Tribal reform events


This page lists the events associated with the Tribal Reform generic mission.[1]



Meeting of the Council

The proud heritage of our people has endured for generations, and yet the ever-changing fabric of our existence has brought greater knowledge of the world and people that surround us.

In an extraordinary council meeting, the heads of two of our greatest families, the ['republic family'] and the ['monarchy family'], have both suggested that is time for us to abandon our way of rule, in favor of a new set of statutes.

The ['monarchy family'] favor the institution known as Monarchy; drawing inspiration from tales of the great Grecian Kings, whereas the ['republic family'] advocate for an equal system of rule, inspired by tales of the Carthaginian Empire and Athenians of whom we have heard much.


Bureaucratic Purge

In pursuit of our ideal government, many obstacles stand in the way. One of those obstacles goes by the name of [SCOPE.sChar('purge_target').GetPraenomen], who possesses a strong allegiance to a cause not aligned with our own.

Logic dictates a certain amount of tolerance for opposing ideologies, however, our advisors recommend that the jarring notions of [SCOPE.sChar('purge_target').GetPraenomen] are simply too far-fetched to warrant a continued place in our government.



  1. These events can be found in /ImperatorRome/events/tribal_reform.txt.