Magna Graecia

This article is about the formable nation in Italy. For the DLC, see Magna Graecia (DLC).png Magna Graecia (DLC).
Major powerMagna Graecia

Magna Graecia.png

Culture Group

Military traditions

Magna Graecia is a formable nation in southern Europe, representing a unification of the rich and influential Hellenistic city states of southern Italy. It can be formed by any Hellenistic country with its capital in one of the three Italian regions, and requires asserting control over enough of the important Greek cities of region, some of whom have since fallen under the control of Italic powers such as 布鲁蒂亚的国旗 布鲁蒂亚, 卢卡尼亚的国旗 卢卡尼亚, and 罗马的国旗 罗马. Despite being a tier 3 endgame tag, forming Magna Graecia has only relatively modest requirements - within a single region - and similarly more modest rewards, though it will likely require contending with significantly stronger powers of 罗马的国旗 罗马 and 迦太基的国旗 迦太基. Historically a unification of the Greeks in Italy was a constant ambition of the kings of 叙拉古的国旗 叙拉古, who attempted many times to subjugate and conquer the other Greeks of Sicily and beyond with varying levels of success, though no truly unified state or league would emerge and the divided states of Magna Graecia would eventually come under 罗马的国旗  Roman rule after the withdrawal of 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯.

Magna Graecia can also be released as a Vassalized.png client state by 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 from the conquered cities of the Italiote mainland through its unique missions if the Epirus Flavor Pack is enabled, as a possible reward for a successful Pyrrhic War.

Formation requirements


The main formation decision is generally geared towards 叙拉古的国旗 叙拉古 or one of the other Siceliote states (likely after forming 西西里的国旗 西西里) and requires owning the main cities of Sicily as well as several important Greek cities on the mainland.


Form Magna Graecia

The Greeks have been present in southern Italy and Sicily for many centuries. Whilst often far removed from the macro-politics of the mainland, the region of Magna Graecia, as it was known, played an important part in the Hellenistic world.

  • Has at least 1 territory
  • Country is in the Hellenistic culture group
  • The capital is in the regions of Magna Graecia, Italia, or Cisalpine Gaul
  • Is not 大希腊的国旗 大希腊
  • is not a endgame tag
  • Is not AI-controlled, owns at least 5 territories, or is 叙拉古的国旗 叙拉古
  • The mission Greater Greece is not active
  • 大希腊的国旗 大希腊 does not exist
  • Is not at war or in a civil war
  • Owns the following territories:
    • Herakleia Minoa (91)
    • Syrakousai (84)
  • Owns at least 4 of the following territories:
    • Messana (80)
    • Kroton (78)
    • Rhegion (72)
    • Thourioi (52)
    • Herakleia (54)
    • Metapontion (55)
    • Taras (56)
    • Callipolis (63)
    • Elea (12)
  • Owns or has a subject that owns at least 1 of the following territories:
    • Neapolis (7)
    • Pompeii (9)

  • Current country becomes 大希腊的国旗 大希腊
  • Add Pop citizen.png 4 citizen pops and Freemen 4 freemen pops to the current capital
  • If the capital has the modifier Emergent Center of Civilization, remove it
  • Capital gets the modifier Emergent Capital until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth
    • Freeman happiness +10% Local Freeman Happiness
    • Civilization.png +8% Local Civilization Level
  • Get claims on all unowned territories in the region of Magna Graecia
  • Get Province investment 4 free province investments
Requirements for forming Magna Graecia by decision. All dark purple territories as well as at least four lighter purple territories must be directly owned, while at least one pink territory must be controlled directly or through a vassal. Hatched territories will be claimed after formation.

Mission tree

主条目:Greater Greece

Magna Graecia can also be formed as a reward for one of the final tasks in the Greater Greece Greek cultural mission for the Italiotes after forming the 意大利俄忒斯同盟的国旗 意大利俄忒斯同盟, with slightly different requirements. As it is only available to the Italiote city states of the mainland, it does not require owning any Sicilian territories and instead gives options for controlling the Italiote cities of the Adriatic.

Mission Potential Requirements Effects Time Description
Task economical.png Megale Hellas
  • Always

  • Owns at least 4 of the following territories:
  • Messana (80)
  • Kroton (78)
  • Rhegion (72)
  • Thourioi (52)
  • Herakleia (54)
  • Metapontion (55)
  • Taras (56)
  • Callipolis (63)
  • Elea (12)
  • Owns at least 1 of the following territories:
    • Neapolis (7)
    • Pompeii (9)
    • Sipious (38)
    • Ankon (117)
  • 大希腊的国旗 大希腊 does not exist
  • Get the event Megale Hellas
  • Tooltip:
    • The current ruler gets the nickname "Omagyrios"
    • Current country becomes 大希腊的国旗 大希腊
    • Add Pop citizen.png 4 citizen pops and Freemen 4 freemen pops to the current capital
    • If the capital has the modifier Emergent Center of Civilization, remove it
    • Capital gets the modifier Emergent Capital until the end of the game, giving:
      • Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth
      • Pop freemen happiness.png +8% Local Freeman Happiness
      • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
    • Get claims on all unowned territories in the region of Magna Graecia
    • Get Province investment 4 free province investments


Only once the majority of the Italiote cities are united under common leadership will the legacy of the Greek colonies in the west be safeguarded and its future secured.


Megale Hellas

We have at last staked a claim to the leadership of all Magna Graecia having united, most of its cities under our leadership. Already our leader, [gm_3_greek_scope.GetRulerTitle] [gm_3_greek_scope.GetRuler .GetPraenomen] is being called 'Omagyrios', the assembler, for uniting the squabbling cities of Magna Graecia.

With a united purpose, the Italiote cities can finally contend with the novel threats of the age by pooling their resources.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
Is triggered only by

the Megale Hellas mission task

Immediate effects
  • The current ruler gets the nickname "Omagyrios"
  • Current country becomes 大希腊的国旗 大希腊
  • Add Pop citizen.png 4 citizen pops and Freemen 4 freemen pops to the current capital
  • If the capital has the modifier Emergent Center of Civilization, remove it
    • Capital gets the modifier Emergent Capital until the end of the game, giving:
    • Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth
    • Pop freemen happiness.png +8% Local Freeman Happiness
    • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
  • Get claims on all unowned territories in the region of Magna Graecia
  • Get Province investment 4 free province investments

Event button.png
Greater than Greece.
  • Tooltip: The mission task Megale Hellas has now been Completed
File:Form Magna Graecia Mission.png
Requirements for forming Magna Graecia by the mission task. At least four lighter purple territories and at least one pink territory must be directly owned. Hatched territories will be claimed after formation.

Release requirements

After establishing a foothold and conquering or subjugating enough territories in the region, 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 can release Magna Graecia as a Vassalized.png client state to unify and administer the region through a task of the Alexandrine Ambition mission tree. Releasing Magna Graecia as an Epirote client will give a somewhat different flag with colours reflecting those of its 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote overlord, and unlike the formable does not include territories in Sicily, which can be released as the Epirote releasable 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Sikelia}} instead.

Mission Potential Requirements Effects Time Description
Task political.png Italiote Leadership
  • Always

  • Owns or has subjects that own at least 20 territories in the region of Magna Graecia, not including the provinces of Siculia, Syracuse, or Sicania
  • Owns at has subjects that own at least 4 of the following territories:
  • Kroton (78)
  • Taras (56)
  • Metapontion (55)
  • Herakleia (54)
  • Sipious (38)
  • Thourioi (52)
  • Hipponion (75)
  • Elea (12)
  • Callipolis (63)
  • Tooltip:
    • May create an Italiote client state, or:
    • Every province in the region of Magna Graecia except for Syracuse, Siculia, and Sicania gets the modifier Epirote Government for 20 years, giving:
      • Unintegrated culture happiness -10% Unintegrated Culture Happiness
  • Get the event Italiote Leadership


The Greek colonies of Italia are clearly too weak and lazy to be trusted to govern themselves. Epirus will be a paternal force, protecting and guiding them in their continued position as the rightful rulers of Magna Graecia.

Major powerMagna Graecia

Magna Graecia (Releasable).png

Italiotian (Hellenistic)

Monarchy (Autocratic)

Military traditions
Italiotian heritage

Notes: For Culture.png Italiotian culture countries.

Research points.png +5% Research Points
Recruit mercenary cost modifier.png -10% Recruit mercenary cost
Manpower.png −5% National manpower


Italiote Leadership

We have succeeded in uniting the Italiotian colonies under our leadership and protecting Magna Graecia from the Italic threat. Epirus is once again a mighty realm that stretches across the sea and is feared and respected by her peers.

Trigger conditions
  • The Epirus Flavor Pack DLC is enabled
  • Owns any territory
Is triggered only by

the Italiote Leadership mission task

Immediate effects
  • Tooltip: The mission task Italiote Leadership has now been Completed

Event button.png
A dream realized.
  • Every province in the region of Magna Graecia except for Syracuse, Siculia, and Sicania gets the modifier Epirote Government for 20 years, giving:
    • Unintegrated culture happiness -10% Unintegrated Culture Happiness
Event button.png
They can be trusted to be loyal.
  • Release 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Magna Graecia (Releasable)}} Magna Graecia as a Italiotian Vassalized.png client state from all owned provinces in the region of Magna Graecia except for Syracuse, Siculia, and Sicania
  • All AI-controlled Hellenistic subjects with their capital in the region of Magna Graecia except for Syracuse, Siculia, and Sicania cede all owned provinces in the region of Magna Graecia to 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Magna Graecia (Releasable)}} Magna Graecia
Release requirements for Magna Graecia by the 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote mission task. At least 20 coloured territories, including 4 fully coloured territories are required, and all coloured territories will be released as part of Magna Graecia if owned or vassalized.