羅馬 是一個位於意大利的 地方強權 , 曾是眾多拉丁城邦之一,在第二次薩莫奈戰爭取得勝利後,羅馬已將其霸權擴張至周圍各部族並控制住了羅馬城以外的各個邊遠地區。作為一個高度軍事化的國家,在動員其人口並將 馬耳西亞 和 佛壬塔尼亞 等被擊敗的敵人組織成準備與他們並肩作戰的附屬國方面,這份能力在古代世界幾乎是絕無僅有的,羅馬人擊敗了他們的傳統敵人 伊特魯里亞 和 薩莫奈 ,成為了該地區最強大的國家,羅馬準備在其統治下統一意大利各城邦以及部落並成為地中海既有秩序的新挑戰者。羅馬被很多共享一個宗教和文化組的較弱的國家所包圍,其附近幾乎沒有真正的威脅,並有大量的風味內容來指導其征服,羅馬的潛力遠遠超過其初始規模,是對初學者來說較易上手的國家。在歷史上,羅馬在布匿戰爭勝利後迅速征服了其他意大利國家並確立了自己的重要地位,隨後徹底摧毀了迦太基並征服了西地中海,西班牙和高盧的大部分地區。在遊戲時間結束時進一步入侵希臘和繼業者國家並將羅馬的統治擴展到東部的大部分地區。雖然這樣快速的擴張會導致強烈的政治動盪和內戰,然而這些內戰只會隨着共和國的結束而結束,羅馬所建立的龐大地中海帝國將持續幾個世紀,留下的政治和文化遺產將影響歐洲直到今天 .
如果羅馬將其政府體制 改革 為帝國,她將會被稱作 羅馬帝國。
此外,能夠創立 東羅馬 的 羅馬內戰事件 也將根據其政府形式將羅馬重命名為 5 個可能的名稱之一:
- 東羅馬共和國,若羅馬是 共和國 體制
- 東羅馬帝國,若羅馬是帝國體制
- Western Roman Dictatorship, if Rome has the Dictatorship government form
- Western Roman Kingdom, if Rome has another monarchical government form
- Western Rome, if none of the others are valid
Once the civil war is won, Rome will change its name back to one of the following to represent the reunification of the Roman state:
- Roman Empire, if Rome has the Empire government form
- Roman Kingdom, if Rome is otherwise a monarchy
- Rome, otherwise
If 伊特魯里亞 forms Tuscia after conquering the city of Roma and Rome refuses subjugation in exchange for the return of Latium, the rump Roman state will be renamed to Roma Perdita to reflect the loss of its primate city.
- 主條目:羅馬使命
With the Punic Wars DLC, Rome has a unique set of 9 missions primarily focusing on its conquests during the time period, including the unification of Italy, the struggle with 迦太基 over Africa and the Western Mediterranean, conquering the tribes of Gaul and Hispania, and incursions into the east to gain control of the Hellenistic states of Greece and Asia. Reflecting the historical Roman policies, these mission trees give Rome many opportunities to release client states such as 撒丁尼亞, 努米底亞, 科林斯, 斯巴達, 得卡波利斯, 猶地亞, and more. Rome can also form 東羅馬 as part of a special event chain to create the Roman Empire.
Like all other countries, Rome also has access to the Generic missions regardless of whether or not the DLC is enabled.
Conflict of the Orders
Near the beginning of the game, Rome will receive a number of events dealing with the struggles between the plebians and patricians and will be able to choose whether to go through with full reforms to the legal system or try to pursue a more moderate path with the patricio-plebian aristocracy.
Punic War events
If 迦太基 attacks a country within the vicinity of Rome, the defender can attempt to call for help from Rome in response to which Rome can either prepare for war or seek a more peaceful relationship with 迦太基, simulating the circumstances around the beginning of the Punic Wars. As well, when at war if a Roman navy is defeated by 迦太基, Rome can get an event where a Carthaginian ship is captured and studied, allowing Rome to adopt their construction techniques and gain a permanent ship construction bonus.
Expansion events
Once Rome reaches the south of Italy, there are events that will trigger that give claims on the Epirote and Illyrian coast. Pursuing these claims and making further conquests in the region will trigger further events that give claims on the rest of Macedonia and Greece, encouraging Roman expansion in the area.
Roman Eagle events
If a Roman legion is defeated in war, there is a chance that its eagle standard will be captured and brought back to the enemy capital as a spoil of war, giving a significant bonus to the victorious nation's capital and delivering a severe blow to Roman morale. Rome's pride and honour can be restored if the city is conquered by Rome and the lost eagle recovered.
Ambitious politican events
Once Rome has grown into a major power, an ambitious character might become frustrated with the normal political process and turn to more questionable means in pursuit of the consulship, reflecting the political struggles and instability of the late Roman Republic. While this event chain is ongoing, the character will become more disloyal and may seek support from the current ruler, attack the current successor, and recruit supporters from the provinces, and if the character loses again in the next election they may start a civil war if they not sufficiently loyal.
Rise of a dictator events
A rising Rome that has become a major power may also face ambitious and populist generals who seek to control the nation by force, representing the coups and civil wars of the late Republic, particularly the rise of Julius Caesar. Like with the ambitious politician event chain, various events can trigger where the ambitious general can try to recruit or coerce support from characters and provinces as well as enlarging their personal armies, and after 5 years if the general is not dealt with the republic will have to accede to his/her dictatorship or face civil war.
羅馬 has a few country-specific decisions relating to expanding and embellishing various important areas in the city, as well as reorganizing conquered areas. These decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/rome.txt.
Expanding the Campus Martius
In addition we will build new temples that will make the Campus a place worth remembering. As they train, our men will be able to look to these places for valor and strength.
允許條件 |
效果 |
Embellish the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Embellishing and improving the temple further is sure to be a popular move among our people, and what better way to secure the boons of the gods?.
允許條件 |
效果 |
Institute Corinth as Local Capital
Our wars in Greece have exacted a heavy toll on the area. A show of magnanimity is required to build confidence in our rule, and our advisors suggest that Corinth would be the ideal place for a concerted effort to implement a program of public works.
允許條件 |
效果 |
Release requirements
After its conquest or subjugation, 迦太基 can choose to release Rome as a client state through one of the final task choices of the End the Roman Wolf mission tree, after enslaving most of its population and devastating the area. Releasing Rome as a client state will give it a differently-coloured flag and a special modifier significantly decreasing its military capabilities, representing the broken spirit of the Roman people.
Mission | Potential | Requirements | Effects | Time | Description | ||
Roman Subjugation |
Instant |
As a long-standing rival of Carthage, Rome proved a powerful opponent. If we could turn this to our benefit, and make them one of our subjects, maybe we will be able to utilize their strengths in our own war in the future as well. |
Capital province
State religion
Military traditions
Roman Subjugation
Once the rising power in Italy, the Romans have been entirely put under our control. With a large part of their population shipped off as slaves, the remaining Romans have become docile and loyal, knowing they no longer have the influence nor power to oppose us.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
the Roman Subjugation mission task |
How things should be. |
Eastern Rome is a civil war formable and releasable that can be created either if a civil war breaks out after Rome has made conquests in Greece and Anatolia or as part of a special event decision to embrace eastern ideals of autocracy and try to overthrow the existing republican government, loosely reflecting the historical Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire that was formed by the divisions of Rome and the movement of political centres of power to the east in the 4th century. When Eastern Rome is created, the other half of the empire will also be temporarily renamed to Western Rome to reflect the split until such time as the two Romes have been reunited.
Like with (Western) Rome, Eastern Rome will get one of 5 possible names depending on its government form when it is first formed or released:
- Eastern Roman Republic, if Eastern Rome is a republic
- Eastern Roman Empire, if Eastern Rome has the Empire government form
- Eastern Roman Dictatorship, if Eastern Rome has the Dictatorship government form
- Eastern Roman Kingdom, if Eastern Rome has another monarchical government form
- Eastern Rome, if none of the others are valid
Formation requirements
- 主條目:Eastern Glory
If the Punic Wars DLC is enabled, Eastern Rome can be created as a temporary formable as a reward for one of the final task in the Eastern Glory mission tree as part of an event chain to try and overthrow the Roman republic, inspired by the autocratic traditions of the east and loosely based on the civil wars of Sulla, Caesar, and Octavian that would historically end the Roman Republic. The special event option is available if Rome is currently a republic and the ruler is currently a general and either a lunatic or has high martial and popularity and will immediately trigger a civil war, with the current ruler instituting a dictatorship, moving the capital, and seizing control over the east as the Eastern Roman Dictatorship while the republic's western provinces revolt to try to preserve the current order as the Western Roman Republic. If the civil war is won, the ruler will be proclaimed emperor and the realm will be reunified as the Roman Empire, allowing Rome to be reformed from a republic into an empire without going through the usual decisions and reforms.
Mission | Potential | Requirements | Effects | Time | Description | |
The Eastern Campaign |
Instant |
After a grand campaign, it is only right that those who were involved are properly rewarded for their loyalty to [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName]. |
The Eastern Campaign
Large triumphs are held in [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName] where the generals parade their treasures and prisoners through the streets, giving them the greatest honors available in [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName].
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
the The Eastern Campaign mission task |
Immediate effects
| |
Enabled if:
'A triumph?! I deserve my own kingdom!'
It is only right that [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName] bows to those who have sacrificed their lives for it. |
The End of the Republic
The people rejoice as the popular ruler celebrates [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler. GetHerHis] victory against the traitors in the west with several large triumphs in our capital of [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName]. With the few retainers of the ancient republic finally gone, we can remove the shackles of the past and move forward with a strong empire led by [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler .GetName], our [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRulerTitle].
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by |
Immediate effects
| |
'Remember that you are mortal.' |
Release requirements
Eastern Rome can also be created from generic, normally triggered Roman civil war revolters if both sides of the civil war are large enough and the civil war revolter has its capital in Anatolia, Greece, or the rest of the Balkans. The event will eventually fire as long as the rebellion meets the conditions, even if it has been some time since the civil war has started. Unlike with the mission tree formation, by this event Western Rome is always the original country/government while Eastern Rome will always be the rebellion. If Eastern Rome is defeated and the realm is reunited, Western Rome will be renamed back to Rome (or a variation, depending on the country's government).
Rome starts with the feudatories of 佛壬塔尼亞, 馬耳西亞, 努刻里亞, and 佩利格尼亞, as well as a 8-year truce with 伊特魯里亞.
Rome starts with the following pantheon:
- War: Mars
- Economy: Mercury
- Culture: Jupiter
- Fertility: Ceres
The capital city of Roma is also the holy site for Jupiter.
Rome has a population of 399 pops at the beginning of the game, distributed across 23 territories. Rome's population is predominantly Roman Hellenic, particularly in its core province of Latium. Within the Italic culture group, parts of Roman-controlled Campania that were recently taken from 薩莫奈 are still Sabellian Hellenic, while Messapian Hellenic pops, in the Illyrian group, predominate in Roman Apulia. The former Greek colony of Neapolis is predominantly Italiotian Hellenic, and like with many other Mediterranean countries there are small minorities of Hebrew Jewish pops in some of the larger cities.
Pop ratios are as follows:
- 9 Nobles (2.26%)
- 138 Citizens (34.59%)
- 135 Freemen (33.83%)
- 24 Tribesmen (6.02%)
- 93 Slaves (23.31%).
The Roman lands consist of 15 settlements plus 8 cities, of which Ostia and Neapolis are ports. There are 4 fortresses built.
As for trade goods, Rome starts as follows:
- Capital surplus: grain, iron, and wine
- Local production: cloth, earthenware, fish, furs, hemp, horses, livestock, olives, salt, and wood
- Export: cloth to 敘拉古
They also possess one of the few roads at the start of the game, the historical Appian Way which goes from Ostia (on the border with 伊特魯里亞) through Roma down to Saticula (on the border with 薩莫奈).
If Rome is a republic, it will have a unique set of laws drawn from various historical laws and policies historically considered or enacted by the Roman Republic. Most of these laws differ only in their names and descriptions from the standard republic laws, except that one of the assembly laws has a slightly different modifier.
羅馬 has a special set of factions replacing the general ones if it is a republic, each one generally corresponding to one of the standard factions but with different modifiers and a somewhat different set of objectives.
Icon | Faction | Ruler Faction Modifier | Membership Requirements | Monthly Approval Modifiers | Description |
Optimates | +12% National Noble Output |
The Optimates are the elite of our nation, rich and powerful senators who want to divide the power of the Republic between themselves rather than letting the unwashed masses affect the rule of law. They approve of changes made for the established greater families and elite, and hold a deep disdain for any would be populist upstart. | |
Boni |
The Boni are aristocrats who believe in the ancient traditions of the nation, rather than taking parts in the conflicts between classes like the Optimates or Populares. They strive to find a balance between the needs of the lower classes and upholding the stability of the nation, through gradual reform. They approve of leaders who actively seek to preserve the peace and stability of the nation, and disapprove of anything that would break the current balance. | ||
Populares | +8% National Freeman Happiness |
The Populares are the senators who work for the common man, or at least claim so to get popular backing and make their own political platforms relevant. Popular generals and corrupt politicians have a tendency to join this party, as it lets them toss aside ancient traditions that might negatively affect their own rise to power. They approve of actions that reduce the influence of the Optimates, and disagree with any moves to cement the control of the upper class. |
這部分內容可能已不適合當前版本,最後更新於1.0。 |
Rome will be granted with free, event-generated claims on a number of provinces in Italia (in the first year) and Magna Graecia in the early game, and then on Carthago and Graeca sometime later. After owning a province in Tarentum claims for Epirus are given, when you own land in that area claim for Macedonia are given, if you own land in Macedonia claims for Greece are given. This will make it easier for the player to expand, not having to worry about Political Influence needed to generate claims. Rome has access to Iron and Horses, making it possible to recruit Heavy Infantry and Cavalry as soon as the game starts. At the start of the game, Rome has a single army of 18 cohorts, which break down into 6 archers, 6 heavy infantry and 6 light cavalries. Additionally, Rome's vassals have up to 30 cohorts, which will aid in wars. The maximum Manpower for Rome at 450 A.V.C is 53,950. With this number, Rome gains 214 Manpower each month. 26 of the 214 monthly Manpower is the result of Rome's four Subjects. Rome has a single fleet of 16 ships. This is more than enough to fight any neighbor given they don't all ally with each other.
With the combined might of Rome and its vassals, it should be relatively easy to annex 伊特魯里亞 and the rest of Italia early in the game, which give a nice base to invade 馬其頓, 伊庇魯斯 and the rest of Greece when those events happen. When planning the invasion of Greece, it might be a good idea to start with 科耳居拉, if it is still independent and lacks strong allies, since it is a good foothold to invade Epirus. Rome needs to build a strong fleet in order to invade across the Adriatic sea, but Rome should have no problems with maintaining the strongest fleet in the eastern Mediterranean after it has annexed Italia. The fleet is both needed to actually transport troops to Greece and the block off the many straits in Greece.
Usually, 馬其頓, 弗里吉亞 and 埃及 will guarantee all the Greek city-states between them, so you will come into conflict with all three of them. At all time look for weak alliances, where you might be able to attack 2 or 3 small nations at the time without those three intervening, or at least with only one of them intervening. But it is impossible to take Greece with coming into direct war with all three of them, just make sure it is not at the same time.
There are multiple achievements, which can only be achieved by Rome: