(同步到官方百科12:27, 21 May 2019 109.*.*.43) |
(同步到官方wiki,并翻译了一部分) |
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[[File:Character view.png|thumb|500px|The character view, provides ways to interact with character as well as showing summary view of family, rivals and friends.]] | [[File:Character view.png|thumb|500px|The character view, provides ways to interact with character as well as showing summary view of family, rivals and friends.]] | ||
除[[ 人口]] 之外,《英白拉多:罗马》中还定义了独特的''' 人物''' 。'' 英白拉多'' 中人物的设定非常详细,它和人口以及政治一起构成了这个充满活力的世界。世界上分布着很多不同的民族,由此决定了各个人物的相貌,他们的相貌还会随着年龄增长而变老。人物会担任国家的职务,以统治者、政府成员、总督和将军的身份来服务国家,但他们也拥有变化无常的{{icon|loyalty}}忠诚度。所以必须保持他们的忠诚或是让其受到制约,以免当他们变得不满时调动大量资源进行内战。 | |||
== | == 姓名== | ||
人物有 | 每个 人物 都 有 一个通常用来标识他们的姓名,姓名的一部分是在出生时指定的个人名,一部分是从人物的父母处继承的家族名,还有一部分则是在他人生的经历中获得的昵称 。 一个角色的名字可以分为四部分,通常按以下结构排列 : | ||
'''[个人名]''' '''[Regnal Number]''' '''[昵称]''' '''[家族名]''' | |||
拉丁文化 人物 使用特殊 的 命名系统以反映罗马 人的 命名习惯,其中家族名(昵称)排在最后,而女性则使用简化姓名 。 拉丁文化男性人物使用以下命名结构: | |||
'''[个人名]''' '''[Regnal Number]''' '''[家族名]''' '''[昵称]''' | |||
拉丁文化女性 人物 使用 以 下命名结构: | |||
'''[家族名]''' '''[个 人 名 (数字)]''' '''[Regnal Number]''' '''[昵称]''' | |||
=== 个 人 名 === | |||
A character's primary name is their '''given name''', or '''praenomen''', which is assigned at birth (or when created) and is usually randomly chosen from a list of names determined by the character's culture group, but can also be manually set or changed for children born to the current {{icon|ruler}} ruler. This is the main name that characters are usually referred to by. | |||
* | Italic female characters are not assigned a usual praenomen. Instead, they are given a Latin '''number''' based on their order of birth, with the first daughter being "Prima", the second being "Secunda", the third being "Tertia", and so forth. Their given name is also placed after the family name, unlike with Italic male characters. | ||
=== 家族名 === | |||
When a character is born, he or she will typically take on the '''family name''' of his or her father, identifying the family that the character comes fsrom. Depending on the culture, the family name may differ slightly between male and female forms. Children of minor characters will not receive a family name, and are known only by their given names. | |||
==特质== | Randomly generated minor characters will instead take a random name from the family name list of their culture group. Due to the relatively small number of possible family names for many culture groups, it is common to see unrelated characters with the same family name. | ||
特质可分为以下四类: | |||
* 个性特质——This includes being Brave or Coward, Cruel or Merciful. These impacts the character attributes and stats directly, as well as... | === 昵称 === | ||
* 军事特质——Usually a character has a maximum of one of those, that may give a bonus or penalty. | {{main|Cognomen}} | ||
* 健康特质——Stressed, Maimed, Lunatic etc. Not beneficial to the character in most cases. | Characters may gain a '''nickname''' or '''cognomen''' (for Italic-cultured characters) that references one of the characteristics or accomplishments, typically given to victorious {{icon|office}} generals after a triumph or granted to a {{icon|office}} governor, as well as through certain events. Characters of the Italic culture group have a more sophisticated system where cognomen can be gained when reaching adulthood and inherited from father to son, as well as being placed at the end of the name. | ||
* 身份特质——Some exceptional traits that can be given from actions, like Conqueror. | |||
A character can only have one nickname at a time; if a character acquires a new nickname, the old one will be removed. | |||
=== 个性特质 === | |||
=== Regnal Number === | |||
Rulers of [[monarchy|monarchies]] have a '''regnal number''' that distinguishes them from previous (and future) monarchs with the same name. Regnal numbers are in Roman numerals and usually counted starting from the beginning of the game, with the starting ruler receiving the regnal number '''I''', though certain countries start with with a list of already used regnal names and numbers to ensure a historical naming scheme. | |||
==属性== | |||
每个角色都有很多项属性,这些属性决定了他们 的 技能情况以及在各种领域下能发挥出 的 效果 。 | |||
===主要属 性=== | |||
{{Main| 属性}} | |||
4项主要属性代表了 人物 担任公职和统治国家所需的最重要方面 的 技能和能力 。 主要属性大部分是固定的,除非人物受到严重伤害,否则人物在成年后主要属性通常不会有太大变化 。 | |||
* {{icon|Martial}} '''军略'''(Martial)军略代表人物战斗和领导军队的能力。具有高军略技能的人物可以成为优秀的将军。 | |||
* {{icon|Finesse}} '''智略'''(Finesse)代表人物在需要高度关注细节方面的技能。高智略人物可以成为优秀的总督。 | |||
* {{icon|Charisma}} '''魅力'''(Charisma ) 魅力代表 人物 吸引和说服他 人的 能力 。 与外国交涉时,高魅力 人物 常常具有优势 。 | |||
* {{icon|Zeal}} '''热忱'''(Zeal)代表人物鼓舞他人信念 的 能力 , 也是召唤诸神恩宠的能力 。 | |||
===次要数值=== | |||
这些值 都 是动态的(即它们是累 积 的,这意味着它们可以随着时间增长和收缩): | |||
* {{icon|health}} '''健康'''(Health)状态的范围为0到100,并且会因为各种特质而增加或减少 。 如果人物的健康减少到0,则该人物将会死亡。使用'''寻求治疗'''人物互动能增加人物的健康度,但也有对其造成永久伤害的风险。 | |||
* {{icon|statesmanship}} '''政治家才能''' (Statesmanship)代表了人物在政府事务中的经验。它能通过长期担当职务以及高的{{icon|finesse}}智略属性和一些特性来增加,并决定人物的属性能多有效的应用在职务上。 | |||
* {{icon|prominence}} '''名望'''(Prominence)表示人物的名声。工作和头衔有助于吸引公众注意。显赫的人物很可能结婚生子。 | |||
* {{icon|popularity}} '''人气'''(Popularity)是衡量民众如何看待一个人物的指标。在共和国,高人气的人物更有可能当选共和国领导人,即使是君主政体也不能忽视受欢迎的人物。 | |||
* {{icon|loyalty}} '''忠诚'''(Loyalty)是衡量人物对国家忠诚度的指标。与忠诚的人物相比,不忠诚的人物更容易为统治者带来问题。然而,即使是最忠诚的人物也有其局限性。 | |||
* {{icon|corruption}} '''腐败'''(Corruption)是衡量人物从事卑鄙行径意愿的指标。贪婪、贿赂和违反法规与高腐败值密切相关。 | |||
* {{icon|holding}} '''[[地产]]'''为人物提供了收入以及权力基础,通常集中在家族族长手上。 | |||
* {{icon|wealth}} '''财富'''(Wealth)是衡量人物所拥有个人财富的指标。人物会在一生中积累和花费财富。富有的人物可以利用他们的财富来提升人气,赢得朋友。 | |||
每个人物都能积累金钱。 | |||
* {{icon|power base}} '''权力基础'''(Power Base) 代表人物在国家中的影响力,可以通过许多不同来源积累,例如职务、地产、指挥下忠诚的大队数量、家族威望(只适用于家族族长)等等。 | |||
* [[File:Election term.png|28px]] '''继承支持'''(Succession Support)决定在当前统治者去世后谁能成为统治者。计算方式取决于政体。[[君主制]]完全由家族关系情况决定,[[共和制]]则由人物的人气、名望、家族威望以及派系支持决定,[[部落制]]由人物属性决定。 | |||
* [[File:Party civic.png|24px]] [[File:Party mercantile.png|24px]] [[File:Party military.png|24px]] [[File:Party religious.png|24px]] [[File:Party populist.png|24px]] '''派系信念''': In a republic, every adult character has a predilection for each of the 5 senatorial factions. The current value is the sum of the total accumulated predilection so far. The amount gained (or lost) per month depends on the character's primary attributes and in case of the mercantile faction on his personal wealth as well. | |||
==关系== | |||
大部分人物将与其他人物产生各种不同的关系,可能是通过血缘和婚姻产生,也可能是通过人物互动发展而成。这些关系对于确定人物之间如何互动非常重要,而和统治者的关系对于{{icon|loyalty}}忠诚度和国家内部的运作极其重要。 | |||
=== 配偶 === | |||
{{see also|Consort}} | |||
每个成年人物可以有一个异性的'''配偶'''。尽管在一些事件中会出现私生子,但人物通常只会和配偶一起生育子女,而未婚的人物不会有小孩。玩家控制的统治者家族角色可以通过'''安排联姻'''人物互动来结婚。除非启用了继承法中的[[Laws#Succession_Law|埃及继承法]],否则不允许近亲家庭成员(父母,兄弟姐妹,子女和孙子女)之间的婚姻。 | |||
在[[君主制]]国家里,配偶的选择尤为重要,因为配偶是个政府职务,如果配偶的[[属性]]比统治者的高将会对统治者相应的属性产生协助。 | |||
=== 亲属 === | |||
人物的'''亲属'''由其家族关系决定,其父母、兄弟姐妹和子女直接显示在人物界面中。在[[君主制]]中人物的亲属关系很重要,其中继承是由家庭关系决定的,具体取决于[[Laws#Succession_Law|继承法]]。统治者的亲密家庭成员——父母,兄弟姐妹,子女和孙子女,即使不是统治者的家族,都可以通过'''安排联姻'''人物互动来结婚。 | |||
=== 朋友 === | |||
每个人物都可以有一定数量的'''朋友''',最大数量由'''好友上限'''决定。朋友之间往往会互相忠诚以及支持,例如在[[内战中]],如果人物和统治者友好一般会支持政府,但如果发动叛乱的是他的朋友,则会在内战中倒向叛军。 | |||
统治者的朋友得到以下修正: | |||
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.01}} 月度家族威望 | |||
* [[File:Law_agnatic.png|28px]] {{green|+50}} 第一继承人吸引力 | |||
* {{icon|loyalty}} {{green|+15}} 忠诚度 | |||
此外,在[[共和国]]中统治者与党派领袖成为朋友将增加其派系在{{icon|senate influence}}元老院的支持度。因此,对于统治者来说与国内有权势的人物(例如家族族长、强势的将军和总督)交朋友会非常有用。特别是与家族族长交朋友会让你更有机会剥夺他们最具价值的地产,以减少他们的收入和权力基础。 | |||
两国统治者之间如果是朋友关系将使两国之间相互的{{icon|opinion}}好感度增加{{green|25}},这有助于进行外交行动。如果统治者与外国人成为朋友,可以以增加{{icon|aggressive expansion}}侵略性扩张为代价将其招募至自己国家。 | |||
统治者可以使用'''交朋友'''人物互动来尝试与另一人物交朋友,前提是对方有空余的好友位。当您开始尝试与某个人物成为朋友时,将会出现几个事件,事件的每个选项提供不同的交友进度,你需要满足以下任一项来完成交友: | |||
* 2次极大的关系改善 | |||
* 3次明显的关系改善 | |||
* 1次极大的关系改善, 1次明显的关系改善, 1次稍微的关系改善 | |||
这个过程可能会花费多达100金币或5000人力抑或增加5点暴政度。 | |||
可以随时通过'''移除好友'''人物互动来结束一段友谊。 | |||
=== 仇敌 === | |||
每个角色可以有一定数量的'''仇敌''',最大数量由'''仇敌上限'''决定。仇敌之间互相厌恶,并会倾向于采取攻击性的行动来反对对方,甚至包括暗杀。 | |||
统治者的仇敌得到以下修正: | |||
* {{icon|prestige}} {{red|-0.10}} 月度家族威望 | |||
* [[File:Law_agnatic.png|28px]] {{red|-25}} 第一继承人吸引力 | |||
* [[File:Monthly wage on character modifier.png|28px]] {{green|-10%}} 月度工资 | |||
* {{icon|loyalty}} {{red|-10}} 忠诚度 | |||
仇敌对忠诚度的影响没有朋友大,但还是建议一般不要与有权势的角色成为仇敌。 | |||
如果两个国家的统治者是仇敌,会给两国之间造成{{icon|opinion}}{{red|-50}}好感度,这将大大减弱两国关系。 | |||
除了因为事件成为仇敌之外,统治者可以通过'''宣布仇敌'''人物互动将另一人物设为仇敌,如果对方是国内人物会花费统治者{{icon|popularity}} {{red|5}}人气,如果对方是外国统治者则需要和对方国家好感度低于0,并且无需花费人气。 | |||
可以随时通过'''移除仇敌'''人物互动来结束与一个国内人物的敌对关系,这需要花费{{icon|pol}} {{red|30}}政治影响力。要移除国外统治者仇敌,则需要和对方国家的好感度高于0. | |||
== Family == | |||
{{SVersion|1.4}} | |||
Most characters in a country are part of a '''major family'''. Members of a family are usually related to each other and children will inherit the family of their primary parent (usually the father), but it is also possible for characters to join a major family through adoption. | |||
Characters in a major family will automatically marry shortly after they reach adulthood, with the main exception of the ruling family of a player-controlled country. Members of the ruling family will never marry except through the Arrange Marriage interaction; as only close relatives of the ruler can marry using this interaction, this means that more distantly related family members will generally not marry. This is generally most problematic in [[monarchy|monarchies]] as the ruling family rotates in [[republic]]s and [[tribal|tribes]], and means that without intervention, the ruling family will typically shrink to become much smaller than the other families, limiting the talent pool that can be drawn from when giving out [[position]]s to appease the ruling family. This can be dealt with either by constantly adopting promising minor characters or marrying close relatives, particularly sisters, daughters, or granddaughters to more distantly related members of the family to ensure they reproduce. | |||
Characters that are part of the ruling family get {{icon|prominence}} {{green|+0.01}} monthly prominence and [[File:Law_agnatic.png|28px]] {{green|+10}} primary heir attraction. | |||
=== Expected number of positions === | |||
{{main|Position#Mechanics}} | |||
Major families expect to have their members hold a certain proportion of all currently held assignable positions in order to be '''content'''. Any family that does not hold its expected number of positions is considered {{icon|scorned}} {{red|scorned}}, which gives a significant loyalty malus, while a family that instead holds at least double the number of expected positions is {{icon|grateful}} {{green|grateful}}, which gives a number of bonuses. Ensuring that all families are content, even if this requires appointing less-skilled but more politically connected characters to important positions, is an important part of character and family management. | |||
=== Family prestige === | |||
{{icon|prestige}} Every family has an associated '''prestige''' value, which represents how prominent the family has been throughout the country's history. Prestige is accumulated passively from all the [[position]]s, wealth and cohorts controlled by the family's members; prestige can also be increased from various events. The primary effect of prestige is to increase the modifiers given to the head of the family based on how much prestige the family has compared to all the other families, with the most important modifier being {{icon|power base}} power base. {{icon|apotheosis}} Apotheosis with the {{icon|mgr}} Magna Graecia DLC also requires the family of the deified ruler to have at least {{icon|prestige}} '''800''' prestige. | |||
=== Head of family === | |||
Each major family has a '''head''', usually the oldest member of the family; the main exception is the ruling family of [[monarchy|monarchies]], which is always helmed by the ruler. The head of each major family gets the following modifiers for each percentage of the total {{icon|prestige}}family prestige in the country that the family has: | |||
* {{icon|prominence}} {{green|+0.25}} Prominence | |||
* {{icon|power base}} {{green|+1.2}} Power Base | |||
* {{icon|loyalty gain chance}} {{red|+0.001%}} Loyalty Gain Chance | |||
{{icon|clan chiefs}} [[Clan chief]]s in [[tribal]] nations have a somewhat different set of modifiers. | |||
Additionally, all [[holding]]s pass to the head of the family when a character dies, which means that heads of families tend to have the highest {{icon|wealth}} wealth and {{icon|power base}} power base in the country, even before considering positions. It is therefore dangerous to appoint them as governors or generals, as the {{icon|loyalty}} loyalty impact of their very high power base means that it will be difficult to keep them consistently loyal. Appointing them as a [[researcher]] or to a government [[office]] is recommended if they need to be given a position, as those do not increase power base. | |||
When a country is conquered or annexed, three family heads from the conquered state can be invited to join the conqueror's court as minor characters. All other characters will be executed or disappear into obscurity. | |||
=== Number of families === | |||
The maximum number of major families in a country depends on its [[country rank|rank]], ranging from 3 for {{icon|city state}} City States and {{icon|local power}} Local Powers to 5 for {{icon|great power}} Great Powers. In tribes, the number of families is instead the number of {{icon|clan chiefs}} [[clan chief]]s, which is generally the same as the number of families for other government forms, except for {{icon|major power}} Major Powers. | |||
If the number of major families is less than the maximum - usually after rising in rank - then an [[Rise of the family events#family_events.1|event]] will trigger creating a new family from one of the 3 most powerful minor characters in the country. Similarly, if the number of major families is higher than the maximum, then one of them will [[Rise of the family events#family_events.2|fall from grace]] and all of its members will be demoted to minor characters. | |||
=== Minor characters === | |||
Characters that are not part of a major family are considered '''minor characters'''. Minor characters do not have a family head and do not benefit from the effects of {{icon|prestige}} family prestige, which generally means that they are unlikely to accumulate a large {{icon|power base}} unless granted a particularly large army or region to govern. They will also not marry automatically and usually do not have a family, although it is possible to manually marry relatives of the ruler to them like with any other unmarried adult character. | |||
Minor characters will automatically appear in the court from time to time and might be of any existing [[culture]] or [[religion]] in the country, though they will still generally be of the primary culture and religion. They can be adopted into the ruling family at any time at the cost of {{icon|prestige}} {{red|25}} family prestige; other families may also adopt minor characters if their size becomes too small. | |||
==官职== | |||
{{main|Position}} | |||
人物能被给予各种各样的{{icon|position}}'''职位'''。不仅是一个国家的统治者,他们还能被指派去治理一个省份、指挥一支军队、进行研究或在政府中给予一个职位。有些国家允许妇女担任官职,有些国家则不允许。人物根据他们的特质和属性以及所处职位来获得{{icon|wealth}}工资,{{icon|prominence}}名望以及{{icon|power base}}权力基础。显赫家族总是希望在国内拥有一定比例的职位,如果给予的职务数达到他们期望数量的两倍,他们将会不胜感激。管理持有职位人物的家族成员比例、忠诚度和能力是确保国家内部稳定犯繁荣的重要因素。 | |||
政府中的职位包括: | |||
* 统治者 | |||
* 共治者或配偶 | |||
* 政府部门职务 | |||
* 总督 | |||
* 陆军将领 | |||
* 海军将领 | |||
==特质== | |||
特质可分为以下四类: | |||
* 个性特质——This includes being Brave or Coward, Cruel or Merciful. These impacts the character attributes and stats directly, as well as... | |||
* 军事特质——Usually a character has a maximum of one of those, that may give a bonus or penalty. | |||
* 健康特质——Stressed, Maimed, Lunatic etc. Not beneficial to the character in most cases. | |||
* 身份特质——Some exceptional traits that can be given from actions, like Conqueror. | |||
=== 个性特质 === | |||
{{hatnote|现行汉化名称有个别重复,以英文名相对照。}} | {{hatnote|现行汉化名称有个别重复,以英文名相对照。}} | ||
{| class="mildtable" | {| class="mildtable" | ||
第1,374行: | 第1,506行: | ||
|} | |} | ||
== | == 权力基础== | ||
{{SVersion|1.4}} | |||
权力基础代表 人物 在国内 的 影响力。具有强大权力基础 且 不忠诚 的人物 可能 会 引发[[内战]] 。 权力基础 的 来源为: | |||
* 统治者 {{green|+2.00}} | |||
** 首都地区规模 ( 统治者 兼 任 总督) | |||
* 党派领袖 {{green|+2.00}} | |||
* 公 职 {{green|+2.00}} | |||
* 研究员 {{green|+2.00}} | |||
* 总督 {{green|+2.00}} | |||
** 总督辖区规模 | |||
* 家族族长 ({{green|+[(家族威望)/(全部显赫家族总威望)]*100}}) | |||
* | * 忠诚的大队 | ||
* | * 指挥船只 | ||
* | * 忠诚的老兵 | ||
* | * 指挥大队 | ||
* | * 地产 | ||
==互动== | ==互动== | ||
第1,439行: | 第1,568行: | ||
| {{ruby|诋毁声誉|Smear Character}} || Reduces the popularity of a character. | | {{ruby|诋毁声誉|Smear Character}} || Reduces the popularity of a character. | ||
|} | |} | ||
===How to recruit foreign characters=== | |||
[[File:Diplo_characters_view.png|thumb|500px]] | |||
# Open the diplomacy view of another country and click View Characters on the right. | |||
# If the character's loyalty is above 70, use Inspire Disloyalty to lower it. | |||
# Befriend them using the Make Friend interaction. | |||
# Recruit them and Grant Citizenship so you can assign them to a job. | |||
You can only recruit a character who is: | |||
* below 70 loyalty | |||
* your friend | |||
* not a ruler or the primary heir | |||
* not a governor, general or admiral | |||
== 参考资料 == | == 参考资料 == |
2020年9月5日 (六) 12:48的版本
[个人名] [Regnal Number] [昵称] [家族名]
[个人名] [Regnal Number] [家族名] [昵称]
[家族名] [个人名 (数字)] [Regnal Number] [昵称]
A character's primary name is their given name, or praenomen, which is assigned at birth (or when created) and is usually randomly chosen from a list of names determined by the character's culture group, but can also be manually set or changed for children born to the current ruler. This is the main name that characters are usually referred to by.
Italic female characters are not assigned a usual praenomen. Instead, they are given a Latin number based on their order of birth, with the first daughter being "Prima", the second being "Secunda", the third being "Tertia", and so forth. Their given name is also placed after the family name, unlike with Italic male characters.
When a character is born, he or she will typically take on the family name of his or her father, identifying the family that the character comes fsrom. Depending on the culture, the family name may differ slightly between male and female forms. Children of minor characters will not receive a family name, and are known only by their given names.
Randomly generated minor characters will instead take a random name from the family name list of their culture group. Due to the relatively small number of possible family names for many culture groups, it is common to see unrelated characters with the same family name.
- 主条目:Cognomen
Characters may gain a nickname or cognomen (for Italic-cultured characters) that references one of the characteristics or accomplishments, typically given to victorious generals after a triumph or granted to a governor, as well as through certain events. Characters of the Italic culture group have a more sophisticated system where cognomen can be gained when reaching adulthood and inherited from father to son, as well as being placed at the end of the name.
A character can only have one nickname at a time; if a character acquires a new nickname, the old one will be removed.
Regnal Number
Rulers of monarchies have a regnal number that distinguishes them from previous (and future) monarchs with the same name. Regnal numbers are in Roman numerals and usually counted starting from the beginning of the game, with the starting ruler receiving the regnal number I, though certain countries start with with a list of already used regnal names and numbers to ensure a historical naming scheme.
- 主条目:属性
- 军略(Martial)军略代表人物战斗和领导军队的能力。具有高军略技能的人物可以成为优秀的将军。
- 智略(Finesse)代表人物在需要高度关注细节方面的技能。高智略人物可以成为优秀的总督。
- 魅力(Charisma)魅力代表人物吸引和说服他人的能力。与外国交涉时,高魅力人物常常具有优势。
- 热忱(Zeal)代表人物鼓舞他人信念的能力,也是召唤诸神恩宠的能力。
- 健康(Health)状态的范围为0到100,并且会因为各种特质而增加或减少。如果人物的健康减少到0,则该人物将会死亡。使用寻求治疗人物互动能增加人物的健康度,但也有对其造成永久伤害的风险。
- 政治家才能 (Statesmanship)代表了人物在政府事务中的经验。它能通过长期担当职务以及高的智略属性和一些特性来增加,并决定人物的属性能多有效的应用在职务上。
- 名望(Prominence)表示人物的名声。工作和头衔有助于吸引公众注意。显赫的人物很可能结婚生子。
- 人气(Popularity)是衡量民众如何看待一个人物的指标。在共和国,高人气的人物更有可能当选共和国领导人,即使是君主政体也不能忽视受欢迎的人物。
- 忠诚(Loyalty)是衡量人物对国家忠诚度的指标。与忠诚的人物相比,不忠诚的人物更容易为统治者带来问题。然而,即使是最忠诚的人物也有其局限性。
- 腐败(Corruption)是衡量人物从事卑鄙行径意愿的指标。贪婪、贿赂和违反法规与高腐败值密切相关。
- 地产为人物提供了收入以及权力基础,通常集中在家族族长手上。
- 财富(Wealth)是衡量人物所拥有个人财富的指标。人物会在一生中积累和花费财富。富有的人物可以利用他们的财富来提升人气,赢得朋友。
- 权力基础(Power Base) 代表人物在国家中的影响力,可以通过许多不同来源积累,例如职务、地产、指挥下忠诚的大队数量、家族威望(只适用于家族族长)等等。
- 继承支持(Succession Support)决定在当前统治者去世后谁能成为统治者。计算方式取决于政体。君主制完全由家族关系情况决定,共和制则由人物的人气、名望、家族威望以及派系支持决定,部落制由人物属性决定。
- 派系信念: In a republic, every adult character has a predilection for each of the 5 senatorial factions. The current value is the sum of the total accumulated predilection so far. The amount gained (or lost) per month depends on the character's primary attributes and in case of the mercantile faction on his personal wealth as well.
- 参见:Consort
- 2次极大的关系改善
- 3次明显的关系改善
- 1次极大的关系改善, 1次明显的关系改善, 1次稍微的关系改善
除了因为事件成为仇敌之外,统治者可以通过宣布仇敌人物互动将另一人物设为仇敌,如果对方是国内人物会花费统治者 5人气,如果对方是外国统治者则需要和对方国家好感度低于0,并且无需花费人气。
可以随时通过移除仇敌人物互动来结束与一个国内人物的敌对关系,这需要花费 30政治影响力。要移除国外统治者仇敌,则需要和对方国家的好感度高于0.
这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.4。 |
Most characters in a country are part of a major family. Members of a family are usually related to each other and children will inherit the family of their primary parent (usually the father), but it is also possible for characters to join a major family through adoption.
Characters in a major family will automatically marry shortly after they reach adulthood, with the main exception of the ruling family of a player-controlled country. Members of the ruling family will never marry except through the Arrange Marriage interaction; as only close relatives of the ruler can marry using this interaction, this means that more distantly related family members will generally not marry. This is generally most problematic in monarchies as the ruling family rotates in republics and tribes, and means that without intervention, the ruling family will typically shrink to become much smaller than the other families, limiting the talent pool that can be drawn from when giving out positions to appease the ruling family. This can be dealt with either by constantly adopting promising minor characters or marrying close relatives, particularly sisters, daughters, or granddaughters to more distantly related members of the family to ensure they reproduce.
Characters that are part of the ruling family get +0.01 monthly prominence and +10 primary heir attraction.
Expected number of positions
Major families expect to have their members hold a certain proportion of all currently held assignable positions in order to be content. Any family that does not hold its expected number of positions is considered scorned, which gives a significant loyalty malus, while a family that instead holds at least double the number of expected positions is grateful, which gives a number of bonuses. Ensuring that all families are content, even if this requires appointing less-skilled but more politically connected characters to important positions, is an important part of character and family management.
Family prestige
Every family has an associated prestige value, which represents how prominent the family has been throughout the country's history. Prestige is accumulated passively from all the positions, wealth and cohorts controlled by the family's members; prestige can also be increased from various events. The primary effect of prestige is to increase the modifiers given to the head of the family based on how much prestige the family has compared to all the other families, with the most important modifier being power base. Apotheosis with the Magna Graecia DLC also requires the family of the deified ruler to have at least 800 prestige.
Head of family
Each major family has a head, usually the oldest member of the family; the main exception is the ruling family of monarchies, which is always helmed by the ruler. The head of each major family gets the following modifiers for each percentage of the total family prestige in the country that the family has:
Clan chiefs in tribal nations have a somewhat different set of modifiers.
Additionally, all holdings pass to the head of the family when a character dies, which means that heads of families tend to have the highest wealth and power base in the country, even before considering positions. It is therefore dangerous to appoint them as governors or generals, as the loyalty impact of their very high power base means that it will be difficult to keep them consistently loyal. Appointing them as a researcher or to a government office is recommended if they need to be given a position, as those do not increase power base.
When a country is conquered or annexed, three family heads from the conquered state can be invited to join the conqueror's court as minor characters. All other characters will be executed or disappear into obscurity.
Number of families
The maximum number of major families in a country depends on its rank, ranging from 3 for City States and Local Powers to 5 for Great Powers. In tribes, the number of families is instead the number of clan chiefs, which is generally the same as the number of families for other government forms, except for Major Powers.
If the number of major families is less than the maximum - usually after rising in rank - then an event will trigger creating a new family from one of the 3 most powerful minor characters in the country. Similarly, if the number of major families is higher than the maximum, then one of them will fall from grace and all of its members will be demoted to minor characters.
Minor characters
Characters that are not part of a major family are considered minor characters. Minor characters do not have a family head and do not benefit from the effects of family prestige, which generally means that they are unlikely to accumulate a large unless granted a particularly large army or region to govern. They will also not marry automatically and usually do not have a family, although it is possible to manually marry relatives of the ruler to them like with any other unmarried adult character.
Minor characters will automatically appear in the court from time to time and might be of any existing culture or religion in the country, though they will still generally be of the primary culture and religion. They can be adopted into the ruling family at any time at the cost of 25 family prestige; other families may also adopt minor characters if their size becomes too small.
- 主条目:Position
- 统治者
- 共治者或配偶
- 政府部门职务
- 总督
- 陆军将领
- 海军将领
- 个性特质——This includes being Brave or Coward, Cruel or Merciful. These impacts the character attributes and stats directly, as well as...
- 军事特质——Usually a character has a maximum of one of those, that may give a bonus or penalty.
- 健康特质——Stressed, Maimed, Lunatic etc. Not beneficial to the character in most cases.
- 身份特质——Some exceptional traits that can be given from actions, like Conqueror.
- 现行汉化名称有个别重复,以英文名相对照。
身份特质(Status traits)代表人物当前的活动、生活方式、声誉或家业。
这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.4。 |
- 统治者 +2.00
- 首都地区规模 (统治者兼任总督)
- 党派领袖 +2.00
- 公职 +2.00
- 研究员 +2.00
- 总督 +2.00
- 总督辖区规模
- 家族族长 (+[(家族威望)/(全部显赫家族总威望)]*100)
- 忠诚的大队
- 指挥船只
- 忠诚的老兵
- 指挥大队
- 地产
There are lots of different interactions you can do with and on your characters, including arranging marriages, bribe them, loan from them, or even sacrifice them if your religions so permit and desire. Interactions can cost powers or gold.
互动 | 描述 |
Can be done to a ruler in a republic when at war or during a civil war. This will allow him to do any diplomatic or character interaction without the Senate interfering, at least until the end of the war. | |
Foreign characters can be attempted to assassinate. | |
Forces a previously imprisoned character to leave the country. | |
Increases the loyalty of a character. | |
Kills a character. | |
Increases loyalty and corruption if the character is a governor. | |
Costs money and increases the popularity of the current ruler. | |
Imprisons a character. | |
Reduces the loyalty and increases the corruption of a foreign character. | |
Loans money from a wealthy character. They will want it back later, however. | |
Works if the ruler and target are different genders and are both unmarried. | |
Gets a foreign character to leave their nation and work for you. | |
Gets a foreign general to leave their nation with their army and join you. | |
Releases a character from prison. | |
Repays a loan taken from a character. | |
Some religions allow you to sacrifice prisoners of war, making your tribesmen happy and productive and allowing you to stay tribal. | |
Increases the health of a character. | |
Convince a governor to join your cause. | |
Reduces the popularity of a character. |
How to recruit foreign characters
- Open the diplomacy view of another country and click View Characters on the right.
- If the character's loyalty is above 70, use Inspire Disloyalty to lower it.
- Befriend them using the Make Friend interaction.
- Recruit them and Grant Citizenship so you can assign them to a job.
You can only recruit a character who is:
- below 70 loyalty
- your friend
- not a ruler or the primary heir
- not a governor, general or admiral