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Gw map icon.png Great wonders are special buildings that can be constructed in territories and give powerful bonuses to their local province or owner. Unlike standard buildings, wonders can be customized with various designs, materials, and effects, and are a significant investment that only the large and wealthy empires will be able to afford.

Building great wonders

Template:Expansion A new great wonder can be built in any owned territory with at least one available Local building slot.png building slot, and will cost a variable amount of Wealth gold, Political influence.png political influence, and time depending on the category, materials, and effects chosen.


Gw tower template.png Tower - base prestige of 10

  • Base
  • Middle
  • Top

Gw building template.png Building - base prestige of 18

  • Base
  • Pillar
  • Roof

Gw pyramid template.png Pyramid - base prestige of 32

  • Base
  • Middle
  • Top


Each part of the Great Wonder can be made out of different materials. The higher the cost, the higher the construction prestige. In order, they are:

Material Prestige value Trade good
Stone Stone 10 Stone Stone
Wood Wood 16 Wood Wood
Marble Marble 22 Marble Marble
Ebony Ebony 28 Wood Wood
Copper Copper 35 Goods base metals.png Base Metals
Iron Iron 41 Iron Iron
Silver Silver 47 Precious metals Precious Metals
Ivory Ivory 53 Elephants Elephants
Gold Gold 60 Precious metals Precious Metals

The bonus prestige from materials is the average of the prestige value of the materials used in all three parts of the wonder.

Each material is associated with a particular trade good that must be present in the province - either through local production or through imports - for construction to progress. In addition to the trade goods associated with the materials used in each part, Stone stone is also always required for wonder construction, even if Stone stone is not being used as a material. If any of the required trade good are not available in the province, construction will pause.


Great wonder price is calculated as base cost + (materials cost * total prestige of the built wonder / 3)+cost of wonder effects. Base cost and materials cost differ by wonder types.

Gw tower template.pngTower - Base cost: Wealth2600. Materials cost: Wealth130

Gw building template.pngBuilding - Base cost: Wealth3510. Materials cost: Wealth175

Gw pyramid template.pngPyramid - Base cost: Wealth4550. Materials cost: Wealth227

e. g. The cost of a Pyramid with all gold coatings(92 prestige) is 4550 + (227 * 92 / 3) = 11511.3, rounded up to 11512.

Cost of wonder effect is same between wonder types.

Tier 1 - Wealth130, Political influence.png15

Tier 2 - Wealth390, Political influence.png30

Tier 3 - Wealth650, Political influence.png60

Tier 4 - Wealth1300, Political influence.png120

Note that Tier 4 effect can't be chosen at construction.


A great wonder requires set amount of work to be completed. Base work needed is:

Gw tower template.png Tower - 3600

Gw building template.png Building - 4650

Gw pyramid template.png Pyramid - 5850

This is further increased if a better material than stone is used.

Amount of extra work needed for each section:

Material Tower Building Pyramid
Wood Wood 140 125 115
Marble Marble 280 250 230
Ebony Ebony 420 375 345
Copper Copper 560 500 460
Iron Iron 700 625 575
Silver Silver 840 750 690
Ivory Ivory 980 875 805
Gold Gold 1100 1000 900

E.g. To build a Building with ebony roof, marble pillars, ivory base The amount of work needed is 4650+375+250+875=6150

The amount of work put in the construction per day, the base Total workpower.png workpower value, is determined by the number of lower class pops in the province. As long as all of the necessary trade goods are present in the province, the wonder will progress by the total workpower of the province's pops until finished.

Pop type Base workpower per pop per day
Freemen Freemen 0.006
Tribesmen Tribesmen 0.005
Slaves Slaves 0.003

Construction leader

Every wonder under construction can be assigned a Position construction leader who will oversee the design and construction of the wonder. Like all other positions, the construction leader counts towards the number of offices that each major family expects to hold and the holder will receive Power base power base, Statesmanship monthly statesmanship, Monthly wage modifier.png a monthly wage, and other modifiers from the position.

The construction leader can modify the amount of workpower that every pop contributes to wonder construction through their Total workpower.png Great Wonder Construction modifier, and on a pop type-specific basis through the Freeman workpower Freemen Great Wonder Construction, Slave workpower Slave Great Wonder Construction, and Tribesman workpower Tribal Great Wonder Construction modifiers. The construction leader can also increase the wonder's prestige once construction is finished through the Wonder prestige Great Wonder completion Prestige modifier. All of these modifiers are gained through certain traits.

Once the workpower for each pop is modified and summed up across all the pops in the province, the construction leader's Finesse.png finesse further increases the total daily workpower by 5% per point. If no construction leader is assigned, the construction work speed is instead decreased by 25%.[1] Construction leaders do not affect the Wealth gold or Political influence.png political influence cost of building a wonder.


Every constructed wonder can have up to 3 effects, each of which provides a significant bonus to the country that owns the wonder and occasionally to its territory as well. If a country already has a certain effect in a great wonder, the same effect cannot be chosen for any new wonders, and multiple effects of the same type will not stack even if a country does manage to acquire two wonders with the same effect category. In that case, only the effect with highest tier is applied.

Ancient wonders only have one effect, but starts with tier 4 effects even if the wonder itself is not at tier 4.


There are 4 tiers of prestige that a wonder can have, depending on its construction materials and age. Each tier unlocks a stronger level of effects that a wonder can have, though upgrading a wonder's effects must be done manually and incurs Wealth gold and Political influence.png political influence costs.

Great wonders automatically upgrade to the next tier when they have enough construction prestige. Construction prestige is set initially by the quality of the construction materials used, and after construction increases as the great wonder ages (by 1.5 per year). This means that all wonders, even Stone stone wonders, will eventually reach tier 4 (though it will take many decades to do so).

Wonder tier Prestige needed
Tier 2 35
Tier 3 75
Tier 4 140

Great Wonders built by the player start at Tier 1 and give Tier 1 effects (before applying prestige effects from materials), while Ancient Great Wonders start with Tier 4 effects (even if they are not actually at Tier 4). You can view the effect of a Great wonder in the Outliner or in the province tab.

Changing effects

The effects of any owned great wonder, except for ancient wonders, can be changed or removed at any time, following the same uniqueness restrictions as choosing effects for new wonders. This can include both upgrading a wonder's effects once it reaches a new tier as well as swapping out its effects for an entirely new category altogether. Changing effects is instantaneous and costs a variable amount of Wealth gold and Political influence.png political influence based on the tiers of the old and new effects as in the table below, as well as a flat cost of Stability.png 15 stability if changing the effect category or removing an effect altogether (but not adding an effect), regardless of any changes in tier:

Original tier To No Effect To Tier 1 To Tier 2 To Tier 3 To Tier 4
No Effect N/A Wealth 130, Political influence.png 15 Wealth 390, Political influence.png 30 Wealth 650, Political influence.png 65 Wealth 1300, Political influence.png 120
Tier 1 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 130, Political influence.png 15 Wealth 390, Political influence.png 15 Wealth 650, Political influence.png 45 Wealth 1300, Political influence.png 105
Tier 2 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 390, Political influence.png 30 Wealth 260, Political influence.png 30 Wealth 1300, Political influence.png 90
Tier 3 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 130, Political influence.png 60 Wealth 650, Political influence.png 60
Tier 4 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 65, Political influence.png 7 Wealth 130, Political influence.png 120

List of effects

Effect name Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Required Invention
Gw effect military education.png Military Education Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Martial stat
2% to improve with 1
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Martial stat
4% to improve with 1
2% to improve with 2
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Martial stat
6% to improve with 1
4% to improve with 2
2% to improve with 3
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Martial stat
8% to improve with 1
6% to improve with 2
4% to improve with 3
2% to improve with 4
Martial: Strategic Academy
Gw effect government education.png Government Education Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Finesse stat
2% to improve with 1
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Finesse stat
4% to improve with 1
2% to improve with 2
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Finesse stat
6% to improve with 1
4% to improve with 2
2% to improve with 3
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Finesse stat
8% to improve with 1
6% to improve with 2
4% to improve with 3
2% to improve with 4
Civic: School to Civic Duty
Gw effect oratory education.png Diplomatic Education Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Charisma stat
2% to improve with 1
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Charisma stat
4% to improve with 1
2% to improve with 2
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Charisma stat
6% to improve with 1
4% to improve with 2
2% to improve with 3
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Charisma stat
8% to improve with 1
6% to improve with 2
4% to improve with 3
2% to improve with 4
Oratory: Diplomatic Scholasticism
Gw effect religious education.png Religious Education Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Zeal stat
2% to improve with 1
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Zeal stat
4% to improve with 1
2% to improve with 2
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Zeal stat
6% to improve with 1
4% to improve with 2
2% to improve with 3
Children from 5 to 15
Yearly chance to improve Zeal stat
8% to improve with 1
6% to improve with 2
4% to improve with 3
2% to improve with 4
Religious: Theological Colleges
Gw effect tax and commerce.png Tax and Commerce Country:
National tax National Tax: +5.00%
Commerce value.png National Commerce Income: +5.00%
Global state trade routes.png Province:
Local Import Routes: +1.00
National tax National Tax: +7.50%
Commerce value.png National Commerce Income: +7.50%
Global state trade routes.png Local Import Routes: +2.00
National tax National Tax: +10.00%
Commerce value.png National Commerce Income: +10.00%
Global state trade routes.png Local Import Routes: +3.00
National tax National Tax: +15.00%
Commerce value.png National Commerce Income: +15.00%
Global state trade routes.png Local Import Routes: +4.00
Gw effect slave work.png Slave Labor Traditions Country:
Enslavement efficiency.png Enslavement: +5.00%
Slave output National Slave Output: +5.00%
Enslavement efficiency.png Enslavement: +10.00%
Slave output National Slave Output: +10.00%
Enslavement efficiency.png Enslavement: +15.00%
Slave output National Slave Output: +15.00%
Goods from slaves.png Slaves needed for Surplus -1.00
Enslavement efficiency.png Enslavement: +20.00%
Slave output National Slave Output: +15.00%
Civic: A Monument to Efficiency
Gw effect civilization builder.png Cultural Memorial Country:
Civilization.png Monthly Civilization Change: +0.02%
Civilization.png Local Civilization Level: +5.00%
Civilization.png Monthly Civilization Change: +0.04%
Civilization.png Local Civilization Level: +5.00%
Civilization.png Monthly Civilization Change: +0.06%
Civilization.pngL ocal Civilization Level: +5.00%
Civilization.png Monthly Civilization Change: +0.08%
Civilization.png Local Civilization Level: +5.00%
Gw effect culture expansion.png Expanding Culture Country:
Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed: +10.00%
Pop assimilation.png Pop Assimilation Speed: +10.00%
Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed: +20.00%
Pop assimilation.png Pop Assimilation Speed: +20.00%
Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed: +30.00%
Pop assimilation.png Pop Assimilation Speed: +30.00%
Policy religious conversion.png Pop Conversion Speed: +40.00%
Pop assimilation.png Pop Assimilation Speed: +40.00%
Civic: Dominance Through Enlightenment
Gw effect civil engineering.png Engineering Country:
build_cost修正 Build Cost: -2.50%
build_time修正 Build Time: -7.50%
build_cost修正 Build Cost: -5.00%
build_time修正 Build Time: -15.00%
build_cost修正 Build Cost: -7.50%
build_time修正 Build Time: -22.50%
Local building slot.png Global City Building Slots: +1.00
build_cost修正 Build Cost: -10.00%
build_time修正 Build Time: -30.00%
Local building slot.png Global City Building Slots: +2.00
Civic: De Architectura
Military Research Doctrine Country:
Military tech investment.png Military Tech Investment: +5.00%
Research points.png Local Research points: +10.00%
Military tech investment.png Military Tech Investment: +10.00%
Research points.png Local Research points: +20.00%
Military tech investment.png Military Tech Investment: +15.00%
Research points.png Local Research points: +30.00%
Military tech investment.png Military Tech Investment: +25.00%
Research points.png Local Research points: +40.00%
Gw effect civic science doctrine.png Civic Research Doctrine Country:
Statesmanship Monthly Statesmanship: +0.02%
Civic tech investment.png Civic Tech Investment: +5.00%
Statesmanship Monthly Statesmanship: +0.05%
Civic tech investment.png Civic Tech Investment: +10.00%
Statesmanship Monthly Statesmanship: +0.07%
Civic tech investment.png Civic Tech Investment: +15.00%
Statesmanship Monthly Statesmanship: +0.10%
Civic tech investment.png Civic Tech Investment: +25.00%
Gw effect oratory science doctrine.png Oratory Research Doctrine Country:
Oratory tech investment.png Oratory Tech Investment: +5.00%
Oratory tech investment.png Oratory Tech Investment: +10.00%
Oratory tech investment.png Oratory Tech Investment: +15.00%
Oratory tech investment.png Oratory Tech Investment: +25.00%
Gw effect religious science doctrine.png Religious Research Doctrine Country:
Stability.png Monthly Stability Change: +0.02
Religious tech investment.png Religious Tech Investment: +5.00%
Stability.png Monthly Stability Change: +0.04
Religious tech investment.png Religious Tech Investment: +10.00%
Stability.png Monthly Stability Change: +0.06
Religious tech investment.png Religious Tech Investment: +15.00%
Stability.png Monthly Stability Change: +0.08
Religious tech investment.png Religious Tech Investment: +25.00%
Gw effect governing doctrine.png Government Traditions Country:
Province loyalty Provincial Loyalty: +0.02
Corruption.png Monthly Corruption: -0.02
Governor loyalty Loyalty of Governors: +2.00
Province loyalty Provincial Loyalty: +0.04
Corruption.png Monthly Corruption: -0.05
Governor loyalty Loyalty of Governors: +4.00
Province loyalty Provincial Loyalty: +0.07
Corruption.png Monthly Corruption: -0.07
Governor loyalty Loyalty of Governors: +6.00
Province loyalty Provincial Loyalty: +0.10
Corruption.png Monthly Corruption: -0.10
Governor loyalty Loyalty of Governors: +10.00
Oratory: Provincial Census
Honored Nobles Country:
Noble output National Noble output: +5.00%
Noble happiness National Noble Happiness: +2.00%
Noble output National Noble output: +10.00%
Noble happiness National Noble Happiness: +4.00%
Noble output National Noble output: +15.00%
Noble happiness National Noble Happiness: +6.00%
Noble output National Noble output: +25.00%
Noble happiness National Noble Happiness: +10.00%
Honored Citizens Country:
Pop citizen output.png National Citizen output: +5.00%
Pop citizen happiness.png National Citizen Happiness: +2.00%
Pop citizen output.png National Citizen output: +10.00%
Pop citizen happiness.png National Citizen Happiness: +4.00%
Pop citizen output.png National Citizen output: +15.00%
Pop citizen happiness.png National Citizen Happiness: +6.00%
Pop citizen output.png National Citizen output: +25.00%
Pop citizen happiness.png National Citizen Happiness: +10.00%
Honored Freemen Country:
Freeman output National Freeman output: +5.00%
Freeman happiness National Freeman Happiness: +2.00%
Freeman output National Freeman output: +10.00%
Freeman happiness National Freeman Happiness: +4.00%
Freeman output National Freeman output: +15.00%
Freeman happiness National Freeman Happiness: +6.00%
Freeman output National Freeman output: +25.00%
Freeman happiness National Freeman Happiness: +10.00%
Honored Tribesmen Country:
Tribesman output National Tribesman output: +5.00%
Tribesman happiness National Tribesman Happiness: +2.00%
Tribesman output National Tribesman output: +10.00%
Tribesman happiness National Tribesman Happiness: +4.00%
Tribesman output National Tribesman output: +15.00%
Tribesman happiness National Tribesman Happiness: +6.00%
Tribesman output National Tribesman output: +25.00%
Tribesman happiness National Tribesman Happiness: +10.00%
Honored Slaves Country:
Slave output National Slave output: +5.00%
Slave output National Slave output: +10.00%
Slave output National Slave output: +15.00%
Slave output National Slave output: +25.00%
Gw effect expanding population.png Fertile Nation Province:
Global population growth.png Local Population Growth: +0.025%
Population capacity Population Capacity: +5.00%
Global population growth.png Local Population Growth: +0.05%
Population capacity Population Capacity: +7.50%
Global population growth.png Local Population Growth: +0.075%
Population capacity Population Capacity: +10.00%
Global population growth.png Local Population Growth: +0.10%
Population capacity Population Capacity: +15.00%
Civic: Coloniae
Gw effect fantastic ruler.png Honored Leader Country:
Integrated culture happiness Integrated Culture Happiness: +5.00%
Popularity.png Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.05
Integrated culture happiness Integrated Culture Happiness: +10.00%
Popularity.png Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.10
Integrated culture happiness Integrated Culture Happiness: +15.00%
Popularity.png Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.15
Integrated culture happiness Integrated Culture Happiness: +20.00%
Popularity.png Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.20
Oratory: Avatar of Glory
Gw effect diplomacy supreme.png Diplomatic Traditions Country:
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.05
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +3.00
Diplomatic relations.png Diplomatic Relations: +1.00
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.10
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +6.00
Diplomatic relations.png Diplomatic Relations: +2.00
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.15
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +9.00
Diplomatic relations.png Diplomatic Relations: +3.00
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.20
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +15.00
Diplomatic relations.png Diplomatic Relations: +5.00
Oratory: Tributary Administration
Gw effect diplomats supreme.png Diplomatic Doctrines Country:
Claim fabrication speed Claim Fabrication Speed: +2.00
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +3.00
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +5.00%
Claim fabrication speed Claim Fabrication Speed: +4.00
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +6.00
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +10.00%
Claim fabrication speed Claim Fabrication Speed: +6.00
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +9.00
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +15.00%
Claim fabrication speed Claim Fabrication Speed: +10.00
Diplomatic reputation.png Diplomatic Reputation: +15.00
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +25.00%
Oratory: Casus Belli
Diplomatic Reach Country:
Control range modifier.png Control range modifier: +10.00%
Diplomatic range.png Diplomatic Range: +10.00%
Control range modifier.png Control range modifier: +15.00%
Diplomatic range.png Diplomatic Range: +20.00%
Control range modifier.png Control range modifier: +20.00%
Diplomatic range.png Diplomatic Range: +30.00%
Control range modifier.png Control range modifier: +30.00%
Diplomatic range.png Diplomatic Range: +50.00%
Gw effect friendly diplomacy.png Diplomatic Expansion Country:
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.10
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +10.00%
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.20
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +20.00%
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.30
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +30.00%
Integrate speed.png Integration Speed: +0.50
Improve opinion maximum Improve Opinion Maximum: +50.00%
Gw effect overlord boost.png Subject Relation Traditions Country:
Tribute income.png Tribute Income: +10.00%
Tributary opinion of us.png Subject Opinion of Us: +5.00
Subject loyalty.png Loyalty of Subject States: +2.00
Tribute income.png Tribute Income: +20.00%
Tributary opinion of us.png Subject Opinion of Us: +10.00
Subject loyalty.png Loyalty of Subject States: +4.00
Tribute income.png Tribute Income: +30.00%
Tributary opinion of us.png Subject Opinion of Us: +15.00
Subject loyalty.png Loyalty of Subject States: +6.00
Tribute income.png Tribute Income: +50.00%
Tributary opinion of us.png Subject Opinion of Us: +25.00
Subject loyalty.png Loyalty of Subject States: +10.00
Gw effect conquerer doctrine.png Conquering Traditions Country:
link= 28px Aggressive Expansion Impact: -5.00%
Warscore cost.png War score Cost: -2.50%
link= 28px Aggressive Expansion Impact: -10.00%
Warscore cost.png War score Cost: -5.00%
link= 28px Aggressive Expansion Impact: -15.00%
Warscore cost.png War score Cost: -7.50%
link= 28px Aggressive Expansion Impact: -20.00%
Warscore cost.png War score Cost: -10.00%
Oratory: Rerum Repetitio
Gw effect siege doctrine.png Siege Traditions Country:
Siege.png Siege Ability: +5.00%
Siege.png Siege Engineers: +1.00
Siege.png Siege Ability: +10.00%
Siege.png Siege Engineers: +1.00
Siege.png Siege Ability: +15.00%
Siege.png Siege Engineers: +2.00
Siege.png Siege Ability: +25.00%
Siege.png Siege Engineers: +2.00
Martial: Sapping
A Strong Population Country:
Manpower recovery speed.png Manpower Recovery Speed: +5.00%
Manpower.png Local Manpower: +5.00%
Manpower recovery speed.png Manpower Recovery Speed: +10.00%
Manpower.png Local Manpower: +10.00%
Manpower recovery speed.png Manpower Recovery Speed: +15.00%
Manpower.png Local Manpower: +15.00%
Manpower recovery speed.png Manpower Recovery Speed: +20.00%
Manpower.png Local Manpower: +25.00%
Gw effect army logistics.png Logistics Country:
Supply limit.png Supply Limit: +5.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -2.50%
Supply limit.png Supply Limit: +10.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -5.00%
Supply limit.png Supply Limit: +15.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -7.50%
Supply limit.png Supply Limit: +20.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -10.00%
Military Training Traditions Country:
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -2.50%
Starting experience Cohort Starting Experience: +5.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -5.00%
Starting experience Cohort Starting Experience: +5.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -7.50%
Starting experience Cohort Starting Experience: +5.00%
Army maintenance cost.png Legion Maintenance Cost: -10.00%
Starting experience Cohort Starting Experience: +10.00%
Experience Monthly Experience Gain: +0.10%
Naval Training Traditions Country:
Ship recruit speed Ship Recruit Speed: +10.00%
Navy maintenance cost.png Navy Maintenance Cost: -2.50%
Starting experience Ship Starting Experience: +2.50%
Ship recruit speed Ship Recruit Speed: +20.00%
Navy maintenance cost.png Navy Maintenance Cost: -5.0%
Starting experience Ship Starting Experience: +5.00%
Ship recruit speed Ship Recruit Speed: +30.00%
Navy maintenance cost.png Navy Maintenance Cost: -7.50%
Starting experience Ship Starting Experience: +7.50%
Ship recruit speed Ship Recruit Speed: +50.00%
Navy maintenance cost.png Navy Maintenance Cost: -10.00%
Starting experience Ship Starting Experience: +10.00%
Honored Mercenaries Country:
Mercenary maintenance.png Mercenary Army Maintenance: -5.00%
Mercenary naval maintenance cost.png Pirate Fleet Maintenance: -5.00%
Mercenary maintenance.png Mercenary Army Maintenance: -10.00%
Mercenary naval maintenance cost.png Pirate Fleet Maintenance: -10.00%
Mercenary maintenance.png Mercenary Army Maintenance: -15.00%
Mercenary naval maintenance cost.png Pirate Fleet Maintenance: -15.00%
Mercenary maintenance.png Mercenary Army Maintenance: -20.00%
Mercenary naval maintenance cost.png Pirate Fleet Maintenance: -20.00%
Cultural Defense Habits Country:
Fort defense.png Fort Defense: +5.00%
Fort maintenance cost.png Fort Maintenance: -10.00%
Attrition.png Hostile Attrition: +1.00
Fort defense.png Fort Defense: +10.00%
Fort maintenance cost.png Fort Maintenance: -15.00%
Attrition.png Hostile Attrition: +1.00
Fort defense.png Fort Defense: +15.00%
Fort maintenance cost.png Fort Maintenance: -20.00%
Attrition.png Hostile Attrition: +2.00
Fort defense.png Fort Defense: +20.00%
Fort maintenance cost.png Fort Maintenance: -30.00%
Attrition.png Hostile Attrition: +2.00
Martial: Vault and Dome
Gw effect retaliation doctrine.png Retaliation Procedures Country:
Reinforcement speed.png Reinforcement Speed: +5.00%
Land morale recovery.png Army Morale Recovery: +2.00%
Shattered retreat.png Retreat Delay: -1.00
Reinforcement speed.png Reinforcement Speed: +10.00%
Land morale recovery.png Army Morale Recovery: +4.00%
Shattered retreat.png Retreat Delay: -2.00
Reinforcement speed.png Reinforcement Speed: +15.00%
Land morale recovery.png Army Morale Recovery: +6.00%
Shattered retreat.png Retreat Delay: -3.00
Reinforcement speed.png Reinforcement Speed: +20.00%
Land morale recovery.png Army Morale Recovery: +8.00%
Shattered retreat.png Retreat Delay: -4.00
Gw effect strong generals.png Honored Generals Country:
Morale.png Morale of Armies: +1.00%
General loyalty Loyalty of Generals: +3.00
Morale.png Morale of Armies: +2.00%
General loyalty Loyalty of Generals: +6.00
Morale.png Morale of Armies: +3.00%
General loyalty Loyalty of Generals: +9.00
Morale.png Morale of Armies: +4.00%
General loyalty Loyalty of Generals: +12.00
Religious: Oath of Brotherhood
Grand Garrisons Country:
Garrison Garrison Size: +5.00%
Garrison Garrison Growth: +5.00%
Fortification.png National Fort Infrastructure Capacity: +1.00
Garrison Garrison Size: +10.00%
Garrison Garrison Growth: +10.00%
Fortification.png National Fort Infrastructure Capacity: +2.00
Garrison Garrison Size: +15.00%
Garrison Garrison Growth: +15.00%
Fort defense.png Fort Defense: +15.00%
Garrison Garrison Size: +20.00%
Garrison Garrison Growth: +20.00%
Fortification.png National Fort Infrastructure Capacity: +3.00
Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations Country:
Omen.png Omen Power: +5.00%
Omen.png Omen Power: +10.00%
Omen.png Omen Power: +15.00%
Omen.png Omen Power: +20.00%
Religious: Grand Temples
Gw effect for the masses.png For The Masses Country:
Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness: +1.00%
Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness: +2.00%
Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness: +3.00%
Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness: +5.00%
Gw effect strong admirals.png Honored Admirals Country:
Naval morale.png Morale of Navies: +1.00%
Naval morale.png Navy Morale Recovery: +2.00%
Admiral loyalty Loyalty of Admirals: +3.00
Naval morale.png Morale of Navies: +2.00%
Naval morale.png Navy Morale Recovery: +4.00%
Admiral loyalty Loyalty of Admirals: +6.00
Naval morale.png Morale of Navies: +3.00%
Naval morale.png Navy Morale Recovery: +6.00%
Admiral loyalty Loyalty of Admirals: +9.00
Naval morale.png Morale of Navies: +5.00%
Naval morale.png Navy Morale Recovery: +8.00%
Admiral loyalty Loyalty of Admirals: +12.00
Religious: Oath of Brotherhood
Gw effect resilient at sea.png Naval Traditions Country:
Attrition.png Navy Attrition: -5.00%
blockade_efficiency修正 Blockade Efficiency: +5.00%
Ship repair at sea.png Monthly Ship Repair at Sea: +0.05%
Attrition.png Navy Attrition: -10.00%
blockade_efficiency修正 Blockade Efficiency: +10.00%
Ship repair at sea.png Monthly Ship Repair at Sea: +0.10%
Attrition.png Navy Attrition: -15.00%
blockade_efficiency修正 Blockade Efficiency: +15.00%
Ship repair at sea.png Monthly Ship Repair at Sea: +0.15%
Attrition.png Navy Attrition: -20.00%
blockade_efficiency修正 Blockade Efficiency: +20.00%
Ship repair at sea.png Monthly Ship Repair at Sea: +0.20%

Ancient wonders

Certain historical wonders exist in the game as long-established ancient wonders, with unique building models and full effects from the start of the game. Most ancient wonders exist from the beginning of the game, though some can be built in specific territories over the course of the game. They are largely distinct from normal wonders and in particular cannot be classified into the same categories, components, and materials that normal wonders do.

Unlike normal wonders, ancient wonders always have their effects at tier 4 regardless of prestige, but they are restricted to a single predetermined effect instead of the standard 3. Certain ancient wonders also occupy a special secondary great wonder slot instead of the normal slot, which allows them to coexist with another wonder (ancient or normal) and in particular allows Alexandreia and Rhodos to have both of their historical ancient wonders. If an ancient wonder is destroyed, it can never be rebuilt.

If the Heirs of Alexander DLC is not enabled, ancient wonders are the only wonders that will exist in the game.

Name Location Effect DLC Notes
Temple of jupiter.png Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Roma (1), 罗马的国旗 罗马 Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations IV:
  • Omen.png +20% Omen Power
Rhodes acropolis.png Acropolis of Rhodes Rhodos (266), 罗得斯的国旗 罗得斯 Gw effect resilient at sea.png Naval Traditions IV:
  • Attrition.png -20% Navy Attrition
  • blockade_efficiency修正 +20% Blockade Efficiency
  • Ship repair at sea.png +0.20 Monthly Ship Repair at Sea
Hellenistic World Flavor Pack
Pergamon acropolis.png Acropolis of Pergamon Pergamon (278), 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 Gw effect oratory science doctrine.png Oratory Research Doctrine IV:
  • Oratory tech investment.png +25% Oratory Tech Investment
Hellenistic World Flavor Pack
Temple of artemis.png Artemis Temple Ephesos (290), 伊奥尼亚的国旗 伊奥尼亚 Gw effect religious science doctrine.png Religious Research Doctrine IV:
  • Stability.png +0.08 Monthly Stability Change
  • Religious tech investment.png +25% Religious Tech Investment
Argead palace.png Palace of the Argeads Methone (428), 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 Gw effect overlord boost.png Subject Relation Traditions IV:
  • Tribute income.png +50% Tribute Income
  • Tributary opinion of us.png +25 Subject Opinion of Us
  • Subject loyalty.png +10 Loyalty of Subject States
Hellenistic World Flavor Pack
Temple of zeus.png Zeus Temple Olympia (439), 厄利斯的国旗 厄利斯 Gw effect friendly diplomacy.png Diplomatic Expansion IV:
  • Integrate speed.png +0.50 Integration Speed
  • Improve opinion maximum +50% Improve Opinion Maximum
Giza pyramids.png Giza Pyramid Complex Babylon Aigyptou (536), 埃及的国旗 埃及 Gw effect overlord boost.png Subject Relations Traditions IV:
  • Tribute income.png +50% Tribute Income
  • Tributary opinion of us.png +25 Subject Opinion of Us
  • Subject loyalty.png +10 Loyalty of Subject States
Hanging gardens of babylon.png Gardens of Babylon Babylon (918), 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国 Gw effect civic science doctrine.png Civic Research Doctrine IV:
  • Statesmanship +0.10% Monthly Statesmanship
  • Civic tech investment.png +25% Civic Tech Investment
Halicarnassus mausoleum.png Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Halikarnassos (1981), 哈利卡耳那索斯的国旗 哈利卡耳那索斯 Gw effect for the masses.png For The Masses IV:
  • Unintegrated culture group happiness +5% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness
Stonehenge.png Stonehenge Cunetio (2012), 多朋尼亚的国旗 多朋尼亚 Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations IV:
  • Omen.png +20% Omen Power
Ay khanum.png Ay Khanum Oskobara (6694), 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚 Gw effect for the masses.png For The Masses IV:
  • Unintegrated culture group happiness +5% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness
Hellenistic World Flavor Pack
Sigiriya.png Sigiriya Avakana (6978), 阿㝹罗陀补罗的国旗 阿㝹罗陀补罗 Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations IV:
  • Omen.png +20% Omen Power
Taxila university.png Taxila Taxila (7314), 孔雀的国旗 孔雀 Gw effect religious science doctrine.png Religious Research Doctrine IV:
  • Stability.png +0.08 Monthly Stability Change
  • Religious tech investment.png +25% Religious Tech Investment
Refers to the University of Taxila
Dodona oracle.png Oracle of Dodona Dodona (425), 伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations IV:
  • Omen.png +20% Omen Power
Epirus Flavor Pack Can be built through the unique 伊庇鲁斯的国旗  Epirote decision Expand the Oracle of Dodona
Library of alexandria.png Library of Alexandria Alexandreia (516), 埃及的国旗 埃及 Gw effect oratory science doctrine.png Oratory Research Doctrine IV:
  • Oratory tech investment.png +25% Oratory Tech Investment
Hellenistic World Flavor Pack Can be built through the unique Hellenistic culture group decision A Temple to the Muses, available to the owner of Alexandreia (埃及的国旗 埃及 at start)
Lighthouse of alexandria.png Lighthouse of Alexandria Alexandreia (516), 埃及的国旗 埃及 Gw effect strong admirals.png Honored Admirals IV:
  • Naval morale.png +5% Morale of Navies
  • Naval morale.png +8% Navy Morale Recovery
  • Admiral loyalty +12 Loyalty of Admirals
Can be built through the Pharos Lighthouse decision, available to the owner of Alexandreia (埃及的国旗 埃及 at start)

Occupies the secondary wonder slot, so it can co-exist with the Library of Alexandria or a normal wonder

Colossus of rhodes.png Colossus of Rhodes Rhodos (266), 罗得斯的国旗 罗得斯 Gw effect strong admirals.png Honored Admirals IV:
  • Naval morale.png +5% Morale of Navies
  • Naval morale.png +8% Navy Morale Recovery
  • Admiral loyalty +12 Loyalty of Admirals
Can be built through the unique 罗得斯的国旗  Rhodian decision Colossus of Rhodes

Occupies the secondary wonder slot, so it can co-exist with the Acropolis of Rhodes or a normal wonder

Stonehenge.png The Living Rock of Stonehenge N/A Gw effect omen doctrine.png Omen Observations IV:
  • Omen.png +20% Omen Power
Can be built in a random owned territory through the Stonehenge events, which can very rarely trigger for any non-AI controlled country.


[[File:{{{en}}}.{{{extension}}}|64px|An Unexpected Turn的图标]]

An Unexpected Turn

As Grania, Raumaricia, Suionia, Leuonia, Guthonia, Dania or Burgundia, build an Ivory Tower in Uppakra with all effects upgraded to Tier 4.
[[File:{{{en}}}.{{{extension}}}|64px|Wonder Builder的图标]]

Wonder Builder

Build a Great Wonder.
[[File:{{{en}}}.{{{extension}}}|64px|The Great Destroyer的图标]]

The Great Destroyer

Playing as any nation from the Veneti, Germanic, Pretani, Gaelic, Gallic, Celt-Iberian, Iberian or Pre-Indo-European culture groups, conquer and destroy 10 Great Wonders.
[[File:{{{en}}}.{{{extension}}}|64px|On the Measure of the Earth的图标]]

On the Measure of the Earth

As any Greek nation, build Towers in Omboi and Alexandria.
[[File:{{{en}}}.{{{extension}}}|64px|The Corners of the World的图标]]

The Corners of the World

As any nation, build Great Wonders in Safim, Orcades, Sadiya, Odoka and Agawe.


  1. Note that these modifiers affect construction speed, not construction time as the tooltip indicates.

国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置