Syracusan missions

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Mission syracuse.png

Leadership of the Siceliotes

Leadership of the Siceliotes

Leadership of the Siceliotes Times are changing fast; the Diadochi scrap over the remains of Alexander's empire in the east; the Punic barbarians greedily eye our island seeking to avange our failed invasion of Africa in the west, and Italic republics grow stronger by the day in the north - we must ensure our survival by completing the work of Agathokles and uniting the Siceliotes.

Completion Criteria Secure control of eastern Sicily.

Mission Tree

Soldiers of Fortune
Siceliote Overtures
Restoring Syrakousai
This task will take 90 days to complete This task will take 180 days to complete This task will take 90 days to complete
•Syracusae needs to be at War.
•Has less or equal to 50.00% of Maximum Manpower.
No Conditions Conditions:
•Syrakousai has at least 10 Greek Hellenic Citizens 28px
•Syrakousai has at least 10 Greek Hellenic Freeman 28px
Syracusae gains Mercenary Hub for 15 years:
28pxMercenary Army Maintenance: -10.00%
28pxRecruit Mercenary Cost: -50.00%
Syracusae may acquire Siceliote feudatories.
Syracusae gains Sicilian Ambition for 20 years:
28pxSiege Ability: -10.00%
28pxWar score Cost: -10.00%
A Siceliote Citizen appears in Syrakousai
A Siceliote Freeman appears in Syrakousai
A Siceliote Freeman appears in Syrakousai
Syrakousai gets Syracuan Restoration until End of Game, giving the effects:
28pxCity Building Slots: +2.00
Italic mercenaries have long made up for the glut of citizen soldiers in the colonial cities of Sicily. This tradition must continue if we are to match our enemies in manpower.
The fate of all Sicilian Greeks rests on a kopis edge, threatend on all sides by hungry foreign interests. We must unite them with all haste, be it by spear or symposium.
Civil wars and invasions have brought misery and destruction to our great city, it is time to clear the last vestiges of past woes and become a forward-looking center of culture.
The Last of the Sikeloi
The City of Temples
The Fountain of Arethousa
Bread Basket of Italia
Can NOT be completed before: Siceliote Overtures Can NOT be completed before: Siceliote Overtures Can NOT be completed before: Restoring Syrakousai Can NOT be completed before: Restoring Syrakousai
•Siculia is a subject of Syracusae OR Siculia does not exist and Syracusae owns Enna and/or Capitium.
•Acragas is a feudatory subject of Syracusae OR Syracusae owns Akragas (Agrigentum)
•Syracusae owns Syrakousai.
•Has greater than 150 Gold.
•Syracusae owns at least 3 territories which produce Grain 28px and have a Farming Settlement Building in mainland Sicily. (0/3)
Syracusan provinces in Sicily with and Italic population will receive:
Province of Siculia gains Siculian Subordination for 15 years:
28pxWrong Culture-Group Happiness: -10.00%
•Pop Assimilation Speed: +1.00
Syracusae gets 50.0028px
Akragas gets Akraganitine Subordination for 10 years, giving the effects:
28pxLocal Tax: +15.00%
28pxLocal Fort Defense: +10.00%
Syracusae loses 150.0028px
Hoard of Arethusa appears in Syracusae's treasury.
Up to 3 territories will receive a bonus to food and trade good production.
Amidst the raging Graeco-Punic and civil wars of Sicily, the native Sikeloi have persevered in the interior. They must be brought to heel once and for all.
One of our oldest rivals for leadership of the Siceliotes, Akragas must submit to our command and put its wealth at our disposal.
The Nereid Arthousa is our patron deity, and if our city is so succeed it will do so with her blessing. The neglected fountain will be restored, and the festival of the nymph revived.
Expanding into central Sicily gives us access to abundantly fertile land, where some of best grain in the Mediterranean is grow. We should make the most of this opportunity.
Secure Sicilia
Ortygian Redoubt
The Horn of Plenty
Can NOT be completed before: The Last of the Sikeloi This task will take 90 days to complete
Can NOT be completed before: The Fountain of Arethousa
Can NOT be completed before: Bread Basket of Italia
•Syracusae complety controls the Areas of SYracuse and Siculia, either directly or through subjects.
No Conditions Conditions:
•The capital state of Syracusae has a surplus of at least 6 Grain 28px, and does not import it.
Your Ruler gains 15 Popularity28px
Syracusae gains 2 Free Province Investments.
The territory of Syrakousai gains a Fortress
Syrakousai gets Ortygian Stronghold until End of Game, giving the effects:
28pxCity Building Slots: +1.00
28pxLocal Fort Defense: +15.00%
Syracusae gains Amaltheias Keras for 20 years:
28pxExport Value: +15.00%
28pxGlobal Monthly Food Modifier: +10.00%
Our peace treaties with the Punic barbarians gave them domination over the west, but we must ensure the splintered Siceliote states of the east join our cause rather than fall to theirs.
Destroyed by Timoleon to discourage tyrants, rebuilding the defense of Ortygia is crucial - we must make the island formidable for any who wish to attack the capital by land.
Grain can do more for us than keep the granaries stocked - fast growing cities across the Mediterranean will come to blows seeking to secure our fine products.
Hegemon of the siceliotes
Can NOT be completed before: Secure Sicilia, The Horn of Plenty
No Conditions
No Rewards
Only once all of eastern Sicily submits to our leadership will we have acomplished the unification of free Siceliotes, a feat never before matched.
Abort Mission - Leadership of the Siceliotes Finish Mission - Leadership of the Siceliotes
This mission will also abort automatically if:
Does NOT own any territories.
Syracusae is NOT a Monarchy.
Need to complete Hegemony of the Siceliotes
Will happen:
You Ruler lose the effect of Sicilian Ambition:
28pxMonthly Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.20
28pxMartial: +1.00
28pxCHarisma: +1.00
You will NOT be able to restart this mission until at least 20 years have passed.
Completing this mission gives the folowing reward:
Syracusae gains Hegemon of SIcily for 20 years:
28pxPrimary CUlture Happiness: +10.00%
28pxMonthly Ruler Popularity Gain: +0.02

Mission Events

Punic Rivalry

File:Punic Rivalry
Punic Rivalry

Punic Rivalry We Siceliotes have fought with the Carthaginians for dominance of Sicily for hundreds of years, locked in a bitter stalemate of reversals. It is time to finally cast these barbarians back into the sea and reconquer the ancient Hellenic colonies in the west.

Completion Criteria Cast the Punic barbarians from Sicily.

Mission Tree

Mission Events

Hegemon of Magna Graecia

File:Hegemon of Magna Graecia
Hegemon of Magna Graecia

Hegemon of Magna Graecia With Sicily secured, we must look across the strait of monsters to the now shabby Italiote cities of Magna Graecia. They have fought countless pointless wars for supremacy, weakening the Greek presence and allowing Italic tribes to dominate them. Under a strong leader, these cities could be united in a common Hellenic cause, and the Italic threat vanquished.

Completion Criteria Unite the Greek colonies of the Italic peninsula.

Mission Tree

Mission Events

Death to Tyrants

Death to Tyrants

Death to Tyrants Before the tyrants foisted themselves upon our great city and deformed it with their mercenary barracks, opulent palaces, and ruinous wars, it was the seat of a proud oligarchic republic for hundreds of years. There are still those who yearn to oust the tyrants deliver our people from the whims of strong men.

Completion Criteria Restore popular government to Syracuse.

Mission Tree

Tentative Whispers
This task will take 180 days to complete
•There is a free adult character who is NOT: of the ruling family, a friend or spouse of the tyrant, a foreigner, or limited by gender laws.
A republican leader will be selected.
Our relapse into the hands of tyrants has many unspoken critics. With the right support, republican rule could perhaps be restored once more, and tyranny stamped our forever.
Friends in High Places
Strike the Foundations
A Deal with the Devil
Timoleon's Example
This task will take 90 days to complete
Can NOT be completed before: Tentative Whispers
This task will take 90 days to complete
Can NOT be completed before: Tentative Whispers
This task will take 180 days to complete
Can NOT be completed before: Tentative Whispers
This task will take 180 days to complete
Can NOT be completed before: Tentative Whispers
No Conditions No Conditions No Conditions No Conditions
Tyrant's heir supports a coup.
Mercenary support for a coup.
Foreign support for a civil war.
Greek support for a civil war.
The tyrants of Syracuse enjoy spending their time in the fortified palace, surrounded by sycophants and intellectuals. The heir is one of the closest to the king, and may open the door to the tyrant's vulnerabilities.
Since Gelon, the tyrants have made use of Italic mercenaries with no loyalty to the city's people. These hired thugs from the base of tyrannical power - and thus perhaps may be the key to undermining it.
Syracuse has always been at odds with other powers seeking to claim to riches of Sicily, from the cocky Athenians to shrewd Carthage. There may be those willing to aid the cause of liberty - for a price.
Timoleon, the tragic fratricidal general, overthrew Dionysios, drafted wise republican laws, and routed a Carthaginian army despire terrifying odds - but only because brave citizens sailed to Korinthos with a plea for help.
Damokles' Lesson
To Arms
Can NOT be completed before: Friends in High Places or Strike the Foundations Can NOT be completed before: A Deal with the Devil or Timoleon's Example
One of the following must be true:
•Syracusae has completed the task Friends in High Places.
•Syracusae has completed the task Strike the Foundations.
Syracusae needs to be at Peace.
One of the following must be true:
•Syracusae has completed the task A Deal with the Devil
•Syracusae has completed the task Timoleon's Example
Republicans will attempt to oust the tyrant in a coup.
A civil war will begin to oust the tyrant.
Dionysius was most wise when he showed Damokles; just how fraught a life a king leads. By approaching those closest to the throne, we may fulfill the brutal praxis of his lesson.
The line of Dionysius clung to power like limpets on their island fortress, and were only cast out at the tipof a spear. With the right support, we can follow in the footsteps of Timoleon and win our liberty with honor.
The Republic of Syracusae
This task will take 90 days to complete
Can NOT be completed before: Damokles' Lesson or To Arms
No Conditions
Any loose ends from the civil war or coup will be tied up.
With the hardest part behind us, we must be vigilant to ensure that our nascent republic is not smothered in its crib. Many are those who would be try to be kings - we few must ensure they can never don the crown.
Abort Mission - Death to Tyrants Finish Mission - Death to Tyrants
This mission will also abort automatically if:
Syracusae is no longer a monarchy or is a subject.
Need to complete The Republic of Syracusae
Will happen:
You will NOT be able to restart this mission until at least 20 years have passed.
Completing this mission gives the following reward:
Syracusae gains Nascent Republic for 20 years:
28pxMonthly Political Influence: +10.00%
28pxLoyalty of Characters: -7.50
Syracusae gets 100.00 28pxPolitical Influence.
Syracusae gains 10 Stability.

Mission Events