

Cognomen, or nicknames, are epithets that are given to characters as an additional part of their name in honour (or ridicule) of their characteristics and accomplishments. Each character can only have one nickname, and they typically appear between a character's given and family names. They are typically awarded to characters by certain events, mission tasks, and character interactions, with some historical characters starting the game with their unique historical nicknames. Characters of the Italic culture group have their own special system of cognomen.

Obtainable nicknames

Event/Mission nicknames

These cognomen/nicknames are awarded through specific events or mission tasks. Some of these have specific Latin cognomen and non-Latin nickname versions

Latin Cognomen Non-Latin Nickname Awarded from
Aetos The 伊庇魯斯的國旗  Epirote Pyrrhos the Eagle event
Nautarchos The 埃及的國旗  Egyptian News Arrives from the Antigonid Kingdom event
Sikeliotos Nesiarchos The 敘拉古的國旗  Syracusan News Arrives from the Antigonid Kingdom event
Elephantarchos The 塞琉古帝國的國旗  Seleukid News Arrives from the Antigonid Kingdom event
Gazophylax The 色雷斯的國旗  Thracian Bad News Arrives from the Antigonid Kingdom event
Maccabeus ha-Makabi The 猶地亞的國旗  Judean Revolt of the Maccabees event
Curio The Devout When converting extra pops while using the Policy religious conversion.png Religious Conversion governor policy
Novellus The Paragon When assimilating extra pops while using the Policy cultural assimilation.png Cultural Assimilation governor policy
Lupus The Wolf When civilizing barbarian strongholds while using the Policy civilization effort.png Civilization Effort governor policy
Marius The The [SCOPE.sChar('military_genius').GetFamilyDisplayAdjective] Reforms event
Thalassokratios The Greek Inhospitable No More mission event
Eleutherios The Greek Hellenic Liberator mission event
Omagyrios The Greek Megale Hellas and Phocaean League mission events
Eleutherios The 敘拉古的國旗  Syracusan Recover Sicania mission event
The Great The 伊庇魯斯的國旗  Epirote Western Hegemon mission event
Eleutherios The 伊庇魯斯的國旗  Epirote Master of Greece mission event
Imperiosus The Besieger The The Sacking of [SCOPE.sP('temp_city_scope_warfare_1').GetName] event
Africanus The The Sacking of [SCOPE.sP('temp_city_scope_warfare_1').GetName] event
Catilina The Beneficent The Hold games.png Hold Games government interaction

Triumph nicknames

These cognomen/nicknames are awarded after holding a triumph for a successful Office general. Each nickname/cognomen will only be awarded once for each country over the course of the game. All of these nicknames have a Latin cognomen version that are given if the character is in the Italic culture group, and a non-Latin nickname version for all other culture groups.

Latin Cognomen Non-Latin Nickname
Maximus The Victorious
Mettalus The Soldier
Merula The Jackdaw
Licinus The Violent
Dolabella The Axe
Cornicen The Bugler
Malleolus The Hammer
Priscus The Ancient
Severus The Strict
Triarus The Shield
Taurus The Shield
Tuditanus The Mace
Regulus The Prince
Poplicola The Popular
Novellus The Innovative
Lepidus The Charming
Habitus The Muscular
Flaccus The Floppy
Crassus The Magnanimous
Brutus The Dull
Aculeo The Hostile

Regional nicknames

These nicknames/cognomen are granted through the Grant Regional Cognomen character interaction for Office governors, and are based on the region of their governorship. There is also a random chance of gaining a regional nickname for Office generals that win a battle in the region, if their home country does not have its capital in the region. Like the triumph nicknames, these have a Latin cognomen version that are given if the character is in the Italic culture group, and a non-Latin nickname version for all other culture groups.

Latin Cognomen Non-Latin Nickname Regions
Britannicus The Briton Caledonia, Britannia
Gallicus The Gaul Armorica, Aquitania, Celtica, Transalpine Gaul
Belgicus The Belgae Belgica
Germanicus The German Germania Superior, Germania, Boiohaemum, Vistulia, Scandia
Rhaeticus The Rhaetian Rhaetia
Italicus The Italiote Cisalpine Gaul, Italia, Magna Graecia
Illyricus The Illyrian Illyria, Pannonia
Hispanicus The Iberian Tarraconensis, Gallaecia, Lusitania, Contestania, Baetica
Mauretanicus The Mauretanian Mauretania
Numidius The Numidian Numidia
Venedicus The Venedian Venedia
Dacius The Dacian Moesia, Dacia
Hellenicus The Hellene Thrace, Macedonia, Greece
Cyrenaicus The Cyrene Cyrenaica
Aegyptus The Egyptian Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt
Nubianus The Nubian Nubia, Punt
Arabicus The Arabian Palestine, Arabia, Arabia Felix
Syrianus The Syrian Syria, Assyria, Mesopotamia
Asiaticus The Asian Asia, Cilicia, Phrygia, Bithynia, Cappadocia
Sarmaticus The Sarmatian Sarmatia Europea, Sarmatia Asiatica
Bosporanus The Bosporan Taurica
Caucasianus The Caucasian Colchis, Albania, Armenia
Scythianus The Scythian Scythia
Persicus The Persian Persis, Media, Parthia, Ariana
Bactrianus The Bactrian Sogdiana, Himalaya, Bactriana
Gedrosianus The Gedrosian Gedrosia
Indicus The Indian Gandhara, Maru, Avanti, Madhyadesa, Pracya, Vindhyprstha, Aparanta, Tibet
Dravidicus The Dravidian Karnata, Dravida

Italic cognomen

Characters of the Italic culture group have their own special cognomen system, reflecting the ancient Roman naming practices. Cognomen are placed after the family name, rather than between the given and family names as with most other cultures, and male children will always inherit their father's cognomen when born, if their father has one. Male characters who do not have a cognomen have a 25% chance of receiving one of the ones listed below upon reaching adulthood, chosen randomly. Most Italic cultures share the same pool of cognomen, except for Etruscans and Rhaetians, who have their own separate set.

Italic Etruscan/Rhaetian
  • Albinus
  • Albus
  • Agricola
  • Agrippa
  • Aratus
  • Asina
  • Auspex
  • Balbus
  • Barbatus
  • Bibulus
  • Brutus
  • Bubo
  • Buteo
  • Caesar
  • Calvus
  • Calvinus
  • Cato
  • Catulus
  • Cethegus
  • Cicero
  • Cinna
  • Cotta
  • Crispian
  • Curio
  • Dama
  • Damasus
  • Dentatus
  • Dives
  • Dolabella
  • Donatus
  • Draco
  • Emeritus
  • Eugenius
  • Euphemius
  • Falco
  • Falx
  • Felix
  • Fimbria
  • Flaccus
  • Florus
  • Fronto
  • Gala
  • Galerus
  • Gemellus
  • Gorgonius
  • Gracchus
  • Gracilis
  • Habitus
  • Herma
  • Hilarius
  • Horatius
  • Ignatius
  • Iuba
  • Labeo
  • Laenas
  • Lepidus
  • Leptis
  • Lentulus
  • Libo
  • Longinus
  • Longus
  • Lucan
  • Lucullus
  • Lupius
  • Macro
  • Martialis
  • Marullus
  • Maximus
  • Memmius
  • Mercator
  • Messalla
  • Montanus
  • Murena
  • Mus
  • Nasica
  • Oceanus
  • Octavianus
  • Opis
  • Optatus
  • Otho
  • Paenula
  • Pantera
  • Pavo
  • Peregrinus
  • Pertinax
  • Petronax
  • Pictor
  • Pilatus
  • Polus
  • Prisca
  • Primus
  • Procyon
  • Pulcher
  • Quarto
  • Quiricus
  • Regillus
  • Remus
  • Romanus
  • Romulus
  • Rufus
  • Ruso
  • Sabinus
  • Salinator
  • Scaevola
  • Scipio
  • Scrofa
  • Seneca
  • Senna
  • Severus
  • Sorex
  • Statius
  • Strabo
  • Super
  • Superbus
  • Tacitus
  • Tertulus
  • Trebonius
  • Tibullus
  • Tullius
  • Ursinus
  • Ursus
  • Valens
  • Varro
  • Varus
  • Vergilius
  • Viator
  • Victor
  • Vindex
  • Virilis
  • Vitalis
  • Vitus
  • Zeno
  • Zoilus
  • Zosimus
  • Acilu
  • Acrate
  • Apurthe
  • Campane
  • Ceice
  • Cencu
  • Creice
  • Cesu
  • Crespe
  • Curces
  • Cuthna
  • Herma
  • Latini
  • Nufre
  • Nuste
  • Palpe
  • Papa
  • Prezu
  • Purce
  • Senate
  • Sepu
  • Sinu
  • Trepuni
  • Trepu
  • Tumu
  • Tursikina
  • Venala
  • Ventese
  • Veru
  • Zalle
  • Palpenia
  • Papania
  • Prezunia
  • Purcenia
  • Senatina
  • Sepunia
  • Sinunia
  • Trepunia
  • Trepia
  • Tumunia
  • Tursikinia
  • Venalania
  • Veruna
  • Ventesa
  • Zallenia

Historical nicknames

Many characters are assigned nicknames or cognomen at the beginning of the game. Some are unique to the character, while others can be gained during normal gameplay.

Nickname Character Country
Monophthalmos Antigonos I Antigonid (37) 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞
Poliorketes Demetrios Antigonid (38) 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞
Dokimos Antigonos Dokimid (78) 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞
Gonatas Antigonos Antigonid (190) 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞
Freantlis Kleanthis Assid (221) 雅典的國旗 雅典
Theophrastos Tyrtamos Tyrtamid (232) 雅典的國旗 雅典
Cenni Kochaet I Chola (59) 朱羅的國旗 朱羅
The Atheist Theodoros Theodorid (230) 昔蘭尼加的國旗 昔蘭尼加
Soter Ptolemaios I Lagid (42) 埃及的國旗 埃及
Keraunos Ptolemaios Lagid (43) 埃及的國旗 埃及
Philadelphos Ptolemaios Lagid (45) 埃及的國旗 埃及
Padmanabhan Anantha I Kalinga (63) 迦陵伽的國旗 迦陵伽
The Great Alexander Argead (39) 馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓
Nikator Seleukos Seleukid (24) 塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國
Gelotopoios Antiochos Antiochid (168) 塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國

Historical cognomen

Historical cognomen for Italic characters are listed below.

Nickname Character Country
Porcius Laurentius Bernius (243) 伊特魯里亞的國旗 伊特魯里亞
Scipio Lucius Cornelius (127) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Scipio Lucius Cornelius (128) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Corvus Marcus Valerius (129) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Corvinus Marcus Valerius (130) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Pansa Quintus Appuleius (131) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Paetinus Marcus Fulvius (133) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Libo Lucius Julius (134) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Libo Lucius Julius (135) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Dentatus Manius Curius (138) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Cursor Lucius Papirius (256) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Saverrio Publius Sulpicius (301) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Rullianus Quintus Fabius (302) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Licinus Gaius Fabius (303) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Barbatus Publius Cornelius (305) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Gurges Quintus Fabius (309) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Sophus Publius Sempronius (310) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Saverrio Publius Sulpicius (311) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Crassus Gaius Claudius (312) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Caecus Appius Claudius (313) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Russus Appius Claudius (314) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Pulcher Appius Claudius (315) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Centho Appius Claudius (316) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Violens Lucius Volumnius (321) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Sophus Publius Sempronius (342) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Caudex Appius Claudius (343) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Philippus Quintus Marcius (344) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Gurges Quintus Fabius (345) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Paullus Marcus Aemilius (353) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Lepidus Marcus Aemilius (354) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Brutus Decimus Junius (355) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Pontius Gaius Varrianus (318) 薩莫奈的國旗 薩莫奈

Numbering nicknames

Certain nicknames are given to deceased historical characters to ensure they have the correct regnal numbers.

Nickname Character Country
I Alketas (I) Aiakid (0) 伊庇魯斯的國旗 伊庇魯斯
II Neoptolemos (II) Aiakid (1) 伊庇魯斯的國旗 伊庇魯斯
II Alketas (II) Aiakid (1) 伊庇魯斯的國旗 伊庇魯斯
II Philippos (II) Argead (35) 馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓
IV Alexandros (IV) Argead (291) 馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓
III Arridaios Philippos (III) Argead (304) 馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓

Easter egg nicknames

The following nicknames are associated with special easter egg characters.

Nickname Character Country
Caesar Ioannus Ioannid (69) 拜占庭的國旗 拜占庭
Valerian Augustus Tollius (188) 伊斯特里亞的國旗 伊斯特里亞
Cynicus Joseph Cephas (181) 猶地亞的國旗 猶地亞
Chartografos Anaximander Lomandros (178) 群島聯盟的國旗 群島聯盟
Cantor Arheo Nicholid (180) 請檢查模板名和國家代碼{{Countries|flag/core|Parisia (Britannia)}}
Cattus Sebastianus Castilianus (139) 羅馬的國旗 羅馬
Biggus Drikus Cuparius (336) 薩莫奈的國旗 薩莫奈
Nates Incontinentia Cuparius (337) 薩莫奈的國旗 薩莫奈