Decision modding


Decisions are national scripted effects which become visible under certain conditions and then available for selection when additional conditions are met.

Decision Script Layout

country_decisions = {
	decision name = {
		potential = {
			[triggers which determine the visibility of the decision]
		highlight = {
			scope:province = {
				province_id = [province number]
		allow = {
			[triggers which allow the decision to be chosen]
		effect = {
			[what the decision does upon selection]

Formable Country Example

Below is the script for forming Macedon. It becomes potentially available is a Macedonian culture nation has a capital in Macedonia or Greece and is not already Macedon or formable-Macedon. Then provinces are highlighted which, if owned, makes the decision available for selection. Selecting the decision then grants the effects of changing the country name, color, capital, and gives bonus effects.

country_decisions = {
	# Form Macedon
	form_macedon = {
		potential = {
			num_of_cities >= 1
			OR = {
				country_culture = macedonian
				AND = { # Non DLC Epirus trigger
					NOT = { has_dlc = "Epirus Flavor Pack" }
					has_variable = me_epirus_start_flag
			is_republic = no
			capital_scope = {
				OR = {
					is_in_region = macedonia_region
					is_in_region = greece_region
					ROOT = { country_culture = macedonian }
			NOT = {
				tag = MAC
			NOT = {
				tag = MCD
			OR = {
				is_ai = no
				num_of_cities >= 20
			NOT = {
				is_endgame_tag_trigger = yes
				is_tier_2_formable_trigger = yes
		highlight = {
			scope:province = {
				OR = {
					province_id = 379 #Pella
					province_id = 428 #Aegae
					province_id = 365 #Amphipolis
					province_id = 394 #Pharsalos
					province_id = 3175 #Eratyra
		allow = {
			custom_tooltip = {
				text = macedon_not_existing
				NOT = {
					any_country = {
						tag = MAC
				NOT = {
					any_country = {
						tag = MCD
			can_form_nation_trigger = yes
			owns = 379 #Pella
			owns = 428 #Aegae
			owns = 365 #Amphipolis
			owns = 394 #Pharsalos
			owns = 3175 #Eratyra
			trigger_if = {
				limit = {
					is_ai = no #AI won't know to integrate this culture just for the decision
					NOT = { country_culture = macedonian }
					any_country_culture = {
						is_culture = macedonian
				any_country_culture = {
					is_integrated = yes
					is_culture = macedonian
		effect = {
			custom_tooltip = "tier_2_formable_tooltip"
			monarchy_formable_government_change_effect = yes
			change_country_name = "MACEDONIA_NAME"
			hidden_effect = {
				change_country_adjective = "MACEDONIA_ADJECTIVE"
				change_country_color = "macedonian_blue"
				change_country_tag = MCD
				change_country_flag = MAC
			if = {
				limit = {
					NOT = { country_culture = macedonian }
				set_primary_culture_cleanup_effect = {
					NEW_PRIMARY_CULTURE = macedonian
			if = {
				limit = {
					p:379 = { is_capital = no }
				set_capital = 379
				hidden_effect = {
					p:379.state = {
						set_state_capital = 379
				capital_scope = {
					establish_city_effect = yes
			p:379 = {
				capital_formable_medium_effect = yes
				formable_capital_modifier_normal_effect = yes
			custom_tooltip = macedon_claims_tooltip
			hidden_effect = {
				region:macedonia_region = { formable_region_province_effect = yes }
			add_3_free_province_investments = yes
		ai_will_do = {
			base = 1
