
第26行: 第26行:
! style="min-width: 15%" | 总督
! style="min-width: 15%" | 总督
! style="min-width: 15%" | 将军
! style="min-width: 15%" | 将军
! 对 特质
! 说明与注释
! 说明与注释
| {{icon|abrasive}}
| {{icon|abrasive}}
| 粗鲁刻薄
| {{ruby|无礼|Abrasive}}
| {{icon|max rivals}}  宿 上限: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|max rivals}}  最大仇 数量 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|tributary opinion}} 朝贡国好感: {{red|−5}}
| {{icon|tributary opinion}} 朝贡国 对我们的 好感 {{red|−5}}
| {{icon|good natured}} 生性温和
| {{icon|good natured}} Good Natured
| ''有些人就是 天生的刺儿头 。''
| ''有些人就是 不能和别人好好相处 。''
| {{icon|ambitious}}
| {{icon|ambitious}}
| 野心勃勃
| {{ruby| 野心勃勃|Ambitious}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  : {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|content}} 安于现状
| {{icon|content}} Content
| ''Whereas some view the ladder to the top as a challenge, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] prefers to see it as firewood.''
| '' 他人将登顶之路视为挑战,但[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 将其视为动力。''
Characters with this trait will be more likely to murder their way to the top.
| {{icon|arbitrary}}
| {{icon|arbitrary}}
| 专行
| {{ruby|专 |Arbitrary}}
| {{icon|finesse}}  : {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}}  略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|diplomatic relations}} 外交关系: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|diplomatic relations}} 外交关系 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|just}} 铁面无私
| {{icon|just}} Just
| ''When it really comes down to it, does anyone really care what is right or wrong?''
| '' 归根结底,是否有人真的关心何为对错?''
| {{icon|arrogant}}
| {{icon|arrogant}}
| 傲慢 无礼
| {{ruby| 傲慢|Arrogant}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望: {{green|+10}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+10}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|power costs}} 点数花费: {{red|+1%}}
| {{icon|power costs}} Power Costs: {{red|+1%}}
| {{icon|modest}} 谦逊有礼
| {{icon|modest}} Modest
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] is quite simply the best at everything [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] puts [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] hand to.''
| '' [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 着手的每一件事中,[CHARACTER.GetSheHe] 都无疑是最优秀的(至少[CHARACTER.GetHerHis] 自己是这么认为的)。''
| {{icon|assertive}}
| {{icon|assertive}}
| 于自信
| {{ruby| 断|Assertive}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 每月名望: {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 每月 人物 名望 {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} 全国贸易收入: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} National Commerce Income: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} 本地贸易收入: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{green|+5%}}
| {{nowrap|{{icon|submissive}} 唯命是从}}
| {{nowrap|{{icon|submissive}} Submissive}}
| ''Quick in thought, word and deed, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] knows the best way to navigate most situations.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 思维敏捷、快人快语、行动迅速,了解应对大多数情况的最佳方法。''
| {{icon|benefactor}}
| {{icon|benefactor}}
| 乐善好施
| {{ruby| 乐善好施|Benefactor}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人 缘: {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人 {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|happiness}} 全国奴隶幸福度: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Slaves Happiness: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} 本地奴隶幸福度: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} Local Slaves Happiness: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|harsh}} 严刑峻法
| {{icon|harsh}} Harsh
| ''Whilst there may be no such thing as true altruism, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] comes awfully close.''
| '' 虽然可能并不存在所谓真正的利他主义者,但[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 已经非常接近了。''
| {{icon|blunt}}
| {{icon|blunt}}
| 口无遮拦
| {{ruby|直率|Blunt}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|improve opinion maximum}} 提 好感最大值: {{red|−25%}}
| {{icon|improve opinion maximum}} 提 好感 度的 最大值 {{red|−25%}}
| {{icon|silver tongued}} 巧舌如簧
| {{icon|silver tongued}} Silver Tongued
| ''Sometimes, facts are just facts.''
| '' 有时候,事实就是事实。''
| {{icon|cautious}}
| {{icon|cautious}}
| {{ruby| 谨慎|Cautious}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军 事: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|unit reorganization cost}} 单位重组花费: {{green|−5%}}
| {{icon|unit reorganization cost}} Unit Reorganization Cost: {{green|−5%}}
| {{icon|reckless}} 暴虎冯河
| {{icon|reckless}} Reckless
| ''Even the best laid plans can fail without due diligence.''
| '' 如果不进行尽职调查,即使是最好的计划也会失败。''
| {{icon|chaste}}
| {{icon|chaste}}
| 守身如玉
| {{ruby|忠贞|Chaste}}
| {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力: {{red|−20%}} 
| {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−20%}} 
| {{icon|lustful}} 纵情声色
| {{icon|lustful}} Lustful
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] considers [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] body an unassailable temple of virtue and honor. So does everyone else.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 将自己的身体视为一座承载着美德和荣誉的不容侵犯的庙宇。其他人也这样看待[CHARACTER.GetHerHis] ''
| {{icon|cold}}
| {{icon|cold}}
| 铁石心肠
| {{ruby|冷漠|Cold}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|max friends}}  上限: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|max friends}}  最大好 数量 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|assassinate cost}} 暗杀花费: {{green|−25%}}
| {{icon|assassinate cost}} Assassinate Cost: {{green|−25%}}
| {{icon|loving}} 情深义重
| {{icon|loving}} Loving
| ''One could liken the heart of [CHARACTER.GetName] to the icy rocks upon which Prometheus was bound, and yet still be considered generous.
| '' [CHARACTER.GetName] 的心比作束缚普罗米修斯的冰冷岩石也不为过。''
| {{icon|content}}
| {{icon|content}}
| 安于现状
| {{ruby| 安于现状|Content}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望: {{red|−10}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{red|−10}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  : {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|ambitious}} 野心勃勃
| {{icon|ambitious}} Ambitious
| ''Ambition just doesn't come naturally to some. [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] is all the happier for it.''
| '' 并不是每个人都天生自带野心。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 正因没有野心而更快乐。''
| {{icon|corrupt}}
| {{icon|corrupt}}
| 贪得无厌
| {{ruby|腐败|Corrupt}}
| {{icon|corruption}} 腐败: {{red|+10}}
| {{icon|corruption}} 腐败 {{red|+10}}
| {{icon|national tax}}  国税收: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|national tax}} 国 税收 {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}} 奴 效率: {{green|+1%}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}}  奴效率 {{green|+1%}}
| {{icon|righteous}} 两袖清风
| {{icon|righteous}} Righteous
| ''One can go about things in the right way, or the profitable one. [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] knows the truth of the matter.''
| '' 一个人能以正确的方式做事,或以有利可图的方式做事。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 知道这其中的真相。''
| {{icon|crafty}}
| {{icon|crafty}}
| 老奸巨
| {{ruby|狡 |Crafty}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|corruption}} 腐败: {{red|+20}}
* {{icon|corruption}} 腐败 {{red|+20}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  : {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  略 {{green|+2}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}} 奴 效率: {{green|+2%}}<!-- Is this name correct? -->
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}}  奴效率 {{green|+2%}}<!-- Is this name correct? -->
| {{icon|guileless}} 胸无城府
| {{icon|guileless}} Guileless
| ''Wheedling, conniving, and cunning, may not be attractive qualities, but they're never unhelpful ones.''
| '' 花言巧语,阴谋诡计,狡猾诡诈,这些可能不是讨喜的品质,但也从来都不是无益的。''
| {{icon|cruel}}
| {{icon|cruel}}
| 酷无情
| {{ruby| 暴|Cruel}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} 全国奴隶产出: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Slaves Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} 本地奴隶产出: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Slaves Output: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}} 奴 效率: {{green|+3%}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}}  奴效率 {{green|+3%}}
| {{icon|merciful}} 宅心仁厚
| {{icon|merciful}} Merciful
| ''Suffering and productivity come hand in hand. That is, according to [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] at least.''
| '' 他者的苦难乃创造的源泉,至少[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 是这样说的。''
Characters with this trait are more likely to murder their way to the top.
| {{icon|deceitful}}
| {{icon|deceitful}}
| 瞒天过海
| {{ruby|诡诈|Deceitful}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|corruption}} 每月腐败: {{red|+0.05}}
* {{icon|corruption}} 每月腐败 {{red|+0.05}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  : {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}}  略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|bribe character cost}} 贿赂角色花费: {{green|−25%}}
| {{icon|bribe character cost}} Bribe Character Cost: {{green|−25%}}
| {{icon|honest}} 心口如一
| {{icon|honest}} Honest
| ''The truth may be honorable, but, at least according to [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], it doesn't get you very far.''
| '' 坦诚以待或许更可敬,但至少对于[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 来说,此举不能使其走得长远。''
| {{icon|devout}}
| {{icon|devout}}
| Devout
| {{ruby|高洁|Devout}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly Loyalty: {{green|+0.1}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} 每月忠诚 {{green|+0.1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|omen power}} Omen Power: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|omen power}} Omen Power: {{green|+5%}}
第196行: 第196行:
| {{icon|lapsed}} Lapsed
| {{icon|lapsed}} Lapsed
| ''Prayer can be a source of hope in dark times. Luckily for [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], it is often dark.''
| '' 在黑暗的年代,祈祷可以成为希望的源泉。于[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 而言,幸运的是,生活总是一片黑暗。''
| {{icon|dumb}}
| {{icon|dumb}}
| Dumb
| {{ruby|愚昧|Dumb}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly Loyalty: {{green|+0.05%}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} 每月忠诚 {{green|+0.05%}}
第208行: 第208行:
| {{icon|intelligent}} Intelligent
| {{icon|intelligent}} Intelligent
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] was never one for the intellectual pursuits.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 从来不在意对知识的追求。''
| {{icon|energetic}}
| {{icon|energetic}}
| 精力充沛
| {{ruby| 精力充沛|Energetic}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|lazy}} 懒惰不堪
| {{icon|lazy}} Lazy
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] always puts in double the effort - even when sleeping.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 无论干什么都会投入双倍努力——就连睡觉也是如此。''
Characters with this trait will be able to commit certain acts like theft, gambling, and murder, more frequently.
| {{icon|foolish}}
| {{icon|foolish}}
| 不可及
| {{ruby| 蠢|Foolish}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|shrewd}} Shrewd
| {{icon|shrewd}} Shrewd
| ''The only person unaware of just how gullible [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] is, seems to be [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] [CHARACTER.GetHerselfHimself].''
| '' 似乎唯一一个不知道[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 有多容易上当受骗的人就是[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen][CHARACTER.GetHerselfHimself] 自己。''
| {{icon|forgiving}}
| {{icon|forgiving}}
| Forgiving
| {{ruby|宽宏大量|Forgiving}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|tyranny}} Monthly Tyranny: {{green|−0.05}}
| {{icon|tyranny}} Monthly Tyranny: {{green|−0.05}}
第243行: 第243行:
| {{icon|vengeful}} Vengeful
| {{icon|vengeful}} Vengeful
| ''No crime, no barbed insult, or any manner of offense, is too great for the clemency of [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 宽厚的心中容得下任何罪行、侮辱和任何形式的冒犯。''
| {{icon|founder}}
| {{icon|founder}}
| 开基立业
| {{ruby|敢为人先|Founder}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} 每月忠 心: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} 每月忠 {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|build cost}} 建造花费: {{green|−10%}}
| {{icon|build cost}} 建造花费 {{green|−10%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} 本地公民产出: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Citizens Output: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|incapable}} 百无一用
| {{icon|incapable}} Incapable
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has vision the likes of which has not been seen since the days of Solomon, Romulus, or the great Pharaohs of old.''
| '' 所罗门、罗慕路斯与旧世代的伟大法老之后,无人的远见可以与[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 相提并论。''
| {{icon|generous}}
| {{icon|generous}}
| Generous
| {{ruby|慷慨|Generous}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Citizens Happiness: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Citizens Happiness: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|unrest}} Local Unrest: {{green|−1}}
| {{icon|unrest}} Local Unrest: {{green|−1}}
第263行: 第263行:
*{{icon|selfish}} Selfish
*{{icon|selfish}} Selfish
*{{icon|miserly}} Miserly}}
*{{icon|miserly}} Miserly}}
| ''The simple act of aiding others, is often reward enough for [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].''
| '' 帮助他人的简单举动往往就能让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 感到欣慰。''
| {{icon|good natured}}
| {{icon|good natured}}
| Good Natured
| {{ruby|和善|Good Natured}}
| {{icon|max friends}} Max Friends: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|max friends}} 最大好友数量 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|tributary opinion}} Tributary Opinion of Us: {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|tributary opinion}} 朝贡国对我们的好感 {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|abrasive}} Abrasive
| {{icon|abrasive}} Abrasive
| ''A pleasant demeanor and polite acknowledgments go a long way towards making friends.''
| '' 行为讨喜,态度礼貌,善于交友。''
| {{icon|greedy}}
| {{icon|greedy}}
| Greedy
| {{ruby|贪婪|Greedy}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|local population growth}} Local Population Growth: {{green|+2%}}
| {{icon|local population growth}} Local Population Growth: {{green|+2%}}
| {{icon|self-controlled}} Self-controlled
| {{icon|self-controlled}} Self-controlled
| ''Nobody would ever dare accuse [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] of moderation or self-control.''
| '' 没人敢声称[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 是稳重自持的人。''
Referred to in game code as <code>gluttonous</code>.
查阅的游戏内代码为 <code>gluttonous</code>.
| {{icon|guileless}}
| {{icon|guileless}}
| Guileless
| {{ruby|老实|Guileless}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|corruption}} Monthly Corruption: {{green|−0.1}}
* {{icon|corruption}} 每月腐败 {{green|−0.1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−2}}
第295行: 第295行:
| {{icon|crafty}} Crafty
| {{icon|crafty}} Crafty
| ''It's worrying when even the sheep can pull wool over one's eyes.''
| '' 如果一个人老实到连羊都能到骗他,那就是一件令人担忧的事情了。''
| {{icon|harsh}}
| {{icon|harsh}}
| Harsh
| {{ruby|严苛|Harsh}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{green|−0.05}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Slaves Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Slaves Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Slaves Output: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Slaves Output: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|benefactor}} Benefactor
| {{icon|benefactor}} Benefactor
| ''While many would employ a mild punishment to fit a mild crime, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] considers mild punishment a crime in itself.''
| '' 很多人认为轻微的罪行只需要轻微的处罚,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 则认为轻微的处罚本身就是一种罪过。''
Characters with this trait will be more likely to murder their way to the top.
| {{icon|honest}}
| {{icon|honest}}
| Honest
| {{ruby|诚实|Honest}}
| {{icon|corruption}} Monthly Corruption: {{green|−0.05}}
| {{icon|corruption}} 每月腐败 {{green|−0.05}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Tribesmen Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Tribesmen Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|deceitful}} Deceitful
| {{icon|deceitful}} Deceitful
| ''Even the thought of deception is enough to confuse [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].''
| '' 光是欺骗的念头就足以让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 头大。''
Characters with this trait will never accept a bribe.
| {{icon|humble}}
| {{icon|humble}}
| Humble
| {{ruby||Humble}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|tribute income}} Tribute Income: {{red|−1%}}
| {{icon|tribute income}} Tribute Income: {{red|−1%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Freemen Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Freemen Output: {{green|+5%}}
第329行: 第329行:
| {{icon|incapable}}
| {{icon|incapable}}
| Incapable
| {{ruby||Incapable}}
| {{icon|prominence}} Monthly Prominence: {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 每月人物名望 {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Ruler Popularity Gain: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Ruler Popularity Gain: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Citizens Output: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} Local Citizens Output: {{red|−5%}}
第338行: 第338行:
| {{icon|intelligent}}
| {{icon|intelligent}}
| Intelligent
| {{ruby||Intelligent}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly Governor Loyalty: {{green|+0.05%}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly Governor Loyalty: {{green|+0.05%}}
第347行: 第347行:
| {{icon|jealous}}
| {{icon|jealous}}
| Jealous
| {{ruby||Jealous}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|smear reputation cost}} Smear Reputation Cost: {{green|−25%}}
| {{icon|smear reputation cost}} Smear Reputation Cost: {{green|−25%}}
第356行: 第356行:
| {{icon|just}}
| {{icon|just}}
| Just
| {{ruby||Just}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|unrest}} Local Unrest: {{green|−1}}
| {{icon|unrest}} Local Unrest: {{green|−1}}
第365行: 第365行:
| {{icon|kindly}}
| {{icon|kindly}}
| Kindly
| {{ruby||Kindly}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Freemen Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Freemen Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Loyalty Gain Chance: {{green|+2%}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} 忠诚增加几率 {{green|+2%}}
| {{icon|uncaring}} Uncaring
| {{icon|uncaring}} Uncaring
| ''A truer soul there never was, than [CHARACTER.GetName].''
| ''A truer soul there never was, than [CHARACTER.GetName].''
| {{icon|lapsed}}
| {{icon|lapsed}}
| Lapsed
| {{ruby||Lapsed}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly Loyalty: {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} 每月忠诚 {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|omen power}} Omen Power: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|omen power}} Omen Power: {{red|−5%}}
第383行: 第383行:
| {{icon|lazy}}
| {{icon|lazy}}
| Lazy
| {{ruby||Lazy}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
第395行: 第395行:
| {{icon|loving}}
| {{icon|loving}}
| Loving
| {{ruby||Loving}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|max friends}} Max Friends: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|max friends}} 最大好友数量 {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|diplomatic relations}} Diplomatic Relations: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|diplomatic relations}} 外交关系 {{green|+1}}
第407行: 第407行:
| {{icon|lustful}}
| {{icon|lustful}}
| Lustful
| {{ruby||Lustful}}
| {{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{green|+20%}}
第416行: 第416行:
| {{icon|merciful}}
| {{icon|merciful}}
| Merciful
| {{ruby||Merciful}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Freemen Happiness: {{green|+2.5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Freemen Happiness: {{green|+2.5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} Local Freemen Happiness: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} Local Freemen Happiness: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}} Enslavement Efficiency: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|enslavement efficiency}} 抓奴效率 {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|cruel}} Cruel
| {{icon|cruel}} Cruel
| ''Mercy can take many forms, and [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] knows them all.''
| ''Mercy can take many forms, and [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] knows them all.''
| {{icon|miserly}}
| {{icon|miserly}}
| Miserly
| {{ruby||Miserly}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|national tax}} National Tax: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|national tax}} 国家税收 {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|local tax}} Local Tax: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|local tax}} Local Tax: {{red|−10%}}
第434行: 第434行:
| {{icon|modest}}
| {{icon|modest}}
| Modest
| {{ruby||Modest}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|power costs}} Power Costs: {{green|−1%}}
| {{icon|power costs}} Power Costs: {{green|−1%}}
第443行: 第443行:
| {{icon|monotonous}}
| {{icon|monotonous}}
| Monotonous
| {{ruby||Monotonous}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Ruler Popularity Gain: {{red|−20%}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Ruler Popularity Gain: {{red|−20%}}
第452行: 第452行:
| {{icon|narrow-minded}}
| {{icon|narrow-minded}}
| Narrow-minded
| {{ruby||Narrow-minded}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|happiness}} National Tribesmen Happiness: {{green|+25%}}
* {{icon|happiness}} National Tribesmen Happiness: {{green|+25%}}
第464行: 第464行:
| {{icon|obsessive}}
| {{icon|obsessive}}
| Obsessive
| {{ruby||Obsessive}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Citizens Output: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Citizens Output: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|research points}} Local Research Points: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|research points}} Local Research Points: {{red|−10%}}
第473行: 第473行:
| {{icon|pious}}
| {{icon|pious}}
| Pious
| {{ruby||Pious}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|call omen cost}} Call Omen Cost: {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|call omen cost}} 祈求预兆花费 {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|national tax}} National Tax: {{red|−10%}}
* {{icon|national tax}} 国家税收 {{red|−10%}}
第485行: 第485行:
| {{icon|plain-speaking}}
| {{icon|plain-speaking}}
| Plain-speaking
| {{ruby||Plain-speaking}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} Diplomatic Reputation: {{green|+3}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} 外交声誉 {{green|+3}}
第494行: 第494行:
| {{icon|polymath}}
| {{icon|polymath}}
| Polymath
| {{ruby||Polymath}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Citizens Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Citizens Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|research points}} Local Research Points: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|research points}} Local Research Points: {{green|+10%}}
第503行: 第503行:
| {{icon|prominent}}
| {{icon|prominent}}
| Prominent
| {{ruby||Prominent}}
| {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+30}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+30}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{green|+10%}}
第512行: 第512行:
| {{icon|proud}}
| {{icon|proud}}
| Proud
| {{ruby||Proud}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|tribute income}} Tribute Income: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|tribute income}} Tribute Income: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} Local Fort Defense: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} Local Fort Defense: {{green|+10%}}
第521行: 第521行:
| {{icon|rash}}
| {{icon|rash}}
| Rash
| {{ruby||Rash}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Citizens Happiness: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} National Citizens Happiness: {{red|−5%}}
第530行: 第530行:
| {{icon|reckless}}
| {{icon|reckless}}
| Reckless
| {{ruby||Reckless}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|aggressive expansion}} Aggressive Expansion Impact: {{red|+10%}}
* {{icon|aggressive expansion}} 侵略性扩张影响 {{red|+10%}}
* {{icon|warscore cost}} Warscore Cost: {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|warscore cost}} 战争分数花费 {{green|−10%}}
第542行: 第542行:
| {{icon|righteous}}
| {{icon|righteous}}
| Righteous
| {{ruby||Righteous}}
| {{icon|corruption}} Corruption: {{green|−10}}
| {{icon|corruption}} 腐败 {{green|−10}}
| {{icon|aggressive expansion}} Aggressive Expansion Impact: {{green|−10%}}
| {{icon|aggressive expansion}} 侵略性扩张影响 {{green|−10%}}
第553行: 第553行:
| {{icon|sarcastic}}
| {{icon|sarcastic}}
| Sarcastic
| {{ruby||Sarcastic}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} Diplomatic Reputation: {{red|−3}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} 外交声誉 {{red|−3}}
第562行: 第562行:
| {{icon|scholar}}
| {{icon|scholar}}
| Scholar
| {{ruby||Scholar}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|technology speed}} Technology Speed: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|technology speed}} Technology Speed: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|research points}} Local Research Points: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|research points}} Local Research Points: {{green|+10%}}
第571行: 第571行:
| {{icon|secure}}
| {{icon|secure}}
| Secure
| {{ruby||Secure}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly General Loyalty: {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly General Loyalty: {{green|+0.05}}
第580行: 第580行:
| {{icon|self-controlled}}
| {{icon|self-controlled}}
| Self-controlled
| {{ruby||Self-controlled}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|local population growth}} Local Population Growth: {{red|−2%}}
| {{icon|local population growth}} Local Population Growth: {{red|−2%}}
第589行: 第589行:
| {{icon|selfish}}
| {{icon|selfish}}
| Selfish
| {{ruby||Selfish}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|national tax}} National Tax: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|national tax}} 国家税收 {{red|−5%}}
第598行: 第598行:
| {{icon|shrewd}}
| {{icon|shrewd}}
| Shrewd
| {{ruby||Shrewd}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|mercenary maintenance}} Mercenary Maintenance: {{green|−10%}}
| {{icon|mercenary maintenance}} Mercenary Maintenance: {{green|−10%}}
第610行: 第610行:
| {{icon|silver tongued}}
| {{icon|silver tongued}}
| Silver Tongued
| {{ruby||Silver Tongued}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|improve opinion maximum}} Improve Opinion Maximum: {{green|+25%}}
| {{icon|improve opinion maximum}} 提高好感度的最大值 {{green|+25%}}
第619行: 第619行:
| Skeptical
| {{ruby||Skeptical}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|call omen cost}} Call Omen Cost: {{red|+10%}}
* {{icon|call omen cost}} 祈求预兆花费 {{red|+10%}}
* {{icon|national tax}} National Tax: {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|national tax}} 国家税收 {{green|+10%}}
第631行: 第631行:
| {{icon|stubborn}}
| {{icon|stubborn}}
| Stubborn
| {{ruby||Stubborn}}
| {{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} Local Fort Defense: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} Local Fort Defense: {{green|+10%}}
第640行: 第640行:
| {{icon|submissive}}
| {{icon|submissive}}
| Submissive
| {{ruby||Submissive}}
| {{icon|prominence}} Monthly Prominence: {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 每月人物名望 {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} National Commerce Income: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} National Commerce Income: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{red|−5%}}
第649行: 第649行:
| {{icon|suspicious}}
| {{icon|suspicious}}
| Suspicious
| {{ruby||Suspicious}}
| {{icon|max rivals}} Max Rivals: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|max rivals}} 最大仇敌数量 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|imprison cost}} Imprison Cost: {{green|−25%}}
| {{icon|imprison cost}} Imprison Cost: {{green|−25%}}
第658行: 第658行:
| {{icon|tolerant}}
| {{icon|tolerant}}
| Tolerant
| {{ruby||Tolerant}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|happiness}} Wrong Culture-Group Happiness: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} 不同文化组幸福度 {{green|+10%}}
第667行: 第667行:
| {{icon|trusting}}
| {{icon|trusting}}
| Trusting
| {{ruby||Trusting}}
| {{icon|max rivals}} Max Rivals: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|max rivals}} 最大仇敌数量 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|tyranny}} Monthly Tyranny: {{green|−0.05}}
| {{icon|tyranny}} Monthly Tyranny: {{green|−0.05}}
第676行: 第676行:
| {{icon|uncaring}}
| {{icon|uncaring}}
| Uncaring
| {{ruby||Uncaring}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Freemen Output: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Freemen Output: {{red|−5%}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} Loyalty Gain Chance: {{red|−2%}}
| {{icon|loyalty}} 忠诚增加几率 {{red|−2%}}
| {{icon|kindly}} Kindly
| {{icon|kindly}} Kindly
| ''The world could fold in on itself tomorrow, for all [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] cares.''
| ''The world could fold in on itself tomorrow, for all [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] cares.''
| {{icon|unnoticeable}}
| {{icon|unnoticeable}}
| Unnoticeable
| {{ruby||Unnoticeable}}
| {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{red|−30}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{red|−30}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|commerce value}} Local Commerce Income: {{red|−10%}}
第694行: 第694行:
| {{icon|vengeful}}
| {{icon|vengeful}}
| Vengeful
| {{ruby||Vengeful}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|assassinate cost}} Assassinate Cost: {{green|−20%}}
| {{icon|assassinate cost}} Assassinate Cost: {{green|−20%}}
第708行: 第708行:
| {{icon|weak-willed}}
| {{icon|weak-willed}}
| Weak-willed
| {{ruby||Weak-willed}}
| {{icon|prominence}} Monthly Prominence: {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 每月人物名望 {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} Local Fort Defense: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|fort defense}} Local Fort Defense: {{red|−10%}}
第717行: 第717行:
| {{icon|wise}}
| {{icon|wise}}
| Wise
| {{ruby||Wise}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Citizens Output: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|local output modifier}} National Citizens Output: {{green|+5%}}
第726行: 第726行:
| {{icon|zealous}}
| {{icon|zealous}}
| Zealous
| {{ruby||Zealous}}
| {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|happiness}} Wrong Culture-Group Happiness: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|happiness}} 不同文化组幸福度 {{red|−10%}}
第742行: 第742行:
! style="min-width: 15%" | 个人
! style="min-width: 15%" | 个人
! style="min-width: 20%" | 将军
! style="min-width: 20%" | 将军
! 对 特质
! 说明与注释
! 说明与注释
| {{icon|aggressive}}
| {{icon|aggressive}}
| Aggressive
| {{ruby|侵略如火|Aggressive}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|heavy infantry}} Heavy Infantry Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|heavy infantry}} 重步兵训练度 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|war elephants}} War Elephants Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|war elephants}} 战象训练度 {{green|+5%}}
| ''Tempered by war, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] sees [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] formations as a shining sword to thrust into the very heart of the enemy.''
| '' 经过战争的磨砺,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] 的兵法为一把凌厉的剑,直刺敌人心脏的最深处。''
| {{icon|brave}}
| {{icon|brave}}
| Brave
| {{ruby|勇敢|Brave}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|morale of armies}} Morale of Armies: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|morale of armies}} 陆军士气 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} Loyalty Gain Chance: {{green|+2%}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} 忠诚增加几率 {{green|+2%}}
| {{nowrap|{{icon|coward}} Coward}}
| {{nowrap|{{icon|coward}} Coward}}
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] stares danger in the face, and knows victory.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 正视危险,志在取胜。''
| {{icon|Confident}}
| {{icon|Confident}}
| Confident
| {{ruby|自信|Confident}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|heavy cavalry}} Heavy Cavalry Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|heavy cavalry}} 重骑兵训练度 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|chariots}} Chariots Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|chariots}} 战车训练度 {{green|+5%}}
| ''Trusting one's instincts is the first step towards mastery.''
| '' 相信自己的直觉是走向成功的第一步。''
| {{icon|coward}}
| {{icon|coward}}
| Coward
| {{ruby|怯懦|Coward}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|morale of armies}} Morale of Armies: {{red|-5%}}
* {{icon|morale of armies}} 陆军士气 {{red|-5%}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} Loyalty Gain Chance: {{red|−2%}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} 忠诚增加几率 {{red|−2%}}
| {{icon|brave}} Brave
| {{icon|brave}} Brave
| ''To [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], living to fight another day is vastly preferable to death, honorable or otherwise.'' 
| '' [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 看来,继续存活比死亡更为可取,无论活得是否体面。'' 
| {{icon|disciplined}}
| {{icon|disciplined}}
| Disciplined
| {{ruby|纪律严明|Disciplined}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|discipline}} Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|discipline}} 训练度 {{green|+5%}}
| ''Nothing is more important to [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] than holding the line.''
| '' [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 来说,没有什么比规行矩步更重要。''
| {{icon|original thinker}}
| {{icon|original thinker}}
| Original Thinker
| {{ruby|见解独到|Original Thinker}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} Siege Ability: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|martial}} 围攻能力 {{green|+10%}}
| ''The logistics of warfare require a certain innovativeness which [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] seems to possess.''
| '' 战争后勤需要一定的创造力,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 看起来具备这种能力。''
| {{icon|tactically inflexible}}
| {{icon|tactically inflexible}}
| Tactically Inflexible
| {{ruby|战术古板|Tactically Inflexible}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|reinforcement speed}} Reinforcement Speed: {{red|−10%}}
| {{icon|reinforcement speed}} 补员速度 {{red|−10%}}
| ''Supply lines, routes of retreat, and all-round good planning, mean nothing to [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].''
| '' 补给线、撤退路线和全面良好的规划对[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 来说毫无意义。''
| {{icon|tactician}}
| {{icon|tactician}}
| Tactician
| {{ruby|战术家|Tactician}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|archers}} Archers Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|archers}} 弓兵训练度 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|light infantry}} Light Infantry Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|light infantry}} 轻步兵训练度 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|horse archers}} Horse Archers Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|horse archers}} 弓骑兵训练度 {{green|+5%}}
| ''Whereas some just see a whirling melee, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] sees patterns, weaknesses, and ultimately - victory.''
| '' 普通人只能看到流于表面的刀光剑影,而[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 却能洞穿敌人的套路、弱点,并抓住最终的——胜利。''
| {{icon|steadfast}}
| {{icon|steadfast}}
| Steadfast
| {{ruby|坚毅|Steadfast}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|heavy infantry}} Heavy Infantry Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|heavy infantry}} 重步兵训练度 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|war elephants}} War Elephants Discipline: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|war elephants}} 战象训练度 {{green|+5%}}
| ''The resolve of [CHARACTER.GetName] has become so renowned, that it permeates the very forces [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] commands.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetName] 的决心在军中广为流传,这份品质已经感染了[CHARACTER.GetSheHe] 麾下的每一名士兵。''

第833行: 第833行:
! 特质
! 特质
! 个人
! style="min-width: 15%" | 个人
! 统治者
! style="min-width: 15%" | 统治者
! 先天
! 先天
! 说明与注释
! 说明与注释
| {{icon|arthritis}}
| {{icon|arthritis}}
| Arthritis
| {{ruby|关节炎|Arthritis}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Often dismissed as the natural decline of the body, arthritis was prevalent throughout the world. Stiffness, joint damage, and pain, were among the common symptoms.''
| '' 关节炎通常被认为是身体自然衰退的结果,在全世界都很普遍。关节僵硬、损伤和疼痛是部分常见症状。''
| {{icon|barren}}
| {{icon|barren}}
| Barren
| {{ruby|不孕|Barren}}
| {{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{red|−10}}
| {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−10}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The loss of ability to conceive was a terrible affliction for a woman of childbearing age.''
| '' 对于育龄妇女来说,丧失受孕能力是一种可怕的痛苦。''
| {{icon|blind}}
| {{icon|blind}}
| Blind
| {{ruby|失明|Blind}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−3}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−3}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Blindness could be inherent at birth, or caused by a number of virulent diseases. In certain cultures, the blind were revered as holy.''
| '' 失明可能是先天的,也可能是由许多致命疾病引起的。在某些文化中,盲人被尊为圣人。''
| {{icon|bloody flux}}
| {{icon|bloody flux}}
| Bloody Flux
| {{ruby|出血热|Bloody Flux}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+1}}
*{{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−4}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Hemorrhagic fever ravaged the Mediterranean empires and beyond, at various points in history. Often fatal, it was accompanied by vomiting, necrosis, and often fatal internal hemorrhaging.''
| '' 在历史的不同时期,出血热都肆虐过地中海诸国和其他地区。这种疾病通常是致命的,并伴有呕吐、细胞坏死和内出血症状。''
Called <code>hemorrhagic_fever</code> in game code.
游戏代码叫作 <code>hemorrhagic_fever</code>
| {{icon|brain damaged}}
| {{icon|brain damaged}}
| Brain Damaged
| {{ruby|脑损伤|Brain Damaged}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.3}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.3}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Brain damage is a terrible affliction that can render the victim a shell of their former self. Resulting from many inflammatory or physical injuries, the bearer will require usually require constant care during the time they have left.''
| '' 脑损伤是一种可怕的损伤,让患者只剩一具空壳。这种损伤可以由多类炎症或身体受伤引起,患者通常需要在余生持续接受护理。''
| {{icon|Cancer}}
| {{icon|Cancer}}
| Cancer
| {{ruby|癌症|Cancer}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Cancer comes in many forms, and is a death sentence to those who acquire it.''
| '' 癌症有多种形式,患上癌症如同被判处死刑。''
| {{icon|castrated}}
| {{icon|castrated}}
| Castrated
| {{ruby|阉人|Castrated}}
| {{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{red|−10}}
| {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−10}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Performed as a punishment, extreme treatment, and even as a method of altering the class of a slave, castration removed or suppressed the ability for a male to conceive.''
| '' 阉割是一种极端的处理和惩罚方式,但有时又作为一种提升奴隶身份阶级的手段。其抑制或剥夺了男性生育的能力。''
| {{icon|dementia}}
| {{icon|dementia}}
| Dementia
| {{ruby|痴呆症|Dementia}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Dementia eats away at the mind, rendering the sufferer a shadow of their former self.''
| '' 痴呆症会侵蚀人的心智,患者仿佛失去灵魂,只留皮囊于人世。''
| {{icon|depressed}}
| {{icon|depressed}}
| Depressed
| {{ruby|沮丧消沉|Depressed}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.1}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Depression looms like a dark cloud over [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], even sadness seems to be out of reach. Every action is mechanical; every word uttered, is an act. All [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] recognizes, is the emotionless caricature of what it is to live.''
| '' 抑郁症就像一片乌云笼罩着[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] ,甚至连悲伤远远不及于此。每个动作都是机械的;说出的每一句话都是在演戏。[CHARACTER.GetSheHe] 所感受到的,只有活着带来的无情讽刺。''
| {{icon|diphtheria}}
| {{icon|diphtheria}}
| Diphtheria
| {{ruby|白喉|Diphtheria}}
| {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Dementia eats away at the mind, rendering the sufferer a shadow of their former self.''
| '' 一种可怕的传染病,表现为不寻常的病变、咽喉症状和萎靡不振。''
| {{icon|dysentery}}
| {{icon|dysentery}}
| Dysentery
| {{ruby|痢疾|Dysentery}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.5}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.5}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''An intestinal complaint, dysentery when treated properly, was often manageable. Dehydration however, would often cause serious complications, and could result in death, especially around sources of contaminated water.''
| '' 痢疾是一种肠道疾病,如治疗得当,通常可以得到控制。然而,由于痢疾引发的脱水往往会导致严重的并发症,并可能导致死亡,特别是在污水源头周围。''
| {{icon|epileptic}}
| {{icon|epileptic}}
| Epileptic
| {{ruby|癫痫|Epileptic}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.2}}
* {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.2}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} Diplomatic Reputation: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} 外交声誉 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''The sacred disease is bound to shorten the life of [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], but [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] faith is bolstered by it.''
| '' 癫痫必然会缩短[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 的寿命,但[CHARACTER.GetHerHis] 的信念也因此更强大。''
| {{icon|fair}}
| {{icon|fair}}
| Fair
| {{ruby|美丽|Fair}}
| {{icon|max friends}} Max Friends: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|max friends}} 最大好友数量 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''Blessed with Olympian beauty, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has grown used to turning heads.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 超凡脱俗的美貌赚足了回头率。''
| {{icon|Frail}}
| {{icon|Frail}}
| Frail
| {{ruby|虚弱|Frail}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.05}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.05}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Frailty could be caused by any number of inherited ailments, and would often affect an individual throughout their life, rendering them weaker than their peers, and often more likely to contract further illnesses.''
| '' 虚弱可能由任何数量的遗传性疾病引起,并且通常会影响患病者的一生,使其比同龄人体弱,并且通常更容易感染其他疾病。''
| {{icon|gangrene}}
| {{icon|gangrene}}
| Gangrene
| {{ruby|坏疽|Gangrene}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−3}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−3}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''A necrotic infection of tissue without adequate blood supply, gangrene can set in after grievous injuries, exposure to extreme cold, and internal complications.''
| '' 坏疽是指没有足够血液供应的组织坏死感染,可能会在严重受伤、暴露于极度寒冷环境和某些体内并发症后出现。''
| {{icon|gout}}
| {{icon|gout}}
| Gout
| {{ruby|痛风|Gout}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Gout, often associated with those of lavish lifestyle, causes chronic pain, amongst more serious complications.''
| '' 痛风通常是由奢侈的生活方式造成,会导致慢性疼痛,还有很多其他更严重的并发症。''
| {{icon|hunchback}}
| {{icon|hunchback}}
| Hunchback
| {{ruby|驼背|Hunchback}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|yes}} 
| {{icon|yes}} 
| ''Physical deformities prevent [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] from enjoying some pleasures in life.''
| '' 身体畸形让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 无法享受生命中的一些乐趣。''
| {{icon|inbred}}
| {{icon|inbred}}
| Inbred
| {{ruby|近亲缺陷|Inbred}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{red|−30%}}
* {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−30%}}
* {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.1}}
* {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''Generations of inbreeding can have... unexpected results.''
| '' 一代又一代的近亲繁殖可能会造成……意想不到的结果。''
| {{icon|invalid}}
| {{icon|invalid}}
| Invalid
| {{ruby|残疾|Invalid}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−3}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−3}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Incapable of more than the most basic movement, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has to rely on [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] mind for adventure.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 只能完成最基本的动作,必须得靠[CHARACTER.GetHerHis] 的幻想来冒险。''
| {{icon|infection}}
| {{icon|infection}}
| Infection
| {{ruby|感染|Infection}}
| {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.2}}
| {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The early stages of an ailment are the hardest to recognize. Whilst it may prove to be minor, it could also develop into something much more serious.''
| '' 病痛早期阶段是最难辨别的。虽然最终可能只会导致很轻微的疾病,但也可能会发展成更严重的疾病。''
| {{icon|inflammation}}
| {{icon|inflammation}}
| Inflammation
| {{ruby|炎症|Inflammation}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Swelling and inflammation were common complaints. Often symptomatic of future health problems, tenderness and pain were the primary complaints.''
| '' 肿胀和炎症是常见疾病,其主要症状是压痛和疼痛,同时也是某些潜在健康问题的症兆。''
| {{icon|leper}}
| {{icon|leper}}
| Leper
| {{ruby|患麻风病|Leper}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.5}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.5}}
*{{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{red|−0.2}}
*{{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{red|−0.2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Lepers are shunned by society at large; the horrific disease slowly eats away at flesh until little remains.''
| '' 所有人都不敢接触麻风病人;这种可怕的疾病会慢慢侵蚀肉体,直到生命终结。''
| {{icon|limp}}
| {{icon|limp}}
| Limp
| {{ruby|跛行|Limp}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''An old pain prevents [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] from enjoying full mobility.''
| '' 旧疾令[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 无法行动自如。''
| {{icon|lisp}}
| {{icon|lisp}}
| Lisp
| {{ruby|口齿不清|Lisp}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''A minor speech impediment can sometimes cause [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] a great deal of stress.''
| '' 轻微的语言障碍有时候会让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 倍感压力。''
| {{icon|lunatic}}
| {{icon|lunatic}}
| Lunatic
| {{ruby|疯狂|Lunatic}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.2}}
* {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.2}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''[CHARACTER.GetName] is, in no uncertain terms, stark raving bonkers.''
| '' 毫不含糊地说,[CHARACTER.GetName] 是个彻头彻尾的疯子。''
| {{icon|maimed}}
| {{icon|maimed}}
| Maimed
| {{ruby|残废|Maimed}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Horrifying injuries scar [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] from head to toe.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 全身上下都是令人恐怖的伤疤。''
| {{icon|maniac}}
| {{icon|maniac}}
| Maniac
| {{ruby|癫狂|Maniac}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.1}}
* {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+2}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''Unbridled fury leads to moments of utter calm; [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] is about as predictable as the ocean.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 时而大发雷霆,时而心平气和,与海洋一样变化多端、神秘莫测。''
Called <code>schizophrenic</code> in game code.
游戏代码叫作 <code>schizophrenic</code>
| {{icon|Mentagra}}
| {{icon|Mentagra}}
| Mentagra
| {{ruby|羊须疮|Mentagra}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''A mysterious disease, thought to have been spread by kissing and bodily contact, Mentagra displayed a facial rash, with sores and severe discomfort.''
| '' 羊须疮是一种神秘的疾病,被认为是通过亲吻和身体接触传播,症状为面部皮疹,伴有疮和严重的不适。''
| {{icon|mourning}}
| {{icon|mourning}}
| Mourning
| {{ruby|哀悼|Mourning}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.2}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The loss of a loved one can cut deeper than any physical wound.''
| '' 失去所爱的人比任何肉体上的创伤都更令人痛苦。''
| {{icon|one-eyed}}
| {{icon|one-eyed}}
| One-Eyed
| {{ruby|独眼|One-Eyed}}
| {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Losing sight in one eye could radically alter depth perception. Antigonus, founder of the Antigonid dynasty, acquired the moniker 'Monopthalmus' after losing an eye in battle.''
| '' 一只眼睛失明会彻底改变深度知觉。安提柯王朝的创始人——安提柯在战斗中失去一只眼睛后,获得了绰号“独眼”。''
| {{icon|Paralysis}}
| {{icon|Paralysis}}
| Paralysis
| {{ruby|瘫痪|Paralysis}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−4}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.3}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.3}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Partial paralysis could result from a variety of sources, including nerve or brain damage.''
| '' 局部瘫痪可能由多种原因引起,包括神经或脑损伤。''
| {{icon|plague}}
| {{icon|plague}}
| Plague
| {{ruby|染疫|Plague}}
| {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−2}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Plague is spoken of only in whispers; even the suspicion of it is often a death sentence.''
| '' 人们对瘟疫讳莫如深;即使是疑似感染瘟疫的人也往往会被处死。''
| {{icon|pneumonia}}
| {{icon|pneumonia}}
| Pneumonia
| {{ruby|患肺病|Pneumonia}}
| {{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Lung diseases were commonplace, due in part, to the quality of air in built up areas. Whilst many cases would come and go, the propensity for them to develop into life threatening conditions, made lung disease a subversive killer.''
| '' 肺病是一种十分很常见的疾病,部分原因在于建成区恶劣的空气质量。尽管这种疾病多数情况下会自然痊愈,但病情极易恶化的特点依然使得肺病成为一种死亡率颇高的疫病。''
| {{icon|pox}}
| {{icon|pox}}
| Pox
| {{ruby|疱疹|Pox}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−2}}
*{{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{red|−20%}}
*{{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−20%}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.1}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Venereal diseases were common in the ancient world. Whilst some had not yet fully developed, others were well documented, and curiously, often thought to be curable by increased sexual activity.''
| '' 性病在古代世界很常见。虽然有些病症尚未以全貌出现,但其他的已有据可查,奇怪的是,人们常常认为这种疾病可以通过增加性活动来治愈。''
| {{icon|seeking treatment}}
| {{icon|seeking treatment}}
| Seeking Treatment
| {{ruby|寻求治疗|Seeking Treatment}}
| {{icon|health}} Health: {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|health}} 健康 {{green|+0.05}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Medicine is a mysterious art, but surely anything is better than suffering.''
| '' 医学是一门扑朔迷离的学问,但再怎么说也比什么不做受病痛折磨要好。''
| {{icon|stressed}}
| {{icon|stressed}}
| Stressed
| {{ruby|紧张不安|Stressed}}
| {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''Sometimes enough is enough; for [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], that time came about nine months after conception.''
| '' 有些事情是无法忍受的;对[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 来说,这种事情说的就是怀胎到第九个月。''
| {{icon|stutter}}
| {{icon|stutter}}
| Stutter
| {{ruby|口吃|Stutter}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''Public speaking is particularly challenging for [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].''
| '' 在公共场合演讲对于[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 尤其具有挑战性。''
| {{icon|ugly}}
| {{icon|ugly}}
| Ugly
| {{ruby|丑陋|Ugly}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|fertility}} Fertility: {{red|−20%}}
* {{icon|fertility}} 生育能力 {{red|−20%}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has never had much luck with love.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 在情场总是不如意。''
| {{icon|wounded}}
| {{icon|wounded}}
| Wounded
| {{ruby|受伤|Wounded}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
*{{icon|health}} Health: {{red|−0.1}}
*{{icon|health}} 健康 {{red|−0.1}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] bears a grievous injury from times past.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 身上有着过去留下的重伤伤痕。''

第1,216行: 第1,216行:
| {{icon|blood of antigonus}}
| {{icon|blood of antigonus}}
| Blood of Antigonus
| {{ruby|安提柯的血脉|Blood of Antigonus}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|aggressive expansion}} Aggressive Expansion Change: {{green|−0.1}}
* {{icon|aggressive expansion}} 侵略性扩张变化{{green|−0.1}}
* {{icon|fort defense}} Fort Defense: {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|fort defense}} (全局)要塞防御 {{green|+10%}}
| ''Antigonus Monopthalmus was a loyal Satrap of Alexander, who rose to power after defeating Perdiccas, soon after Alexander's death. The very first of the Diadochi to proclaim himself King, he was supported by his loyal family, and established a good reputation amongst smaller, less capable Greek nations.''
| '' “独眼”安提柯曾是亚历山大大帝最忠诚的总督,在亚历山大死后不久,他击败佩尔狄卡斯,一跃成为强权之一。作为第一个自行称王的继业者,他得到了其忠诚的家族的支持,并在虚弱不堪的希腊诸邦中建立了良好的声誉。''
Given to members of the Phrygian Antigonid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. Called <code>antigonids</code> in game code.
{{Green|该特质可以通过父系遗传。}} Given to members of the Phrygian Antigonid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 <code>antigonids</code>
| {{icon|blood of antipatros}}
| {{icon|blood of antipatros}}
| Blood of Antipatros
| {{ruby|安提帕特的血脉|Blood of Antipatros}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|build cost}} Build Cost: {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|build cost}} 建造花费 {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|legitimacy}} Monthly Legitimacy: {{green|+0.05}}
* {{icon|legitimacy}} 每月正统性 {{green|+0.05}}
| ''A great friend of Alexander, Antipater was responsible for safeguarding Macedonia during Alexander's great campaigns. His loyalty to Alexander, and domineering attitude towards the lesser Greek states was tempered by his son, Cassander, whose contempt of Alexander was no secret, and whose legacy included the founding and restoration of many great cities.''
| '' 作为亚历山大的好友,在亚历山大的远征期间安提帕特负责驻守马其顿。他对亚历山大极尽忠诚,并且在位期间对希腊诸城邦国咄咄逼人。他的儿子,卡山德则相反。卡山德对亚历山大的轻蔑之情路人皆知,而他的遗志则是建立和复原诸多名城。''
Given to members of the Macedonian Antipatrid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. Called <code>antipatrid</code> in game code.
{{Green|该特质可以通过父系遗传。}} Given to members of the Macedonian Antipatrid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 <code>antipatrid</code>
| {{icon|blood of the argeads}}
| {{icon|blood of the argeads}}
| Blood of the Argeads
| {{ruby|阿吉德的血脉|Blood of the Argeads}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|aggressive expansion}} Aggressive Expansion Impact: {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|aggressive expansion}} 侵略性扩张影响 {{green|−10%}}
* {{icon|legitimacy}} Monthly Legitimacy: {{green|+0.05}}
* {{icon|legitimacy}} 每月正统性 {{green|+0.05}}
| ''Alexander wept when he heard from Anaxarchus that there was an infinite number of worlds; and when his friends asked him if any accident had befallen him, returned this answer: "Do you not think it a matter worthy of lamentation that when there is such a vast multitude of them, we have not yet conquered one?"''
| '' 阿那克萨图斯曾说“大千世界无穷尽也”,亚历山大听到不禁潸然泪下;他的好友问他何故落泪,亚历山大答道:“世界无穷无尽,我却连一小界也未能征服,这难道不让人悲痛么?”''
Given to Thessalonike Argead, wife of Basileus Cassander of Macedon, at game start, and inherited by her descendants born after game start. Called <code>argeads</code> in game code.
{{Green|该特质可以通过父系或母系遗传。}} Given to Thessalonike Argead, wife of Basileus Cassander of Macedon, at game start, and inherited by her descendants born after game start. 游戏代码叫作 <code>argeads</code>
| {{icon|blood of the lagidae}}
| {{icon|blood of the lagidae}}
| Blood of the Lagidae
| {{ruby|拉吉底的血脉|Blood of the Lagidae}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|zeal}} Zeal: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|zeal}} 热忱 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|happiness}} Wrong Culture-Group Happiness: {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|happiness}} 不同文化组幸福度 {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|research points}} Research Points: {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|research points}} 研究点(修正) {{green|+5%}}
| ''Having grown up alongisde Alexander, Ptolemy Soter of the Lagidae, was amongst the first of the seven Somatophylakes. After the partition of Babylon, he settled in Egypt, ruling with a fair hand; despite the vast population of differing cultures. His long-standing dynasty was regarded as highly influential in the patronage of art, philosophy, and science.''
| '' 由于从小就随侍亚历山大左右,拉吉底家族的“救主”托勒密,成为了亚历山大麾下的首批七名近身护卫官之一。巴比伦分封协议之后,他将大本营安在了埃及,其治下人口文化错综复杂,但他仍旧以公正之道将自己的领土治理的井井有条。他的长盛王朝以在赞助艺术、哲学、科学方面的深远影响而广为后人所知。''
Given to members of the Egyptian Lagid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. Called <code>lagids</code> in game code.
{{Green|该特质可以通过父系遗传。}} Given to members of the Egyptian Lagid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 <code>lagids</code>
| {{icon|blood of lysimachus}}
| {{icon|blood of lysimachus}}
| Blood of Lysimachus
| {{ruby|吕西马库斯的血脉|Blood of Lysimachus}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} Diplomatic Reputation: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|diplomatic reputation}} 外交声誉 {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|martial}} Execute Cost: {{green|−25%}}
* {{icon|martial}} 处决花费 {{green|−25%}}
| ''Once a close friend of Alexander, and one of the legendary Somatophylakes; Lysimachus was a brutal yet cunning general, whose grasp of the tense diplomatic situation between the Diadochi was second to none.''
| '' 亚历山大大帝的密友,同时也是传奇的近身护卫官之一;吕西马库斯是一位无情且狡诈的将军,他对继业者之间的外交关系是掌控的最好的。''
Given to members of the Thracian Alcimachid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. Called <code>alcimachid</code> in game code.
{{Green|该特质可以通过父系遗传。}} Given to members of the Thracian Alcimachid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 <code>alcimachid</code>
| {{icon|blood of seleucus}}
| {{icon|blood of seleucus}}
| Blood of Seleucus
| {{ruby|塞琉古的血脉|Blood of Seleucus}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
* {{icon|finesse}} Finesse: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|finesse}} 智略 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|change governor policy cost}} Change Governor Policy Cost: {{green|−25%}}
* {{icon|change governor policy cost}} 改变总督政策花费 {{green|−25%}}
* {{icon|corruption}} Monthly Corruption: {{green|−5%}}
* {{icon|corruption}} 每月腐败 {{green|−5%}}
| ''Unlike the other Diadochi, Seleucus was a person of only mediocre importance during Alexander's campaigns. After a string of victories and defeats, Seleucus finally established his domain with the help of Ptolemy Soter, and embarked on a campaign to regain control of the eastern parts of Alexander's empire. Surrounded on every side by titanic powers, Seleucus was, by necessity, a ruthless and cunning leader.''
| '' 与其他继业者不同,塞琉古在亚历山大征服期间只是一个地位平平的人。在一系列是胜利与失败之后,塞琉古最终在“救主”托勒密的帮助下建立了自己的领地,并开始了一场重夺亚历山大帝国东部地区的战役。由于强权环绕,塞琉古不可避免的成为了一位无情且狡诈的领袖。''
Given to members of the Seleucid dynasty of Persia at game start, and inherited patrilineally. Called <code>seleucids</code> in game code.
{{Green|该特质可以通过父系遗传。}} Given to members of the Seleucid dynasty of Persia at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 <code>seleucids</code>
| {{icon|conqueror}}
| {{icon|conqueror}}
| Conqueror
| {{ruby|征服者|Conqueror}}
| {{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+10}}
| {{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+10}}
| {{icon|tributary opinion}} Tributary Opinion of Us: {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|tributary opinion}} 朝贡国对我们的好感 {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|assault ability}} Assault Ability: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|assault ability}} (强攻)攻击能力 {{green|+10%}}
| ''Like so many before [CHARACTER.GetHerHim], [CHARACTER.GetName] bears the title of Conqueror - and the responsibility that lies with it.''
| '' 正如[CHARACTER.GetName] 的许多先辈一样,[CHARACTER.GetHerHim] 负有征服者的称号——以及与之相系的责任。''
Random chance to be granted to a general after victory in battle.
Random chance to be granted to a general after victory in battle.
| {{icon|orator}}
| {{icon|orator}}
| Orator
| {{ruby|舌灿莲花|Orator}}
| {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|senate influence}} Senate Influence: {{green|+0.1}}
* {{icon|senate influence}} 元老院影响力 {{green|+0.1}}
* {{icon|legitimacy}} Monthly Legitimacy: {{green|+0.1}}
* {{icon|legitimacy}} 每月正统性 {{green|+0.1}}
| ''The mere timbre of the silken words that [CHARACTER.GetName] speaks, can stop others in their tracks.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetName] 的演讲妙语连珠,仅仅是他的声音就足以让人停下脚步侧耳倾听。''
| {{icon|olympic competitor}}
| {{icon|olympic competitor}}
| Olympic Competitor
| {{ruby|奥运会竞争者|Olympic Competitor}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|loyalty}} Monthly Loyalty: {{green|+0.2}}
* {{icon|loyalty}} 每月忠诚 {{green|+0.2}}
* {{icon|no}} {{red|Cannot}} be given jobs in government, political office or military command
* {{icon|no}} {{red|Cannot}} be given jobs in government, political office or military command
| ''[CHARACTER.GetName] is here to compete in the Olympics, and is focusing all his energy on sporting events.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetName] 前来参加奥运会比赛,将他的所有精力都集中在了体育赛事上。''
Given to all characters who are chosen to participate in the Olympics.
Given to all characters who are chosen to participate in the Olympics.
| {{icon|Poet}}
| {{icon|Poet}}
| Poet
| {{ruby|诗人|Poet}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
* {{icon|martial}} Martial: {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|martial}} 军略 {{red|−1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} Charisma: {{green|+1}}
* {{icon|charisma}} 魅力 {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|improve opinion maximum}} Improve Opinion Maximum: {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|improve opinion maximum}} 提高好感度的最大值 {{green|+10%}}
| ''The mere timbre of the silken words that [CHARACTER.GetName] speaks, can stop others in their tracks.''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 拥有以新颖的方式表达[CHARACTER.GetHimselfHerself]自己的天赋。''
| {{icon|victorious}}
| {{icon|victorious}}
| Victorious
| {{ruby|胜利者|Victorious}}
| {{plainlist|
| {{plainlist|
*{{icon|prominence}} Prominence: {{green|+20}}
*{{icon|prominence}} 名望 {{green|+20}}
*{{icon|popularity}} Monthly Popularity: {{red|+0.1}}
*{{icon|popularity}} 每月人气 {{red|+0.1}}
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has become a byword for glory - long may [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] vanquish [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] foes!''
| ''[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] 成为了荣耀的代名词——愿[CHARACTER.GetSheHe] 战无不胜,令[CHARACTER.GetHerHis] 的敌人俯首称臣!''
Random chance to be granted to a general after victory in battle.
Random chance to be granted to a general after victory in battle.

2019年4月30日 (二) 01:10的版本

The character view, provides ways to interact with character as well as showing summary view of family, rivals and friends.

The characters in Imperator are deeply detailed, and together with the pops and the politics are part of what makes a vibrant living world. They have portraits that age gradually, with lots of different ethnicities covering the world.



  • 军事(Martial) (军事技能点)代表一个角色战斗和领导军队的能力. 军事技能点高的角色能成为优秀的将军.
  • 魅力(Charisma) (魅力点)是一个角色吸引和说服他人的能力.
  • 热忱(Zeal) is a character's ability to inspire faith in other characters, and also in calling upon the favour of the gods.
  • 计略(Finesse) represents a character's skill in disciplines requiring a high attention to detail. High finesse characters make excellent researchers and governors.



  • 个性特质——This includes being Brave or Coward, Cruel or Merciful. These impacts the character attributes and stats directly, as well as...
  • 军事特质——Usually a character has a maximum of one of those, that may give a bonus or penalty.
  • 健康特质——Stressed, Maimed, Lunatic etc. Not beneficial to the character in most cases.
  • 身份特质——Some exceptional traits that can be given from actions, like Conqueror.


特质 个人 统治者 总督 将军 对立特质 说明与注释
无礼 无礼Abrasive Max rivals 最大仇敌数量 +1 Tributary opinion of us.png 朝贡国对我们的好感 −5 和善 Good Natured 有些人就是不能和别人好好相处。
野心勃勃 野心勃勃Ambitious
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
安于现状 Content 他人将登顶之路视为挑战,但[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]将其视为动力。


专断 专断Arbitrary Finesse.png 智略 −1 Diplomatic relations.png 外交关系 −1 公正 Just 归根结底,是否有人真的关心何为对错?
傲慢 傲慢Arrogant
  • Prominence.png 名望 +10
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
All power costs Power Costs: +1% Modest Modest 在[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]着手的每一件事中,[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]都无疑是最优秀的(至少[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]自己是这么认为的)。
果断 果断Assertive Prominence.png 每月人物名望 +0.05 Commerce value.png National Commerce Income: +5% Commerce value.png Local Commerce Income: +5% 温顺 Submissive [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]思维敏捷、快人快语、行动迅速,了解应对大多数情况的最佳方法。
乐善好施 乐善好施Benefactor Popularity.png 每月人气 +0.05 Happiness.png National Slaves Happiness: +5% Happiness.png Local Slaves Happiness: +10% 严苛 Harsh 虽然可能并不存在所谓真正的利他主义者,但[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]已经非常接近了。
直率 直率Blunt Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Improve opinion maximum 提高好感度的最大值 −25% 能言善辩 Silver Tongued 有时候,事实就是事实。
谨慎 谨慎Cautious Martial.png 军略 −1 Unit reorganization cost Unit Reorganization Cost: −5% 鲁莽 Reckless 如果不进行尽职调查,即使是最好的计划也会失败。
忠贞 忠贞Chaste Fertility.png 生育能力 −20% 淫荡 Lustful [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]将自己的身体视为一座承载着美德和荣誉的不容侵犯的庙宇。其他人也这样看待[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]。
冷漠 冷漠Cold
  • Max friends 最大好友数量 −1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
Bribe character cost.png Assassinate Cost: −25% 富有爱心 Loving 将[CHARACTER.GetName]的心比作束缚普罗米修斯的冰冷岩石也不为过。
安于现状 安于现状Content
  • Prominence.png 名望 −10
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
野心勃勃 Ambitious 并不是每个人都天生自带野心。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]正因没有野心而更快乐。
腐败 腐败Corrupt Corruption.png 腐败 +10 National tax 国家税收 +10% Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 +1% 正直 Righteous 一个人能以正确的方式做事,或以有利可图的方式做事。[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]知道这其中的真相。
狡猾 狡猾Crafty
  • Corruption.png 腐败 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +2
Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 +2% 老实 Guileless 花言巧语,阴谋诡计,狡猾诡诈,这些可能不是讨喜的品质,但也从来都不是无益的。
残暴 残暴Cruel Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Local output National Slaves Output: +5% Local output Local Slaves Output: +10% Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 +3% Merciful Merciful 他者的苦难乃创造的源泉,至少[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]是这样说的。


诡诈 诡诈Deceitful
  • Corruption.png 每月腐败 +0.05
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
Bribe character cost.png Bribe Character Cost: −25% 诚实 Honest 坦诚以待或许更可敬,但至少对于[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]来说,此举不能使其走得长远。
高洁 高洁Devout Loyalty.png 每月忠诚 +0.1
  • Omen.png Omen Power: +5%
  • Invoke devotio.png Invoke Devotio Cost: −5%
堕落 Lapsed 在黑暗的年代,祈祷可以成为希望的源泉。于[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]而言,幸运的是,生活总是一片黑暗。
愚昧 愚昧Dumb
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • Loyalty.png 每月忠诚 +0.05%
聪慧 Intelligent [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]从来不在意对知识的追求。
精力充沛 精力充沛Energetic
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Martial.png 军略 +1
懒惰 Lazy [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]无论干什么都会投入双倍努力——就连睡觉也是如此。


愚蠢 愚蠢Foolish Finesse.png 智略 −1 精明 Shrewd 似乎唯一一个不知道[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]有多容易上当受骗的人就是[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen][CHARACTER.GetHerselfHimself]自己。
宽宏大量 宽宏大量Forgiving
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
Tyranny Monthly Tyranny: −0.05 有仇必报 Vengeful [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]宽厚的心中容得下任何罪行、侮辱和任何形式的冒犯。
敢为人先 敢为人先Founder Loyalty.png 每月忠诚 +10% build_cost修正 建造花费 −10% Local output Local Citizens Output: +10% 无能 Incapable 所罗门、罗慕路斯与旧世代的伟大法老之后,无人的远见可以与[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]相提并论。
慷慨 慷慨Generous Popularity.png 每月人气 +0.05 Happiness.png National Citizens Happiness: +5% Unrest.png Local Unrest: −1
  • 自私 Selfish
  • Miserly Miserly
和善 和善Good Natured Max friends 最大好友数量 +1 Tributary opinion of us.png 朝贡国对我们的好感 +5 无礼 Abrasive 行为讨喜,态度礼貌,善于交友。
贪婪 贪婪Greedy Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Global population growth.png Local Population Growth: +2% 节制 Self-controlled 没人敢声称[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]是稳重自持的人。

查阅的游戏内代码为 gluttonous.

老实 老实Guileless
  • Corruption.png 每月腐败 −0.1
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
狡猾 Crafty 如果一个人老实到连羊都能到骗他,那就是一件令人担忧的事情了。
严苛 严苛Harsh Popularity.png 每月人气 −0.05 Local output National Slaves Output: +5% Local output Local Slaves Output: +10% 乐善好施 Benefactor 很多人认为轻微的罪行只需要轻微的处罚,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]则认为轻微的处罚本身就是一种罪过。


诚实 诚实Honest Corruption.png 每月腐败 −0.05 Local output National Tribesmen Output: +5% 诡诈 Deceitful 光是欺骗的念头就足以让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]头大。


谦卑 Humble Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Tribute income.png Tribute Income: −1% Local output Local Freemen Output: +5% 骄傲 Proud A healthy respect for one's own place in the grand scheme of things, is what keeps [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] going.
无能 Incapable Prominence.png 每月人物名望 −0.1 Popularity.png Ruler Popularity Gain: −10% Local output Local Citizens Output: −5% 敢为人先 Founder Some people, you just can't trust to do anything right.
聪慧 Intelligent Finesse.png 智略 +1 Loyalty.png Monthly Governor Loyalty: +0.05% 愚昧 Dumb A mind like no other can solve problems beyond our understanding. A mind like no other, can also create them.
妒忌 Jealous Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Smear reputation cost Smear Reputation Cost: −25% 可靠 Secure Never quite happy with [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] lot in life, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] takes more than a little pleasure in coveting the possessions of others.
公正 Just Finesse.png 智略 +1 Unrest.png Local Unrest: −1 专断 Arbitrary [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has become almost legendary for [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] calm, unbiased opinions.
和蔼可亲 Kindly Local output National Freemen Output: +5% Loyalty.png 忠诚增加几率 +2% 冷漠 Uncaring A truer soul there never was, than [CHARACTER.GetName].
堕落 Lapsed Loyalty.png 每月忠诚 −0.05 Omen.png Omen Power: −5% 高洁 Devout Once a fervent believer, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] abandoned [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] faith long ago.
懒惰 Lazy
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
精力充沛 Energetic If a job is worth doing, [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] will not be the one to do it.
富有爱心 Loving
  • Max friends 最大好友数量 +1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
Diplomatic relations.png 外交关系 +1 冷漠 Cold A warm heart and kind gaze can always be found with [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].
淫荡 Lustful Fertility.png 生育能力 +20% 忠贞 Chaste An amorous lifestyle has many benefits, and many drawbacks. [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] recognizes only the former.
Merciful Merciful Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Happiness.png National Freemen Happiness: +2.5% Happiness.png Local Freemen Happiness: +5% Enslavement efficiency.png 抓奴效率 −5% 残暴 Cruel Mercy can take many forms, and [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] knows them all.
Miserly Miserly Finesse.png 智略 −1 National tax 国家税收 −10% Tax income.png Local Tax: −10% 慷慨 Generous To [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], wealth is there to be owned; there just always seems to be more to collect.
Modest Modest Popularity.png 每月人气 +0.05 All power costs Power Costs: −1% 傲慢 Arrogant The self-effacing attitude of [CHARACTER.GetName] has become a thing of local legend.
Monotonous Monotonous Popularity.png Ruler Popularity Gain: −20% The harsh, grating sounds that occur whenever [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] opens [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] mouth, have been known to cause crowded rooms to become mysteriously empty.
老顽固 Narrow-minded Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Happiness.png National Tribesmen Happiness: +25%
  • Technology speed Technology Speed: −10%
博学 Scholar [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] has spent so long remembering the good old days, that any mention of progress causes instant suspicion.
废寝忘食 Obsessive zeal修正 热忱 +1 Local output National Citizens Output: −5% Research points.png Local Research Points: −10% 博学多才 Polymath When [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] puts [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] mind to a task, [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] could quite forget about anything as trivial as eating, sleeping or at times, breathing.
虔诚 Pious zeal修正 热忱 +1
  • Omen.png 祈求预兆花费 −10%
  • National tax 国家税收 −10%
多疑 Skeptical The very gods above would struggle to find anything to complain about, looking at [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].
直率 Plain-speaking Diplomatic reputation.png 外交声誉 +3 尖酸 Sarcastic There are times when matters are just exactly what they seem. For [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], that is all the time.
博学多才 Polymath zeal修正 热忱 −1 Local output National Citizens Output: +5% Research points.png Local Research Points: +10% 废寝忘食 Obsessive There are few subjects upon which [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] could not wax lyrical.
声名显赫 Prominent Prominence.png 名望 +30 Commerce value.png Local Commerce Income: +10% 默默无闻 Unnoticeable When [CHARACTER.GetName] speaks - people listen.
骄傲 Proud Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Tribute income.png Tribute Income: +10% Fort defense.png Local Fort Defense: +10% 谦卑 Humble Hubris is warned of, in the Greek tales of old. It would seem that [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] never much cared for the theater.
鲁莽 Rash Finesse.png 智略 −1 Happiness.png National Citizens Happiness: −5% 明智 Wise Choices become a lot less complicated if one rushes blindly past them.
鲁莽 Reckless Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Aggressive expansion.png 侵略性扩张影响 +10%
  • Warscore cost.png 战争分数花费 −10%
谨慎 Cautious [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] always has a plan. Curiously, it always seems to be the same one.
正直 Righteous Corruption.png 腐败 −10 link= 28px 侵略性扩张影响 −10% 腐败 Corrupt A singular purpose brooks no worldly distraction.

Characters with this trait will never accept a bribe.

尖酸 Sarcastic Diplomatic reputation.png 外交声誉 −3 直率 Plain-speaking Literally everyone loves [CHARACTER.GetName].
博学 Scholar Martial.png 军略 −1 Technology speed Technology Speed: +5% Research points.png Local Research Points: +10% 老顽固 Narrow-minded [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] simply devours knowledge as it were a hearty meal. It seems to sustain [CHARACTER.GetHerHim] about as much, too.
可靠 Secure Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Loyalty.png Monthly General Loyalty: +0.05 妒忌 Jealous If [CHARACTER.GetName] had feathers, not even a divine thunderbolt could ruffle them.
节制 Self-controlled zeal修正 热忱 +1 Global population growth.png Local Population Growth: −2% 贪婪 Greedy A life of fulfillment, seems to [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] to lack all sense of purpose.
自私 Selfish Popularity.png 每月人气 −0.05 National tax 国家税收 −5% 慷慨 Generous The most important thing in the world of [CHARACTER.GetName], is [CHARACTER.GetName].
精明 Shrewd
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • zeal修正 热忱 −1
Mercenary maintenance.png Mercenary Maintenance: −10% 愚蠢 Foolish Nobody fools [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] twice - if there's a path to a bargain, [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] will be the one to find it.
能言善辩 Silver Tongued Charisma.png 魅力 +1 Improve opinion maximum 提高好感度的最大值 +25% 直率 Blunt Even the most skilled of diplomats would struggle to compare to [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].
多疑 Skeptical zeal修正 热忱 −1
  • Omen.png 祈求预兆花费 +10%
  • National tax 国家税收 +10%
虔诚 Pious Questioning everything can get tiring, don't you think?
固执 Stubborn Popularity.png 每月人气 −0.05 Fort defense.png Local Fort Defense: +10% 意志薄弱 Weak-willed The very wrath of the powers that be couldn't budge [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] after [CHARACTER.GetSheHe] has made up [CHARACTER.GetHerHis] mind.
温顺 Submissive Prominence.png 每月人物名望 −0.05 Commerce value.png National Commerce Income: −5% Commerce value.png Local Commerce Income: −5% 果断 Assertive The meek aren't really due to inherit anything, just yet.
多疑 Suspicious Max rivals 最大仇敌数量 +1 Bribe character cost.png Imprison Cost: −25% 轻信他人 Trusting [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] knows exactly who's out to get [CHARACTER.GetHerHim]. Everyone that isn't called [CHARACTER.GetName].
宽容 Tolerant zeal修正 热忱 −1 Happiness.png 不同文化组幸福度 +10% 狂热 Zealous People from all walks of life can find an unbiased listener, in [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen].
轻信他人 Trusting Max rivals 最大仇敌数量 −1 Tyranny Monthly Tyranny: −0.05 多疑 Suspicious To give others the benefit of the doubt, one first must doubt them. [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] never quite reaches that first step.
冷漠 Uncaring Local output National Freemen Output: −5% Loyalty.png 忠诚增加几率 −2% 和蔼可亲 Kindly The world could fold in on itself tomorrow, for all [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] cares.
默默无闻 Unnoticeable Prominence.png 名望 −30 Commerce value.png Local Commerce Income: −10% 声名显赫 Prominent When [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] speaks - who is [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] anyway?
有仇必报 Vengeful
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
Bribe character cost.png Assassinate Cost: −20% 宽宏大量 Forgiving Nothing can stand between [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] and those that have wronged [CHARACTER.GetHerHim].

Characters with this trait will be more likely to murder their way to the top.

意志薄弱 Weak-willed Prominence.png 每月人物名望 −0.1 Fort defense.png Local Fort Defense: −10% 固执 Stubborn The only thing stopping [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen] from simply laying down to die, is indecision.
明智 Wise Finesse.png 智略 +1 Local output National Citizens Output: +5% 鲁莽 Rash Simply having knowledge is not enough; understanding how to apply it, shows true wisdom.
狂热 Zealous zeal修正 热忱 +1 Happiness.png 不同文化组幸福度 −10% 宽容 Tolerant A raging fire burns in the heart of [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen], fueled by the spirit of religious mystery.


A character can usually have only one military trait.

特质 个人 将军 对立特质 说明与注释
侵略如火 侵略如火Aggressive Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Unit heavy infantry.png 重步兵训练度 +5%
  • Unit war elephants.png 战象训练度 +5%
勇敢 勇敢Brave Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Morale of armies 陆军士气 +5%
  • Loyalty.png 忠诚增加几率 +2%
怯懦 Coward [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]正视危险,志在取胜。
自信 自信Confident Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Unit heavy cavalry.png 重骑兵训练度 +5%
  • Unit chariots.png 战车训练度 +5%
怯懦 怯懦Coward Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Morale of armies 陆军士气 -5%
  • Loyalty.png 忠诚增加几率 −2%
勇敢 Brave 在[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]看来,继续存活比死亡更为可取,无论活得是否体面。
纪律严明 纪律严明Disciplined Martial.png 军略 +1 Discipline.png 训练度 +5% 对[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]来说,没有什么比规行矩步更重要。
见解独到 见解独到Original Thinker Martial.png 军略 +1 Martial.png 围攻能力 +10% 战争后勤需要一定的创造力,[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]看起来具备这种能力。
战术古板 战术古板Tactically Inflexible Martial.png 军略 −1 Reinforcement speed.png 补员速度 −10% 补给线、撤退路线和全面良好的规划对[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]来说毫无意义。
战术家 战术家Tactician Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Unit archers.png 弓兵训练度 +5%
  • Unit light infantry.png 轻步兵训练度 +5%
  • Unit horse archers.png 弓骑兵训练度 +5%
坚毅 坚毅Steadfast Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Unit heavy infantry.png 重步兵训练度 +5%
  • Unit war elephants.png 战象训练度 +5%


Health traits represent various health conditions, mostly detrimental and sometimes fatal.

特质 个人 统治者 先天 说明与注释
关节炎 关节炎Arthritis
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
No 关节炎通常被认为是身体自然衰退的结果,在全世界都很普遍。关节僵硬、损伤和疼痛是部分常见症状。
不孕 不孕Barren Fertility.png 生育能力 −10 No 对于育龄妇女来说,丧失受孕能力是一种可怕的痛苦。
失明 失明Blind Finesse.png 智略 −3 No 失明可能是先天的,也可能是由许多致命疾病引起的。在某些文化中,盲人被尊为圣人。
出血热 出血热Bloody Flux
  • Martial.png 军略 −4
  • Finesse.png 智略 −4
  • zeal修正 热忱 +1
  • Health.png 健康 −4
No 在历史的不同时期,出血热都肆虐过地中海诸国和其他地区。这种疾病通常是致命的,并伴有呕吐、细胞坏死和内出血症状。

游戏代码叫作 hemorrhagic_fever

脑损伤 脑损伤Brain Damaged
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −3
  • Martial.png 军略 −3
  • Finesse.png 智略 −3
  • zeal修正 热忱 −3
  • Health.png 健康 −0.3
No 脑损伤是一种可怕的损伤,让患者只剩一具空壳。这种损伤可以由多类炎症或身体受伤引起,患者通常需要在余生持续接受护理。
癌症 癌症Cancer
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • zeal修正 热忱 −2
  • Martial.png 军略 −2
  • Health.png 健康 −2
No 癌症有多种形式,患上癌症如同被判处死刑。
阉人 阉人Castrated Fertility.png 生育能力 −10 No 阉割是一种极端的处理和惩罚方式,但有时又作为一种提升奴隶身份阶级的手段。其抑制或剥夺了男性生育的能力。
痴呆症 痴呆症Dementia
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • zeal修正 热忱 −2
  • Martial.png 军略 −2
  • Health.png 健康 −2
No 痴呆症会侵蚀人的心智,患者仿佛失去灵魂,只留皮囊于人世。
沮丧消沉 沮丧消沉Depressed
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
No 抑郁症就像一片乌云笼罩着[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen],甚至连悲伤远远不及于此。每个动作都是机械的;说出的每一句话都是在演戏。[CHARACTER.GetSheHe]所感受到的,只有活着带来的无情讽刺。
白喉 白喉Diphtheria Health.png 健康 −2 No 一种可怕的传染病,表现为不寻常的病变、咽喉症状和萎靡不振。
痢疾 痢疾Dysentery
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Finesse.png 魅力 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.5
No 痢疾是一种肠道疾病,如治疗得当,通常可以得到控制。然而,由于痢疾引发的脱水往往会导致严重的并发症,并可能导致死亡,特别是在污水源头周围。
癫痫 癫痫Epileptic
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • zeal修正 热忱 +2
  • Health.png 健康 −0.2
Diplomatic reputation.png 外交声誉 −1 Yes 癫痫必然会缩短[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]的寿命,但[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的信念也因此更强大。
美丽 美丽Fair Max friends 最大好友数量 +1 Yes [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]超凡脱俗的美貌赚足了回头率。
虚弱 虚弱Frail
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.05
No 虚弱可能由任何数量的遗传性疾病引起,并且通常会影响患病者的一生,使其比同龄人体弱,并且通常更容易感染其他疾病。
坏疽 坏疽Gangrene
  • Martial.png 军略 −3
  • Finesse.png 智略 −3
  • Health.png 健康 −3
No 坏疽是指没有足够血液供应的组织坏死感染,可能会在严重受伤、暴露于极度寒冷环境和某些体内并发症后出现。
痛风 痛风Gout
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −1
No 痛风通常是由奢侈的生活方式造成,会导致慢性疼痛,还有很多其他更严重的并发症。
驼背 驼背Hunchback Martial.png 军略 −1 Yes 身体畸形让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]无法享受生命中的一些乐趣。
近亲缺陷 近亲缺陷Inbred
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −30%
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
Yes 一代又一代的近亲繁殖可能会造成……意想不到的结果。
残疾 残疾Invalid Martial.png 军略 −3 No [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]只能完成最基本的动作,必须得靠[CHARACTER.GetHerHis]的幻想来冒险。
感染 感染Infection Health.png 健康 −0.2 No 病痛早期阶段是最难辨别的。虽然最终可能只会导致很轻微的疾病,但也可能会发展成更严重的疾病。
炎症 炎症Inflammation
  • Finesse.png 智略 −1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
No 肿胀和炎症是常见疾病,其主要症状是压痛和疼痛,同时也是某些潜在健康问题的症兆。
患麻风病 患麻风病Leper
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.5
  • Popularity.png 每月人气 −0.2
No 所有人都不敢接触麻风病人;这种可怕的疾病会慢慢侵蚀肉体,直到生命终结。
跛行 跛行Limp Martial.png 军略 −2 Yes 旧疾令[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]无法行动自如。
口齿不清 口齿不清Lisp Finesse.png 智略 −1 Yes 轻微的语言障碍有时候会让[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]倍感压力。
疯狂 疯狂Lunatic
  • Martial.png 军略 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 −2
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +2
  • zeal修正 热忱 +2
  • Health.png 健康 −0.2
Yes 毫不含糊地说,[CHARACTER.GetName]是个彻头彻尾的疯子。
Maimed 残废Maimed Martial.png 军略 −2 No [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]全身上下都是令人恐怖的伤疤。
Maniac 癫狂Maniac
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Finesse.png 智略 +2
Yes [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]时而大发雷霆,时而心平气和,与海洋一样变化多端、神秘莫测。

游戏代码叫作 schizophrenic

Mentagra 羊须疮Mentagra Charisma.png 魅力 −2 No 羊须疮是一种神秘的疾病,被认为是通过亲吻和身体接触传播,症状为面部皮疹,伴有疮和严重的不适。
Mourning 哀悼Mourning
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • zeal修正 热忱 −2
  • Health.png 健康 −0.2
No 失去所爱的人比任何肉体上的创伤都更令人痛苦。
独眼 独眼One-Eyed Martial.png 军略 −1 No 一只眼睛失明会彻底改变深度知觉。安提柯王朝的创始人——安提柯在战斗中失去一只眼睛后,获得了绰号“独眼”。
瘫痪 瘫痪Paralysis
  • Martial.png 军略 −4
  • Health.png 健康 −0.3
No 局部瘫痪可能由多种原因引起,包括神经或脑损伤。
Plague 染疫Plague Health.png 健康 −2 No 人们对瘟疫讳莫如深;即使是疑似感染瘟疫的人也往往会被处死。
患肺病 患肺病Pneumonia Health.png 健康 −1 No 肺病是一种十分很常见的疾病,部分原因在于建成区恶劣的空气质量。尽管这种疾病多数情况下会自然痊愈,但病情极易恶化的特点依然使得肺病成为一种死亡率颇高的疫病。
疱疹 疱疹Pox
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −2
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −20%
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
No 性病在古代世界很常见。虽然有些病症尚未以全貌出现,但其他的已有据可查,奇怪的是,人们常常认为这种疾病可以通过增加性活动来治愈。
寻求治疗 寻求治疗Seeking Treatment Health.png 健康 +0.05 No 医学是一门扑朔迷离的学问,但再怎么说也比什么不做受病痛折磨要好。
紧张不安 紧张不安Stressed Finesse.png 智略 −1 No 有些事情是无法忍受的;对[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]来说,这种事情说的就是怀胎到第九个月。
口吃 口吃Stutter Charisma.png 魅力 −1 Yes 在公共场合演讲对于[CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]尤其具有挑战性。
丑陋 丑陋Ugly
  • Charisma.png 魅力 −1
  • Fertility.png 生育能力 −20%
Yes [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]在情场总是不如意。
受伤 受伤Wounded
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Health.png 健康 −0.1
No [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]身上有着过去留下的重伤伤痕。


Status traits represent a character's current activities, lifestyle, reputation, or heritage.

特质 个人 统治者 将军 说明与注释
安提柯的血脉 安提柯的血脉Blood of Antigonus
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Aggressive expansion.png 侵略性扩张变化−0.1
  • Fort defense.png (全局)要塞防御 +10%

该特质可以通过父系遗传。 Given to members of the Phrygian Antigonid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 antigonids

安提帕特的血脉 安提帕特的血脉Blood of Antipatros
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
  • build_cost修正 建造花费 −10%
  • Legitimacy.png 每月正统性 +0.05

该特质可以通过父系遗传。 Given to members of the Macedonian Antipatrid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 antipatrid

阿吉德的血脉 阿吉德的血脉Blood of the Argeads
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Aggressive expansion.png 侵略性扩张影响 −10%
  • Legitimacy.png 每月正统性 +0.05

该特质可以通过父系或母系遗传。 Given to Thessalonike Argead, wife of Basileus Cassander of Macedon, at game start, and inherited by her descendants born after game start. 游戏代码叫作 argeads

拉吉底的血脉 拉吉底的血脉Blood of the Lagidae
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • zeal修正 热忱 +1
  • Happiness.png 不同文化组幸福度 +15%
  • Research points.png 研究点(修正) +5%

该特质可以通过父系遗传。 Given to members of the Egyptian Lagid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 lagids

吕西马库斯的血脉 吕西马库斯的血脉Blood of Lysimachus
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Martial.png 军略 +1
  • Diplomatic reputation.png 外交声誉 +1
  • Martial.png 处决花费 −25%

该特质可以通过父系遗传。 Given to members of the Thracian Alcimachid dynasty at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 alcimachid

塞琉古的血脉 塞琉古的血脉Blood of Seleucus
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Finesse.png 智略 +1
  • Change governor policy cost 改变总督政策花费 −25%
  • Corruption.png 每月腐败 −5%

该特质可以通过父系遗传。 Given to members of the Seleucid dynasty of Persia at game start, and inherited patrilineally. 游戏代码叫作 seleucids

征服者 征服者Conqueror Prominence.png 名望 +10 Tributary opinion of us.png 朝贡国对我们的好感 +5 assault_ability修正 (强攻)攻击能力 +10% 正如[CHARACTER.GetName]的许多先辈一样,[CHARACTER.GetHerHim]负有征服者的称号——以及与之相系的责任。

Random chance to be granted to a general after victory in battle.

舌灿莲花 舌灿莲花Orator Charisma.png 魅力 +1
  • Senate influence 元老院影响力 +0.1
  • Legitimacy.png 每月正统性 +0.1
奥运会竞争者 奥运会竞争者Olympic Competitor
  • Loyalty.png 每月忠诚 +0.2
  • No Cannot be given jobs in government, political office or military command

Given to all characters who are chosen to participate in the Olympics.

诗人 诗人Poet
  • Martial.png 军略 −1
  • Charisma.png 魅力 +1
Improve opinion maximum 提高好感度的最大值 +10% [CHARACTER.GetPraenomen]拥有以新颖的方式表达[CHARACTER.GetHimselfHerself]自己的天赋。
胜利者 胜利者Victorious
  • Prominence.png 名望 +20
  • Popularity.png 每月人气 +0.1

Random chance to be granted to a general after victory in battle.



  • Popularity.png 人缘(Popularity) is a measure of how the people see the character. In republics high popularity characters are more likely to elected leader of the republic. However even monarchies cannot ignore popular people.
  • Loyalty.png 忠心(Loyalty) is a measure of a character's loyalty to the state. Disloyal characters are more likely to cause problems to a ruler than loyal ones. However even the most loyal of characters has their limit.
  • Prominence.png 名望(Prominence) represents the fame of the character. Jobs and titles help bring characters to public attention.
  • Corruption.png 腐败(Corruption) is a measurement of this character’s willingness to engage in underhanded practices. Greed, bribery and the bending of rules come hand-in-hand with high corruption.


The Health stat of a character ranges from 0 to 100, and is increased or decreased by various traits. If the health of a character reaches 0, that character will die. Using the Seek Treatment character interaction will increase the health of the character.


Characters have parents, will be able to marry and get children, just as you’d expect. They can also have friends and rivals.


Characters can be given various roles. Besides being ruler of a country, they could be assigned to govern a province, command an army, handle research or be given a role in the government. Some countries allow women to be given offices, and some do not.


  • 执政官(Consul)
  • 裁判官(Praetor)
  • 监察官(Censor)
  • 军事保民官(Tribunus Militus)
  • 医护官(Vulnerarius)


Tyranny is accumulated by the player by performing acts such as imprisoning characters on false charges, crucifying people, sacrificing infants, or other things generally considered malevolent to the populace. Tyranny is tracked by a meter, and as it increases, so do the negative ramifications for the player's country.


There are lots of different interactions you can do with and on your characters, including arranging marriages, bribe them, loan from them, or even sacrifice them if your religions so permit and desire. Interactions can cost powers or gold.

互动 说明
Appoint Dictator Can be done to a ruler in a republic when at war or during a civil war. This will allow him to do any diplomatic or character interaction without the Senate interfering, at least until the end of the war.
Assassinate Foreign characters can be attempted to assassinate.
Banish Forces a previously imprisoned character to leave the country.
Bribe Increases the loyalty of a character.
Execute Kills a character.
Free Hands Increases loyalty and corruption if the character is a governor.
Hold Games Costs money and increases the popularity of the current ruler.
Imprison Imprisons a character.
Inspire Disloyalty Reduces the loyalty and increases the corruption of a foreign character.
Loan Loans money from a wealthy character. They will want it back later, however.
Marry Ruler Works if the ruler and target are different genders and are both unmarried.
Recruit Gets a foreign character to leave their nation and work for you.
Recruit General Gets a foreign general to leave their nation with their army and join you.
Release Prisoner Releases a character from prison.
Repay Loan Repays a loan taken from a character.
Sacrifice Prisoner Some religions allow you to sacrifice prisoners of war, making your tribesmen happy and productive and allowing you to stay tribal.
Seek/Stop Treatment Increases the health of a character.
Seduce Governor Convince a governor to join your cause.
Smear Character Reduces the popularity of a character.


国内政策 国家属性人物内战文化政府传承法律国家理念职位叛乱宗教科技
经济政策 建筑经济食物奇观人口贸易商品
省份 区域省份领土殖民地产
军事 军事传统陆军陆军单位陆战海军围城海战
对外政策 条约战争宣战理由宣称外交附属国蛮族
脚本 事件决议使命
其他 成就对手国家游戏配置