第1行: |
第1行: |
| <includeonly>{{icon/{{padleft:|1|{{lc:{{{1}}}}}}}|{{#replace:{{lc:{{{1}}}}}|_| }}|w{{#if:{{{2|}}}||NULL}}={{{2}}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{template doc}}[[Category:Templates]]</noinclude> | | <includeonly>{{icon/{{padleft:|1|{{lc:{{{1}}}}}}}|{{#replace:{{lc:{{{1}}}}}|_| }}|w{{#if:{{{2|}}}||NULL}}={{{2}}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{template doc}}[[Category: 模板]]</noinclude> |
This template can be used for embedding icons in the Imperator: Rome wiki, thus making them more colorful, easy to read and standardized. The available icons link to the concept they represent.
- 1
- 第一个参数是图标的标识符。它没有缺省值而且总是需要的。
- 2
- 第二个参数是图标的宽度。它是可选的。缺省值通常是28px,目前没有其他尺寸。(作为对比,在EU4中)用于顾问的图标77px,用于态度的图标和叛军的图标24px,而用于建筑的图标48px。
- 语法
或者 {{icon|标识符|宽度}}
- 例子
这个模板由于高访问量而受保护。如果你有改进或扩展的建议请在 讨论页 上注明。
imp |
mgr |
ironman |
yes |
no |
all power, all power costs, power costs |
cost |
civ, civic power, finesse |
mil, military power, martial |
ora, oratory power, charisma |
pol, political influence |
rel, religious power, zeal |
time |
treasury |
wealth |
Unit types (land)
archers |
camel cavalry |
chariots |
engineers |
heavy cavalry |
heavy infantry |
horse archers |
light cavalry |
light infantry, militia |
supply train |
war elephants |
Unit types (naval)
hexere |
liburnian |
mega-polyreme |
octere |
tetrere |
trireme |
Army tactics (land)
bottleneck |
cavalry skirmish |
deception |
envelopment |
hit-and-run, hit and run |
padma vyuha |
phalanx |
shock action |
skirmishing |
triplex acies |
Army tactics (naval)
close ranks |
frontal assault |
harassment |
naval envelopment |
probing attack |
Unit actions
anabasis |
border fort, construct border fort |
build road |
capture port |
desecrate, desecrate holy site |
drill, drill army |
force march |
military colonies |
pillage |
port assault |
port raid |
raise levies |
raze city |
reorganization, unit reorganization |
order retreat |
root out pirates |
settle |
slave raid |
army, army size, cohort |
army strength, cohort strength |
commander |
distinction |
enslavement |
legion |
levy |
levy strength, strength |
mercenary, mercenaries |
military tab |
military tradition |
navy, navy size, ship |
retreat |
siege |
Country rank
migrant horde |
city state |
local power |
regional power |
major power |
great power |
character interaction |
colonize, colonization |
culture |
decision |
deficit |
divine sacrifice, sacrifice |
economy |
integrated, integrated culture |
innovation |
invention |
mission |
number of pops, population |
number of territories, territories |
religion |
reliquary |
technology |
tribal migration |
approval, senate support |
faction agenda, faction objective |
government, government form |
grateful |
law |
office |
position |
pretender |
ruler |
scorned |
senate control, senate seats |
succession |
Senate Factions
optimates |
boni |
populares |
oligarchs |
traditionalists |
democrats |
civic |
mercantile |
military |
populist |
religious |
alliance |
casus belli |
civil war |
claim |
defensive league |
guarantee |
integrating |
military access |
opinion |
overlord |
rebellion |
subject, vassal |
truce |
war, warfare |
Diplomatic stances
appeasing stance |
bellicose stance |
domineering stance |
mercantile stance |
neutral stance |
nobles |
citizens |
freemen |
slaves |
tribesmen |
academy |
aqueduct |
barracks |
court of law |
earthworks |
farming settlement |
fortress |
forum |
foundry |
granary |
library |
market |
mine |
mill |
port building |
provincial legation |
slave estate |
tax office |
temple |
theater |
training camp |
tribal settlement |
Great Works
great work, wonder |
building |
material copper |
material ebony |
material gold |
material iron |
material ivory |
material marble |
material silver |
material stone |
material wood |
pyramid |
tower |
Province Investments
province investment |
military investment |
civic investment |
oratory investment |
religious investment |
Territory Icons
barbarians, barbarian power |
capital, country capital |
city |
fort |
holding |
holy site |
metropolis |
pirates |
port |
province capital |
revoke city |
road |
settlement |
urban development |
coast, coastal, coastal sea |
desert |
farmland |
forest |
hills |
jungle |
marsh |
mountain, mountains |
ocean |
plains |
river |
National values
aggressive expansion |
centralization |
civilization |
legitimacy |
military exp |
stability |
tyranny |
war exhaustion |
Trade goods
amber |
base metals |
camels |
cloth |
dates |
dyes, dye |
earthenware, earthware |
elephants |
fish |
furs, fur |
Trade goods
gemstones, gems |
glass |
grain |
hemp |
honey |
horses |
incense |
iron |
leather |
livestock, cattle |
Trade goods
marble |
olives, olive |
papyrus |
precious metals |
salt |
silk |
spices |
steppe horses |
stone |
vegetables |
Trade goods
wild game |
wine |
woad |
wood |
Realm modifiers
change governor policy cost |
clan chiefs |
clan retinues |
civil war threshold |
cultural integration speed |
election term |
enact law cost, law cost |
migration cost |
next ruler legitimacy |
party approval |
province loyalty |
rebellion threshold |
senate influence |
Economic modifiers
base resources |
base trade routes |
build cost |
build time |
building slots |
capital trade routes |
city cost |
civic tech investment |
commerce value |
construction prestige, wonder prestige |
export value |
food |
food capacity |
fort cost |
hostile food, total food |
import value |
local tax |
military tech investment |
national tax |
oratory tech investment |
religious tech investment |
research points |
revoke city cost |
revoke metropolis cost |
road cost |
technology speed |
temple cost |
trade route, trade routes |
trade route cost |
slaves for surplus, surplus threshold |
urban development cost |
wonder construction, workpower |
Diplomacy modifiers
claim fabrication cost |
claim fabrication speed |
control range |
diplomatic range |
diplomatic relations |
diplomatic reputation |
improve opinion maximum |
improve relation cost |
integration speed |
loyalty to overlord |
no casus belli war cost |
subject income, tribute income |
subject loyalty |
subject opinion, subject opinion of us, tributary opinion, tributary opinion of us |
warscore cost, war score cost |
Pop modifiers
assimilation |
citizen happiness |
citizen output |
citizen ratio |
conversion |
demotion |
freeman happiness |
freeman output |
freeman ratio |
freeman workpower |
happiness |
integrated culture group happiness, primary culture happiness |
local output modifier, pop output, population output |
local population growth, pop growth, population growth |
migration attraction |
migration speed |
noble happiness |
noble output |
noble ratio |
pop cap, population capacity |
promotion |
slave happiness |
slave move cost |
slave output |
slave ratio |
slave workpower |
state religion happiness |
tribesman happiness |
tribesman move cost |
tribesman output |
tribesman ratio |
tribesman workpower |
unintegrated culture happiness, wrong culture happiness |
unintegrated culture group happiness, wrong culture group happiness |
Army modifiers
army maintenance, legion maintenance |
army morale, morale of armies |
army morale recovery |
army weight modifier |
assault ability |
attrition |
cohort recruit speed |
cohort starting exp, cohort starting experience |
combat bonus |
combat width |
defense |
desecrate cost |
discipline |
experience |
experience decay |
fort defense |
fort level |
fort maintenance |
garrison, garrison size |
levy size |
maintenance |
manpower |
manpower recovery speed |
mercenary cost |
mercenary limit, mercenary max |
mercenary maintenance |
monthly war exhaustion |
morale |
morale damage taken |
movement cost |
movement speed, army movement speed |
movement speed without road |
offense |
reinforcement speed |
retreat delay |
siege ability |
siege engineers |
starting experience |
strength damage taken |
supply limit |
unit reorganization cost |
Navy modifiers
blockade, blockade efficiency |
naval range |
navy maintenance |
navy morale |
navy movement speed |
pirate fleet maintenance, pirate maintenance |
pirate haven |
repair at sea |
ship capture chance |
ship cost |
ship damage done |
ship damage taken |
ship recruit speed |
ship starting experience |
Character modifiers
admiral loyalty |
assassinate cost |
bribe character cost |
character loyalty |
clan chief loyalty |
general loyalty |
governor loyalty |
governor wages |
hold triumph cost |
imprison cost |
monthly wages |
primary heir attraction |
smear reputation cost |
Religion modifiers
apotheosis, deification cost |
call omen cost |
change deity cost, change pantheon cost, pantheon |
holy site cost |
invoke devotio, devotio |
omen duration |
omen power |
sacrifice cost, stability cost |
Health traits
arthritis |
barren |
blind |
bloody flux, hemorrhagic fever |
brain damaged |
cancer |
castrated |
dementia |
depressed |
diphtheria |
dysentery |
epileptic |
fair |
frail |
gangrene |
gout |
hunchback |
inbred |
infection |
inflammation |
invalid |
leper |
limp |
lisp |
lunatic |
maimed |
maniac, schizophrenic |
mentagra |
mourning |
one-eyed, one eyed |
paralysis |
plague |
pneumonia |
pox |
seeking treatment |
stressed |
stutter |
ugly |
wounded |
Military traits
aggressive |
brave |
confident |
coastal raider |
coward |
daring |
disciplined |
fleet commander |
improviser |
oarmaster |
original thinker |
princeps |
sea dog |
steadfast |
tactically inflexible |
tactician |
tough |
Personality traits
ambitious |
arbitrary |
arrogant |
assertive |
benefactor |
blunt |
cautious |
chaste |
cold |
content |
corrupt |
crafty |
cruel |
deceitful |
devout |
dumb |
energetic |
foolish |
forgiving |
founder |
generous |
greedy, gluttonous |
good natured |
guileless |
harsh |
honest |
humble |
incapable |
intelligent |
jealous |
just |
kindly |
lapsed |
lazy |
loving |
Personality traits
lustful |
merciful |
miserly |
modest |
monotonous |
narrow-minded, narrowminded |
obsessive |
pious |
plain speaking |
polymath |
prominent |
proud |
rash |
reckless |
righteous |
sarcastic |
scholar |
secure |
self-controlled |
selfish |
shrewd |
skeptical |
silver tongued |
stubborn |
submissive |
suspicious |
tolerant |
trusting |
uncaring |
unnoticeable |
vengeful |
weak-willed |
wise |
zealous |
Status traits
blood of aiakos, aeacidae |
blood of antigonus, antigonids |
blood of antipatros, antipatrid |
blood of the argeads, argeads |
blood of the lagidae, lagids |
blood of lysimachus, alcimachid |
blood of seleucus, seleucids |
conqueror |
olympic competitor |
orator |
poet |
victorious |
Character values
age |
attraction as heir |
corruption |
disloyal power base |
family prestige, prestige |
fertility |
health |
loyalty |
popularity |
power base |
prominence |
statesmanship |
succession value |
character wage modifier |
family head faction conviction |
max friends |
max rivals |
monthly wealth |
wage |
Modifiers for generals
cohort loyalty, loyalty gain chance |
enslavement efficiency |