Antigonid Kingdom

(重定向自Antigonid Empire
This article is about the Hellenistic country in Asia formerly known as Phrygia. For the Phrygian culture formable, see 请检查模板名和国家代码{{Countries|flag/core|Phrygia (Formable)}}.

The 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 is a great power centered in Syria, directly holding 330 territories with a total population of 2765, spanning from Palestine to the Aegean Sea and controlling a vast network of feudatories, satrapies, and tributaries. Led by Antigonus Monophthalmus (the "one-eyed") at start, the Antigonid Kingdom is one of the largest and perhaps the strongest of the Diadochi successor states of the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国 of Alexander the Great, though one that has gained the enmity of all of the rest, having recently lost much of the east to the nascent 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国 with the support of 埃及的国旗 埃及 and currently engaged in an invasion of Greece against 马其顿的国旗 马其顿. Historically the Antigonids were defeated at the Battle of Ipsus shortly after the game start and lost most of their territories only to rise up again and seize Macedon from the ruling Antipatrid dynasty; ingame, the Antigonids must prepare to deal with the outbreak of the Fourth War of the Diadochi that will soon force it to either concede territory or face war across multiple distant fronts, all the while dealing with a vast, research-poor and culturally and religiously divided realm that may soon face unrest and upheaval if the Antigonid cause cannot be maintained.


As a dynamically named country, the name of the Antigonid Kingdom can and usually will change at some point during the game. If the ruling dynasty changes or the country is no longer a monarchy, the former Antigonid Kingdom instead will an event to break with its dynastic traditions and naming, allowing the country to choose between renaming itself into the Asian Kingdom based on the centre of its controlled territories or taking a more general name based on its capital region (e.g. Syrian Empire, Cilician Empire, Phrygian Empire, etc.).

Apart from that event, the base name of the country will always use the name of the ruler's family and takes the form [RulerDynastyAdjective] Kingdom, defaulting to Asian Kingdom as a fallback if the country ceases to exist or has no ruler for whatever reason. This behaviour is also currently active if the country loses a Civil war.png civil war.


主条目:Greek missions

At the beginning of the game, as a Diadochi state the 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 is eligible only for the generic missions. However, if it forms another country - the easiest being 马其顿的国旗 马其顿, but the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国 also counts - the Antigonid Kingdom will no longer be considered a Diadochi state for mission purposes and will have access to some of the Greek missions. In particular, as the Antigonids start with some territory in Greece as well as the Propontic coast, assuming it does not lose any territory the Antigonids will immediately be eligible for the Pan Hellenic Government Greek cultural mission tree, with the goal of uniting Greece and forming the 希腊联盟的国旗 希腊联盟, as well as the Euxine Sea Hellenistic cultural mission tree The Hospitable Sea, directing it to expand its influence and dominate the Euxine Sea region.


主条目:Diadochi events

The Antigonid Kingdom has a number of unique events that can trigger in the early game, centered around its background and interactions with the other Diadochi states, 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国, 埃及的国旗 埃及, 马其顿的国旗 马其顿, and 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯.

The Wars of the Diadochi

At start, all the Diadochi states will receive an event that gives them claims on all of the western half of the former Argead Empire and the special Legacy of Alexander wargoal against each other, allowing them to easily declare war and conquer territory from each other. These claims will usually go away on the death of the first ruler unless the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国 is restored within that time, but uniquely the Antigonids can keep their claims until the death of the second ruler (typically Antigonos's son Demetrios).

The Antigonid Cause

When Antigonos dies, one of two events can trigger depending on whether or not the Antigonids control certain territories (particularly Korinthos (418), which starts off under 马其顿的国旗  Macedonian control). If the Antigonid Kingdom does not control all of the necessary provinces, they will be forced to choose between either releasing 珀耳伽蒙的国旗 珀耳伽蒙 from all of their territories in the region of Asia, which may then become a tributary of 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯, or getting a considerable penalty to stability, happiness, and loyalty that may result in a rebellion. Successfully taking and holding all the required territories will instead give a subject loyalty bonus.

Fourth War of the Diadochi

Shortly after the game starts, the Antigonids will be given the choice to either resume the war in Greece against 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 or retreat entirely, releasing all subjects and territories in the region and angering its other protected Hellenistic subject states, possibly leading to revolts. 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 may choose to concede Korinthos (418) but will most likely decide to go to war. After a few months 埃及的国旗 埃及, the 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国, and eventually 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯 may join the fray, forcing the Antigonids to choose between conceding significant amounts of territory in Asia and the Levant - possibly including their capital - or possibly face war against all of the other four Diadochi combined.


The 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 has a single unique country-specific decision, relating to securing its position while Antigonos is still alive. The decision can be found in /ImperatorRome/decisions/phrygia.txt.


Secure Antigonid Position

To ensure the strength of Antigonos' new eastern kingdom and the freedom of the Greeks; Kassandros' occupiers in Korinthos must be cast out, our southern gains kept safe from jealous Ptolemaic schemes, and the new capital of Antigoneia defended from Seleukid ambition.

  • Has at least 1 territory
  • Is 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚
  • Antigonos Antigonid (37) is the current ruler
  • Does not have the variable secure_phrygian_position_flag
  • Antigonos Antigonid (37) is alive and the current ruler
  • Owns Korinthos (418), Askalon (660), Antigoneia (790), Chalkis (407), and Salamis (331)
  • Does not have the variable secure_phrygian_position_flag

  • Get the modifier Defender of Greece for 20 years, giving:
    • Province loyalty +0.03 Provincial Loyalty
    • State religion happiness +10% State Religion Happiness
  • Set the variable secure_phrygian_position_flag

As well, as a country with Macedonian primary culture, the Antigonid Kingdom can form 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 if it conquers the area and destroys the existing Antipatrid kingdom. As a Hellenistic culture group monarchy, the Antigonid Kingdom also has access to the decision to form the 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国.




  • 至少有一块地
  • 国家有马其顿文化
  • 不是共和国
  • 首都在马其顿希腊区域,或者首都的主流文化是马其顿
  • 不是马其顿的国旗 马其顿
  • 不是AI,拥有大于20块领土
  • 不是2级或3级可成立国家
  • 如果国家是弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚,并且在事件“摇摇欲坠的安提柯”中放弃了亚洲领土,已经完成独特任务树“马其顿野望”
  • 马其顿的国旗 马其顿不存在
  • 不在战争或内战中
  • 拥有以下所有地区:
    • 珀拉(379)
    • 墨托涅(428)
    • 安菲波里斯(365)
    • 法萨鲁斯(394)
    • 厄拉提拉(3175)

  • 获得Political influence.png150 政治影响力
  • 改名为马其顿的国旗 马其顿
  • 马其顿设为主流文化,原主流文化变为Integrated.png 已整合文化
  • 首都改为珀拉(379),并将珀拉升级为城市
  • 添加信奉国教并且是主流文化的4个公民和4个自由民到珀拉(379)
  • 珀拉(379)获得“新生的都城”直到游戏结束:
    • Global population growth.png+0.15% 本地人口增长
    • Pop freemen happiness.png+8% 本地自由民幸福度
    • Civilization.png+10% 本地文明度等级
  • 获得马其顿区域所有领土的宣称
  • 获得State free investments.png 3 免费省份投资



潜在需求 允许条件
  • 阿吉德帝国的国旗 阿吉德帝国不存在
  • 是君主制
  • 不在战争或内战中
  • 控制以下所有地区,或者属于附属国:
    • 佩拉(379)
    • 柯林斯(418)
    • 忒拜(426)
    • 斯巴达(427)
    • 阿耳戈斯(440)
    • 雅典(416)
    • 吕西玛刻亚(350)
    • 戈耳狄翁(189)
    • 萨耳狄斯(292)
    • 亚历山大里亚(516)
    • 孟菲斯(500)
    • 加沙(659)
    • 提尔(743)
    • 安提戈涅亚(790)
    • 厄庇法涅亚(1874)
    • 阿蒙(5537)
    • 巴比伦(918)
    • 大塞琉基亚(911)
    • 苏萨(946)
    • 波斯波利斯(4799)
    • 厄克巴塔纳(1595)
    • 高加索的亚历山大里亚(6611)
    • 奢叉尸罗(7314)
    • 亚历山大港(6821)

  • 如果国家是部落制,获得“文明的部落”修正,持续10年,给予:
    • Civilization.png+0.10% 每月文明度
    • Local pop promotion speed.png+2 人口升级速度
    • Happiness for same culture modifier.png+10% 已整合文化幸福度
  • 如果政体不是帝制或帝王崇拜,则政体变为帝制
  • 如果国家原本是共和国:
    • 如果国家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 补给法案或 Enact law cost modifier.png 布匿改革,则实施 Enact law cost modifier.png 御属卫队法律
    • 其他情况下,如果国家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 军队新式改革或 Enact law cost modifier.png 马略改革,则通过 Enact law cost modifier.png 御属军队法律
  • 获得修正“阿吉德统一”直到游戏结束:
    • Happiness for wrong culture group modifier.png+6% 未整合文化组幸福度
    • Land morale recovery.png+5% 陆军士气
    • Diplomatic reputation.png+2% 外交声誉
    • Pop freemen happiness.png+8% 全国自由民幸福度
  • 获得State free investments.png 5 免费省份投资
  • 改名为Argead Empire.png 希腊帝国
  • 如果当前统治者拥有阿吉德的血脉特质,将改名为Argead Empire.png 阿吉德帝国
  • 发生事件“帝都”
  • 获得以下区域所有领土的宣称:马其顿、希腊、色雷斯、亚细亚、弗里吉亚、卡帕多基亚 陶里卡、奇里乞亚、比堤尼亚与帕佛拉戈尼亚、亚述、美索不达米亚、波西斯、米底、革德罗西亚、帕提亚、巴克特里亚、阿里亚纳、巴勒斯坦、叙利亚、犍陀卫、上埃及下埃及
  • 如果国家是弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚马其顿的国旗 马其顿塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国埃及的国旗 埃及色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯,并且不是AI,获得成就“此世无再征


The Antigonid Kingdom begins with no allies, but has a vast network of 18 subjects across several different types, many of which can be called to war against its enemies.

The Antigonids also start with guarantees on 埃托利亚的国旗 埃托利亚 and 玻俄提亚的国旗 玻俄提亚.


The Antigonid Kingdom has Population.png 2770 pops at the beginning of the game, which are highly diverse and spans a wide range of culture groups and religions. About half of its population is in the Anatolian culture group, corresponding to the large Anatolian territories in Phrgyia, Asia, and Cilicia that the Antigonids rule over; most of these pops are Cybelene though there is substantial Hellenic penetration from the Hellenized areas of the coast. As with the other eastern Diadochi states there is a substantial Hellenistic minority following the Hellenic religion, though unlike the others much of this comes from older Ionian and Cypriot settlement along the coasts, with only a small number of Macedonian pops scattered between a few major cities. The nation's heartland of Syria is dominated by the native Phoenicians along the coast and Aramaic pops inland, both largely Canaanite but with a significant minority of Hellenic Aramaic pops around the capital. There are also smaller minorities of Hebrew Jewish pops in the directly controlled areas of Palestine and Qedarite Arabic areas near Palmyra.

Population Types:

  • 30 Pop noble.png Nobles (1.08%)
  • 644 Pop citizen.png Citizens (23.25%)
  • 844 Freemen Freemen (30.47%)
  • 360 Tribesmen Tribesmen (13.00%)
  • 892 Slaves Slaves (32.20%)

Cultural privileges

  • Aramaic (Aramaic) - Integrated.png Integrated culture, Pop citizen.png Citizen rights
  • Cilician (Anatolian) - Integrated.png Integrated culture, Pop citizen.png Citizen rights
  • Phrygian (Anatolian) - Protected Inheritances, Right of Intermarriage
  • Phoenician (Levantine) - Right to Enter Contracts, Protected Inheritances
  • Carian (Anatolian) - Right of Intermarriage
  • Ionian (Hellenistic) - Right to be Officer, Right of Intermarriage
  • Euboean (Hellenistic) - Right of Intermarriage, Protected Inheritances


The 弗里吉亚的国旗 弗里吉亚 starts the game with multiple internal problems that the player will have to address. Because most of its population, even in the capital region and province, are of a different culture group, happiness is low across the empire, leading to poor research; over time, this will cause the Antigonids to fall behind in technology. Moreover, aggressive expansion will lead to lower stability affecting the happiness all provinces of the Antigonid Kingdom, making rebellions a very real danger in the long term.

Research has a large bonus in the capital city (75%) and capital province (50%). Thus, it is helpful to focus on increasing research in the capital by importing papyrus and making citizens happier by various laws, trade goods, and increasing the civilization value.

Soon after starting the game, the Wars of the Diadochi event will trigger, giving the Antigonids claims on lands owned by the other Diadochi. Specially for the Antigonids, an event will fire giving some modifiers increasing disloyalty in the provinces for 10 years. So the player has two options -- either the player could try to conquer Korinth, which is owned by 马其顿的国旗 马其顿, or the player could simply allow the event to fire upon the death of their ruler.

After handling the issue of Antigonus's death and the subsequent succession, the player is in a position to expand. Antignous's son, Demetrius, will inherit the claims over Alexander's empire (unlike all the other heirs of the Diadochi states). The pros and cons for expanding into each of the successor states are noted below, and it is up to the player to choose the direction of expansion.

  • 马其顿的国旗 马其顿/色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯: These are the only successor states whose provinces are all of the Hellenistic culture group. Conquering their provinces give the least unrest and the best return on research, gold, and manpower.
  • 塞琉古帝国的国旗  Seleukids: In the beginning of the game, the 塞琉古帝国的国旗  Seleukids will sometimes be at war with the 孔雀的国旗  Mauryan kingdom to their east, potentially giving the player an opportunity to strike. Their land is generally mountainous with low supply limit, and there are lots of impassable terrain. Because of this, it often takes the 塞琉古帝国的国旗  Seleukids a long time to respond to an invasion, allowing the player to fully occupy a well chosen war goal. On the other hand, the terrain could easily cause a lot of attrition to the player as well or cause stacks to be located too far for timely reinforcement. The 塞琉古帝国的国旗  Seleukids has some provinces with rare trade goods, such as gems and steppe horses, but other than Mesopotamia and some cities in Persia, their land is generally low in population. Moreover, most of the population are of the wrong culture, making their provinces less useful than the provinces in Greece.
  • 埃及的国旗 埃及: The Egyptian provinces along the Nile river are some of the most populous provinces in the game, making Egypt a tempting target for expansion. The Antigonids should be able to muster a larger army than 埃及的国旗 埃及, and with careful play and well chosen war goals, be able to beat 埃及的国旗 埃及. One thing to be careful of is the land connecting 埃及的国旗 埃及 and the Antigonids, which has a fort in Gaza and is otherwise mostly desert. The player can use his ships to remove the 埃及的国旗  Egyptian forts, if you manage to beat their navy, making it ripe for occupation and enslavement. The Egyptian provinces are very rich and some provinces produce papyrus; however, like the Seleucid provinces, most cities are of the wrong culture.

Unique aspects of the Antigonid Kingdom

With the introduction of missions and changes in events. the newer versions gives a very different playstyle for any Antigonid player. First of all, you have the possibility of having a quick war against an unprepared Macedonia, which if done correctly can be crushed before 埃及的国旗 埃及, 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国 and 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯 can do any real damage towards you. This will make it possible to do a decision if you take Korinth, which will stabilize your empire while the war rages on. Afterwards, you will have three defensive wars, which will make it quicker for you to reduce your aggressive expansion while conquering them.

The Antigonids are an excellent choice for any player who wish to see the lategame playstyle from the start; you can go for a total war at the start against numerous foes, financing your war through raiding cities with your faction leader. The player may also abuse the event to gain a peaceful option and diplomatically gain all the Greek states before switching to a one by one approach on the Diadochi, crushing them with your superior numbers and allies.

It is worth mentioning that Aggressive Expansion mostly affects your stability internally, which can stop you from attacking other nations if below 30, but will take decades before it seriously hinders your war efforts; your provinces start at 100 loyalty and it will take quite some time for it to go down. So, going for a high Aggressive expansion (which will reduce AE gain if over 75, and can be further reduced with switching Pantheon to gain an additional 6.5% and a starting Charisma Tech which will give you an additional 5% reduction.) This can be a fun experience for any player who would want some challenge in expanding quickly.

For the first 50 years of game-time (depending on your second leader's health), you are given claims on large parts of your neighbours' provinces. This puts you on a timer much like any player looking for a world conquest in the lategame. Secondly, you will experience the effect of having a large population outside your culture group and of a different religion, much like any Rome player long into a world conquest. Now, with both integrated cultures and rights to give to them, there are choices on how to spend your valuable stability.

You will also be able to experience both the use of large armies with most unit combinations, large naval battles, and a several front war. An important point on the navy is that the Antigonids have 3 of the largest ships ingame (you're able to get more through a mission as well as through the military tradition). These ships are quite powerful, if not overpowered in the early game, as they give you the ability to breach fortresses near the coast for 30% of their HP, or simply REMOVE the fortress for 70% of one ship's hitpoints. This means that all forts of 埃及的国旗 埃及 can be removed at the start of the war if you're planning ahead. If combined with 埃及的国旗 埃及 attacking a neighbour in the south, you pretty much have free reign to occupy his whole capital region without any resistance. It is also the same situation for 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 and 色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯, which both only have forts with ports at the start of the game.

Peaceful expansion

Due to the nation's Macedonian culture, you have a +10 relations with all nations of Greek culture, this combined with +25 from gift and an alliance offer will give you 100 relations. (If they are trading with you, you gain an additional 20 relations) 100 relation is the ideal spot in diplomacy as this will give you the option of making them a tribute/feudatory which costs no diplomatic slots. (Feudatories can also be annexed when at 190 relations). If you have any Aggressive expansion, you might need to use your hard earned political power to improve relation. (Or get lucky in the Olympics and gain a +20 relations to all Hellenic nations.)

Why is this even important? Well, it makes it possible for some diplomatic expansion before beginning the annexing of the Diadochi (埃及的国旗 埃及/马其顿的国旗 马其顿/色雷斯的国旗 色雷斯/塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国). Main goal of this is both to gain allies in future wars and reduce Aggressive expansion gain. Lastly ,it will make it possible to quickly and easily annex the Greek cities through a mission, gained after using the decision to create the nation of Macedonia after you've annexed it.

Strategy could be as follows: first, push 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 to give up Korinth. Secondly, look over possible trading agreements with minor Greek states, to gain +20 relations to negate the negative relation that your 10 Aggressive expansion is giving as of now. (To reduce this quickly, do not go to war, put the 11 Charisma skill advisor in your court to reduce Aggressive expansion and start Zeus's omen. Gain some Tyranny) Try to avoid allying any state which is in war, as they cannot be made a Feudatory while in war. You cannot have too many alliances as it will reduce your political power gain, and if you have many enough, it will make them unlikely to accept. So when you're sure you will gain 100 relations, ally, gift and vassalize as many as possible over 3 months' time. Repeat until all nations in your culture group is part of your empire. (This can be done with Greek city states in Italy and the Black Sea as well. When you form 马其顿的国旗 马其顿 you will be able to diplomatically reach the Greek states in the Western Mediterranean as well.

伊庇鲁斯的国旗 伊庇鲁斯 is a nice example of this, as at the start of the game you will gain an marriage event which will give you +50 relations with the nation, just ally it and then make it a feudatory. Quick and easy.

Afterwards, annex 马其顿的国旗 马其顿, form it through decision and you'll be able to go through a mission tree which gives you an end mission to annex most the cities in Greece instantly and for free.

Note that with patch 1.5, the above strategy becomes much harder as non-Macedonian Greek states now have -10 opinion due to "different culture".


The Besieger


No More Worlds Left to Conquer

