- 固定值
- 每个城市有一种给定的地形类型。
- 每个城市 produces one item of a single type of trade good for its province.
- 每个城市有一种文化和宗教;Newborn pops start with them, otherwise these are completely irrelevant.
- 沿海城市能有一个港口。
- 每个国家有一个固定的国都。
- Starting civilization value, starting number of pops including their social group, culture and religion, etc.
- 一些城市有特殊的 unique modifiers. See Unique City Modifiers
- 变量
- 在一个省份中人口最密集的城市 at a given time 是首府。
- 每个城市有其自身的文明值.
- 每个城市有许多的人口生活在其中。
- 每个城市能有许多建筑。
- 每个城市generates 不满值,影响省份忠诚度。
- 衍生值
- 每个城市有its own 补给上限.
- Each port city has a chance to spawn pirates in an adjacent sea zone.
- 行动
- Pop promotion, 文化同化, conversion, and movement.
- 大队 recruitment (some units are restricted by the availability of strategic trade goods in the city's province).
- 殖民。
The most populous city in a province is its capital city (indicated by a marble column icon on the map) and reaps the benefits of trade good surpluses in the province. Occupying a province's capital city is necessary to demand the entire province in a peace deal.
Each 国家 also has a fixed national capital (indicated by a marble column with a golden wreath underneath it on the map), which is always the capital city of its province, regardless of population. All pops in the national capital have a +25% output modifier (stacking with the capital province and region modifiers), and the city also has +0.15% population growth (stacking with the capital province modifier).
Port cities (indicated by a lighthouse icon on the map) are the only cities were triremes can dock and be recruited. Locations of port cities are fixed.
Each port city has a monthly chance to spawn pirates in an adjacent sea zone, based on the number of trade routes (both incoming and outgoing) in the city's province. Each trade route beyond the first increases the chance by +0.1%, while each trireme docked in the city decreases it by -0.1%.
If pirates spawn, they will be a universally hostile fleet, which will blockade all port cities adjacent to their sea zone, lowering commerce income in their provinces.
Some pirate fleets already exist at the start of the game.
名称 | 修正 | 描述 | |
沙漠 Desert |
一望无际的干旱的沙质平原。 | ||
农田 Farmland |
小群田地、果园和放牧牲畜点缀着这片美丽的耕地。 | ||
森林 Forest |
树木繁茂的地区,这样的森林往往是过路军队的障碍。 | ||
丘陵 Hills |
该地区由连绵起伏的丘陵组成。 | ||
丛林 Jungle |
青翠潮湿的丛林,充满茂密的植被,不习惯的人难以穿行其中。 | ||
沼泽 Marsh |
沼泽地渍水且往往很危险,难以通过,更难以居住。 | ||
山地 Mountains |
陡峭、危险、岩石较多的山岭地区,难以通过。 | ||
平原 Plains |
无 | 一个树木稀疏的地区,由大片平坦的土地组成。 | |
海洋 Ocean |
无 | 由平静、剔透的海水和滚滚海浪组成,海洋承载着古代世界的命脉:贸易。 |
Base Supply Limit is 5 + 0.5 per pop in the city. It is then multipled by Supply Limit Efficiency, the base value of which is 100%, and which can be further modified by the following:
类型 | 修正 | 值 |
City feature | 地形类型: Mountains / Marsh / Jungle | -50% |
Civilization Value | +2% per point | |
Being the city's owner | +25% | |
Trade goods | Vegetables in the province | +10% |
Surplus of Vegetables in the province (only affects the province's capital city) |
+2.5% per surplus | |
Invention | Supernumerarii (lvl 1) | +10% |
Fighting Season (lvl 4) | +10% | |
Logistics Division (lvl 11) | +10% | |
Delayed Baggage Train (lvl 15) | +25% | |
Central Reserve (lvl 19) | +25% | |
Diplomacy | Having military access to the city | +10% |
Civilization value
A city's civilization value represents its level of infrastructure and urbanization and is the biggest contributor to pop happiness.
The current civilization value of the capital determines whether a state can change its type of government.
The Civilization value adjusts automatically per month. Its rate of growth can be affected by modifiers given by e.g. laws or inventions. The maximum possible civilization value a city can have is determined by the state the city belongs to. All owned cities will slowly gravitate towards this value if they are below it, and slightly more quickly towards it if they are above it. Positive civilization growth can also never push the local value above that of your capital.
A city's Civilization Value scales between 0 and 100, with each point granting the following local effects:
- Citizen Happiness: +1%
- Freemen Happiness: +0.7%
- Tribesmen Happiness: -0.5%
- Barbarian Growth: -0.005
- Population Growth: +0.5%
- Supply Limit: +0.02
Civilization Value | Citizen Happiness | Freemen Happiness | Tribesmen Happiness | Barbarian Growth | Population Growth | Supply Limit |
0 | ||||||
+50 | +50% | +35% | -25% | -0.25 | +25% | +10 |
+100 | +100% | +70% | -50% | -0.5 | +50% | +20 |
The Civilization Value grows naturally over time more or less quickly depending on your laws and inventions, among others. It is limited, however, by a cap dependent on several factors. Civilization will not grow past this threshold, and if the limit falls below the current Civilization Value, it will decrease monthly at a fixed rate of -1% until it meets the cap again.
Source | Civilization Cap | Maximum Increase | Scope |
Base | +10% | Country | |
Settled Tribe Gov Bonus | +10% | Country | |
Federated Tribe | +15% | Country | |
Monarchy or Republic | +30% | Country | |
Centralization Level | +0.1% per Point | +10% at 100% | Country |
Oratory Advance | +2% per Advance Level | +40% at Level 20 | Country |
State Religion National Idea | +10% | Country | |
Gemstones Surplus in Capital | +5% per Surplus | Country | |
Gemstones Export Bonus | +2.5% | Country | |
Marketplace | +1% per Level | City | |
Emergent Center of Civilization | +5% | City | |
Center of Civilization | +10% | City | |
Emergent Capital | +10% | City |
- It is important to note that the Settled Tribe Government Bonus is exclusive with the State Religion National Idea due to the lack of Religious National Idea Slot in this Government.
- Government bonuses are, of course, exclusive to each other.
- The Centers of Civilization and Emergent Capital modifiers are obtained in the Capital City by forming regional tags (ex: Saxonia, Gaul, Albion...)
罗马 (1)拉维尼翁 (3)涅亚波利斯 (7)庞贝 (9)萨勒纳 (10)奥斯蒂亚 (15)纳尔尼亚 (23)西蓬同 (38)维努西亚 (42)孔普萨 (43)图提孔 (44)奥斯库隆 (45)波屯提亚 (46)图里 (52)赫拉克利亚 (54)墨塔蓬同 (55)塔兰托 (56)卡利波利斯 (63)雷吉翁 (72)克罗同 (78)墨萨纳 (80)陶罗墨尼翁 (81)卡塔纳 (82)雷翁提尼 (83)叙拉古 (84)格拉 (85)阿克拉加斯 (86)阿克莱 (87)穆尔甘提亚 (88)赫拉克利亚米诺亚 (91)利吕拜翁 (94)帕诺鲁穆斯 (96)卡马里纳 (101)普勒斯提亚 (103)特雷布拉 (105)因忒拉姆尼亚 (107)伊普索斯 (185)戈迪翁 (189)罗得斯 (266)萨狄斯 (292)塞巴斯忒 (339)普拉厄索斯 (344)吕西玛刻亚 (350)耶拉佩特拉 (355)克诺索斯 (358)戈尔堤那 (361)安腓波利斯 (365)波吕雷尼亚 (368)珀拉 (379)拉里萨 (389)法尔萨罗斯 (394)卡尔喀斯 (407)雅典 (416)柯林斯 (418)得尔斐 (424)多多那 (425)底比斯 (426)斯巴达 (427)墨托涅 (428)帕特赖 (434)赫赖亚 (435)墨伽罗波利斯 (436)曼提涅亚 (438)奥林匹亚 (439)阿耳戈斯 (440)埃吉那 (442)埃吉翁 (444)厄利斯 (446)斯廷法利亚 (448)克勒托尔 (449)特洛曾 (451)忒耳蒙 (456)匝金托斯 (460)斯特拉托斯 (462)孟斐斯 (500)布巴斯提斯 (503)佩卢西翁 (509)亚历山大里亚 (516)门德斯 (534)克洛科狄罗波利斯 (539)波吕比亚涅 (561)大狄俄斯波利斯 (569)叙厄涅 (591)加沙 (659)耶路撒冷 (687)卡达萨 (742)提洛 (743)西顿 (747)大马士革 (750)帕尔密拉 (754)特里帕拉得索斯 (761)彼布罗斯 (766)的黎波里 (769)阿玛忒 (777)波西得翁 (788)帕莱俄波利斯 (789)安提戈尼亚 (790)根那厄斯 (800)尼西比斯 (830)新加拉 (831)提格拉诺刻耳塔 (842)尼尼微 (862)巴耳巴雷 (879)阿耳贝拉 (880)萨玛剌 (893)大塞琉基亚 (911)泰西封 (912)俄庇斯 (914)巴比伦 (918)玻耳西帕 (919)底格里斯的阿帕墨亚 (933)拉尔萨 (939)苏西亚纳的亚历山大里亚 (940)舒珊 (946)忒雷冬 (964)阿耳忒弥塔 (998)恩波里埃 (1000)刻尔萨 (1011)尤利乌斯的卡拉顾里斯 (1016)俄亚索 (1017)托勒同 (1024)拉弥尼翁 (1026)赫墨洛斯科珀翁 (1031)马斯提亚 (1036)萨尔曼提卡 (1046)阿拉恺利 (1083)革巴拉 (1099)佛拉维俄布里加 (1106)尤利俄布里根西翁 (1107)巴尼恩西翁 (1157)左伊拉戎 (1163)维尼亚提亚 (1164)左伊利亚 (1167)阿夸里乌斯村 (1172)瑟革达 (1213)乌耳基 (1278)维瑟里亚 (1292)阿雷俄刻隆 (1295)厄尔玻科尼斯 (1296)阿里提翁 (1308)甘扎克 (1515)阿耳克萨塔 (1542)珊加尔堡 (1548)忒鲁阿 (1549)哈捷斯坦堡 (1551)哈里扎 (1568)帕拉卡塔 (1569)阿耳马维拉 (1570)阿耳塔克萨塔 (1571)阿塔尔贝吉安 (1589)弥亚纳 (1593)厄克巴塔纳 (1595)蒂格剌纳刻尔特 (1640)卡林 (1744)萨塔拉 (1770)拉马托耳马 (1780)阿弥索斯 (1807)西诺佩 (1812)阿马瑟亚 (1819)得罗斯 (1835)瑟巴斯托波利斯 (1839)厄庇法涅亚 (1874)西法 (1878)埃盖埃 (1879)厄拉尤萨 (1892)伊科尼翁 (1934)基玻图斯的阿帕墨亚 (1936)厄玻拉孔 (2075)马纳维亚 (2108)科里亚隆 (2134)科里俄索利同 (2156)贝基亚孔 (2226)部耳迪加拉 (2236)拉浦耳冬 (2240)迪沃纳 (2269)马萨利亚 (2325)利苏斯 (2336)阿瓦里孔 (2347)刻纳朋 (2350)比布拉克忒 (2438)阿勒西亚 (2440)奥特里孔 (2441)迪沃杜戎 (2454)卢忒提亚 (2475)革索里亚孔 (3026)巴加孔 (3042)弥纳 (3102)基耳塔 (3163)厄拉堤拉 (3175)塔拉 (3209)鲁西卡得 (3227)迦太基 (3256)扎德剌咖尔塔 (3435)穆里萨 (3533)革纳瓦 (3624)温多尼斯萨 (3633)维耳纳尼亚 (3637)阿耳玻耳 斐利克斯 (3639)俄维拉瓦 (3647)劳里亚孔 (3648)洛阿库斯 斐利刻斯 (3649)沃索尔维亚 (3722)阿尔西嫩西翁村 (3738)维马尼亚 (3739)安西瓦里亚 (3836)萨克森尼亚 (3837)维苏耳吉斯 (3839)加努恩塔 (3843)佛勒提翁 (3844)马耳萨基亚 (3845)马纳里同 (3849)马里俄涅斯 (3855)小阿维俄尼亚 (3863)楼法纳 (3888)特雷瓦 (3889)考基亚 (3890)库里孔 (4032)瑟革斯提卡 (4041)克兰达忒 (4043)亚得耳 (4054)特拉顾里翁 (4060)萨洛纳 (4062)巴洛亚 (4070)贝耳刻隆 (4078)部托厄 (4090)楼西尼翁 (4104)阿耳基达瓦 (4260)提比斯孔 (4264)阿鲁忒拉 (4280)齐里达瓦 (4290)阿浦隆 (4291)安顾斯提亚 (4294)齐达瓦 (4296)印度的亚历山大里亚 (4371)诃梨陀伐罗 (4419)摩头罗 (4420)跋罗那徙 (4429)波多利弗多罗 (4440)那烂陀 (4442)布览科纳 (4504)阿克墨 (4640)俄刻利斯 (4646)阿得涅 (4650)阿比萨马 (4655)坦纳 (4662)咖尔纳 (4674)特雷托斯 (4675)沙卜瓦 (4676)萨纳阿 (4682)希弥亚拉 (4684)亚提尔 (4700)奥萨剌 (4705)亨戴安 (4779)霍尔密扎德 (4791)波斯波利斯 (4799)提比耳西亚 (4832)提西亚 (4857)比拉提斯 (4880)帕萨耳伽戴 (4951)阿蒙 (5537)亚历山大洛乌 帕壬玻勒 (5550)冈仁波齐 (5576)比耳卡 (6030)亚历山大波利斯 (6541)萨喀斯特涅的亚历山大里亚 (6552)亚历山大里亚 阿里俄戎 (6557)沙巴尔兹 (6559)沙赫里斯坦 (6561)高加索的亚历山大里亚 (6611)尼赛亚 (6657)瑟拉基斯 (6664)恺塔巴德 (6697)绝域亚历山大里亚 (6704)堕罗迦 (6813)钵呾罗 (6815)祇梨那伽罗 (6818)亚历山大港 (6821)拘摩梨 (6902)朅帝 (6915)乌洛逾罗 (6927)库姆 (6954)阿婆迦那 (6978)键支补岚 (6984)珠罗钵帝南 (6987)摩逾罗萨多钵帝南 (6999)庵达补罗 (7019)闭利瞿罗 (7022)奢叉尸罗 (7314)耶哈 (7505)阿克宋 (7506)于克剌 (7508)