附属国(也叫附庸)are countries that do not have the ability to perform their own diplomacy. Instead they have entered into an agreement with a more powerful country for protection: their Overlord.
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Each kind of subject state is different but there are general guidelines all subject states must follow.
- Other than for Trade a subject can never enter into diplomatic agreements with other countries.
- When a country becomes a subject all their agreements with other countries are broken.
- The overlord and subject will always have military access to each others territory.
- Subjects have military access to the territory of other subjects of the same overlord.
- A subject can always leave a subject relationship by declaring war on their overlord.
- In addition most subject types will pay some sort of resource to their overlord, how much and which one will depend on the subject type.
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- Requirements: These conditions must be true for this relationship to be possible.
- Payment: The subject makes this payment to the overlord on a monthly basis.
- Dip. slot: Whether a subject of this type contributes to the overlord's diplomatic relations limit.
- Join wars: Whether a subject of this type is automatically called into the overlord's wars.
- Integrate: Whether the overlord can integrate the subject.
- Break: Whether the subject can break the relationship.
- Limit dip.: Whether the overlord limits the subject's diplomatic interactions.
Currently, all subject types will be defended by the overlord when attacked.
藩属(Feudatory) 是一种有义务接受同一文化组中更大更有影响力的国家所领导的城邦。历史上看,这种国家通常与其宗主国的其他附属国一道隶属于某种联盟的一部分,在许多方面上来看是一种有特权的附属国类型,这建立在一个附属国具有较大义务的假设前提上。
藩属为他们的宗主国提供人力,并需要参与宗主国的战争。历史上的例子是罗马同盟者(Roman Socii)、迦太基治下的北非布匿城邦联盟及在弗里吉亚的安提柯治下的爱琴海城邦联盟。
附属部落(Vassal Tribe) 是一种与附近较强大的文明国家有着密切的关系的部落王国、部落酋邦或部落联盟。对于部落国家而言,意味着这是一种更容易实现文明化的途径,因为它将同时提高国家文明度水平以及其治下所有城市的文明度增长。这种部落国家作为回报向宗主国提供它的人力,宗主国也承诺保护他们。历史上,这种类型的附属国是迦太基的努米底亚王国和与罗马接壤的各类小国。
仆从国(Client State) 在某些方面与他们的宗主国联系更加紧密,但与藩属不同,二者不一定是同一种文化,仆从国也不会以同样的方式享有特权地位。在大多数情况下,仆从国是战争后的成果;玩家也可以通过国家概览界面建立仆从国。仆从国王与总督的主要区别是其自治程度以及与被统治国的地方联系。
总督领(Satrapy) 是一种特殊类型的附属国,仅在被附属的一方拥有波斯军事传统时才可用。(阿契美尼德式的)总督(Satrap)在某种程度上类似于省长(Governor),但有着更强的权威、更大的义务和更广阔的领土。由于帝国希望东部拥有强大的总督镇守疆土,他们中的一些人也将有助于维持他们宗主国的正统性。
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Each subject has a Loyalty value to its overlord. This value will modify how much payment is actually sent to the overlord and at low loyalty they may also join Rebellions and Civil Wars against the overlord.
Subject loyalty is a value between 0 & 100, where 100 signifies total loyalty.
Below a loyalty of 50 a subject state is considered disloyal:
- This reduces what it pays to overlord by up to 50% (at 0 loyalty)
- If a rebellion happens of this culture the subject will join that revolt.
- If a civil war happens and a state is disloyal it joins the revolting side.
Loyalty is affected by the relation between subject and overlord, by the comparative army size of the overlord and its subjects of the same culture, the comparative population size and by things like laws, and the Overlord’s Aggressive Expansion, Tyranny and Stability.
It is possible to integrate vassals except for tributaries. It requires that the vassal has an opinion of at least 190 with its overlord. The time and cost of integrating a vassal depends on the size of the vassal and the diplomatic stance of the overlord.