Roman flavor events


This page lists a number of flavour events for 罗马的国旗 罗马, centered around the political intrigues of ambitious characters and their struggle for power.[1]

Ambitious politician events


Desperate Leader

[SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName] has been seeking the office of Consul for quite some time, having failed to be elected once again, seems almost dangerously frustrated. In response to [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] defeat, [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetPraenomen] has launched a vast desperate political campaign in the hopes [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] can make [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerselfHimself] popular enough to ensure victory next time around. Rumors say [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] has even started threatening other senators to back [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHim].

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Has not received this event in the last 150 years
  • Rank is at least Country rank 5.png major power
  • There are no characters with the modifier Ambitious Politician
  • Has a successor
  • Is a republic
  • Is not in a Civil war.png civil war
  • Is not at war
  • There is a character who:
    • Is 野心勃勃 ambitious
    • Is not the current successor
    • Is not female, if the current country does not have gender equality
    • Is at least 50
    • Has less than Popularity.png 20 popularity
    • Was not previously the Leader.png ruler
Is triggered only by

Random event on ruler change

Immediate effects
  • Save a character who is 野心勃勃 ambitious, is not the current successor, is not female, is at least 50, as less than Popularity.png 20 popularity, and was not previously the Leader.png ruler as ambitious_politician
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Ambitious Politician, giving Loyalty.png -10 loyalty for 10 years
  • The ambitious_politician gets the modifier Ambitious Politician until the end of the game, giving:
    • Popularity.png +0.50 Monthly Popularity

Event button.png
[SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetPraenomen]? Ridiculous. Not a chance.
  • Tooltip: [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName] has started a campaign for the Office of Consul. [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] might start a Civil War if [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] loses the next election and is not loyal enough.
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 10 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Loses Finesse.png 2 finesse
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Undermined Career, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years
    • Loses Popularity.png 10 popularity
    • Loses Prominence.png 10 prominence
Event button.png
Let us help [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHim] out.
  • Tooltip: [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName] has started a campaign for the Office of Consul. [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] might start a Civil War if [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] loses the next election and is not loyal enough.
  • The current ruler gains Political influence.png 15 political power
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Supported Career, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
    • Gains Popularity.png 10 popularity
    • Gains Prominence.png 10 prominence

Desperate Measures

[SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName], despite [SCOPE. sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] campaign, is still not a likely candidate to become the Consul of Rome. Having repeatedly failed to be elected in the past, there are worries about [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetHerHis] desperation, and [SCOPE.sCharacter('current_consul_candidate') .GetName] is particularly anxious. [SCOPE.sCharacter ('current_consul_candidate').GetSheHe] claims the spies and loyalists of the desperate senator are planning [SCOPE.sCharacter ('current_consul_candidate').GetHerHis] demise.

This is a chance for us to become popular among the followers of [SCOPE.sCharacter('current_consul_candidate').GetFirstName] by providing [SCOPE.sCharacter('current_consul_candidate').GetHerHim] with some bodyguards. Or perhaps it is better to just leave [SCOPE.sCharacter ('current_consul_candidate').GetHerHim] to [SCOPE.sCharacter ('current_consul_candidate').GetHerHis] fate?

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Has not received this event in the last 2 years
  • There is a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician who is not the current successor
Is triggered only by

Random event on monthly consul conspiracy pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician as the ambitious_politician
  • Save the current successor as the current_consul_candidate

Event button.png
We will make sure to restrain [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetFirstName].
  • Gain Tyranny 4 tyranny
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 5 popularity
  • The current_consul_candidate gets the loyalty modifier Supported Career, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Undermined Career, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years
Event button.png
Such is the plight of the popular.
  • Tooltip: There is a chance for [SCOPE.sCharacter('current_consul_candidate').GetName] to die an early death at the hands of [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName].
  • The current_consul_candidate gets the loyalty modifier Abandoned Politician, giving Loyalty.png -10 loyalty for 5 years
  • With a 33% chance, trigger a Hidden Event in 50 days

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The current ruler is 残暴 cruel

Event button.png
Hah, good idea!
  • The current_consul_candidate dies from an assassination by the Leader.png current ruler
  • The current ruler loses Popularity.png 10 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Supported Assassination, giving Loyalty.png +15 loyalty for 5 years

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The current ruler is a 疯狂 lunatic

Event button.png
Fight! Fight! Fight!
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 5 popularity
  • The current_consul_candidate gets the loyalty modifier Encouraged Brawl, giving Loyalty.png -5 loyalty for 5 years
  • The current_consul_candidate loses Health.png 2 health for each Martial.png martial skill of the ambitious_politician, to a maximum of Health.png 5 health
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Encouraged Brawl, giving Loyalty.png +5 loyalty for 5 years
  • The ambitious_politician loses Health.png 2 health for each Martial.png martial skill of the current_consul_candidate, to a maximum of Health.png 5 health


Sinking Popularity

Despite [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] many attempts at swaying other senators [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName] appears to be more unpopular than ever. After a particularly dire speech, which saw several senators falling asleep or disrespectfully vacating the premise, it is becoming clear that we may need to support the poor [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetWomanMan] for the good of the republic.

Only the gods know what mountains [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetPraenomen] may be willing to move in order to secure a curule chair, though taking sides may make us unpopular in certain circles.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Has not received this event in the last 300 days
  • There is a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician who has at least Popularity.png 10 popularity
Is triggered only by

Random event on monthly consul conspiracy pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician as the ambitious_politician

Event button.png
Show [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHim] how real politicians sway people.
  • Lose Political influence.png 10 political power
  • The current ruler loses Popularity.png 5 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Gains Charisma.png 1 charisma
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Aided Campaign, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
    • Gains Popularity.png 10 popularity
Event button.png
Let us just enjoy the show for now.
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 10 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Loses Charisma.png 1 charisma, to a minimum value of 0
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Unsuccessful Campaign, giving Loyalty.png -5 loyalty for 5 years
Event button.png
Time to join the fray.
  • Tooltip:[SCOPE.sCharacter('current_ruler_character').GetName] goes into great detail about how useless [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetName] is to the republic.
  • Lose Political influence.png 15 political power
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 15 popularity and Charisma.png 1 charisma
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Loses Charisma.png 2 charisma, to a minimum value of 0
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Undermined Campaign, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years

Loyalists in [SCOPE.sState('disloyal_state').GetShortName]

It seems [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName] has become surprisingly popular in [SCOPE.sState('disloyal_state').GetShortName] while campaigning for the next election. The people have flocked to [SCOPE. sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] side in alarming numbers, demanding that [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetPraenomen] is made a Consul immediately. There are even rumors of partisan bloodshed in various cities across [SCOPE.sState('disloyal_state').GetShortName], with stories of fanatics assaulting or forcibly banishing dissenters in their neighborhoods. The slaves and lower echelons of society appear to make up the vast majority of [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] supports.

The [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetFamilyDisplayAdjective] loyalists must be quelled before they can gather support in other nearby provinces.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • There is a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician
  • Has not received this event in the last 300 days
  • There is a Position governor who is not the Leader.png ruler
Is triggered only by

Random event on monthly consul conspiracy pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician as the ambitious_politician
  • Save a random governor whose governorship has at least one province without the Provincial Loyalists modifier as the random_governor
  • Choose a random province in random_governor 's governorship as disloyal_state, preferring provinces with low Province loyalty province loyalty

Event button.png
Send some soldiers to put an end to this ridiculous farce.
  • Gain Tyranny 6 tyranny
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Ruined Rally, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years
Event button.png
How dangerous can some commoners and slaves really be?
  • The disloyal_state province target gets the modifier Provincial Loyalists for 10 years, giving:
    • Unrest.png +1 Local Unrest
    • Province loyalty -0.25 Local Provincial Loyalty

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • The current ruler is 有仇必报 vengeful
  • There is a territory in the disloyal_state province target with a Population.png population greater than 5
Event button.png
Remove the troublemakers, and the rest will follow suit.
  • Lose 5 random pops in a random territory in the disloyal_state province target with a Population.png population greater than 5


Successful Election

After a long and tiresome campaign, [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetName] has finally achieved [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetHerHis] goal, and became a Consul of Rome. [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetSheHe] hosted a lavish celebration of [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] victory in [ROOT. GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName] at great personal expense, and although many senators despise [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHim], [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] fanatic followers seem to have been appeased and tensions have abated for the time being.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • There is a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician who is the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler
Is triggered only by

Event on ruler change

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician as the ambitious_politician, and remove the Ambitious Politician modifier from him/her

Event button.png
As it should be!
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Gains Popularity.png 15 popularity
    • Gains Prominence.png 10 prominence
    • Gains Charisma.png 1 charisma
    • Gains Finesse.png 1 finesse
  • Every province with the Provincial Loyalists modifier loses that modifier and gains Province loyalty 10 loyalty

The Unsuccessful Election

When it became clear [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetName] would not carry enough votes to become Consul, seeing [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] ambitions dashed once again by jealous peers, [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetPraenomen] took matters into [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] own hands and called [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] partisans to start a brawl on the senate floor, injuring several elderly politicians.

After fleeing the scene, [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician') .GetPraenomen] promised to deliver justice upon all those who had blemished [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] reputation and denied [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_politician').GetHerHim] [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] rightful seat as Consul.

Now there is chaos in the streets as the [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetFamilyDisplayAdjective] loyalists fight those loyal to [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName].

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • There is a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician who is not the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler
Is triggered only by

Event on ruler change

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the modifier Ambitious Politician as the ambitious_politician, and remove the Ambitious Politician modifier from him/her

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The ambitious_politician has at least Loyalty.png 60 loyalty

Event button.png
Things will calm down in time.
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Thwarted Election, giving Loyalty.png -20 loyalty for 5 years
  • Every province with the Provincial Loyalists modifier loses that modifier and loses Province loyalty 10 loyalty

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The ambitious_politician has less than Loyalty.png 60 loyalty

Event button.png
The traitor!
  • The ambitious_politician starts a Civil war.png civil war
  • Every province with the Provincial Loyalists modifier loses that modifier and all its territories join ambitious_politician 's side of the civil war


(Hidden event)

Trigger conditions
  • The current_consul_candidate character is alive
Is triggered only by

the Desperate Measures event

Immediate effects
  • The current_consul_candidate dies from an assassination

Rise of a dictator events


The Ambitious [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetPraenomen]

[SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetName] has become a household name across [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName] for [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_politician').GetHerHis] many deeds in battle, but equally infamous amongst the senators. As time has passed it seems [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_general').GetHerHis] ambition has only grown, and some claim [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] now seeks to be made Dictator of [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName]. For now, [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_general').GetPraenomen] is only demanding that a triumph and other long warranted honors are bestowed upon [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_general').GetHerHim].

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Is a republic
  • Has not received this event in the last 150 years
  • Is not in a Civil war.png civil war
  • Is not at war
  • Rank is at least Country rank 5.png major power
  • There is a character who:
    • Has at least Martial.png 7 martial
    • Has at least Charisma.png 7 charisma
    • Has more than Popularity.png 50 popularity
    • Currently holds an Position army command
    • Is 野心勃勃 ambitious
    • Has more than Loyalty gain chance.png 10 loyal cohorts
    • Is not the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler
Is triggered only by

Random event on main country event pulse

Immediate effects
  • Set that the Rise of a Dictator event chain is ongoing for the next 5 years (using the rise_dictator_events variable)
  • Save a character who has at least Martial.png 7 martialand Charisma.png 7 charisma, more than Popularity.png 50 popularity, an Position army command, the 野心勃勃 ambitious trait, and more than Loyalty gain chance.png 10 loyal cohorts, and is not the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler, as the ambitious_general
  • The ambitious_general:
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Ambitious General, giving Loyalty.png -10 loyalty for 10 years
    • Gets the modifier Ambitious General until the end of the game, giving:
      • Popularity.png +0.50 Monthly Popularity
    • Gains Populist faction 10 Populist Conviction
  • Get the event Dictatorial Demands in 5 years

Event button.png
Give [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetHerHim] the honors.
  • Tooltip: [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetName] is ambitiously looking to expand [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetHerHis] personal power. [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] might start a Civil War if we let [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetHerHis] ambitions run unchecked.
  • The current ruler loses Popularity.png 15 popularity
  • The ambitious_general:
    • Gains Finesse.png 15 popularity
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Official Honors, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
    • Gains Populist faction 10 Populist Conviction
Event button.png
The republic will not bend to the whims of vacuous warlords.
  • Tooltip: [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetName] is ambitiously looking to expand [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetHerHis] personal power. [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] might start a Civil War if we let [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetHerHis] ambitions run unchecked.
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 15 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician:
    • Loses Popularity.png 15 popularity
    • Gets the loyalty modifier Refused Honors, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years

Flocking to the General

A great number of people have rallied around the infamous [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_general').GetName], but though it is mostly the dregs of society bolstering [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetHerHis] banners, two names have stuck out, [SCOPE.sCharacter('loyalist_1').GetName] and [SCOPE.sCharacter('loyalist_2').GetName].

It came as quite a shock to hear of two respected Roman politicians associating themselves with the warlord, and though they have ruined their reputations in the senate, they are more popular among the people than ever.

Even though they appear to have thrown their lots in with [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_general').GetFirstName], we may still have a chance at convincing them to be loyal to Rome first and foremost.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Is a republic
  • Has not received this event in the last 250 days
  • There is a character with the Ambitious General modifier
  • There are at least 2 characters who:
    • Do not have the Ambitious General modifier
    • Are not party leaders
    • Are Not in the ruling family
    • Have less than Loyalty.png 70 loyalty
  • The Rise of a Dictator event chain is ongoing (checked with the rise_dictator_events variable)
Is triggered only by

Random event on Rise of a Dictator event pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the Ambitious General modifier as the ambitious_general
  • Save 2 random characters with who do not have the Ambitious General modifier, are not party leaders, are not in the ruling family, and have less than Loyalty.png 70 loyalty as loyalist_1 and loyalist_2

Option conditions
Event button.png
They will be loyal to Rome.
  • If the current ruler has the trait 能言善辩 silver tongued, lose Political influence.png 15 political influence
  • Otherwise, lose Political influence.png 25 political influence
  • The ambitious_general gets the loyalty modifier Cowed Politician, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
  • loyalist_1 gets the loyalty modifier Cowed Politician, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
  • loyalist_2 gets the loyalty modifier Cowed Politician, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
Event button.png
Traitors, all of them.
  • For loyalist_1 and loyalist_2:
    • Get the loyalty modifier Proclaimed Traitor, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years
    • Get the modifier Ambitious Loyalist for 10 years, giving:
      • Populist faction +0.30 Populist Conviction
    • Gain Populist faction 10 Populist Conviction

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The current ruler is 有仇必报 vengeful or 残暴 cruel

Event button.png
We know what we do with people like that.
  • Gain Tyranny 6 tyranny
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 10 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Undermined Support, giving Loyalty.png -10 loyalty for 5 years
  • loyalist_1 and loyalist_2 are executed by the Leader.png current ruler


The Armies of [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetPraenomen]

The thronging banners of [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetName] are a constant worry among the senators of Rome, who talk fearfully of [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetHerHis] boundless popularity. [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] continues to host great celebrations and unofficial triumphs at [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetHerHis] own expense, a draw that is hard for the twinkling eyes of the commoners to resist.

At one recent gathering, [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetPraenomen] dished out vast sums of gold to any attendees who would join [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetHerHis] cause.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Has not received this event in the last 3 years
  • There is a character with the Ambitious General modifier who is in Position command of an army and has less than Loyalty.png 40 loyalty
  • Is a republic
  • The Rise of a Dictator event chain is ongoing (checked with the rise_dictator_events variable)
Is triggered only by

Random event on Rise of a Dictator event pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the Ambitious General modifier who is in Position command of an army and has less than Loyalty.png 40 loyalty as the ambitious_general
  • The ambitious_general gets the loyalty modifier Challenging Senate, giving Loyalty.png -20 loyalty for 5 years

Option conditions
Event button.png
How dare [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] threaten Rome?!
  • The army that the ambitious_general is in command of gets the following cohorts Loyalty gain chance.png loyal to their general:
    • Unit heavy infantry.png 3 heavy infantry
    • Unit light infantry.png 3 light infantry
    • Unit light cavalry.png 3 light cavalry

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The current ruler is 腐败 corrupt

Event button.png
Some men would die for honor, while others would fight for gold.
  • Lose Wealth 4 times the monthly income
  • The army that the ambitious_general is in command of gets the following cohorts Loyalty gain chance.png loyal to their general:
    • Unit heavy infantry.png 1 heavy infantry
    • Unit light infantry.png 2 light infantry
    • Unit light cavalry.png 1 light cavalry


The Traitors in [SCOPE.sState('rebellious_state').GetShortName

Large groups of soldiers under the leadership of [SCOPE.sCharacter ('ambitious_general').GetName] have passed through the province of [SCOPE.sState('rebellious_state').GetShortName] lately, demanding loyalty to their warlord. Though some chose to oppose the general, most bent to the soldiers' will and have turned to [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetHerHis] side.

This is just the latest of the many issues caused by the rampant warlord, in an attempt to force our hand into giving [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general') .GetHerHim] what [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] wants. The senators of Rome are furious at this unabashed treason, but [SCOPE .sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetPraenomen] does not seem to care about their speeches and demands.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Has not received this event in the last 250 days
  • There is a character with the Ambitious General modifier
  • There is an owned territory not in the region of Italia whose province does not have the modifier Rebellious Tendencies
  • Is a republic
  • The Rise of a Dictator event chain is ongoing (checked with the rise_dictator_events variable)
Is triggered only by

Random event on Rise of a Dictator event pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a character with the Ambitious General modifier as the ambitious_general
  • Save a random province with a territory not in the region of Italia and that does not have the modifier Rebellious Tendencies as rebellious_state

Option conditions
Event button.png
Put down this little uprising.
  • Gain Tyranny 6 tyranny
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 10 popularity
  • The rebellious_state province loses Province loyalty 10 loyalty
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Crushed Soldiers, giving Loyalty.png -10 loyalty for 5 years
Event button.png
Let them roam, we have more important things to care about.
  • The current ruler loses Popularity.png 10 popularity
  • The rebellious_state province loses Province loyalty 20 loyalty
  • The rebellious_state province gets the modifier Rebellious Tendencies for 10 years, giving:
    • Unrest.png +1 Local Unrest
    • Province loyalty -0.20 Provincial Loyalty

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The ambitious_general has at least Wealth 100 gold

Event button.png
A small payment and we are willing to look the other way.
  • The ambitious_general transfers Wealth 4 times the current country's monthly income to the current country, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of the ambitious_general 's total wealth
  • The current ruler gains Corruption.png 5 corruption
  • The ambitious_general gains Corruption.png 2 corruption
  • The rebellious_state province gets the modifier Rebellious Tendencies for 10 years, giving:
    • Unrest.png +1 Local Unrest
    • Province loyalty -0.20 Provincial Loyalty

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The current ruler is 声名显赫 prominent

Event button.png
[ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetPraenomen] will calm them down.
  • Lose Political influence.png 10 political influence
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 15 popularity
  • The ambitious_politician gets the loyalty modifier Cowed Soldiers, giving Loyalty.png -15 loyalty for 5 years


Dictatorial Demands

[SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetName] has long been a torn in our side, but no longer. Now [SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] has demanded the reins of Rome herself, asking to be made Dictator. As the many senators discuss our options furiously, an exasperated cloud of defeat lingers over the room.

Finally, [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRulerTitle] [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler .GetName] steps up to the podium, calming the senators with calls for silence. [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetSheHe] takes a deep breath, and cries:

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • The current ruler has the Ambitious General modifier
Is triggered only by

the Dictatorial Demands event

Event button.png
Let us put an end to this traitorous dog!
  • The ambitious_general starts a Civil war.png civil war
  • The ambitious_general loses the Ambitious General modifier
Event button.png
[SCOPE.sCharacter('ambitious_general').GetSheHe] cannot be stopped, we must give in.
  • The ambitious_general becomes the Leader.png new ruler
  • If the current country does not have the Princeps Civititas law, enact it
  • Gain Tyranny 30 tyranny
  • Lose Stability.png 25 stability
  • Gain 10 support for the ambitious_general 's faction
  • Every character with the Ambitious Loyalist modifier loses that modifier and joins ambitious_general 's side of the civil war
  • Every province with the Rebellious Tendencies modifier loses that modifier and all its territories join ambitious_general 's side of the civil war

The Rightful Ruler

At long last, [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetName] has achieved [ROOT. GetCountry.GetRuler.GetHerHis] destiny and acceded to the office of Consul. The mutterings and whispering of the senators have come to naught, and now are nothing more than a mild nuisance to be dealt with, with all the real power laying in our hands.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • There is a character with the Ambitious General modifier
Is triggered only by

the Dictatorial Demands event

Option conditions
Event button.png
The people will be pleased.
  • Gain 10 support for the current ruler's faction
  • The current ruler gains Popularity.png 15 popularity
  • The current ruler loses the Ambitious General modifier
  • Every character with the Ambitious Loyalist modifier loses that modifier and gets the loyalty modifier Successful Coup, giving Loyalty.png +10 loyalty for 5 years
  • Every province with the Rebellious Tendencies modifier loses that modifier and gains Province loyalty 10 loyalty


  1. These events can be found in /ImperatorRome/events/1.1.0/roman_flavor.txt.