Political influence

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File:Political influence display.png
A country's political influence on the top bar

Political influence.png Political influence represents how much power and political capital a country and its ruler has throughout its government and administration. As the main currency for a wide variety of government and realm actions, from changing governor policies and increasing Stability.png stability to fabricating Fabricate claim cost modifier.png claims and creating Province investment province investments, political influence is one of the most important currencies in the game. A strong ruler with a wide base of support will be able to reorganize the government at will and punch well above its weight, while a weak and unpopular government will find itself starved of influence and almost unable to do anything at all.


Some of the more common uses of Political influence.png political influence are listed below. Apart from these main actions, many events, decisions, and mission tasks also require spending certain amounts of political influence.

Category Action Political influence.png Base Cost
Realm File:Idea empty.png Select National idea 20
Enact law cost modifier.png Enacting Laws 35
Sacrifice pig.png Divine Sacrifice 50
Legitimacy.png Increase Legitimacy 10
Policy cultural assimilation.png Change Culture Civic Right 5
Deify ruler cost modifier.png Deify Ruler 200
Religious power.png Convert Religion 200
Leader.png Anoint Heir 15
Create mercenary state.png Create Mercenary State 50
Create mercenary state.png Create League City 50
Diplomacy Fabricate claim cost modifier.png Fabricate Claim 20
Neutral stance Change Diplomatic Stance 30
Government interactions Demand oaths of allegience.png Demand Oaths of Allegiance 100
Patronize arts.png Patronize the Arts 100
Support Republic Faction 25
Raiding parties.png Assemble Raiding Parties 100
Province Province investment Provincial Investment 80
Office Change Governor Policy 10
Territory Territory city.png Found City 50
Territory metropolis.png Found Metropolis 100
Holy Site.png Dedicate Holy Site 50
Country capital.png Relocate Capital
  • 50 + 5 times the difference in Population.png population
  • Minimum of 80 and a maximum of 250
Great wonder Gw map icon.png Add effect

15 for Tier 1
30 for Tier 2
60 for Tier 3
120 for Tier 4

Gw map icon.png Change effect 7 - 120
Character interactions Bribe character cost.png Bribe/Persuade 5
Bribe character cost.png Remove Friend 30
Bribe character cost.png Remove Rival 30
Bribe character cost.png Scheme: Political Marriage 10
File:Persuade to drop scheme.png Persuade to Drop Scheme 10
Bribe character cost.png Hold Triumph 30
Bribe character cost.png Encourage Deserters 25
Bribe character cost.png Intervene in Crisis 50
Bribe character cost.png Support Pretender 100
Unit abilities Anabasis Anabasis 15


Political influence is generated monthly based on the country's Political influence.png Monthly Political Influence modifier, which is primarily given by the country's Office office holders based on their Loyalty.png character loyalty values. Loyal characters will produce much more political influence than disloyal ones, which means the loyalty of office holders can be just as important, if not more, as their actual skill in their positions, even if office holders do not otherwise have a significant Power base power base. Other factors, such as ruler Corruption.png corruption, co-ruler/consort Loyalty.png loyalty, country rank, and high Aggressive expansion.png aggressive expansion can also have a significant effect on political influence generation. A table of the most important modifiers is listed below:

Type Modifier Political influence.png Monthly Political Influence
Base link= 28px Aggressive Expansion -0.1% per point above 50
Bankruptcy.png Deficit -50%
Positions Corruption.png Ruler corruption -0.5% per Corruption.png point
Office All government offices +0.0025 per office holder Loyalty.png loyalty
Office Consort loyalty -1% per Loyalty.png loyalty below 50
Office Co-ruler loyalty -1% per Loyalty.png loyalty below 50
Laws Enact law cost modifier.png Abolish Assemblies (Republic) +5%
Enact law cost modifier.png Senatorial Endorsement (罗马的国旗  Roman Republic) +5%
Enact law cost modifier.png Tribal Representatives (Tribal) +10%
Country rank Country rank 4.png Regional Power +5%
Country rank 5.png Major Power +10%
Country rank 6.png Great Power +15%
Inventions Invention.png Hypocaust (Civic power.png Civic Invention) +5%
Invention.png Cultural Administration (Civic power.png Civic Invention) +10%
Invention.png Servile Bondage (Civic power.png Civic Invention) +10%
Invention.png Town Criers (Oratory power.png Oratory Invention) +10%
Invention.png Patrocinium (Oratory power.png Oratory Invention) +25%
Invention.png Demand a Line of Succession (Republic Oratory power.png Oratory Invention) +10%
Invention.png Request a Line of Succession (Republic Oratory power.png Oratory Invention) +10%
Diplomacy Diplomatic relations.png Diplomatic relations -10% per Diplomatic relations.png relation over limit
Deities State religion.png Gekhö (Bon deity)
State religion.png Athena (Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Tinia (Etruscan Hellenic deity)
State religion.png Paryushana Festival (Jain deity)
State religion.png Daniel (Jewish deity)
Character interaction Bribe character cost.png Scheme: Influence +20%
Ruler Traits 傲慢 Arrogant -0.25

国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置