The First Provincia mission events


This page lists most of the events associated with the 罗马的国旗  Roman mission tree The First Provincia.[1]

The Case for Expansion task events


The Drums of War

The mood in Rome is once again one of hopeful trepidation; of the calm before the storm; of the wistful yearning of fresh-faced soldiers for the spoils and adventure of war.

Rome stands on the threshold of everlasting glory, the fates and future of all the peoples of the world perhaps lie in our hands. Much will be decided in the coming days...

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by

the The Case for Expansion mission task

Event button.png
Roma invicta!

Clamoring for Glory

Even with our recent successes, it is surprising how quickly the people of Rome have become accustomed to the idea of our indefatigablility.

Spurred on by soldier's trinkets and stories, crowds proclaim the invincibility of our forces, citing them as proof Rome is loved dearly by the gods, and demanding further campaigns and conquests against our neighbors.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by

the The Case for Expansion mission task

Event button.png
The people demand blood!
  • Get the modifier Clamor for Blood for 10 years, giving:
    • Enslavement efficiency.png +5% Enslavement Efficiency
    • Desecrate cost -50% Desecrate Cost Modifier
Event button.png
It is wealth they want.
  • Get the modifier Clamor for Lucre for 10 years, giving:
    • Freeman happiness +10% National Freeman Happiness
    • Bribe character cost.png -50% Hold Triumph Cost

Restoring Status Quo

The hubbub of whispering senators fades as [SCOPE.sChar ('expansion_encourager').GetName] stands and clears [SCOPE.sChar ('expansion_encourager').GetHerHis] throat theatrically.

'Friends, Carthaginian merchants have long enjoyed mastery of Mediterranean trade, even in Rome.

Why, when we have the strength to wrest the markets of all Italia from these foreign bean counters?!'

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • Any territory in the provinces of Sardinia Borealis, Sardinia Australis, or Sicania is owned by 迦太基的国旗 迦太基 or one of its subjects
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by

the The Case for Expansion mission task

Immediate effects
  • 罗马的国旗 罗马 gets claims on all territories in the provinces of Sardinia Borealis, Sardinia Australis, and Sicania owned by 迦太基的国旗 迦太基 or one of its subjects
  • Save as the expansion_encourager character a random character who:
    • Is not the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler, a prisoner, or a foreign citizen
    • Is an adult
    • Is in the Country capital.png capital
    • Is male, if the current country does not have gender equality
    • Is Roman culture
    • Has not been chosen as the expansion_encourager in the last 90 days
    • Is a minor character
    • Preferably, holds a Position position, has at least Power base 10 power base, more than Wealth 500 gold, is at least 30, and/or belongs to the Military faction military party
  • The expansion_encourager gains Popularity.png 5 popularity
  • If the expansion_encourager is not a minor character, his/her family gains Family prestige 10 prestige

Event button.png
Very stirring stuff.
  • Get the modifier Ending Punic Influence for 5 years, giving:
    • Naval damage done.png +5% Ship Damage Done
    • Ship cost.png -5% Ship Building Cost

The Greek Menace

[SCOPE.sChar('expansion_encourager').GetName] stridently advocates the conquest of Syracusae.

'These Greeks are colonists, little better than Punic grocers, who abandoned their own lands to rape the soil and cities of our Siculian brothers! It is someone succeeded where the hubristic Athenians failed - no city can long withstand the wrath of Rome!'

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • Any territory in the provinces of Syracuse, Siculia, or Sicania is owned by 叙拉古的国旗 叙拉古, a Hellenistic culture group country (that is not the current country), or the subject of either one of the two
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by

the The Case for Expansion mission task

Immediate effects
  • 罗马的国旗 罗马 gets claims on all territories in the provinces of Siculia and Syracuse
  • Save as the expansion_encourager character a random character who:
    • Is not the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler, a prisoner, or a foreign citizen
    • Is an adult
    • Is in the Country capital.png capital
    • Is male, if the current country does not have gender equality
    • Is Roman culture
    • Has not been chosen as the expansion_encourager in the last 90 days
    • Is a minor character
    • Preferably, holds a Position position, has at least Power base 10 power base, more than Wealth 500 gold, is at least 30, and/or belongs to the Military faction military party
  • The expansion_encourager gains Popularity.png 5 popularity
  • If the expansion_encourager is not a minor character, his/her family gains Family prestige 10 prestige

Event button.png
Syracusae would make a lovely prize.
  • Get the modifier Cracking the Phalanx for 5 years, giving:
    • Siege.png +5% Siege Ability
    • Unit light cavalry.png +5% Light Cavalry Offense

Insula Nostrum

[SCOPE.sChar('expansion_encourager').GetName] is a particularly vocal spokesperson for expanding Roman naval power.

With our position as hegemon of Italia secure, we must secure the island of Corsica. While smaller and poorer than Sardinia, the Greek port of Alalia would grant us a valuable staging area for westward expansion and reducing Punic influence in the internal sea.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • There is a territory in the province of Corsica that is colonized and not owned by 罗马的国旗 罗马 or one of its subjects
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by

the The Case for Expansion mission task

Immediate effects
  • 罗马的国旗 罗马 gets claims on all territories in the province of Corsica that is colonized and not owned by 罗马的国旗 罗马 or one of its subjects
  • Save as the expansion_encourager character a random character who:
    • Is not the Leader.png ruler or co-ruler, a prisoner, or a foreign citizen
    • Is an adult
    • Is in the Country capital.png capital
    • Is male, if the current country does not have gender equality
    • Is Roman culture
    • Has not been chosen as the expansion_encourager in the last 90 days
    • Is a minor character
    • Preferably, holds a Position position, has at least Power base 10 power base, more than Wealth 500 gold, is at least 30, and/or belongs to the Military faction military party
  • The expansion_encourager gains Popularity.png 5 popularity
  • If the expansion_encourager is not a minor character, his/her family gains Family prestige 10 prestige

Event button.png
[SCOPE.sChar('expansion_encourager').GetSheHe] preaches to the pontiffs.

Greco-Punic Worries

The exploits of our enthusiastic senators have reached the ears of the Syracusans and Carthaginians, though our recent conquests are probably a more pressing concern for them.

Some rumors go as far as to claim that the old rivals are warming to each other after centuries of war, uniting against 'Roman belligerence'.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • 迦太基的国旗 迦太基:
    • Owns at least Local.png 1 territory
    • Owns at least 1 territory in the provinces of Syracuse, Sicania, or Siculia
    • Is not Alliance.png allied with or War.png at war with 叙拉古的国旗 叙拉古
    • Is not a Vassalized.png subject
  • 叙拉古的国旗 叙拉古:
    • Owns at least Local.png 1 territory
    • Owns at least 1 territory in the provinces of Syracuse, Sicania, or Siculia
    • Is not a Vassalized.png subject
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by

the The Case for Expansion mission task

Immediate effects

Event button.png

Punic Sicilia/Secure Sardinian Coast task events


Punic Exodus

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The despicable Roman's rapine conquest of Sicily has encouraged the local Punic population to flee to their motherland. We can only vow that if it is within our power they will one day be able to return to their homes in triumph, with Roman slaves to fetch their bathwater.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
Is triggered only by

the Exodus of Punics event

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • The Punic exodus from Sicily has begun (i.e. 罗马的国旗 罗马 has the rm_2_exodus_1 flag)
Event button.png
Home is where the heart is.
  • Tooltip: [c:ROM.var:rm_punic_exodus_pop_total] Punic pops have fled from Sicania to our Territories.
    • Note: 罗马的国旗 罗马's rm_punic_exodus_pop_total variable is the number of pops that were moved in the previous event.
  • Clear from 罗马的国旗 罗马 that the Punic exodus from Sicily has begun (i.e. the rm_2_exodus_1 flag)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • The Punic exodus from Sardinia has begun (i.e. 罗马的国旗 罗马 has the rm_2_exodus_2 flag)
  • The Punic exodus from Sicily is not currently occuring (i.e. 罗马的国旗 罗马 does not have the rm_2_exodus_1 flag)
Event button.png
Home is where the heart is.
  • Tooltip: [c:ROM.var:rm_punic_exodus_pop_total] Punic pops have fled from Sardinia to our Territories.
    • Note: 罗马的国旗 罗马's rm_punic_exodus_pop_total variable is the number of pops that were moved in the previous event.
  • Clear from 罗马的国旗 罗马 that the Punic exodus from Sardinia has begun (i.e. the rm_2_exodus_2 flag)

Unruly Populace task events


The Sardinian Question

The local magistrates of [SCOPE.sP('rm_2_unruly_province').GetName] report that Sardinians have burned down many of their vital buildings.

The scoundrels coordinated a night attack and were long gone before a reaction could be mobilized. The indigenous people are clearly doggedly opposed to Roman rule.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • Has not received a Sardinian unrest event in the last 50 days (as checked by the rm_2_unruly_populace_cooldown variable)
  • Owns a territory in the provinces of Sardinia Borealis or Sardinia Australis
Is triggered only by

the Unruly Populace mission task

Immediate effects
  • Save as the rm_2_unruly_province target a random owned territory that:
    • Is in the provinces of Sardinia Borealis or Sardinia Australis
    • Preferably, does not have Territory city.png city status
    • If possible, has Territory city.png city status or does not have any Fortress fortresses
    • Preferably, does not have Territory city.png city status and has at least Local building slot.png 1 building while not having any Fortress fortresses

Event button.png
Brazen vagabonds!
  • If it has one, the building in rm_2_unruly_province is destroyed
  • The rm_2_unruly_province target gets the modifier Sabatoge for 5 years, giving:
    • Local output -50% Population Output

Effects after selecting any option
  • Set that a Sardinian unrest event has occurred for the next 50 days (with the rm_2_unruly_populace_cooldown variable)

The Sardinian Question

Our officials have been having a miserable time working with the proud locals in Sardinia.

Many have taken to isolated communities in the mountains, living on banditry and piracy. One of their leaders now demands Sardinian self rule as a vassal tribe. The idea is deeply unpopular in Rome, but could free us from an endless insurgency of attrition.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • Has not received this event before
Is triggered only by

the Unruly Populace mission task

Immediate effects
  • Create a 34 year old Nuragic Canaanite character as the rm_2_nuragic_governor character with:
    • Martial.png 2-6 base martial
    • Charisma.png 4-8 base charisma
    • Finesse.png 6-10 base finesse
    • zeal修正 2-6 base zeal
  • Save as the sardinia_capital_scope a random territory owned by 罗马的国旗 罗马 that:
    • Is in the provinces of Sardinia Borealis or Sardinia Australis
    • Is not a Port icon.png port
    • Is not any of the following territories:
      • Nora (3483)
      • Karali (3484)
      • Metalla (3485)
      • Nymphaios Limen (3499)
      • Turris Libisonis (3500)
      • Gouroulis (3496)
      • Portus Tibulae (3505)
      • Viniolae (3506)
      • Hermaion Akron (3497)
      • Tara (3493)
      • Neapolis Sardinia (3492)
      • Hydata Neapolitana (3482)
      • Sestis (3490)
  • Kill a random pop in the sardinia_capital_scope territory

Event button.png
Let them have their little state.
  • Release 撒丁尼亚的国旗 撒丁尼亚 from the sardinia_capital_scope territory as a Nuragic Canaanite Settled Tribe
  • If the rm_2_nuragic_governor character exists, move him to 撒丁尼亚的国旗 撒丁尼亚 and make him the Leader.png ruler
  • Set that 撒丁尼亚的国旗 撒丁尼亚 was released as a tribal vassal for 5 years (with the rm_2_sardinian_subject variable)
  • Tooltip: Rome will release the Tribal Chiefdom of Sardinia as a Tribal Vassal Subject. Rome will retain the western coast of Sardinia and all ports.
  • Tooltip: Tribal Vassals send Manpower to their overlords in exchange for protection and Civilization, but can NOT be diplomatically integrated.
  • Lose Aggressive expansion.png 5 aggressive expansion
Event button.png
They will live and die under Rome's shadow.
  • If the rm_2_nuragic_governor character exists:
    • Tooltip: [SCOPE.sChar('rm_2_nuragic_governor').GetName] will disappear.
    • Set rm_2_nuragic_governor as the Nuragic leader (i.e. with the nuragic_leader_flag variable) and move him to 赫墨洛斯科珀翁的国旗 赫墨洛斯科珀翁
    • The provinces of Sardinia Borealis or Sardinia Australis get the modifier Unruly Populace for 10 years, giving:
      • Unrest.png +1 Local Unrest
      • Supply limit.png -20% Supply Limit

Effects after selecting any option
  • If 撒丁尼亚的国旗 撒丁尼亚 was released as a tribal vassal for 5 years (i.e. has the rm_2_sardinian_subject variable):
    • 罗马的国旗 罗马 cedes to 撒丁尼亚的国旗 撒丁尼亚 every owned territory that is:
      • In the provinces of Sardinia Borealis or Sardinia Australis
      • Not a Port icon.png port
      • Not any of the following territories:
        • Nora (3483)
        • Karali (3484)
        • Metalla (3485)
        • Nymphaios Limen (3499)
        • Turris Libisonis (3500)
        • Gouroulis (3496)
        • Portus Tibulae (3505)
        • Viniolae (3506)
        • Hermaion Akron (3497)
        • Tara (3493)
        • Neapolis Sardinia (3492)
        • Hydata Neapolitana (3482)
        • Sestis (3490)
    • 撒丁尼亚的国旗 撒丁尼亚 becomes a Vassalized.png tribal vassal of 罗马的国旗 罗马

Settling Corsica task events


Colonizing [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_target').GetName]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.

Our first colony in Corsica will be at [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_target').GetName]. Scouts sent ahead, cautiously avoiding confrontations with the locals, have confirmed its suitability for the small group of settlers; landless freemen from [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_settler_source_2').GetName] in [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_settler_source_2').GetState.GetShortName].

We could encourage more settlers by providing them with some incentives.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • There is at least one uncolonized territory in the province of Corsica that is either Phikaria (3508), Alouka (3511), or neighbours a territory owned by the current country with at least Population.png 4 population
  • The province of Corsica is not completely colonized and owned by 罗马的国旗 罗马
  • Has not received this event in the last 40 days
  • It has been more than 21 days since the Settling Corsica mission task was started
Is triggered only by

the Settling Corsica mission task

Immediate effects
  • If it has not already been set, set that the current country has started colonizing Corsica (with the rm_2_colonising_flag) for 5 years
  • Save as the rm_col_target a random territory that:
    • Is uncolonized
    • Is in the province of Corsica
    • Is either Phikaria (3508), Alouka (3511), or neighbours a territory owned by the current country with at least Population.png 4 population
    • Preferably, is Phikaria (3508) or Alouka (3511)
    • Preferably, neighbours a territory where colonization by this event chain began in the last 5 years (as checked by the rm_2_col_flag variable)
  • Randomly do one of the following:
    • With a weight of 66:
      • Save as the rm_col_settler_source_1 a random owned territory that:
        • Is not in the province of Corsica
        • Has at least Population.png 5 population
        • Has Roman' dominant culture
        • Has at least 3 Roman-cultured pops
        • Preferably, is a Port icon.png port
        • If possible, was not selected as the settler source in the last 5 years (does not have the rm_2_col_source_cooldown variable)
      • Save as the rm_col_settler_source_2 a random owned territory that:
        • Is not in the province of Corsica
        • Is not the rm_col_settler_source_1 territory
        • Has at least Population.png 5 population
        • Has Roman' dominant culture
        • Has at least 1 Roman-cultured pops
        • Preferably, is Phikaria (3508) or Alouka (3511)
        • If possible, was not selected as the settler source in the last 5 years (does not have the rm_2_col_source_cooldown variable)
    • With a weight of 33, if this option has not been selected in the last 90 days and there is a territory in the province of Corsica where colonization by this event chain began recently (as checked by the rm_2_col_flag variable):
      • Set that the colony was set up by the colonists' own volition (with the rm_2_col_volition variable)
      • Save as the rm_col_settler_source_1 a territory that:
        • Was not recently colonizized by this event chain (as checked by the lack of the rm_2_col_flag variable):
        • Has at least Population.png 5 population
        • Has Roman' dominant culture
        • Has at least 2 Roman-cultured pops
        • Preferably, is Phikaria (3508) or Alouka (3511)
        • If possible, was not selected as the settler source in the last 5 years (does not have the rm_2_col_source_cooldown variable)
      • Set that settlers were sent from the rm_col_settler_source_1 territory for the next 5 years (with the rm_2_col_source_cooldown flag)
      • Move 2 random Roman-cultured pops, preferring those that are not Tribesmen tribesmen or Slaves slaves, from the rm_col_settler_source_1 territory to the rm_col_target territory

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The colony was not set up out of the colonists' own volition (i.e. does not have the rm_2_col_volition variable)

Event button.png
A new colony needs a solid foundation.
  • Lose between Wealth 1 - 2 times the monthly income
  • rm_col_target becomes owned by the current country
  • Set that settlers were sent from the rm_col_settler_source_1 territory for the next 5 years (with the rm_2_col_source_cooldown flag)
  • Move 3 random Roman-cultured pops, preferring those that are not Tribesmen tribesmen or Slaves slaves, from the rm_col_settler_source_1 territory to the rm_col_target territory
  • The rm_col_target territory gets the modifier Aggressive Colonization for 10 years, giving:
    • Unrest.png +0.25 Local Unrest
    • Local output -50% Population Output
    • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The colony was not set up out of the colonists' own volition (i.e. does not have the rm_2_col_volition variable)

Event button.png
Only a few settlers will be necessary.
  • rm_col_target becomes owned by the current country
  • Set that settlers were sent from the rm_col_settler_source_2 territory for the next 5 years (with the rm_2_col_source_cooldown flag)
  • Move 1 random Roman-cultured pop, preferring those that are not Tribesmen tribesmen or Slaves slaves, from the rm_col_settler_source_2 territory to the rm_col_target territory
  • The rm_col_target territory gets the modifier Peaceful Colonization for 10 years, giving:
    • Unrest.png -0.25 Local Unrest
    • Local output +25% Population Output

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The colony was set up out of the colonists' own volition (i.e. has the rm_2_col_volition variable)

Event button.png
If only all Romans were so entrepreneurial...
  • The rm_col_target territory gets the modifier Aggressive Colonization for 10 years, giving:
    • Unrest.png +0.25 Local Unrest
    • Local output -50% Population Output
    • Migration attraction +1 Migration Attraction
  • Clear that a colony was set up out of the colonists' own volition (the rm_2_col_volition variable)

Effects after selecting any option
  • If all territories in the province of Corsica are colonized and owned by 罗马的国旗 罗马, set that the colonization of Corsica was completed (with the rm_2_settling_corsica_complete variable)

Settling Corsica

We have secured the more hospitable parts of Corsica, trodden by Greek, Phoenician, and Etrsucan traders.

Now we should encourage the settlement of the entire island to consolidate our control, ensure it does not fall into the hands of our enemies, and that all its resources, peoples, and ports serve the Roman state.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
Is triggered only by

the Settling Corsica mission task

Event button.png
Post notices in all fora: 'Your country needs you!'
  • Tooltip: Settlers will soon depart for Corsica.

Struggles in [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_target').GetName]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.

We have received word that the Roman colony at [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_target').GetName] in Corsica has been struggling.

It seems the local tribes people have taken offense at the establishment of the colony and conducted an unprovoked raid into the town, slaughtering some of its Roman inhabitants and looting their homes before fleeing.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • There is at least one territory in the province of Corsica that is currently being colonized (has the rm_2_col_flag flag) and was not the target of this event in the last 120 days
  • Has not received this event in the last 90 days
  • It has been more than 21 days since the Settling Corsica mission task was started
Is triggered only by

the Settling Corsica mission task

Immediate effects
  • Save as the rm_col_target a random territory that:
    • Is owned by the current country
    • Is currently being colonized (has the rm_2_col_flag flag)
    • Was not the target of this event in the last 120 days
    • Preferably, has less than 3 Roman cultured pops
    • Preferably, has 1 Roman cultured pop
    • If possible, was not the target of this event in the last 90 days
  • Randomly do one of the following:
    • With a weight of 66:
      • Only if the rm_col_target territory:
        • Does not have the modifier Colonial Reprisals
        • Has at least 4 Corsian-cultured pops that are not Slaves slaves
        • Has more than 1 Roman-cultured pops that are not Slaves slaves
      • Set that a Corsian raid occurred (with the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable)
    • With a weight of 33):
      • Set that the colonists want to abandon the colony (Do nothing)
  • If a Corsian raid occurred (i.e. the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable is set)
    • A random Roman-cultured pop in rm_col_target is killed, preferring Freemen freemen

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: A Corsian raid occurred (i.e. has the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable)

Event button.png
Intolerable. Ensure the locals understand that.
  • Lose Manpower.png 2500 manpower
  • For up to 2 random Corsian-cultured pops in rm_col_target that are not slaves and preferably Tribesmen tribesmen, randomly either kill the pop or demote it into a Slaves slave pop
  • The rm_col_target loses the Aggressive Colonization modifier
  • The rm_col_target territory gets the modifier Colonial Reprisals for 10 years, giving:
    • Unintegrated culture group happiness -030% Wrong Culture-Group Happiness
    • Local output -50% Population Output

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: A Corsian raid occurred (i.e. has the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable)

Event button.png
There is nothing to be done.

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The colonists want to abandon the colony (i.e. does not have the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable)

Event button.png
Reassure them.
  • Lose between Wealth 0.5 - 1.5 times the monthly income

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The colonists want to abandon the colony (i.e. does not have the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable), and has not selected this option in the last 5 years

Event button.png
[ROOT.GetCountry.GetRulerTitle] [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler. GetPraenomen] has just the thing...
  • If the current ruler is part of the Civic faction civic faction, the province of Corsica gets the modifier Tax Breaks for 5 years, giving:
    • Tax income.png -25% Local Tax
  • Otherwise, if the current ruler is part of the Military faction military faction, lose Manpower.png 2500 manpower
  • Otherwise, if the current ruler is part of the Civic faction civic faction, the province of Corsica gets the modifier Merchants Requisitioned for 5 years, giving:
    • Global state trade routes.png -1 Local Import Routes
  • Otherwise, if the current ruler is part of the Religious faction religious faction, get the modifier Praying for Colonists for 5 years, giving:
    • Omen.png -7.5% Omen Power
  • Otherwise, if the current ruler is part of the Populist faction populist faction, get the modifier Populist Faction Promoted for 5 years, giving:
    • Populist faction +0.50 Populist Faction Influence

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: The colonists want to abandon the colony (i.e. does not have the rm_2_col_corsian_flag variable)

Event button.png
If they are weak, let them leave.
  • All Roman-cultured pops in rm_col_target that are not Tribesmen tribesmen or Slaves slaves move to the Country capital.png capital
  • Tooltip: [SCOPE.sP('rm_col_target').GetName] will become uncolonized.
  • Set that rm_col_target is no longer being colonized (i.e. clear the rm_2_col_flag variable)

The First Provincia task events


The Provincia

We finally control the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicilia

As isolated environs of our core territory on the mainland, the governance of these areas must fall to local managers to ensure efficient administration, and ensure the export of grain from Sicilia.

Provincia are set to become the natural method of dividing regional responsibilities as Romes holdings expand further and further from the administration in the capital.

Trigger conditions
  • The current country exists
  • This event has not triggered before
Is triggered only by


Event button.png
We are on the cusp of something magnificent.
  • Get Province investment 2 free province investments


  1. These events can be found in /ImperatorRome/events/mission_events/1.3 - Punic Wars/me_roman_2_provincia.txt.