Bactrian events

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This page lists the main dynamic historical events for 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚, including events for choosing between cultural assimilation of the natives or reverting back to native Bactrian rule and the rise of Diodotus, historical founder of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom. The events for the rise of the 大益的国旗 大益 are also listed here.[1]

Culture Events


Greco-Bactrian Relations

The Macedonian mayor of [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetName], [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetState.GetName], has sent us a messenger asking for help in assimilating some of those living in the city. Not only would he like us to teach some of the locals in the city about our culture, but he also wants us to send more people to [SCOPE.sP('country_province').GetName] so they could go forward as an example to the others.

As the local Bactrians and our own people have had certain issues coming to terms with one another, it would probably lead to conflicts and disagreements if we choose not to do anything about the issue.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚
  • The date is before 1 Jan 530 AUC
  • Has not triggered the event in the last 5 years
  • Is Macedonian culture
  • The country owns a territory that has a Population.png population greater than 5 and has a dominant culture not in the Hellenistic culture group
Is triggered only by

Random event on yearly main country event pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a random owned territory whose dominant culture is not in the Hellenistic culture group as country_province

Event button.png
We will send some of our men to help him out.
  • Lose Manpower.png 5000 manpower
  • Move a random Hellenistic culture group pop in the capital to country_province
  • The happiest non-Hellenistic culture group pops in country_province, up to 20% of the total territory population, assimilate to Macedonian culture
Event button.png
They will probably work it out, without our aid.
  • None

A Bactrian for Bactria

Though the Greeks ruled Bactria for a while, now it is under the auspicious leadership of [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetName], a man of Bactrian origin and Greek education. With a leader that can be accepted by both of the groups, it might be time to explore the origins of our culture and region.

We have been a satrapy under the Achaemenid Empire, Alexander, Antigonos and Seleukos, it is time for us to find our own path without an overlord.

Trigger conditions
  • Is 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚
  • Has not triggered the event in the last 30 years
  • Has not previously chosen the third option in this event
  • Country is in the Hellenistic culture group
  • Ruler is in the Bactrian culture group
Is triggered only by

Random event on yearly main country event pulse

Immediate effects
  • Save a random owned territory that does not have any pops in the Hellenistic culture group as country_province

Event button.png
Yes, it is time for a change.
  • Lose Stability.png 25 stability
  • Set the primary culture to Bactrian, with the old primary culture becoming Integrated.png integrated
  • The happiest non-Bactrian culture pops in the capital, up to 33% of the total territory population, assimilate to Bactrian culture
Event button.png
Looking into our past seems like an interesting proposition.
  • If the capital has any Bactrian-cultured pops, up to 2 pops assimilate to Bactrian culture
Event button.png
And yet our kingdom will always be Greek.
  • The happiest non-Macedonian culture pops in the capital, up to 33% of the total territory population, assimilate to Macedonian culture
  • None
  • Diodotus Events


    Rise of Diodotus

    A minor noble named Diodotus has become the talk of the kingdom lately, as he seems to take part in everything important that has happened. Be it civic matters, military or otherwise, he has played an important role in making everything turn out for the better.

    It did not take long until he was invited to our court, to play a more direct role in our government.

    Trigger conditions
    • Is 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚
    • Has not received the event before
    • The date is after 1 Jan 503 AUC
    Is triggered only by

    On yearly main country event pulse

    Immediate effects
    • Create a Bactrian, state religion character Diodotus and save him as diodotus_character

    Event button.png
    Interesting fellow, is he not?

    Rise of Diodotus

    Diodotus has surpassed everyones expectations and turned into one of the most popular nobles at court, and it did not take long for the people to start talking about him as a potential heir to Bactria. From whispers at first, the demands grew ever more significant as time passed.

    Recently [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetName] has started talking about retiring from public life, and people are talking about Diodotus' claims to leadership.

    Trigger conditions
    • Has not received the event before
    • diodotus_character is alive, in 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚, and not the current ruler
    Is triggered only by

    by the Rise of Diodotus event

    Event button.png
    Time for a change.
    • Make diodotus_character into the ruler
    • diodotus_character gains Popularity.png 25 popularity
    Event button.png
    No, we need [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetName].
    • None

    Rise of the Dahae


    (Hidden event)

    Trigger conditions Is triggered only by

    Random event on yearly country pulse

    Immediate effects
    • Save the current country as parthian_hordes
    • Create an army with Unit horse archers.png 20 horse archer cohorts in the capital
    • Get the modifier Parthian Hordes for 20 years, giving:
      • National tax +50% National Tax
      • Manpower.png +25% National Manpower
      • Integrate speed.png +2 Integration Speed
      • Claim fabrication speed +2 Claim Fabrication Speed
      • Siege.png +25% Siege Ability
      • Subject loyalty.png +100 Loyalty of Subject States
      • Army maintenance cost.png -50% Army Maintenance Cost
      • Loyalty.png +10 Loyalty of Characters
      • Claim fabrication cost -50% Fabricate Claim Cost
    • Set the variable horde_invasion_origin for 20 years
    • Every non-AI-controlled country gets the event The Beating of Hooves
    • Make 萨喀的国旗 萨喀, 帕耳尼亚的国旗 帕耳尼亚, 赞提亚的国旗 赞提亚, and 庇斯苏里亚的国旗 庇斯苏里亚 client states of the current country if they
      • Are not the same as the parthian_hordes (current) country
      • Own at least 1 territory
      • Are not already a Vassalized.png subject
      • Are AI-controlled


    The Beating of Hooves

    In the far-flung lands where the wild Scythians ride, there are rumors of war. A bright star has appeared, promising the Dahae a new home amongst the lands to the south, and messengers from all around bring word of preparations in the steppe.

    We would be wise to consider our situation - even the stoic Greek kings should fear this threat, and an invasion of the promised magnitude has the potential to destabilize the world as we know it.

    Trigger conditions
    • None
    Is triggered only by

    a Hidden Event

    Event button.png
    Our eyes shall remain on the horizon.
    • Tooltip: parthian_hordes makes 萨喀的国旗 萨喀, 帕耳尼亚的国旗 帕耳尼亚, 赞提亚的国旗 赞提亚, and 庇斯苏里亚的国旗 庇斯苏里亚 client states if they
      • Are not the same as the parthian_hordes country
      • Own at least 1 territory
      • Are not already a Vassalized.png subject
      • Are AI-controlled
    1. These events can be found in /ImperatorRome/events/dhe/dhe_bactria.txt.