
自由之民讨论 | 贡献2019年4月19日 (五) 19:03的版本 →‎参考资料

Power is a measure of a ruler's influence and ability to govern.

There are four types of power, each corresponding to a character attribute:

  • Military power.png Military Power represents the 'virtus' of a ruler and is based on their martial attribute. Military power is used to get new military traditions, inspiring 'devotio' and to activate unique unit abilities.
  • Civic power.png Civic Power represents the 'gravitas' of a ruler and is based on their finesse attribute. Civic power is used to get inventions, set up trade routes and relocate pops.
  • Oratory power.png Oratory Power represents the ‘dignitas’ of a ruler and is based on their charisma attribute. Oratory power is used to fabricate claims, improve relations, enact laws and endorse parties.
  • Religious power.png Religious Power represents the ‘pietas’ of a ruler and is based on their zeal attribute. Religious power is used to increase stability, convert pops and call omens.

Technology progress is not dependent on power but instead on citizens output.


国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置