Seleukid Empire


The Seleukid Empire is a Major Power in the Middle East and one of the main Diadochi kingdoms that has emerged from the fall of the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国, centered in Mesopotamia and controlling all of the eastern Satrapies all the way to Bactria and Arachosia, encompassing about half of the former Argead Empire. With 3172 pops spread over 383 territories and a number of subject nations, including three large satrapies to the east, it is one of the wealthiest, most populous, and most powerful countries in the game, though one whose population is almost entirely of a different culture group and religion from the Macedonian ruling class. With the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 vulnerable and likely to end up at war with all of the other Diadochi soon after game start, the Seleukids are well positioned to destroy their Antigonid rivals and claim the rich territories of the west - though only if they can keep the rising 孔雀的国旗  Mauryans, restless populace, and Scythian tribes at bay. Historically the Seleukids would conquer much of Syria and Anatolia after the fall of the 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonids and 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯 to control nearly all of the Asian part of the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国, but would be weakened by devastating civil wars and see most of their territory lost to 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Parthia (Formable)}} Parthia and 珀耳伽蒙的国旗 珀耳伽蒙 before their final rump state in Syria was annexed by 罗马的国旗 罗马.


As a dynamically named country, the name of the Seleukid Empire can and usually will change at some point during the game. If the ruling dynasty changes or the country is no longer a monarchy, the former Seleukid Empire will receive an event to break with its dynastic traditions and naming, allowing the country to choose between renaming itself the Persian Empire if its capital is in Greater Persia (Persis, Media, Mesopotamia, or Ariana) or taking a more general name based on its capital region (e.g. Syrian Empire, Mesopotamian Empire, Assyrian Empire, etc.).

Apart from that event, the base name of the country will always use the name of the ruler's family and takes the form [RulerDynastyAdjective] Empire, defaulting to Persian Empire as a fallback if the country ceases to exist or has no ruler for whatever reason. This behaviour is also currently active if the country loses a Civil war.png civil war.


The Wars of the Diadochi

At start, all the Diadochi states will receive an event that gives them claims on all of the western half of the former 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国 and the special Legacy of Alexander wargoal, allowing them to easily declare war and conquer territory from each other. For the Seleukid Empire, these claims will go away on the death of the first ruler.

Fourth War of the Diadochi

Shortly after the game starts, the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 will receive an event to make an ultimatum against 马其顿的国旗 马其顿, demanding they retreat from their remaining holdings in Greece. If war breaks out, after a few months 埃及的国旗 埃及 may join the fray and demand territorial concessions or go to war; afterwards the Seleukid Empire will also receive an event that will let them directly declare war on the 弗里吉亚的国旗  Antigonids or present an ultimatum to cede most of Syria, including their capital of Antigoneia, in exchange for peace. 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯 will also receive a similar event to make demands or enter the war a few months afterwards.

The Seleukid-Mauryan War

At the beginning of the game, the Seleukids must also decide how to resolve the ongoing war with 孔雀的国旗 孔雀, which has recently expanded into the former Indian satrapies of the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国. The Seleukids can choose to either sue for peace and cede control over some of their eastern provinces as well as the satrapy of 阿拉科西亚的国旗 阿拉科西亚 for an extended truce, some war elephant units, and a bonus to Siege.png siege ability in order to focus on the west, or press onwards and get claims on the neighboring Indian regions (Gandhara and Maru), which will lead to renewed war in the west.

Parthian hordes

After the unification of the Dahaean hordes sometime after 480 AUC, the Dahaean leader will receive an event to launch a raid on a Seleukid border patrol led by the Basileus himself. If they choose to go ahead, they will immediately declare war and kill the Seleukid leader, giving the Seleukids a significant malus to Unintegrated culture group happiness unintegrated culture group happiness and Loyalty.png character loyalty to compound the instability from succession, which may quickly lead to civil war amidst the invasion.


The 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国 has two country-specific decisions around moving the capital to the city of Antiocheia (the former Antigoneia, capital of the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 at start) and improving its nearby port of Seleukia Pieria. The decisions can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/seleucids.txt.


A port for Antioch!

With a new focus towards the Mediterranean and the moving of the Seleukid capital to Syria the need for a new great port in Syria has grown ever more urgent. Let us pool our resources to expand the port of Seleuika Pieria and work for the establishment of Seleukid hegemony in the west.

潜在需求 允许条件
  • Has more than Wealth 200 gold
  • Owns Hydatos Potamoi (789)
  • Owns Antigoneia (790)
  • Antigoneia (790) is the capital

  • Lose Wealth 200 gold
  • Hydatos Potamoi (789) gets the modifier Seleukia on the Sea until the end of the game, giving:
    • Tax income.png +10% Local Tax
    • Global population growth.png +0.10% Local Population Growth
    • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
  • Add Pop citizen.png 8 citizen pops, Freemen 6 freemen pops, and Slaves 4 slave pops to Hydatos Potamoi (789)

A Mediterranean Capital!

For too long the rightful heirs of Alexander's empire have been disconnected from the Macedonian heartland which bore the greatest conquest of history and all the fortunes of our people. Fertile Babylonia has served us well, but we must restore our ties with the lost lands to the west and establish a central point of governance on the Mediterranean if we are to succeed in re-claiming the lands of Megas Alexandros.

  • Owns at least 1 territory
  • Is 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国
  • Has not yet enacted this decision
  • Has more than Wealth 400 gold
  • Owns Antigoneia (790)
  • Owns or has subjects that own the provinces of Syria, North Phoenicia, and Apamea

  • Lose Wealth 400 gold
  • Move the capital to Antigoneia (790)
  • Make the capital a city if it is currently a territory
  • Antigoneia (790) gets the modifier Antioch on the Orontes until the end of the game, giving:
    • Tax income.png +10% Local Tax
    • Population capacity +15% Population Capacity
    • Civilization.png +10% Local Civilization Level
    • Migration attraction +2 Migration Attraction
    • Pop assimilation.png +0.10 Pop Assimilation Speed
  • Add Pop citizen.png 8 citizen pops, Freemen 6 freemen pops, and Slaves 4 slave pops to Antigoneia (790)
  • Get Province investment 4 free province investments

As one of the easternmost Hellenistic states, the Seleukid Empire can take the decision to move their centre of power to Northern India and embrace greater cultural syncretism if they make conquests in the region, representing the historical creation of the Indo-Greek kingdoms.




潜在需求 允许条件
  • 控制了摩陀罗地区的所有省份

  • 首都移动到奢羯罗(4340),并建立城市
  • 奢羯罗(4340)改名为Euthymedeia
  • 首都增加Pop citizen.png4 公民、Freemen4 自由民和Slaves4 奴隶人口
  • 获得修正“为了印度”,直到游戏结束,给予:
    • Happiness for wrong culture group modifier.png+6% 未整合文化组幸福度
    • Diplomatic reputation.png+2 外交声誉

Finally, as a Hellenistic culture group monarchy, the Seleukid Empire also has access to the decision to form the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国.




潜在需求 允许条件
  • 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国不存在
  • 是君主制
  • 不在战争或内战中
  • 控制以下所有地区,或者属于附属国:
    • 佩拉(379)
    • 柯林斯(418)
    • 忒拜(426)
    • 斯巴达(427)
    • 阿耳戈斯(440)
    • 雅典(416)
    • 吕西玛刻亚(350)
    • 戈耳狄翁(189)
    • 萨耳狄斯(292)
    • 亚历山大里亚(516)
    • 孟菲斯(500)
    • 加沙(659)
    • 提尔(743)
    • 安提戈涅亚(790)
    • 厄庇法涅亚(1874)
    • 阿蒙(5537)
    • 巴比伦(918)
    • 大塞琉基亚(911)
    • 苏萨(946)
    • 波斯波利斯(4799)
    • 厄克巴塔纳(1595)
    • 高加索的亚历山大里亚(6611)
    • 奢叉尸罗(7314)
    • 亚历山大港(6821)

  • 如果国家是部落制,获得“文明的部落”修正,持续10年,给予:
    • Civilization.png+0.10% 每月文明度
    • Local pop promotion speed.png+2 人口升级速度
    • Happiness for same culture modifier.png+10% 已整合文化幸福度
  • 如果政体不是帝制或帝王崇拜,则政体变为帝制
  • 如果国家原本是共和国:
    • 如果国家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 补给法案或 Enact law cost modifier.png 布匿改革,则实施 Enact law cost modifier.png 御属卫队法律
    • 其他情况下,如果国家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 军队新式改革或 Enact law cost modifier.png 马略改革,则通过 Enact law cost modifier.png 御属军队法律
  • 获得修正“阿吉德统一”直到游戏结束:
    • Happiness for wrong culture group modifier.png+6% 未整合文化组幸福度
    • Land morale recovery.png+5% 陆军士气
    • Diplomatic reputation.png+2% 外交声誉
    • Pop freemen happiness.png+8% 全国自由民幸福度
  • 获得State free investments.png 5 免费省份投资
  • 改名为Argead Empire.png 希腊帝国
  • 如果当前统治者拥有阿吉德的血脉特质,将改名为Argead Empire.png 阿吉德帝国
  • 发生事件“帝都”
  • 获得以下区域所有领土的宣称:马其顿、希腊、色雷斯、亚细亚、弗里吉亚、卡帕多基亚 陶里卡、奇里乞亚、比堤尼亚与帕佛拉戈尼亚、亚述、美索不达米亚、波西斯、米底、革德罗西亚、帕提亚、巴克特里亚、阿里亚纳、巴勒斯坦、叙利亚、犍陀卫、上埃及下埃及
  • 如果国家是弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚马其顿的国旗 马其顿塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国埃及的国旗 埃及色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯,并且不是AI,获得成就“此世无再征

Combined with the modifiers from Seleukid Empire's unique heritage (which gives among other things Unintegrated culture group happiness +6% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness), if the Seleukid Empire manages to take both of these decisions it can accumulate one of the highest Unintegrated culture group happiness unintegrated culture group happiness modifiers in the game, making dealing with foreign conquests and Aggressive expansion.png aggressive expansion much easier.


The Seleukid Empire starts off as an Aristocratic Monarchy that is ruled by Basileus Seleukos Nikator Seleukid (13 Martial/14 Finesse/8 Charisma/6 Zeal), of the Seleukid family.


The Seleucid Empire has no allies, but six subjects, in 450 AUC. As long as they remain loyal they will provide a significant amount of military support, particularly with any wars in the east.

1 client state:

2 tributaries:

Additionally, the Seleukid Empire borders the Diadochi kingdom of the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 to the west (along with its subjects of 孔马革涅的国旗 孔马革涅 and 卡帕多基亚的国旗 卡帕多基亚), 亚美尼亚的国旗 亚美尼亚 and 阿特罗帕忒涅的国旗 阿特罗帕忒涅 to the north, 孔雀的国旗 孔雀 to the east, and 革耳剌的国旗 革耳剌 and 马卡的国旗 马卡 to the south.


The Seleukid Empire has Population.png 3172 Population at the beginning of the game, divided across Local.png 383 territories. Most of the Iranian plateau is Zoroastrian and in the Iranian culture group, comprising the majority of the Seleukid population at start (about 656%). Pops in the Aramaic culture group, split between Assyrians in the north and Babylonians in the south, dominate in Mesopotamia and largely follow the Chaldean religion, making up some 26% of the population and most of the capital region population. Only about 12% of the population follows the state culture and religion, with Macedonian Hellenic pops concentrated in the some of the major cities and recently founded Alexandrian colonies. Smaller negligible minorities of Qedarite Arabic and Hebrew Jewish pops also exist scattered throughout Mesopotamia, as well as Armenians and Cappadocians along the northern borders.

Population Types:

  • Pop noble.png 36 Nobles (1.13%)
  • Pop citizen.png 541 Citizens (17.06%)
  • Freemen 910 Freemen (28.69%)
  • Tribesmen 736 Tribesmen (23.20%)
  • Slaves 948 Slaves (29.89%)

Cultural privileges

  • Babylonian (Aramaic) - Integrated.png Integrated culture, Pop citizen.png Citizen rights
  • Persian (Iranian) - Integrated.png Integrated culture, Pop citizen.png Citizen rights
  • Median (Iranian) - Protected Inheritances


At the beginning of the game, there is a decision for the Seleukid Empire: if they want to wage war against 孔雀的国旗 孔雀, or give them the eastern part of the empire for ten years of peace and five cohorts of war elephants. There is the possibility to go into war with 孔雀的国旗 孔雀 and offer them peace immediately by giving up the subjects 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚 and 堤洛斯的国旗 堤洛斯. But it is recommended to give them the land and take the elephants like Seleukos did historically. Firstly, a war against 孔雀的国旗 孔雀 is very difficult in the Seleukid Empire's situation in 450 A.U.C., as all your troops are at the other side of your country and the 孔雀的国旗  Mauryans have a much stronger army and economy at the start. Secondly, 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚 as a Subject will become very important, primarily due to the tribute they pay to you each month. Later in the game, you will not have too much trouble with 孔雀的国旗 孔雀, but especially in the beginning, they might be a problem. Thirdly, you can concentrate on gaining territory in the west, which is much easier and much more valuable at the start. You can occupy land in the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 pretty easily, as they are usually at war with all of the other Diadochi some years after the start. If you win against them, you can gain territory with Hellenic population, which affects the stability of your country in a positive way. The majority of your population at the start do not share the same culture and religion as your leader, and especially after you rack up some aggressive expansion, you have to be careful not to let a civil war break out.


To the End of the World


No More Worlds Left to Conquer

