
自由之民讨论 | 贡献2019年4月20日 (六) 14:10的版本 (09:30, 19 April 2019‎ 157.*.*.25)

Every city produces 1 trade good. If you have a surplus (produce more than 1) of a certain trade good, you gain a bonus modifier and you can establish a trade route to export that trade good to other nations. Creating a trade route costs Civic power.png Civic power.

For every 30 population you have in a city, 1 extra trade good is produced.

The list of trade goods includes the following:

Trade Good Base Bonus Surplus Bonus Capital Surplus Bonus Exporting Bonus


Iron Allows Heavy Infantry Local Manpower: +5.00% Heavy Infantry Discipline: +10.00% Heavy Infantry Discipline: +5.00%
Horses Allows Light Cavalry

Allows Heavy Cavalry

Local Manpower: +5.00% Light Cavalry Discipline: +10.00% Light Cavalry Discipline: +5.00%
Wood Allows Trireme Ship Recruit Speed: +10.00% Trireme Discipline: +10.00% Trireme Discipline: +5.00%
Elephants Allows War Elephants Local Manpower: +5.00% War Elephant Discipline: +10.00% War Elephant Discipline: +5.00%
Steppe Horses Allows Horse Archers Local Manpower: +5.00% Horse Archer Discipline: +10.00% Horse Archer Discipline: +5.00%
Camels Allows Camels Supply Limit: +2.50% Camel Discipline: +10.00% Camel Discipline: +5.00%
Grain Population Growth: +0.10% Population Growth: +0.05% National Manpower: +10.00% National Manpower: +5.00%
Fish Population Growth: +0.05% Population Growth: +0.02% Freeman Happiness: +5.00% Freeman Happiness: +2.50%
Livestock Population Growth: +0.05% Population Growth: +0.02% Freeman Promotion Cost: -10.00% Freeman Promotion Cost: -5.00%
Wine Local Freeman Happiness: +10.00% Local Freeman Happiness: +1.00% Army Maintenance Cost: -5.00% Army Maintenance Cost: -2.50%
Wild Game Local Tribesman Happiness: +10.00% Local Tribesman Happiness: +2.00% Global Tribesman Happiness: +10.00% Global Tribesman Happiness: +5.00%
Precious Metals Local Citizen Happiness: +10.00% Provincial Loyalty: +0.01 Citizen Promotion Cost: -10.00% Citizen Promotion Cost: -5.00%
Dyes Local Citizen Happiness: +10.00% Local Citizen Happiness: +5.00% Global Citizen Output: +5.00% Global Citizen Output: +2.50%
Olives Local Slave Output: +10.00% Local Slave Output: +2.00% Global Slave Happiness: +5.00% Global Slave Happiness: +5.00%
Woad Local Tribesman Output: +10.00% Local Tribesman Output: +2.00% Global Tribesman Happiness: +10.00% Global Tribesman Happiness: +5.00%
Honey Local Freeman Output: +10.00% Local Freeman Output: +2.00% Omen Duration: +25.00% Omen Duration: +10.00%
Dates Local Freeman Happiness: +10.00% Local Freeman Happiness: +2.00% National Commerce Income: +5.00% National Commerce Income: +2.50%
Salt Local Fort Defense: +10.00% Local Fort Defense: +5.00% Army Maintenance Cost: -5.00% Army Maintenance Cost: -2.50%
Stone Local Fort Defense: +25.00% Local Fort Defense: +5.00% Build Cost: -10.00% Fort Defense: +10.00%
Furs Starting Experience: +10.00% Starting Experience: +5.00% Starting Experience: +10.00% Starting Experience: +5.00%
Leather Regiment Recruit Speed: +10.00% Regiment Recruit Speed: +5.00% Light Infantry Defense: +20.00% Light Infantry Defense: +10.00%
Base Metals Regiment Recruit Speed: +10.00% Regiment Recruit Speed: +5.00% Light Infantry Offense: +20.00% Light Infantry Offense: +10.00%
Hemp Local Slave Output: +10.00% Local Slave Output: +2.00% Trireme Offense: +10.00% Trireme Offense: +5.00%
Vegetables Supply Limit: +10.00% Supply Limit: +2.50% Move Slaves Action Cost: -20.00% Move Slaves Action Cost: -10.00%



Amber Local Tax: +10.00% Local Tax: +5.00% Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.05 Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.02
Spices Commerce Income: +10.00% Commerce Income: +2.00% Global Citizen Happiness: +5.00% Global Citizen Happiness: +2.50%
Papyrus Research Points: +20.00% Research Points: +5.00% Civic Tech Cost: -10.00% Research Points: +5.00%
Cloth Local Tax Income: +10.00% Local Tax Income: +5.00% Oratory Tech Cost: -10.00% Research Points: +5.00%
Earthenware Research Points: +5.00% Research Points: +1.00% Global Freeman Output: +5.00% Global Freeman Output: +2.50%
Marble Building Slots: +1 Provincial Loyalty: +0.01 Monthly Tyranny: -5.00% Building Slots: +1
Incense Commerce Income: +10.00% Commerce Income: +2.00% Call Omen Action Cost: -25.00% Omen Power: +5.00%
Gemstones Local Tax: +20.00% Local Tax: +10.00% Country Civilization Level: +0.05% Country Civilization Level: +0.02%
Glass Commerce Income: +15.00% Commerce Income: +5.00% Religious Tech Cost: -10.00% Research Points: +5.00%
Silk Commerce Income: +15.00% Commerce Income: +5.00% Integration Speed: +0.10 Integration Speed: +0.05


概念 建筑殖民贸易商品TaxProduction人口
国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置