
The history of the indigenous Egyptian religion stretches back many thousands of years. Manifesting as a polytheistic faith, the worship of Ra, Atum, Sekhmet and others, displays a deep reverence for the fundamental aspects of the natural world.
— In-game description

The Kemetic religion is a polytheistic faith found in Egypt, Nubia, and Punt. This article documents the deities associated with the religion. All values are for Omen.png+100% Omen Power.

Many Kemetic deities can be accessed by any polytheistic nation that controls their holy site or has a specific percentage of Kemetic pops: 5% for Very Common deities, 10% for Common deities, 20% for Rare deities, and 40% for Very Rare deities.

Every Kemetic nation benefits from Popularity.png +0.10 Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain.

General deities

These deities are available to all Kemetic nations, and all polytheistic nations that have enough Kemetic pops or control the deity's holy site (Isis is also universally available to Megalithic nations, and those that have allowed the Isis cult within their borders):

Deity Category Rarity Passive effect Omen effect Apotheosis effect Holy site
Anhur War Rare No casus belli war cost −12.50% No Casus Belli War Cost Discipline.png +5% Discipline Gain Military experience.png 0.50 Military Experience, multiplied by the deity’s Military power.png Martial, with a minimum of Military experience.png +2 and a maximum of Military experience.png +5 560, This, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Resheph War Rare Reinforcement speed.png +5% Reinforcement Speed Manpower recovery speed.png +8% Manpower Recovery Speed Gain Manpower.png 1,000 Manpower, multiplied by the deity’s Military power.png Martial, and an extra 1,000 if the deity’s Military power.png Martial is at least 11, if manpower is below 80%
Gain Military experience.png 2.00 Military Experience, otherwise
Sekhmet War Rare Discipline.png +3% Discipline Fort defense.png +12% Fort Defense Supply limit.png +5.00 Supply Limit and Fort defense.png +15% Local Fort Defense in the capital province and another random province, for five years 504, Leontopolis, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Horus Culture Common State religion happiness +5% State Religion Happiness Religious tech investment.png +12% Religious Tech Investment Religious tech investment.png+2.50 Religious Advances progress multiplied by the deity’s Religious power.png Zeal, with a minimum of Religious tech investment.png +5 and a maximum of Religious tech investment.png +25 576, Apollonopolis Megale, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Osiris Culture Common Popularity.png +0.05 Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain Integrated culture happiness +7% Integrated Culture Happiness Up to 5 pops in a random territory Policy religious conversion.png convert to the deity’s faith 561, Abydos Aigyptou, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Amun Culture Rare link= 28px −5% Aggressive Expansion Impact Freeman output +10% National Freeman Output Up to 2 employed characters convert to the deity’s faith 569, Thebai Hekatompyloi, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Ptah Culture Rare Civic tech investment.png +7.50% Civic Tech Investment Pop citizen output.png +10% National Citizen Output Gain Civic tech investment.png +2.50 Civic Advances progress multiplied by the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse, with a minimum of Civic tech investment.png +5 and a maximum of Civic tech investment.png +25 500, Memphis, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Anubis Economy Common National tax +10% National Tax Slave happiness +6% National Slave Happiness 1 Slaves Slave appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9 553, Lykopolis, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Hathor Economy Rare Noble happiness +5% National Noble Happiness Monthly food.png +15% Global Monthly Food Modifier Convert 1 pop in the capital into a Pop noble.png Noble, including cultural conversion if necessary; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 3 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9 563, Tentyris, 埃及的國旗 埃及
Isis Fertility Very Common Monthly food.png +10% Global Monthly Food Modifier Unintegrated culture group happiness +4% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness Gain Monthly food.png 50 Food in every province, multiplied by the deity’s Oratory power.png Charisma 591, Swenett, 多得卡斯科諾斯的國旗 多得卡斯科諾斯
Ra Fertility Common Monthly food.png+10% Global Monthly Food Modifier Slave output +10% National Slave Output Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth in the capital province for five years


  • "km.t" or "Kemet" is the Ancient Egyptian name of Egypt.