Levantine and Arabian traditions


The Levantine and Arabian traditions concentrate on the strong naval presence of the Phoenician cities and the use of phalanx tactics, light infantry, and camelry in the arid deserts of the Levant, Egypt, and Arabia. The Phoenicians were the most prominent traders of the Mediterranean, giving them unmatched experience with seafaring and ship building.

Availability and focus


The Levantine and Arabian traditions are available for 埃及的国旗 埃及 or for countries with the following culture groups:

  • Aksumite
  • Arabian
  • Egyptian
  • Levantine (excluding Punic)
  • Nubian

The traditions focus on strengthening the following unit types, and possibly unlock some new abilities:

  • Attrition.png -15% Land unit attrition
  • Unit focus:
    • Strong Unit trireme.png Trireme
    • Good Camel cavalry.png Camel cavalry
    • Good Unit light infantry.png Light infantry
  • Possible ability unlocks:
    • Military colonies Military Colonies
    • Phalanx Phalanx
  • Possible unit unlocks:
    • Unit octere.png Octere
    • Unit mega-polyreme.png Mega-Polyreme


Starting bonus
Knowledge of one's environment can be used as a weapon or as a tool. Living off the desert is entirely possible, if one knows where to look. 的图标
Knowledge of one's environment can be used as a weapon or as a tool. Living off the desert is entirely possible, if one knows where to look.
  • Attrition.png −15% Army attrition
Arabian path
Levantine arabian path 1.png
  • Desert Sands
  • Attrition.png +1 Hostile attrition
Our people know the ways of the desert like no other. How to disappear without trace, how to leave a trail which leads enemy scouts in circles, and how to win a war of attrition without taking a single life.
Levantine egyptian path 1.png
  • The Spear of the Kingdom
  • Discipline.png +10% Light infantry discipline
Egyptian ancestors fought with bronze spears, clad in all but the most basic protection. With the advent of iron-working, weapons and armor have been improved tenfold, and our soldiers further bolstered.
Levantine arabian path 2.png
  • Merchant Coast
  • Cost -15% Ship building cost
Ships are the lifeblood of the Arabian and North African coast alike. There is no shortage of labor to build them, providing we can acquire the resources to do so.
Levantine arabian path 3.png
  • Beasts of Burden
  • Offense.png +10% Camel offense
Camels are ideally suited to the inhospitable terrain in which they reside. Although used for domestic purposes during peace-time, a massed charge of camel skirmishers is a sight to behold.
Levantine arabian path 4.png
  • Ships of the Desert
  • 战斗加成 +15% Camel desert combat bonus
  • 战斗加成 +15% Heavy cavalry desert combat bonus
  • 战斗加成 +15% Light cavalry desert combat bonus
Our knowledge of the desert, and of the vagaries of the ever-shifting geography it creates, melds perfectly with our long tradition of swift, mounted warfare.
Levantine arabian path 6.png
  • Legacy of the Builders
  • Local building slot.png +1 City building slots
From the Temple of Solomon to the grand edifices of Tylos, our ancestors have taught us to build well, and to build with pride.
Levantine arabian path 7.png
  • Oasis Trade
  • Cost -15% Camel cost
  • Cost -15% Heavy cavalry cost
  • Cost -15% Light cavalry cost
To know the watering holes of the animals, the pastures where they graze, and their comings and goings, allows us to invest less time in shepherding them from place to place, as the ones to the west who call themselves 'civilized' do.
Levantine arabian path end bonus.png
  • Bonus: Trained Camelry
  • Discipline.png +10% Camel discipline
The colossi in the lands to north are stirring; the ancient pharaohs in the west have been usurped - we may have use for a trained force of warriors...
Egyptian path
Levantine arabian path 5.png
  • Sturdy Design
  • Unit octere.png Allows "Octere" units
  • Naval damage taken.png -10% Ship damage taken
The scarcity of shipbuilding material in many regions has led to our artisans ensuring that every plank is well spent. Our vessels are built with one purpose in mind: to endure.
Levantine egyptian path 2.png
  • Arms Race
  • Unit mega-polyreme.png Allows "Mega-Polyreme" units
  • Discipline.png +10% Liburnian discipline
  • Discipline.png +10% Trireme discipline
Disciplined crews of oarsmen serve us far better than the rag-tag slave crews employed by our adversaries.
Levantine egyptian path 3.png
  • Stonemovers
  • Fort defense.png +15% Fort defense
The monumental projects commissioned by our forefathers still stand as testament to our legacy in stonework. Whilst many of these techniques have been lost, our masons still possess an almost preternatural sense of the cold beauty of the stone they shape.
Levantine egyptian path 4.png
  • Colonial Integration
  • Military colonies Enables the "Military Colonies" ability
Following in the footsteps of the Phoenician traders, the establishment of colonies of devoted, loyal soldiers, gives us a manpower base to draw upon.
Levantine egyptian path 5.png
  • The Blood of Egypt
  • Morale.png +5% Morale of navies
The Nile has been the theater for numerous naval conflicts in ages past. Now that naval warfare has spilled out onto the Mediterranean, our long history of unusual naval tactics gives us an edge over more conventional forces.
Levantine egyptian path 6.png
  • Thick Hide
  • Defence.png +10% Camel defense
Our mounted warriors ride into battle on fierce and sturdy camels. Surprisingly resilient in battle, our camelry use their maneouverability as their main defense.
Levantine egyptian path 7.png
  • Cradle of Civilization
  • Manpower.png +10% National manpower
The densely packed Nile delta contains numerous bustling metropolises filled to the brim with those willing to serve us.
Levantine egyptian path end bonus.png
  • Bonus: Rank Upon Rank
  • Offense.png +10% Light infantry offense
  • Defence.png +10% Light infantry defense
The great hordes of Egypt, as if assembled by the Pharaohs of old, strike fear into the hearts of those who dare oppose us!
Graeco-Levantine path
Levantine greco path 1.png
  • Surfeit of War
  • Cost -15% Heavy infantry cost
After the collapse of Alexander's empire, the Mediterranean was filled with a surfeit of unemployed warriors. Many of these were trained phalangites, and were often willing to work for a significantly reduced wage.
Levantine greco path 2.png
  • Thorakitai
  • Offense.png +10% Light infantry offense
Capable of working in the phalanx style, the thorakitai were often better equipped than their counterpart, the Thureophoroi, but were still used as a bridge between the heavier fighting men, and light, agile skirmishers.
Levantine greco path 3.png
  • Machimoi Epilektoi
  • Offense.png +10% Heavy infantry offense
Native Egyptian soldiers played little part in the Ptolemaic army, until the formation of the 'Chosen Machimoi', after manpower concerns were raised. Despite the unpopularity of this move by the Greek soldiery, the Machimoi held a valued place in the Ptolemaic army, and were renowned for their ferocity.
Levantine greco path 4.png
  • Greek Warfare
  • Phalanx Enables the "Phalanx" tactic
As with the other successor states, the phalanx made up the core of the Ptolemiac army. Comprised of varying unit-types, the core principle was the same as inherited from the Macedonian reformation of the style, many decades previously.
Levantine greco path 5.png
  • Good Reputation
  • Mercenary maintenance.png -15% Mercenary army maintenance
The vast wealth of the Egyptian kingdoms attracted sizable mercenary interest. A routine standard of payment of these forces allows for prices to be negotiated in our favor.
Levantine greco path 6.png
  • Ramming Speed
  • Naval damage done.png +15% Ship damage done
The Ptolemaic navy was consistently in a process of development, not least due to the difficulty of obtaining appropriate building material. That said, the smaller ships of the Ptolemaios' could hold their own in battle, often defeating vessels much larger than themselves.
Levantine greco path 7.png
  • Unending Riches
  • Loyalty.png +5 Loyalty of generals
The obscene wealth of the Ptolemaic dynasty, and the desperate need for experienced commanders, led to exorbitant sums being offered to any foreign generals who would work for them. Loyalty may be expensive, but it can be bought.
Levantine greco path end bonus.png
  • Bonus: Learning From the Best
  • Offense.png +10% Heavy infantry offense
  • Defence.png +10% Heavy infantry defense
Having seen Roman troops in action, the Seleukid and Ptolemaic dynasties attempted to mimic aspects of Roman military philosophy in their own forces. Whilst limited in success, the greater attention to mobility and flexibility must have paid dividends in many engagements.


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国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
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