


人口类型位于 game/common/pop_types




[pop] = {


关键字 数值类型 描述 例子
demotes_to 人口类型 What pop this pop demotes to. Can be the same pop type to prevent actual demotion. demotes_to = tribesmen
conquest_demote_chance 整数[0..100] UNCONFIRMED The chance for this pop to be demoted when the city is conquered. conquest_demote_chance = 50
base_happyness 小数[0.0..1.0] 该人口的基本幸福度。 base_happyness = 0.2
color 颜色 The colour used for this pop in the pie chart for pops composition. color = hsv { 0.65 0.7 0.8 }


关键字 数值类型 缺省值 描述 例子
province modifier 小数 N/A Applies the modifier to the province, multiplied by the pop's current happiness. tax_income = 0.015
can_promote_to 人口 none What pop type can this pop promote to via manual promotion in the UI. can_promote_to = citizen
score 布尔值 no If yes, this pop counts for scoring. score = yes
block_colonization 布尔值 no If yes, this pop can't be used to colonise provinces. block_colonization = yes
ai_max_percentage 整数[0..100] unknown UNCONFIRMED How many pops max of this type the AI will aim for in a given province. ai_max_percentage = 30



关键字 描述 例子
[pop]_promotion The cost of promoting to the given pop. Only used for pops that can be promoted to. citizen_promotion = { oratory = 10 }
[pop]_move The cost of forcibly moving the given pop. slaves_move = { civic = 5 }


关键字 作用域 描述 例子
local_[pop]_happyness 省份 Applied to the happiness of all pops of this type in the province. local_freemen_happyness = 0.25
global_[pop]_happyness 国家 Applied to the happiness of all pops of this type in the country. global_freemen_happyness = 0.10
local_[pop]_output 省份 Applied to the output of all pops of this type in the province, after happiness. local_tribesmen_output = 0.05
global_[pop]_output 国家 Applied to the output of all pops of this type in the country, after happiness. global_citizen_output = 0.1


关键字 数值类型 作用域 描述 例子
[pop]_happiness 小数[0.0..1.0] 省份 Compares with the (average?) happiness for the pops of this type in the province. slaves_happiness <= 0.40
num_of_[pop] 整数[0..int] 省份 Compares with the amount of pops of this type in the province. num_of_citizen >= 4



  • create_pop
  • create_state_pop
  • define_pop
  • kill_pop
  • move_pop
  • set_pop_culture
  • set_pop_culture_same_as
  • set_pop_religion
  • set_pop_religion_same_as
  • set_pop_type


  • pop_culture
  • pop_culture_group
  • pop_religion
  • pop_type
  • pop_hapiness
  • country_population
  • total_population


  • pops_in_province


关键字 描述 例子
[pop] The localisation key for the pop. Should be singular. freemen:0 "Freeman"
[pop]_header UNKNOWN, but probably when saying stuff like "2 Citizens". citizen_header:0 "#t Citizens#!"


citizen = {                             # 以 "citizen" 关键字定义一个新的人口类型。
	research_points = 0.25          # 这个人口类型生产 0.25 研究点/人口,在 100% 幸福度和 +0% 产出修正……
	commerce_value = 0.01           # ……并且增加 0.01 商业价值到该省份。
	demotes_to = freemen            # 当该人口被降级,通常通过征服,它降级到自由民类型的人口。
	conquest_demote_chance = 50     # 在征服中,每个公民人口有 50% 的几率被降级。<b>不确定,看起来有点高,需要测试</b> UNCONFIRMED, LOOKS A BIT HIGH, TEST OUT
	base_happyness = 0.2            # 这个类型的人口的基本形幅度是 20% 。
	score = yes                     # 这个人口用作计分。
	color = hsv { 0.65  0.7  0.8 }  # 这个人口的颜色在人口饼图中是蓝色。
	ai_max_percentage = 30          # <b>未知</b> UNKNOWN


The game automatically adds a row for new pop types in the file game/common/province_setup.csv, and an entry is then needed on each row for the game to be able to interpret the file correctly. The new row is added alphabetically within the four existing pop type rows. If the new pop-type starts with "M", its new row will be inserted between "Freedmen" and "Slaves". Thus, taking Roma as an example, starting with 1 pop-type "M":


Note the "1," inserted between the freedmen amount 15 and slave amount 4. Again, this has to be done on each row.