


希臘傳統 的核心是重裝長槍兵組成的防禦型方陣,這是古希臘的基石,此戰術歷史悠久,之後由馬其頓人改良,為士兵裝備了薩里沙長矛——一種超長的長矛。希臘人的戰術主要使用這種軍陣來「釘」住敵人的步兵部隊,並配以輕步兵和騎兵對敵人的側翼進行猛攻。


Greek poleis traditions.
Greek kingdom traditions.

The Greek military tradition groups, Greek poleis and Greek kingdom, are available for countries with the following culture groups:

  • Hellenistic
  • Dacian
  • Illyrian

This tradition group can also be unlocked by embracing the military tradition:


The traditions focus on strengthening the below unit types and possibly unlock some new abilities:

  • Unit focus:
    • Strong Unit light infantry.png Light infantry
    • Good Unit light cavalry.png Cavalry
  • Possible ability unlocks:
    • Cavalry skirmish Cavalry Skirmish
    • Military colonies Military Colonies
    • Slave raid Slave Raid
  • Possible unit unlocks:
    • Unit octere.png Octere
    • Unit mega-polyreme.png Mega-Polyreme

Greek poleis traditions

File:Greek poleis traditions.png
Greek poleis traditions.


Statistics = 
Tradition On activation effect Effect Requirements
Greek seleucid path 2.png Arms for Hire
  • Freemen Gain 2 Freemen in 3 cities if:
    • Policy cultural assimilation.png their dominant culture is Hellenic
    • Yes they have the highest room to grow (population captotal population)
  • Morale.png +5% Morale of armies
  • Cost −15% Recruit mercenary cost
Greek philosophy start bonus.png Modernized Phalanx N/A Offense.png +15% Heavy infantry offense Arms for Hire
Greek antigonid path 6.png Specialist Infantry N/A
  • Cost −10% Archers cost
  • Offense.png +15% Archers offense
Modernized Phalanx
Greek seleucid path 6.png Thyreophoroi N/A Morale.png +10% Light infantry morale Modernized Phalanx
Greek states path 7.png Centuries of War
  • A new character is generated with:
    • Martial.png 8 Martial
    • 堅毅 Steadfast trait
Cost −10% Heavy infantry maintenance cost Thyreophoroi
Greek antigonid path 7.png Mastery of the Mountains N/A
  • 戰鬥加成 +15% Combat bonus in hills
  • 戰鬥加成 +5% Combat bonus in mountains
Centuries of War
North african naval path 4.png Greek Naval Heritage
  • Port icon.png If country has no ports then gain a port in a random coastal city (with available building slots)
  • Unit trireme.png Gain a navy with 8 Trireme units in a random owned port city
  • 戰鬥加成 +10% Combat bonus in coastal sea
  • 戰鬥加成 +10% Combat bonus in open sea
Arms for Hire
Greek antigonid path 2.png Proud Shipwrights
  • Port icon.png Gain 2 port building levels in the most populous coastal city
    • Yes If country has no ports then build in the most populous coastal city (with available building slots)
Cost −15% Ship building cost Greek Naval Heritage
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png Embrace Graeco-Levantine Influence
  • Yes Unlock Levantine tradition groups if any of the below Policy cultural assimilation.png culture groups has either 500 pops or is equal to 25% of the country's primary culture pops:
    • Aksumite
    • Arabian
    • Egyptian
    • Levantine
    • Nubian
戰鬥加成 +5% Combat bonus in open sea Proud Shipwrights
Greek antigonid path 4.png The Victor's Spoils N/A
  • Slave raid Enable Slave Raid ability
  • Enslavement efficiency.png +10% Enslavement efficiency
Proud Shipwrights
Greek states path 6.png City State Fortifications Fortification.png Gain a fortress building level in the capital city
  • Fortification.png +15% Fort defense
  • Fortification.png +1 National fort infrastructure capacity
Arms for Hire
Greek states path 2.png Tarentine Advance N/A Offense.png +15% Light cavalry offense City State Fortifications
Greek seleucid path 4.png Companion Cavalry N/A
  • Cavalry skirmish Enable Cavalry Skirmish tactic
  • Cost −10% Light cavalry cost
Tarentine Advance
Greek seleucid path 7.png The Hipparchos
  • A new character is generated with:
    • Martial.png 8 Martial
    • 自信 Confident trait
  • Defence.png +10% Heavy cavalry defense
  • Defence.png +10% Light cavalry defense
Companion Cavalry


Description = 
Tradition Description
Greek seleucid path 2.png Arms for Hire The Diadochi, despite, or perhaps due to their fractious bickering, were possessed of wealth beyond the dreams of most nascent monarchs. As such, mercenary cohorts were often available in the regions around these Greek despots.
Greek philosophy start bonus.png Modernized Phalanx Whilst partially responsible for the success of Alexander against the hosts of Darius the Third, the phalanx originally evolved out of the need for a highly defensive, armored formation, used by Greek city-states making war upon one another.
Greek antigonid path 6.png Specialist Infantry Archery and the use of the sling was minor in the Hellenistic period, although the bespoke lead pellets employed by slingers acted as a formidable deterrent to enemy troops. Cretan archers were widely regarded as the best in their field.
Greek seleucid path 6.png Thyreophoroi These lightly armored infantry were recognizable by the Thureos, a distinctive manner of shield, and were amongst the most mobile of the Greek troops.
Greek states path 7.png Centuries of War Constant feuds and battles between Greek kingdoms and states have taught our sons to be always ready and willing to give their lives in defense of their home.
Greek antigonid path 7.png Mastery of the Mountains The soaring mountain ranges of central Greece have taught our people the fickle ways of doing battle in adverse terrain.
North african naval path 4.png Greek Naval Heritage Throughout the centuries Greek sailors have mastered the fickle mediterranean sea, as traders, soldiers and colonizers.
Greek antigonid path 2.png Proud Shipwrights Control of the Aegean and nearby seas, demands a great focus on military and civilian shipbuilding. The availability of experienced shipwrights drives down prices considerably.
Levantine philosophy start bonus.png Embrace Graeco-Levantine Influence N/A
Greek antigonid path 4.png The Victor's Spoils Cities during the early Hellenistic era would often spar over the slightest of insults. Due to such frequent battles, wars between states resulted in a style of warfare which yielded the lowest number of casualties, but highest number of prisoners. The victor would then keep them as slaves, or ransom them back to their opponents for a hefty fee.
Greek states path 6.png City State Fortifications Centuries of infighting between Greek cities naturally resulted in the erection of numerous walls, towers and fortifications, designed to keep marauding armies at bay. The stonework required to develop such comprehensive structures is a testament to the master masons.
Greek states path 2.png Tarentine Advance The Tarentine cavalry, an elite group of mercenaries originating from Tarentum, utilized very unorthodox skirmishing tactics, which were adopted throughout the Hellenistic world.
Greek seleucid path 4.png Companion Cavalry The Hetairoi were originally a Macedonian noble force, who pioneered the use of brute, shock charges. The Hetairoi were transplanted into various states, but retained their prestige as feared shock troops.
Greek seleucid path 7.png The Hipparchos Often a charismatic and skilled general, a Hipparchos commanded a large unit of varying types of cavalry, often proscribing formational details down to a very fine degree.


Greek kingdom traditions

File:Greek kingdom traditions.png
Greek kingdom traditions.


Statistics = 
Tradition On activation effect Effect Requirements
Greek antigonid path 3.png The Nobility Ride N/A Morale.png +10% Light cavalry morale N/A
Greek seleucid path 1.png Agema N/A
  • Morale.png +10% Heavy cavalry morale
  • Morale.png +10% Light infantry morale
The Nobility Ride
Greek antigonid path 5.png Peltasts N/A Discipline.png +10% Light infantry discipline Agema
Greek antigonid path end bonus.png Combined Arms N/A
  • Offense.png +15% Light infantry offense
  • Defence.png +15% Light infantry defense
Greek seleucid path 5.png Kataphraktoi N/A Offense.png +15% Heavy cavalry offense Agema
Persian philosophy start bonus.png Embrace Graeco-Persian Influence
  • Yes Unlock Persian tradition groups if any of the below Policy cultural assimilation.png culture groups has either 500 pops or is equal to 25% of the country's primary culture pops:
    • Anatolian
    • Aramaic
    • Bactrian
    • Caucasian
    • Iranian
    • Scythian
戰鬥加成 +5% Combat bonus in plains Kataphraktoi
Greek antigonid path 1.png Veterans of the Great Campaign
  • A new character is generated with:
    • Martial.png 8 Martial
    • 堅毅 Steadfast trait
  • Experience +5% Cohort starting experience
  • Experience −0.5% Experience decay
Greek states path 3.png Siegecraft N/A Siege.png +10% Siege ability Veterans of the Great Campaign
Greek seleucid path 3.png Phoenician Sailors N/A
  • Naval damage done.png +5% Ship damage done
  • Ship recruit speed +15% Ship recruit speed
Veterans of the Great Campaign
Greek antigonid path 2.png Forged for War Unit octere.png Gain a navy with 2 Octere units in a random owned port city Unit octere.png Allows Octere units Phoenician Sailors
Greek states path 5.png Mine's Bigger Than Yours Unit mega-polyreme.png Gain a navy with a Mega-Polyreme unit in a random owned port city Unit mega-polyreme.png Allows Mega-Polyreme units Forged for War
Greek states path 1.png The Sarissa N/A Morale.png +10% Heavy infantry morale Veterans of the Great Campaign
Greek states path end bonus.png The Silver Shields N/A Offense.png +15% Heavy infantry offense The Sarissa
Greek states path 4.png Military Colonies
  • A city fullfiling the below:
    • Country capital.png Is not part of the capital state
    • Policy cultural assimilation.png Hellenistic culture is not the dominant culture group
    • Policy cultural assimilation.png Has a neighboring city without Hellenistic as the dominant culture group
    • Yes Has the highest room to grow (population captotal population)
  • Military colonies Enable "Military Colonies" ability
  • Cost −10% Found city cost modifier
The Silver Shields
Greek seleucid path end bonus.png Deep Coffers N/A
  • Maintenance.png −10% Mercenary army maintenance cost
  • Maintenance.png −15% Heavy cavalry maintenance cost
  • Embrace Graeco-Persian Influence
  • Military Colonies


Description = 
Tradition Description
Greek antigonid path 3.png The Nobility Ride Those of wealthy, fortunate, or noble birth learn their skills in horsemanship at a young age, often riding as a sport, as well as during warfare.
Greek seleucid path 1.png Agema The Guard Cavalry formed a cadre of mounted warriors, who held the utmost respect and admiration for their King. It is said they are glad to lay down their lives in service of their overlord.
Greek antigonid path 5.png Peltasts Ostensibly used as skirmishing troops, the Thracian peltast was equipped with a small shield, and a series of javelins. Later, peltasts were sought after as mercenaries, by many warring states.
Greek antigonid path end bonus.png Combined Arms The glorious union of so many diverse styles of combat, is what makes the Hellenistic armies so unique. When each soldier knows their place, rigorous discipline will win the day.
Greek seleucid path 5.png Kataphraktoi Astride monstrous warhorses, and clad in near-impenetrable armor, the Cataphracts were an expensive form of cavalry, which excelled at punching through similarly heavy armor with their strong lances.
Persian philosophy start bonus.png Embrace Graeco-Persian Influence N/A
Greek antigonid path 1.png Veterans of the Great Campaign The proud military history of the Greeks reached a climax with Alexander's conquest of the Hellenistic world. What could not be learned from his life, is surely learned from the aftermath of his death.
Greek states path 3.png Siegecraft Nobody can claim to be masters of siegecraft as much as the Greeks. During the siege of Rhodes, and many years later in Thebes, vast siege towers known as Helepoli were deployed to attempt to bypass the formidable walls of these cities entirely. It is said that the Colossus of Rhodes itself was built using material from the abandoned siege engines of Demetrios.
Greek seleucid path 3.png Phoenician Sailors The phoenicians forged an empire on the waves many centuries before Alexander's conquests. Encouraging their sailors to work for us is sure to give us an edge in naval warfare.
Greek antigonid path 2.png Forged for War Alexander's death sparked a naval arms race between the Diadochi, formenting wars over access to Phoenician timber and shipwrights and the construction of ever larger vessels in the struggle for advantage.
Greek states path 5.png Mine's Bigger Than Yours For hundreds of years, the Hellenistic kingdoms attempted to outdo one another with larger and larger ships. From the huge Quadrireme, a staple warship of Monopthalmos' navies; to the gargantuan Tesserakonteres, a dual-hulled monstrosity rumored to require a crew of at least 4000, the skills of the Greek shipwrights is unmatched throughout the Hellenistic world.
Greek states path 1.png The Sarissa Phalangites, armed with a buckler, and a spear known as a sarissa, made of the core of the late Greek phalanx. The superior range of the sarissa made getting close to this formation a particularly deadly task.
Greek states path end bonus.png The Silver Shields A unit descended from veterans of Alexander's campaigns, the Argyraspides continue in their tradition of being a dangerous, elite cadre of well-armed warriors.
Greek states path 4.png Military Colonies A time honored way of ensuring that loyal troops were available, and justly rewarded, plots of land were granted to native greek soldiers known as cleruchs, in return for their service in the military.
Greek seleucid path end bonus.png Deep Coffers Efficient and swift payment will always attract mercenaries, perhaps even willing to work for less than their neighbors.



  1. To update page content see reference files in folder /ImperatorRome/base:
    1. For military tradition see reference file common/military_traditions/00_greek.txt.
    2. For military tradition see reference file common/military_traditions/00_greek_2.txt.
    3. For localization text see reference file localization/english/military_traditions_l_english.yml.
國內政策 國家屬性人物內戰文化政府傳承法律國家理念職位叛亂宗教科技
經濟政策 建築經濟食物奇觀人口貿易商品
省份 區域省份領土殖民地產
軍事 軍事傳統陸軍陸軍單位陸戰海軍圍城海戰
對外政策 條約戰爭宣戰理由宣稱外交附屬國蠻族
腳本 事件決議使命
其他 成就對手國家遊戲配置