
Imperator: Rome tutorial #5 - Characters. 視頻在 YouTube

人口之外,《英白拉多:羅馬》中還定義了獨特的人物英白拉多中人物的設定非常詳細,它和人口以及政治一起構成了這個充滿活力的世界。世界上分布著很多不同的民族,由此決定了各個人物的相貌,他們的相貌還會隨著年齡增長而變老。人物會擔任國家的Office.png 職務,以統治者、政府成員、總督和將軍的身份來服務國家,但他們也擁有變化無常的Loyalty.png忠誠度。所以必須保持他們的忠誠或是讓其受到制約,以免當他們變得不滿時調動大量資源進行Civil war.png 內戰。



[名字Given name] [權位序數Regnal Number] [暱稱Nickname] [姓氏Family name]


[名字Given name] [權位序數Regnal Number] [姓氏Family name] [暱稱Nickname]


[姓氏Family name] [名字Given name(數字)] [權位序數Regnal Number]  [暱稱Nickname]


人物的第一名稱是他們的名字Given name,或者說第一個名字praenomen,即出生的時候就取的(或者說創建的時候),通常是從該人物所屬文化組的名字列表中隨機選擇的,但也可以手動設置,或者當 Leader.png 統治者的孩子出生時,為孩子改名。名字是用來指代一個人物的主要稱呼。




  • 塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國的塞琉古王朝,君主的名字會在「塞琉古Seleukos」或者「安條科斯Antiochos
  • 埃及的國旗 埃及的拉吉底王朝,男性國王的名字會改為「托勒密Ptolemaios」,女性國王的名字會改為「克勒俄帕特拉Kleopatra
  • Mithridatic Kingdom.png 密嗣里達蒂德王國和由之建立的本都的國旗 本都,他們的國王會改名為「密嗣里達蒂德Mithridates
  • 比堤尼亞的國旗 比堤尼亞的齊波厄忒得斯王朝,國王的名字會改為「普魯西亞斯Prusias」或者「尼科墨得斯Nikomedes
  • Pergamon.png 珀加蒙的阿塔利得斯王朝,國王的名字會在「歐門尼斯Eumenes」或者「阿塔羅斯Attalos









君主制的統治者有一個權位序數將他們跟前任統治者區分開來,因為他們用的是一樣的名字。權位序數是羅馬數字,並且通常是從遊戲開始時開始計算,初始統治者的權位序數是 I,儘管一些國家開始時,會使用以往已經用過的序數和名字,這是為了確保符合歷史的命名方案實施。






  • Martial.png 軍略Martial 代表人物戰鬥和領導軍隊的能力。具有高軍略技能的人物可以成為優秀的將軍。
  • Finesse.png 智略Finesse 代表人物在需要高度關注細節方面的技能。高智略人物可以成為優秀的總督。
  • Charisma.png 魅力Charisma 代表人物吸引和說服他人的能力。與外國交涉時,高魅力人物常常具有優勢。
  • zeal修正 熱忱Zeal 代表人物鼓舞他人信念的能力,也是召喚諸神恩寵的能力。



  • Age 年齡Age,從教育到任職,許多公共事物都有對年齡的要求。一個人物在16歲時成年,不過很多共和國為了他們的統治地位,其國家民眾成年年齡要比這高很多,並且年老的人物會更容易患絕症。
  • Health.png 健康Health,狀態的數值範圍是0到100,並且會因為各種特質(尤其是疾病)而增加或減少。如果人物的健康減少到0,則該人物將會死亡。在人物互動中使用「尋求治療」能增加人物的健康度,但也有對其造成永久傷害的風險。與其他所有數據不同,人物的健康並不會顯示一個精確的數值,而是顯示一個籠統的說明。
  • Statesmanship.png 政治家才能Statesmanship,代表了人物在政府事務中的經驗。它能通過長期擔當職務以及高的Finesse.png智略屬性和一些特性來增加,並決定人物的屬性能多有效的應用在Office.png職務上。
  • Prominence.png 名望Prominence,表示人物的名聲。工作和頭銜有助於吸引公眾注意,使他們更有可能在共和國當選。顯赫的人物很可能結婚生子。
  • Popularity.png 人氣Popularity是衡量民眾如何看待一個人物的指標。在共和國,高人氣的人物更有可能當選共和國領導人,並且將有更高的 Senate influence 元老院影響力。即使是君主政體也不能忽視受歡迎的人物——而且君主必須注意自己的人氣。
  • Loyalty.png 忠誠Loyalty是衡量人物對國家忠誠度的指標。與忠誠的人物相比,不忠誠的人物更容易為統治者帶來問題,將會拒絕聽從命令,甚至可能把國家推向Civil war.png內戰。然而,即使是最忠誠的人物也有其局限性。
  • Corruption.png 腐敗Corruption,是衡量人物從事卑鄙行徑意願的指標。貪婪、賄賂和違反法規與高腐敗值密切相關。腐敗的人物將拿走比正常值更多的Monthly wage modifier.png報酬並且很可能激怒他們控制下的省份。
  • Holdings.png 地產Holdings,為人物提供了 Cost 收入以及 Power base.png 權力基礎,通常集中在家族族長手上。然而,人物也可以投資於他們有個人聯繫的領土。
  • Cost 財富Wealth是衡量人物所擁有個人財富的指標。人物會在一生中積累和花費財富。富有的人物可以利用他們的財富來提升人氣,贏得朋友。


  • Power base 權力基礎(Power Base) 代表人物在國家中的影響力,可以通過許多不同來源積累,例如 Position 職務、Holding 地產、Loyalty gain chance.png 指揮下忠誠的大隊數量、Family prestige 家族威望(只適用於家族族長)等等。
  • Election term.png 繼承支持(Succession Support)決定在當前統治者去世後誰能成為統治者。計算方式取決於政體。君主制完全由家族關係情況決定,共和制則由人物的人氣、名望、家族威望以及派系支持決定,部落制由人物屬性決定。
  • Party oligarchic.png Party traditionalist.png Party democratic.png Party optimates.png Boni Party populares.png 派系信念(Faction Conviction):在一個共和國,每個成年人都會對元老院裡面的三個派別每一個存在一定的信念,當前值是迄今為止的所積累的總信念的值。每個月所產生的或者損失的值很大程度上取決於人物的屬性,特質和其他修正,而人物會選擇他最堅信的派系加入。
  • Senate influence 元老院影響力(Senatorial Influence):一個派系所擁有的席位取決於其成員在元老院的總影響力。而成員的影響力很大程度上取決於該人物的 Power base 權力基礎, 也可以通過Popularity.png 人氣和一些特質來增加,,但當一個總督或者將軍在離首都過遠的地方將會很難有效的發揮他們的影響力.





每個成年人物可以有一個異性的配偶(spouse)。人物一般只會在他們本國內結婚,儘管有可能在兩個不同的君主國的統治家族之間安排聯姻。儘管在一些事件中會出現私生子,但人物通常只會和配偶一起生育子女,而未婚的人物不會有小孩。玩家控制的統治者家族角色可以通過安排聯姻(Arrange Marriage)人物互動來結婚。除非啟用了繼承法中的埃及繼承法,否則不允許近親家庭成員(父母,兄弟姐妹,子女和孫子女)之間的婚姻。



人物的親屬(relatives)由其家族關係決定,其父母、兄弟姐妹和子女直接顯示在人物界面中。在君主制中人物的親屬關係很重要,其中繼承是由家庭關係決定的,具體取決於繼承法。統治者的親密家庭成員——父母,兄弟姐妹,子女和孫子女,即使不是統治者的家族,都可以通過安排聯姻(Arrange Marriage)人物互動來結婚。Bloodline traits can also only be passed down from parent to child, with the exact rules depending on the trait. If they are currently minor characters, it is also significantly cheaper to adopt certain close relatives - children and siblings - into the ruling family.


每個人物都可以有一定數量的朋友(friends),最大數量由 Max friends 最大好友數量(Max. Friends)修正決定。朋友之間往往會互相忠誠以及支持,例如在內戰中,如果人物和統治者友好一般會支持政府,但如果發動叛亂的是他的朋友,則會在內戰中倒向叛軍。


  • Loyalty.png +15 忠誠度
  • Family prestige +0.01 月度家族威望
  • Law agnatic.png +50 第一繼承人吸引力
  • Party optimates.png 每月貴族派信念: +0.01
  • Party oligarchic.png 每月寡頭派信念: +0.01
  • Monthly Conviction for Ruler Faction: +0.10

一般來說,對於統治者來說與國內有權勢的人物交朋友會非常有用,例如家族族長、強勢的將軍和總督,尤其是那些 Loyalty.png 忠誠度較低的人可以利用這個增益。特別是與家族族長交朋友會讓你更有機會剝奪他們最具價值的地產,以減少他們的收入和權力基礎。

兩國統治者之間如果是朋友關係將使兩國之間相互的 Opinion improvement active.png 好感度增加 25 ,這有助於進行外交行動。如果統治者與外國人成為朋友,可以以增加Aggressive expansion.png侵略性擴張為代價將其招募至自己國家。

統治者可以使用交朋友(Make Friends)人物互動來嘗試與另一人物交朋友,前提是對方有空餘的好友位。當您開始嘗試與某個人物成為朋友時,將會出現幾個事件,事件的每個選項提供不同的交友進度,你需要滿足以下任一項來完成交友:

  • 2次極大的關係改善
  • 3次明顯的關係改善
  • 1次極大的關係改善, 1次明顯的關係改善, 1次稍微的關係改善


可以隨時通過移除好友(Remove Friend)人物互動來結束一段友誼。


每個角色可以有一定數量的仇敵(rivals),最大數量由 Max rivals 最大仇敵數量(Max. Rivals)決定。仇敵之間互相厭惡,並會傾向於採取攻擊性的行動來反對對方,甚至包括暗殺。


  • Loyalty.png -10 忠誠度
  • Family prestige -0.10 月度家族威望
  • Law agnatic.png -25 第一繼承人吸引力
  • Monthly wage on character modifier.png -10% 每月報酬
  • Monthly Conviction for Ruler Faction: -0.10


如果兩個國家的統治者是仇敵,會給兩國之間造成Opinion improvement active.png-50好感度,這將大大減弱兩國關係。

除了因為各種事件的效果成為仇敵之外,統治者可以通過宣布仇敵(Make Rival)人物互動將另一人物設為仇敵,如果對方是國內人物會花費統治者 Popularity.png 5 人氣,如果對方是外國統治者則需要和對方國家好感度低於0,並且無需花費人氣。

可以隨時通過移除仇敵(Remove Rival)人物互動來結束與一個國內人物的敵對關係,這需要花費 Political influence.png 30 政治影響力。要移除國外統治者仇敵,則需要和對方國家的好感度高於0.


一個國家的大多數人物都屬於顯赫家族(major family)。家族的成員通常彼此相關,並且孩子將會繼承其主要親屬(通常是父親)的家族,不過人物也可以通過被收養的方式加入統治者的家族。


統治者家族的人物會得到 Prominence.png +0.01 月度名望以及 Law agnatic.png +10 第一繼承人吸引力。



顯赫家族總是期望他們的成員在當前所有可分配的職位中占據一定比例,以便感到滿意。任何擁職位少於期望職位數的家族都會Scorned family 受到鄙視,這會帶來嚴重的忠誠度減成,而一個擁有至少期望職位數兩倍職位的家族則會Grateful family 感激,會給予一些加成。確保所有家族都感到滿意,即使這可能需要任命技能低下的人物擔任要職,是遊戲中管理人物和家族的一個重要部分。


Family prestige每個家族都有其相應的威望值,代表這個家族在整個國家歷史上的傑出地位。威望是由家族成員控制的職位,財富和家族成員控制的大隊而每月積累的;各種事件也會增加威望。威望的主要作用是給予家族族長增益修正,這個修正根據其家族與所有其他家族相比威望有多高來決定,其中最重要的修正是Power base權力基礎。另外Magna Graecia (DLC).png大希臘DLC中的Deify ruler cost modifier.png神化操作要求統治者家族擁有至少Family prestige800威望。


每個顯赫家族都有一位族長,通常是家族中年齡最大者,不過君主制中的統治者家族始終是統治者作為族長。Family prestige家族威望在全部家族總威望中每有1%占比,給予家族族長以下修正:

  • Prominence.png +0.25 名望
  • Power base +1.2 權力基礎
  • Statesmanship +0.001% Monthly Statesmanship
  • Loyalty gain chance.png +0.005% 大隊私兵率
  • Senate influence -0.75% 元老院影響力
  • Party optimates.png 每月貴族派信念: +0.0015
  • Party oligarchic.png 每月寡頭派信念: +0.0015

Clan chiefs.png 部落制氏族長的修正有所不同。

此外,當家族中一個人物死亡時,其所有的地產都將轉移給家族族長,這意味著即使不考慮職位的影響,家族族長也往往擁有全國最高的Wealth財富和Power base權力基礎。因此將他們任命為總督或將軍會很危險,極高的權力基礎對Loyalty.png忠誠度產生的影響讓他們很難一直保持忠誠。如果必須授予他們職位,推薦任命為研究員或政府公職,因為它們不會增加太多權力基礎,而且如果他們變得不忠誠,影響也會更少。



一個國家最大的顯赫家族數量(number of major families)取決於其國家等級,範圍從Country rank 2.png城邦的3個到Country rank 6.png強權的5個。在部落制中,家族數量被替換為氏族長數量,其上限範圍與其他政體的家族數量通常相同。

如果顯赫家族數量少於最大家族數量(通常是國家等級提升後),則會觸發事件,將從國內3個最有權勢的次要人物中選擇其一創建一個新家族。同樣,如果顯赫家族數量大於最大家族數量,那麼其中一個家族會fall from grace,其家族所有成員都被降為次要人物。


不屬於顯赫家族的人物被視為次要人物(minor characters)。次要人物沒有家族族長並且也無法從Family prestige家族威望中收益,這意味著除非讓其統率龐大的軍隊或總督富庶的區域,否則他們不太可能積累太多財富和 Power base 權力基礎。他們也不會自己結婚,通常也沒有家人,儘管可以像其他未婚成年人物一樣,手動安排統治者的親屬和他們聯姻。

次要人物會不時地自動出現在宮廷里,其文化和宗教可能會是國內存在的任何文化宗教,雖然通常仍是主流文化和宗教。 在 部落君主國可以隨時以 Family prestige 10% 的家族的當前威望和 Legitimacy.png 10 正統性的基礎花費(如果人物有高 Power base 權力基礎則更多),將符合條件的次要人物收養(adopted)進統治者家族;如果其他家族成員數量不足他們也可能會收養次要人物。



人物能被給予各種各樣的 Position 職位(positions)。不僅是一個國家的統治者,他們還能被指派去治理一個省份、指揮一支軍隊、進行研究或在政府中給予一個職位。有些國家允許婦女擔任官職,有些國家則不允許。人物根據他們的特質和屬性以及所處職位來獲得 Monthly wage modifier.png 報酬,Prominence.png 名望以及 Power base 權力基礎。顯赫家族總是希望在國內擁有一定比例的職位,如果給予的職務數達到他們期望數量的兩倍,他們將會不勝感激。管理持有職位人物的家族成員比例、忠誠度和能力是確保國家內部穩定犯繁榮的重要因素。


  • 統治者
  • 共治者或配偶
  • 政府職務
  • 研究員
  • 總督
  • 陸軍將領
  • 海軍將領


Power base A character's power base represents the weight of influence a character has, though his/her wealth, connections, commanded and loyal soldiers, and level of authority. Every unit of Power base power base decreases a character's Loyalty.png loyalty by 0.5, making power base one of the most important factors decreasing Loyalty.png character loyalty, and if the proportion of Disloyal power base disloyal power base is higher than the Civil war threshold civil war threshold, the country will progress towards a Civil war.png civil war. In republics, a character's Power base power base is also the base from which Senate influence senatorial influence is calculated. Generally, a close eye should always be kept on characters with a high Power base power base, keeping them as Loyalty.png loyal as is feasible (or at least above the disloyalty threshold with some buffer to spare) while being sure not to give them any positions that would result in even higher Power base power base (as that can bring the Loyalty.png loyalty penalty from high Power base power base up to unmanageable levels).

The main sources of power base are:

  • +2 from all Position positions (including Leader.png rulers, co-rulers, consorts, primary heirs, offices, researchers, governors, generals, admirals, and party leaders)
  • +1.2 to heads of family for each percentage of the total Family prestige family prestige in the country their family has
  • +0.2 to the Leader.png ruler for each percentage of the country's Population.png population in the Country capital.png capital region
  • +1 to Position governors for each percentage of the country's Population.png population in their governorship
  • +1 to Position generals for each percentage of the country's Land combat.png army under their command, not including any Loyalty gain chance.png cohorts loyal to the commander, up to a maximum of +4 per commanded cohort
  • +1 to for each percentage of the country's Land combat.png army that are Loyalty gain chance.png cohorts loyal to the character, even if under the command of another character (does not apply for the cohorts loyal to the Leader.png ruler), up to a maximum of +4 per loyal cohort
  • +1 for the character's number of Loyalty gain chance.png loyal veteran cohorts as a percentage of the country's Land combat.png army size, up to a maximum of +4 per loyal veteran cohort
  • +0.1 for each percentage of the country's Naval combat.png ships commanded by an admiral, up to a maximum of +1 per commanded ship
  • +0.5 for each percentage of the country's Local.png territories held as Holding holdings, up to a maximum of +10 per holding





  • 個性特質
  • 軍事特質
  • 健康特質
  • 身份特質




特質 個人 統治者 總督 將軍 對立特質 描述與注釋
無禮 無禮Abrasive
  • Max rivals 最大仇敵數量 +1
  • Senate influence 元老院影響力: -15%
  • Loyalty.png 忠誠度: -5
  • Tributary opinion of us.png 朝貢國對我們的好感 −5
和善 Good Natured 有些人就是不能和別人好好相處。
野心勃勃 野心勃勃Ambitious
  • Martial.png 軍略: +1
  • Finesse.png 智略: +1
  • Charisma.png 魅力: +1
  • zeal修正 熱忱: +1
  • Loyalty gain chance.png 大隊私兵率: +25%
  • Prominence.png 名望: +20
  • Senate influence 元老院影響力: +10%
  • Change governor policy cost.png 作為繼承人的吸引力 +1
  • Statesmanship 每月政治家才能: +0.10%
  • Party populares.png 每月平民派信念: +0.05
  • Party oligarchic.png 每月寡頭派信念: +0.05
  • Loyalty.png 忠誠度: -5
安於現狀 Content 他人將登頂之路視為挑戰,但[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]將其視為動力。


專斷 專斷Arbitrary
  • Finesse.png 智略: −1
  • Holding 地產收入: −10%
  • Boni 每月善人派信念: -0.05
  • Party populares.png 每月平民派信念: +0.15
  • Party democratic.png 每月民主派信念: +0.05
  • Stability.png 每月穩定度變化: −0.05
公正 Just 歸根結底,是否有人真的關心何為對錯?
傲慢 傲慢Arrogant
  • Charisma.png 魅力: −1
  • Prominence.png 名望: +10
  • Monthly conviction for head of family party.png 對家族族長派系信念: -0.15
  • Party optimates.png 每月貴族派信念: +0.10
  • Boni 每月善人派信念: -0.05
  • Party oligarchic.png 每月寡頭派信念: +0.05
  • Loyalty.png 忠誠度: -10
  • Political influence.png 每月政治影響力: -0.25
Modest Modest 在[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]著手的每一件事中,[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]都無疑是最優秀的(至少[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]自己是這麼認為的)。
果斷 果斷Assertive Prominence.png 每月人物名望 +0.05 Commerce value.png 國家商業收入 +5% Commerce value.png (本地)商業收入 +5% 溫順 Submissive [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]思維敏捷、快人快語、行動迅速,了解應對大多數情況的最佳方法。
樂善好施 樂善好施Benefactor Popularity.png 每月人氣 +0.05 Happiness.png 全國奴隸幸福度 +5% Happiness.png 本地奴隸幸福度 +10% 嚴苛 Harsh 雖然可能並不存在所謂真正的利他主義者,但[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]已經非常接近了。
直率 直率Blunt Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Improve opinion maximum 提高好感度的最大值 −25% 能言善辯 Silver Tongued 有時候,事實就是事實。
謹慎 謹慎Cautious Martial.png 軍略 −1 Unit reorganization cost 部隊整編花費 −5% 魯莽 Reckless 如果不進行盡職調查,即使是最好的計劃也會失敗。
忠貞 忠貞Chaste Fertility.png 生育能力 −20% 淫蕩 Lustful [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]將自己的身體視為一座承載著美德和榮譽的不容侵犯的廟宇。其他人也這樣看待[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]。
冷漠 冷漠Cold
  • Max friends 最大好友數量 −1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
Bribe character cost.png 暗殺花費 −25% 富有愛心 Loving 將[CHARACTER.GetName]的心比作束縛普羅米修斯的冰冷岩石也不為過。
安於現狀 安於現狀Content
  • Prominence.png 名望 −10
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
野心勃勃 Ambitious 並不是每個人都天生自帶野心。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]正因沒有野心而更快樂。
腐敗 腐敗Corrupt Corruption.png 腐敗 +10 National tax 國家稅收 +10% Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 +1% 正直 Righteous 一個人能以正確的方式做事,或以有利可圖的方式做事。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]知道這其中的真相。
狡猾 狡猾Crafty
  • Corruption.png 腐敗 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +2
Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 +2% 老實 Guileless 花言巧語,陰謀詭計,狡猾詭詐,這些可能不是討喜的品質,但也從來都不是無益的。
殘暴 殘暴Cruel Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Local output 全國奴隸產出 +5% Local output 本地奴隸產出 +10% Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 +3% Merciful Merciful 他者的苦難乃創造的源泉,至少[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]是這樣說的。


詭詐 詭詐Deceitful
  • Corruption.png 每月腐敗 +0.05
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
Bribe character cost.png 賄賂人物花費 −25% 誠實 Honest 坦誠以待或許更可敬,但至少對於[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]來說,此舉不能使其走得長遠。
高潔 高潔Devout Loyalty.png 每月忠誠 +0.1
  • Omen.png 預兆威能 +5%
  • Invoke devotio.png 祈求虔誠花費 −5%
墮落 Lapsed 在黑暗的年代,祈禱可以成為希望的源泉。於[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]而言,幸運的是,生活總是一片黑暗。
愚昧 愚昧Dumb
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • Loyalty.png 每月忠誠 +0.05%
聰慧 Intelligent [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]從來不在意對知識的追求。
精力充沛 精力充沛Energetic
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Martial.png 軍略 +1
懶惰 Lazy [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]無論幹什麼都會投入雙倍努力——就連睡覺也是如此。


愚蠢 愚蠢Foolish Finesse.png 智略 −1 精明 Shrewd 似乎唯一一個不知道[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]有多容易上當受騙的人就是[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen][CHARACTER.GetHerselfHimself]自己。
寬宏大量 寬宏大量Forgiving
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
Tyranny 每月暴政度 −0.05 有仇必報 Vengeful [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]寬厚的心中容得下任何罪行、侮辱和任何形式的冒犯。
敢為人先 敢為人先Founder Loyalty.png 每月忠誠 +10% build_cost修正 建造花費 −10% Local output 本地公民產出 +10% 無能 Incapable 所羅門、羅慕路斯與舊世代的偉大法老之後,無人的遠見可以與[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]相提並論。
慷慨 慷慨Generous Popularity.png 每月人氣 +0.05 Happiness.png 全國公民幸福度 +5% Unrest.png 本地不滿值 −1
  • 自私 Selfish
  • Miserly Miserly
和善 和善Good Natured Max friends 最大好友數量 +1 Tributary opinion of us.png 朝貢國對我們的好感 +5 無禮 Abrasive 行為討喜,態度禮貌,善於交友。
貪婪 貪婪Greedy Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Global population growth.png 本地人口增長 +2% 節制 Self-controlled 沒人敢聲稱[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]是穩重自持的人。

查閱的遊戲內代碼為 gluttonous.

老實 老實Guileless
  • Corruption.png 每月腐敗 −0.1
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
狡猾 Crafty 如果一個人老實到連羊都能到騙他,那就是一件令人擔憂的事情了。
嚴苛 嚴苛Harsh Popularity.png 每月人氣 −0.05 Local output 全國奴隸產出 +5% Local output 本地奴隸產出 +10% 樂善好施 Benefactor 很多人認為輕微的罪行只需要輕微的處罰,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]則認為輕微的處罰本身就是一種罪過。


誠實 誠實Honest Corruption.png 每月腐敗 −0.05 Local output 全國部落民產出 +5% 詭詐 Deceitful 光是欺騙的念頭就足以讓[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]頭大。


謙卑 謙卑Humble Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Tribute income.png 貢金收入 −1% Local output 本地自由民產出 +5% 驕傲 Proud 正確認識自身在偉大的世間萬物中的位置,是[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]不斷前進的原因。
無能 無能Incapable Prominence.png 每月人物名望 −0.1 Popularity.png 統治者人氣增加 −10% Local output 本地公民產出 −5% 敢為人先 Founder 有的人就是什麼都干不好。
聰慧 聰慧Intelligent Finesse.png 智略 +1 Loyalty.png 每月總督忠誠度 +0.05% 愚昧 Dumb 與眾不同的頭腦可以解決我們無法理解的問題,亦可製造這樣的問題。
妒忌 妒忌Jealous Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Smear reputation cost 詆毀聲譽花費 −25% 可靠 Secure [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]從不滿足於生活所賜,覬覦他人所有之物給[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]帶來的不僅僅是一點點樂趣。
公正 公正Just Finesse.png 智略 +1 Unrest.png 本地不滿值 −1 專斷 Arbitrary [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]的冷靜與不偏不倚幾乎使[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]成為傳奇。
和藹可親 和藹可親Kindly Local output 全國自由民產出 +5% Loyalty.png 忠誠增加機率 +2% 冷漠 Uncaring 從來沒有人比[CHARACTER.GetName]更真誠。
墮落 墮落Lapsed Loyalty.png 每月忠誠 −0.05 Omen.png 預兆威能 −5% 高潔 Devout [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]曾經是一名狂熱的信徒,但早已背棄[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的信仰。
懶惰 懶惰Lazy
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
精力充沛 Energetic 就算一項工作值得去做,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]也不會去做。
富有愛心 富有愛心Loving
  • Max friends 最大好友數量 +1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
Diplomatic relations.png 外交關係 +1 冷漠 Cold [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]總是非常熱心,慈眉善目。
淫蕩 淫蕩Lustful Fertility.png 生育能力 +20% 忠貞 Chaste 多情的生活方式有諸多益處,但同時也有許多壞處。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]只認同前半句。
Merciful 仁慈Merciful Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Happiness.png 全國自由民幸福度 +2.5% Happiness.png 本地自由民幸福度 +5% Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 −5% 殘暴 Cruel 仁慈有很多種形式,而[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]了解它們的全部。
Miserly 吝嗇Miserly Finesse.png 智略 −1 National tax 國家稅收 −10% Tax income.png 本地稅收 −10% 慷慨 Generous 對[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]來說,攥在手中的才算財富;而財富自然是多多益善的。
Modest 謙遜Modest Popularity.png 每月人氣 +0.05 All power costs 點數消耗 −1% 傲慢 Arrogant [CHARACTER.GetName]不求聞達的品質在當地留下了佳話。
Monotonous 單調乏味Monotonous Popularity.png 統治者人氣增加 −20% 每當[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]開口時,從[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]嘴裡傳出的刺耳聲音一定會讓滿屋子的人一走而空。
老頑固 老頑固Narrow-minded Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Happiness.png 全國部落民幸福度 +25%
  • Technology speed 科技速度 −10%
博學 Scholar [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]花了太多時間來回憶過去的美好時光,只要提及進步就會立刻引起他的懷疑。
廢寢忘食 廢寢忘食Obsessive zeal修正 熱忱 +1 Local output 全國公民產出 −5% Research points.png (本地)研究點 −10% 博學多才 Polymath 當[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]將[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的一門心思用在一項工作上,[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]可以完全忘記任何瑣碎的事,比如吃飯、睡覺,甚至是——呼吸。
虔誠 虔誠Pious zeal修正 熱忱 +1
  • Omen.png 祈求預兆花費 −10%
  • National tax 國家稅收 −10%
多疑 Skeptical 在天上的眾神眼中,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]無可挑剔。
直率 直率Plain-speaking Diplomatic reputation.png 外交聲譽 +3 尖酸 Sarcastic 有些時候事情就是看起來的樣子。而對[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]來說,總是如此。
博學多才 博學多才Polymath zeal修正 熱忱 −1 Local output 全國公民產出 +5% Research points.png (本地)研究點 +10% 廢寢忘食 Obsessive 令[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]無法侃侃而談的學科屈指可數。
聲名顯赫 聲名顯赫Prominent Prominence.png 名望 +30 Commerce value.png (本地)商業收入 +10% 默默無聞 Unnoticeable [CHARACTER.GetName]一開口——人們就會用心聆聽。
驕傲 驕傲Proud Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Tribute income.png 貢金收入 +10% Fort defense.png 本地要塞防禦 +10% 謙卑 Humble 古希臘傳說警惕人們切莫狂妄自大。看起來[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]從來都不關心劇院在演什麼。
魯莽 魯莽Rash Finesse.png 智略 −1 Happiness.png 全國公民幸福度 −5% 明智 Wise 如果一個人盲目地越過選擇,那麼選擇就不再複雜了。
魯莽 魯莽Reckless Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Aggressive expansion.png 侵略性擴張影響 +10%
  • Warscore cost.png 戰爭分數花費 −10%
謹慎 Cautious [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]總是胸有成竹的樣子。有趣的是,似乎每次的計劃都是一樣,那就是——毫無計劃。
正直 正直Righteous Corruption.png 腐敗 −10 link= 28px 侵略性擴張影響 −10% 腐敗 Corrupt 意志堅定,不受任何世俗的干擾。


尖酸 尖酸Sarcastic Diplomatic reputation.png 外交聲譽 −3 直率 Plain-speaking 人人都愛[CHARACTER.GetName](才怪)。
博學 博學Scholar Martial.png 軍略 −1 Technology speed 科技速度 +5% Research points.png (本地)研究點 +10% 老頑固 Narrow-minded [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]將知識視為珍饈美饌不斷吞食。知識似乎也足以維持[CHARACTER.GetHerHim]的生命。
可靠 可靠Secure Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Loyalty.png 每月陸軍將領忠誠度 +0.05 妒忌 Jealous 如果[CHARACTER.GetName]有羽毛,即使是天空中的霹靂也不能弄皺它們。
節制 節制Self-controlled zeal修正 熱忱 +1 Global population growth.png 本地人口增長 −2% 貪婪 Greedy 享樂的生活在[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]看來缺少目的性。
自私 自私Selfish Popularity.png 每月人氣 −0.05 National tax 國家稅收 −5% 慷慨 Generous 在[CHARACTER.GetName]眼中,最重要的就是[CHARACTER.GetName]。
精明 精明Shrewd
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • zeal修正 熱忱 −1
Mercenary maintenance.png 僱傭兵維護費 −10% 愚蠢 Foolish 沒人可以騙到[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]兩次——如果有能占到便宜的人,那一定是[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]。
能言善辯 能言善辯Silver Tongued Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Improve opinion maximum 提高好感度的最大值 +25% 直率 Blunt 即使是最熟練的外交官也很難成為[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]的對手。
多疑 多疑Skeptical zeal修正 熱忱 −1
  • Omen.png 祈求預兆花費 +10%
  • National tax 國家稅收 +10%
虔誠 Pious 質疑每一件事會讓人很累,你不覺得嗎?
固執 固執Stubborn Popularity.png 每月人氣 −0.05 Fort defense.png 本地要塞防禦 +10% 意志薄弱 Weak-willed 一旦[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]下定[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的決心,就算當權者的憤怒也無法讓[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]退步。
溫順 溫順Submissive Prominence.png 每月人物名望 −0.05 Commerce value.png 國家商業收入 −5% Commerce value.png (本地)商業收入 −5% 果斷 Assertive 恭順者並不是為了繼承什麼才如此,至少現在不是。
多疑 多疑Suspicious Max rivals 最大仇敵數量 +1 Bribe character cost.png 囚禁花費 −25% 輕信他人 Trusting [CHARACTER.GetName]很清楚誰想傷害[CHARACTER.GetHerHim]。除[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]之外的每一個人。
寬容 寬容Tolerant zeal修正 熱忱 −1 Happiness.png 不同文化組幸福度 +10% 狂熱 Zealous [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]對於形形色色的人來說都是一個不偏不倚的傾聽者。
輕信他人 輕信他人Trusting Max rivals 最大仇敵數量 −1 Tyranny 每月暴政度 −0.05 多疑 Suspicious 假定他人無錯,必先懷疑他們有錯。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]卻向來跳過第一步。
冷漠 冷漠Uncaring Local output 全國自由民產出 −5% Loyalty.png 忠誠增加機率 −2% 和藹可親 Kindly 就算天塌下來[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]也不會關心。
默默無聞 默默無聞Unnoticeable Prominence.png 名望 −30 Commerce value.png (本地)商業收入 −10% 聲名顯赫 Prominent [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]一開口——等等,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]到底是誰啊?
有仇必報 有仇必報Vengeful
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
Bribe character cost.png 暗殺花費 −20% 寬宏大量 Forgiving 誰也不能阻止[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]報復傷害過[CHARACTER.GetHerHim]的人。


意志薄弱 意志薄弱Weak-willed Prominence.png 每月人物名望 −0.1 Fort defense.png 本地要塞防禦 −10% 固執 Stubborn 唯一阻止[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]躺下等死的,就是優柔寡斷了。
明智 明智Wise Finesse.png 智略 +1 Local output 全國公民產出 +5% 魯莽 Rash 只是擁有知識還不夠;知道如何運用知識,才是真智慧。
狂熱 狂熱Zealous zeal修正 熱忱 +1 Happiness.png 不同文化組幸福度 −10% 寬容 Tolerant 被宗教的神秘精神鼓舞,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]的心中燃起熊熊烈火。



特質 個人 將軍 對立特質 描述與注釋
侵略如火 侵略如火Aggressive Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Unit heavy infantry.png 重步兵訓練度 +5%
  • Unit war elephants.png 戰象訓練度 +5%
勇敢 勇敢Brave Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Morale of armies 陸軍士氣 +5%
  • Loyalty.png 忠誠增加機率 +2%
怯懦 Coward [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]正視危險,志在取勝。
自信 自信Confident Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Unit heavy cavalry.png 重騎兵訓練度 +5%
  • Unit chariots.png 戰車訓練度 +5%
怯懦 怯懦Coward Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Morale of armies 陸軍士氣 -5%
  • Loyalty.png 忠誠增加機率 −2%
勇敢 Brave 在[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]看來,繼續存活比死亡更為可取,無論活得是否體面。
紀律嚴明 紀律嚴明Disciplined Martial.png 軍略 +1 Discipline.png 訓練度 +5% 對[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]來說,沒有什麼比規行矩步更重要。
見解獨到 見解獨到Original Thinker Martial.png 軍略 +1 Martial.png 圍攻能力 +10% 戰爭後勤需要一定的創造力,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]看起來具備這種能力。
戰術古板 戰術古板Tactically Inflexible Martial.png 軍略 −1 Reinforcement speed.png 補員速度 −10% 補給線、撤退路線和全面良好的規劃對[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]來說毫無意義。
戰術家 戰術家Tactician Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Unit archers.png 弓兵訓練度 +5%
  • Unit light infantry.png 輕步兵訓練度 +5%
  • Unit horse archers.png 弓騎兵訓練度 +5%
堅毅 堅毅Steadfast Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Unit heavy infantry.png 重步兵訓練度 +5%
  • Unit war elephants.png 戰象訓練度 +5%



特質 個人 統治者 先天 描述與注釋
關節炎 關節炎Arthritis
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
No 關節炎通常被認為是身體自然衰退的結果,在全世界都很普遍。關節僵硬、損傷和疼痛是部分常見症狀。
不孕 不孕Barren Fertility.png 生育能力 −10 No 對於育齡婦女來說,喪失受孕能力是一種可怕的痛苦。
失明 失明Blind Finesse.png 智略 −3 No 失明可能是先天的,也可能是由許多致命疾病引起的。在某些文化中,盲人被尊為聖人。
出血熱 出血熱Bloody Flux
  • Martial.png 軍略 −4
  • Finesse.png 智略 −4
  • zeal修正 熱忱 +1
  • Health.png 健康 −4
No 在歷史的不同時期,出血熱都肆虐過地中海諸國和其他地區。這種疾病通常是致命的,並伴有嘔吐、細胞壞死和內出血症狀。

遊戲代碼叫作 hemorrhagic_fever

腦損傷 腦損傷Brain Damaged
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −3
  • Martial.png 軍略 −3
  • Finesse.png 智略 −3
  • zeal修正 熱忱 −3
  • Health.png 健康 −0.3
No 腦損傷是一種可怕的損傷,讓患者只剩一具空殼。這種損傷可以由多類炎症或身體受傷引起,患者通常需要在餘生持續接受護理。
癌症 癌症Cancer
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • zeal修正 熱忱 −2
  • Martial.png 軍略 −2
  • Health.png 健康 −2
No 癌症有多種形式,患上癌症如同被判處死刑。
閹人 閹人Castrated Fertility.png 生育能力 −10 No 閹割是一種極端的處理和懲罰方式,但有時又作為一種提升奴隸身份階級的手段。其抑制或剝奪了男性生育的能力。
痴呆症 痴呆症Dementia
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • zeal修正 熱忱 −2
  • Martial.png 軍略 −2
  • Health.png 健康 −2
No 痴呆症會侵蝕人的心智,患者仿佛失去靈魂,只留皮囊於人世。
沮喪消沉 沮喪消沉Depressed
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
No 抑鬱症就像一片烏雲籠罩著[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen],甚至連悲傷遠遠不及於此。每個動作都是機械的;說出的每一句話都是在演戲。[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]所感受到的,只有活著帶來的無情諷刺。
白喉 白喉Diphtheria Health.png 健康 −2 No 一種可怕的傳染病,表現為不尋常的病變、咽喉症狀和萎靡不振。
痢疾 痢疾Dysentery
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Finesse.png 魅力 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.5
No 痢疾是一種腸道疾病,如治療得當,通常可以得到控制。然而,由於痢疾引發的脫水往往會導致嚴重的併發症,並可能導致死亡,特別是在污水源頭周圍。
癲癇 癲癇Epileptic
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • zeal修正 熱忱 +2
  • Health.png 健康 −0.2
Diplomatic reputation.png 外交聲譽 −1 Yes 癲癇必然會縮短[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]的壽命,但[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的信念也因此更強大。
美麗 美麗Fair Max friends 最大好友數量 +1 Yes [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]超凡脫俗的美貌賺足了回頭率。
虛弱 虛弱Frail
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.05
No 虛弱可能由任何數量的遺傳性疾病引起,並且通常會影響患病者的一生,使其比同齡人體弱,並且通常更容易感染其他疾病。
壞疽 壞疽Gangrene
  • Martial.png 軍略 −3
  • Finesse.png 智略 −3
  • Health.png 健康 −3
No 壞疽是指沒有足夠血液供應的組織壞死感染,可能會在嚴重受傷、暴露於極度寒冷環境和某些體內併發症後出現。
痛風 痛風Gout
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −1
No 痛風通常是由奢侈的生活方式造成,會導致慢性疼痛,還有很多其他更嚴重的併發症。
駝背 駝背Hunchback Martial.png 軍略 −1 Yes 身體畸形讓[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]無法享受生命中的一些樂趣。
近親缺陷 近親缺陷Inbred
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −30%
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
Yes 一代又一代的近親繁殖可能會造成……意想不到的結果。
殘疾 殘疾Invalid Martial.png 軍略 −3 No [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]只能完成最基本的動作,必須得靠[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的幻想來冒險。
感染 感染Infection Health.png 健康 −0.2 No 病痛早期階段是最難辨別的。雖然最終可能只會導致很輕微的疾病,但也可能會發展成更嚴重的疾病。
炎症 炎症Inflammation
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
No 腫脹和炎症是常見疾病,其主要症狀是壓痛和疼痛,同時也是某些潛在健康問題的症兆。
患麻風病 患麻風病Leper
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.5
  • Popularity.png 每月人氣 −0.2
No 所有人都不敢接觸麻風病人;這種可怕的疾病會慢慢侵蝕肉體,直到生命終結。
跛行 跛行Limp Martial.png 軍略 −2 Yes 舊疾令[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]無法行動自如。
口齒不清 口齒不清Lisp Finesse.png 智略 −1 Yes 輕微的語言障礙有時候會讓[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]倍感壓力。
瘋狂 瘋狂Lunatic
  • Martial.png 軍略 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +2
  • zeal修正 熱忱 +2
  • Health.png 健康 −0.2
Yes 毫不含糊地說,[CHARACTER.GetName]是個徹頭徹尾的瘋子。
Maimed 殘廢Maimed Martial.png 軍略 −2 No [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]全身上下都是令人恐怖的傷疤。
Maniac 癲狂Maniac
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 +2
Yes [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]時而大發雷霆,時而心平氣和,與海洋一樣變化多端、神秘莫測。

遊戲代碼叫作 schizophrenic

Mentagra 羊須瘡Mentagra Charisma.png 魅力 −2 No 羊須瘡是一種神秘的疾病,被認為是通過親吻和身體接觸傳播,症狀為面部皮疹,伴有瘡和嚴重的不適。
Mourning 哀悼Mourning
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • zeal修正 熱忱 −2
  • Health.png 健康 −0.2
No 失去所愛的人比任何肉體上的創傷都更令人痛苦。
獨眼 獨眼One-Eyed Martial.png 軍略 −1 No 一隻眼睛失明會徹底改變深度知覺。安提柯王朝的創始人——安提柯在戰鬥中失去一隻眼睛後,獲得了綽號「獨眼」。
癱瘓 癱瘓Paralysis
  • Martial.png 軍略 −4
  • Health.png 健康 −0.3
No 局部癱瘓可能由多種原因引起,包括神經或腦損傷。
Plague 染疫Plague Health.png 健康 −2 No 人們對瘟疫諱莫如深;即使是疑似感染瘟疫的人也往往會被處死。
患肺病 患肺病Pneumonia Health.png 健康 −1 No 肺病是一種十分很常見的疾病,部分原因在於建成區惡劣的空氣品質。儘管這種疾病多數情況下會自然痊癒,但病情極易惡化的特點依然使得肺病成為一種死亡率頗高的疫病。
疱疹 疱疹Pox
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −20%
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
No 性病在古代世界很常見。雖然有些病症尚未以全貌出現,但其他的已有據可查,奇怪的是,人們常常認為這種疾病可以通過增加性活動來治癒。
尋求治療 尋求治療Seeking Treatment Health.png 健康 +0.05 No 醫學是一門撲朔迷離的學問,但再怎麼說也比什麼不做受病痛折磨要好。
緊張不安 緊張不安Stressed Finesse.png 智略 −1 No 有些事情是無法忍受的;對[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]來說,這種事情說的就是懷胎到第九個月。
口吃 口吃Stutter Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Yes 在公共場合演講對於[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]尤其具有挑戰性。
醜陋 醜陋Ugly
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −20%
Yes [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]在情場總是不如意。
受傷 受傷Wounded
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
No [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]身上有著過去留下的重傷傷痕。


身份特質(Status traits)代表人物當前的活動、生活方式、聲譽或家業。

特質 個人 統治者 將軍 描述與注釋
安提柯的血脈 安提柯的血脈Blood of Antigonus
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Aggressive expansion.png 侵略性擴張變化−0.1
  • Fort defense.png (全局)要塞防禦 +10%

該特質可以通過父系遺傳。 給予弗里吉亞的 Antigonid 王朝在遊戲開局的成員,並且父系繼承。遊戲代碼叫作 antigonids

安提帕特的血脈 安提帕特的血脈Blood of Antipatros
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
  • build_cost修正 建造花費 −10%
  • Legitimacy.png 每月正統性 +0.05

該特質可以通過父系遺傳。 給予馬其頓的 Antipatrid 王朝在遊戲開局的成員,並且父系繼承。遊戲代碼叫作 antipatrid

阿吉德的血脈 阿吉德的血脈Blood of the Argeads
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Aggressive expansion.png 侵略性擴張影響 −10%
  • Legitimacy.png 每月正統性 +0.05

該特質可以通過父系或母系遺傳。 在遊戲開局給予 Thessalonike Argead,Basileus Cassander of Macedon 的妻子,並且被在遊戲開局以後出生的她的後代繼承。遊戲代碼叫作 argeads

拉吉底的血脈 拉吉底的血脈Blood of the Lagidae
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • zeal修正 熱忱 +1
  • Happiness.png 不同文化組幸福度 +15%
  • Research points.png 研究點(修正) +5%

該特質可以通過父系遺傳。 給予埃及的 Lagid 王朝在遊戲開局的成員,並且父系繼承。遊戲代碼叫作 lagids

呂西馬庫斯的血脈 呂西馬庫斯的血脈Blood of Lysimachus
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Martial.png 軍略 +1
  • Diplomatic reputation.png 外交聲譽 +1
  • Martial.png 處決花費 −25%

該特質可以通過父系遺傳。 給予色雷斯的 Alcimachid 王朝在遊戲開局的成員,並且父系繼承。遊戲代碼叫作 alcimachid

塞琉古的血脈 塞琉古的血脈Blood of Seleucus
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Change governor policy cost 改變總督政策花費 −25%
  • Corruption.png 每月腐敗 −5%

該特質可以通過父系遺傳。 給予波斯的 Seleucid 王朝在遊戲開局的成員,並且父系繼承。遊戲代碼叫作 seleucids

征服者 征服者Conqueror Prominence.png 名望 +10 Tributary opinion of us.png 朝貢國對我們的好感 +5 assault_ability修正 (強攻)攻擊能力 +10% 正如[CHARACTER.GetName]的許多先輩一樣,[CHARACTER.GetHerHim]負有征服者的稱號——以及與之相系的責任。


舌燦蓮花 舌燦蓮花Orator Charisma.png 魅力 +1
  • Senate influence 元老院影響力 +0.1
  • Legitimacy.png 每月正統性 +0.1
奧運會競爭者 奧運會競爭者Olympic Competitor
  • Loyalty.png 每月忠誠 +0.2
  • No 不能 被授予政府中的職位、官員或者軍事將領


詩人 詩人Poet
  • Martial.png 軍略 −1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
Improve opinion maximum 提高好感度的最大值 +10% [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]擁有以新穎的方式表達[CHARACTER.GetHimselfHerself]自己的天賦。
勝利者 勝利者Victorious
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Popularity.png 每月人氣 +0.1



Every character has an ongoing scheme, or ambition, at any time that represents their current objectives and activities apart from any currently held positions. These schemes vary widely, from learning and growing up or investing in existing Holding holdings to increasing Political influence.png political influence and plotting against other characters. Schemes are generally the main mechanic by which non-ruler characters have agency and interact with other characters and their holdings. While the schemes of most characters are fairly unimportant and can for the most part be ignored, some, particularly those of powerful characters or those otherwise important to the ruler, can matter significantly, whether positively or negatively. Most schemes can be stopped by using the File:Persuade to drop scheme.png Persuade to Drop Scheme interaction, which costs Political influence.png 10 political influence.

Basic schemes

These schemes have no effect and characters will generally default to this if they are ineligible for any other scheme or simply have nothing better to do. Cannot be dropped.

  • Grow Up! - Used by all children under 12, small chance to increase one of the child's attributes (up to 8) each month
  • Content In Life - Default scheme for adults

Ruler schemes

These schemes are available only to the Leader.png ruler and usually involve spending a personal attribute to gain a countrywide bonus.

  • Scheme: Influence - Gain Political influence.png political power generation in exchange for ruler Popularity.png popularity, can be started using the associated interaction on the ruler
  • Researching Lineage - Gain Legitimacy.png legitimacy in exchange for ruler Wealth wealth with a small chance of gaining bloodline trait if the ruler is in the Hellenistic culture group and does not already have one, can be started using the associated interaction on the ruler
  • Siphon Funds - Gain Wealth ruler wealth and Corruption.png corruption

Education schemes

Every child selects one of these when they turn 12, and the education that is chosen will determine the attributes they gain (and lose) during their adolesence and gives a trait and faction conviction when they reach adulthood. The education of the Leader.png ruler's child can be changed using the Tutor Heir interaction on the Office Royal Tutor in monarchies.

  • Become Great Warrior - Focuses on Martial.png martial at the expense of other attributes, gain a 見解獨到 戰術古板 自信 戰術家 紀律嚴明 堅毅 侵略如火 military trait and Party democratic.png democrats or Party populares.png populares conviction on reaching adulthood
  • Become Tyrant - Focuses on Martial.png martial and Finesse.png finesse at the expense of other attributes while gaining Corruption.png corruption, gain a 無禮 狡猾 殘暴 腐敗 自私 詭詐 貪婪 sociopathic trait and Party oligarchic.png oligarchs or Party optimates.png optimates conviction on reaching adulthood
  • Become Bureaucrat - Focuses on Finesse.png finesse at the expense of other attributes, gain a 聲名顯赫 樂善好施 嚴苛 公正 驕傲 rulership trait and Party traditionalist.png traditionalists or Boni boni conviction on reaching adulthood
  • Become Rich - Focuses on Finesse.png finesse at the expense of other attributes while gaining Corruption.png corruption, gain a 自私 詭詐 狡猾 Miserly 冷漠 greed-related trait and Party oligarchic.png oligarchs or Party optimates.png optimates conviction on reaching adulthood
  • Become Politician - Focuses on Charisma.png charisma at the expense of other attributes while gaining Corruption.png corruption, gain a 能言善辯 敢為人先 果斷 謹慎 聲名顯赫 oratory trait and Party oligarchic.png oligarchs or Party optimates.png optimates conviction on reaching adulthood
  • Become Demagogue - Focuses on Charisma.png charisma at the expense of other attributes while losing Loyalty.png loyalty, gain a modifier to Corruption.png corruption and Party democratic.png democrats or Party populares.png populares conviction on reaching adulthood
  • Become Zealous - Focuses on zeal修正 zeal at the expense of other attributes while losing Loyalty.png loyalty, gain a 狂熱 高潔 虔誠 寬宏大量 religion-focused trait and Party traditionalist.png traditionalists or Boni boni conviction conviction on reaching adulthood

Plot schemes

These schemes target another character, possibly even the ruler. Many of these schemes can File:Assist with scheme.png assisted or File:Interfere in scheme.png interfered with to either increase (at the cost of ruler Popularity.png popularity) or decrease (at the cost of Loyalty.png) the scheme's probability of success, in addition to being persuading to drop the plot altogether.

  • Assassinate! - Attempts to kill a rival
  • Theft! - Attempts to steal from a wealthy rival
  • Claim Holding - Attempts to take a Holding holding from another character, costs Popularity.png popularity

Relationship schemes

These schemes involve trying to create a new relationship with another character, whether friendly or hostile.

  • Provoke - Attempts to make another character into a rival
  • Befriend - Attempts to make another character into a friend
  • A Royal Proposal - Spends Wealth gold to try to arrange a marriage with the Leader.png ruler, used only in monarchies if the ruler is adult and unmarried
  • Seeking Spouse - Spends Wealth gold to try to arrange a marriage with a member of another major family, used only by unmarried adult characters that are notable in some way and can be triggered for the Leader.png ruler with the associated character interaction (Scheme: Political Marriage)

Investment schemes

These schemes usually involve the character either enriching themselves or spending their personal wealth to improve their position in some way.

  • Sponsoring Games - Spends personal Wealth wealth to gain Popularity.png popularity
  • Prepare a Grand Festival - Spend a large amount of Wealth gold to give Integrated culture happiness +5% Integrated Culture Happiness, used only by the Office High Priest
  • Investing in Opportunities - Gain personal Wealth wealth
  • Seek Patron - Attempts to convince another character to help gain Prominence.png prominence
  • Buy Holding - Spend Wealth wealth and Popularity.png popularity to gain a new Holding holding in a territory with an empty slot, used only by heads of family and will prefer to target territories neighbouring existing holdings
  • Expand Estate - Spend Wealth wealth to increase the Population output population output of held Holding holdings but make them unrevokable, used only by heads of family
  • Latifundia - Spend a large amount of Wealth gold and gain Corruption.png corruption to build a Farming Settlement farming settlement in an owned Holding holding, used only by heads of family
  • Expanding Mines - Spend a large amount of Wealth gold and gain Corruption.png corruption to build a Mine mine in an owned Holding holding, used only by heads of family
  • Extort Territory - Increases Wealth wealth and Corruption.png corruption while decreasing region Population output output and Province loyalty loyalty, used only by governors

Political schemes

These schemes involve trying to increase the character's Power base power and potting against the ruler.

  • Buying Troop Loyalty - Spends Wealth gold to gain the Loyalty gain chance.png loyalty of commanded cohorts, can be used by Position generals
  • Demand Office - Increases Prominence.png and when finished fires an event for the ruler to demand an Office office, potentially displacing the current holder; only used by characters with high Prominence.png prominence and Popularity.png popularity
  • Hire Private Army - Spends a large amount of Wealth gold to gain the Loyalty gain chance.png loyal veteran cohorts, costs Wealth gold to abort
  • Plotting Quietly - Spends Wealth gold and lowers character Loyalty.png loyalty by 10, cannot be forced to abort
  • Inspiring Disloyalty - Spends a large amount of Wealth gold to reduce the Loyalty.png loyalty of a more powerful character by 10, costs Wealth gold to abort

Vice schemes

These schemes do not do anything particularly productive, but represent characters getting involved in more questionable or problematic behaviours that can be rather costly.

  • Gambling - Costs Wealth gold, and has a chance of gaining it back with some return or losing even more once the scheme finishes
  • Fighting in the Arena - Decreases Health.png health and Popularity.png popularity, with a chance of gaining Prominence.png prominence and Popularity.png popularity if successful or losing more Health.png health if not

Other schemes

These schemes are used only in certain specific situations.

  • Seeking Treatment - Increases Health.png health and attempts to heal an healable illness or injury. Can be selected for any eligible character in the country's court through the Seek Treatment interaction at the cost of Wealth 200 gold, which comes of personal wealth if selected for the Leader.png ruler or the Treasury.png treasury for all other characters
  • Escape Prison! - Attempts to escape imprisonment, costing Health.png health if unsuccessful, and will be frequently taken by prisoners


Bribe character cost.png Most actions on characters can be performed through character interactions, available either on the right of the character screen or by right clicking the character's portrait. In a republic, many of these interactions will require Faction approval Senate approval.

General interactions

These interactions are generally available on most characters within the country.

Interaction Description
收養 Adopt a minor character into the ruling family, at a base cost of Family prestige 10% of the family's current prestige and Legitimacy.png 10 legitimacy. Available only to monarchies and tribes.
交朋友 Begins an event chain to try the befriend the character, with various Wealth gold, Political influence.png political power, and Tyranny tyranny costs. Required for recruiting them (if foreign). Each character has a Max friends limited number of friends; non-foreign friends of rulers have increased Loyalty.png loyalty. Unlike most interactions, can be done on almost any character, including those outside the country.
賄賂 Increases the character's Loyalty.png loyalty by 15 for 2 years for Political influence.png 5 political influence and Wealth 200 of the ruler's personal wealth. Increases the ruler's Corruption.png by 1 and the bribed character's corruption by 5. A character can only be bribed again after the previous bribe's effects have worn off.
說服 Replaces the Bribe interaction if the ruler has the 舌燦蓮花 orator or 能言善辯 silver-tongued trait, and increases the character's Loyalty.png loyalty by 15 for 2 years of Political influence.png 5 political influence, without the Wealth ruler wealth or Corruption.png corruption costs.
Force Conversion Force a character to convert to the Religious power.png state religion at the cost of Tyranny 5 tyranny and Loyalty.png 30 loyalty. Requires at least at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, and can even be done on the ruler.
授予公民身份 Removes the Foreign Citizenship modifier from a character, allowing them to hold Position positions. Costs Popularity.png 5 ruler popularity.
實行制裁 Removes up to Corruption.png 50 corruption from a character, costing Tyranny and Loyalty.png 20 loyalty. Requires the character to have at least Corruption.png 5 corruption and cannot be used on the Leader.png ruler, or on characters with the 狡猾 crafty trait, 腐敗 trait, or Nefarious Tendencies modifier.
囚禁 Imprisons a character at the cost of Popularity.png 5 popularity and possibly Tyranny if the character has at least Power base 2 power base. Cannot be used on characters with any position or status; the Bring to Trial interaction must be used on these characters instead. Will cause a diplomatic incident if used on an Olympic competitor.
放逐 Replaces the Banish interaction for 雅典的國旗 雅典 or countries that were formed from 雅典的國旗 雅典. Unlike with banishing, can be used on any character except the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler - even if not imprisoned - but costs Stability.png 5 stability and Tyranny tyranny based on the character's Power base power base, and can only be used once every year.
宣布仇敵 Makes another character into a rival of the Leader.png current ruler. Can be used as long as the ruler has Max rivals rival slots remaining on any character in the country, or on foreign rulers if their country's Opinion improvement active.png opinion of the current country is less than 0. Costs Popularity.png 5 popularity if used on characters within the country.
移除仇敵 Stops the Leader.png ruler from seeing the character as a rival. Costs Political influence.png 30 political influence for characters within the country, and requires that the other country has at least Opinion improvement active.png 0 opinion of the current country if to end rivalries with foreign rulers.
尋求治療 Starts treatment for a healable illness or injury, increasing the Health.png health of the character. Chance of successfully treating and removing the trait, or failing disastrously and causing an additional permanent injury. Costs Wealth 200 to use on most characters except for the Leader.png ruler, who will cover the expenses from his/her Wealth personal wealth.
詆毀聲譽 Reduces Popularity.png character popularity by 25 at the cost of Tyranny 2 tyranny. Can be used on the Leader.png if the ruler is a dictator.
要求支持繼承人 Gives Primary heir attraction 50 Primary Heir Attraction at the cost of Tyranny 2 tyranny, making the character more likely to support the primary heir. Can only be used by monarchies on characters with at least Loyalty.png 50 loyalty that are not already supporting the primary heir.

Ruler interactions

The following interactions are available only on the Leader.png ruler, or in some cases close relatives of the ruler.

Interaction Description
Arrange Adoption Finds a minor character to adopt into the ruling family, analogous to the Adopt interaction. Available only to monarchies and tribes.
Appoint Dictator Extends the ruler's term and gives a Morale.png army morale bonus and allows bypassing the Senate in diplomatic and character interactions until the end of the war (or possibly longer) at the cost of Tyranny 10 tyranny. Can be used in a republic when at War.png war or during a Civil war.png civil war, if there is at least Faction approval 75 Senate approval.
Return Dictatorship Forces a ruling dictator to stand down, can be used if their Popularity.png popularity is low enough, or the country's Stability.png stability is high enough.
Arrange Marriage Arranges a marriage between the current character and an eligible spouse in the same country. The other party may ask for gifts in order for the marriage to proceed. Can be used on unmarried adults that are close relatives of the Leader.png, or the Leader.png him/herself, in monarchies and tribes.
Assassinate Kills an unwanted dictator, costs Tyranny 7 tyranny, link= 28px 7 aggressive expansion, and Stability.png 30 stability.
Plan Assassination! Starts the Assassinate! scheme to kill a rival within the country. Costs Tyranny 7 tyranny and link= 28px 7 aggressive expansion.
Scheme: Hold Games Starts the Sponsoring Games scheme, spending personal Wealth wealth to gain Popularity.png popularity. Can select a Province capital province capital to hold the games in, which increases Happiness.png population happiness for 1 year.
End Inspiring Foreign Disloyalty Stops inspiring loyalty on foreign characters, analogous to the Stop Inspiring Disloyalty interaction.
Scheme: Influence Starts the Influence scheme, spending personal Popularity.png ruler popularity to increase Political influence.png political power generation. Chance of events to gain extra Political influence.png political power at the expense of Wealth gold, Manpower.png manpower, Stability.png stability, or Corruption.png ruler corruption.
Scheme: Prove Legitimacy Starts the Researching Lineage scheme, spending personal Wealth wealth to increase Legitimacy.png legitimacy. Small chance of gaining a bloodline trait if the ruler is in the Hellenistic culture group and does not already have a bloodline.
Scheme: Siphon Funds Starts the Siphon Funds scheme, gaining personal Wealth wealth at the cost of Corruption.png ruler corruption.
Scheme: Political Marriage Seeks a marriage between the character and a member of a particular major family. Costs Political influence.png 10 political influence and Wealth personal wealth while progressing, and creates a new character to marry once the scheme is finished. Can be used on unmarried adults that are close relatives of the Leader.png, or the Leader.png him/herself, in monarchies and tribes.

Position holder interactions

These interactions are generally available only to characters with a certain Position position or status, such as generals, office holders, or heads of family.

Interaction Description
Send Adventuring Send a Office general of the ruling family off as a Mercenary maintenance.png mercenary. Might return after 5 years with Wealth gold, Land combat.png a personal army, or increased Martial.png martial or Finesse.png finesse.
Exalt Clan Chief Increases a Clan chiefs.png clan chief's Loyalty.png loyalty by 20 at the cost of Wealth gold and angering the other Clan chiefs.png clan chiefs.
Give Free Hands Increases Loyalty.png loyalty by 20 at the cost of monthly Corruption.png corruption gain. Can be used if the character is a governor, researcher, Clan chiefs.png clan chief, or holds a Office government office.
Revoke Free Hands Revokes the free hands privileges given by the Give Free Hands interaction. Decreases Loyalty.png loyalty by 15 on top of losing the Loyalty.png +20 modifier, and can only be done 2 years after giving free hands.
Grant Regional Cognomen Gives a regional nickname and Popularity.png to a Position governor. Costs Popularity.png 10 ruler popularity.
Grant Clan Autonomy Releases a disloyal Clan chiefs.png clan chief and the province his/her Clan retinue.png retinue is currently in as a Vassalized.png tributary. Gives Loyalty.png 30 loyalty to all remaining clan chiefs.
Grant Holding Grants a Holding in an unheld territory to a head of family, increasing Loyalty.png loyalty by 5. Costs Wealth 40 gold and gives Corruption.png 5 ruler corruption if used on the Leader.png ruler.
Grant Capitulatory Honors Gives Loyalty.png 60 loyalty, Prominence.png 20 prominence, and Popularity.png 20 popularity to a Position general at the cost of Wealth gold and Stability.png 20 stability. Can be used by republics on generals with Loyalty.png 40 loyalty or less.
Grant Stipends Gives Loyalty.png 20 loyalty for all members of a family in return for increasing their Monthly wage modifier.png wage by 50%. Can be used on any head of family, except for that of the ruler, and lasts for 5 years.
Hold Triumph Holds a triumph for a character that won a battle as a Position general less than 2 years ago, increasing Loyalty.png loyalty by 20 and removing then from command if still a general - even if they are disloyal. Costs Political influence.png 30 political influence and gives Family prestige family prestige, Popularity.png popularity, and a 勝利者 征服者 victory trait to the character, as well as possibly a cognomen, and requires they have at least Loyalty.png 20 loyalty.
Bring to Trial Attempts to imprison a character that holds an office or otherwise has high status, replaces the Imprison interaction. The chances of success is increased by the character's Corruption.png corruption and decreased by their Power base power base, and can be changed by the events and options during the trial. Failure to convict the character will significantly decrease Loyalty.png loyalty and may trigger a Civil war.png civil war. A trial costs Tyranny 5 tyranny to start and can only be used on the same character once every 5 years.
Reward Veterans Spends Wealth wealth to remove Loyalty gain chance.png cohort loyalty from up to 4 cohorts currently loyal to the character. Can be used once every 2 years.
Revoke Holding Revokes a Holding holding from a head of family, at a cost of Loyalty.png 5 loyalty. Can only be used on Holding holdings that do not have the Family Estate modifier.
Tutor Heir Changes the education scheme of one of the ruler's children that is at least 12, but not yet an adult. Can only be used on the Office Royal Tutor, if he/she has at least Loyalty.png 40 loyalty.

Prisoner interactions

The following interactions are available only on imprisoned characters.

Interaction Description
Banish Force an imprisoned character to leave the country, with a base cost of Tyranny 1 tyranny.
Execute Kills an imprisoned character with a base cost of Tyranny 3 tyranny.
Arrange Gladiatorial Debut Forces an imprisoned character to fight another imprisoned character in the arena, with the loser dying and the winner going free. Costs Tyranny 4 tyranny and increases Popularity.png ruler popularity.
Flog Reduces the Health.png health of an imprisoned character by 10. Costs Popularity.png 2 popularity and gives Loyalty.png -10 loyalty to the character being flogged and Loyalty.png +2 loyalty to his/her rivals each time, as well as Tyranny 3 tyranny if the loss of health would kill the character.
Ransom Prisoner Attempt to ransom a character imprisoned in another country. The price needed depends largely on relations between the two countries and the Martial.png martial skill of the character.
Release Prisoner Releases a character from imprisonment, returning them to their home country if imprisoned from abroad. If the character was imprisoned using the Imprison interaction, reduces Tyranny tyranny by 1.
Sacrifice Kills a prisoner to increase Tribesman output tribesman output and Tribesman happiness happiness and reduce Centralization.png centralization based on the target's Martial.png martial. Costs Stability.png {[red|5}} stability, requires the Enact law cost modifier.png Adopt Human Sacrifices law, and can only be used on characters of a different culture.
Proscribe Kills the character, seizes all Holding holdings back to the state, transfers most of the character's Wealth wealth to the ruler, and demotes the entire major family to minor character status with a Loyalty.png loyalty penalty of -40. Costs a base of Tyranny 30 tyranny and gives Wealth 200 wealth to the state, requires that the character be a head of family and that the country has more than Tyranny 40 tyranny.
Sell into Slavery Sells a character into slavery, either eventually moving to another country or disappearing into obscurity (and effectively dying), for Wealth wealth (depending on their attributes at the cost of Tyranny 0.5 tyranny. Selling a member of family head will give Loyalty.png -10 loyalty to all family members, increasing to Loyalty.png -30 if the family heads is sold off.

Foreign interactions

These interactions are available only on characters outside the country.

Interaction Description
Plan Assassination! Attempt to kill a character in another country. Costs link= 28px 15 aggressive expansion and requires having a friend in their court.
Inspire Disloyalty Reduces the Loyalty.png loyalty of a foreign character by 20 and increases their Wealth monthly personal wealth gain, at a cost of link= 28px 5 Aggressive Expansion. Can only inspire disloyalty in one foreign character at a time
Stop Inspiring Disloyalty Stops inspiring loyalty on a foreign character, removes both the Loyalty.png loyalty malus and Wealth monthly personal wealth modifier and allows inspiring disloyalty in another character. Can only be done at least 2 years after inspiring disloyalty was started.
Attempt to Buy Off Mercenary Attempts to buy the loyalty of Mercenary maintenance.png mercenaries employed by an enemy in a War.png. If the other country refuses to match the offer, the mercenaries will defect. Can be used on mercenary Position generals, only if they have not been enticed in the last year.
Elect New Leader Appoints the ruler of a subject Vassalized.png mercenary state as the new Leader.png ruler of the country, at the cost of Stability.png 15 stability and Legitimacy.png 10 legitimacy. Can only be performed by 敘拉古的國旗 敘拉古 or countries that were formed from 敘拉古的國旗 敘拉古, once every 5 years.
Arrange Marriage Arrange a marriage with a royal marriage with a foreign character, improving relations between the two countries. The female will always move to the male partner's country, even if she is currently the Leader.png ruler. Can only be used if both countries are monarchies and the two characters are adult, unmarried members of the ruling family, and cannot be used against the ruler of another country (however, it is possible to marry a foreign character to the Leader.png ruler of the current country).
Recruit Gets a foreign character to leave their nation and join the current country, possibly bringing their spouse and children along. Costs link= 28px 2 aggressive expansion and requires that the character be a friend of the current ruler and not hold an important position or title, and may have Loyalty.png loyalty requirements if they or their spouse have some sort of status.
Recruit General Gets a foreign Position general to leave their nation with their army and join the current country. Costs link= 28px 10 aggressive expansion and requires that the general have Loyalty.png 25 loyalty or less.
Entice Governor Convinces a foreign governor to join the current country, taking neighbouring provinces in their governorship with them and significantly angering their former owner. Costs link= 28px 20 aggressive expansion, and can only be used if the governor has less than Loyalty.png 40 loyalty, is a friend of the ruler, and a neighbouring province in their governorship has Province loyalty 50 province loyalty or less.

Successsion crisis interactions

These interactions are available only on disloyal pretenders that have raised their armies during a succession crisis.

Interaction Description
Entice to Become Mercenary Sends away a disloyal pretender Position general to form a new Mercenary maintenance.png mercenary company with their pretender army at the cost of Wealth gold, removing them from the country. If they are hired back they may return to the court and again become a serious problem. Can be used as long as the pretender does not have more than Wealth 1000 gold.
Encourage Deserters Disbands up to Land combat.png 6 cohorts from a disloyal pretender's army, at the cost of Political influence.png 25 political influence. Can be used as long as the pretender does not have more than Popularity.png 40 popularity and has an army of at least Land combat.png 11 cohorts.
Support Pretender Adds Land combat.png 10 cohorts to the pretender's army and makes the pretender a friend of the Leader.png, at the cost of Wealth 500 wealth and Political influence.png 50 political influence. Can be used on disloyal pretenders in another country once every 2 years for each pretender.
Seize Assets Seizes Wealth 300 gold from the pretender's personal wealth, with Wealth 100 gold going to the country and Wealth 200 gold going to the Leader.png at the cost of Corruption.png 5 ruler corruption and Loyalty.png -10 loyalty. Can be used as long as the pretender has at least Wealth 800 gold.

How to recruit foreign characters

Diplo characters view.png
  1. Open the diplomacy view of another country and click View Characters on the right.
  2. If the character's loyalty is above 70, use Inspire Disloyalty to lower it.
  3. Befriend them using the Make Friend interaction.
  4. Recruit them and Grant Citizenship so you can assign them to a job.

You can only recruit a character who is:

  • below 70 loyalty
  • your friend
  • not a ruler or the primary heir
  • not a governor, general or admiral

Recruit General is a separate interaction, which requires their loyalty to be below 25.

There is also a Character Finder mod that does all the searching for you. Not compatible with ironman.


國內政策 國家屬性人物內戰文化政府傳承法律國家理念職位叛亂宗教科技
經濟政策 建築經濟食物奇觀人口貿易商品
省份 區域省份領土殖民地產
軍事 軍事傳統陸軍陸軍單位陸戰海軍圍城海戰
對外政策 條約戰爭宣戰理由宣稱外交附屬國蠻族
腳本 事件決議使命
其他 成就對手國家遊戲配置