This page lists the various flavour events in the Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC, part of the Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack, centering around the legacy of the old 阿吉德帝国 and the interactions between Greek colonists and native populations in the new Hellenistic states. These events can trigger for any Hellenistic culture group countries, as well many partially Hellenized countries across the former Argead Empire.[1]
The city of [SCOPE.sP('alexander_province').GetName] is one of the many cities that was founded by Alexander himself during his famous campaign through Persia. It has grown significantly since its founding, and has kept Alexander's belief in having people from different faiths and cultures come together to form a new community.Though clashes, conflicts and miscommunication occasionally occur between the Greeks, Persians and others, they have learned to get along with one another. The city has started to build up infrastructure and administration better built to serve their diverse populace, to a greater degree than most of our other cities.
Trigger conditions
- The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is active
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Has not triggered the event in the last 25 years
- The country owns a territory that:
- Is Alexandreia (516), Alexandreia Sousiane (940), Alexandreia Indos (4371), Alexandrou Parembole (5550), Alexandreia Arachosias (6541), Alexandreia Drangiane (6552), Artakoana (6557), Alexandreia Kaukaso (6611), Serakhis (6664), Alexandreia Eschate (6704), Patala (6815), or Alexandrou Limen (6821)
- Has a population higher than 10
- Has city status
- Has at least one primary culture pop
- Has at least one non-primary culture pop
- Has at least one neighbouring province owned by the same country
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse
Immediate effects
- Save as alexander_province a random owned territory that:
- Is Alexandreia (516), Alexandreia Sousiane (940), Alexandreia Indos (4371), Alexandrou Parembole (5550), Alexandreia Arachosias (6541), Alexandreia Drangiane (6552), Artakoana (6557), Alexandreia Kaukaso (6611), Serakhis (6664), Alexandreia Eschate (6704), Patala (6815), or Alexandrou Limen (6821)
- Has a population higher than 10
- Has city status
- Has at least one primary culture pop
- Has at least one non-primary culture pop
- Has at least one neighbouring province owned by the same country
We will make sure to learn from this city.
- Get 1 free province investment
The knowledge gained in this city will spread beyond its walls.
- alexander_province and all neighbouring owned provinces get the modifier Alexander's Legacy for 20 years, giving:
- -1 Local Unrest
- +10% Local Manpower
The Philosopher in [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetName]
The below description is one of several available for this event.
A new wiseman has become renowned among our citizens in the city of [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetName], [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetState.GetName]. Now they have started to look to him for guidance in their daily lives, following his teachings and ideals.
The philosopher is specializing in teach the minor nobles and rich citizens of the city about the virtues, and claims to give them the education they need to lead our nation forward in the coming years.
Trigger conditions
- The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is active
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Has not triggered the event in the last '50 years
- The current ruler has at least 1 attribute less than 11
- The country owns a territory with city status and at least 5 citizens
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse
Immediate effects
- Randomly choose one of the following:
- With a weight of 10 if the current ruler has charisma not more than 11, choose Sophism as the event philosophy
- Note: this is set through the dde_hellenistic_2_sophism variable
- With a weight of 10 if the current ruler has finesse not more than 11, choose Cyrenaicism as the event philosophy
- Note: this is set through the dde_hellenistic_2_cyrenaicism variable
- With a weight of 5 if the current ruler has no attribute greater than 10, choose Peripateticism as the event philosophy
- Note: this is set through the dde_hellenistic_2_peripateticism variable
- With a weight of 10 if the current ruler has zeal not more than 11, choose Epicureanism as the event philosophy
- Note: this is set through the dde_hellenistic_2_epicureanism variable
- With a weight of 10 if the current ruler has martial not more than 11, choose Stoicism as the event philosophy
- Note: this is set through the dde_hellenistic_2_stoicism variable
- Save a random owned territory with city status and at least 5 citizens as country_province
We will have him teach us personally.
- If the event philosophy is Sophism:
- Ruler loses 10 popularity
- Ruler gains 2 charisma
- Ruler loses 1 zeal
- If the event philosophy is Cyrenaicism:
- Ruler loses 10 popularity
- Ruler gains 2 finesse
- Ruler loses 1 martial
- If the event philosophy is Peripateticism:
- Ruler loses 20 popularity
- Ruler gains 1 martial
- Ruler gains 1 finesse
- Ruler gains 1 charisma
- Ruler gains 1 zeal
- If the event philosophy is Epicureanism:
- Ruler loses 10 popularity
- Ruler gains 2 zeal
- Ruler loses 1 martial
- If the event philosophy is Stoicism:
- Ruler loses 10 popularity
- Ruler gains 2 martial
- Ruler loses 1 charisma
- If the event philosophy is Sophism:
- country_province gets the modifier Local Philosopher until the end of the game, giving:
- +0.10 Territory Provincial Loyalty
- +20% Monthly Civilization Change
- If the event philosophy is Cyrenaicism:
- country_province gets the modifier Local Philosopher until the end of the game, giving:
- +2 Local Unrest
- +10% Local Manpower
- +20% Supply Limit
- If the event philosophy is Peripateticism:
- country_province gets the modifier Local Philosopher until the end of the game, giving:
- +10% Local Research Points
- If the event philosophy is Epicureanism:
- country_province gets the modifier Local Philosopher until the end of the game, giving:
- -1 Local Unrest
- -5% Local Manpower
- -10% Supply Limit
- If the event philosophy is Stoicism:
- country_province gets the modifier Local Philosopher until the end of the game, giving:
- -2 Local Unrest
Effects after selecting any option
- Remove the event philosophy variables (dde_hellenistic_2_sophism, dde_hellenistic_2_cyrenaicism, dde_hellenistic_2_peripateticism, dde_hellenistic_2_epicureanism, and dde_hellenistic_2_stoicism)
The legacy of Alexander still lingers in our nation, as the many Greco-Persian cities are struggling to find a way to deal with their culturally and religiously diverse populations. The latest of these issues has risen in [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetName], where the Hellenics and Persians refuse to interact with one another.If we choose to invest our resources in trying to fix the issues in [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetName], perhaps it can prove to be an example for some of our other cities struggling with the same issues?
Trigger conditions
- The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is active
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Has not triggered the event in the last '20 years
- The country owns a territory that has city status, at least one non-slave Hellenistic culture group pop, and at least one non-slave Persian culture group pop
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse
Immediate effects
- Save a randomly owned territory that has city status, at least one non-slave Hellenistic culture group pop, and at least one non-slave Persian culture group pop as country_province
We will help them work these issues out.
- Lose 15 political influence
- Get the modifier Hellenistic Bonds for 10 years, giving:
- +0.50% Wrong Culture-Group Happiness
- country_province gets the modifier Flourishing Greco-Persian Administration for 10 years, giving:
- -2 Local Unrest
They will figure it out in time. Probably.
- Get the modifier "Hellenistic Complications for 10 years, giving:
- -1% Wrong Culture-Group Happiness
- country_province gets the modifier Struggling Administration for 10 years, giving:
- +3 Local Unrest
Trade Relations with [SCOPE.sCountry('random_neighbor').GetName]
We have an increase in [SCOPE.sCountry('random_neighbor').GetAdjective] traders and merchants visiting our cities, from the borders and all the way to [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName]. Bringing exotic wares and goods from afar, they have gained some fame and repute among our own citizenry.Carrying a surprising amount of wealth with them, we could simply take what they have and be rid of them. Or this could be an opportunity to improve our relations with our neighbor.
Trigger conditions
- The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is active
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Owns more than 80 territories
- Has not triggered the event in the last '20 years
- Does not have the modifier Flourishing Trade Relations
- The country has a neighbouring state that:
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Owns more than 50 territories
- Is not a subject
- Is not at war with the country receiving the event
- Has more than 15 opinion of the country receiving the event
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse
Immediate effects
- Save the current country as original_country
- Save as random_neighbor a random neighbouring state that:
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Owns more than 50 territories
- Is not a subject
- Is not at war with the country receiving the event
- Has more than 15 opinion of the country receiving the event
Sounds like a good opportunity to get to know [SCOPE.sCountry('random_neighbor').GetName] better.
- Lose 50 political influence
- Get the opinion modifier Friendly Trade Relations towards the random_neighbor, giving +15 opinion with a yearly decay of 1
- Get the modifier Flourishing Trade Relations for 15 years, giving:
- +3% National Tax
- +5% National Commerce Income
- random_neighbor gets the opinion modifier Friendly Trade Relations towards the current country, giving +15 opinion with a yearly decay of 1
- random_neighbor gets the event Friendly Trade Relations
Take their valuables, then toss them out of [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName].
- Get 6 times the monthly income of random_neighbor, with a minimum of 2 times the current country's monthly income and a maximum of 12 times the current country's monthly income
- random_neighbor gets the opinion modifier Hostile Trade Relations towards the current country, giving -20 opinion with a yearly decay of 1
- random_neighbor gets the event [SCOPE.sCountry('original_country').GetAdjective] Hostility
City Games in [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName]
There has been a lot of work to prepare city games in our capital, [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName]. With only a few days left before it starts, they have started looking to us for some aid in financially supporting them, so it could be even grander than originally planned. If we assist them, we are sure to gain some fame among the general populace.
Trigger conditions
- The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is active
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Has not triggered the event in the last 10 years
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse
A show of support will be appreciated, surely.
- Lose 1 time the monthly income, with a minimum of 10 gold and a maximum of 100 gold
- If the country is a monarchy, gain 5 legitimacy
- Capital gets the modifier Territorial Games for 3 years, giving:
- -3 Local Unrest
- +5% Local Tax
- Current ruler gains 5 popularity
Perhaps the winner of the games could join our court?
- Lose 5 stability
- Create a new character of the primary culture and religion with high martial and charisma
The Last of the Argyraspides
We have rumors that one of the fabled Silver Shields, the backbone of Alexander's army, has been seen traveling through [ROOT.GetCountry.GetCapital.GetName]. They have not often been seen after they betrayed Eumenes by handing him over to Antigonos, as the unit was split up and dismissed by the general. They are renowned for their fighting spirit, experience and bravery.
Trigger conditions
- The Hellenistic World Flavor Pack DLC is active
- The date is before 1 Jan 480 AUC
- Is in the Hellenistic culture group, is one of the Diadochi nations, or is a country that starts with their capital in the regions of Asia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Media, or Assyria
- Has not triggered the event in the last 10 years
Is triggered only by
Random event on yearly main country event pulse
Immediate effects
- Save the current country as original_country
- Create as silver_shield_character a new Macedonian Hellenic character with the Argyraspides' modifier in the current character's court, giving:
- +1 martial
- +0.10% health
Let us invite him to join our court.
- If the current ruler has the Blood of Antigonos trait, lose 6 times the monthly income, with a minimum of 125 gold and a maximum of 500 gold
- Otherwise, lose 2 times the monthly income, with a minimum of 50 gold and a maximum of 250 gold
- If the country is a monarchy, gain 5 legitimacy
We do not need any of these fossils in [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName].
- Banish silver_shield_character to a random neighbouring country banishment_country
- banishment_country gets the event The Last of the Argyraspides
[SCOPE.sCountry('original_country').GetAdjective] Hostility
It seems some of our traders and merchants was pillaged and murdered as they were traveling through [SCOPE.sCountry('original_country').GetCapital.GetName]. This is just the latest of a long list of insults from [SCOPE.sCountry('original_country').GetName], and our people are up in arms about it, demanding compensation.Maybe it is time to instill some respect in them?
The Last of the Argyraspides
One of the fabled veterans from the Silver Shields, the backbone of Alexander's army, is requesting a place to stay in [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName]. They have not often been seen after they betrayed Eumenes by handing him over to Antigonos, as the unit was split up and dismissed by the general. It seems [SCOPE.sCharacter('silver_shield_character').GetName] was banished from [SCOPE.sCountry('original_country').GetName].
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
the The Last of the Argyraspides event
He will be welcome in [ROOT.GetCountry.GetName].
- Set silver_shield_character as a minor character
- Note: silver_shield_character is the Argyraspides veteran, created in the previous event
- Remove the Foreign Citizen modifier from silver_shield_character
He may loiter for a while, perhaps.
- Set silver_shield_character as a minor character
It seems our traders and merchants have been treated surprisingly well as they have been traveling through [SCOPE.sCountry('original_country').GetCapital.GetName]. Though we have had our shares of disagreements, it seems this is a chance for newfound friendship between our two nations.
Trigger conditions
Is triggered only by
the Trade Relations with [SCOPE.sCountry ('random_neighbor').GetName] event
- Tooltip: Get the opinion modifier Friendly Trade Relations towards the original_country, giving +15 opinion with a yearly decay of 1
- Note: original_country is the country that the event was sent from
- Tooltip: original_country gets the opinion modifier Friendly Trade Relations towards the current country, giving +15 opinion with a yearly decay of 1
- ↑ These events can be found in /ImperatorRome/events/dde/dde_hellenistic.txt.