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Formable Nations are nations that do not exist in the 450 A.U.C (Ab Urbe Condita) starting date but can be created by existing nations that meet the requirements through a decision, allowing said nations to shift their identity by acquiring a new name, a new flag, and a new map color. In addition to these cosmetic changes, formable nations usually also come with various additional bonuses when formed.
List of formable nations
There are currently 62 different formable nations that are divided into 3 tiers, depending on their size when formed. It is worth noting that a formable nation in a given tier cannot, once formed, form another formable nation that is in the same tier or in a tier below it. The only three exceptions to this rule are 塞浦路斯,
阿吉德帝国, and File:.png 婆罗多国, which can always be formed if the requirements are met.
Tier 1
These are small regional formable nations and Tribal Confederations/Federations. Sizewise, they range from Local Powers to Regional Powers. Despite their unimpressive size, however, these nations could be the start of something much greater.
- Achaea (ACH): The Achaean League can be formed by expansive Republics in Achaea. Granting claims on the larger area.
- Aestuia (AUA): Tribal Federation for uniting the Aestian tribes.
- Aquitania (AQI): Tribal Federation for uniting the Aquitani countries.
Argolis (AGO): Can be formed by a small country in control of the Argolian area.
- Arkadia (ARK): The Arkadian League can be formed by expansive Republics in Arkadia. Grants claims on the larger area.
Armorica (ASX): Tribal Federation for uniting the Armorican tribes.
Asturia (ATU): Tribal Federation for uniting the Asturian tribes.
- Boeotia (BOT): Can be formed by a small country in control of the Boeotian area.
Cantabria (CNN): Tribal Federation for uniting the Cantabrian tribes.
Carpetania (CPT): Tribal Federation for uniting the Carpetani tribes.
Celtiberia (CBR): Tribal Federation for uniting the Celtiberi tribes.
- Cyprus (CYP): Can be formed by a small country in control of all of Cyprus.
- Note: While Cyprus has no restrictions on which tags can form it and so can theoretically be created by even tier 3 formables, Cyprus can only be created by very small countries and so is considered a tier 1 local formable.
Epirus (EPR): Should Epirus be destroyed a local nation can reclaim their legacy and form a new kingdom to unite the Epirote tribes.
Euboea (EBO): Can be formed by a small country that unites the Euboean area.
Gallaecia (GLL): Tribal Federation for uniting the Gallaecian tribes.
Lusitania (LST): Tribal Federation for uniting the Lusitani tribes.
- Suebia (SBN): Tribal federation for Suebian culture Germanic tribes.
Vettonia (VTT): Tribal Federation for uniting the Vettonian tribes.
Tier 2
These are larger regional formable nations that can be seen as Regional and even Great Powers in their own right. Any nation the forms these will immediately become a significant player in the local area.
Armenia (ARI): Should the Kingdom of Armenia be destroyed a local nation can reclaim their legacy and form a new Armenian Kingdom.
- Assyria (ASR): The Neo-Assyrian Empire may be long gone but Assyria has remained an important constituent region of the Median, Persian and Greek empires that came after it. A sufficiently successful local power can reclaim its legacy.
Babylon (BBY): An even more recent empire, the Neo-Babylonian one, can also be restored by a successful local power willing to relocate to the Mesopotamian riverlands.
- Belgia (BGG): Tribal Federation for the Belgae tribes.
- Caledonian Confederacy (CCC): Tribal federation for the Caledonian tribes.
Cilicia (CCI): As one of the richer Anatolian regions, often used as a staging ground for the armies of the successor states, Cilicia can also support its own regional kingdom.
Crete (1KR): Should one Cretan state come to control all the important cities of the island it can assume a new pan-cretan identity.
Dravida (DRA): An Indian state that conquers the important cities of the south can form a larger kingdom known as Dravida.
- 请检查模板名和国家代码:
{{Countries|flag/core|Egypt (Formable)}}
Egypt (EGT): Should the Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt be destroyed, any other country with Egyptian culture and Kemetic religion can reform that kingdom. Galatia (GLT): A Celtic country that finds itself in control of the right parts of central Anatolia can resettle there and assume a new "Galatian" identity.
- Helvetia (HVL): Larger Tribal Federation for uniting the Helveti tribes.
- Hibernia (HIB): The clans of Hibernia can be unite together to form a new Tribal Federation.
Illyria (ILL): Should a local country unite the Illyrian region it can create a new pan-illyrian state.
Macedon (MCD): If Macedon is destroyed there is no shortage of other countries who could reclaim that legacy. Gaining claims on all that the old kingdom once ruled.
- Media (MEE): A growing Median power (such as for instance Atropatene) can attempt to lay claim to the legacy of the old Median Empire.
- Noricum (NRM): Tribal federation for the Noric tribes.
Numidia (NUM): Unifying the tribal states of North West Africa allows you to form the greater state of Numidia.
- Phrygia (PRG): A smaller regional formable for someone who controls the core Phrygian region, restoring the ancient Anatolian kingdom.
Pontus (PTU): The kingdom of Pontus can be formed by a local power that conquers the region if the old Pontus state is destroyed. This decision is also available to anyone with the Mithridatid dynasty in power (at start this rules the small city state of Kios).
- Pretania (BRA): Tribal Federation for the tribes of Pretania.
Sardinia (SAR): A Tribal Federation for a Nuragic tribe that has united the island and expelled the Carthaginian invaders.
- Saxonia (XXS): Tribal federation for the Germanic tribes of Saxonian culture.
Sicily (SII): While the title "king of Sicily", was assumed by Agathocles of Syracuse at our start, the island was by no mean unified. Should any one power come to conquer all of it, it is possible lay the foundation of a greater Sicilian state.
- Syria (SYA): At our start Syria is completely owned by the Antigonid state of Phrygia,
- Yamnat (YMN): Unifying the countries of southern Arabia allows you to form the greater state of Yamnat.
- Yuezhi (YZI): A country that has become dominated by the nomadic Yuezhi people can embrace this new national identity.
In addition, while they are not formable, the following nations are also considered Tier 2 for formation decision purposes and cannot form any other Tier 1 or 2 nations:
Tier 3
These are the largest of the formable nations, covering entire regions, making them almost always great powers. These nations are mostly end-game goals that, once formed, can be seen as the culmination of a nations' ascension into becoming a great classical age era-empire.
- Aksum (AX2): If the Kingdom of Aksum is destroyed, a new local power can restore the kingdom and pursue its imperial ambitions, to Arabia Felix and beyond.
Albion (AIO): A non-tribal country that has united the entire British isles can form the Empire of Albion, essentially a classical age counterpart to Great Britain.
Dacia (DAC): A Dacian state that unifies the greater Dacian region can form this country.
Dahae (DHE): Tribal Federation for the Dahae tribes.
Delian League (DLA): By reclaiming its thalassocratic empire a rising Athens can restore the old Delian League to cement its rule over the Aegean Sea and beyond.
Gaul (GAU): A Gallic power that unites its entire region may form the greater state of Gaul.
Hellenic League (HLA): While the Pan-Hellenic League under Alexander, and later the successors, was a type of organization for the control of the Greek cities by an outside power, the ideal of a league to encompass the free Greek is not dead. An expansive Greek Republic that rises to sufficient power and influence can attempt to form a Pan-Hellenic league of a more true calling.
- Greater Iberia (HBR): A power in Iberia that unites the entire peninsula can form the greater state of Iberia and compete for dominance of the Mediterranean.
- Kushan (KHN): A rising Yuezhi power up in the Tian Shan can adopt this new identity to form the foundations of an empire stretching all the way to India.
Magna Graecia (MGG): At our start, Magna Graecia, Greek southern Italy, is divided into a great number of small, and mostly weak, states. Should one rise above all others they can form the greater state of Magna Graecia, champion of all Italian Greeks.
- Parthia (PTH): While Parthia exists as a Macedonian Seleucid Satrapy at start, a country in the region can destroy it and form a new Parthian state (more similar to the Arsacid or Parthian empire).
- Persia (PER): While the Persian empire was destroyed under Alexander the Great, the name and tradition will not die as easily. A Persian power that reclaims the empire can assume a greater Pan-Persian imperial tradition once more.
Achaemenid Empire: A nation with an ruler of the Achaemenid dynasty can instead restore the old Achaemenid Empire.
Phoenicia (PPN): Few Phoenician cities remain free at our start dates, and those that do are beholden to the Antigonids in Phrygia. Should they somehow be able to wrest away the greater Phoenician region from its current owners however they may attempt to form a greater Phoenician state.
Peloponnesian League (PLL): A resurgent Sparta that has once more united the Peloponnese under its rule can restore the old Peloponnesian League.
While they do not form an official 4th tier, the final two formables are unique in that they have no tag restrictions in their requirements, and so can be created even if the nation has already formed another Tier 3 tag, and thus have the most expansive requirements - and greatest rewards - of all.
Argead Empire (ALX): This nation essentially represents a unified successor state to the recently-fallen Macedonian Empire founded by Alexander the Great. While the great Diadochi kingdoms have a more realistic shot at this, any Hellenic kingdom can attempt to laying claim to all lands once ruled by Alexander the Great in order to reform the Argead Empire. In order to do so, they must conquer major cities all over this fallen empire.
- Bharatvarsha (BHA): An Indian country that conquers the entire subcontinent can lay claim to this prestigious title of being a truly Pan-Indian Empire.
In addition, while not formable, the following nations are also considered Tier 3 for formation decision purposes and so have the same restrictions as all the other Tier 3 formables:
There are also a number of formable tags that exist outside the tier system, and so can form and be formed by nations of any tier that meet the requirements. Unlike most other formable tags, these can only be formed through a special mission available to certain tags.
Italiote League (ITA): A strong Italiote city-state can rebuild the old federation of the Italiate League but with a more unified leadership.
Phocaean League (PHK): A Massilian city-state that has established its authority over the other cities can unite the old Phocaean colonies of the West under its leadership.
Tier 1 decisions
All of these decisions can be found in the /ImperatorRome/decisions/tier_1_formables folder.
Form Achaea
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The minor state of Achaea was a thorn in the side of Roman expansion during the 2nd Century BC, having formed a powerful league of city states, conquering Sparta, and punching well above its weight.
Unite Aestuia
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It is time to bring all the Aestian people together under our rule, no longer a people scattered to the wind. Under our command, Aestuia will be known for its strength and unity.
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Form Aquitania
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Our people have always existed in a liminal state, on the edge of both Gaul and Iberia. One strong leader to unite the clans could take advantage of this powerful position, and create a state capable of brokering trade and peace in this region.
Form Arkadia
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The heritage of the Arkadian tribes is amongst the oldest and most proud in Greece. Responsible for founding great cities, and spreading culture across the heartland of the Peloponnese, such a mighty tradition must be preserved by knitting together Arkadia, once more.
Unite Armorica
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Home to villages of indomitable Gauls, Armorica has long been a center of flourishing trade and culture. As warlike empires loom on the horizon, we must begin to think beyond the confines of our peaceful, agrarian existence. All it would take to unite our people, is one - stronger, and more invincible than the rest.
Form Argolis
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The region around Argos is known as Argolis, long the home of the most valorous and honorable of the Greeks. Though we have never come together in the same type of leagues and coalitions as many of our neighbors, maybe it is time to set aside our differences?
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Unite Asturia
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The Asturian tribes lived a peaceful agrarian existence on the coast of Iberia. Their warriors were employed by the Carthaginians on a mercenary basis, and their society was noted to be largely matrilineal in nature.
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Form Boeotia
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The Boeotian League was at one time the main power in northern Greece, reaching its peak under the leadership of the Theban commanders Epaminondas and Pelopidas, who lead the Boeotians to defeat Sparta and Macedon in pitched battles.
highlight: OR:
Unite Cantabria
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The Cantabri have long held a strong solidarity with each other. Nonetheless, if we are to survive in these ever-changing times, a strong leader must emerge, and unite the clans.
highlight: OR:
Unite the Carpetani
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Our people yearn for a leader strong enough to unite the clans which consider themselves of Carpetani heritage. It is clear that we are the only viable leader skilled enough to do this.
highlight: OR: is_in_area = carpetania_area |
Unite Celtiberia
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The Celtiberi have long held a strong solidarity with each other. Nonetheless, if we are to survive in these ever-changing times, a strong leader must emerge, and unite the clans.
highlight: OR:
Unite Cyprus
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The island of Cyprus, rich in copper, and a prime trading port with the continent, makes a fine home for our people. It is time we embrace this national identity, and claim our place in history.
highlight: is_in_area = cyprus_area |
Form Epirus
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The Epirote tribes found great glory when they united under the leadership of the Molossians, whose kings led them to prominence in the wars for control of Greece and Magna Graecia. Under our leadership, the glorious legacy of the Epirotes will be restored once more, and our past feats eclipsed by future victories.
Form Euboea
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Euboea has a history of many different groups of people settling on the island, and having an interest in taking control of it. If we could gather the city-states of Euboea in a league, like many other regions of Greece have before us, we would be able to secure the area for those who live in it.
Unite Gallaecia
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The tribes of the Gallaeci have lived a fragmentary existence for as long as we can remember. Rumors of foreign invasions to the south, people fleeing from great wars, and the sinister foreign gods of strange lands, fill the ears of our people. A strong leader, capable of uniting the clans, would safeguard our future in these uncertain times.
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Unite Lusitania
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Those we call kin exist in fractured tribes, with no hope of ever achieving something greater. We must aim to assert our rightful leadership over them, and lead our people to greater glory!
highlight: OR:
Unite Suebia
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The Suebi are a large group of people with whom we share many attributes. A strong leader to unite them in these dark times, is paramount to our continued survival.
highlight: OR: AND:
Unite the Vettones
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Those that consider themselves Vettones have long engaged in petty squabbles and disputes. All it would take is a strong leader to present themself, and we could unite our disparate clans under one banner.
highlight: OR:
Tier 2 decisions
All of these decisions can be found in the /ImperatorRome/decisions/tier_2_formables folder.
Form Armenia
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The lands of Armenia need able and strong leadership. Let us unite the Armenian people and forge a stronger and more durable Armenian empire.
Form Assyria
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Before it was crushed by hostile powers Assyria was the thriving center of a great Empire. Let us once again unite these lands and form the greater country of Assyria, honoring the old gods and traditions of our people.
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Form Babylon
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Babylon the great, that most ancient of cities, which reigns over the kings of the earth; it is our destiny to break the yoke of our oppressors, and restore her to her people.
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Unite Belgia
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The Belgae have always occupied a rich and fertile part of the world. Such abundance invites complacency, and we must strive to do away with such danger. The threats from the warring empires that we hear of from traveling merchants is greater than most would imagine - we must unite the Belgae for all our sakes.
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Create the Caledonian Confederacy
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For many long years, the Picts have eked out a solitary existence on the highlands of Caledonia. Uniting the clans, tribes and families of our people has always seemed like an unattainable goal. We believe that this is not so. A mighty leader, with the benevolence and understanding required to rule, could tie together all of Caledonia in a strong bond.
Form Cilicia
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The Cilician people have long considered themselves as unique to their myriad overlords. This identity naturally leads us to suggest that our right to self-rule is accompanied by divine mandate. We must unite all Cilicia, and reclaim our homeland!
Form Crete
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The people of Crete have lived a fractious existence for centuries. It is time to put an end to our petty squabbles, and unite our island under one banner.
Form Dravida
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By uniting the peoples of all Dravidian lands we can create a strong counterpart to the great empires of the north. A nation to safeguard the ancient traditions of our ancestors and protect the rich soils of the south.
Form Egypt
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Egypt is perhaps the oldest civilization of all, and yet she is not free. Instead pretenders have usurped the kingdom and play at honoring the old gods. This cannot be tolerated. We must unite Upper and Lower Egypt once again under a dynasty that truly understands and cherishes the legacy of the Pharaohs.
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Form Galatia
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While we are far from the ancestral homeland of our people this is still a good land. Let us create a new state here, and teach these local peoples about the capabilities of the Celtic peoples.
Unite Helvetia
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The clans of the Helveti have built a strong civilization in the hills of Transalpine Gaul, yet in order to combat the growing threat of empire, a strong leader must emerge to challenge the status quo between constituent tribes. Only in this way, will we avoid the extinction of ways.
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Form Hibernia
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The people of Hibernia has long been too few and spread out across our home to pose any threat to the outsiders to the east. Coming together for the protection of all is the way to go, if we want our people to live safely and prosper. If the other clans and clan chiefs cannot see that, it is our job to convince them, one way or another.
Form Illyria
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The long coastline of Illyria has been tussled over by numerous kingdoms and empires over the ages. In a prime position for trade, as well as naval dominance, our people believe that it is high time we united the region under one, independent state.
Form Media
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The ancient Cyaxeres built upon the successes of his father, to unite the Medes, and forge the first true empire in our region. Overthrown by Cyrus himself, this this region has been the birthplace of conquerors and founders alike. After many long years of foreign oppression, it is time we cast off our shackles, and embrace our destiny once again.
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Form Noricum
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The smiths of the Noric people have been at the forefront of innovation for centuries. Our people deserve a greater standing in the world, and it is up to us to unite them under one banner, claiming our place in history.
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Form Numidia
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A conglomeration of tribal states, the Kingdom of Numidia was united as a result of the fall of Carthage, directly caused by Rome. Later allying themselves with this new Italian power, Numidia continued to enjoy autonomy until a breakdown in relations drew the ire of Rome.
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Form Phrygia
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For too long have we languished under the rule of foreign Greek or Persian conquerors. It is time the Phrygians unite and re-establish a state of their own. We will reclaim the legacy of our people and our gods.
Form Pontus
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Once a proud kingdom of its own Pontus was reduced to a Satrapy under the Achaemenids and later devolved into a no mans land under the Successors. We must restore the great state that once was and create a new Pontic Kingdom.
Unite Pritania
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Since our ancestors arrived on this island, our peoples have coexisted. With the advent of this new age of iron-working, seafaring, and empire, it is clear that our people cannot survive much longer without a unified identity. For better or worse, we must look to new horizons, and assume leadership over the all of Pritania.
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Form Sardinia
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The tribes of Sardinia have often been controlled by warlords from the south or east, controlling the most fertile pieces of the island while forcing the locals up in the highlands. Under our rule the people of Sardinia shall fend for themselves without the interference of foreign hostile forces.
Unite Saxonia
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The Saxon people cry out for a strong leader to unite the clans. Our birthright is clear for all to see - we shall be the ones to lead our people forwards to greater glories.
Unite Sicily
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The goal of uniting the island of Sicily, whilst seemingly a simple thing, has been the cause of countless lost lives. Perhaps we could be the ones to finally succeed in this task?
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Form Syria
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Situated in an important strategic location, the region of Syria has been controlled by numerous nascent empires, for thousands of years. Now that we have finally attained freedom, we believe that Syria ought to be an independent state, arbitrating balance between the mighty powers of the Nile, Persia, and Anatolia.
Form Yamnat
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The fertile plateau of Arabia Felix has been a cradle of civilization for millennia. It is long past time that the warring kingdoms that spill Arabian blood in the name of petty vengeance, are united under a common, and ancient name.
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Adopt Yuezhi as National Identity
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The nomadic Yuezhi people have found a home in our nation. Through cultural dissemination, warfare, or mere happenstance, our national identity is now much more Yuezhi than that which we embraced before. Let us declare our new identity to the world, and seek out new conquests in the name of the Yuezhi people!
Tier 3 decisions
All of these decisions can be found in the /ImperatorRome/decisions/endgame_tags folder, except for the Form Kushan decision, which is found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/tier_2_formables/become_yuezhi.txt with the Adopt Yuezhi as National Identity decision.
Form Aksum
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After the fall of the Kingdom of D'mt, a number of states emerged to challenge the balance of power in the region. Aksum, the mightiest of them all, would go on to build an empire to rival the Nilic powers.
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Unite Albion
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The sceptered isle of Albion has been a haven for our people for centuries. We must aim to control it from coast to coast, uniting the disparate peoples of our land under one common identity.
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潜在需求 | 允许条件
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The Puranas speak of a united subcontinent, entrusted to Bharata, and known as Bharatavarsha. We must aspire to unite all of those lands so that the subcontinent may enjoy stability and peace.
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Form Dacia
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Dacia; a land rich in resources, culture, and civilization, eyed jealously by greedy neighbors, belongs in the hands of its own people. It is high time that a strong leader emerged to challenge the status quo between fragmented tribes, uniting all Dacia under one banner!
Unite the Dahae
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For too long the Dahae tribes have been squabbling between themselves. We have been disunited and weak, open to the whims of the great empires that surround us.
Let us unite the Dahae tribes into a powerful tribal federation, only then will we be masters of our own faith.
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效果 |
Delian League
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The Delian League was formed by Athens and their allies to defend themselves from the encroaching Persians to the east after Xerxes tried to invade our cities. In these tumultuous times it is only natural for all the Ionian cities to seek shelter in an alliance with one another once again. It is time for us to rebuild the Delian League.
Form Gaul
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The fertile land of Gaul contains many tribes and peoples, living in a prosperous, if tense, relationship. For some, this fractious existence is a sign of the old ways - instead, new methods are needed if our people are to survive in the era of civilization and empire. The task is not light, but perhaps we might be the driving force behind the unification of the Gallic people?
Pan-Hellenic League
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During the days of Argead domination the League of Corinth united all Greek cities in one league. The goal of this organization was always to control them, and to deny them the independence that they are due. But the idea of a Pan-Hellenic League has not died with the oppressive actions of the Argeads and Antipatrids, it could also be the ultimate guarantor of Greek Independence.
Let us unite one and all and form a League to encompass all the free cities of Greece. Together we will become the dominant force of the Greek world, leaving the kingdoms of would be successors, or usurpers, behind us.
Form Greater Iberia
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The Greeks know the land we inhabit as Iberia. As civilization flourishes, and we become more aware of the lay of the land, political environment, and cultural similarities of our neighbors, it becomes apparent that this land of Hiberia belongs with us, and not the greedy foreign invaders from the east.
Form Kushan
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The mighty Yuezhi people are known by different names to many. In the far, misted east, we are known as the Guishuang. Our foes in these greener pastures know us know as Kushan. Let us adopt this identity, and forge an empire the likes of which this region has never before seen!
Form Magna Graecia
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The Greeks have been present in southern Italy and Sicily for many centuries. Whilst often far removed from the macro-politics of the mainland, the region of Magna Graecia, as it was known, played an important part in the Hellenistic world.
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Form Parthia
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When the Parni tribe conquered the region of Parthia, liberating it from the grasp of the Seleukids, few could have known that this once-nomadic tribal nation would go on to conquer much of Central Asia.
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Form Persia
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The days of Cyrus and Darius are long gone, but the Persian people remember the great empires built by their own. It is time to throw off the shackles of our foreign oppressors, and unite our people once again!
Form Phoenicia
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The proud Phoenician people mastered the Mediterranean many centuries previously. Without us, there would be no Carthage, or grand cities of Iberia. Since the days of Cyrus, we have languished under the rule of foreign overlords, yet now - now is our chance to reclaim our heritage, and show the world the might of Phoenicia, once again.