Argead Empire

Great powerArgead Empire

Argead Empire.png

Culture Group

Capital province


Military traditions

The 阿吉德帝國的國旗 阿吉德帝國 is a formable nation representing the restoration of the Empire of Alexander the Great that had fallen apart just before the start of the game. Its Diadochi successor states of 弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞, 塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國, 埃及的國旗 埃及, 馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓, and 色雷斯的國旗 色雷斯 are the best positioned to reform the empire, but the Argead Empire can potentially be created by any Hellenistic culture group monarchy. As an endgame tag in an unofficial "fourth tier" - even other tier 3 formables can create it, if they meet the requirements - it has the most stringent requirements but the greatest rewards of any formable nation in the game. Forming the Argead Empire requires conquering the main cities across every part of the empire, from Macedonia and Egypt to Mesopotamia and all the way to the Indus Valley, but grants claims across almost all of its former territory - about a quarter of the entire map - as well as giving a powerful permanent modifier, including a bonus to Unintegrated culture group happiness Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness that makes further conquests and handling Aggressive expansion.png aggressive expansion much easier, a fit reward for the heirs of the great conqueror Alexander.

Formation requirements




潛在需求 允許條件
  • 阿吉德帝國的國旗 阿吉德帝國不存在
  • 是君主制
  • 不在戰爭或內戰中
  • 控制以下所有地區,或者屬於附屬國:
    • 佩拉(379)
    • 柯林斯(418)
    • 忒拜(426)
    • 斯巴達(427)
    • 阿耳戈斯(440)
    • 雅典(416)
    • 呂西瑪刻亞(350)
    • 戈耳狄翁(189)
    • 薩耳狄斯(292)
    • 亞歷山大里亞(516)
    • 孟菲斯(500)
    • 加沙(659)
    • 提爾(743)
    • 安提戈涅亞(790)
    • 厄庇法涅亞(1874)
    • 阿蒙(5537)
    • 巴比倫(918)
    • 大塞琉基亞(911)
    • 蘇薩(946)
    • 波斯波利斯(4799)
    • 厄克巴塔納(1595)
    • 高加索的亞歷山大里亞(6611)
    • 奢叉尸羅(7314)
    • 亞歷山大港(6821)

  • 如果國家是部落制,獲得「文明的部落」修正,持續10年,給予:
    • Civilization.png+0.10% 每月文明度
    • Local pop promotion speed.png+2 人口升級速度
    • Happiness for same culture modifier.png+10% 已整合文化幸福度
  • 如果政體不是帝制或帝王崇拜,則政體變為帝制
  • 如果國家原本是共和國:
    • 如果國家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 補給法案或 Enact law cost modifier.png 布匿改革,則實施 Enact law cost modifier.png 御屬衛隊法律
    • 其他情況下,如果國家原本法律中有 Enact law cost modifier.png 軍隊新式改革或 Enact law cost modifier.png 馬略改革,則通過 Enact law cost modifier.png 御屬軍隊法律
  • 獲得修正「阿吉德統一」直到遊戲結束:
    • Happiness for wrong culture group modifier.png+6% 未整合文化組幸福度
    • Land morale recovery.png+5% 陸軍士氣
    • Diplomatic reputation.png+2% 外交聲譽
    • Pop freemen happiness.png+8% 全國自由民幸福度
  • 獲得State free investments.png 5 免費省份投資
  • 改名為Argead Empire.png 希臘帝國
  • 如果當前統治者擁有阿吉德的血脈特質,將改名為Argead Empire.png 阿吉德帝國
  • 發生事件「帝都」
  • 獲得以下區域所有領土的宣稱:馬其頓、希臘、色雷斯、亞細亞、弗里吉亞、卡帕多基亞 陶里卡、奇里乞亞、比堤尼亞與帕佛拉戈尼亞、亞述、美索不達米亞、波西斯、米底、革德羅西亞、帕提亞、巴克特里亞、阿里亞納、巴勒斯坦、敘利亞、犍陀衛、上埃及下埃及
  • 如果國家是弗里吉亞的國旗 弗里吉亞馬其頓的國旗 馬其頓塞琉古帝國的國旗 塞琉古帝國埃及的國旗 埃及色雷斯的國旗 色雷斯,並且不是AI,獲得成就「此世無再征
Formation requirements for the Argead Empire. Fully coloured territories are required, while hatched territories will be claimed after formation.


Forming the Argead Empire triggers a special event allowing the country to move its capital to either Alexandreia (516), Pella (379), Babylon (918), or Alexandreia Indos (4371), or retain the court at its current position. Each option will give a different bonus to the new capital - choosing the Alexandreia Indos option in particular will also grant claims to all of the region of Madhyadesa.


No More Worlds Left to Conquer

