The 希腊联盟 is a formable nation in southeastern Europe, representing a unification of all of the Greek city states inspired by the old Hellenic League of the Persian Wars and the League of Corinth under the
Argeads. It can be formed by any Hellenistic country that either has its capital in or controls a significant amount of territory in Greece, except for the
Diadochi states as well as
雅典 and
斯巴达 if the
Magna Graecia DLC is enabled (as they have their own League formables), and requires the conquest or subjugation of all the main cities in Greece, many of whom remain under the thrall of the Diadochi. Despite being one of the smaller tier 3 endgame tags, covering only the region of Greece and some of the surrounding provinces, its population and high levels of urbanization means that a united Greece can often punch well above its weight and become a significant power in the region. Historically a league of the free Greeks was an ambition of the many city-states and regional leagues that chafed under the influence of
马其顿 and later
罗马, though no pan-Hellenic league would emerge in this period and in the end it would only be under
Roman rule that Greece was again firmly united.
Formation Decision
The main formation decision is available only to Hellenistic republics with their capital in the Greece region, and requires controlling or vassalizing all the main cities in Greece and Thessaly.
Pan-Hellenic League
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During the days of Argead domination the League of Corinth united all Greek cities in one league. The goal of this organization was always to control them, and to deny them the independence that they are due. But the idea of a Pan-Hellenic League has not died with the oppressive actions of the Argeads and Antipatrids, it could also be the ultimate guarantor of Greek Independence.
Let us unite one and all and form a League to encompass all the free cities of Greece. Together we will become the dominant force of the Greek world, leaving the kingdoms of would be successors, or usurpers, behind us.
Mission Tree Formation
The Hellenic League can also be formed as a reward for completing the Pan-Hellenic Government Greek cultural mission, available to all independent Hellenistic culture group countries that hold some Greek territory, except for the
Diadochi states as well as
雅典 and
斯巴达 (and their special
formables) if the
Magna Graecia DLC is enabled and therefore the only possible way to form the Hellenic League for many of the Hellenistic states. In addition to the need to proceed through the rest of the tree, the requirements to form the Hellenic League are a little more stringent and require control or suzerainty over all of the core Greek area - not just the main cities - but along the way grants much more extensive claims across the whole of the traditional Greek areas, including Macedonia, Ionia, Cyprus, and the Propontic Sea region. Notably, taking this mission does not have the usual formation decision tier requirements, which means that the Hellenic League can be formed by other tier 3 endgame tags (apart from the specific exceptions above) like
大希腊 or even the
The mission task associated with finishing the mission tree also gives the forming country the options of diving Greece into the feudatory regional leagues of File:.png 阿提卡, File:.png 阿耳卡狄亚, File:.png 拉科尼亚,
优卑亚, File:.png 爱琴,
埃托利亚, and
帖撒利亚, or taking more centralized control of Greece and annexing all subjects in the region.
Mission | Potential | Requirements | Effects | Time | Description | ||
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The [gm_2_greek_scope. GetAdjective] Empire |
When the task is started: When the task is complete:
730 days |
Only when all the Hellenes of Greece are united under a common government will she be able to properly defend herself from the rising threats to the west and east. |
Pan-Hellenic Government mission tree completion
- Has completed The [gm_2_greek_scope. GetAdjective] Empire
- Get the event Pan-Hellenic Government: United Hellas
- Tooltip: [gm_2_greek_scope.GetName] will form the
- Tooltip:
- Clear all mission-related variables
Pan-Hellenic Government: United Hellas
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这条信息可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.5。 |
For the first time in the history of Greece, all Hellenes are united in one state and the divisions of the past nothing more than a backwards memory.
Though there may be struggles ahead, every Greek must see that unity is a strength we have too long neglected.