Country creation

(重定向自Country modding

Modding Countries

Most of the important details of a country are handled in the setup\main folder in the game folder, with vanilla countries defined inside 00_default.txt. This includes government type, religion, culture, capital, and provinces owned, and can additionally define many other parameters such as laws, diplomatic stance, technology level, antagonist status, major families, pantheon deities, owned treasures, integrated cultures, and more. All nations should be inside a countries block, itself inside a country block, but do not necessarily have to be in the 00_default.txt file (and unless doing a total overhaul where most or all vanilla countries are replaced should preferably be placed in another file).

You must also create a file for the country in the common/countries folder. Once done, add your country's tag to the countries.txt file in the common folder (should be right near the setup.txt file) and assign the tag to the directory you made in the countries folder.

Country Setup

For example, here is setup of the Parthian Satrapy in vanilla. If we wanted it to start if with actual parthian culture and zoroastrian religion, we would replace macedonian with parthian and roman_pantheon with zoroaster.

		PAR = {
			government = despotic_monarchy
			primary_culture = macedonian
			religion = roman_pantheon
			capital = 3435
			poptype_rights = { 
					culture = pactyan 
					type = citizen

				military_tech={ level=1 progress=0 }
				civic_tech={ level=1 progress=0 }
				oratory_tech={ level=1 progress=0 }
				religious_tech= { level=1 progress=0  }
			own_control_core = {
				3435 6727 7222  #New
				3441 6728 6729 3445 3448 6656 3447 3446 3450 3454 #parthia
				3468 3467 3462 3444 3465 3466 3451 3464 #vishpauzatis
				3436 3437 3438 3440 3449 3455 3469 
				6556 6545 6542 6543 6544 6663 6664 #oxiana

Here is an example of what the country file should look like in the common/countries folder. The ship names are simply the possible names of ships that are recruited/built. The color is what color the country will show as on the map.

color = rgb { 234 139 40 }

ship_names = {
	Aglaia Agreuousa Aktis Andreia Anthera Anysis Apobasis Ariste Asklepias Aura
	Delphis Delphis Dikaiosyne Doxa Dynamis
	Eleusis Eleutheria Epideixis Eucharis Eudaimonia Eueteria Euia Eukarpia Eunoia Euphemia Euphrainousa Euporia Eutychia
	Gnome Gnoste
	Hebe Hegemone Hegemonia Hiera Hikane Hippia Homonoia Hygieia
	Kallixena Kouphotate Kratiste Kratousa
	Naukratousa Nemeas Nike Nikosa
	Okeia Olympias Ortheia
	Panoplia Paralia Parataxis Parrhesia Peristera Petomene Philotimia Potone Pronoia Proplous Prote
	Seiren Soizousa Stephanephoria Stephanoumene Stephanousa Stilbousa Strategis Symmachia Syntaxis
	Takheia Theoris Thera

This is an example of what your country should look like in the countries.txt file.

ATH = "countries/greece/athens.txt"

Diplomatic relations

Diplomatic relations are defined in a diplomacy block of a file in the setup\main folder in the game folder, with vanilla relationships defined inside 00_default.txt. Each different type of diplomatic relationship has a different structure.

For instance, alliances simply refer to the two sides of the alliance:

	alliance = { first = TAR second = MSP }

Defensive leagues list out the tags of all of its members:

	defensive_league = {
		member = MET
		member = HCL
		member = CRO

Subject relationships need to list the overlord, subject, and the subject type:

	dependency = { first = CAR second = BLD subject_type = feudatory }


Every Country has a heritage which gives them two benefits and 1 drawback, but you can edit heritages to give them almost any set of modifiers. Heritages can be modded in the heritages folder. You can mod existing heritages or create new ones. Say you wanted to give Gaul a unique heritage, then all you have to choose some country modifiers and triggers to give your new Gaul heritage. Here's an example but you could do so much more with the trigger like giving all scythian nations of a certain size with a certain capital terrain the same heritage, just so long as the trigger ends in the country scope in the end. If a country does not have one of the normal heritages that you find in game, then it goes to the default heritage, so it's advised not to mess with the default heritage.

gaul_heritage = {
	modifier = {
		global_population_capacity_modifier = 0.1
		global_population_growth = 0.1
		monthly_corruption  = 0.1
	trigger = {
		tag = GAU

Coat of Arms

A coat of arms will be automatically generated for every country based on their culture group, so no coats of arm need to be defined for countries that are being added. However, if a specific flag is desired, a coat of arms can be defined in common\coat_of_arms\coat_of_arms using the tag of the country, like the following example for 罗马的国旗 罗马 (ROM):

ROM = {
	pattern = "pattern_solid.tga"
	color1 = "roman_red"
	color2 = "roman_gold"

	colored_emblem = {
		texture = ""
		color1 = "roman_gold"