
第9行: 第9行:
The number of active national ideas depends on the country's government type. As a rule, tribal governments can have two national ideas, while the more advanced government forms, like republics and monarchies, can have three (though there are exceptions to this rule).
The number of active national ideas depends on the country's government type. As a rule, tribal governments can have two national ideas, while the more advanced government forms, like republics and monarchies, can have three (though there are exceptions to this rule).

Each government in the game comes with a base bonus specific to that government. There is also a secondary bonus for each government, that is unlocked if the picked ideas correspond what is expected by that government form.
Each government in the game comes with a base bonus specific to that government. There is also a secondary bonus for each government, that is unlocked if the picked ideas correspond what is expected by that government form.

For example, in the screenshot Carthage is an ''oligarchic republic''. This means that they can pick two civic ideas and one oratory idea, to receive their additional bonus. For Rome, which starts as an ''aristocratic republic'', this means it needs two military ideas and one civic idea to get the additional bonus.
For example, in the screenshot Carthage is an [[Government#Republics|Oligarchic Republic]]. This means that they can pick two civic ideas and one oratory idea, to receive their additional bonus.
For Rome, which starts as an [[Government#Republics|Aristocratic Republic]], this means it needs two military ideas and one civic idea to get the additional bonus.
The Government bonus of each type of government can be found in the [[Government#Government_Types|Government Types]] page.

== 理念 ==
== 理念 ==

2019年5月6日 (一) 00:18的版本

The government tab containing the national ideas sub-section.

Much like in its predecessor, Europa Universalis: Rome, the player can tailor their country to achieve particular goals by picking national ideas.


There are 36 national ideas the player can choose from. Each idea has its own bonus and belongs to one of four categories corresponding to the all_power_cost修正 power types in the game. Some ideas are available from the start, while others are unlocked by advances during the course of the game. Selecting a new national idea costs Oratory power.png 50 Oratory power.

The number of active national ideas depends on the country's government type. As a rule, tribal governments can have two national ideas, while the more advanced government forms, like republics and monarchies, can have three (though there are exceptions to this rule).


Each government in the game comes with a base bonus specific to that government. There is also a secondary bonus for each government, that is unlocked if the picked ideas correspond what is expected by that government form.

For example, in the screenshot Carthage is an Oligarchic Republic. This means that they can pick two civic ideas and one oratory idea, to receive their additional bonus.

For Rome, which starts as an Aristocratic Republic, this means it needs two military ideas and one civic idea to get the additional bonus.

The Government bonus of each type of government can be found in the Government Types page.



Military power.png 理念 效果 需求 描述
Idea martial ethos.png 尚武精神Martial Ethos 陆军士气 +10% 确保我们的士兵和退伍军人在社会阶级中享有声望,这是使他们满足并对我们保持忠诚的关键。
Idea thalassocracy.png 制海权Thalassocracy 海军士气 +20% 军事革新 06 海洋影响着帝国之兴衰。掌控这篇战区对我方利益而言至关重要。
Idea elite soldiers.png 精兵Elite Soldiery 训练度 +5% 军事革新 12 过度依赖临战征召民兵给国家留下侵略、政变或崩塌的巨大隐患。而一支训练有素的常备军定能抵御这些威胁。
Idea permanent shipyards.png 永久船坞Permanent Shipyards 三层划桨战船花费 −25% 建立制造军事船舶的永久船坞,这将确保技艺娴熟的造船匠始终对我们唯命是从。
Idea conscription.png 征兵Conscription 国家人力 +10% 军事革新 06 对所有被认为已成年的人执行兵役,这不仅是职责,也是特权。
Idea military society.png 军事化社会Militarized Society
  • 陆军维护费 −20%
  • 海军维护费 −20%
军事革新 12 一个对其战士施以尊重的社会将令青年们引以为傲,并渴望为其贡献自己的力量。
Idea retreat.png 有序撤军Ordered Retreat
  • 补员速度 +10%
  • 陆军士气恢复 +10%
Idea siege training.png 围攻训练Siege Training 围攻能力 +10% 军事革新 06 欧匹达姆、堡垒甚至城池,世界上充满防备完善的定居点。充分训练我们的战士去攻破敌人的城墙无疑会带来好处。
Idea triumph.png 人民的支持Support of the People 战术损失 −15% 军事革新 12 让我们的公民坚信国家的实力,这与胜利本身同等重要。


Civic power.png 理念 效果 需求 描述
Idea standard construction.png 标准化施工Standardized Construction
  • 建造花费 −30%
  • 建造时间 −30%
Idea city plan.png 城市规划City Planning 建筑栏位 +1.00 民政革新 06 随着人口规模的增长,在有城墙的城市里建造房屋这一事务更显弥足轻重。而采用基于网格的城市规划法将使我们更好地占用可用建筑空间。
Idea forums.png 城市中心空间Central Urban Spaces 省份忠诚度 +0.03 民政革新 12 我们首都中央广场的扩建和改造将为额外的市政建筑提供空间。最重要的是,我们的臣民都为他们的首都感到骄傲。
Idea complex tariffs.png 复式税则Complex Tariffs 商业收入 +20% 虽然对通过我国领土的货物征收简单税很普及,但一个复式的系统却能使我们的收入最大化。
Idea trading posts.png 受庇护的贸易站Patronized Trading Posts 首都进口路线 +3.00 民政革新 06 在我们国家的各个贸易站中保持稳固的财务利益,此举将使我们更好地对我们认为有价值的某些商品进行操控。
Idea tariff exceptions.png 建立关税豁免Institute Tariff Exceptions 省份进口路线 +1.00 民政革新 12 在关税控制方面给予我们的城市更多宽容,使它们能够吸引更好的投资。
Idea tax farming.png 包税制Tax Farming 全国奴隶产出 +20% 通过将税收责任转移到第三方,我们可以做出更大的预算计算,同时免受不幸事件的责任。
Idea land appropriation.png 征地改革Land Appropriation Reform 全国公民产出 +15% 民政革新 06 土地私有权是必然的。然而,在国家需要征用的某些地区,它显然必须有权力重新安置那些居住于此的人。
Idea grain admin.png 粮食储备Grain Stockpile 国家人口增长 +0.10% 民政革新 12 没人能预测收成不好。然而,我们可以防患于未然。通过常常储存多余的粮食,在尤为多舛的季节我们能避免挨饿。


Oratory power.png 理念 效果 需求 描述
Idea bribery.png 许可特权Sanctioned Privileges 每月腐败 −0.10 我们同意时常睁一只眼闭一只眼,这样可以不那么依赖货币作为行贿工具。
Idea smear.png 战略宣传Strategic Propaganda 不同文化幸福度 +10% 雄辩革新 06 通过与政治、宗教和公民领域的核心成员协调沟通,我们就拥有操纵民意的完美工具。
Idea legislative reform.png 立法机构改革Legislative Reform 不同文化组幸福度 +15% 雄辩革新 12 虽然一套标准化行为准则的建立未必会改变我们政府的运作方式,但可以肯定的是,它能抚平我们国家的反对者。
Idea mil admin.png 军事管理Military Administration
  • 每月陆军将领忠诚度 +0.05
  • 每月海军将领忠诚度 +0.05
Idea patron scholars.png 受优待的学者Patronized Scholars 研究点 +20% 雄辩革新 06 一个素有颂扬和优待学者之美誉的国家,在未来定能收获良多。
Idea functional admin.png 职能官僚Functional Bureaucracy 每月总督忠诚度 +0.05 雄辩革新 12 我们不能期望公民自己就能意识到治国方略的变化——建立一套集官僚、代表和信使于一体的框架,对于传达我们的决议而言至关重要。
Idea hospitality.png 常驻大使Hospitium 提高好感度的最大值 +33% 在某些外交场合,任命一名政府成员担任我们在其他同级别宫廷的常驻代表,可能会让我们收获不少好处。
Idea casus belli.png 宣战理由Casus Belli 侵略性扩张变化 −0.05 雄辩革新 06 若我们有正当的征服理由,无论真实意图何在,外国总能对我们发起的战争给予更多容忍。成为世人眼中的自由保护者通常就有足够有理了。
Idea ambassadors.png 宾客权利Permanent Ambassadors 外交关系 +2.00 雄辩革新 12 东道主对宾客的责任应该扩展到所有访问我们国家的客人。尤其是那些我们想要说服的人……


Religious power.png 理念 效果 需求 描述
Idea state religion.png 国教State Religion
  • 国家文明度等级 +10%
  • 每月文明度变化 +0.02%
Idea calendar.png 宗教历法Religious Calendar 每月厌战 -0.05 宗教革新 06 庆日、节日和假日可用于强化某些年度盛事的重要性。有策略地设定这些日期,将对我们的国家产生积极的影响。
Idea mandate observe.png 强制宗教仪式Mandated Observance 预兆威能 +20% 宗教革新 12 将宗教仪式作为一项强制性活动,这将使民众从小就对神有完整的敬意。
Idea haruspex.png 内脏占卜Haruspicy 附属国忠诚 +10.00 解读动物内脏的“预兆”这件事历史悠久。只要有一位愿意做这件事的占卜僧,我们就可以在适当的时候举行庆日,并随心所欲地操纵大众舆论。
Idea tolerance.png 宽容异教徒Tolerance of Pagans 主流文化幸福度 +15% 宗教革新 06 大量异教徒、混合或纯粹的外国宗教来到我们领土。允许个人私下奉行宗教,定能造就一个更宽容的社会。
Idea proselytism.png 惯例化的改变信仰Institutional Proselytism 最高厌战 -5.00 宗教革新 12 通过修正我们的宗教教规以要求主动改变信仰,我们应该发现,在转变异教徒的过程中,大部分工作都是为我们自己而做。
Idea origin myth.png 起源神话Origin Myth 统治者人气增加 +0.33 若我们突然发现我们国家的起源可以追溯到古代英雄,则这将赋予我们的领导层更大的权威……
Idea divine mandate.png 神圣命令Divine Mandate 每月暴政度 −0.04 宗教革新 06 说服我们的宗教领袖发表宣言以拥护国家的神圣命令,此举将有益于我们免受做出极有争议决策的不良影响。
Idea loyalty.png 忠于国家Loyalty to the State 每月忠诚 +0.05 宗教革新 12 对领袖之忠诚即对国家之忠诚。引申来讲,对国家之忠诚即对神之忠诚。


国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置