

Politics is the interaction between characters in a nations government.

Republics (Senate)

The Senate, in a republic, has 100 seats, and each seat belongs to one of of five factions. Every adult character in a republic has a predilection of each faction, and is supportive of one. Each faction also have a leader, generally the most prominent character that supports that faction.

Senatorial Factions

Depending on which faction the ruler of the republic belongs to, the republic gets various bonuses or maluses.

Faction Modifiers Description
Party civic.png Civic
  • build_cost修正 −10% Build cost
  • −10% Build time
  • National tax +25% Tax income
Party mercantile.png Mercantile
  • Diplomatic reputation.png +2 Diplomatic reputation
  • Commerce value.png +10% National commerce income
Party military.png Military
  • Morale of armies +10% Morale of armies
  • +10% Morale of navies
The Military Faction is very likely to back new wars, but even some of their seats will be against wars if you have war exhaustion, low at manpower or currently in a war.
Party populist.png Populist All power costs +10% Power costs Contrary to all the other factions, the Populist direct modifiers are negative. They are also the only faction the AI will actively avoid, backing other parties if the Populist were to win the election.
Party religious.png Religious
  • −33% Convert pop cost
  • +10% Omen power


The Senate, in a republic, has 100 seats to begin with. However the amount of seats in the senate change over time, depending on different factors, with the charisma of the faction leader always impacting the attraction of the seats.

If you wish to strengthen a parties position in the senate instantly, you can always spend Oratory power.png oratory power to convince 10 seats to join that faction instead. Doing so however, increases your tyranny.


There are three types of activities where the senate will impact your ability to do exactly what you want at any given time, like a ruler in an absolute monarchy.

The senate can outright block you if the support for the action you desire to do is less than 40 seats is currently backing that action. And if less than 60 seats back the action, you can force it through, but you will gain some tyranny from it.


There are three different categories of actions which require senate approval.

  • All changing of laws require approval by the senate
  • A lot of character interactions, like banishing, imprisoning, etc.
  • All diplomatic interactions with other nations.

If the senate will approve an action or not depends very much on its composition, and what you want to do. Military Faction is very likely to back new wars, but even some of their seats will be against wars if you have war exhaustion, low at manpower or currently in a war.

When you do an action, a lot of times it has impact on the characters of your nation. Loyalty is lost or gained depending on faction membership, and seats are gained and lost for different factions.


Offices are political positions that depending on who is serving in them can give different bonuses to the country. Each type of government has different offices and different modifiers for each one of them. There are eight offices in the government, and characters occupy them until they are replaced or they die. There are two offices for each attribute, and the skill in their attribute determines how big their impact is on the country. Each of them give the character prominence and some give other benefits to the character. Appointing a character to an office increases their loyalty, but removing someone deeply hurts their loyalties.


國內政策 國家屬性人物內戰文化政府傳承法律國家理念職位叛亂宗教科技
經濟政策 建築經濟食物奇觀人口貿易商品
省份 區域省份領土殖民地產
軍事 軍事傳統陸軍陸軍單位陸戰海軍圍城海戰
對外政策 條約戰爭宣戰理由宣稱外交附屬國蠻族
腳本 事件決議使命
其他 成就對手國家遊戲配置