This page lists dynamic historical events for 羅馬.[1]
Conflict of the Orders
Legis Actiones
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The below description is one of several available for this event.
The full extent and interpretation of our laws has, until now, been a verbal tradition of our judiciary, and Flavius' attempt to codify parts of our legal procedures for a wider audience has not been wholly appreciated.
Some patricians argue a public airing of our sacred laws, by a plebeian no less, threatens their traditional prerogative over government positions and the laws of [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName], while the populists welcome greater rights and participation for the plebs.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
Transparency can only benefit our legal system.
We cannot undo the damage, but we can control it.
Conflict of the Orders (start)
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In spite of the rights granted to plebeians since the last Secession in 411, tension between the patrician and plebeian classes of Rome has been growing lately, partly influenced by the work of Gnaeus Flavius, among others. None of our concessions have dampened the plebeians determination to secure political and legal equality.
However, a new political class made up of both patricians and plebeians has been growing, incorporating the middle income families of the republic. We must decide whether to promote the expansion of this new Nobilitas as a middle ground, or give in to the populist's demands for reform.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
Perhaps encouraging this new 'middle-class' could be the solution.
Only real reform will truly resolve the issue.
Secession of the Plebs
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The below description is one of several available for this event.
The city has ground to a halt with thousands of freemen leaving the city to occupy the hill of Janiculum across the Tiber. Their leaders are demanding legal and political equality to end the strike.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
the main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
Remove the modifiers Patricio-Plebeian Aristocracy and Populist Reform, if the country has them | |
Option conditions
What choice to do we have?
We must reinstate the promised concessions.
Conflict of the Orders
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The below description is one of several available for this event.
The fractious years of the Conflict of the Orders have finally been put behind us; the promised legal reforms of populist politicians successfully eased the main grievances of the plebeians, despite attempts by other parties to undo their work. By maintaining their legal rights we have satisfied the main grievances of the plebeians, removing their political incentive to revolt. While some patricians may doubt the course we chose, there is no doubt that the populists ensured stability.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Never |
They had better not ask for anything else.
Why didn't we just let it lie... |
Political events
Expansion of the Tribes (Aniensis and Tarentina)
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Since Romulus founded our great city, its citizens have been divided into the tribes. Originally it was an ethnic distinction but since the Republic was formed the tribes have been divisions of eligible citizens whose local consensus is submitted as a vote in the Tribal Assembly in Rome.
The number of tribes has fluctuated throughout our history, beginning with merely three, there are now over thirty, added or redrawn as our state has grown. New tribes are formed as our citizen population rises to better represent the opinions of the whole Republic.
There have lately been calls to create two more tribes, to be named Aniensis and Terentina, to ensure votes are fairly distributed.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
This should please the provinces.
We have enough tribes. |
Expansion of the Tribes (Quirina and Velina)
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Today's tribes are much changed from the strict geographic constituencies of the past, now consisting of a vertical slice of citizens from any one of the provinces. Although there are only four tribes within the city of Rome itself, the rural tribes are a valuable source of political legitimacy and play an important role in organizing the bureaucracy of the state, from electing local magistrates to passing motions by the Tribunes of the Plebs.
Rome has grown far beyond the borders of Latium, and with the large increase in population there are again calls to again more tribes for the Republic. In response, the Senate is debating the commission of two further tribes, to be named Quirina and Velina respectively.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
Our system requires granularity.
We have enough tribes... |
Development of Roman Law
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Our legal system has grown substantially as it tries to keep pace with the needs of an expanding population and the evolving social structure of the state. As a result, specialist jurists, often plebeians, have become a social caste unto themselves who supplement the work of judges and magistrates.
The Legis Actiones has been supplemented by the Laws of the Twelve Tables, providing far greater transparency for plebeians, and a more simple and open interpretation of the law is emerging with the introduction of legal precedents, or case law, in determining sentences.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. |
The Great Transformation
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The expansion of the state has lead to large parcels of private farmland becoming concentrated in enormous provincial estates known as Latifundia. These estates have a reputation for the extensive use of slaves as well as directing their production towards profit oriented export products rather than grain for the population.
While these estates make us a great deal of money, the owners of smaller farms and some populist politicians who are beginning to feel marginalized by these enterprises have lobbied for the curtailment of the latifundia system.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects | |
These developments suit our situation. The plebeians should be appeased. |
Increased Social Tensions
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As Rome has grown, our once vitally important permanent allies in Italy, known as the Socii, have become increasingly less important. Their diminishing significance has not been lost on them, with the privileges and attention the Socii formerly received falling into decline.
They are particularly irritated by the what they see as the encroachment of our citizens into their lands, who they claim are settling unlawfully. Thus they accuse us of favoring newly conquered peoples and citizens while disenfranchising our old and loyal allies who are not classed as citizens of Rome.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
This will all blow over.
We must not lose their support.
Punic War events
Carthage Attacks
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We have been attacked by the powerful trading empire of Carthage! Many predicted this would befall us eventually, but without assistance we have little chance of defeating the invaders.
The prevailing mood is that our only hope is send an envoy in supplication to Rome, a natural rival of Carthage, begging them to intervene on our behalf.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
The monthly country pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
We must send for help. The gods will protect us. |
[SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_caller').GetName] Calls for Aid Against Carthage
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We have received an urgent envoy from the small state of [SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_caller').GetName]. [SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_caller').GetRuler.GetTitle] [SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_caller').GetRuler.GetName] is requesting our immediate assistance against Carthage, who he claims have treacherously invaded his country.
Their envoy has spent many hours in supplication before the Senate, and passionately argued that if we let the cities of [SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_caller').GetName] fall, it will only be a matter of time before Carthage tries to invade and destroy Rome.
Given our conflicting interests with Carthage in the Mediterranean, and their continued policy of expansion, this could be an opportunity to escalate the situation in our favor. How should we respond?
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
The event Carthage Attacks |
We are not ready for war. Yet.
"[SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_caller').GetName]? Please...
The Roman Response
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The below description is one of several available for this event.
Let us hope the gods are kind to us.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
The event [SCOPE.sC('dhe_rome_aid_ caller'.GetName] Calls for Aid Against Carthage |
Option conditions
We should never have put our faith in Roman cowards...
We should never have put our faith in Rome... |
(Hidden event)
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Trigger conditions | Is triggered only by
On losing a battle |
Immediate effects
| |
Rapid Assembly
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After suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of the numerous, and fiercely competent Carthaginian navy, our fleet has slunk back to port with many hands lost.
All however, is not as devastating as it may appear. Amongst the surviving Roman vessels, a lone Carthaginian quadrireme sits; captured after it strayed too close to the retreating navy. Upon inspection by our shipwrights, a startling discovery was made - the Carthaginians, in a feat of engineering ingenuity, have numbered each plank, rib, and oar that make up the vessel, rendering construction of such majestic warships a matter of almost arbitrary skill.
Adopting such a practice could hugely increase our potential for fielding a vast navy, perhaps even rivaling that of the Phoenicians themselves?
Expansion events
The Ascendance of Rome
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The efforts of our more belligerent senators have succeeded in persuading the majority of the Curia, and even the people of Rome, that Italia is ours. The Campus Martius is alive with the cries of our confident soldiers, and fresh haruspices reinforce the gods assent for war each day.
The end of the recent conflict with our enemies in Etruria and Samnium has left our Republic as the strongest power on the Italian peninsula. Our victory has firmly convinced our feudatories in the value of supporting our cause, and has shown other small states the value of being on our side.
Roman settlers are now moving on their own accord into the regions to our north and east, establishing new colonies, expecting our protection. All look to us, from Samnium and Etruria, to Sicily and Carthage, awaiting our next move.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
the Encourage Expansion |
I sing of warfare and a man at war... |
Cradle of Civilization
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The Greek poleis spawned an exodus of art, philosophy, and culture, which shaped the development of Rome since the early days of our existence.
Now, with our hegemony stretching into the very heartlands of their past oppressors, the disparate city states of Greece cry out for an end to tyranny. It is our right - nay; our duty, to liberate the downtrodden people of the Greek peninsula, bringing them under the fair rule of Roman law.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
The yearly claims pulse |
Roma Invicta!
Across the Adriatic
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For many long years, those in control of the Epirote lands have interfered in the region they call Magna Graecia. Now, with our territory beginning to overlap with their sphere of influence, it has become all too apparent that there is only one solution.
If we are ever to be free of their meddling, we must take to the sea, and claim their land in order to protect the fair citizens of so called 'Magna Graecia', who wish only to lead a peaceful existence under our rule.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
The yearly claims pulse |
Our eyes are on the horizon.
Macedonian Threat
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Our landfall in Greece has raised the eyebrows of many of the kingdoms and successors splintered from the ruination of Alexander's great empire.
The region of Macedonia, populated by the proud ancestors of Philip and Alexander, poses a significant threat to Rome, and to the liberty of the numerous cities in our shared spheres of influence.
The gods themselves augur well for our continued involvement in Macedonia - we must put an end to any interference in our expansion.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
The yearly claims pulse |
Macedonia shall be ours.
Roman Eagle events
The Eagle Falls
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The catastrophic battle of [SCOPE.sP('battle_location').GetName] shall forever go down in the annals of history. In a stunning display of cowardice, [SCOPE.sUnit('legion').GetName] broke on the very field of battle, abandoning their posts, comrades, and ultimately; honor.
To add to this dark day for the [ROOT.GetCountry.GetAdjective] people, the standard of [SCOPE.sUnit('legion').GetName] was seen being triumphantly borne away by the [SCOPE.sC('antagonist').GetAdjective] barbarians. Even now, one of our proud eagles languishes in their capital of [SCOPE.sC('antagonist').GetCapital.GetName].
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
On losing a battle |
Immediate effects
| |
Option conditions
Horror! It must have been an ambush!
![]() The defeated legion target has a commander who is alive and not the ruler |
(Hidden event)
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Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
On province colonization or ownership change |
Immediate effects
| |
The Lost Eagle
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The fate of one of the lost eagles of Rome has finally come to light. Abandoned in the smoking ruin of [SCOPE.sP('eagle_location').GetName], the tarnished gold and bronze was nearly invisible to our soldiers. Luckily, a passing centurion happened upon the standard; once proudly displayed at the head of our legions, and now rotting in foreign climes.
Honor is finally restored to Rome.
Trigger conditions | Is triggered only by |
Immediate effects
| |
Praise be! |
The Eagle of Rome
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After a victorious battle in [SCOPE.sP('battle_location').GetName], our troops have found one of the famous eagles of Rome and brought it home to [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName]. These spoils of war will forever stand as a testament to our triumph over the Latins.
When the Romans are informed about their loss, they will desperately do everything in their power to get the eagle back. After all, who could live with such shame?
Trigger conditions | Is triggered only by
the The Eagle Falls event |
A celebration is in order. |
Civil war events
The Two Romes
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The divisive civil war in Rome has caused a vast rift in all aspects of Roman society. The magnitude of the betrayal that [SCOPE.sC('other_romans').GetRuler.GetName] wrought upon our great nation, has led to many speaking of the existence of two Romes; the rightful government to the west, and the illegitimate pretenders in the east.
This eponymous schism serves only to reinforce the severity of the conflict, and we must do all in our power to bring an end to this affair, before the vultures descend.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
On the yearly country pulse |
Immediate effects
| |
Troubling. Make a speech to the loyal sons of the true Rome. |
- ↑ These events can be found in /ImperatorRome/events/dhe/dhe_rome_events.txt.