
A relatively young religion, Buddhism arose in Northern India, following the life of Siddhartha Gautama, or simply, Buddha. The Buddha was an ascetic teacher, who spoke of the Middle Way, throughout India.
— In-game description

The Buddhist religion is a transtheistic faith based primarily in northern India. This article documents the paradigms associated with the religion. All values are for Omen.png+100% Omen Power.

As a transtheistic religion, Buddhist countries do not worship deities, but instead honour and focus on particular paradigms of their religion. Therefore Buddhist countries cannot worship deities of other religions in their pantheon, and likewise, most Buddhist paradigms cannot be worshipped by non-Buddhist countries in their pantheon even if their Holy Site.png holy sites are controlled or a significant part of the population is Buddhist, with the exception of the deified Buddhist founder and teacher Siddhartha.

Every Buddhist nation benefits from Policy religious conversion.png +30% Pop Conversion Speed.

General paradigms

Siddhartha is available to all Buddhist nations, and all polytheistic nations that have enough Buddhist pops or control his holy site. As a deified character, his apotheosis effect is enabled from the start:

Deity Category Rarity Passive effect Omen effect Apotheosis effect Holy site
Siddhartha Culture Common Popularity.png +0.05 Monthly Ruler Popularity Gain Pop citizen happiness.png +6% National Citizen Happiness Up to 5 pops in a random territory Policy religious conversion.png convert to the deity’s faith 4449, Kusinagara, 孔雀的国旗 孔雀

These paradigms are exclusively available to all Buddhist nations:

Paradigm Category Passive effect Omen effect Apotheosis effect Holy site
Adhitthana Parami War Manpower recovery speed.png +5% Manpower Recovery Speed Military tech investment.png +12% Military Tech Investment 1 Freemen Freeman appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9
Enlightenment of Buddha War Army maintenance cost.png −2.50% Army Maintenance Cost Noble happiness +6% National Noble Happiness Gain Manpower.png 1,000 Manpower, multiplied by the deity’s Military power.png Martial, and an extra 1,000 if the deity’s Military power.png Martial is at least 11, if manpower is below 80%
Gain Military experience.png 2.00 Military Experience, otherwise
4444, Gaya, 孔雀的国旗 孔雀
Viriya Parami War Morale.png +3% Morale of Armies Fort defense.png +12% Fort Defense Gain Military experience.png 0.50 Military Experience, multiplied by the deity’s Military power.png Martial, with a minimum of Military experience.png +2 and a maximum of Military experience.png +5
Asceticism of Buddha Culture Corruption.png −0.05 Monthly Corruption Happiness.png +4% Population Happiness Up to 2 employed characters convert to the deity’s faith 6978, Avakana, 阿㝹罗陀补罗的国旗 阿㝹罗陀补罗
Pañña Parami Culture Research points.png +5% Research Points Civilization.png +0.04% Monthly Civilization Change Gain Civic tech investment.png +2.50 Civic Advances progress multiplied by the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse, with a minimum of Civic tech investment.png +5 and a maximum of Civic tech investment.png +25
Upekkha Parami Culture Civilization.png +0.05% Monthly Civilization Change Loyalty.png +0.04 Provincial Loyalty Gain Civic tech investment.png +2.50 Civic Advances progress multiplied by the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse, with a minimum of Civic tech investment.png +5 and a maximum of Civic tech investment.png +25
Dana Parami Economy National tax +10% National Tax Corruption.png −0.06 Monthly Corruption Gain Wealth 15 Wealth multiplied by the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse, with a minimum of Wealth 50 and an additional Wealth 75 gold if the deity has more than Civic power.png 10 Finesse
Khanti Parami Economy Create trade route cost −25% Create Trade Route Cost Commerce value.png +12% National Commerce Income A Pop citizen.png Citizen appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9
Trapusa and Bahalika Economy Diplomatic relations.png +2 Diplomatic Relations Policy religious conversion.png +10% Pop Conversion Speed Up to 5 pops in a random territory Policy religious conversion.png convert to the deity’s faith 6678, Baktra, 巴克特里亚的国旗 巴克特里亚
Metta Parami Fertility Slave happiness +5% National Slave Happiness link= 28px −0.05 Aggressive Expansion Change 1 Slaves Slave appears in the capital; 2 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 6; 4 if the deity’s Civic power.png Finesse is at least 9
Sila Parami Fertility Monthly food.png +10% Global Monthly Food Modifier State religion happiness +12% State Religion Happiness Global population growth.png +0.15% Local Population Growth in the capital province for five years
Wanderings of Buddha Fertility Loyalty.png +0.025 Provincial Loyalty Unintegrated culture group happiness +4% Unintegrated Culture Group Happiness Gain Monthly food.png 50 Food in every province, multiplied by the deity’s Oratory power.png Charisma 6614, Kartane, 塞琉古帝国的国旗 塞琉古帝国