of the following government types:
    • Aristocratic Monarchy
    • Stratocratic Monarchy
    • Theocratic Monarchy
    • Plutocratic Monarchy
    • Dictatorship
    • Autocratic Monarchy
  • If the country is a Autocratic Monarchy, has at least 80 territories and the ruler has one of the following traits:
    • 狡猾 Crafty
    • 見解獨到 Original Thinker
    • 勝利者 Victorious
    • 征服者 Conqueror
    • 戰術家 Tactician
    • 侵略如火 Aggressive traits
  • Owns at least 800 territories
  • Current ruler has at least Popularity.png 90 popularity

  • Lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Set the government type to Empire
  • Get Province investment 3 free province investments
  • If the country is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬, set the country's name to Roman Empire

Divine Sanction

Few are in denial that [COUNTRY.GetRuler.GetName] is blessed. It follows, therefore, that such divine heritage can only be the property of a divine being.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has one of the following government types:
    • Empire
    • Aristocratic Monarchy
    • Stratocratic Monarchy
    • Theocratic Monarchy
    • Plutocratic Monarchy
    • Plutocratic Republic
    • Aristocratic Republic
    • Theocratic Republic
    • Oligarchic Republic
  • Does not follow a monotheist religion
  • Owns at least 200 territories
  • If the Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia DLC is enabled, has Deify ruler cost modifier.png 4 deified rulers in the state pantheon
  • Otherwise, the current ruler has at least Charisma.png 8 charisma, Finesse.png 8 finesse, Martial.png 8 martial, and zeal修正 10 zeal
  • Has the law Divinity Statute

  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Set the government type to Imperial Cult
  • Get Province investment 4 free province investments

Codify State Lands

The division of land and property in our capital remains muddled and impenetrable. Key plots must be ceded to the chief, and their collective ownership codified.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Is tribal
  • Capital does not have the Codified State Lands modifier
  • If the country is not AI-controlled:
    • Has at least Political influence.png 100 political influence
    • Has at least Wealth 50 gold
    • Has at least Centralization.png 50 centralization
    • Capital has at least Civilization.png 40 civilization value
  • Otherwise:
    • Capital has at least Civilization.png 20 civilization value
  • Is not a Menu government.png Migratory Tribe
  • All Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 50 loyalty

    • Lose Political influence.png 100 political influence
    • Lose Wealth 50 gold
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Capital gets the modifier Codified State Lands, giving:
    • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
  • Capital gains Civilization.png 10 civilization value
  • If any province other than the capital has the Codified State Lands modifier, remove it

Deluxe Edition Alexander's Mausoleum decisions

If the Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is enabled, a country that has seized Alexander's body to rebury it in a different location through the Deluxe Edition Hellenistic body events can take a decision to build his mausoleum there, which gives various bonuses and allows a number of other events. The decision can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/dde_alexander_mausoleum_construction.txt.


Conqueror's Mausoleum

Now that we have triumphantly returned the body of the great conqueror, Alexander, to our lands, we should construct a mausoleum worthy of the memory of this great man.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Alexander's body is not currently in transit
    • Note: this is checked through the variable body_in_transit
  • There is a territory in the country where Alexander's body is located, but where there is no mausoleum
    • Note: this is checked through the alexander_body_location and mausoleum_constructed variables, respectively
  • Has at least Wealth 1000 gold

  • Lose Wealth 1000 gold
  • For the province where Alexander's body is located:
    • Set the province as the location of Alexander's mausoleum
      • Note: this is set through the mausoleum_constructed variable
    • Add the modifier Conqueror's Mausoleum until the end of the game, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +0.10% Local Population Growth
      • Unintegrated culture group happiness +3% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness
      • Happiness.png +10% Local Population Happiness
    • Show the Mausoleum of Alexander wonder model in the province

Deluxe Edition Pyrrhus decisions

伊庇魯斯的國旗 伊庇魯斯 has a couple of unique decisions available with the Epirus Flavor Pack DLC as part of the mission trees and event chains added in the content pack. The decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/dhe_dde_pyrrhus_decisions.txt.


Expand the Oracle of Dodona

The oracle of Dodona is the oldest in all of the Greek world, and was once among the most important religious centers of Hellas. The temple complex is centered around the ancient sacred oak tree of Zeus Naios, whose sanctuary covers a holy spring. Over the years the temple complex has fallen into shabbiness and decay as other more famous oracles have overshadowed it.
By building an amphitheater, renovating the temple of Zeus, and establishing regular festivals at Dodona, the site may once again take its rightful place among the hallowed homes of the gods.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • The Epirus Flavor Pack DLC is active
  • Is 伊庇魯斯的國旗 伊庇魯斯
  • Owns Dodona (425)
  • Has not yet taken this decision
  • Dodona (425) does not have the modifier Oracle of Dodona
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold
  • Has more than Stability.png 50 stability


Install Greek Claimant

Once the illegitimate ruler has been vanquished, their rightful leader can at last take the crown.

  • The Epirus Flavor Pack DLC is active
  • The current country exists
  • Is or started as 伊庇魯斯的國旗 伊庇魯斯
  • Has completed the Puppet King mission task
  • Has a supported claimant with a target country and capital (i.e. the epi_claimant, epi_claimant_tag, and epi_claimant_objective variables exist)
  • The epi_claimant character is alive and in the current country
  • The epi_claimant_tag country does not exist
  • Owns the epi_claimant_objective territory


Dynamic Historical Event decisions

There are a several decisions relating to certain dynamic historical event chains, specifically for starting the wonder construction event chains as well as repairing the damage from volcano events. These decisions are found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/dhe_decisions.txt.


Pharos Lighthouse

Maritime journeys are never entirely safe, from pirates and wreckers to storms and tempests the Mediterranean is a dangerous place to be. Nonetheless it is the quickest way to travel for a grand city such as Alexandria on the Nile it is imperative that we are able to guarantee the safety of all ships and sailors.
The small island of Pharos just outside our port would be the perfect location for a great lighthouse to guide the way for all shipping. This venture would also put an end to the infamous wreckers that often roam the island.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns Alexandria (516)
  • Alexandria (516) does not have any of the Pharos Lighthouse modifiers
  • Does not have any progress or quality marker for the Pharos Lighthouse construction (the variables pharos_lighthouse_progress and pharos_lighthouse_quality, respectively)
  • Has at least Wealth 1200 gold
  • Has more than Stability.png 50 stability

  • Lose Wealth 1200 gold
  • Tooltip: The building of the lighthouse begins.
  • Set the Pharos Lighthouse progress (the pharos_lighthouse_progress variable) and quality (the pharos_lighthouse_quality variable) to 1
  • Get the event The Pharos Lighthouse
  • Trigger a Hidden Event in 200 - 400 days

A Temple to the Muses

As the natural center of the Post-Alexandrine world the city of Alexandria already attracts many of the best and the brightest Hellenistic minds. We must embrace this role as the carrier of Greek culture and philosophy, and create a temple to the Muses themselves. In this Museion all texts ever written in Greek would be assembled, and any texts yet unknown to Greek scholarship translated.
While it has been the ambition of many a great monarch to assemble a personal library worthy of admiration and envy, few have dared aim as high as this. Should we succeed our memory will live on for centuries, if not millennia.

  • The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is enabled
  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns Alexandria (516)
  • Country is in the Hellenistic culture group
  • Alexandria (516) does not have the Museion of Alexandria or Ruins of Museion modifiers
  • Does not have any progress for the Museion of Alexandria construction (i.e. does not have the variable museion_progress)
  • Has at least Wealth 1500 gold
  • Has more than Stability.png 60 stability

  • Lose Wealth 1500 gold
  • Tooltip: The building of the Museion begins.
  • Set the Pharos Lighthouse progress (the pharos_lighthouse_progress variable) and quality (the pharos_lighthouse_quality variable) to 1
  • Get the event The Museion Begins
  • Trigger a Hidden Event in 200 - 400 days

Colossus of Rhodes

Many say we were blessed by Helios himself when we managed to stop Demetrios I the Besieger from taking our island and city. We fought valiantly to beat back the oppressing Antigonids, and with the help of the Ptolemies of Egypt we managed to secure our independence.

It is time to thank the god for his help in protecting the island, and celebrate our victory. Our architects have prepared the necessary documents for a massive statue in the honor of the god, that will forever protect the ports of Rhodes.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns Rhodos (266)
  • Rhodos (266) does not have one of the Colossus of Rhodes modifiers or the Broken Colossus modifier
  • Does not have any progress or quality marker for the
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold
  • Has more than Stability.png 50 stability
  • Is 羅得斯的國旗 羅得斯
  • Follows the Hellenic religion

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • Tooltip: The building of the Colossus begins.
  • Set the Colossus of Rhodes progress (the colossus_rhodes_progress variable) and quality (the colossus_rhodes_quality variable) to 1
  • Get the event The Colossal Beginning
  • Trigger a Hidden Event in 150 - 300 days

Vesuvius Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Vesuvius was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Vesuvius Volcano (7733) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Vesuvius Volcano (7733):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Aetna Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Aetna was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Aetna Volcano (5000) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Aetna Volcano (5000):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Ararat Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Ararat was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Ararat Volcano (5212) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Ararat Volcano (5212):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Methana Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Methana was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Methana Volcano (7734) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Methana Volcano (7734):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Aragats Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Aragats was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Aragats Volcano (5208) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Aragats Volcano (5208):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Argaeus Mons Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Argaeus Mons was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Argaeus Mons Volcano (5170) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Argaeus Mons Volcano (5170):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Argaios Mons Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Argaios Mons was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Argaios Mons Volcano (7735) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Argaios Mons Volcano (7735):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Ausara Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Ausara was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Ausara Volcano (7736) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Ausara Volcano (7736):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Bamni Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Bamni was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Vayots Dzor (1668), Karchakhpyur {1591), Akunk (1592), or Vaykunik (1663) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Vayots Dzor (1668), Karchakhpyur {1591), Akunk (1592), or Vaykunik (1663):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Qarqar Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Qarqar was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Qarqar Volcano (7737) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Qarqar Volcano (7737):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Caucasus Mons Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Caucasus Mons was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Klukhor Pass (1750), Skarin (7622), or Gorat (7629) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Klukhor Pass (1750), Skarin (7622), or Gorat (7629):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Iberia Mons Restoration

Huge swaths of land around Iberia Mons was destroyed as the volcano erupted. It is time we set aside the funds to start restoring the land so we can use it more effectively yet again.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Owns a territory that borders Cumania (1674) or Iberian Gates (1673) and has the modifiers Buried or Volcanic Destruction
  • Has at least Wealth 200 gold

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • For each territory the current country owns that borders Cumania (1674) or Iberian Gates (1673):
    • If the territory has the modifier Buried, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 50 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
    • If the territory has the modifier Volcanic Destruction, remove it and add the modifier Volcanic Ash for 20 years, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +3.00% Local Population Growth
      • Monthly food.png +50% Local Monthly Food Modifier
      • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Gender Equality decisions

If the Mixed Gender Rules option is checked when starting a new game, the player can toggle gender equality on and off in their country by decision. These decisions are found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/enshrine_equal_rights.txt.


Embrace Social Equity

For too long have we ignored a full half of our populace. Let us break the barriers of bygone tradition, and let all stand for office.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Country does not have gender equality
  • The Mixed Gender Rules option is enabled for this game
  • Has at least Political influence.png 25 political influence
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval
  • Has not changed the gender equality policy in the last 20 years

  • Lose Political influence.png 25 political influence
  • Enables gender equality

Abolish Social Equity

The traditionalists whisper in dark corners, and the bearded ancients pour scorn on us. Our attempts at progressive governance must come to an end.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Country has gender equality
  • The Mixed Gender Rules option is enabled for this game
  • Has at least Political influence.png 25 political influence
  • The current ruler is not female
  • Has not changed the gender equality policy in the last 20 years

  • Lose Political influence.png 25 political influence
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party traditionalist.png Traditionalists faction, lose Party traditionalist.png 10 Traditionalists approval
  • Disables gender equality
  • Every female office holder, researcher, governor, loyal general, and loyal admiral is removed from their position

Heirs of Alexander country decisions

With the Heirs of Alexander DLC, there are a few Diadochi decisions for installing characters in new or existing Vassalized.png subject states, intended mostly for 埃及的國旗 埃及. These decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/hoa_decisions.txt.


Install Philokles

The Phoenician prince of Sidun came to us after the Antigonids refused to support his claim to the city's throne. Securing the seat for him is sure to be repaid by strategic naval dividends.

  • The Heirs of Alexander DLC is active
  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Philokles Apollodorid (453) is alive and in the court of the current country
  • Philokles Apollodorid left the 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞 for the current country after his claims were not supported (i.e. the current country has the flag ant_01_3_egy_flag)
  • Owns or has a subject that owns Sidun (747)

  • Clear that Philokles Apollodorid has arrived in the country (i.e. remove the flag ant_01_3_egy_flag)
  • If one of the following conditions are true:
    • Owns Sidun (747)
    • The owner of Sidun (747) is a Vassalized.png of the current country that is AI-controlled and not 西頓的國旗 西頓, and 西頓的國旗 西頓 does not exist
  • Then, show the following as a tooltip:
    • If Sidun (747) is currently owned by a Vassalized.png subject nation, its current owner gets the opinion modifier Imprisoned Philokles towards the current country, giving Opinion improvement active.png -25 opinion with a yearly decay of 1
    • Sidun (747) is annexed by 西頓的國旗 西頓
    • Philokles Apollodorid (453) moves to 西頓的國旗 西頓 with any spouse and children
    • Philokles Apollodorid (453) becomes the Leader.png ruler of 西頓的國旗 西頓
    • 西頓的國旗 西頓 will become our Tributary subject.
    • Get the modifier Phoenician Shipwrights for 20 years, giving:
      • Ship cost.png -15% Ship Building Cost
  • Otherwise, if the owner of Sidun (747) is a Vassalized.png of the current country, not AI-controlled, and is 西頓的國旗 西頓:
    • Tooltip:
      • Philokles Apollodorid (453) moves to 西頓的國旗 西頓 with any spouse and children
      • Philokles Apollodorid (453) becomes the Leader.png ruler of 西頓的國旗 西頓
  • Get the event Phoenician Timber: Philokles of Sidun


Install King of Soloi

Our attempts to control the island of Cyprus were foiled by Antigonus the One-Eyed, but the old city-state of our Pasikratid allies may be resurrected - a kindness that will no doubt be generously rewarded.

  • The Heirs of Alexander DLC is active
  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • One of the following is true:
    • Owns a territory in the province of Cyprus
    • Eunostos Pasikratid (453) is alive and in the court of the current country
  • Has not taken this decision before
  • The Policy cultural assimilation.png primary culture is Macedonian
  • Owns all territories in the province of Cyprus
  • If Eunostos Pasikratid (453) is alive, he is in the court of the current country
  • Owns at least Local.png 12 territories outside of the province of Cyprus

  • Save the current country as the eunostos sender scope
  • If Eunostos Pasikratid (453) is alive and in the court of the current country, save him as the eunostos of soloi character
  • Otherwise, create a new male Cypriot Hellenic character from the Pasikratid family and save him as the eunostos of soloi character
  • Get the event Eunostos of Soloi
  • Tooltip: The Pasikratids may be released as subjects on Cyprus in exchange for gold.

Heirs of Alexander treasure decisions

With the Heirs of Alexander DLC, there are two flavour decisions for compiling several treasures together into a single item that combines all of their effects, necessary for the unique Diadochi mission tree Hellenistic Empire. These decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/heirs_of_alexander.txt.


Panoply of Alexander the Great

In his absence, Alexander's arms and armor were present at the council of Babylon, and many continue to attribute great things to the objects that were close to this man. Should we be able to reassemble Alexander's panoply, we will be seen as credible custodians of his legacy.

潛在需求 允許條件

  • Create the Treasure armor.png Panoply of Alexander treasure in the country's reliquary, with the following modifiers if placed in a Holy Site.png holy site:
    • Happiness.png +10% Local Population Happiness
    • Manpower.png +15% Local Manpower
    • Fort defense.png +25% Local Fort Defense
  • Destroy all of the following treasures:

Anthologia Philosophike

In time people will wonder about the events of our age - let us collect the greatest written words of our era and preserve them for posterity.

潛在需求 允許條件


Iberian decisions


Indo-Greek decisions

帕提亞的國旗 帕提亞巴克特里亞的國旗 巴克特里亞塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國 有個決議可以將它們的權力中心轉移到印度北部,但前提是他們征服了該地區,並且願意接納更大程度的文化融合,這將會是一個創造歷史的印度-希臘國家。這個決議文件可以在這裏找到 /ImperatorRome/decisions/indo_greek_kingdom.txt.




潛在需求 允許條件
  • 控制了摩陀羅地區的所有省份

  • 首都移動到奢羯羅(4340),並建立城市
  • 奢羯羅(4340)改名為Euthymedeia
  • 首都增加Pop citizen.png4 公民、Freemen4 自由民和Slaves4 奴隸人口
  • 獲得修正「為了印度」,直到遊戲結束,給予:
    • Happiness for wrong culture group modifier.png+6% 未整合文化組幸福度
    • Diplomatic reputation.png+2 外交聲譽

Magna Graecia decisions

These decisions are available only with the Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia DLC, all revolving around investing in the production of certain territories. They can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/mg_decisions.txt.


Sulfurous Investments

A roaring trade in sulfur has begun sweeping the Mediterranean. Who are we to pass up such a lucrative opportunity? All that remains is to acquire a means of production.

  • The Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia DLC is active
  • Owns any territory in the Siculia area
  • Is not AI-controlled
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Owns Tyndaris (99)
  • Has not enacted this decision before

  • Tyndaris (99) gets the event Sicilian Sulfur Trade
  • Tooltip: Tyndaris (99) gets the modifier Sicilian Sulfur Trade until the end of the game, giving:
    • Population capacity +10% Population Capacity
    • Local output +15% Population Output
    • Goods from slaves.png -2 Slaves needed for Local Surplus
  • Move up to Slaves 4 slaves from the capital territory to Tyndaris (99)

Expand Thasos Gold Mines

The ancient gold mines of Thasos have fallen on hard times. It behooves us to address this with haste.

  • The Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia DLC is active
  • Owns any territory in the Chalkidiki or Rhodope areas
  • Is not AI-controlled
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Owns Thasos (356)
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Has at least Wealth 100 gold

  • Lose Wealth 100 gold
  • Thasos (356) gets the event Thasos Resurgent
  • Tooltip: Thasos (356) gets the modifier Redeveloped Gold Mining until the end of the game, giving:
    • Population capacity +10% Population Capacity
    • base_resources修正 +1 Base Resource Production
    • Goods from slaves.png -2 Slaves needed for Local Surplus
  • Move up to Slaves 2 slaves from the capital territory to Thasos (356)

Restore Laureion Ironworks

The iron mines at Laureion shall serve us better than petty tin and copper. It is high time we reordered the focus of our people in Thorikos.

  • The Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia DLC is active
  • Owns any territory in the Attica area
  • Is not AI-controlled
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Owns Thorikos (7799)
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Has at least Political influence.png 20 political influence
  • Level of Martial.png Martial Advances is greater than 4

  • Lose Political influence.png 20 political influence
  • Thorikos (7799) gets the event Laurion Restored
  • Tooltip: Thorikos (7799) gets the modifier Laurion Restored until the end of the game, giving:
    • base_resources修正 +2 Base Resource Production

Pontic decisions


Religious Conversion decisions

Apart from a few special events, religious conversion is handled through a unique decision for each religion, appearing if there is a character of that religion in the court. The requirements for conversion are identical for every religion, requiring among other things that the High Priest of the country and a majority of the non-slave population of the capital be of the religion that the country is converting to. These decisions are found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/religious_conversion.txt.


Embrace Buddhism

The teachings of Buddha are spreading rapidly in our lands. It is time to embrace his philosophy ourselves and start promoting these words among our subjects.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Buddhist religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Buddhist religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Buddhist non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Buddhist, and the country has at least one Buddhist Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Buddhist
  • The current ruler converts to Buddhist
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Buddhist gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Buddhist
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Buddhist converts to Buddhist

Embrace Jainism

Jain teachings are spreading rapidly in our land and among the characters of our court. The time has come to embrace these deep philosophies and incorporate them into the very fabric of our state itself.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Jain religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Jain religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Jain non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Jain, and the country has at least one Jain Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Jain
  • The current ruler converts to Jain
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Jain gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Jain
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Jain converts to Jain

Embrace Hinduism

Let the Vedas and the ancient teachings of old India be the official policy of our state, let us promote Hinduism among our subjects and at our court.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Hindu religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Hindu religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Hindu non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Hindu, and the country has at least one Hindu Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Hindu
  • The current ruler converts to Hindu
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Hindu gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Hindu
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Hindu converts to Hindu

Embrace the Kemetic Pantheon

The followers of Isis have become a prominent part of our society, and our people are looking to them for guidance in their daily lives. It is time we put our old traditions behind and accept their teachings.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Kemetic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Kemetic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Kemetic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Kemetic, and the country has at least one Kemetic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Kemetic
  • The current ruler converts to Kemetic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Kemetic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Kemetic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Kemetic converts to Kemetic

Embrace the Hellenic Pantheon

We have seen temples and shrines to the many deities of the Greek Pantheon being raised in [COUNTRY.GetCapital.GetName] lately, and our citizens turning to their priests and oracles for their wisdom. Maybe it is time we all started looking to them for guidance?

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Hellenic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Hellenic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Hellenic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Hellenic, and the country has at least one Hellenic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Hellenic
  • The current ruler converts to Hellenic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Hellenic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Hellenic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Hellenic converts to Hellenic

Embrace the Canaanite Pantheon

Melqart and his followers have been commonplace in [COUNTRY.GetCapital.GetName] since we first met those who worshiped him, but now we have seen a newfound interest in Ba'al, Astarte and the other deities as well. Traditions that was once an important part of our identity are being left behind as foreign exotic rituals are becoming a matter of course. It is time to accept the Canaanite Pantheon as our own.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Canaanite religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Canaanite religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Canaanite non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Canaanite, and the country has at least one Canaanite Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Canaanite
  • The current ruler converts to Canaanite
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Canaanite gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Canaanite
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Canaanite converts to Canaanite

Embrace the Zalmoxian Faith

The teachings of great Zalmoxis has become more apparent and important among our young these last years. They look to his words on how to live their lives, and even some of our elders have been affected by this shift to the new faith. It is time the rest of us follow his ideas as well.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Zalmoxian religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Zalmoxian religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Zalmoxian non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Zalmoxian, and the country has at least one Zalmoxian Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Zalmoxian
  • The current ruler converts to Zalmoxian
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Zalmoxian gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Zalmoxian
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Zalmoxian converts to Zalmoxian

Embrace the Armazic Pantheon

Be it the stories of the mystical Tir, the truth of Mihr or the greatness of Aramazd, we have heard it all lately. It seems all our old temples and shrines have been replaced by those of the Armazic pantheon, and similarly have our priests and priestesses.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Armazic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Armazic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Armazic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Armazic, and the country has at least one Armazic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Armazic
  • The current ruler converts to Armazic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Armazic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Armazic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Armazic converts to Armazic

Embrace the Chaldean Pantheon

The ancient myths and legends of Ishtar and Gilgamesh have filled our halls and inspired our people. No longer do we listen to the priests of the [COUNTRY.GetReligion.GetName] faith, and their worthless traditions are put aside and replaced by the ancient rituals of the Babylonians, Sumerians and Akkadians.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Chaldean religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Chaldean religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Chaldean non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Chaldean, and the country has at least one Chaldean Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Chaldean
  • The current ruler converts to Chaldean
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Chaldean gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Chaldean
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Chaldean converts to Chaldean

Embrace the Khaldic Faith

Our soldiers were the first to pick up the old Khaldic traditions, proving invaluable for morale and discipline as they were sent off to war. Now the rest of our people are looking to the ancient pantheon, picking up the traditions of old once more.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Khaldic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Khaldic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Khaldic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Khaldic, and the country has at least one Khaldic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Khaldic
  • The current ruler converts to Khaldic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Khaldic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Khaldic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Khaldic converts to Khaldic

Embrace the Cybelene Faith

The belief in the Mother Goddess has long been an important one next to all the other deities in our faith, but more recently the rest has seen a clear decline of interest. Cybelene, the Mother Goddess, has become the most important figure in our religious traditions and practices.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Cybelene religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Cybelene religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Cybelene non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Cybelene, and the country has at least one Cybelene Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Cybelene
  • The current ruler converts to Cybelene
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Cybelene gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Cybelene
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Cybelene converts to Cybelene

Embrace the Druidic Class

Though the Druids have yet to become an official part of our faith, they have long played the informal role as advisors and shown guidance to our people. Maybe it is time to rid ourselves of our old shackles of traditions and faith, and truly welcome them into our society?

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Druidic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Druidic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Druidic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Druidic, and the country has at least one Druidic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Druidic
  • The current ruler converts to Druidic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Druidic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Druidic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Druidic converts to Druidic

Embrace the Iberic Pantheon

It seems the prophets and oracles of Endouellicus has foreseen a great future for our nation if we turn to his worship. The Iberic pantheon is already revered among our people, and our court officials advise us to embrace this new faith.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Iberic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Iberic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Iberic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Iberic, and the country has at least one Iberic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Iberic
  • The current ruler converts to Iberic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Iberic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Iberic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Iberic converts to Iberic

Embrace Judaism

We have lately seen a large swathe of our people turn to the worship of only one god, the Judean one. Defying the polytheistic teachings of other faiths, the strength of their belief have convinced many of the lower class to turn their prayers to the Judean god.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Jewish religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Jewish religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Jewish non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Jewish, and the country has at least one Jewish Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Jewish
  • The current ruler converts to Jewish
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Jewish gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Jewish
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Jewish converts to Jewish

Embrace Zoroastrianism

The teachings of Zoroaster has permeated Persian society since he was given the wisdom of Ahura Mazda. The truth and inherent benevolence of the faith quickly spreads throughout [COUNTRY.GetName], and it is time for us to devote ourselves entirely to the one path.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Zoroastrian religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Zoroastrian religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Zoroastrian non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Zoroastrian, and the country has at least one Zoroastrian Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Zoroastrian
  • The current ruler converts to Zoroastrian
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Zoroastrian gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Zoroastrian
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Zoroastrian converts to Zoroastrian

Embrace the Megalithic Traditions

Though the people of the Megalithic faith were once inspired and affected by their neighbors, they now in turn have affected us. Our people have started picking up the beliefs of the desert tribes, looking to Nanna Tala and Shaheded as much as they do any local deity.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Megalithic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Megalithic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Megalithic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Megalithic, and the country has at least one Megalithic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Megalithic
  • The current ruler converts to Megalithic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Megalithic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Megalithic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Megalithic converts to Megalithic

Embrace the Tuistic Faith

Our people have started looking to the teachings of the priests of Tuis and the traditions of the Germanic people for guidance in how to live their lives. Though they seemed strange and warlike at first, our people have adepted their customs to our own and familiarized them.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Tuistic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Tuistic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Tuistic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Tuistic, and the country has at least one Tuistic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Tuistic
  • The current ruler converts to Tuistic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Tuistic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Tuistic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Tuistic converts to Tuistic

Embrace the Heptadic Pantheon

The seven deities of the Scythian horsemen have become popular in our lands lately. Particularly the ancient Targitaos have seen large shrines built in his honor, and our people have turned to him as if he was our own forefather, similar to how the Scythians treat the deity.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Heptadic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Heptadic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Heptadic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Heptadic, and the country has at least one Heptadic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Heptadic
  • The current ruler converts to Heptadic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Heptadic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Heptadic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Heptadic converts to Heptadic

Embrace the Arabic Pantheon

The caravans has brought the Arabic pantheon with them into [COUNTRY.GetName], and now we see our people look to the guidance of the oracle of Ta'lab or asking for Manat to turn the tides of fate in their favor. It is time for us to take up their worship.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Arabic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Arabic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Arabic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Arabic, and the country has at least one Arabic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Arabic
  • The current ruler converts to Arabic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Arabic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Arabic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Arabic converts to Arabic

Embrace Ritualistic Traditions

Animism and ancestor worship have become an important part of the [COUNTRY.GetAdjective] religious ceremonies lately, and we have seen old rituals and traditions flourish in addition to our [COUNTRY.GetReligion.GetName] faith. Maybe it is time to put aside some of these newer ideas and revert back to our ancient heritage?

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Ritualistic religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Ritualistic religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Ritualistic non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Ritualistic, and the country has at least one Ritualistic Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Ritualistic
  • The current ruler converts to Ritualistic
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Ritualistic gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Ritualistic
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Ritualistic converts to Ritualistic

Embrace the Bon Faith

The ideas of the Tibetan Bon have quickly found a home in [COUNTRY.GetName], and our people have taken to prayers quicker than anyone could expect. Maybe it is time for us to put aside our [COUNTRY.GetReligion.GetName] faith and devote ourselves entirely to the Bon rituals?

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Bon religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Bon religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • If the current country is a monarchy, has at least Legitimacy.png 70 legitimacy
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier 'Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Bon non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Bon, and the country has at least one Bon Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Bon
  • The current ruler converts to Bon
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Bon gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Bon
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Bon converts to Bon

Embrace the Matrist Traditions

The Aestuian Mother Goddess has found a home in [COUNTRY.GetName], and our people are putting aside all our old rituals in favor of those in her honor. It is time we do the same.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Does not follow the Matrist religion
  • Has a character in the current country's court that:
    • Follows the Matrist religion
    • Is not a prisoner
    • Is an adult
    • Is male, if gender equality is not enabled in the current country
    • Does not have the modifier Foreign Citizen
    • Does not have the 奧運會競爭者 Olympic Competitor trait
  • Has at least Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Otherwise, if the current country is a republic, has at least Faction approval 30 Senate support
  • Otherwise, if the current country is tribal, all Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty
  • Does not have the modifier Religious Zeal
  • One of the following is true:
    • There are at least 10 Matrist non-slave pops that make up at least half of the non-slave population in the capital
    • At least 20% of the population is Matrist, and the country has at least one Matrist Change pantheon cost modifier.png pantheon deity

  • Lose Political influence.png 200 political influence
  • Lose Stability.png 30 stability
  • Get the modifier Religious Zeal for 10 years, giving:
    • Stability.png -0.03 Monthly Stability Change
    • Policy religious conversion.png +15% Pop Conversion Speed
    • Change pantheon cost modifier.png -75% Cost to Change Pantheon Deity
  • Set the country's religion to Matrist
  • The current ruler converts to Matrist
  • Every character in the current country's court that is not Matrist gets the loyalty modifier Religious Instability for 5 years, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty
  • Every member of the ruler's family in the current country's court converts to Matrist
  • The 6 most Prominence.png prominent characters that have at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, are not the ruler or in the ruler's family, and are not already Matrist converts to Matrist

Roman decisions


羅馬的國旗 羅馬 has a few country-specific decisions relating to expanding and embellishing various important areas in the city, as well as reorganizing conquered areas. These decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/rome.txt.


Expanding the Campus Martius

The Campus Martius plays an essential role in training our troops and inspire them to greatness. By expanding the training site we will have a greater capacity for recruiting and preparing new soldiers for warfare.

In addition we will build new temples that will make the Campus a place worth remembering. As they train, our men will be able to look to these places for valor and strength.

  • Has at least 1 territory
  • Is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
  • Does not have the modifier Expanded Campus Martius
  • Is Hellenic religion
  • Controls Roma (1)
  • Level of Martial.png Martial Advances is greater than 3
  • Has more than Wealth 250 gold

  • Lose Wealth 250 gold
  • Get the modifier Expanded Campus Martius until the end of the game, giving:
    • Manpower recovery speed.png +5% Manpower recovery speed
    • Starting experience +5% Cohort starting experience

Embellish the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus stands at the center of our faith and city. At the Capitoline Hill it stands as a testament to our rule, and the blessing of the heavens.

Embellishing and improving the temple further is sure to be a popular move among our people, and what better way to secure the boons of the gods?.

  • Has at least 1 territory
  • Is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
  • Does not have the modifier Embellished Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
  • Is Hellenic religion
  • Roma (1) has the Gw map icon.png Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus ancient wonder
  • Controls Roma (1)
  • Level of zeal修正 Religious Advances is greater than 5
  • Has more than Wealth 350 gold

  • Lose Wealth 350 gold
  • If the country is a monarchy, gain Legitimacy.png 20 legitimacy
  • If the country is a republic and has the Boni Boni faction, gain Boni 10 Boni approval
  • Ruler gains Popularity.png 25 popularity
  • Get the modifier Embellished Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus until the end of the game, giving:
    • Omen.png +10% Omen power
    • Discipline.png +2.5% Discipline

Institute Corinth as Local Capital

Our wars in Greece have exacted a heavy toll on the area. A show of magnanimity is required to build confidence in our rule, and our advisors suggest that Corinth would be the ideal place for a concerted effort to implement a program of public works.

  • Has at least 1 territory
  • Is 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
  • Owns at least one province in the Greece region
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Has more than Cost 300 gold
  • Owns all territories in the Achaea province

  • Lose Cost 300 gold
  • Add Pop citizen.png 4 Citizen pops and Freemen 4 Freemen pops of state culture and religion to Korinthos (418)
  • Add a Granary to Korinthos (418) if any building slots are available

Seleukid decisions

The 塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國 has two country-specific decisions around moving the capital to the city of Antiocheia (the former Antigoneia, capital of the 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞 at start) and improving its nearby port of Seleukia Pieria. The decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/seleucids.txt.


A port for Antioch!

With a new focus towards the Mediterranean and the moving of the Seleukid capital to Syria the need for a new great port in Syria has grown ever more urgent. Let us pool our resources to expand the port of Seleuika Pieria and work for the establishment of Seleukid hegemony in the west.

潛在需求 允許條件
  • Has more than Wealth 200 gold
  • Owns Hydatos Potamoi (789)
  • Owns Antigoneia (790)
  • Antigoneia (790) is the capital

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • Hydatos Potamoi (789) gets the modifier Seleukia on the Sea until the end of the game, giving:
    • Tax income.png +10% Local Tax
    • Global population growth.png +0.10% Local Population Growth
    • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
  • Add Pop citizen.png 8 citizen pops, Freemen 6 freemen pops, and Slaves 4 slave pops to Hydatos Potamoi (789)

A Mediterranean Capital!

For too long the rightful heirs of Alexander's empire have been disconnected from the Macedonian heartland which bore the greatest conquest of history and all the fortunes of our people. Fertile Babylonia has served us well, but we must restore our ties with the lost lands to the west and establish a central point of governance on the Mediterranean if we are to succeed in re-claiming the lands of Megas Alexandros.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Is 塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國
  • Has not yet enacted this decision
  • Has more than Wealth 400 gold
  • Owns Antigoneia (790)
  • Owns or has subjects that own the provinces of Syria, North Phoenicia, and Apamea

  • Lose Wealth 400 gold
  • Move the capital to Antigoneia (790)
  • Make the capital a city if it is currently a territory
  • Antigoneia (790) gets the modifier Antioch on the Orontes until the end of the game, giving:
    • Tax income.png +10% Local Tax
    • Population capacity +15% Population Capacity
    • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
    • Migration attraction +2 Migration Attraction
    • Pop assimilation.png +0.10 Pop Assimilation Speed
  • Add Pop citizen.png 8 citizen pops, Freemen 6 freemen pops, and Slaves 4 slave pops to Antigoneia (790)
  • Get Province investment 4 free province investments

Slave Negotiation decisions

If the country is being overwhelmed by a slave revolt, a decision can be taken at any time to enter into negotiations and end the revolt by making concessions to the rebels. The decision can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/slave_negotiation.txt.


Negotiate with revolting Slaves

We must end the current unrest among the slaves quickly and at any price. If we allow them to settle in peace, promising them that no harm will come to them and helping them start new lives, we may convince them to lay down their arms.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Has the modifier Slave Unrest
  • Has at least Stability.png 50 stability
  • Has at least Wealth 250 gold

  • If the country is a republic and has the Party optimates.png Optimates faction, lose Party optimates.png 10 Optimates approval
  • If the country is a republic and has the Party oligarchic.png Oligarchs faction, lose Party oligarchic.png 10 Oligarchs approval
  • Lose Stability.png 10 stability
  • Lose Wealth 250 gold
  • Remove the modifier Slave Unrest
  • Get the modifier Concessions to Slaves for 15 years, giving:
    • Slave output -25% National Slave Output
  • Return control over every territory in the country controlled by 叛軍的國旗 叛軍
  • Settle Freemen 1 freemen pop in the capital province for every 叛軍的國旗  Rebel cohort currently inside the country

國內政策 國家屬性人物內戰文化政府傳承法律國家理念職位叛亂宗教科技
經濟政策 建築經濟食物奇觀人口貿易商品
省份 區域省份領土殖民地產
軍事 軍事傳統陸軍陸軍單位陸戰海軍圍城海戰
對外政策 條約戰爭宣戰理由宣稱外交附屬國蠻族
腳本 事件決議使命
其他 成就對手國家遊戲配置