
Religion in Arabia was a polytheistic mixture of deities, aspects and demons, practiced in localities and enclaves around the region. Allah, the Creator-God, may have been worshiped as the head of the pantheon during this period, in some locations.
— In-game description

The Arabic religion is a polytheistic faith found on and around the Arabian peninsula. This article documents the deities associated with the religion. All values are for Omen.png +100% Omen Power.

Many Arabic deities can be accessed by any polytheistic nation that controls their holy site or has a specific percentage of Arabic pops: 5% for Very Common deities, 10% for Common deities, 20% for Rare deities, and 40% for Very Rare deities.

Every Arabic nation benefits from Tribesman happiness +8% National Tribesman Happiness.

General deities

These deities are available to all Arabic nations, and all polytheistic nations that have enough Arabic pops or control the deity's holy site:

Deity Category Rarity Passive effect Omen effect Apotheosis effect Holy site
Al-Uzza War Rare Military experience.png+5% Monthly Military Experience Manpower recovery speed.png+8% Manpower Recovery Speed 1 Freemen Freeman appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9 7576, Ta'if, 達奇弗的國旗 達奇弗
Alilat War Rare Starting experience +10% Cohort Starting Experience Morale.png +5% Morale of Armies Gain Manpower.png 1,000 Manpower, multiplied by the deity’s Military power.png Martial, and an extra 1,000 if the deity’s Military power.png Martial is at least 11, if manpower is below 80%
Gain Military experience.png 2.00 Military Experience, otherwise
754, Palmyra, 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞
Ailiah Culture Rare link= 28px −0.025 Aggressive Expansion Change Unintegrated culture group happiness +4% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness Up to 5 pops in a random territory Pop assimilation.png assimilate to the deity’s culture 7575, Makarabah, 塔穆德的國旗 塔穆德
Al-Kutbay Culture Rare Research points.png +5% Research Points Pop citizen happiness.png +6% National Citizen Happiness Up to 5 pops in a random territory Policy religious conversion.png convert to the deity’s faith 704, Ailath, 納巴忒阿的國旗 納巴忒阿
Al-Qaum Economy Rare Global capital trade routes.png +2.00 Capital Import Routes Commerce value.png +12% National Commerce Income A Pop citizen.png Citizen appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9 729, Petra, 納巴忒阿的國旗 納巴忒阿
Manat Economy Rare Province loyalty +0.025 Provincial Loyalty Pop citizen output.png +10% National Citizen Output Gain Wealth 15 Wealth multiplied by the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse, with a minimum of Wealth 50 and an additional Wealth 75 gold if the deity has more than Civic power.png 10 Finesse 4629, Rabigh, 塔穆德的國旗 塔穆德
Orotalt Fertility Rare Monthly food.png +10% Global Monthly Food Modifier National tax +10% National Tax Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth in the capital province for five years 4607, Badais, 利雅的國旗 利雅
Ta'lab Fertility Rare Population capacity +10% Population Capacity Monthly food.png +15% Global Monthly Food Modifier 1 Slaves Slave appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9 4683, Sirwa, 薩巴的國旗 薩巴