欧陆风云:罗马 音乐试听台
- Auxiliaries(辅助步兵)
- Barbarians Approaching(微起波澜)
- Citizens(公民)
- Eagle Fly North(雄鹰北去)
- Elysian Fields(极乐净土)
- Grief(沉痛哀悼)
- Imperator(英白拉多)
- Legions of Rome(罗马军团)
- Riding to Battle(骑马打仗)
- Rock and Rome(岩石与罗马)
- Rome Goes to War(罗马迎战)
- Rome is the Light(罗马曙光)
- The Battle of Zama(扎马战役)
- The Field(原野)
- The Senate(元老院)
- To Victory(走向胜利)
- All Traderoutes Lead to Rome(条条大路通罗马)
- Vae Victis(成王败寇)
- Victorius[1] - Rome Finale(凯旋 - 罗马终章)
- ↑ 此处应是"Victorious",遵照原标题,未加改动