This article is a candidate for deletion.
This is a printout of the data_types.log that can be found after using the 'dumpdatatypes' command.
Global Promotes = {
- Application
- EmptyScope
- GetCountry
- GetOffice
- GetPortraitEditorWindow
- GetQuickAccessBar
- GetScriptedGui
- GuiEditor
- GuiScope
- JominiPlayer
- Player
Global Functions = {
- And
- BindFoldOutContext
- BoolTo1And2
- BoolTo2And1
- CanChangeGameSpeed
- CanChangeMapMode
- CanEmbraceBonus
- ChangePolicy
- ClearHighlightColors
- ClearHostError
- DataModelHasItems
- DefaultOnCharacterClick
- DefaultOnCharacterRightClick
- DeselectUnit
- EmbraceBonus
- EqualTo_CFixedPoint
- EqualTo_CFixedPoint64
- EqualTo_float
- EqualTo_int32
- EqualTo_string
- EqualTo_uint32
- ErrorTooltip
- ExecuteConsoleCommand
- FixedPoint64ToFloat
- FixedPoint64ToInt
- FixedPointToFloat
- FixedPointToInt
- FixedPointToProgressbarValue
- GameGetIronmanToolTip
- GameHasMultiplePlayers
- GameIsCloudStorageAvailable
- GameIsCloudStorageOperationInProgress
- GameIsIronmanAvailable
- GameIsMultiplayer
- GetBuildRevision
- GetBuildRevisionDescription
- GetBuildRevisionTime
- GetBuildingIcon
- GetCanDecreaseGameSpeedString
- GetCanGoToFrontend
- GetCanGoToFrontendDesc
- GetCanIncreaseGameSpeedString
- GetChangeGovernorPoliciesTooltip
- GetChristianDateString
- GetCombatTacticIcon
- GetCompleteVersionInfoString
- GetCountryListWithFlags
- GetCurrentGameSpeed
- GetCurrentGameSpeedFrame
- GetCurrentLoadingScreen
- GetDataModelSize
- GetDateString
- GetDefine
- GetDiplomaticStanceIcon
- GetEnumIndex
- GetGameVersionDisplay
- GetGovernorPolicyIcon
- GetHighlightTint
- GetHostError
- GetInventionBackground
- GetIsChecked
- GetLaggingPlayerString
- GetMPChecksum
- GetManpowerDisplay
- GetMigratingNations
- GetMilitaryBonusIcon
- GetMilitaryBonusIconMask
- GetMilitaryBonusToolTip
- GetMultiplayerAccessibleString
- GetNamedValue
- GetOmenIcon
- GetOmenIconBig
- GetPartyIcon
- GetPlayerDatesString
- GetPlayerIsLagging
- GetPlayerName
- GetPopIcon
- GetPortraitTextureFromDna
- GetProvinceRankIcon
- GetRandomLogInfo
- GetSelectedDiplomaticInformation
- GetSmartBrushInterpolationNames
- GetSmartBrushPatternNames
- GetStringSettingText
- GetSubDefinition
- GetSubDefinitionByIndex
- GetSubDefinitionIndex
- GetSubUnitIcon
- GetTerrainIcon
- GetTerrainIconBig
- GetTextureByPath
- GetTradeGoodsIcon
- GetTraitIcon
- GetUnitAbilityIcon
- GetVarTimeRemaining
- GfxGetSkins
- GfxSetActiveSkin
- GfxSkinIsActive
- GoToCapital
- GoToFrontend
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo_CFixedPoint
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo_CFixedPoint64
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo_float
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo_int32
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo_uint32
- GreaterThan_CFixedPoint
- GreaterThan_CFixedPoint64
- GreaterThan_float
- GreaterThan_int32
- GreaterThan_uint32
- HasErrors
- HasHostError
- HasLowFps
- HasMigratingNations
- HasMilitaryBonus
- InDebugMode
- InReleaseMode
- IntToFloat
- IntToFrameIndex
- IsAutoSaving
- IsBuildDebug
- IsDataModelEmpty
- IsGamePaused
- IsGameViewOpen
- IsLiveBuild
- IsLocalPlayer
- IsLocalPlayerReplayingCommands
- IsMapMode
- IsMultiplayerAvailable
- IsNextMilitaryBonus
- IsPreparationLobby
- IsReplayShown
- IsSaveGame
- IsSaving
- IsUsingSteamBrowser
- JominiAccessPlayerJoinRequests
- JominiGetMultiplayerAccessibleString
- JominiHasPlayerJoinRequests
- JominiIsHostOrLocal
- JominiIsMultiplayerAccessible
- JominiMultiplayerIsCrossplayEnabled
- JominiMultiplayerIsCrossplayFilterAvailable
- JominiPlayer
- LessThanOrEqualTo_CFixedPoint
- LessThanOrEqualTo_CFixedPoint64
- LessThanOrEqualTo_float
- LessThanOrEqualTo_int32
- LessThanOrEqualTo_uint32
- LessThan_CFixedPoint
- LessThan_CFixedPoint64
- LessThan_float
- LessThan_int32
- LessThan_uint32
- Localize
- Not
- NotEqualTo_CFixedPoint
- NotEqualTo_CFixedPoint64
- NotEqualTo_float
- NotEqualTo_int32
- NotEqualTo_uint32
- NumberOrErrors
- ObjectsEqual
- OnClickOnProvince
- OnClickOnState
- OnDecreaseGameSpeed
- OnFindProvince
- OnIncreaseGameSpeed
- OnPause
- OnPauseMenu
- OnSelectMapModes
- OnToggleOutliner
- OnToggleReplay
- OpenDiplomacy
- OpenErrorLog
- OpenFamiliesView
- OpenGameView
- OpenGovernmentOfficesView
- OpenMessageDialog
- OpenSiege
- Or
- PanToCountry
- PdxClearEditBoxText
- PdxDumpDataTypes
- PdxGetProfilers
- PdxGetWidgetScreenSize
- PdxGuiDestroyWidget
- PdxGuiEditorMessageBox
- PdxGuiInterruptAllAnimations
- PdxGuiInterruptThenTriggerAllAnimations
- PdxGuiTriggerAllAnimations
- PdxProfilerFilterNext
- PdxProfilerFilterPrev
- PdxProfilerFilterTimers
- PdxProfilerGetCurrentFrame
- PdxProfilerGetFrameTimeMs
- PdxProfilerGetNsPerTick
- PdxProfilerGuiGraphLinesEnabled
- PdxProfilerGuiToggleGraphLines
- PdxProfilerGuiToggleStats
- PdxProfilerPause
- PdxProfilerSelectNextFrame
- PdxProfilerSelectPreviousFrame
- PdxProfilerSelectThread
- PlayerIsHost
- SelectCapital
- SelectEnumWithString
- SelectImportDestination
- SelectLocalization
- SelectUnit
- SelectUnitAndPan
- Select_CFixedPoint
- Select_CFixedPoint64
- Select_CString
- Select_float
- Select_int32
- Select_uint32
- SetHighlightArea
- SetHighlightCountry
- SetHighlightProvince
- SetLobbyCountry
- SetLobbyCountryTag
- SetMapMode
- SetPreparationLobby
- ShouldShowSegmentedControlForSetting
- ShowMessageSettings
- StringIsEmpty
- TextureListFormatSize
- ToggleMessageLog
- TransparentIfFalse
- TransparentIfTrue
- TransparentIfZero
- TransparentIfZero_int32
- WatchWindowsEnabled
- concatenate
Types = {
- Achievement = {
- AccessSelf
- IsUnlocked
- Self
- }
- AchievementPopup = {
- AccessJustUnlockedAchievements
- AccessSelf
- Self
- ShowWindow
- }
- AchievementWindow = {
- AccessGroups
- AccessSelf
- HasGameStarted
- Hide
- Self
- ShouldShowLocked
- ShouldShowNotPossible
- ShouldShowPossible
- ShouldShowUnlocked
- Show
- ToggleFilterLocked
- ToggleFilterNotPossible
- ToggleFilterPossible
- ToggleFilterUnlocked
- }
- ActiveTradeRoute = {
- GetFrom
- GetGoods
- GetTo
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetFrom
- GetGoods
- GetIncome
- GetIncomeTooltip
- GetName
- GetTo
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- AddFriendWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Hide
- Self
- ShouldBeShown
- Show
- }
- AlertManager = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- CanBuyInventions
- CanCallAlly
- CanCallOmen
- CanDoDecision
- CanGetMilitaryTradition
- GetAllianceBreakingInformation
- GetArmyWithoutFood
- GetArmyWithoutLeader
- GetBadResearchInfo
- GetBarbariansInformation
- GetBlockadedPortsInformation
- GetCallAllyInformation
- GetCallForPeaceInfo
- GetCompletedMissionTaskInformation
- GetDeficitInformation
- GetDiploIcons
- GetDisloyalCharacterInformation
- GetDisloyalProvinceInformation
- GetElectionSoonInformation
- GetEmptyOfficeInformation
- GetEmptyResearchInformation
- GetExiledUnitsInformation
- GetFreeIdeaSlotInformation
- GetHighWarExhaustionInformation
- GetHostageInformation
- GetLowArmyMaintenanceInformation
- GetLowNavyMaintenanceInformation
- GetNavyOutsideRange
- GetNegativeEnforcedWarGoalInformation
- GetNegativeWhitePeaceInformation
- GetOverDiplomacyLimitInformation
- GetPlayer
- GetPositiveEnforcedWarGoalInformation
- GetPositiveWhitePeaceInformation
- GetPretenderSupportInformation
- GetScornedFamilyInformation
- GetStarvingPopsInformation
- GetStarvingProvinceInformation
- GetTrueWar
- GetUnmarriedInformation
- GetUnusedCapitalTradeSlotsInformation
- GetWithoutGovernor
- HasAllianceBreaking
- HasArmyWithoutFood
- HasArmyWithoutLeader
- HasBarbarians
- HasBlockadedPorts
- HasCallForPeace
- HasCompletedMissionTask
- HasDangerousDeficit
- HasDisloyalCharacter
- HasDisloyalProvince
- HasElectionSoon
- HasEmptyOffice
- HasEmptyResearch
- HasExiledUnits
- HasFreeIdeaSlots
- HasHighWarExhaustion
- HasHostage
- HasLowArmyMaintenance
- HasLowNavyMaintenance
- HasNavyOutsideRange
- HasNegativeEnforcedWarGoal
- HasNegativeWhitePeace
- HasOverDiplomacyLimit
- HasPositiveEnforcedWarGoal
- HasPositiveWhitePeace
- HasPretenderSupport
- HasScornedFamily
- HasStarvingPops
- HasStarvingProvince
- HasTrueWar
- HasUnmarried
- HasUnusedCapitalTradeSlots
- HasWithoutGovernor
- NextAllianceBreaking
- NextArmyWithoutFood
- NextArmyWithoutLeader
- NextAtWarWith
- NextBarbarian
- NextBlockadedPort
- NextCallAlly
- NextDisloyalCharacter
- NextDisloyalProvince
- NextExiledUnit
- NextHostage
- NextNavyOutsideRange
- NextPretenderSupport
- NextStarvingPop
- NextStarvingProvince
- NextWithoutGovernor
- OpenEnforceWarGoal
- OpenMissionWindow
- OpenRuler
- Self
- ShowAlert
- ToggleShowAlert
- }
- Ambition = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- Application = {
- AccessSelf
- Quit
- Self
- }
- Area = {
- GetRegion
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetRegion
- GetTag
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- Attribute = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetValue
- OnValueChanged
- Self
- }
- AttributeItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAttributeBreakdownTooltip
- GetFrame
- GetName
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- AttributeTuple = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFrame
- GetName
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- AvailabilityEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAvailabilityString
- Self
- }
- BarbarianPayOffWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetDesc
- GetPrice
- GetPricePercent
- GetTitle
- OnAccept
- OnDecline
- OnPriceChanged
- Self
- }
- BarbarianProvinceView = {
- GetProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetProvince
- GetSupplyLimit
- GetSupplyLimitDescription
- HasProvince
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- BattleCountryStats = {
- GetBattleSide
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetBattleSide
- GetCaptured
- GetCountry
- GetLosses
- GetRemainingUnits
- GetTotalUnits
- GetUnitTypeStats
- GetWarExhaustion
- Self
- }
- BattleResult = {
- GetAttacker
- GetDefender
- GetLoser
- GetWinner
- AccessSelf
- GetAttacker
- GetDefender
- GetLoser
- GetName
- GetScore
- GetWinner
- Self
- }
- BattleResultMessage = {
- GetAttacker
- GetBattleResult
- GetDefender
- AccessSelf
- GetAttacker
- GetBattleResult
- GetDefender
- IsPlayerAttacker
- IsPlayerDefender
- IsPlayerLoser
- IsPlayerWinner
- Self
- }
- BattleResultMessageParticipant = {
- GetCountryStats
- GetSide
- AccessSelf
- GetCountryStats
- GetSide
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- BattleResultMessageSide = {
- GetActiveParticipant
- GetBattleSide
- GetMessagePopup
- AccessSelf
- GetActiveParticipant
- GetBattleSide
- GetMessagePopup
- GetParticipants
- Self
- }
- BattleSide = {
- GetCommander
- GetCommandingCountryStats
- AccessSelf
- GetBattleResult
- GetCaptured
- GetCombatModifiers
- GetCommander
- GetCommanderPopularityChange
- GetCommandingCountryStats
- GetCountryStats
- GetDiceRolls
- GetLossRatio
- GetLosses
- GetRemainingUnits
- GetTotalUnits
- Self
- }
- BattleUnitTypeStats = {
- GetCountryStats
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- GetCaptured
- GetCountryStats
- GetLosses
- GetRemainingUnits
- GetTotalUnits
- GetType
- GetTypeIndex
- IsEmpty
- Self
- }
- BrowserWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanGoBack
- CanGoForward
- Close
- GetUrl
- GoBack
- GoForward
- GoHome
- ReloadPage
- Self
- SetUrl
- }
- BrushBool = {
- AccessSelf
- Get
- Self
- Set
- Toggle
- }
- BrushFloat = {
- AccessSelf
- DecreaseBySmallStep
- DecreaseByStep
- IncreaseBySmallStep
- IncreaseByStep
- Max
- Min
- ScaledValue
- Self
- SetMax
- SetMin
- SetScaledValue
- SetStepSize
- SetValue
- SetValueArg
- SmallStepSize
- StepSize
- Value
- }
- BrushSettings = {
- Amount
- Hardness
- PixelSnap
- Radius
- AccessSelf
- Amount
- Diameter
- Hardness
- PixelSnap
- Radius
- Self
- SetAmount
- SetDiameter
- SetHardness
- }
- BrushSettingsDropdown = {
- Settings
- AccessSelf
- Self
- Settings
- Thumbnail
- Toggle
- }
- BuildBuildingWindow = {
- AccessProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetPossibleBuildings
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- BuildUnitItem = {
- AccessSelf
- CanBuild
- GetBuildCost
- GetBuildCostTooltip
- GetBuildDays
- GetBuildDaysTooltip
- GetBuildInfo
- GetMaintenanceCost
- GetMaintenanceCostTooltip
- GetManpowerCost
- GetManpowerCostTooltip
- GetName
- GetType
- GetUnitTooltip
- Self
- StartBuild
- }
- BuildUnitWindow = {
- AccessProvince
- AccessConstructions
- AccessSelf
- GetPossibleUnits
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- BuildableGlueItem = {
- GetProvince
- GetSelectedBuildable
- AccessSelf
- CanBuild
- GetCanBeBuiltAmount
- GetModifications
- GetProvince
- GetProvinceTooltip
- GetSelectedBuildable
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- Building = {
- GetModifier
- AccessSelf
- GetModifier
- GetName
- Self
- }
- BuildingConstruction = {
- GetBuilding
- AccessSelf
- CancelConstruction
- GetBuilding
- GetDurationInformation
- GetName
- GetProgress
- Self
- }
- BuildingConstructionIcon = {
- GetBuilding
- AccessSelf
- GetBuilding
- GetProgress
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- BuildingItem = {
- GetBuilding
- AccessSelf
- Build
- CanBuild
- CanCancel
- CanDestroy
- Cancel
- Destroy
- GetBuildInfo
- GetBuildProgress
- GetBuilding
- GetCancelInfo
- GetDestroyInfo
- GetEffectInfo
- GetLevel
- GetName
- GetQueueSize
- HasQueue
- Self
- ShowCancel
- }
- CFixedPoint = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFixedPoint
- Self
- }
- CString = {
- AccessSelf
- GetString
- Self
- }
- CUTF8String = {
- AccessSelf
- GetString
- Self
- }
- CVector2f = {
- AccessSelf
- GetVector
- Self
- }
- CVector2i = {
- AccessSelf
- GetVector
- Self
- }
- CVector3f = {
- AccessSelf
- GetVector
- Self
- }
- CVector3i = {
- AccessSelf
- GetVector
- Self
- }
- CVector4f = {
- AccessSelf
- GetVector
- Self
- }
- CVector4i = {
- AccessSelf
- GetVector
- Self
- }
- CapitalMapIcon = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetTooltip
- IsAlly
- IsWar
- OnCoaClicked
- Self
- ShouldBeShown
- }
- CapitalSurplus = {
- GetTradeGoods
- AccessSelf
- GetTooltip
- GetTradeGoods
- Self
- }
- CharMessage = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- Self
- }
- Character = {
- GetAttributes
- GetCountry
- GetCulture
- GetEmployer
- GetFamily
- GetFather
- GetGovernorship
- GetMother
- GetOffice
- GetParty
- GetPreferredHeir
- GetReligion
- GetSpouse
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTitle
- GetUnitPointer
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- CanHavePreferredHeir
- CanSelectUnit
- Custom
- GetAge
- GetAgeInfo
- GetAgeOnDeathInfo
- GetAgeOnDeathOrBirthDate
- GetAmbitionInformation
- GetAmbitionInverseProgress
- GetAmbitionName
- GetAmbitionProgress
- GetAnimatedPortrait
- GetAttributes
- GetAuntUncle
- GetCharisma
- GetCharismaToolTip
- GetChildren
- GetCorruption
- GetCorruptionToolTip
- GetCountry
- GetCulture
- GetDaughterSon
- GetDeathReason
- GetEffectiveModifiedAttribute
- GetEmployer
- GetExperience
- GetExperienceInformation
- GetFamily
- GetFamilyDisplayAdjective
- GetFamilyDisplayName
- GetFamilyMemberText
- GetFamilyPrestigeContribution
- GetFather
- GetFinesse
- GetFinesseToolTip
- GetFirstName
- GetFirstNameForEditbox
- GetFriends
- GetFullName
- GetGenderFrame
- GetGenderName
- GetGovernorship
- GetHeaderToolTip
- GetHealth
- GetHealthInformation
- GetHeirSupportInformation
- GetHerHim
- GetHerHis
- GetHersHis
- GetHerselfHimself
- GetHoldingInformation
- GetID
- GetIsWas
- GetLoyalty
- GetLoyaltyGainChanceValue
- GetLoyaltyGainToolTip
- GetLoyaltyNonTitleToolTip
- GetLoyaltyToolTip
- GetMartial
- GetMartialToolTip
- GetMaxFriendCount
- GetMaxFriendsInfo
- GetMaxRivalCount
- GetMaxRivalsInfo
- GetModifiedAttribute
- GetModifierPureValue
- GetModifierTooltip
- GetModifierValue
- GetMonthlyLoyaltyFrame
- GetMother
- GetMotherFather
- GetName
- GetNameForEffects
- GetNickName
- GetNieceNephew
- GetNumOfFriends
- GetNumOfHoldings
- GetNumOfRivals
- GetNumOfSupportsAsHeir
- GetNumPossibleHoldings
- GetNumberOfLoyalCohorts
- GetOffice
- GetParty
- GetPartyName
- GetPartyTooltip
- GetPopularity
- GetPopularityToolTip
- GetPortrait
- GetPortraitFrame
- GetPortraitFrameFrame
- GetPortraitTooltip
- GetPortraitTooltipNoClick
- GetPowerBase
- GetPowerBaseInfo
- GetPraenomen
- GetPreferredHeir
- GetPregnacyInfo
- GetProminence
- GetProminenceToolTip
- GetRelevantDescription
- GetReligion
- GetRivals
- GetSheHe
- GetSisterBrother
- GetSpouse
- GetSuccessionScore
- GetSuccessionScoreInfo
- GetTemporaryModifiers
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTitle
- GetTitleName
- GetTitleNameShort
- GetTitleTooltip
- GetTraits
- GetUnitPointer
- GetUnitTooltip
- GetVariableExpiry
- GetWealth
- GetWealthInformation
- GetWifeHusband
- GetWomanMan
- GetWomenMen
- GetZeal
- GetZealToolTip
- HasActiveAmbition
- HasArmy
- HasCheckedAmbition
- HasFather
- HasHoldings
- HasLivingSpouse
- HasMother
- HasNavy
- HasTimedModifier
- HasTitle
- HasUnit
- IsAlive
- IsDead
- IsDeadAndValid
- IsEligibleRuler
- IsFemale
- IsGovernor
- IsGovernorOrRuler
- IsImprisoned
- IsLocalPlayerRuler
- IsOtherPlayerRuler
- IsPregnant
- IsPretender
- IsPrimaryHeir
- IsSuccessor
- IsValid
- MakeScope
- Self
- ShowParty
- }
- CharacterGlue = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetTraitItems
- Self
- }
- CharacterInteraction = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- CharacterItem = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- OnClick
- OnRightClick
- Self
- }
- CharacterJob = {
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetEmployer
- GetShortTitle
- GetTitle
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- CharacterListItem = {
- GetCharacter
- GetCharismaSkill
- GetFinesseSkill
- GetMartialSkill
- GetSpecificSkill
- GetZealSkill
- AccessSelf
- GetBool
- GetCharacter
- GetCharismaSkill
- GetFinesseSkill
- GetInt
- GetMartialSkill
- GetNonFittingTraitsCount
- GetNonFittingTraitsDesc
- GetSkillItems
- GetSpecificSkill
- GetText
- GetTraitItems
- GetZealSkill
- HasNonFittingTraits
- IsSelectable
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- CharacterRef = {
- Get
- AccessSelf
- Get
- Self
- }
- CharacterRightClickMenu = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetInteractions
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- CharacterSelectionListItem = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetAnswer
- GetAnswerReason
- OnCharacterClick
- OnCharacterRightClick
- OnInteractionClick
- Self
- }
- CharacterSelectionListWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- Self
- }
- CharacterWindow = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetConvictions
- GetHeirSupport
- GetInteractions
- GetPreviousName
- GetSiblings
- GetTraitItems
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- }
- CharactersView = {
- GetSelectedCountry
- AccessSelf
- Filter
- GetCharacters
- GetFamilies
- GetPreviousName
- GetSelectedCountry
- IsFamilySorted
- IsFilterNo
- IsFilterYes
- IsFiltered
- IsPlayer
- IsShowFamily
- IsShowParty
- IsSorted
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- ResetCountry
- Self
- ShowCharacters
- ShowFamily
- Sort
- SortFamily
- }
- Chat = {
- GetReceiver
- AccessChatMessages
- AccessSelf
- GetReceiver
- GetReceiverName
- GetUnreadMessageCount
- HasUnreadMessages
- IsRoomChat
- Self
- }
- ChatMessage = {
- AccessSelf
- GetMessage
- GetName
- Self
- }
- ChatNotificationMessage = {
- ChatMessage
- AccessSelf
- ChatMessage
- Kill
- Self
- StartChat
- }
- ChatTab = {
- GetChat
- AccessSelf
- Activate
- Close
- GetChat
- GetChatTitle
- IsActive
- Self
- }
- ChatWindow = {
- AccessChatTabs
- AccessSelf
- CanSendMessage
- Hide
- Self
- SendMessage
- ShouldBeShown
- Show
- }
- ChildGenerator = {
- AccessSelf
- GetGenerationItems
- GetRandomChildrenRatio
- OnRandomizedRatioChanged
- Regenerate
- Self
- }
- ChildItem = {
- AccessSelf
- CopyDnaToClipboard
- GetDna
- GetDnaForTexture
- IsRandomized
- PasteDna
- Self
- }
- CityMapIcon = {
- AccessSelf
- GetLabel
- Self
- }
- ClanLeaderItem = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- Self
- }
- CoatOfArms = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetFrame
- GetSlot
- GetTexture
- Self
- }
- CoatOfArmsEditorWindow = {
- AccessCoatOfArmsImage
- AccessCoatOfArmsImage
- AccessSelf
- GetKey
- GetPatternPath
- Hide
- ReRender
- Save
- Self
- SetKey
- SetPatternPath
- Show
- }
- CoatOfArmsImage = {
- AccessSelf
- AccessTexture
- GetFrame
- GetFrameSize
- Self
- }
- Combat = {
- GetAttacker
- GetDefender
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetAttacker
- GetDefender
- GetName
- IsNavalCombat
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- CombatImminentIcon = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIconTexture
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- CombatMapIcon = {
- GetCombat
- AccessSelf
- GetAttackerFrame
- GetCombat
- GetDefenderFrame
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- CombatModifier = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCombatModifierIcon
- GetFrame
- GetTooltip
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- CombatTactic = {
- AccessSelf
- CalculateCompositionEffectFrom
- CalculateCompositionEffectiveness
- GetCombatTactic
- GetCompositionEffectivenessDescription
- GetCompositionEffectivenessDescriptionForType
- GetFullDescription
- GetIcon
- GetName
- GetPowerVersus
- GetPowerVersusDiff
- GetPowerVersusDiffWithEfficiency
- GetPowerVersusDiffWithEfficiencyDescription
- GetVersusTactics
- Self
- }
- CombatView = {
- GetCombat
- AccessSelf
- CanRetreat
- GetAttackerFrontRow
- GetCombat
- GetDefenderFrontRow
- GetRetreatTooltip
- GetTerrainTexture
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- CombatViewSubUnit = {
- GetSubUnit
- AccessSelf
- GetSubUnit
- GetTexture
- Self
- }
- Combatant = {
- GetCommander
- GetCountry
- GetLeadingUnit
- AccessSelf
- GetBattlefieldLayoutInfo
- GetCombatModifiers
- GetCommander
- GetCountry
- GetDiscipline
- GetDisciplineTooltip
- GetFront
- GetLeadingUnit
- GetMoralePercent
- GetMoraleTooltip
- GetSubUnitCounts
- GetSunkShips
- GetTacticImpactFrame
- GetVisualStrength
- GetVisualStrengthTooltip
- HasCommander
- HasDiscipline
- Self
- }
- ConsoleMenuItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetHelp
- GetName
- IsCurrentGroup
- Select
- Self
- }
- ConsoleWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- IsMenuShown
- Self
- ToggleMenu
- }
- Container = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- ContextMenuItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetLabel
- Self
- }
- ConvictionGlue = {
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- GetPartyName
- GetTooltip
- GetType
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- Country = {
- AccessCoatOfArms
- GetActiveOmen
- GetCapital
- GetCoRuler
- GetConsort
- GetCurrentCivilWar
- GetCurrentSuccessor
- GetDiplomaticStance
- GetGovernment
- GetHeritage
- GetMilitaryTradition
- GetModifier
- GetOverlord
- GetPrimaryCulture
- GetReligion
- GetRuler
- GetSuccession
- GetTimedModifier
- MakeScope
- AccessCoatOfArms
- AccessSelf
- AutoAcceptTrade
- BuildPopulationToolTip
- BuildTotalPopulationToolTip
- CalcMonthlyStabilityChange
- CanAffordPrice
- CanBoostStability
- Custom
- Exists
- GetActiveOmen
- GetActiveOmenDuration
- GetActiveOmenDurationInfo
- GetActiveRelationsInfo
- GetAdjective
- GetAverageArmyExperience
- GetAverageArmyExperienceInfo
- GetBlockadedPercent
- GetBoostStabilityReason
- GetCapital
- GetCentralization
- GetCentralizationTooltip
- GetCivilWarFrame
- GetClanLeaders
- GetCoRuler
- GetCoRulerTitle
- GetConsort
- GetConsortTitle
- GetControlRange
- GetCountry
- GetCurrentAgressiveExpansion
- GetCurrentAgressiveExpansionInfo
- GetCurrentAtWarWith
- GetCurrentCivilWar
- GetCurrentSuccessor
- GetDebugTag
- GetDefaultLandMorale
- GetDefaultLandMoraleTooltip
- GetDefaultNavalMorale
- GetDefaultNavalMoraleTooltip
- GetDescriptiveName
- GetDiplomacyHeaderToolTip
- GetDiplomaticReputationTooltip
- GetDiplomaticStance
- GetFamilies
- GetFlag
- GetFlagTexture
- GetFlagTextureFrame
- GetForeignReligionPops
- GetGovernment
- GetGovernorships
- GetHeritage
- GetId
- GetLegitimacy
- GetLegitimacyTooltip
- GetManpower
- GetManpowerTooltip
- GetMapColor
- GetMilitaryExperience
- GetMilitaryExperienceDescription
- GetMilitaryTradition
- GetMilitaryTraditionToolTip
- GetModifier
- GetModifierPureValue
- GetModifierTooltip
- GetModifierValue
- GetMonthlyStabilityChange
- GetName
- GetNavalRange
- GetNavalRangeTooltip
- GetNonLoyalPowerBase
- GetNumActiveRelations
- GetNumStanceChanges
- GetNumStanceChangesInfo
- GetOpinionDescription
- GetOpinionOf
- GetOverlord
- GetOwnedProvinceCount
- GetOwnedProvinceTooltip
- GetPersonality
- GetPoliticalInfluence
- GetPoliticalInfluenceDescription
- GetPopulation
- GetPopulationHeaderToolTip
- GetPossibleCivilWarTooltip
- GetPossibleRevoltTooltip
- GetPrice
- GetPriceTooltip
- GetPrimaryCulture
- GetProgressTowardsCivilWar
- GetProgressTowardsRevolt
- GetRankFrame
- GetRankInformation
- GetRankName
- GetReligion
- GetReligiousUnity
- GetResearch
- GetResearchRatioInfo
- GetRevoltFrame
- GetRuler
- GetRulerTitle
- GetScore
- GetScorePopHapiness
- GetScoreRank
- GetScoreStartingSituationDivider
- GetStability
- GetStabilityTooltip
- GetStabilityTooltipPlayer
- GetStates
- GetSubjectLoyalty
- GetSubjectLoyaltyInfo
- GetSuccession
- GetTag
- GetTemporaryModifiers
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTotalNumOfCohorts
- GetTotalNumOfShips
- GetTotalPopulation
- GetTotalPowerBase
- GetTreasury
- GetTreasuryTooltip
- GetTyranny
- GetTyrannyTooltip
- GetVariableExpiry
- GetWarExhaustion
- GetWarExhaustionTooltip
- GetWarExhaustionTooltipPlayer
- HasActiveOmen
- HasGovernmentBonus
- HasParties
- HasPositiveBalance
- HasPositiveManpower
- HasProgressToCivilWar
- HasProgressToRevolt
- HasRank
- HasTimedModifier
- HasWeakResearch
- InOffensiveWar
- IsAtWar
- IsBarbarian
- IsHuman
- IsInCivilWar
- IsSubject
- IsValid
- MakeScope
- NeverGiveUpTradeSurplus
- Self
- UseCoRuler
- UseConsort
- }
- CountryDiplomaticItem = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- GetValue
- OnSelect
- Self
- }
- CountryEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- Self
- }
- CountryMessage = {
- GetFirstCountry
- GetSecondCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetFirstCountry
- GetSecondCountry
- Self
- }
- CountryRef = {
- Get
- AccessSelf
- Get
- Self
- }
- CreateImportGlue = {
- GetGoods
- GetState
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetGoods
- GetHasSelectedInfo
- GetName
- GetState
- GetTooltip
- HasSelectedGoods
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- CreateSocialProfile = {
- AccessSelf
- Create
- GetErrorMessage
- GetName
- IsCreatingProfile
- IsValidName
- Self
- SetName
- }
- CreateSocialProfileWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Hide
- Self
- ShouldBeShown
- Show
- }
- CreateTradeRoute = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetCountry
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- RequireAcceptance
- Self
- }
- CreateTradeWindow = {
- GetGoods
- AccessSelf
- Back
- Close
- GetCategories
- GetCurrentTradeRoutes
- GetGoods
- GetStates
- Self
- ShowTradeGoods
- }
- CreditsWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCredits
- IsFastest
- IsPaused
- IsSlowest
- OnClose
- OnFaster
- OnSlower
- OnTogglePause
- Self
- }
- Culture = {
- GetCultureGroup
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetCultureGroup
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- CultureGroup = {
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- CurrentBuildingItem = {
- GetBuilding
- AccessSelf
- GetBuilding
- GetEffectInfo
- GetLevel
- GetModifier
- GetName
- GetQueueSize
- HasQueue
- Self
- }
- CurveEditor = {
- AccessSelf
- Configure
- Delete
- Self
- }
- CurvePoint = {
- AccessSelf
- Position
- Self
- }
- Date = {
- AccessSelf
- GetText
- Self
- }
- DecisionItem = {
- AccessSelf
- Enact
- GetAllowedDesc
- GetAllowedFrame
- GetEffect
- GetName
- IsAllowed
- Self
- }
- DecisionsView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDecisions
- GetPreviousName
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- }
- DeclareWarAlly = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetCallAllyFrame
- GetCallAllyTooltip
- GetCountry
- GetSenateApprovalFrame
- GetSenateApprovalTooltip
- GetWillJoinFrame
- GetWillJoinTooltip
- IsCallAllyEnabled
- IsCallAllyVisible
- IsSenateApprovalVisible
- OnCallAllyClick
- OnSenateApprovalClick
- Self
- ShouldCallAlly
- WillBecomeWarleader
- WillJoin
- }
- DeclareWarWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetEnemyAllies
- GetPlayerAllies
- GetTitle
- GetWarGoals
- IsWindowEnabled
- OnAccept
- OnDecline
- Self
- }
- DetailData = {
- AccessSelf
- ErrorsCount
- IsUpdating
- MaterialIntensityBias
- MaterialsLimit
- Repack
- Self
- SetMaterialIntensityBias
- SetMaterialIntensityBiasStr
- SetMaterialsLimit
- SupportedMaterialsLimits
- }
- DiploIcon = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- GetFlagTexture
- GetFlagTextureFrame
- GetIconTexture
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- OnRightClick
- Self
- }
- DiplomacyDialog = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetActionName
- GetCountry
- GetIconTexture
- GetToolTip
- OnAction
- Self
- ShowAction
- }
- DiplomaticActionCategory = {
- AccessSelf
- GetActions
- GetName
- IsExpanded
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- DiplomaticActionItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetPrice
- GetPriceInfo
- GetSenateFrame
- GetSenateTooltip
- GetTitle
- GetTooltip
- HasPrice
- HasSenate
- IsEnabled
- OnClick
- OnSenateClick
- RequireAcceptance
- Self
- }
- DiplomaticStance = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetEffect
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- DiplomaticStanceItem = {
- GetStance
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetClickTooltip
- GetStance
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- DiplomaticView = {
- GetDefaultActionCategory
- GetHorde
- GetPlayer
- GetTargetCountry
- GetTargetProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetAEChange
- GetAEChangeInfo
- GetActions
- GetCountries
- GetDefaultActionCategory
- GetDiplomaticPendingText
- GetDiplomaticPendingTooltip
- GetDiplomaticRange
- GetDiplomaticRangeTooltip
- GetDiplomaticRelations
- GetHorde
- GetNeighborIconFrame
- GetPlayer
- GetPreviousName
- GetRegionIconFrame
- GetStances
- GetTargetCountry
- GetTargetCountryTooltip
- GetTargetProvince
- GetTechnologies
- HasDiplomaticPending
- HideStances
- IsShowStances
- IsSorted
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- ResetHighlight
- Self
- ShowStances
- Sort
- ToggleNeighbor
- ToggleRegion
- ViewCharacters
- }
- Dockable = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetWindowFrame
- IsCloseable
- MouseFilter
- Self
- Title
- }
- EconomicPolicyGlue = {
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetIconFrame
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- EconomyView = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- GetBalance
- GetDeficitEffect
- GetDeficitTooltip
- GetExpense
- GetIncome
- GetNoDeficitTooltip
- GetPlayer
- GetPreviousName
- GetTotalExpense
- GetTotalIncome
- HasDeficit
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- }
- EmitterNodeWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- ConfigureUserData
- Self
- }
- EndGameView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetRank
- GetText
- OnExitToDesktop
- OnExitToFrontEnd
- OnObserve
- Self
- }
- EndPrepConfirm = {
- AccessSelf
- Cancel
- Confirm
- Self
- }
- EnforcePeaceView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetWars
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- EnumSettingEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- AccessSetting
- GetEnumString
- GetGUIName
- GetTooltip
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- ErrorMessageBox = {
- AccessSelf
- GetErrorMessage
- Hide
- Self
- Show
- }
- EthnicityItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- EventInfo = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAsWhoInfo
- GetDate
- GetName
- Self
- }
- EventOption = {
- AccessSelf
- Effects
- GetText
- GetTooltip
- IsHighlighted
- Select
- Self
- }
- EventTargetSetupContext = {
- AccessVariableLists
- AccessVariables
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- EventWindow = {
- GetLeftPortraitCharacter
- GetRightPortraitCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetDebugInfo
- GetDescription
- GetEventPicture
- GetEventPictureSize
- GetLeftPortraitCharacter
- GetRightPortraitCharacter
- GetSignature
- GetSigned
- GetThemeIcon
- GetTitle
- GoToLocation
- HasLeftPortraitCharacter
- HasLocation
- HasPortraitCharacters
- HasRightPortraitCharacter
- Self
- }
- ExpenseItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetModifierIcon
- GetModifierTooltip
- GetModifierValue
- GetName
- GetPolicies
- GetTooltip
- GetValue
- HasModifier
- Self
- }
- ExportBonus = {
- GetTradeGoods
- AccessSelf
- GetTooltip
- GetTradeGoods
- Self
- }
- EyeDropper = {
- GetHoverSample
- AccessSelf
- PackedSamples
- Self
- }
- EyeDropperPackedSample = {
- GetSample
- AccessSelf
- GetChannel
- Self
- }
- EyedropperMode = {
- AccessSelf
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- Family = {
- GetCulture
- GetReligion
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetBackgroundColor
- GetCulture
- GetFamilyHead
- GetMembers
- GetMembersText
- GetName
- GetNumOfMembers
- GetNumberOfExpectedJobs
- GetNumberOfJobs
- GetPowerBase
- GetPowerBaseInfo
- GetPrestige
- GetPrestigeTooltip
- GetReligion
- GetWageTooltip
- IsMinor
- IsScorned
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- FamilyGlue = {
- GetFamily
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacters
- GetFamily
- Self
- }
- FamilyMember = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- Self
- }
- FindProvinceItem = {
- AccessSelf
- AddHighlight
- GetText
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- FindProvinceView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetExactMatchesFrame
- GetProvinces
- OnClose
- OnExactMatchesClick
- OnFindTextChanged
- Self
- }
- ForeignTechItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIconFrame
- GetLevel
- GetLevelInfo
- GetName
- Self
- }
- FortFlipRestoreIcon = {
- AccessSelf
- GetProgress
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- FortMapIcon = {
- GetSiege
- AccessSelf
- GetFrame
- GetSiege
- GetSiegeTooltip
- GetTooltip
- HasSiege
- IsOccupied
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- Friend = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAvailabilityString
- GetName
- GetNameWithColor
- GetUnreadMessageCount
- HasUnreadMessages
- RemoveWithConfirmation
- Self
- StartChat
- }
- FriendListWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Hide
- Self
- ShouldBeShown
- Show
- ShowAddFriendWindow
- }
- FriendRequest = {
- Accept
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Reject
- Self
- }
- FriendSearchResult = {
- AccessSelf
- AddFriend
- GetName
- Self
- }
- Friends = {
- AccessAvailabilityEntries
- AccessFriendRequests
- AccessFriendSearchResults
- AccessFriends
- AccessOutgoingFriendRequests
- AccessSelf
- CalcNumberOfOnlineFriends
- GetAvailabilityStringForLocalAccount
- GetLocalProfileName
- GetSearchString
- GetSelectedAvailabilityEntryIndex
- HasIngoingFriendRequests
- HasOutgoingFriendRequests
- Search
- Self
- SetSearchString
- SetSelectedAvailabilityEntryIndex
- UpdateFriends
- }
- FrontEndCreditsView = {
- AccessSelf
- OnBack
- Self
- }
- FrontEndLoadView = {
- AccessSaves
- AccessSelf
- IsWindowEnabled
- OnBack
- OnDelete
- OnLoad
- Self
- UpdateFilter
- }
- FrontEndMainView = {
- AccessSelf
- OnContent
- OnCredits
- OnMultiPlayer
- OnNudge
- OnQuit
- OnSettings
- OnSinglePlayer
- Self
- }
- FrontEndMultiplayerView = {
- AccessSelf
- OnBack
- OnHost
- OnLoad
- OnNewGame
- Self
- }
- FrontEndSinglePlayerView = {
- AccessSelf
- ContinuePossible
- ContinueTooltip
- OnBack
- OnContinue
- OnLoad
- OnNewGame
- OnTutorial
- Self
- }
- GUIAchievement = {
- GetAchievement
- AccessLockedTexture
- AccessSelf
- AccessTexture
- GetAchievement
- GetDescription
- GetHappenedDescription
- GetName
- IsPossible
- OnClick
- Remove
- Self
- }
- GameConfigurationWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanChangeConfiguration
- DecreaseDifficulty
- GetDifficulty
- GetDifficultyToolTip
- GetGenderRulesFrame
- GetIronmanFrame
- HasGenderRules
- IncreaseDifficulty
- IsIronman
- Self
- ToggleGenderRules
- ToggleIronman
- }
- GameLobby = {
- GetGameConfigWindow
- AccessSelf
- Self
- StartGame
- }
- GeneItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- GenerationItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetChildPortraitItems
- Self
- }
- GfxSkin = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFolders
- GetName
- GetPath
- GetTextures
- Self
- }
- GoodsMessage = {
- GetGoods
- AccessSelf
- GetGoods
- Self
- }
- Government = {
- AccessSelf
- GetBonusDescription
- GetDesc
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsMonarchy
- IsRepublic
- IsTribal
- Self
- }
- GovernmentSuccession = {
- GetPrimaryHeir
- GetSecondaryHeir
- AccessSelf
- GetPrimaryHeir
- GetSecondaryHeir
- GetSuccessors
- Self
- }
- GovernmentView = {
- GetCharacter
- GetNextParty
- GetPlayer
- GetSenateLeader
- AccessSelf
- CanIncreaseLegitimacy
- GetCentralizationChangeFrame
- GetCentralizationChangeTooltip
- GetCentralizationEffectInfo
- GetCharacter
- GetCharismaTooltip
- GetClanLeaders
- GetCurrentLaws
- GetFinesseTooltip
- GetIncreaseLegitimacyDesc
- GetLeftSenate
- GetLegitimacyChangeFrame
- GetLegitimacyChangeTooltip
- GetLegitimacyEffectInfo
- GetLegitimacyTooltip
- GetMartialTooltip
- GetNextParty
- GetNextPartyInfo
- GetOfficeHolders
- GetOfficeName
- GetParties
- GetPlayer
- GetPreferredRetinueItems
- GetPreviousName
- GetRightSenate
- GetRulerCorruption
- GetRulerCorruptionToolTip
- GetRulerPopularity
- GetRulerPopularityToolTip
- GetSenateLeader
- GetSuccessionScore
- GetSuccessionScoreInfo
- GetTermDuration
- GetTermDurationInfo
- GetZealTooltip
- IncreaseLegitimacy
- IsShowGovernment
- IsShowLaws
- IsShowOffices
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- ShowGovernment
- ShowLaws
- ShowOffices
- }
- GovernorPolicy = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- Governorship = {
- GetGovernor
- GetGovernorOrRuler
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetGovernor
- GetGovernorOrRuler
- GetName
- GetPopulation
- GetPopulationInfo
- GetStatesInfo
- GetTotalPopulation
- GetUnitsInfo
- HasUnits
- IsCapitalRegion
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- Graph = {
- AccessSelf
- Errors
- HasErrors
- Self
- }
- GraphInterfaceNodeWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- AddPin
- Self
- }
- GraphPanel = {
- AccessSelf
- ClearSelection
- CompoundNodeUpdated
- Copy
- Cut
- Delete
- Fit
- InvertSelection
- IsPasteable
- IsRedoable
- IsSaveable
- IsUndoable
- Load
- New
- Paste
- PasteSkipOuter
- Properties
- Redo
- Save
- SaveAs
- SelectAll
- Self
- SetZoom
- ShowNodeSearch
- Undo
- }
- Group = {
- AccessSelf
- AccessVisibleAchievements
- CalcNumberOfUnlockedAchievements
- GetName
- GetNumberOfAchievements
- IsCollapsed
- Self
- ToggleCollapsed
- }
- GuiContext = {
- AccessSelf
- GetScreenResolution
- Self
- }
- GuiEditor = {
- SelectionHistory
- AccessSelf
- GetSelectedAnchor
- GetSelectedName
- GetSelectedParentAnchor
- GetSelectedType
- HasWidgetSelected
- HasWidgetSelectedParent
- IsDescSelected
- IsEnableAutosave
- IsEnableEdit
- IsEnableFilterFunctions
- IsEnableFilterOrphanTypes
- IsEnableFilterPromotes
- IsEnableFilterTypes
- IsEnableHierarchy
- IsEnableOutsideParent
- IsRedoable
- IsUndoable
- SelectNext
- SelectPrevious
- Self
- }
- GuiEditorCategory = {
- AccessSelf
- AddProperty
- OpenFile
- SelectDescription
- Self
- }
- GuiEditorDockable = {
- AccessSelf
- OnClose
- Self
- Title
- }
- GuiEditorOutliner = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFilterCount
- HasFilterMatches
- IsDescTreeFiltered
- IsShowOnlyActiveFile
- OpenWindowMenu
- Self
- SetShowOnlyActiveFile
- }
- GuiEditorProperties = {
- GuiEditor
- AccessSelf
- Add
- CollapseCategories
- IsShowAll
- Self
- SetPropertyFilter
- SetShowAll
- }
- GuiEditorProperty = {
- ToolProperty
- AccessSelf
- IsProperty
- OpenDataPropertySelector
- RemoveProperty
- Self
- }
- Heightmap = {
- AccessSelf
- GetHeightmapSize
- Self
- }
- HeightmapPainter = {
- AccessSelf
- GetSmoothAmount
- Self
- SetSmoothAmount
- }
- HeightmapPainterMode = {
- AccessSelf
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- HeightmapResolution = {
- AccessSelf
- ClearSelection
- Decrease
- GetRectangleSelect
- Increase
- InvertSelection
- SelectAll
- SelectedCount
- Self
- }
- HeirSupportGlue = {
- GetHeir
- AccessSelf
- GetHeir
- GetTooltip
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- Heritage = {
- GetModifier
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetEffect
- GetModifier
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- Horde = {
- GetArmy
- GetCulture
- GetLeader
- GetReligion
- AccessSelf
- GetArmy
- GetCivilizationValue
- GetCulture
- GetLeader
- GetLoot
- GetName
- GetOccupationCount
- GetOccupationTooltip
- GetPossibleSlaves
- GetReligion
- HasArmy
- Self
- }
- Idea = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetFullDescription
- GetName
- Self
- }
- IdeaGroupsArray = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIconTexture
- GetItems
- GetName
- Self
- }
- IdeaItem = {
- GetIdea
- AccessSelf
- CanBePicked
- GetGroupMatchingTooltip
- GetGroupTexture
- GetIcon
- GetPickInformation
- IsMisMatch
- IsValid
- OpenSelection
- Pick
- Self
- }
- ImageImport = {
- AcceptSelection
- AccessSelf
- Commit
- DeltaTexture
- Fit
- IsCommitable
- IsDeltaVisible
- IsLoaded
- IsSane
- LoadStep
- LoadSteps
- OutputTexture
- Self
- Size
- Skip
- ToggleDeltaVisible
- Zoom
- }
- InGameTopbar = {
- AccessCoatOfArms
- GetPlayer
- AccessCoatOfArms
- AccessSelf
- GetFlagDesc
- GetFlagEntity
- GetMinorEventItems
- GetPlayer
- GetTutorialFrame
- IsTutorialActive
- OpenView
- Self
- }
- IncomeItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetModifierIcon
- GetModifierTooltip
- GetModifierValue
- GetName
- GetPolicies
- GetTooltip
- GetValue
- HasModifier
- Self
- }
- InteractionItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetClickSound
- GetName
- GetSenateFrame
- GetSenateTooltip
- GetTooltip
- HasSenate
- IsEnabled
- OnClick
- OnSenateClick
- Self
- }
- Invention = {
- GetModifier
- AccessSelf
- GetLevel
- GetModifier
- GetRomanLevel
- GetRomanTooltip
- GetSpecialTooltip
- IsSpecial
- Self
- }
- InventionItem = {
- GetInvention
- AccessSelf
- Buy
- CanBuy
- GetFrame
- GetInvention
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- JominiGUISetting = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTooltip
- Self
- ShouldShow
- }
- JominiPasswordPopup = {
- AccessSelf
- OnDecline
- OnSubmit
- Self
- }
- JominiServer = {
- AccessSelf
- GetHasPassword
- GetMaxPlayers
- GetName
- GetNumPlayers
- GetStatus
- GetVersion
- IsSameVersion
- Join
- Self
- }
- JominiServerBrowserGui = {
- AccessSelf
- AccessServers
- GetServers
- IsCrossPlatformFilterSet
- IsEmptyFilterSet
- IsFullFilterSet
- IsHasPasswordFilterSet
- IsSameModsFilterSet
- IsSameVersionFilterSet
- JoinServerWithId
- RefreshServers
- Self
- SetFilterText
- SortNumPlayersAsc
- SortNumPlayersDesc
- SortPasswordAsc
- SortPasswordDesc
- SortServerNameAsc
- SortServerNameDesc
- SortStatusAsc
- SortStatusDesc
- SortVersionAsc
- SortVersionDesc
- ToggleCrossPlatformFilter
- ToggleEmptyFilter
- ToggleFullFilter
- ToggleHasPasswordFilter
- ToggleSameModsFilter
- ToggleSameVersionFilter
- }
- JominiSettingsWindow = {
- AccessActivePage
- AccessActivePage
- AccessPages
- AccessSelf
- HasChanged
- Hide
- RequireRestart
- Restore
- Save
- SaveAndClose
- Self
- Show
- }
- LanguageEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetLanguage
- Self
- }
- Law = {
- GetModifier
- AccessSelf
- GetModifier
- GetName
- IsSuccession
- Self
- }
- LawGroupItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetClansFrame
- GetClansTooltip
- GetLaws
- GetName
- GetSenateFrame
- GetSenateTooltip
- HasClans
- HasSenate
- OnSenateClick
- Self
- }
- LawItem = {
- GetLaw
- AccessSelf
- CanEnact
- Enact
- GetFrame
- GetLaw
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- HasLaw
- IsAllowed
- Self
- }
- Layer = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- Ledger = {
- AccessSelf
- Filter
- GetCharacters
- GetCountries
- GetInventions
- GetPreviousName
- GetRulers
- GetStates
- IsCharacterSorted
- IsCountrySorted
- IsFilterNo
- IsFilterYes
- IsFiltered
- IsInventionsSorted
- IsPageShown
- IsRulersSorted
- IsShowParty
- IsStatesSorted
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- ShowPage
- SortCharacters
- SortCountrys
- SortInventions
- SortRulers
- SortStates
- }
- LoadIngameWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Cancel
- IsWindowEnabled
- OnDelete
- OnLoad
- Self
- UpdateFilter
- }
- LobbyPlayer = {
- GetLobbyView
- GetPlayable
- AccessSelf
- CanRemovePlayer
- GetLoadingString
- GetName
- GetTransferProgress
- HasPlayable
- IsHotjoining
- IsObserver
- IsReady
- RemovePlayer
- Self
- ShowReadyStatus
- }
- LobbyView = {
- AccessSelectedPlayable
- GetSelectedPlayable
- GetServerInfo
- AccessSelectedPlayable
- AccessSelf
- CanControlSelected
- CanGoBack
- CanReady
- CanStart
- ControlSelected
- CopyServerID
- GetControlToolTip
- GetEnabledDLCs
- GetEnabledMods
- GetGoBackToolTip
- GetOpenMultiplayerToolTip
- GetReadyToolTip
- GetSelectText
- GoBack
- HasEnabledDLCs
- HasEnabledMods
- HasGameConfigurationWindow
- HasSelectedPlayable
- HasServerInfo
- IsObserver
- IsReady
- OpenGameConfigurationWindow
- OpenMultiplayer
- Players
- Ready
- Self
- ShouldShowEnabledDLCs
- ShouldShowEnabledMods
- ShowHosting
- ShowModifyServer
- Start
- StartToolTip
- ToggleObserve
- ToggleShowEnabledDLCs
- ToggleShowEnabledMods
- UnReady
- }
- LogEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetText
- GetTime
- Self
- }
- MPConfig = {
- AccessSelf
- GetOfflinePlayerToolTip
- GetPrivateToolTip
- GetPublicToolTip
- IsCrossplayChecked
- IsHotjoinAutoAccept
- IsOffline
- IsPrivate
- IsPublic
- Self
- SetOffline
- SetPrivate
- SetPublic
- ToggleCrossplay
- ToggleHotjoinAutoAccept
- }
- MacroBuilderBuildInProvince = {
- AccessSelf
- GetBuildableGlueItems
- GetModificationHeaders
- IsInProvinceMode
- IsProvincesSorted
- OnBack
- Self
- SortProvinces
- }
- MacroBuilderPage = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIconTexture
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsActive
- OnActivate
- Self
- }
- MacroBuilderProvinceBuildable = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCanBeBuiltAmount
- GetIconTexture
- GetName
- GetPrice
- GetPriceTooltip
- GetProvinceTooltip
- GetTooltip
- IsEnabled
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- MacroBuilderTradeGood = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIconTexture
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsEnabled
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- MacroBuilderTradeGoodsGroup = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- GetTradeGoodsModel
- Self
- }
- MacroBuilderView = {
- AccessActivePage
- GetActivePage
- GetBuildInProvince
- AccessActivePage
- AccessSelf
- GetActivePage
- GetBuildInProvince
- GetBuildInProvinceModel
- GetPages
- GetTradeGoodsModel
- IsLayoutActive
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- MapAnimatedText = {
- AccessSelf
- Done
- GetText
- Self
- }
- MapEditor = {
- AccessSelf
- CanToggleMaterialVisibility
- Exit
- Import
- IsEnabled
- IsRedoable
- IsSavable
- IsUndoable
- Redo
- Save
- SaveAs
- Self
- Undo
- }
- MapObjectMask = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTextValidator
- GetThumbnail
- IsSelected
- Self
- SetName
- SetSelected
- }
- MapObjectPainter = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTextValidator
- MaskList
- Self
- }
- MapObjectPainterMode = {
- AccessSelf
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- MapObjectPainterOptions = {
- AccessSelf
- GetMaskOpacity
- GetPaintValue
- IsCurrentBlendMode
- Self
- SetBlendMode
- SetMaskOpacity
- SetMaskOpacityStr
- SetPaintValue
- SetPaintValueStr
- }
- MapObjectTool = {
- MoveTool
- SelectTool
- AccessSelf
- GetCurrentToolDescription
- GetCurrentToolTitle
- IsCurrentToolShowingTooltip
- RotateRandom
- Self
- }
- Material = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDiffuseTexture
- GetName
- GetThumbnail
- IsHighlighted
- IsLocked
- IsSelected
- Self
- ToggleHighlight
- ToggleLocked
- ToggleSelected
- }
- MaterialBrowser = {
- GetCurrentMaterial
- AccessSelf
- Apply
- Cancel
- GetCurrentMaterialsList
- GetSearchFilter
- IsAnyMaterialSelected
- IsMaterialDisabled
- IsMaterialSelected
- Self
- SetSearchFilter
- ToggleMaterialSelected
- }
- MaterialEntry = {
- GetMaterial
- AccessSelf
- GetValue
- IsVisible
- Self
- }
- MaterialMix = {
- AccessMaterials
- AccessSelf
- CanAddMaterialEntry
- GetMaterials
- GetMaterialsCount
- GetName
- IsPersistent
- Self
- SetValue
- TogglePersistence
- }
- MaterialMixBrush = {
- GetHoverSample
- AccessSamples
- AccessSelf
- ChangeSampleEntryComposition
- Delete
- EndSampleCompositionEdit
- IsSampling
- IsSelected
- RenameSample
- Samples
- Self
- StartSampleCompositionEdit
- ToggleSampleEntryLock
- ToggleSamplePersistence
- ToggleSelected
- }
- MaterialMixEntry = {
- AccessMaterial
- GetMaterial
- AccessSelf
- GetPercentageValue
- GetValue
- GetValueAsText
- IsLocked
- Self
- SetPercentageValue
- ToggleLocked
- }
- MaterialPaintingMode = {
- AccessSelf
- IsEraserSelected
- IsPainterSelected
- IsSelected
- Self
- ToggleEraser
- }
- Materials = {
- AccessSelf
- GetList
- List
- SelectFirst
- SelectLast
- SelectNext
- SelectPrevious
- Self
- ToggleHighlight
- ToggleLocked
- }
- MaterialsSample = {
- AccessSelf
- Entries
- GetX
- GetY
- Self
- }
- Mercenary = {
- GetCommander
- GetEmployer
- GetHome
- GetUnit
- AccessSelf
- GetCommander
- GetEmployer
- GetHome
- GetMaintenanceInfo
- GetUnit
- IsEmployed
- Self
- }
- MercenaryItem = {
- GetMercenary
- AccessSelf
- CanFire
- CanHire
- GetButtonTooltip
- GetFireButtonTooltip
- GetFlagTooltip
- GetMaintenance
- GetMercLocName
- GetMercenary
- GetStrengthTooltip
- GetSubUnitCounts
- GetVisualStrength
- OnClick
- OnGoto
- Self
- }
- MercenaryRef = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- MercenaryView = {
- AccessSelf
- Filter
- GetFilteredMercenaries
- GetPreviousName
- IsFilterNo
- IsFilterYes
- IsFiltered
- IsShowArmy
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- ShowArmy
- ShowNaval
- }
- Message = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptButtonText
- GetDeclineButtonText
- GetText
- GetTitle
- HasOnAccept
- HasOnDecline
- OnAccept
- OnDecline
- Self
- }
- MessageLog = {
- AccessSelf
- GetMessages
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- MessageMenuItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetLog
- GetPause
- GetPopup
- GetShowOnMap
- GetText
- Self
- SetLog
- SetPause
- SetPopup
- SetShowOnMap
- }
- MessageSettingItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetText
- IsChecked
- OnCheck
- Self
- }
- MessageSettings = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetItems
- GetTitle
- Save
- Self
- }
- MessageSettingsMenu = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetItems
- Reset
- Save
- Self
- UpdateFilter
- }
- MigratingPopItem = {
- GetChange
- GetPop
- AccessSelf
- GetChange
- GetPop
- Self
- }
- MilitaryBonus = {
- GetBonus
- AccessSelf
- GetBonus
- GetCompleteDescription
- GetName
- Self
- }
- MilitaryBonusPath = {
- GetEndbonus
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetEndbonus
- GetMembers
- GetName
- Self
- }
- MilitaryConstruction = {
- AccessSelf
- CancelConstruction
- GetAdditionalInformation
- GetDurationInformation
- GetName
- GetProgress
- Self
- }
- MilitaryConstructionIcon = {
- AccessSelf
- GetProgress
- GetTooltip
- GetType
- Self
- }
- MilitaryTradition = {
- GetStartBonus
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetPaths
- GetStartBonus
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- MilitaryView = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- GetPlayer
- GetPreviousName
- GetSubUnitCounts
- IsShowArmyStats
- IsShowNavyStats
- IsShowTraditions
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- ShowArmyStats
- ShowNavyStats
- ShowTraditions
- }
- MinorEventItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDaysRemaining
- GetDefaultOptionTooltip
- GetTitle
- OnClick
- OnRightClick
- Self
- }
- MissionItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAbortTooltip
- GetButtonDetails
- GetButtonTooltip
- GetCompleteTooltip
- GetCompletionCriteriaDescription
- GetDescription
- GetImage
- GetImageTooltip
- GetRewardsDescription
- GetStartTooltip
- GetTitle
- IsAbortAllowed
- IsCompleteAllowed
- IsSelected
- IsStartAllowed
- OnAbort
- OnComplete
- OnSelect
- OnStart
- Self
- }
- MissionLineItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFrom
- GetLineFrom
- GetLineTo
- GetPoints
- GetPointsInContainer
- GetPosition
- GetSize
- GetTo
- IsFromNodeVirtual
- IsToNodeVirtual
- Self
- }
- MissionTaskItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIcon
- GetKey
- GetMutuallyExclusiveTooltip
- GetPosition
- GetProgress
- GetProgressTooltip
- GetText
- GetTooltip
- HasDependencies
- IsBypassed
- IsCompleted
- IsFinal
- IsInProgress
- IsInstant
- IsMutuallyExclusive
- IsPossible
- IsPreventedBy
- IsPreventedByHighlightedTask
- OnClick
- OnMouseEnter
- OnMouseLeave
- Self
- }
- MissionView = {
- GetActiveMission
- GetSelectedMission
- AccessSelf
- GetActiveMission
- GetAvailableMissions
- GetHeaderImage
- GetLineItems
- GetPreviousName
- GetSelectedMission
- GetTaskItems
- HasAvailableMission
- IsActiveMissionVisible
- IsMissionSelectionVisible
- IsWindowEnabled
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- }
- MixBrushMode = {
- AccessSelf
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- ModificationItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDifference
- GetDifferenceFormatted
- GetIcon
- GetKey
- GetName
- GetNewValue
- GetNewValueFormatted
- GetOldValue
- GetOldValueFormatted
- GetTextIcon
- Self
- }
- Modifier = {
- AccessSelf
- BuildIconSummary
- BuildIconSummaryCondensed
- BuildIconSummaryCondensedOneLine
- GetIcon
- GetToolTip
- Self
- }
- MoveTool = {
- AccessSelf
- IsEditHeightOffset
- Self
- SetEditHeightOffset
- }
- MultiUnitWindow = {
- GetFirstUnit
- AccessSelf
- BuildMergeTooltip
- BuildReorgTooltip
- BuildSelectObjectiveTooltip
- CanMerge
- CanReorg
- CanSelectObjective
- GetFirstUnit
- GetInfo
- GetTotalUnitStrength
- GetTotalUnitStrengthTooltip
- GetUnits
- IsArmy
- OnClose
- OnMerge
- OnReorg
- OnSelectObjective
- Self
- }
- MultiplayerSetupWindow = {
- AccessMPConfig
- GetMPConfig
- AccessSelf
- CanHost
- Cancel
- GetDefaultServerName
- GetDefaultServerPassword
- Host
- HostToolTip
- Self
- ShouldShowMPConfig
- }
- NewBornMessage = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- Self
- }
- Node = {
- AccessSelf
- ErrorColor
- Name
- Self
- Texture
- Tooltip
- }
- NodeError = {
- AccessSelf
- GoTo
- Message
- Node
- Self
- }
- NodeLine = {
- AccessSelf
- Color
- From
- Position
- Self
- Size
- To
- }
- NodePin = {
- AccessSelf
- Color
- Highlight
- IsInlinedNodeConnected
- Name
- Self
- TypeColor
- TypeText
- }
- NodeWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- NameDialog
- Self
- }
- NonRegisteredDockable = {
- AccessSelf
- GetID
- Self
- }
- Nudger = {
- AccessSelf
- DeleteSelected
- Deselect
- IsMultiSpawnEnabled
- IsSelectedDone
- IsShowProgress
- OnTypeClicked
- Self
- SetAllLocked
- SetMultiSpawnEnabled
- SetSelectedDone
- SetShowProgress
- }
- NudgerMode = {
- AccessSelf
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- ObjectBrowser = {
- AccessSelf
- CopyAsCSV
- ForceUpdate
- GetFilterString
- GetNumObjectsFiltered
- GetNumObjectsTotal
- GetProviders
- GetSelectedProvider
- GetSelectedView
- GetViews
- HasConfig
- IsObjectSelected
- IsOutputFlattened
- IsWaitingForProvider
- RequestUpdate
- SelectProvider
- SelectView
- Self
- SetFilterString
- SetObjectSelected
- ToggleObjectSelected
- ToggleOutputFlattened
- }
- ObjectBrowserView = {
- AccessSelf
- Name
- Self
- }
- ObjectInspector = {
- AccessPluginEntries
- AccessSelf
- GetObjectName
- GetTypeName
- Self
- }
- ObjectInspectorDockable = {
- AccessSelf
- Detach
- IsAttached
- Self
- }
- ObjectInspectorPlugin = {
- AccessSelf
- GetErrorMessage
- GetTitle
- HasError
- Self
- }
- ObjectProvider = {
- AccessSelf
- Name
- RequestUpdate
- Self
- }
- OfferPeaceWindow = {
- GetActive
- GetPassive
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetActive
- GetAllies
- GetCategories
- GetDemandText
- GetDesc
- GetEnemies
- GetEnforceableDesc
- GetEnforceableFrame
- GetPassive
- GetPeaceTreaties
- GetTitle
- GetTotalAgressiveExpansion
- GetTotalAgressiveExpansionDesc
- GetTotalCost
- IsAutoEnforceAvailable
- IsDemanding
- IsEnforceable
- IsSorted
- IsStabhit
- OnAccept
- OnAcceptEnabled
- OnAcceptTooltip
- OnDecline
- OnDemand
- OnOffer
- OnResetPeaceOffer
- OnSuggestPeaceOffer
- Self
- Sort
- WillInheritWars
- }
- Office = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCulturalName
- GetName
- GetRequiredSkill
- Self
- }
- OfficeHolderItem = {
- GetCharacter
- GetModifier
- GetOffice
- AccessSelf
- CanChange
- ChangeHolder
- GetChangeTooltip
- GetCharacter
- GetLoyaltyInformation
- GetModifier
- GetName
- GetNameDesc
- GetOffice
- GetSkillTooltip
- GetTooltip
- HasHolder
- Self
- }
- Omen = {
- GetIcon
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetEffect
- GetIcon
- GetName
- Self
- }
- OmenItem = {
- GetOmen
- AccessSelf
- CanInvoke
- GetDesc
- GetFlavor
- GetInvokeReason
- GetName
- GetOmen
- Invoke
- Self
- }
- OptionEffectItem = {
- GetTraitItem
- AccessSelf
- AffectedByTrait
- GetTraitItem
- IsCritical
- IsDeath
- IsGain
- IsLoss
- IsTrait
- Self
- }
- OutgoingFriendRequest = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Remove
- Self
- }
- Outliner = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCategories
- OnShowSettings
- Self
- }
- OutlinerCategory = {
- AccessSelf
- GetItemCount
- GetItems
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsCollapsed
- IsVisible
- Self
- ToggleCollapsed
- ToggleVisible
- }
- OutlinerItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIcon
- GetStatus
- GetStatusPercent
- GetText
- GetTooltip
- IsStatusProgress
- IsStatusText
- OnClick
- OnRightClick
- Self
- }
- OutlinerSettings = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCategories
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- OutputEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInputTextures
- GetPath
- IsValid
- Self
- }
- OverviewView = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- GetCountryModifiers
- GetGovBonusFrame
- GetGovBonusTooltip
- GetIdeaItems
- GetPlayer
- GetPopCultures
- GetPopReligions
- GetPopTypes
- GetPowerBaseInfo
- GetPreviousName
- GetStates
- IsSorted
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- Sort
- }
- OverwriteSaveWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Cancel
- Confirm
- GetText
- Self
- }
- POPSCreateAccount = {
- AccessSelf
- CanCreateAccount
- CreateAccount
- GetAddressLineOne
- GetAddressLineTwo
- GetCity
- GetCountries
- GetCreatedAccount
- GetDays
- GetEmail
- GetErrorMessage
- GetFirstName
- GetLanguages
- GetLastName
- GetMonths
- GetOptedIntoMarketingChecked
- GetPassword
- GetPhone
- GetSelectedCountryIndex
- GetSelectedDayIndex
- GetSelectedLanguageIndex
- GetSelectedMonthIndex
- GetSelectedYearIndex
- GetState
- GetYears
- GetZipCode
- Hide
- IsCreatingAccount
- OnCountryChanged
- OnDayChanged
- OnLanguageChanged
- OnMonthChanged
- OnOptedIntoMarketingToggled
- OnYearChanged
- Self
- SetAddressLineOne
- SetAddressLineTwo
- SetCity
- SetEmail
- SetFirstName
- SetLastName
- SetPassword
- SetPhone
- SetState
- SetZipCode
- Show
- ShowPP
- ShowToU
- }
- POPSLoginView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetEmail
- GetErrorMessage
- GetLoginString
- GetPassword
- Hide
- IsLoggingIn
- IsValidLoginInfo
- Login
- Self
- SetEmail
- SetPassword
- Show
- }
- POPSStatusWidget = {
- AccessSelf
- ConnectAccount
- DisconnectAccount
- GetLoginStatus
- Hide
- IsAccountConnected
- IsBusy
- IsLoggedIn
- IsLoggingIn
- IsOffline
- Logout
- Self
- Show
- SupportsConnectAccount
- ToggleCreateAccountWindow
- ToggleCreateProfileWindow
- ToggleLoginWindow
- }
- ParametricSelect = {
- AccessSelf
- IsHeightDeltaEnabled
- IsHeightRangeEnabled
- Select
- Self
- SetHeightDeltaMax
- SetHeightDeltaMin
- SetHeightRangeMax
- SetHeightRangeMin
- Toggle
- }
- ParticleUserData = {
- AccessSelf
- Id
- IsSelected
- Label
- Remove
- Self
- ToggleSelected
- TypeName
- TypeSize
- }
- Party = {
- GetCountry
- GetLeader
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- GetLeader
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- PartyImpact = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInfoForPlayer
- Self
- }
- PartyItemGlue = {
- GetPartyLeader
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- CanEndorse
- Endorse
- GetEndorseReason
- GetInPowerInfo
- GetPartyLeader
- GetPartyName
- GetSenateSeats
- GetSenateSupportDesc
- GetTooltip
- GetType
- IsInPower
- Self
- }
- PartyType = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- PauseMenu = {
- AccessSelf
- ExitToDesktop
- ExitToFrontend
- IsAchievementsAvailable
- IsMainWindowEnabled
- LoadIngame
- LoadIngameTooltip
- OpenAchievements
- OpenMessageSettings
- OpenMultiplayer
- OpenPrivacyPolicy
- OpenSettings
- Resume
- Save
- Self
- }
- PdxCoreSetting = {
- AccessSelf
- RequireRestart
- Self
- }
- PdxGuiFoldOut = {
- AccessSelf
- Fold
- IsFolded
- IsUnfolded
- Self
- SetFoldState
- Toggle
- Unfold
- }
- PdxGuiTableRow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIndex
- Self
- }
- PdxGuiTreeTable = {
- AccessSelf
- CanExpand
- Expand
- GetDepth
- GetIndent
- GetNumChildren
- IsExpanded
- Self
- ToggleExpand
- Unexpand
- }
- PdxGuiWidget = {
- AccessChild
- AccessParent
- FindChild
- AccessParent
- AccessSelf
- FindChild
- GetRawShortcut
- GetShortcut
- Hide
- InterruptAnimation
- InterruptThenTriggerAnimation
- Self
- Show
- StackBottom
- StackTop
- TriggerAnimation
- }
- PdxProfiler = {
- GetName
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- PdxSetting = {
- GetSettingPromoted
- AccessSelf
- AccessSetting
- GetSetting
- GetTitle
- HasChanged
- Self
- }
- PdxSettingsWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- HasChanged
- OnCancel
- OnRestore
- OnSave
- RequiresRestart
- Self
- }
- PdxSettingsWindowCategory = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- PdxSettingsWindowScopedCategory = {
- GetCategory
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- PdxValueSetting = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFormatedValue
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- PeaceOfferCategory = {
- AccessSelf
- GetIcon
- GetIconFrame
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsEnabled
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- PeaceOfferParticipant = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- Playable = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- PlayerJoinRequest = {
- Accept
- AccessSelf
- GetPlayerName
- Reject
- Self
- }
- Pop = {
- GetCulture
- GetProvince
- GetReligion
- GetType
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetCulture
- GetName
- GetProvince
- GetReligion
- GetType
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- PopChange = {
- GetChange
- GetPop
- GetTarget
- AccessSelf
- GetChange
- GetPop
- GetProgress
- GetTarget
- Self
- }
- PopCultureItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetSize
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- PopItem = {
- GetPop
- AccessSelf
- GetCount
- GetHappyness
- GetHappynessTooltip
- GetIconTexture
- GetPop
- Self
- }
- PopReligionItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetName
- GetSize
- Self
- }
- PopType = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFullDescription
- GetName
- Self
- }
- PopTypeItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetName
- GetSize
- Self
- }
- PopupMenu = {
- AccessSelf
- GetModel
- Self
- }
- PopupMenuItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetText
- GetTooltip
- IsEnabled
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- PortMapIcon = {
- AccessSelf
- GetBackgroundFrame
- GetLabel
- GetTooltip
- HasVisibleShips
- OnClick
- Self
- ShouldBeHighlighted
- ShouldBeShown
- }
- Portrait3dView = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetPortraitContext
- GetPortraitEntity
- Self
- }
- PortraitEditorWindow = {
- GetCharacter
- GetChildGenerator
- GetSelectedEthnicityItem
- GetSelectedGeneItem
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetAge
- GetAgePercent
- GetCurrentGeneAccessoryString
- GetDNA
- GetPortraitTexture
- GetSelectedGeneTemplateColorX
- GetSelectedGeneTemplateColorY
- GetSelectedGeneTemplateStrength
- GetSliderMaxValue
- GetSliderMinValue
- HasAnySliders
- IsCurrentContentTab
- IsSelectedAccessoryGene
- IsSelectedColorGene
- IsSelectedMorphGene
- IsSliderMode
- IsSliderPortraitType
- OnAgeChanged
- OnChangeEthnicityLeft
- OnChangeEthnicityRight
- OnChangeGeneLeft
- OnChangeGeneRight
- OnChangeSubGeneItemLeft
- OnChangeSubGeneItemRight
- OnCopyDNA
- OnGenerateFromEthnicity
- OnGenerateFromEthnicityExcept
- OnPasteDNA
- OnResetDNA
- Open3dView
- ResetSliders
- Self
- SetContentTab
- SetSliderMode
- SetSliderPortraitType
- }
- PortraitTooltip = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- PreferredRetinueItem = {
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetTooltip
- GetType
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- PreferredUnitItem = {
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- CanClick
- GetTooltip
- GetType
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- ProgressInterface = {
- AccessSelf
- GetLoadTip
- GetProgress
- Self
- }
- Province = {
- GetArea
- GetController
- GetCulture
- GetCurrentGrowthPop
- GetDominantCulture
- GetDominantReligion
- GetHorde
- GetNextBuilding
- GetOwner
- GetPopActivity
- GetRank
- GetReligion
- GetState
- GetTerrain
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTradeGoods
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- Custom
- GetActivityInformation
- GetActivitySpeed
- GetActivitySpeedTooltip
- GetActivityStatus
- GetActualGarrison
- GetAllowedAmountOfBuildingLevels
- GetAppliedAttrition
- GetArea
- GetBarbarianPower
- GetBarbarianPowerChange
- GetBarbarianPowerShortTooltip
- GetBarbarianPowerTooltip
- GetBuildFinishedTooltip
- GetBuildProgress
- GetBuildingConstructions
- GetBuildingLevelInformation
- GetBuildingProgress
- GetCivilizationMapTooltip
- GetCivilizationTooltip
- GetCivilizationValue
- GetCohortsNeededForSiege
- GetCommerce
- GetCommerceDescription
- GetController
- GetCulture
- GetCultureBreakdown
- GetCurrentGrowthPop
- GetCurrentIncome
- GetCurrentManpowerIncome
- GetCurrentManpowerIncomeDescription
- GetCurrentPopGrowthStatus
- GetCurrentPopRatio
- GetCurrentResearch
- GetCurrentResearchDescription
- GetDesiredPopRatio
- GetDesiredPopRatioInfo
- GetDominantCulture
- GetDominantReligion
- GetFoodIncome
- GetFoodValueTooltip
- GetFortLevel
- GetFortLevelTooltip
- GetFortificationTooltip
- GetGarrison
- GetGarrisonPercentage
- GetGarrisonTooltip
- GetGrowthInformation
- GetHorde
- GetId
- GetImpactOnStateLoyalty
- GetImpactOnStateLoyaltyTooltip
- GetIncomeDescription
- GetLocalCivilizationCap
- GetLocalCivilizationCapTooltip
- GetLocalCivilizationPercent
- GetMilitaryConstructions
- GetModifierPureValue
- GetModifierTooltip
- GetModifierValue
- GetName
- GetNextBuilding
- GetNumGoodsProduced
- GetNumOfCurrentHoldings
- GetNumOfPossibleHoldings
- GetOccupierInfo
- GetOwner
- GetPopActivity
- GetPopHappyFrame
- GetPopHappyInformation
- GetPopulation
- GetPopulationBreakdown
- GetPopulationCapacityInfo
- GetPopulationCapacityValue
- GetPopulationInfo
- GetPopulationTooltip
- GetProvince
- GetRank
- GetReligion
- GetReligionBreakdown
- GetShortUnrestDescription
- GetSize
- GetState
- GetStateCapitalTooltip
- GetTag
- GetTemporaryModifiers
- GetTerrain
- GetTerrainName
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTotalAmountOfBuildingLevels
- GetTradeGoods
- GetUnrest
- GetUnrestDescription
- GetVariableExpiry
- HasBuildingConstruction
- HasCityStatus
- HasOwner
- HasPirateHaven
- HasPopActivity
- HasPopulation
- HasSiege
- HasTimedModifier
- IsCapital
- IsOccupied
- IsPopChanging
- IsPopDeclining
- IsPopGrowing
- IsStateCapital
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- ProvinceRank = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDescription
- GetName
- GetRankTooltip
- Self
- }
- ProvinceViewModifierItem = {
- GetModifier
- AccessSelf
- Exists
- GetModifier
- Self
- }
- ProvinceWindow = {
- AccessProvince
- GetProvince
- GetState
- AccessSelf
- BuildBuilding
- CanBeColonized
- CanBuildBuilding
- CanBuildShips
- CanChangeGovernor
- CanChangePolicy
- CanMigrate
- CanOpenTradeWindow
- CanTransferOccupation
- ChangeGovernor
- ChangePolicy
- CreateTradeRoute
- GetAppliedAttrition
- GetAttritionDescription
- GetBuildBuildingTooltip
- GetBuildings
- GetChangeGovernorTooltip
- GetColonizeTooltip
- GetControllerTooltip
- GetHoldingsCount
- GetHoldingsOwners
- GetMigrateTooltip
- GetModifiers
- GetOwnerTooltip
- GetPopCultures
- GetPopReligions
- GetPopTypes
- GetProducedTradeGoodsInfo
- GetProvince
- GetProvinceList
- GetState
- GetSupplyLimit
- GetSupplyLimitDescription
- GetTradeRouteTooltip
- GetTransferOccupationTooltip
- HasNoOwner
- HasProvince
- HasState
- IsPlayerProvince
- Migrate
- OnClose
- OpenDiplomacy
- QuickColonize
- Self
- ShowBuildArmies
- ShowBuildNavies
- ShowMigrateButton
- ShowPopDetails
- ShowSiege
- TransferOccupation
- }
- QuickAccessBar = {
- AccessSelf
- DropSlot
- QuickActionApply
- QuickActionDesc
- QuickActionEnabled
- QuickActionIcon
- Self
- }
- RansomPrisonerWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanAccept
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetDesc
- GetPrisoners
- GetTitle
- OnAccept
- OnDecline
- OnPriceChanged
- Self
- }
- Region = {
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTag
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- RelationDescItem = {
- GetCountry
- AccessFlagIcon
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- GetFlagFrame
- GetToolTip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- RelationTypeItem = {
- AccessIcon
- AccessSelf
- GetRelations
- GetToolTip
- Self
- }
- Religion = {
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- ReligionView = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- CanReduceWarExhaustion
- GetOmens
- GetPlayer
- GetPreviousName
- GetReduceWarExhaustionTooltip
- GetReligions
- GetWarExhaustionChangeFrame
- GetWarExhaustionChangeTooltip
- GetWarExhaustionPercentage
- GetWarExhaustionTooltip
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- ReduceWarExhaustion
- Self
- StabThePig
- }
- RemoveFriendConfirmWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- ConfirmRemove
- Hide
- Self
- ShouldBeShown
- Show
- }
- ReorgWindow = {
- GetLeft
- GetRight
- AccessSelf
- GetLeft
- GetLeftList
- GetLeftTypeList
- GetRight
- GetRightList
- GetRightTypeList
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- RepackWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCurrentTileSize
- Repack
- Self
- SetTileSize
- ShouldWrapX
- Toggle
- ToggleShouldWrapX
- }
- ReplayController = {
- AccessSelf
- OnAccelerate
- OnDecelerate
- OnMaxBackward
- OnMaxForward
- OnRewind
- OnStop
- OnToEnd
- Self
- }
- ResignConfirmationWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Cancel
- Confirm
- GetConfirmButtonText
- GetText
- Self
- }
- RulerItem = {
- GetCharacter
- GetPartyType
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetEndDate
- GetPartyType
- GetRulerTitle
- GetStartDate
- Self
- }
- Savable = {
- AccessSelf
- Error
- Filename
- HasError
- HasWarning
- IsFilenameModifiable
- IsModified
- IsRevertible
- Location
- LocationTooltip
- RevertLocation
- Self
- SetFilename
- SetLocation
- SetModified
- Warning
- }
- SavableGroup = {
- AccessSelf
- HasError
- HasWarning
- IsExpanded
- IsModified
- IsModifiedIndeterminable
- IsRevertible
- Location
- RevertLocation
- Savables
- Self
- SetLocation
- SetModified
- Title
- ToggleExpanded
- }
- SaveDialog = {
- AccessSelf
- FindGroupLocation
- FindLocation
- Groups
- SavableCount
- Self
- }
- SaveGameItem = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDate
- GetMissingDLCString
- GetName
- GetPlayerName
- GetRealDate
- GetVersionName
- HasMissingDLC
- IsCloudSave
- IsDifferentVersion
- IsEnabled
- IsIronman
- Select
- Self
- }
- SaveListWindow = {
- AccessSaves
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- SaveNameWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanToggleCloudSaves
- Cancel
- CloudSaveTooltip
- GetCloudSaveFrame
- GetDefaultSaveName
- GetSaveErrors
- IsSaveNameOk
- IsSaveOk
- IsWindowEnabled
- OnCloudSaveClick
- Save
- Self
- UpdateFilter
- }
- SavedEventTargets = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- Scope = {
- AreaDefinition
- Char
- CharacterJob
- Combat
- Country
- Culture
- CultureGroup
- Family
- From
- GetCharacter
- GetCountry
- GetProvince
- GetState
- GetVariable
- Governorship
- Party
- Pop
- Province
- Region
- Religion
- Siege
- State
- SubUnit
- Unit
- Var
- AccessSelf
- AreaDefinition
- Char
- CharacterJob
- Combat
- Country
- Culture
- CultureGroup
- Family
- From
- GetCharacter
- GetCountry
- GetFlagName
- GetList
- GetProvince
- GetState
- GetValue
- GetValueWithDefault
- Governorship
- Party
- Pop
- Province
- Region
- Religion
- Self
- Siege
- State
- SubUnit
- Unit
- VarRemaining
- }
- ScopeDebugData = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDebugInformation
- GetRawID
- GetTypeData
- GetTypeID
- GetTypeName
- IsValid
- Self
- SupportsVariables
- }
- ScopeDebugInspectorPlugin = {
- GetScopeData
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- ScopeObjectEditor = {
- AccessSelf
- AsBool
- AsColor
- AsString
- GetID
- GetSelectedType
- GetTypeData
- GetValue
- GetVariableTypes
- IsBool
- IsColor
- IsFlag
- IsNumber
- IsReference
- Self
- SetColor
- SetFromString
- SetIDFromString
- SetSelectedType
- SetTypeDataFromString
- ToggleBool
- }
- ScopeObjectProvider = {
- AccessSelf
- GetError
- GetFilteredResultCount
- GetTotalResultCount
- GetTriggerString
- HasError
- Self
- SetTriggerString
- UpdateFilter
- }
- ScopeObjectType = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- ScopedJominiSettingsCategory = {
- AccessCategory
- GetCategory
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- ScopedJominiSettingsPage = {
- AccessPage
- GetPage
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- ScoreView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCountries
- GetScoreRank
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- ScriptRunnerInspector = {
- AccessEffectResult
- AccessEventTargets
- AccessTriggerResult
- AccessSelf
- GetEffect
- GetTrigger
- ParseEffect
- RunEffect
- RunTrigger
- Self
- SetEffect
- SetTrigger
- ShouldModifyEventTargets
- ToggleModifyEventTargets
- }
- ScriptRunnerResult = {
- AccessSelf
- GetResult
- GetTooltip
- HasResult
- IsMissingTooltip
- IsOutputVisible
- IsValid
- Self
- ToggleOutputVisible
- }
- ScriptedGui = {
- AccessSelf
- BuildTooltip
- Execute
- ExecuteTooltip
- IsShown
- IsShownTooltip
- IsValid
- IsValidTooltip
- Self
- }
- SelectClaim = {
- GetState
- AccessSelf
- GetCostTooltip
- GetState
- OnClick
- Self
- ZoomTo
- }
- SelectCommanderWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanDetachCommander
- Close
- DetachCommander
- GetDetachCommanderTooltip
- Self
- }
- SelectEnforcePeace = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectFabricateClaimWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetProvinces
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectGovernorPolicy = {
- GetGovernorOrRuler
- GetGovernorPolicy
- AccessSelf
- GetGovernorOrRuler
- GetGovernorPolicy
- GetTooltip
- IsEnabled
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectGovernorPolicyWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetGovernorPolicys
- GetTitle
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectGovernorWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanDetachCharacter
- Close
- DetachCharacter
- Self
- }
- SelectImportDestinationWindow = {
- GetGoods
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetGoods
- GetStates
- Self
- }
- SelectInterveneWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetWars
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectMapModesGlue = {
- AccessSelf
- GetMapModeDesc
- GetMapModeIcon
- GetMapModeKey
- GetMapModeName
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectMapModesView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetMapModes
- GetTitle
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectMoveGlue = {
- GetPop
- AccessSelf
- CanMove
- GetCount
- GetPop
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectMoveWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTargets
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectNewIdeaWindow = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetIdeaGroups
- GetPlayer
- Self
- }
- SelectObjective = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDesc
- GetIcon
- GetName
- OnSelect
- Self
- }
- SelectObjectiveWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanDeselectRegions
- CanSelectRegions
- DeselectRegions
- GetObjectives
- GetSelectedRegionText
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectOfficeWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanDetachCharacter
- Close
- DetachCharacter
- GetDetachTooltip
- Self
- }
- SelectParticleUserDataDialog = {
- AccessSelf
- DataModel
- Self
- }
- SelectPeaceTreaty = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAgressiveExpansion
- GetAgressiveExpansionInfo
- GetCost
- GetCostInfo
- GetInfo
- GetName
- HasAgressiveExpansion
- IsEnabled
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- WillInheritWars
- }
- SelectPreferredUnitGlue = {
- GetPreferredUnit
- AccessSelf
- GetPreferredUnit
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectPreferredUnitWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetPreferredUnits
- GetTitle
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectProvinceItem = {
- GetProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetProvince
- IsOthersProvince
- IsPlayerProvince
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectRansomPrisoner = {
- GetPrisoner
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetPrisoner
- GetTooltip
- IsSelectable
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectSellProvince = {
- GetProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetProvince
- GetTooltip
- IsSelectable
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectTactic = {
- GetTactic
- GetUnit
- AccessSelf
- GetClickSound
- GetTactic
- GetUnit
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectTacticWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetSubUnitCounts
- GetTactics
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectTargetCharacterGlue = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetTraitItems
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectTargetCharacterView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTargetCharacters
- GetTitle
- IsSorted
- OnClose
- Self
- Sort
- }
- SelectTargetCountryGlue = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetCountry
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectTargetCountryView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTargetCountries
- GetTitle
- IsSorted
- OnClose
- Self
- Sort
- }
- SelectTargetProvinceGlue = {
- GetProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetProvince
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectTargetProvinceView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTargetProvinces
- GetTitle
- IsSorted
- OnClose
- Self
- Sort
- }
- SelectTechOfficeWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- CanDetachCharacter
- Close
- DetachCharacter
- Self
- }
- SelectTool = {
- AccessSelf
- IsHideSelection
- Self
- SetHideSelection
- }
- SelectTradeGoods = {
- GetGoods
- AccessSelf
- GetGoods
- GetTooltip
- GetTradePossibleBlock
- IsEnabled
- IsNoTradePossible
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectTransferGlue = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- CanTransfer
- GetCountry
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectUnitAbilityWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAbilities
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- SelectWar = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectWarGoal = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInfo
- GetName
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SelectionHistory = {
- AccessSelf
- HasNext
- HasPrevious
- Self
- }
- SelectionLine = {
- AccessSelf
- Color
- From
- Position
- Self
- Size
- To
- }
- SellProvinceWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetDesc
- GetPrice
- GetProvinces
- GetTitle
- HasSelected
- OnAccept
- OnDecline
- OnPriceChanged
- Self
- }
- SenateApprovalPartyGlue = {
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- GetLoyaltyImpact
- GetLoyaltyImpactInfo
- GetSeatSupport
- GetSeatSupportInfo
- GetSupportImpact
- GetSupportImpactInfo
- GetSupported
- GetSupportedInfo
- GetTooltip
- GetType
- Self
- }
- SenateApprovalWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetParties
- GetTitle
- Self
- }
- SenateItemGlue = {
- GetType
- AccessSelf
- GetPartyName
- GetType
- Self
- }
- ServerInformation = {
- AccessSelf
- GetMPMode
- GetServerID
- GetServerName
- HasServerID
- HasServerName
- Self
- }
- SettingCategory = {
- AccessSelf
- AccessSettingsOrder
- GetName
- Self
- }
- SettingsPage = {
- AccessCategories
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- SetupEditor = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCurrent
- GetEntries
- Self
- }
- SetupEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- Siege = {
- GetBesieger
- GetCommander
- GetLocation
- GetSiegeDefender
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetBesieger
- GetBlockadeImpact
- GetCommander
- GetDefenderMorale
- GetEngineerImpact
- GetFallChance
- GetFallChanceTooltip
- GetFortLevelImpact
- GetLastSiegeDiceRoll
- GetLeaderImpact
- GetLocation
- GetMoralePercent
- GetMoraleTooltip
- GetName
- GetNumOfBreach
- GetOccupationProgress
- GetOccupationProgressTooltip
- GetSiegeDefender
- GetSiegeMemory
- GetSiegePhaseProgress
- GetSiegePhaseProgressTooltip
- GetSubUnitCounts
- HasAssault
- HasBreach
- IsSiege
- IsTooFewMen
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- SiegeView = {
- GetSiege
- AccessSelf
- CanAssault
- CanAssumeControl
- GetAssaultTooltip
- GetAssumeControlTooltip
- GetAttrition
- GetAttritionTooltip
- GetDefensiveness
- GetDefensivenessTooltip
- GetEnslavement
- GetEnslavementTooltip
- GetSiege
- GetSiegeAssaultImage
- GetSiegeBreachImage
- GetSiegeImage
- GetSubUnitCounts
- IsShowAll
- OnAssault
- OnAssumeControl
- OnClose
- Self
- ShowProvince
- ToggleShowAll
- }
- SimpleProvinceIcon = {
- GetProvince
- AccessSelf
- GetProvince
- Self
- }
- SingleUnitWindow = {
- GetSelectedUnit
- AccessSelf
- CanPickTactic
- CanRenameUnit
- CanReplaceLeader
- CanToggleFlankSize
- GetActionItems
- GetCommanderTooltip
- GetCountryTooltip
- GetExileTooltip
- GetFlankTooltip
- GetMaintenance
- GetMaintenanceTooltip
- GetObjectiveItems
- GetPreferredUnitItems
- GetReorganisationItems
- GetReplaceLeaderInfo
- GetSelectedUnit
- GetSubUnitCounts
- GetToggleItems
- GetUnitNameIconFrame
- GetUnitNameIconTooltip
- HasCustomUnitName
- IsShowAll
- OnClose
- OnCommanderClick
- OnPickTactic
- OpenUnitAbility
- RenameUnit
- Self
- ToggleFlankSize
- ToggleShowAll
- }
- SkinEditor = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- SmartBrushHeightRange = {
- AccessPattern
- AccessPattern
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetOpacityMaskTexturePath
- IsVisible
- Self
- }
- SmartBrushPattern = {
- AccessMaterialMix
- AccessMaterialMix
- AccessSelf
- GetAngleL
- GetAngleR
- GetBleeding
- GetDensity
- GetInterpolationIndex
- GetModeIndex
- GetPatternIndex
- GetSharpness
- Self
- }
- SmartBrushPresetManager = {
- AccessPresets
- AccessSelf
- GetPresets
- Self
- }
- SmartMaterialPaintingMode = {
- AccessCurrentPreset
- AccessCurrentPresetRanges
- AccessOpacityMaskTexturePreview
- AccessPatternCurveTexture
- AccessPatternTypeTexture
- AccessSelf
- AddAngle
- AddBleeding
- AddDensity
- AddOpacityMaskOffset
- AddOpacityMaskRotation
- AddOpacityMaskScale
- AddSharpness
- ApplyChanges
- CanApplyChanges
- CanReorderRangeToNext
- CanReorderRangeToPrev
- ChangeSampleEntryComposition
- ClearOpacityMaskTexture
- ClonePreset
- CopyCurveToClipboard
- CreateNewPreset
- CreateNewRange
- DeletePreset
- DeleteRange
- DiscardChanges
- EndSampleCompositionEdit
- GetBackgroundProcessingDesc
- GetCurrentPreset
- GetCurveFromClipboard
- GetDebugDesc
- GetDebugUIHint
- GetMaskOpacity
- GetOpacityMaskOffset
- GetOpacityMaskRotation
- GetOpacityMaskScale
- GetPaintingForbiddenDesc
- GetPresetIndex
- GetRangeName
- GetTopologyPickerDesc
- HasAnyPresets
- HasDoneAnyChangesToPresets
- HasOpacityMaskTexture
- IsAutosave
- IsBackgroundProcessing
- IsCurrentPresetValid
- IsCurveClipboardEmpty
- IsDebugActive
- IsDebugActiveFor
- IsDebugTooltipVisible
- IsDebuggingSinglePoint
- IsEraserSelected
- IsHeightRangeVisible
- IsOpacityMaskTextureLoading
- IsPainterSelected
- IsPaintingForbidden
- IsSelected
- IsTopologyPickerEnabled
- ReloadPresets
- RemoveMaterialEntry
- RenamePreset
- ReorderRangeToNext
- ReorderRangeToPrev
- SavePresets
- Self
- SetAngleAsString
- SetBleedingAsString
- SetDensityAsString
- SetHeightRangeName
- SetInterpolationIndex
- SetMaskOpacity
- SetMaskOpacityStr
- SetOpacityMaskOffsetAsString
- SetOpacityMaskRotationAsString
- SetOpacityMaskScaleAsString
- SetPatternIndex
- SetPatternMode
- SetPresetIndex
- SetSharpnessAsString
- ShowMaterialBrowserAndAddToCurrentPattern
- ShowMaterialBrowserAndSetEntryInCurrentPattern
- StartSampleCompositionEdit
- ToggleAutosave
- ToggleDebugActiveFor
- ToggleEraser
- ToggleHeightRangeVisible
- ToggleMaterialLock
- ToggleSampleEntryLock
- ToggleTopologyPicker
- }
- Social = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTotalUnreadChatMessages
- Self
- }
- SocialNotificationWindow = {
- AccessChatMessages
- AccessSelf
- GetNotificationsLayoutAnchor
- Hide
- Self
- ShouldBeShown
- Show
- }
- SocialUI = {
- AccessSelf
- Hide
- IsAllowedToBeShown
- Self
- Show
- ToggleShow
- WantsToBeShown
- }
- SocialWidget = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- State = {
- GetArea
- GetCountry
- GetGovernor
- GetGovernorOrRuler
- GetGovernorPolicy
- GetGovernorship
- GetState
- GetTimedModifier
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- GetArea
- GetCommerceIncome
- GetCountry
- GetCulturalInfo
- GetCulturalUnity
- GetCurrentCommerceIncomeInfo
- GetCurrentTaxIncomeInfo
- GetFood
- GetFoodCapacity
- GetFoodCapacityPercent
- GetFoodCapacityTooltip
- GetFoodFrame
- GetFoodModifierEffect
- GetFoodTooltip
- GetGovernor
- GetGovernorOrRuler
- GetGovernorPoliciesTooltip
- GetGovernorPolicy
- GetGovernorship
- GetLongName
- GetLoyaltyTooltip
- GetMaxNumTradeRoutes
- GetMemberInformation
- GetMonthlyFood
- GetMonthlyLoyaltyFrame
- GetName
- GetNumIncomingTrades
- GetNumOutgoingTrades
- GetNumUnusedTradeRoutes
- GetPopulation
- GetPopulationInfo
- GetReligionInfo
- GetReligiousUnity
- GetShortName
- GetState
- GetStateLoyalty
- GetSurplusGoods
- GetTaxIncome
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTotalPopulation
- GetTradeRoutesShort
- GetTradeRoutesTooltip
- HasPolicy
- HasTimedModifier
- IsCapitalState
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- StateItem = {
- GetState
- AccessSelf
- GetState
- Self
- }
- SubUnit = {
- GetPersonalLoyalty
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- CanAssault
- CanFight
- GetCategoryDescription
- GetCombatTooltip
- GetCulturalTypeName
- GetDescription
- GetExperience
- GetExperienceInfo
- GetLoyaltyInformation
- GetMorale
- GetMoraleInfo
- GetMoralePercent
- GetName
- GetPersonalLoyalty
- GetStrength
- GetStrengthDescription
- GetType
- GetTypeDescription
- GetTypeName
- HasPersonalLoyalty
- IsClanRetinue
- IsDefeated
- IsMercenary
- IsMigration
- IsRegular
- IsValid
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- SubUnitCombatCounts = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAmountTooltip
- GetCount
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- GetTotal
- GetTotalTooltip
- GetType
- IsCohort
- IsCorrectForCombat
- Self
- }
- SubUnitCounts = {
- AccessSelf
- CanAssault
- GetAmountTooltip
- GetCount
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- GetTotal
- GetTotalTooltip
- GetType
- IsCohort
- Self
- }
- SubUnitModifierGlue = {
- AccessSelf
- GetModifierIcon
- GetModifierTooltip
- GetModifierValue
- Self
- }
- SubUnitRef = {
- Get
- AccessSelf
- Get
- Self
- }
- SubUnitType = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAttritionWeight
- GetAttritionWeightDiff
- GetFoodStorageCapacity
- GetFoodStorageCapacityDiff
- GetInfo
- GetMoraleDamageDone
- GetMoraleDamageDoneDiff
- GetMoraleDamageTaken
- GetMoraleDamageTakenDiff
- GetName
- GetStrengthDamageDone
- GetStrengthDamageDoneDiff
- GetStrengthDamageTaken
- GetStrengthDamageTakenDiff
- GetType
- Self
- ShowAttritionWeight
- ShowFoodStorageCapacity
- ShowMoraleDamageDone
- ShowMoraleDamageTaken
- ShowStrengthDamageDone
- ShowStrengthDamageTaken
- }
- SubUnitTypeGlue = {
- GetDefinition
- AccessSelf
- GetAmountTooltip
- GetCount
- GetDefinition
- GetModifiers
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- GetTotal
- GetTotalTooltip
- GetType
- GetTypeName
- IsCohort
- Self
- }
- SubjectType = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- TechOfficeItem = {
- GetCharacter
- AccessSelf
- GetCharacter
- GetCostDesc
- GetIconFrame
- GetLevel
- GetLevelInfo
- GetName
- GetProgress
- GetProgressDesc
- GetSpeedInfo
- GetSpeedModifier
- HasHolder
- OpenSelection
- Self
- }
- TechnologyTable = {
- AccessSelf
- GetRequiredSkill
- Self
- }
- TechnologyView = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- GetMonthlyResearch
- GetMonthlyResearchDesc
- GetOffices
- GetPlayer
- GetPossibleInventions
- GetPreviousName
- GetResearchEfficiency
- GetResearchEfficiencyDesc
- GetResearchPointsDesc
- GetResearchPointsInfo
- GetResearchRatioFrame
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- }
- TerrainToolButton = {
- AccessSelf
- IsSelected
- Self
- }
- TerrainType = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsValid
- Self
- }
- TextureEntry = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetResolution
- GetTexture
- IsAvailable
- OpenTextureViewer
- Self
- }
- TextureImporter = {
- AccessSelf
- Cancel
- GetLastConversion
- GetOutputEntries
- GetTextures
- HasLastConversion
- Import
- IsImporting
- Refresh
- Self
- SetOutputScale
- }
- TextureList = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAutoUpdate
- GetFilterString
- GetTextures
- Self
- SetAutoUpdate
- SetFilterString
- SortByFormat
- SortByName
- SortByRefCount
- SortByResolution
- SortBySize
- UpdateTextureList
- }
- TextureListTexture = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFormat
- GetName
- GetRefcount
- GetResolution
- GetSize
- Self
- }
- TextureNodeWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- FileSelect
- Filename
- Self
- Texture
- }
- TextureViewer = {
- AccessSelf
- Fit
- GetAlpha
- GetBlue
- GetConstantBuffers
- GetEffect
- GetFlipV
- GetGreen
- GetPointSampling
- GetRed
- GetTexture
- GetTextureSize
- GetTextureString
- GetTextureZoom
- GetToGamma
- OriginalSize
- Self
- SetAlpha
- SetBlue
- SetFlipV
- SetGreen
- SetPointSampling
- SetRed
- SetToGamma
- ShowFileList
- }
- ThreadDebugTask = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- ThreadDebugThread = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- Self
- }
- ThreadDebugView = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- Refresh
- Self
- }
- ThreatenTarget = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInfo
- GetName
- IsSelected
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- ThreatenWarWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAcceptanceFrame
- GetAcceptanceTooltip
- GetDesc
- GetTargets
- GetTitle
- HasSelectedProvince
- OnAccept
- OnDecline
- Self
- }
- TimedModifier = {
- GetModifier
- AccessSelf
- GetInverseProgress
- GetModifier
- GetProgress
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- TimedModifierScoped = {
- Get
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- Title = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- IsValid
- Self
- }
- ToolDialog = {
- AccessSelf
- Buttons
- Cancel
- Close
- Confirm
- Self
- Title
- }
- ToolDialogButton = {
- AccessSelf
- OnClick
- Self
- Text
- }
- ToolMessageDialog = {
- AccessSelf
- IsError
- IsInfo
- IsWarning
- Message
- Self
- }
- ToolProperty = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetLabel
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- ToolPropertyBool = {
- AccessSelf
- IsEnabled
- Self
- SetEnabled
- }
- ToolPropertyCColor = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCColor
- Self
- SetCColor
- }
- ToolPropertyCString = {
- AccessSelf
- GetString
- Self
- SetString
- }
- ToolPropertyColor = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- Self
- SetColor
- }
- ToolPropertyCurve = {
- AccessSelf
- GetPreviewTexture
- HasCurveEditor
- OpenCurveEditor
- ResetCurve
- Self
- SetCurve
- ToggleCurveEditor
- }
- ToolPropertyFloat = {
- AccessSelf
- GetFloat
- Self
- SetFloat
- }
- ToolPropertyInt = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInt
- Self
- SetInt
- }
- ToolPropertyList = {
- AccessSelf
- GetColor
- GetLabel
- IsExpanded
- Self
- SetExpanded
- }
- ToolPropertySearchList = {
- AccessSelf
- GetSelectedText
- OpenSearchList
- Self
- }
- ToolPropertyString = {
- AccessSelf
- GetString
- Self
- SetString
- }
- ToolPropertyUint = {
- AccessSelf
- GetUint
- Self
- SetUint
- }
- ToolPropertyVec1fPercent = {
- AccessSelf
- GetX
- Self
- SetX
- }
- ToolPropertyVec2f = {
- AccessSelf
- GetX
- GetY
- Self
- SetX
- SetY
- }
- ToolPropertyVec2fPercent = {
- AccessSelf
- GetX
- GetY
- Self
- SetX
- SetY
- }
- ToolPropertyVec2i = {
- AccessSelf
- GetX
- GetY
- Self
- SetX
- SetY
- }
- ToolPropertyVec3f = {
- AccessSelf
- GetX
- GetY
- GetZ
- Self
- SetX
- SetY
- SetZ
- }
- ToolsSearch = {
- AccessSelf
- Results
- Search
- Self
- }
- ToolsSearchResult = {
- AccessSelf
- Callback
- Description
- Self
- SortScore
- Text
- }
- TopScope = {
- AddScope
- GetRootScope
- SetRoot
- sArea
- sC
- sChar
- sCharacter
- sCountry
- sCulture
- sCultureGroup
- sFamily
- sGovernorship
- sJob
- sP
- sPop
- sProvince
- sRegion
- sReligion
- sState
- sSubUnit
- sUnit
- AccessSelf
- Custom
- End
- GetFlagName
- GetRootScope
- GetValue
- ScriptValue
- Self
- sArea
- sC
- sChar
- sCharacter
- sCountry
- sCulture
- sCultureGroup
- sFamily
- sGovernorship
- sJob
- sP
- sPop
- sProvince
- sRegion
- sReligion
- sState
- sSubUnit
- sUnit
- }
- TradeGoods = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAppliedBonusDescription
- GetBonusDescription
- GetKey
- GetLocalDescription
- GetLongDescription
- GetName
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- TradeGoodsCategoryGlue = {
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetTradeGoods
- Self
- }
- TradeGoodsSurplus = {
- GetSurplus
- GetTradeGoods
- AccessSelf
- CanBeAvailableForTrade
- GetAmount
- GetInfo
- GetSurplus
- GetTradeGoods
- Self
- ShowSurplusButton
- ShowSurplusInformation
- }
- TradeView = {
- GetPlayer
- AccessSelf
- GetAutoFrame
- GetCapitalSurplus
- GetCurrentTradeRoutes
- GetExportBonuses
- GetPlayer
- GetPreviousName
- GetSurplusFrame
- IsRoutesSorted
- OnClose
- OnPrevious
- Self
- SortRoutes
- ToggleAutoAcceptTrade
- ToggleCapitalSurplus
- }
- Trait = {
- AccessSelf
- GetEffect
- GetIconHook
- GetName
- Self
- }
- TraitItem = {
- GetTrait
- AccessSelf
- GetIcon
- GetTooltip
- IsValid
- Self
- }
- TransferOccupationWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- GetTargets
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- TransferUnit = {
- GetSubUnit
- GetTarget
- AccessSelf
- CanTransfer
- GetSubUnit
- GetTarget
- GetTransferInfo
- Self
- Transfer
- }
- TransferUnitType = {
- GetCountsCache
- GetTarget
- AccessSelf
- GetCountsCache
- GetTarget
- GetTransferAllText
- GetType
- GetTypeDescription
- IsEnabled
- IsVisible
- Self
- Transfer
- }
- TutorialItem = {
- AccessSelf
- Complete
- GetCompletedFrame
- GetEffect
- GetName
- IsAllowed
- IsCompleted
- Self
- }
- TutorialView = {
- AccessSelf
- GetCompletedObjectives
- GetObjectives
- OnClose
- Self
- }
- Tweaker = {
- AccessSelf
- GetBool
- GetColor
- GetGuiName
- GetTitle
- GetValue
- Self
- }
- Type = {
- AccessSelf
- GetAssetName
- GetEntityIndex
- GetInstanceCount
- GetKey
- GetMeshIndex
- IsClampToWaterLevel
- IsLocked
- IsSelected
- Self
- SetClampToWaterLevel
- SetEntityFromIndex
- SetLocked
- SetLockedExclusive
- SetMeshFromIndex
- SetSelected
- }
- UIMessage = {
- AccessSelf
- GetLog
- GetLogDate
- GetMessage
- Self
- }
- Unit = {
- GetCommander
- GetCountry
- GetCountryOrEmployerCountry
- GetLocation
- GetTactic
- GetTimedModifier
- MakeScope
- AccessSelf
- CanGetFoodFromLocation
- Custom
- GetAttrition
- GetAttritionTooltip
- GetCommander
- GetCountry
- GetCountryOrEmployerCountry
- GetDesiredFlankSize
- GetDisbandCost
- GetEnslavementEffiencyTooltip
- GetEnslavementEffiencyUI
- GetFoodConsumption
- GetFoodPercentage
- GetFoodSupply
- GetFoodSupplyInformation
- GetIsVisibleToAiTooltip
- GetLocation
- GetMaintenanceCost
- GetMaintenanceCostTooltip
- GetMaximumFoodStorage
- GetMoralePercent
- GetMoraleTooltip
- GetName
- GetPreferredUnits
- GetStrengthTooltip
- GetSubUnitCounts
- GetSubUnits
- GetTactic
- GetTemporaryModifiers
- GetTimedModifier
- GetTooltip
- GetTotalAttritionWeight
- GetUnit
- GetVisualStrength
- HasLeader
- HasTimedModifier
- IsArmy
- IsEmpty
- IsExiled
- IsMercenary
- IsMovementLocked
- IsNamed
- IsNavy
- IsRetreating
- IsUnemployedMercenary
- IsVisibleToAi
- MakeScope
- Self
- }
- UnitAbility = {
- AccessSelf
- GetHistoricalFlavorText
- GetName
- Self
- }
- UnitAbilityItem = {
- GetAbility
- AccessSelf
- Activate
- CanActivate
- GetAbility
- GetShortcut
- GetTooltip
- Self
- }
- UnitActionItem = {
- GetAbility
- AccessSelf
- Activate
- CanActivate
- GetAbility
- GetShortcut
- GetTexture
- GetTooltip
- IsActive
- Self
- }
- UnitItem = {
- GetCountry
- GetUnit
- AccessSelf
- GetActiveAbilityIcon
- GetActiveAbilityTooltip
- GetAttritionTooltip
- GetAverageMoralePercent
- GetBackgroundFrame
- GetBlockadedPercentPerNavy
- GetCountry
- GetFlagTexture
- GetFlagTextureFrame
- GetLabel
- GetLeaderFrame
- GetTooltip
- GetTotalUnits
- GetUnit
- IsClickable
- IsExiled
- IsLosingFood
- IsLosingSoldiers
- IsMovementLocked
- IsRegainingFood
- IsRetreating
- IsSelected
- IsSieging
- OnClick
- OnFlagClick
- OnLeaderClick
- Self
- ShouldBeHighlighted
- ShouldBeShownFullWidth
- ShouldBeShownShortWidth
- ShowActiveAbility
- ShowTotalUnits
- }
- UnitMapIcon = {
- GetSiege
- AccessSelf
- GetArmyCombatStrength
- GetLabel
- GetSiege
- HasSiege
- Self
- }
- UnitRef = {
- Get
- AccessSelf
- Get
- Self
- }
- UserDataNode = {
- AccessSelf
- Configure
- Id
- Label
- Self
- TypeName
- }
- VariableEntry = {
- AccessScopeEditor
- AccessSelf
- Delete
- GetName
- Self
- SetName
- }
- VariableInfo = {
- AccessSelf
- GetExpirationDate
- GetName
- GetValue
- HasExpirationDate
- Self
- }
- VariableInspectorEntry = {
- AccessVariable
- AccessSelf
- Delete
- Self
- }
- VariableInspectorPlugin = {
- AccessSetupVariable
- AccessSelf
- AccessVariables
- AddVariable
- GetNumVariables
- Self
- }
- VariableInspectorVariable = {
- AccessScopeEditor
- AccessSelf
- GetName
- GetRemainingTicks
- Self
- SetName
- SetRemainingTicks
- }
- VariableList = {
- AccessEntries
- AccessSelf
- Delete
- GetName
- GetSize
- Self
- }
- VariableListEntry = {
- AccessScopeEditor
- AccessSelf
- Delete
- Self
- }
- VariableListInspectorPlugin = {
- AccessListStore
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- VariableListStore = {
- AccessNewEntryEditor
- AccessSelf
- AccessVariableLists
- AddNewEntry
- GetNewVariableListName
- GetNumVariableLists
- Self
- SetNewVariableListName
- }
- VariableStore = {
- AccessNewEntryEditor
- AccessSelf
- AccessVariables
- AddNewEntry
- GetNewVariableName
- GetNumVariables
- Self
- SetNewVariableName
- }
- ViewPopsWindow = {
- GetProvince
- AccessSelf
- AddPop
- GetMigrants
- GetPopCultures
- GetPopReligions
- GetPopTypes
- GetPops
- GetProvince
- GetTitle
- IsPopsSorted
- OnClose
- Self
- SortPops
- }
- War = {
- GetAttackerPops
- GetAttackerWarLeader
- GetDefenderPops
- GetDefenderWarLeader
- GetOriginalAttacker
- GetOriginalDefender
- GetWarGoal
- AccessSelf
- GetAttackerPops
- GetAttackerWarLeader
- GetConquestInfo
- GetDefenderPops
- GetDefenderWarLeader
- GetName
- GetOriginalAttacker
- GetOriginalDefender
- GetStartDate
- GetWarGoal
- GetWarScore
- GetWhitePeaceInfo
- HasTickingWarScore
- IsCivilWar
- IsConquestWar
- IsTickingForAutoConquest
- IsTickingForAutoWhitePeace
- Self
- }
- WarGoal = {
- AccessSelf
- GetDescription
- GetName
- Self
- }
- WarOverview = {
- GetEnemyPopStats
- GetFriendlyPopStats
- GetWar
- AccessSelf
- GetBattles
- GetBattlesLost
- GetBattlesWon
- GetEnemyLandLosses
- GetEnemyLandLossesTooltip
- GetEnemyNavalLosses
- GetEnemyNavalLossesTooltip
- GetEnemyParticipants
- GetEnemyPopStats
- GetEnemySubUnitCounts
- GetFriendlyLandLosses
- GetFriendlyLandLossesTooltip
- GetFriendlyNavalLosses
- GetFriendlyNavalLossesTooltip
- GetFriendlyParticipants
- GetFriendlyPopStats
- GetFriendlySubUnitCounts
- GetTickingWarScore
- GetTickingWarScoreChangeFrame
- GetTickingWarScoreChangeTooltip
- GetTickingWarScoreTooltip
- GetWar
- GetWarScore
- GetWarScoreTooltip
- HasTickingWarScore
- IsEnemySorted
- IsFriendlySorted
- OnClose
- OnSueForPeace
- Self
- SortEnemy
- SortFriendly
- }
- WarOverviewBattle = {
- GetBattleResult
- AccessSelf
- GetBattleResult
- GetResult
- GetScore
- GetTypeTexture
- GetWinLose
- Self
- }
- WarOverviewParticipant = {
- GetCountry
- AccessSelf
- GetBlockadedPercentTooltip
- GetCountry
- GetWarEnthusiasm
- GetWarEnthusiasmTooltip
- IsWarLeader
- Self
- }
- WarPopStats = {
- AccessSelf
- GetEnslaved
- GetKilled
- Self
- }
- WarsOverview = {
- AccessSelf
- GetWars
- Self
- }
- WarsOverviewWar = {
- GetMainEnemy
- GetWar
- AccessSelf
- GetMainEnemy
- GetWar
- GetWarEnthusiasmIcon
- GetWarScore
- OnClick
- Self
- }
- WatchWindow = {
- AccessSelf
- Close
- GetObjectName
- Self
- ToggleChangeOnPause
- WillPauseOnChange
- }
- bool = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- double = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- float = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }
- int16 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInt
- Self
- }
- int32 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInt
- Self
- }
- int64 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInt
- Self
- }
- int8 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetInt
- Self
- }
- uint16 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetUint
- Self
- }
- uint32 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetUint
- Self
- }
- uint64 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetUint
- Self
- }
- uint8 = {
- AccessSelf
- GetUint
- Self
- }
- void = {
- AccessSelf
- Self
- }