
Banner Heirs of Alexander.jpg
類型 內容包
發布日期 / 補丁 2021-02-16 / 2.0
商店:內容包 Paradox / Steam

{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= 0kAwiyxktFU | alignment= right | container=frame | dimensions= 480 }}


DLC 內容


  • 專屬任務樹: 為安納托利亞的安提柯王朝、亞洲的塞琉古王朝、埃及的托勒密王朝、馬其頓和色雷斯推出新的任務目標。
  • 共通任務樹: 所有的繼業者王國都可以進行繼業者主題任務目標。
  • 奇觀設計工具: 玩家可利用新工具建造自定義的景觀名勝,為所在地點或整個帝國增添加成。
  • 新的事件: 基於亞歷山大大帝及其追隨者的故事,各種新歷史事件重現他們的歷史遺產。
  • 新的神祇: 希臘化王國的地區神祇與女神。
  • 新的珍寶: 希臘各地的獨特文物。
  • 新的音樂: 三首好音樂。


  • 徵召兵: 向各省徵召士兵來支持你的戰爭。他們的數量和結構取決於省份的文化與人口種類。
  • 軍團: 提高你的軍事科技以建立一支專業的常備軍來保護你的帝國。但是要注意他們的費用以及追隨不忠將軍的傾向。
  • 軍隊歷史:軍團和僱傭軍將會擁有他們自己的歷史,並能通過他們的成就獲取榮耀或是懲罰。
  • 工程兵: 幫助圍城、過河和建橋的特殊兵種。
  • 發明和軍事傳統系統的變化: 徹底改變的發明系統---和舊發明一起解鎖新的能力並以前所未有的方式塑造你的文明。
  • 繼業者戰爭目標: 適用於希臘化王國的大規模征服目標,以更好的模擬繼業者的野心。
  • UI更新: 讓選項和決策更加直觀的新界面。
  • 以及更多: 徵召兵與軍團的新兵模,新的港口建設選項,要塞和神祇的變化。



{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= 0kAwiyxktFU | description= Heirs of Alexander: Release Trailer. New events and missions highlight the Wars of the Diadochi, a series of bitter struggles fought by former generals and followers of Alexander the Great. | alignment= right | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= ZbVx9vkp6h8 | description= Imperator: Rome - 2.0 'Marius' Free Update. The 2.0 『Marius』 update to Imperator: Rome is a significant reworking of the military system in the game, adding new features that transform war and army management. | alignment= right | container=frame



{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= lhBBZHbRLE8 | description= Imperator: Rome - Military Reworked. How military recruitment works in the new Marius update. Levies, legions, traditions, and more have been overhauled in this massive free update. Revisit the ancient world and conquer it with your new military might! | alignment= right | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= R9EnG_iUs5E | description= Imperator: Rome - Warfare Reformed. The art of warfare and how your armies can win wars in Imperator: Rome. Use strategy and tactics to overcome your enemies and conquer the known world! | alignment= right | container=frame




All developer diaries about the Heirs of Alexander content pack and patch 2.0 (aka Marius).

Patch 2.0 (Marius)
No. Title and Link Description Date
21 Change Log ..... 2021-02-15
20 More Great Wonders! ..... 2021-02-08
19 Heirs of Alexander and 2.0 Marius Announcement ..... 2021-02-01
18 Population Growth and Map Changes Changes to Population Growth resulting in overall lower world population, capping Research Efficiency to balance smaller and larger nations, as well as Map Changes consisting of Countries, Cultures, Formables, and Major Rivers 2021-01-25
17 Important balance changes and missions Balance changes made to Manpower, Statesmanship, Subjects and Integration, Oratory Inventions, Mercenaries, Holy Sites and Treasures, and AI Expansion, and presenting a late-game shared mission tree for the successor kingdoms 2021-01-18
16 Civilization, Buildings and Macedon Reworking the civilization & buildings mechanics and the new Macedonian mission tree 2021-01-11
15 The Longest Diary Introduce new mechanic allows you to selecting heir in monarchies, new succession type (elective monarchy), new army models and Antigonid kingdom mission trees 2020-12-14
14 Ports and Mission Trees Reworking ports to be similar to other buildings, QoL-changes to the technology tree and new content for Thrace in the new DLC 2020-12-07
13 Egypt Mission Trees New content coming in paid DLC for Ptolemaic Egypt 2020-11-30
12 Heirs of Alexander Changes to Diadochi wars and unit 3d models, as well as new mission trees for the Seleukids 2020-11-23
11 Warfare Changes part 2 Presenting Legions, the new standing armies, as well as how reworked Military Experience functions 2020-11-16
10 Warfare Introduction of Levies and Legions 2020-11-09
9 UI rework part 2 Showing of the new Nation Overview, Religion View and added functionality to the Macro Builder 2020-11-02
8 Traditions and more inventions Talking about the new Military Traditions as well as changes to Inventions since previous dev-diary 2020-10-26
7 Warfare changes Changes to Combat Width, Forts and Occupation,as well as adding Automated Provincial Trading and Engineer Cohorts 2020-10-19
6 Invention System Showing the reworked inventions system with the introduction of tech-trees 2020-10-12
5 UI rework In-depth overview of the UI rework 2020-10-05
4 A Most Auspicious Number Introducing the Marius update and teasing the UI overhaul 2020-09-28
3 Introducing Vitruvius Plans for Vitruvius and Great Wonders 2020-09-21
2 Vitruvius and How We Work Discussing the process of developing Vitruvius in parallel with the main studio 2020-09-14
1 Important Studio News Introducing the Paradox Thalassic Studio 2020-09-10