Easter eggs


Easter eggs are inside jokes and references to popular culture, included for the player's amusement. This is a non-exhaustive list of Easter eggs present in Imperator.

  • Byzantion's province ID is 1453, a reference to the year Byzantium fell to the Ottomans historically.
  • The achievement Times New Roman refers to a popular font style.
  • The achievement What have the Romans ever Done for us? is a reference to a popular Monthy Python film, "Life of Brian"
  • The achievement Bois Are Back in Town is a reference to the popular song "The Boys Are Back in Town" by Irish hard rock band Thin Lizzy.
  • The achievement Over 9000 refers to a popular exclamation by Vegeta in the English adaptation of the anime Dragon Ball Z.
  • The achievement The Romans Are Crazy refers to a popular catchphrase from the french comic series Asterix.
  • The achievement Spice Must Flow refers to a popular phrase from the sci-fi novel Dune.
  • The Flags of 奧西斯彌亞的國旗 奧西斯彌亞 and 庫里俄索利塔的國旗 庫里俄索利塔 look like the Belts of Characters Asterix and Obelix, respectively, from the french comic series Asterix.
  • Several developer team members have cameo members ingame:
    • Johan Andersson, the creative director, can be found in 斯巴達的國旗 斯巴達 at start as Thoukydides Priapid.
    • Peter 'Arheo' Nicholson, the game director, can be found in 請檢查模板名和國家代碼{{Countries|flag/core|Parisia (Britannia)}} at start as Arheo Nicholid 'Cantor'. Successfully befriending him or one of his children will give a special treasure.
    • Henrik 'Trin Tragula' Lohmander, the game designer, can be found in 群島聯盟的國旗 群島聯盟 at start as Anaximander Lomandros 'Chartografos'.
    • Joachim 'Snow Crystal' Holmsen, a content designer, can be found in 刻耳索涅蘇斯的國旗 刻耳索涅蘇斯 at start as Ioakeim Hommanid.
    • Sebastian 'Katz' Borg, an embedded QA tester, can be found in 羅馬的國旗 羅馬 at start as Sebastianus Castiliani 'Cattus'.
    • Niels 'Gorion3' Uiterwijk, a tech lead, can be found in 弗里西亞的國旗 弗里西亞 at start as Nilis Uiterwiekus.
    • Emil 'Egladil' Djupfeldt, a programmer, can be found in 凱爾特基亞的國旗 凱爾特基亞 at start as Aemilius Candamius.
    • Evan Wu, a programmer, can be found in 象雄的國旗 象雄 at start as Weikwan Mu.
    • Timor Khanagov, a 2D artist/UI designer, can be found in 馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓 at start as Timokratos Georgus.
    • Joacim Carlberg, the art lead, can be found in 烙馬里基亞的國旗 烙馬里基亞 at start as Jokim Carlberki.