领土(Territories)在《英白拉多:罗马》中是土地的最小单位,而且它们是大部分游戏内机制组织领土的基本单位,诸如领土所有权, 与之相关的人口
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Most territories can have an owner and be colonized, or not be owned by any country at all; unowned territories are considered uncolonized. Uncolonized territories are not necessarily uninhabited and can be colonized by neighbouring countries to directly take ownership of them. Ownership is not to be confused with having control over a territory, which is typically the owner but can also be an enemy occupier during times of war. Certain territories are uncolonizeable and cannot be properly owned or have a population; they may be merely uninhabitable but still accessible by armies or consist of completely impassable terrain. Separately, there are also
sea territories, including
major rivers, that cannot be owned and are inaccessible by armies, but can be traversed by ships.
All pops live in a certain territory, and they are the source of nearly every resource that a territory produces. A territory's population is limited by the territory's
population capacity, which gives scaling penalties if exceeded, and the demographic makeup of a territory's pops determines its
dominant culture and
dominant religion. The owner of the territory, if there is one, determines who the
pop's output is paid towards and what modifiers affect their
happiness, which produces
unrest if too low and in turn affects
province loyalty. Pops can
migrate from territory to territory of their own accord, with pops moving from territories of low to high
migration attraction, and certain pop types -
slaves, as well as
tribesmen for tribal countries - can be instantly moved in and out of owned territories by the state at the cost of
gold. It is possible for a territory to lose all its population to war or migration, which will automatically make it uncolonized if it is owned.
Each territory has a specific terrain type that affects food production,
population capacity,
movement cost, combat dice rolls, and more. Rivers, including
major rivers, cross between and through many territories and also give a significant modifier. Certain coastal territories are marked as
ports, enabling them to build and service
ships. All terrain features are set at the beginning of the game and cannot be changed.
Cohorts are recruited and
ships built from individual territories, with the buildable types depending on the trade roots that the territory's province has access to. Every army and navy is always located in a particular territory, and can perform unit actions that may have specific effects on the territory that it is present in. Armies and navies can always move into neighbouring territories, as long as they have
access; certain territories that are not actually adjacent but separated only by a narrow body of water may be considered connected across the strait.
每个领土有一种特定类型的 贸易品(trade good) 在那里生产,with the exact amount depending on the number of slaves compared to the
slaves needed for local surplus' as well as any
base resource production modifiers. The trade good of a territory is normally constant, but can be changed through certain actions and events.
一块领土能有三个 等级 之一—— 定居点、
大都会—— which determines its
population capacity and pop class ratios, and indirectly the main types of output that its population will produce. A country can invest
gold and
political power to upgrade a territory's rank, or spend
tyranny to tear a city or metropolis down.
Depending on its territory rank, territories can have a number of buildings built in them that grant various modifiers and bonuses, particularly for increasing pop output and
happiness as well as modifying the pop ratio. While
settlements can only have on building built,
cities and
metropolises can have multiple buildings, capped by the territory's number of
city building slots. Buildings can also provide
fort level, which create a zone of control over the surrounding territories and make it so that the territory needs to be sieged down before it can be occupied by hostile armies.
In addition to buildings, territories can be connected by roads, which significantly increases
army movement speed, and hold
holy sites honouring a certain deity, improving the territory's economy and enhancing the deity's bonuses if it is worshipped in the owner's
pantheon. Every territory, except for
country capitals, has a
holding slot that may be granted or acquired by heads of family to increase their
power and
wealth, though they may also invest in their owned territories.
Every province has a single territory designated as its province capital; similarly, every country that owns at least 1 territory has a
country capital. These capital territories get various bonuses and are important to control during
wars, and can be moved around within the province or country to larger cities or more defensible locations.
Territories can also have territory modifiers that grant various bonuses and maluses to the territory and the pops that live in them. Certain special modifiers are permanently placed in certain territories at the beginning of the game, and cannot be gained or lost.
每个领土有 文明度, representing the overall level of development and how settled the territory is, which impacts
pop happiness,
population capacity, and
supply limit. Other territory modifiers and values include
food, which is produced in a territory according to its terrain type and consumed by pops in the province;
supply limit, which determines how large of an army a territory can support before it starts to take
attrition; and
barbarian power, which determines the rate at which
barbarian hordes will rise up from barbarian strongholds in impassable terrain.
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每个领土has a certain 领土等级(territory rank) that broadly determines its economic role and general level of development. Each rank has a certain associated modifier that is the main determinant of a territory's population capacity and pop class ratio, as well as the buildings that are available to develop and specialize the territory. Every additional rank also grants an extra altar to any
holy sites in the territory, allowing it to hold one more treasure.
A territory's rank generally does not change unless it is specifically modified by certain actions or events, and will retain its rank even if it is completely depopulated and then recolonized.
Settlements represent more sparsely populated rural areas, typically with a heavy focus on agriculture and other primary production and comprising the vast majority of territories in the game. In monarchies and republics, they have a base population ratio of 20%
freemen and 80%
slaves, while tribal settlements have a base ratio of 50%
tribesmen and 50%
slaves, which means that they are generally the main source of trade goods and
food in a province, as well as producing a significant portion of a country's
tax income and
manpower. Every settlement has the following modifiers:
+5 Population Capacity
-5 Slaves needed for Local Surplus
-25% Population Output
-25% Pop Promotion Speed
-3 Migration Attraction
-75% Migration Speed
Settlements can only ever have one building slot, but have their own unique set of powerful buildings that can be used to specialize settlements towards manpower, trade good production, or tax income.
Cities represent urbanized areas that have been granted city status, historically often a set of special civic privileges and political autonomy granted to a particular urban community that would become the commercial and political center of the area. Cities have a significantly higher
population capacity than settlements and more importantly can sustain significant populations of
nobles and
citizens, which makes cities the main source of
trade routes and
research points. Cities have a bonus to
Base Resource Production, but the lower proportion of
slaves and higher
surplus threshold means that cities are not especially efficient at producing trade goods (though very large cities will still end up accumulating enough
slaves to produce a significant amount of surplus trade goods). More importantly, the large
population and significant proportion of higher pop classes means that cities will have significant
food consumption, which in some cases will require the import of food trade goods to sustain. Unlike settlements, cities can have multiple
building slots, with the exact amount depending on the city's
population and many other modifiers. Cities can be easily distinguished on the map as a group of buildings in the the territory, which shrinks and grows with the actual population of the city. At the start of the game, many cities large and small are found all across the civilized world, from the shores of the Mediterranean through the ancient cities of the Middle East and the great centres of Central Asia and India.
Every city has the following modifiers:
+20 Population Capacity
+2 City Building Slots
+1 Base Resource Production
+30% Local Citizen Desired Ratio
+40% Local Freeman Desired Ratio
+15% Local Noble Desired Ratio
+15% Local Slave Desired Ratio
New cities can be founded from owned settlements at any time, allowing countries to slowly shape and develop the world according to its desires and reflecting the great city-building empires of the era. Founding a city takes 2 years to be complete, during which the settlement will get the City Under Construction modifier, giving -100% Population Output. Any settlement producing an agricultural trade good (
livestock, or
vegetables will switch to a new trade good once the city is finished; if city status is subsequently revoked, the trade good produced in the territory will revert to the old food trade good. While granting city status will not have any immediate impact on the population, the significantly higher
migration attraction of cities means that pops in the surrounding territories will slowly migrate to nearby cities, particularly if it is also the
province capital.
Enslaving pops during wars can also be a good method of filling up cities with pops.
The base cost of founding a city is 200 gold and
50 political influence, adjusted by the
Found City Cost Modifier. Some of the more important sources of the modifier are:
- -25% with
Heraclean, and
Zipoetic (Bithynian) heritage
- -20% with Rural heritage
- -15% with
Ptolemaic (Egyptian) heritage
- -10% with the
Household Gods invention (
Religious Advances 14)
- +25% for Tribal countries
- +50% with the
Nomadic Lifestyle Tribal law
It is also possible to revoke city status from a city as long as no construction or other upgrades are ongoing in the territory, whether to centralize the population more effectively, force the
demotion of unwanted
nobles and
citizens, or even simply as an act of spite. Revoking city status costs a base of
5 tyranny, modified by the
Revoke City Status Cost modifier (with -50% for tribal governments as the only source), which will instantly downgrade the city back to a
settlement and give the Revoked City Status modifier for 5 years, giving
-10% Local Population Happiness and
-2 Migration Attraction as well as preventing city status from being granted back as long as the modifier exists. The significant decrease in
population capacity will usually put the territory well over the limit, which will quickly decrease the population by emigration and pop death.
A metropolis is considered the peak of a city’s urban evolution and can only be made from the very largest cities of a region. Metropolises do not have any special mechanics that set them apart from cities, but instead have generally stronger modifiers that allows it to support an even larger and more productive population, making them advantageous to construct in a country's largest cities, particularly the
by the mid to late game. The only metropolis that exists at the start of the game is the
Mauryan capital of Pataliputra.
Every metropolis has the following modifiers:
+30 Population Capacity
+10% Population Capacity
+4 City Building Slots
+1 Local Import Routes
+2 Base Resource Production
+10% Pop Promotion Speed
+2 Migration Attraction
+30% Local Citizen Desired Ratio
+30% Local Freeman Desired Ratio
+10% Local Noble Desired Ratio
+5% Local Slave Desired Ratio
Note that a city that has been upgraded to a metropolis is still considered to have city status.
A metropolis can be founded on an existing city that has at least
80 population and is the
province capital. Founding a metropolis costs a base of
400 gold and
100 political influence; like cities, the process takes 2 years to complete during which the settlement will get the Metropolis Under Construction modifier giving
-100% Population Output. It is possible to have multiple metropolises in a single province by simply moving the
province capital to another city and building a new metropolis there; this will not destroy the previously existing one.
Like with cities, it is possible to revoke city status from a metropolis, which will downgrade the territory all the way back to a
settlement. Revoking city status from a metropolis costs a base of
10 tyranny, modified by the
Revoke Metropolis Status Cost modifier (with -50% for tribal governments as the only source) and has the same effects as revoking city status from a
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Every country that owns at least one territory has a capital territory, the seat of the government and usually the largest, wealthiest, and most important city in the country. The capital territory gets the following modifiers:
+10% Supply Limit
- File:Global monthly civilization.png +0.02% 每月文明度变化
+10% Population Output
+10% Local Noble Desired Ratio
+4% Local Citizen Desired Ratio
+4% Local Freeman Desired Ratio
+8% Local Noble Happiness
+8% Local Citizen Happiness
+10 Population Capacity
+1 City Building Slots
+25% Pop Promotion Speed
+2 Migration Attraction
+20% Pop Conversion Speed
+20% Pop Assimilation Speed
+1.50 Local Monthly Food
In addition to these baseline bonuses, the capital territory is also often granted permanent bonuses by a number of decisions and missions, most notably all country formation decisions and the generic infrastructure mission. This makes it advantageous to make the capital as large as possible, as pops in the capital are usually far more productive than pops in any other territory and usually have the highest citizen and especially
noble ratio given the combined effects of the base capital bonus and the number of buildings that are typically built there due to its high population. By the midgame, the capital territory will often have outgrown its
local food supply and begin to necessitate imports food goods to feed its growing population, though the high proportion of
noble and
citizen pops usually means that the capital has many more
import route slots than is needed to feed it.
The province and region that the country capital is also have special modifiers and mechanics that generally make them more valuable than more peripheral areas. Control of a country's capital is important during wars, as it is worth extra warscore and provides bonus war enthusiasm for countries that still control their capitals, as well as being one of the main targets that enslaved pops to be sent to - slaves will generally go disproportionately to the capital territory, unless it has reached its
population capacity. The capital is also the point from which
diplomatic range is calculated from (for non-neighbouring countries).
If desired, the capital can be moved at any time to a territory of the primary culture and
state religion in a loyal province as long as the country is not at war. The cost is
50 + 5 times the difference in population between the current capital and the new capital in political influence, with a minimum cost of
80 and a maximum of
250. This means that it is much cheaper to move the capital to a more populated territory than vice versa.
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Every province that a country owns or partially owns has a province capital, representing the center of the local administration. If multiple countries own part of the same province, each of part will have its own provincial capital. The capital of the capital province is always the same as the national capital.
Provincial capitals get the following bonuses:
+10% Population Output
+6 Population Capacity
+10% Pop Promotion Speed
+1 Migration Attraction
+1 Local Monthly Food
Province capitals are important in wartime as they determine who controls the province as a whole. A province cannot be demanded in a peace treaty unless its capital is occupied, and armies can only resupply in foreign territory if the capital of the province is occupied. They are also the primary targets for receiving slaves when occupying enemy territory, after the
national capital.
Provincial capitals may be relocated during peace time for a cost of provincial loyalty. Relocating the provincial capital to a
settlement lowers
provincial loyalty by 30, to a
city lowers loyalty by 20, and to a
metropolis by 10.
Only territories that are the provincial capital can be raised to metropolis status.
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Every territory has a fixed, predefined terrain type that cannot be changed. Terrain type has a significant impact on a territory's habitability through population capacity and
food production modifiers, and is important to consider for army maneuvering and supply as well. Generic heritages are also assigned partly based on the terrain type of a country's
capital territory at the start of the game.
Sea territories also have terrain types like land territories. The primary effect of sea terrain is to affect the movement speed of ships.
名称 | 修正 | 描述 | |
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沙漠 Desert |
一望无际的干旱的沙质平原。 | |
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农田 Farmland |
小群田地、果园和放牧牲畜点缀着这片美丽的耕地。 | |
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森林 Forest |
树木繁茂的地区,这样的森林往往是过路军队的障碍。 | |
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丘陵 Hills |
该地区由连绵起伏的丘陵组成。 |
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丛林 Jungle |
青翠潮湿的丛林,充满茂密的植被,不习惯的人难以穿行其中。 | |
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沼泽 Marsh |
沼泽地渍水且往往很危险,难以通过,更难以居住。 | |
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山地 Mountains |
陡峭、危险、岩石较多的山岭地区,难以通过。 | |
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平原 Plains |
一个树木稀疏的地区,由大片平坦的土地组成。 |
名称 | 修正 | 描述 | |
File:Terrain coastal terrain big.png | 近海 Coastal Sea |
海岸线和群岛附近的海水往往更浅,提供的机动空间也更少。 |
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海洋 Ocean |
无 | 由平静、剔透的海水和滚滚海浪组成,海洋承载着古代世界的命脉:贸易。 |
File:Terrain riverine terrain big.png | 河 River |
大多数河流不适合乘船航行,不过有些河流又宽又深,足以容纳较小的船只通行。 |
Each territory also has one of four possible climates depending on its geography, which gives an additional smaller modifier to population capacity and
food production. Certain climates also have winter for part of the year, which has an effect on
温暖气候(Warm climate) is the most hospitable type and covers the largest part of the map, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Fertile Crescent and the rich plains of India. Every territory with Warm Climate gets the following modifiers:
温和气候(Temperate Climate) is common directly to the north of warm areas, such as in Britannia, Gaul, Moesia and Illyria, northern Anatolia, and the south of central Asia. Territories with temperate climate have no default modifiers.
寒冷气候(Frigid Climate) represents colder areas of the map where harsher winters significantly , such as in Britannia, Gaul, Moesia and Illyria, northern Anatolia, and the south of central Asia. Every territory with Warm Climate gets the following modifiers:
高山气候(Alpine Climate) describes cold mountainous areas, such as Tibet and parts of the Caucascus. Every territory with Alpine Climate gets the following modifiers:
干旱气候(Arid Climate) describes desert regions and nearby drier areas, such as the areas around the Sahara, parts of the Arabian Peninsula, and much of Persia. Every territory with Arid Climate gets the following modifiers:
Rivers were central to trade and transportation in this time period and the presence of a significant river usually made that area much more attractive to settle in, as well as being more defensible given the inherent difficulties of crossing a river. Ingame, a territory with a Nearby River gets the following modifiers:
- Attackers get a -1 penalty to their dice rolls
+5% Population Capacity
+5% Supply Limit
+10% Pop Migration Speed
Parts of certain very large rivers, such as the Rhine, Danube, Nile, or Indus are considered major rivers, which makes them navigable by ships and crossable only at certain points. Mechanically, major rivers are considered sea tiles for most intents and purposes, with crossing points marked as straits. A territory that is Adjacent to Major River gets the following modifiers:
The population capacity bonus means that territories next to a river, especially a major river, are generally good sites. Note that if a territory is both adjacent to a major river and has a nearby (minor) river, it will have the effects of both modifiers.
沿海(Coastal)领土 also get small bonuses by virtue of their access to the sea, which like rivers often served to connect areas together even if there was no good port nearby. The following modifiers are given to all coastal territories without a port:
Note that this modifier can potentially stack with both river modifiers, if the territory meets all the requirements.
Certain coastal territories with a particularly good harbour are designated as ports. Ports represent areas that are particularly accessible to ships and naval transport and are placed in certain territories at the beginning of the game, including some that some distance upstream on
major rivers, and as a terrain feature are fixed and cannot be built or destroyed during the course of the game. Ports are at the center of a country's navy, as ships can only dock and be built at coastal territories with ports. In addition, every territory with a port gets the following modifier, replacing the modifier for non-port coastal territories:
+10% Population Capacity
+5% Supply Limit
+10% Pop Promotion Speed
+2 Migration Attraction
+50% Pop Migration Speed
Like with the standard coastal modifier, port modifiers can potentially stack with both river modifiers, if the territory meets all the requirements. The population capacity, migration attraction, and promotion speed modifiers in particular make port territories good places for founding cities, particularly those that are also adjacent to a major river.
Certain ports are home to pirate havens where groups of pirates are based from. These pirate havens are present in certain ports at the beginning of the game, and in addition to giving an economic boost of
+20% Local Tax and
+0.01% Local Population Growth to their territory they host pirate fleets, which can rented out as naval mercenaries at times of war. When not being hired pirate fleets will eventually grow restless and go on raids, at which point the fleet while become hostile to all other navies and travel to nearby unfortified ports to plunder them, giving
-25% Local Tax and
+10% Demotion Speed to the plundered territories.
If pirates grow to be too much of a problem, their havens can be destroyed using the Root Out Pirates army ability on any controlled territory once the anti-pirate law has been passed, including those belong to other countries that have been occupied in a
war, which will remove the modifier (including its beneficial modifiers) and destroy the associated pirate fleet. Alternatively, pirates can be actively encouraged by passing the pro-pirate law, which will create a new
pirate haven in one of the country's ports.
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- 参见:损耗
The supply limit of a territory determines how large of an army it can sustain before the army begins to take
attrition, with every point of
army weight over the supply limit giving 1 point of
attrition. As attrition increases
food consumption rather than immediately causing loss of soldiers, being over the supply limit is not particularly problematic as long as the army is just quickly passing through or is adequately supplied with enough
food to feed itself, but can become a significant issue with longer campaigns in low
supply limit areas.
Generally speaking, more fertile, developed, and highly populated areas have a higher supply limit. All modifiers affecting the supply limit of a territory are listed below (note that national modifiers, e.g. inventions and deities, are based on the owner of the army, not the owner of the territory):
Type | Modifier | ![]() |
Base | Base | +5 |
![]() |
+0.5 per pop | |
![]() |
+10% per point | |
![]() |
+2% per point | |
![]() |
-25% | |
![]() |
-25% | |
Terrain | ![]() |
+10% |
![]() |
+5% | |
![]() |
+5% | |
![]() |
-50% | |
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-50% | |
![]() |
-50% | |
Diplomatic Status | Owner | +25% |
Occupied | +10% | |
![]() |
+10% | |
![]() |
+10% | |
Inventions | ![]() |
+10% |
![]() |
+10% | |
![]() |
+10% | |
![]() |
+25% | |
![]() |
+25% | |
Deities | ![]() |
![]() | ||
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![]() | ||
![]() | ||
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一个领土的 文明度(civilization value) represents its level of infrastructure and urbanization and is the biggest contributors to
pop happiness, especially for
nobles and
citizens. Increasing the current civilization value of the capital to 50 is also one of the main requirements for a tribal nation to reform into a republic or monarchy, and some city buildings also require a minimum civilization level. Most countries, except for migratory tribes, will generally benefit from a higher civilization level in their territories.
一个领土的文明度 spans between 0 and 100, with each point granting the following local effects:
Population Capacity: +0.25%
Supply Limit: +2%
Barbarian Growth: -0.005
Migration Attraction: +0.1
Local Citizen Happiness: +0.5%
Local Freemen Happiness: +0.3%
Local Noble Happiness: +0.7%
Local Tribesmen Happiness: -0.4%
文明度 | ![]() |
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![]() |
0% | ||||||||
+50% | +12.5% | +100% | -0.25 | +5 | +35% | +25% | +15% | -20% |
+100% | +25% | +200% | -0.5 | +10 | +70% | +50% | +30% | -40% |
Each territory has a maximum possible civilization value, which is the sum of its owner's country civilization level and any province or territory-specific modifiers to
local civilization level. The country civilization level is generally the most consequential, as it is applied across all the territories in the country, and its value is determined largely by a country's government form, its level of
Oratory Advances, and positive
centralization for tribal nations. Local modifiers can increase the civilization level of certain territories, particularly the
capital, much higher than the country-wide value and is mostly given from decision modifiers (especially when creating formable nations) and coordinating
urban development.
All static sources of 最大文明度等级 are listed below.
类型 | 修正 | ![]() |
Base | Base | +10% |
![]() |
+0.1% per point above 0% (up to +10% at 100%) | |
![]() |
+10% | |
Government | ![]() |
+10% |
![]() |
+15% | |
![]() |
+30% | |
![]() |
+35% | |
![]() |
+40% | |
![]() |
+40% | |
Laws | ![]() |
+5% |
![]() |
+5% | |
National ideas | ![]() |
+5% |
Technology | ![]() |
+2% per Level |
Trade goods | ![]() |
+5% |
![]() |
+5% | |
Heritages | ![]() |
+5% |
Local | ![]() |
+1% per Level |
Emergent Center of Civilization (from formable nations) | +5% | |
Center of Civilization (from formable nations) | +10% | |
Emergent Capital (from formable nations) | +10% |
Note that government bonuses are, of course, exclusive to each other.
最大文明度等级 does nothing by itself, but allows the territory's actual civilization level to slowly rise to that level. Each month, the civilization value of every territory that is below its local 最大文明度等级 will increase by the value of the File:Global monthly civilization.png 每月文明度变化 modifier, which can be increased with various omens, inventions, governor policies, and other modifiers. If the local 最大文明度等级 is lower than the territory's current civilization level, it will instead decrease at a fixed rate of -0.10% per month until it reaches the cap again.
Type | Modifier | File:Global monthly civilization.png 每月文明度变化 |
Base | Base | +0.01% |
At Peace | +0.01% | |
![]() |
-0.025% per point | |
![]() |
+0.01% | |
National ideas | ![]() |
+0.02% |
Inventions | ![]() |
+0.01% |
![]() |
+0.01% | |
Laws | ![]() |
+0.03% |
Religion | ![]() |
+0.01% |
Deities | ![]() |
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
Omens | ![]() |
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
Treasures | ![]() |
+0.03% |
Heritages | ![]() |
+0.02% |
Hellenistic Heritage (cultural) | +0.01% | |
Governor | ![]() |
+0.005% per ![]() |
![]() |
+0.01% | |
Local | ![]() |
+0.02% |
![]() |
+0.01% per Level | |
![]() |
+0.001% per outgoing road | |
![]() |
-0.01% | |
Enemy Occupation | -0.02% | |
Looted | -0.03% |
Urban development
The civilization value of territories with city status can be increased above and beyond its natural maximum by using the
Coordinate Urban Development action, which costs a base of
25 political influence (modified by the
Urban Development Cost modifier) and, after 2 years, will give a stackable Urban Development modifier, giving
+1% local civilization level and
+0.01% 每月文明度变化 to the city. This action can only be used while the civilization level of the city is below 60, which means that it is primarily useful only in the early game or for tribal nations looking to improve their capital in preparation for reforming into a monarchy or republic.
Uncolonizable territories
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Certain particularly harsh or desolate territories are considered uncolonizable. These territories have no true owner or pops and for the most part cannot be interacted with, though they will be considered owned for the purposes of map colouring and naming purposes if there is a single country that owns the majority of the adjacent colonizable territories, as well as owns and/or has coloured in a majority of all adjacent territories, including neighbouring uncolonizable territories. Similar behaviour is used to colour in uncolonizable territories in some other mapmodes, such as culture, religion, province, and region. This behaviour can be toggled on and off using the Fill in impassable terrain setting.
All uncolonizable territories have a culture,
civilization value,
barbarian power value, and
supply limit, which depending on the type of the the uncolonizable territory may have some gameplay relevance. Whether or not a territory is considered uncolonizable is set at the beginning of the game and cannot be changed.
不适于居住(Uninhabitable)领土不能被拥有或者殖民,但是仍然允许 陆军 通过它们。They exist in a number of passes through many arid and desert areas, such as in the Arabian pennisula and Central Asia. There are no special penalties for armies marching through uninhabitable territories beyond their low supply limit and inability to replenish
food supply. Unlike impassable terrain, uninhabitable territories have a terrain type that helps to determine its
supply limit.
All uninhabitable territories also have a culture and religion that is set at the beginning of the game, appears on the relevant mapmodes, and cannot be changed, though this is purely cosmetic and does not have any gameplay effect.
Impassable terrain
- 参见:Barbarians
Impassable terrain represents the harshest and most accessible areas of the map, and in addition to being uncolonizable also cannot be passed by armies and cannot be interacted with directly. Many exist as mountain ranges, inaccessible jungles, or unforgiving deserts crossing through even relatively developed areas, serving to isolate certain areas from one another and represent the difficulties that these types of terrain posed for states trying to exert their control across them.
Certain areas of impassable terrain hold barbarian strongholds, from which barbarian hordes will occasionally rise up to pillage and settle neighbouring territories. These barbarian strongholds can be particularly dangerous and require some military investment to control and hold off, but can eventually be pacified by raising the stronghold's
civilization value high enough using the
Civilization Effort governor policy in a neighbouring province.
Impassable terrain has a culture and religion that is used when generating barbarian hordes that rise up from that territory. However, in the culture and religion mapmodes the colour of impassable terrain will instead be determined by the majority colour of the surrounding territories according to the same rules as colouring for ownership, which may be different from the actual culture or religion of the territory.
罗马 [1]涅亚波利斯 [7]庞贝 [9]维利亚 [12]佩尔图伊农 [24]孚肯斯 [27]图里 [52]赫拉克利亚 [54]墨塔蓬同 [55]塔壬同 [56]卡利波利斯 [63]雷吉翁 [72]克罗同 [78]墨萨纳 [80]叙拉古 [84]阿克拉加斯 [86]穆耳甘提亚 [88]弥诺亚的赫拉克利亚 [91]厄革斯塔 [92]瑟利努斯 [93]利吕拜翁 [94]帕诺鲁穆斯 [96]伊普索斯 [185]戈耳狄翁 [189]安居拉 [194]赫拉克利亚 [207]西萨摩斯 [208]卡尔刻冬 [240]喀俄斯 [245]兰普萨科斯 [256]阿索斯 [259]纳克索斯 [263]罗得斯 [266]楞诺斯 [270]斯居洛斯 [277]珀耳伽蒙 [278]密提勒涅 [283]喀俄斯 [286]以弗所 [290]萨耳狄斯 [292]萨拉米斯 [331]塞巴斯忒 [339]普拉厄索斯 [344]塞斯托斯 [349]吕西玛刻亚 [350]耶拉佩特拉 [355]塔索斯 [356]克诺索斯 [358]戈尔堤那 [361]阿布得拉 [362]安腓波利斯 [365]波吕雷尼亚 [368]波忒代亚 [376]珀拉 [379]拉里萨 [389]法耳萨罗斯 [394]希斯提埃亚 [403]安忒冬 [406]卡尔喀斯 [407]卡律斯托斯 [409]欧玻伊亚的俄伊卡利亚 [410]俄洛波斯 [413]雅典 [416]墨伽拉 [417]柯林斯 [418]腓尼刻 [421]俄尔科墨诺斯 [423]得尔斐 [424]多多那 [425]底比斯 [426]斯巴达 [427]墨托涅 [428]墨赛涅 [431]帕特赖 [434]赫赖亚 [435]墨伽罗波利斯 [436]曼提涅亚 [438]奥林匹亚 [439]阿耳戈斯 [440]厄庇道洛斯 [441]埃吉翁 [444]厄利斯 [446]斯廷法利亚 [448]克勒托耳 [449]居方塔 [450]特洛曾 [451]忒耳蒙 [456]匝金托斯 [460]刻法罗尼亚 [461]斯特拉托斯 [462]卡索佩 [464]忒斯庇埃 [468]科耳居拉 [470]帕斯萨戎 [476]墨森布里亚 [480]孟斐斯 [500]部巴斯提斯 [503]佩卢西翁 [509]亚历山大里亚 [516]门德斯 [534]克洛科狄罗波利斯 [539]波吕比亚涅 [561]大狄俄斯波利斯 [569]叙厄涅 [591]加沙 [659]阿斯卡隆 [660]耶路撒冷 [687]卡达萨 [742]提尔 [743]西顿 [747]大马士革 [750]帕尔密拉 [754]特里帕拉得索斯 [761]彼布罗斯 [766]特里波利斯 [769]阿玛忒 [777]波西得翁 [788]帕莱俄波利斯 [789]安提戈涅亚 [790]尼西比斯 [830]新加拉 [831]提格拉诺刻耳塔 [842]尼尼微 [862]阿耳贝拉 [880]萨玛剌 [893]达斯卡剌 [897]大塞琉基亚 [911]泰西封 [912]俄庇斯 [914]巴比伦 [918]玻耳西帕 [919]底格里斯的阿帕墨亚 [933]拉尔萨 [939]苏西亚纳的亚历山大里亚 [940]舒珊 [946]忒雷冬 [964]瓦斯浦拉坎的阿耳忒弥塔 [998]恩波里埃 [1000]刻尔萨 [1011]尤利乌斯的卡拉顾里斯 [1016]俄亚索 [1017]托勒同 [1024]拉弥尼翁 [1026]赫墨洛斯科珀翁 [1031]马斯提亚 [1036]萨尔曼提卡 [1046]巴尼恩西翁 [1157]左伊拉戎 [1163]维尼亚提亚 [1164]左伊利亚 [1167]阿夸里乌斯村 [1172]瑟革达 [1213]乌耳基 [1278]维瑟里亚 [1292]阿雷俄刻隆 [1295]厄尔玻科尼斯 [1296]阿里提翁 [1308]伽迪耳 [1344]马拉卡 [1362]拜占庭 [1453]墨利塔 [1471]甘扎克 [1515]阿耳克萨塔 [1542]阿耳马维拉 [1570]阿塔尔贝吉安 [1589]弥亚纳 [1593]厄克巴塔纳 [1595]蒂格剌纳刻尔特 [1640]特拉布宗 [1734]庇堤乌斯 [1743]卡林 [1744]萨塔拉 [1770]拉马托耳马 [1780]阿弥索斯 [1807]西诺佩 [1812]阿马瑟亚 [1819]得罗斯 [1835]瑟巴斯托波利斯 [1839]厄庇法涅亚 [1874]西法 [1878]埃盖埃 [1879]厄拉尤萨 [1892]安德罗斯 [1903]伊科尼翁 [1934]基玻图斯的阿帕墨亚 [1936]弥罗斯 [1964]米利都 [1973]萨摩斯 [1974]哈利卡耳那索斯 [1981]马纳维亚 [2108]科里亚隆 [2134]科里俄索利同 [2156]贝基亚孔 [2226]部耳迪加拉 [2236]拉浦耳冬 [2240]迪沃纳 [2269]马赛利亚 [2325]利苏斯 [2336]阿瓦里孔 [2347]刻纳朋 [2350]比布拉克忒 [2438]阿勒西亚 [2440]奥特里孔 [2441]迪沃杜戎 [2454]卢忒提亚 [2475]第勒尼安海 [2500]西西里海峡 [2501]爱奥尼亚海 [2518]革索里亚孔 [3026]巴加孔 [3042]弥纳 [3102]基耳塔 [3163]厄拉堤拉 [3175]穆苏拉弥亚的塔拉 [3209]鲁西卡得 [3227]迦太基 [3256]欧佛览塔 [3333]腓莱尼亚的阿赖 [3338]达耳尼斯 [3363]马览迪斯 [3364]阿齐里斯 [3365]帕利乌洛斯 [3366]扎德剌咖尔塔 [3435]涅亚波利斯的许达塔 [3482]诺拉 [3483]卡拉利斯 [3484]墨塔拉 [3485]瑟斯提斯 [3490]撒丁尼亚的涅亚波利斯 [3492]塔洛斯 [3493]顾鲁利斯 [3496]赫耳迈翁海角 [3497]宁淮俄斯港 [3499]利比索尼斯塔 [3500]提部莱港 [3505]维尼俄莱 [3506]腓卡里亚 [3508]阿卢卡 [3511]穆里萨 [3533]奥古斯塔 巴吉恩诺戎 [3548]得耳托纳 [3554]孚尔维 瓦楞提农 [3555]瓦耳达伽忒 [3558]哈斯塔 [3559]波楞提亚 [3564]克拉斯提迪翁 [3574]革纳瓦 [3624]温多尼斯萨 [3633]维耳纳尼亚 [3637]阿耳玻耳 斐利克斯 [3639]俄维拉瓦 [3647]劳里亚孔 [3648]洛阿库斯 斐利刻斯 [3649]诺雷亚 [3672]沃索尔维亚 [3722]阿尔西嫩西翁村 [3738]维马尼亚 [3739]安西瓦里亚 [3836]萨克森尼亚 [3837]维苏耳吉斯 [3839]加努恩塔 [3843]佛勒提翁 [3844]马耳萨基亚 [3845]马纳里同 [3849]马里俄涅斯 [3855]小阿维俄尼亚 [3863]楼法纳 [3888]特雷瓦 [3889]考基亚 [3890]库里孔 [4032]瑟革斯提卡 [4041]克兰达忒 [4043]亚得耳 [4054]特拉顾里翁 [4060]萨洛纳 [4062]巴洛亚 [4070]贝耳刻隆 [4078]部托厄 [4090]楼西尼翁 [4104]俄得苏斯 [4248]卡拉提斯 [4254]阿耳基达瓦 [4260]提比斯孔 [4264]阿鲁忒拉 [4280]齐里达瓦 [4290]阿浦隆 [4291]安顾斯提亚 [4294]齐达瓦 [4296]奢羯罗 [4340]诃梨陀伐罗 [4419]摩头罗 [4420]跋罗那徙 [4429]波多利弗多罗 [4440]那烂陀 [4442]布览科纳 [4504]俄尔比亚 [4529]刻耳喀尼提斯 [4536]刻耳索涅索斯 [4538]潘提卡派翁 [4549]阿克墨 [4640]俄刻利斯 [4646]阿得涅 [4650]阿比萨马 [4655]坦纳 [4662]咖耳纳 [4674]特雷托斯 [4675]沙卜瓦 [4676]萨纳阿 [4682]希弥亚拉 [4684]亚提尔 [4700]哈德拉姆特的奥萨剌 [4705]亨戴安 [4779]霍尔密扎德 [4791]波斯波利斯 [4799]提比耳西亚 [4832]提西亚 [4857]比拉提斯 [4880]帕萨耳伽戴 [4951]阿蒙 [5537]冈仁波齐 [5576]希贝耳尼亚海 [5732]希贝耳尼亚海 [5735]希贝耳尼亚海 [5738]沙巴尔兹 [6559]沙赫里斯坦 [6561]高加索的亚历山大里亚 [6611]尼赛亚 [6657]堕罗迦 [6813]祇梨那伽罗 [6818]亚历山大港 [6821]拘摩梨 [6902]朅帝 [6915]乌洛逾罗 [6927]库姆 [6954]阿婆迦那 [6978]键支补岚 [6984]珠罗钵帝南 [6987]摩逾罗萨多钵帝南 [6999]庵达补罗 [7019]闭利瞿罗 [7022]奢叉尸罗 [7314]耶哈 [7505]阿克宋 [7506]于克剌 [7508]托里科斯 [7799]底墨 [7890]忒革亚 [7891]堤雷埃 [7892]珀勒涅 [7893]克勒俄奈 [7894]刻林托斯 [7899]厄瑞特里亚 [7901]赫尔米乌奈 [7903]斯堤拉 [7904]