The government tab containing the national ideas sub-section.
Much like in its predecessor, Europa Universalis: Rome, the player can tailor their country to achieve particular goals by picking national ideas.
There are 36 national ideas the player can choose from. Each idea has its own bonus and belongs to one of four categories corresponding to the power types in the game. Some ideas are available from the start, while others are unlocked by advances during the course of the game. Selecting a new national idea costs 50 Civic power.
The number of active national ideas depends on the country's government type. As a rule, tribal governments can have two national ideas, while the more advanced government forms, like republics and monarchies, can have three (though there are exceptions to this rule).
Each government in the game comes with a base bonus specific to that government. There is also a secondary bonus for each government, that is unlocked if the picked ideas correspond what is expected by that government form.
For example, in the screenshot Carthage is an oligarchic republic. This means that they can pick two civic ideas and one oratory idea, to receive their additional bonus. For Rome, which starts as an aristocratic republic, this means it needs two military ideas and one civic idea to get the additional bonus.
Martial Ethos
Morale of Armies: +10%
Ensuring that our soldiers and veterans hold a prestigious place in the social hierarchy, is key to their contentment and loyalty.
Morale of Navies: +20%
Martial advances 06
The sea affects the very rise of and fall of empires. Dominance in this theater is vital to our interests.
Elite Soldiery
Discipline: +5%
Martial advances 12
Over-reliance on a reactionary militia leaves a nation at great risk of invasion, coup or collapse. A well trained standing army, is sure to protect against these threats.
Permanent Shipyards
Trireme Cost: −25%
Establishment of permanent shipyards capable of constructing vessels of war, will ensure that skilled shipwrights are always at our beck and call.
National Manpower: +10%
Martial advances 06
Mandated military service for all those considered mature, is not only a duty - it is a privilege.
Militarized Society
- Army Maintenance: −20%
- Navy Maintenance: −20%
Martial advances 12
A society which honors its warriors, is one in which the young will grow up proud and eager to serve.
Ordered Retreat
- Reinforcement Speed: +10%
- Army Morale Recovery: +10%
Retreat can be far from dishonorable. Ensuring that all our warriors have a plan of action in the event of having to fall back, will result in a much quicker recovery when they do.
Siege Training
Siege Ability: +10%
Martial advances 06
From oppida to forts, to walled cities, the world is full of fortified settlements. Adequately training our warriors to penetrate enemy walls will doubtlessly pay dividends.
Support of the People
Experience Decay: −15%
Martial advances 12
Convincing our citizens of our national prowess is just as important as a victory itself.
Standardized Construction
- Build Cost: −30%
- Build Time: −30%
As our nation begins to require more and more civic buildings, it has become apparent that a standardized method of planning and construction would greatly reduce the cost and time invested.
City Planning
Build Slots: +1.00
Civic advances 06
Fitting buildings within a walled city becomes much more of an issue as population sizes grow. Adopting a grid-based approach to city planning will allow us to better account for available building space.
Central Urban Spaces
Province Loyalty: +0.03
Civic advances 12
Enlargement and renovation of the central forum within our capital will provide for additional civic building opportunities. It is of paramount importance that our subjects are proud of their capital.
Complex Tariffs
Commerce Income: +20%
Whilst a simple tax on goods passing through our territory may be popular; a complex system will allow us to maximize revenue.
Patronized Trading Posts
Capital Import Routes: +3.00
Civic advances 06
Keeping a firm financial interest in the various trading outposts within our nation will allow us to exercise greater control over the flow of certain goods we deem valuable.
Institute Tariff Exceptions
Province Import Routes: +1.00
Civic advances 12
Giving our cities greater leniency in tariff control will enable them to attract better investments.
Tax Farming
Global Slave Output: +20%
By shifting responsibility for tax collection to third parties, we can make far greater budget calculations, as well as avoid certain unfortunate responsibilities.
Land Appropriation Reform
National Citizen Output: +15%
Civic advances 06
Private ownership of land is a necessity. However, it is clear that where the state requires the use of certain territories, it must have the power to relocate those inhabiting them.
Grain Stockpile
Population growth: +0.10%
Civic advances 12
Nobody can predict a bad harvest. We could, however, prepare for it. By always saving a surplus of grain, we would avoid starvation during particularly unfortunate seasons.
Sanctioned Privileges
Monthly corruption: −0.10
By agreeing to look the other way from time to time, we can lessen our reliance on using currency as a tool for bribery.
Strategic Propaganda
Wrong Culture Happiness: +10%
Oratory advances 06
By coordinating lines of communication with key members of the political, religious and civic spheres, we have the perfect tool to manipulate popular opinion.
Legislative Reform
Wrong Culture Group Happiness: +15%
Oratory advances 12
The institution of a standardized code of practice, while not necessarily changing the way our government operates, will surely calm the dissenters in our nation.
Military Administration
- Monthly General Loyalty: +0.05
- Monthly Admiral Loyalty: +0.05
By merging a clear, ordered bureaucratic framework into our military hierarchy, it becomes far easier to coordinate large military reforms.
Patronized Scholars
Research Points: +20%
Oratory advances 06
Embracing a reputation as a nation where scholars are to be lauded as well as patronized, is sure to yield rewards in the future.
Functional Bureaucracy
Monthly Governor Loyalty: +0.05
Oratory advances 12
We cannot expect our citizens to simply become aware of changes in the way we run our nation - instituting a framework of bureaucrats, representatives and messengers is vital to spread word of our decisions.
Improve Opinion Maximum: +33%
Oratory advances 12
The duty of the host should be extended to all those who visit our nation. Especially those whom we wish to persuade...
Casus Belli
Aggressive Expansion Change: −0.05
Oratory advances 06
Whatever our true intent, foreign tolerance for our wars is always greater if we have a legitimate reason for conquest. Being seen as protectors of liberty is often reason enough.
Permanent Ambassadors
Diplomatic Relations: +2.00
In certain diplomatic circumstances, it may benefit us to have a member of government installed as a permanent representative in the courts of our peers.
State Religion
- Country Civilisation Level: +10%
- Monthly Civilisation Change: +0.02%
Incorporating our faith as a state entity will have significant political advantages.
Religious Calendar
Monthly War Exhaustion: -0.05
Religious advances 06
Feast days, festivals and holidays can be used to reinforce the importance of certain annual events. Setting these dates strategically, will have a positive effect on our nation.
Mandated Observance
Omen Power: +20%
Religious advances 12
Making religious observance a compulsory activity, will instill a healthy respect for the divine in our populace, from a young age.
Loyalty of Subject States: +10.00
Reading the signs in the entrails of animals has a long history. With a willing haruspex, we could hold festival days at opportune moments, and further manipulate popular opinion at will.
Tolerance of Pagans
Primary Culture Happiness: +15%
Religious advances 06
The number of pagan, hybrid, or purely foreign religions making their way into our territory is vast. Allowing individuals the right to privately practice their own religion is sure to result in a more tolerant society.
Institutional Proselytism
Maximum War Exhaustion: -5.00
Religious advances 12
By amending our religious canon to mandate active proselytism, we should find that much of the work in converting pagans is done for us.
Origin Myth
Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.33
It would give our leadership much greater authority, if we were to suddenly discover that the origins of our nation can be traced back to the heroes of old...
Divine Mandate
Monthly Tyranny: −0.04
Religious advances 06
Convincing our religious leaders to make a proclamation in support of our nation's divine mandate, will allow us to get away with making some of the more... controversial decisions, more easily.
Loyalty to the State
Monthly Loyalty: +0.05
Religious advances 12
Loyalty to our leader should imply loyalty to the state. Loyalty to the state, by extension, implies loyalty to the Divine.